Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Marked ❯ Marked- Part 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Bunnie and Manic were still driving in the car.

Manic: (V.O) So, let's see what we've gathered.


Manic: We went to your place and found a bullet with blood on it that was from a handgun. Discovered that 3 bodies are dead. One was dead in the dumpster and two is shot dead by you. We then went to the police department in the evidence's room to find a glock 45 that was shot at us in the streets and found a design that was russian. We also found that the guys that tried to kill us wasn't russian terrorist and had the gun sold to them by nack. (looks at bunnie) I got one question for that. Why?

Bunnie: (paused)

Manic: (noticed) Bunnie?

Bunnie: (realized something) A drug smuggling.

Manic: What?

Bunnie: A drug smuggling. Rykor is smuggling drugs from all ova the city.

Manic: Now, how do you know that?

Bunnie: Think about it. When ah was undacova, spectre had 1 to 10 bags of narcotics in that case. Spectre and his henchmen's couldn't of got it all by themselves. Then last night, we find that he's dead in the dumpster.

Manic: So you're saying...

Bunnie: Rykor's the drug lord. (paused) And the murderer.

Manic: Why would he want you out of the way?

Bunnie: Because ah ruined their plans. But they pissed the wrong rabbit off. (takes out cell phone)

Manic: (noticed) What are you doing?

Bunnie: (dialing)



Rykor was typing something on a laptop hacking into the DEA logo and changing the address from his location to another.



(Telephone rings)

Yanar: (answers, on phone) Yeah.

Bunnie: (from phone) Yanar. It's me.

Yanar: (gets up from chair, on phone) Christ. Bunnie, where the hel are you? They just reported another dead body from the arms dealer shop.


Bunnie: (wide-eyed, on phone) What?

Manic: (noticed) What happened?

Bunnie: (raised a hand)

Yanar: (from phone) Oh, you didn't know?


Yanar: (on phone) I'd thought it would be your handy work. The guy was shot point blank in the forehead. Now your ass will be in hot water for that.


Bunnie: (on phone) Thanks. But ah prefer warm water. Listen, ah didn't kill him. Of course, Ah've got him marked by 2 kneecaps but ah didn't kill him.


Yanar: (on phone) Then who the hell did?

Bunnie: (from phone) A guy who calls himself Rykor Echidna. One of his henchmen's or should ah say assassins smoked him.


Bunnie: (on phone) But there's something else. They're running a drug smuggling somewhere in station square.


Bunnie: (from phone) Rykor and his whole gang are in on it.

Yanar: (on phone) Do you know where they are?

Bunnie: (from phone) Ah was hoping you'd know.


Bunnie: (on phone) You think you can get a search on their location?


Yanar: (on phone) I'll give it a try.

Bunnie: (from phone) Good.


Bunnie: (on phone) If you do, call me back.


Yanar: (on phone) Wait a second. You can't go down there alone. You'll need backup.


Bunnie: (on phone, shakes head) No backups. And who said anything about me being alone? (hung up phone)


Yanar: (on phone) Agent! Agent! (slams phone down) Shit.

Yanar quickly went and walked out his office before approaching Geoffrey and Amy.

Yanar: Geoffrey, Amy, run a search check on Rykor Echidna and report to me with the location.

Geoffrey/Amy: yes, sir. (walks off)

Yanar: And send backup to that location. Agent Rabbot is gonna have backup whether she likes it or not.



(Cell phone rings)

Bunnie: (answers it, on phone) Yeah.


Yanar: (on phone) The location is 3130 Everson road. About a couple of blocks from your previous position.

Bunnie: (from phone) Roger that, sir.

Yanar: (on phone) Oh and bunnie?

Bunnie: (from phone) Yes, sir?


Yanar: (from phone) Be careful and good luck.

Bunnie: (on phone) Thank you, sir. (hung up phone)

Manic: (looks at bunnie) Location?

Bunnie: 3130 Everson Road. We're about to get us some bad guys.

Manic: (grins)

Manic looked through the right mirror and went in pure shock as he saw a car coming up to them and one of them is carrying a rocket launcher.

Manic: Uh...bunnie?

Bunnie: Yeah?

Manic: Does nack sell rocket launchers?

Bunnie: All kinds. Why?

Manic: I think this is one of them. And it's behind us.

Bunnie looked at her left mirror before someone aimed a sniper at the mirror and shot the glass.

Bunnie: Shit!

Manic: We gotta lose 'em.


Inside the other car was Ghaos 0 holding a medium size launcher and stryker who's putting the sniper away and taking out a minigun.


Bunnie soon noticed stryker's gun.

Bunnie: He's got a minigun!


Chaos 0: (fired rocket)


Manic: (saw it) Look out!!

Bunnie saw it and quickly swerved right as the rocket passed them up before it impacts and crashing hard on the streets with a big explosion where a nearby car was. The explosion got the car flying in the air and crashing hard on the streets exploding on impact. Luckily, no one was in it.


Stryker got his arm out the window and aimed his minigun before firing multiple times at them. Bunnie and Manic ducks from that attack before the bullets ricocheted on the car door and roof.


Bunnie got up and got back in control before turning left on a curve at the same time Chaos 0 fired another rocket before it missed them and impacts with the 2 cars igniting a huge explosion.


Manic: (takes out handguns) We gotta take them out!

Bunnie: Take out the one with the launcher first!

Manic opened the door before hanging onto the car and firing at chaos 0. Manic missed before evading from stryker's gunshots.


Bunnie soon saw that they were inches from them.

Bunnie: (to manic) Get back in the car!

Manic: (fires from handguns) What?!

Bunnie: Get in he-uh!

Manic got in the car evading from more shots and close the door.

Bunnie: Fasten ya'll seatbelts!

Manic: (puts on seatbelts) What are you gonna do?!

Bunnie: This!

Bunnie took manic by surprise when she pressed on the brakes stopping the car completely.


Strker/Chaos 0: (saw it, screams)


Their car slammed into the back of bunnie's car at the same time it caused Chaos 0 and stryker crashing through their front window and flying over bunnie's car before crashing on the ground in the streets in front of her car. (A/N: They should've worn seatbelts.)


Bunnie and manic quickly got out the car and took out their handguns but only manic took out his handgun. Bunnie took out a desert eagle gun before they started approaching them.


Stryker saw them and aimed his minigun before bunnie shot a bullet in his arm causing him to drop the gun. Stryker used his other hand to grab the gun but manic shot the gun away from him.

Bunnie: Keep going for that gun and you'll be marked!

Stryker: (snarled) You haven't got the balls to kill me!

Bunnie: Ya'll right, sugah. (lowers gun) Ah don't. But he does.

Manic then shot at stryker's right shoulder.

Stryker: (in pain) Aah! (press on his shoulder)

Bunnie: Ah take it that rykor sent you. (grabs stryker) Come on.

Manic: (grabs Chaos 0)

Bunnie then pushed stryker against the wall as well as manic did with Chaos 0.

Bunnie: Now that we're in the interrogation room, why don't you tell me what kind of drug smuggling you're running.

Chaos 0: We ain't tellin you shit til we see our lawyers.

Manic: (to chaos 0) Oh, really? You want a lawyer?

Chaos 0: Yeah.

Manic: (punched chaos 0 across the face)

Bunnie: (saw it) Ooooh. That hurts, doesn't it? (to stryker) Talk.

Stryker: What, you got a wire?

Bunnie: Does it look like ah'm wearin' a wire? (punched styker across his face) I said Talk!

Stryker: (spits out blood) Suck my dick, bitch.

Bunnie: (paused, looks at manic, then at stryker) We'll that's a start.

Bunnie turned around before slamming the butt of her gun across stryker's face which left a huge blood mark on his face.

Bunnie: (straightens him up) You look a little messed up the-uh. But don't worry, sugah. Ah can fix that. (takes out 2 desert eagle guns)

Now stryker got scared and terrified as bunnie noticed.

Bunnie: Mm-hmm. Oh, shit, huh? You like to fire miniguns at us including rocket launchers?

Stryker: (panting, gulps saliva)

Manic: (to Chaos 0) You like to kill innocent bystanders? Is that it?

Chaos 0: (retorts) Fuck you!

Manic took out handgun and fired at chaos zero's right foot.

Chaos 0: (in pain) Aah! (fell to ground)

Manic: (shakes head)

Manic didn't know why but he was enjoying this. Even though he was never a hitman before.

Bunnie: You guys like to sell illegal drugs to minors and other mobians on the streets? Are you happy with ya'llselves, huh?

Stryker: (panting)

Bunnie: Then you're probably happy about what you said moments ago. You want me to suck ya'll dick because you said "Suck ...mah dick, bitch." Isn't that what you said to me? And don't lie cause ah can see right through you. Did you say "Suck mah dick, bitch"? Yes or no.

Stryker: (panting)

Bunnie: (noticed) No answer. (turns around) Okay, ah can relate to that. (turns back around, aims gun at stryker) 10 seconds, motherfucker! Did you or did you not say "Suck mah dick, bitch"? A simple yes or no answer would be nice! 10...9...8...7...6...

Stryker: (panting heavily) Yes.

Bunnie: What?!

Stryker: Yes!

Bunnie: (paused) That's what ah wanna hear. (grabs him) Bring ya'll ass on he-uh. We're going for a little 'ol ride.

Manic: (grabs chaos 0) Come on.