Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Marked ❯ Marked- Part 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Cut To:

Ext. Outside - Night

(Godsmack "Straight Out Of Line" plays)

A long white truck was driving along the streets as Bunnie's care was several feets in pursuit.

Yanar: Alright, guys...

Cut To:


Inside the headquarters, Yanar was standing behind the podium conducting his speech while other DEA Agents including Geoffrey and Amy stood in front of their seats.

Yanar: We were informed that the drug trade is being made in downtown Station Square. We will make our move as soon as we get the signal. Hopefully, we'll being this cartel down before they ship off the drugs. Is that understood?

All: (unison) Yes, sir!

Yanar: (nods) Alright, let's move.

Cut To:


Bunnie's car was driving in the not-so-busy streets catching up with the truck to downtown.

Cut To:


(Music Fades)

The large white truck was parked outside of the hotel building. Sgt. Simian and Coconut was taking a jolly load of sacks inside Bunnie's car was parked several feets from their position watching. Bunnie cocks magazines into a desert eagles as Manic kept his eyes forward.

Manic: Bunnie, you sure you know what you're doing?

Bunnie: (puts black gloves on, looks at Manic) Yeah.

Manic: Look, rykor probably got several guys in there right now. Maybe more. Are you sure you can handle them by yourself?

Bunnie: Of course. (opens door) And don't worry. Rykor's mah problem. Now, stay he-uh until reinforcement arrives. Do not leave this spot.

Manic: Wait a minute. They're expecting a signal from us.

Bunnie: And they'll get it. Don't leave the spot.

Manic: (nods) Understood.

Bunnie exits the car and walks the sidewalk.

Cut To:


Inside a huge room, Rykor was seen standing behind his desk as several DL Echidnas were standing by the walls.

Sgt. Simian and Coconut soon entered with a jolly full of sacked narcotics as Rykor directs them to put them by the walls by his desk.

Cut To:


Sojourer was heading to the outside.


Manic was still in the car as he saw Sojourer come out the building.

The truck was still outside as Sojourer noticed.

Sojourer: Hurry up and get that stuff in here!

Sojourer went back inside. Someone comes out from the back inside of the truck wearing a cap and rolling the jolly of narcotics inside. Behind the subject, 4 dead DL Echidnas were dead laying in their own blood right by the many sacks of drugs. The subject sleds the door closed and continues on at the same time a car pulled in across the street and parked.

Manic saw this and gazes through binoculars. Through the lens, he saw Snively along with two to four hyenas besides him. Snively wore a tan trench coat with black shoes and shades while the hyenas were the same attire.

Manic: Alright. Here comes the big guys. (takes out intercom) Move in, guys.

Yanar: (V.O) Alright, gentlemens...

Cut To:


Rykor: The trade will start any minute. Leaving our only task available to escort these sacks to the boat at the pier for shipping. No complications will arise at this manner. Is that understood?

Everyone in the roon murmured in agreement as Sojourer came in with the guest. Rykor saw them.

Rykor: Ah. Welcome gentlemens. I trust that you had no trouble coming here.

Snively: Traffic conditions were a little long. But we've managed. Do we make the trade?

Rykor: Yes. (To Coconuts) Coconut, go and see what is taking long with the last load.

Coconut: Yes, sir.

Coconut departs the room before another subject entered with the jolly-load of drugs.Rykor noticed. Then thought about it before passing it off as nothing. They could go for another buy at the time.


Coconut was seen coming out the building. As soon as he got down the stairs, he stopped and saw the back door closed.

Coconut: (shakes head) Who the hell closed the door.

Coconut starts approaching the truck and opens up the door. As soon as that happened, his expression turned to pure shock as he saw the dead bodies bloodied next to the sack of drugs.

Coconut: Shit.

Before coconut could go anywhere, he was met with a gun pointed to his head by none other than Manic Hedgehog, who smirked.

Manic: (flashed badge) Freeze, dickhead. DEA.

Cut To:


A hyena was tasting a sample of the stuff as he gazes Snively.

Hyena 1: It's good.

Snively: (nods in approval)

Rykor: See? So, what do ya think?

Snively: (nods) We'll take it. And the rest will go by shipping?

Rykor: (nods) That's right. Consider it a mail delivery package.

Snively: (nods)

Snively and two hyenas each placed briefcases on the long desk and opened it. Over 3 million dollars was in the cases as Rykor chuckles in approval.

(Sirens wailing indistance)

Rykor and the rest heard it which got Snively on alert before glaring at Rykor.

Snively: You set us up?!

The four hyenas aimed submachine guns at Rykor before Rykor's gangs aimed at them with AK-47s. This caught them by surprise as Snively's gang lowered their weapons. The subject in the corner remained calm.

Rykor: I am not setting you up. The DEA must be here. They must've followed us. Lower your weapons. (To Snively) If you don't want this deal to go up in flames, I suggest you help take care of these D.E.A pricks.

Snively: (nods, to hyenas) Let's go!

Snively, Sgt. Simian, and Sojourer leads the way with the hyenas and DL Echidnas following.

Cut To:


Police cars were roaming the streets as the D.E.A arrived.

Manic saw them before dragging Coconut to the cars. The cars stopped in the middle of the streets as Yanar got out the car approaching Manic.

Yanar: Is that him?

Manic: Don't look like it. He's one of his scumbags.

Yanar: Load him in. Rykor's inside?

Manic: Yeah.

Yanar: Where's Agent Rabbot?

Manic: Taking care of business, sir.

Yanar: (look at Manic) What?

Before manic could say anything, he saw caught eyes of Snively, his gangs, Sojourer, Sgt Simian, and several DL Echidnas coming outside the building heavily armed.

Manic: (eyes widen) Take cover! Now!

Manic grabs Yanar and takes cover behind the vehicle as well as DEA Agents. Gunfire was issuing on the streets as the bullets started hitting the cars missing the agents. Bullet holes appeared on the cars as Manic, Amy, and Geoffrey started firing back. A couple of agents joined in on the gun fight evading as much gunfire as possible.

Cut To:


Rykor was closing the briefcases when he saw a disguised figure approach him.

Rykor: What the hell are you doing here?! You should be out there fending off the agents!

The figure didn't respond before placing a small piece of paper on Rykor's desk. Rykor stops what he's doing and looks at the paper. He looks at the figure.

Rykor: What is this?

The figure turned around not responding to Rykor as he picked up the paper. What he read shocked the skin off his body. On the paper, it said "You've been Marked!"

(Gun cocks)

That startled Rykor before he looked to find Bunnie Rabbot inches from him training the desert eagle on her enemy. A look of hatred framed her face. Rykor changed his expression of shock to a simple smirk as he got up and started clapping. He walks away from his desk and started approaching her.

Rykor: Very good. Very, very good. I'm surprised you didn't have to use a dog to find me.

Bunnie: (long pause) Why? Why mah parents? Huh?

Bunnie's finger firms on the trigger as rykor lowers his gazes from her before speaking.

Rykor: It took me several hours to plan that deal. But then, someone had to ruin it. That someone was you. Agent Bunnie Rabbot. Or is it Marked. You see, I know all about you. Your...5 years of contract killing and retirement.

Bunnie: You didn't answer mah question. (approaches) Why...did you do it?

Rykor: (paused) If you'd stayed out of our business, your parents would still be alive. Including your sister.

Bunnie was almost on the verge of tears but tried her best to hold it back.

Rykor: So, in a way, the real killer here, is you.

Bunnie was a little taken back by that comment. Rykr picks up two briefcases.

Rykor: (noticed, approaches) You look shocked. Is it because you killed your parents and not even know it? Our is it the fact that you worked for the agency to have you forget about your parents? You see, you were a contract killer for 5 and a half years. That's almost six years. (paces slowly around Bunnie) And you never told them what you were really like. Someone like me. A cold-blooded...killer. I guess what I'm saying is, uh...your parents...were casualties. Casualties of War.

Rykor started walking pass Bunnie, who closed her eyes and lowered her gun. She lowered her head before speaking.

Bunnie: You're wrong.

Rykor stopped and turned around to find a gun aimed at him.

Bunnie: Ah am nothing like you. (cocks gun) And ah'm retired.

Without hesitation, Bunnie shot two bullets at Rykor's wrist prompting him to drop the cases on the floor. He grunts in pain and fell to his knees before Bunnie approaches him.

Bunnie: You're unda arrest for murder. (takes out handcuff)

Rykor: Not today.

Before bunnie could do anything, rykor had a knife slid from the sleeve of his coat and swiped at bunnie. Bunnie evades as she looked to find a small part of her coat swiped off. She looked at Rykor, who chuckles.

Rykor: Let's do this a little more legal. No guns, no hits. Just knives.

Bunnie: Okay.

With that, Bunnie threw her desert eagle aside including the extra one she had holstered. She straightens her jacket and cracks her neck before extending her left arm. A single knive was slid from her sleeve as Bunnie gestures it in front of her face.

Bunnie: Let's party.

Rykor rushes at her.


Gunfire was rapidly issuing as Manic evades behind the car of incoming gunfire. About 2 to 3 DEA Agents were wounded. Some DL Echdinas were dead. Amy hid next to Manic.

Amy: You okay?! (cocks gun)

Manic: Maybe!

Manic and Amy gets back out and fires. Geoffrey joins in on the gunfight as siren lights were shattered with bullets.

(Dispatcher indistance)

Cut To:


Rykor and Bunnie took knife-swiping blows to each other. Dodging and evading til one was victorious. Soon, Rykor took a swipe from Bunnie to the chest as Bunnie took a stance. Rykor grits his teeth before rushing again. He threw a swipe hook to Bunnie, she ducks from it, and swipes at Rykor's midsection.

Rykor: (grunts)

Bunnie twirls to face Rykor as he turned to face her.


Manic, Amy, and Geoffrey started shooting rapidly at the gangs as Yanar and other DEA Agents joined in. Two DL Echidnas were taken down.

Both DL Echidnas: Aah!

One DL Echidna shot from the AK-47 which shot Geoffrey in the shoulder.

Geoffrey: (grunts) Shit!

Manic and Amy takes cover and checks on Geoffrey.

Manic: Geoff, you okay?!

Geoffrey: Yeah. Nothing vital. Oh, god.

Manic: Don't move.

Manic and Amy gets out and continues firing. Sirens were broken as they continued on.

Cut To:


Bunnie and Rykor were exchanging knife blows as Rykor got his knife against bunnie's. He forced it upward before swiping her arm away and throwing a left hook to her face. Rather a swipe hook to her face. This caused Bunnie to twirl clockwise and throw a backhand to rykor's face. Rykor staggered as Bunnie felt her scarred face. A tad of her blood was on her hand as she eyes Rykor, who stood his ground.

Bunnie: That all you got, sugah?

Rykor answered as he charged at her. He threw a swipe before bunnie dodges and grabs his left arm before throwing him to the ground about several feet from her. Rykor was by the window.

Bunnie: If that's all you got, then ah'm gonna have to kill you.

Rykor leaps to his feet, turns around, and aims a pistol in her direction.

Rykor: Say sayonara, motherfucker!

Highly prepared, Bunnie's extra gun slid from her right sleeve as she quickly aims and fires numorous shots at Rykor. Rykor staggers as the bullets rains on his body. His gun dropped from his hand as he crashed through the glass window falling from the tall building.

Rykor: (falling) Aah!

Bunnie lowers her gun and slowly approaches the window. When she got to the window, she looked down and saw Rykor's corpse on the concrete ground. Bunnie continued gazing down before speaking.

Bunnie: Sayonar-uh, motherfucker!

Bunnie slowly walks away.


Snively's gangs were down in their own blood and so were the DL Echidnas as well as Sgt. Simian and Sojourer. Snively raised his hands up defenseless knowing that he's outnumbered. The agents came, got him handcuffed, and arrested him.

Yanar helps Geoffrey up.

Yanar: You okay?

Geoffrey: Yeah. I'll be fine, sir.

Yanar: (pats his back) Good to hear.

Bunnie was seen exiting the building as Manic and Amy caught up with her.

Amy: You okay?

Bunnie: (nods)

Manic: Where's Rykor?

Bunnie looks at Manic and Amy. Suddenly, a car was being driven from across the street. It made a U-turn and quickly sped away. Bunnie, Manic, Amy, and the others agents noticed.

Manic: Hey, who is that?

Before bunnie could answer, yanar approaches her.

Yanar: Agent Rabbot, where's Rykor?

Bunnie: Check the front of the truck.

Yanar signals for some DEA Agents to scatter the front of the truck while some gather up the drugs. Yanar gazes Bunnie.

Yanar: Look, bunnie--

Bunnie: (cuts him off) Don't. Ah know.

DEA Agent 1: Sir.

Yanar: (gazes the agent) Yes.

DEA Agent 1: There's nothing here.

Yanar: (perplexed) What? But-but how?

Bunnie: (realizes) He protected himself. He knew what ah was capable of. So he had a bulletproof vest. To cova his escape. Like he did just now.

Yanar: Dammit.

Bunnie: We'll get 'em next time, sir. At least we got what we came for.

Yanar: (nods) Alright. Let's go.

Yanar passes Bunnie, who gazes down into her own thought.

Cut To:


Outiside, a car was parked outside in front of a phone booth. Rykor was inside the booth talking on the phone with someone. The vest he had on was inside the car.

Rykor: (on phone) We were almost making the trade, but the DEA showed up. (paused) Yes, I know what the penalty is. Look, please give me another chance, sir. (paused) Sir?

(Dial Tone)

A look of pure shock soon overwhelmed him. Before he could turn around, a figure was in front of the booth. He stopped and saw the figure.

Rykor: You.

The figure aims a gun and shot through the glass of the phone booth. Rykor's body convulses with bullets as blood splash from his chest. The gunfire stops as the shadowy figure releases a mag from the gun and leaves towards the car.

Yanar: (V.O) Acoording to these documents,

Cut To:

Int. Office

(Morning - 9 A.M)

Bunnie was seated in front of Yanar's desk.

Yanar: Rykor Echidna was found dead inside of a phone booth at approximately 12:05 A.M last night. About 10 to 11 bullets in his chest. No lead on the culprit. (places papers down, shakes head) Doesn't make any sense. Didn't you say that he wore a bulletproof vest to cover his escape?

Bunnie: (nods) Yes, sir.

Yanar: (sighs) Must've been suicide.

Bunnie: (shakes head) No. Ah doubt that he's suicidal.

Yanar: (paused) Well, on the plus side, that was some good work you and Manic did. Definition of Teamwork.

Bunnie: (nods) Thank You, sir. (long pause)

Yanar: (notice her silence) Something on your mind?

Bunnie: (shakes head) No. Ah just, uh...feel that ah should retire for a while. Clear mah head a little.

Yanar: (paused) You sure this is what you want? The agency wouldn't be without you.

Bunnie: (sighs deeply) It's a fair sacrifice than taking mah own life, don't ya think?

Yanar: (chuckles)

Bunnie takes out her badge, gazes it long, and places it on the desk. She took out her gun and placed it on the desk.

Bunnie: Ah remembered when you first gave me that. Ah, uh...neva forgotten that. Ah thank you.

Yanar: (nods) Take care of yourself.

Bunnie: (gets up) Ah will. (extends hand)

Yanar: (takes it)

Cut To:

Bunnie leaves Yanar's office and was about to walk out the door when...

Voice: Hey, Bunnie!

Bunnie turned to find Manic running up to her.

Manic: What's your hurry? Where you going?

Bunnie: Home.

Manic soon noticed that bunnie's badge is missing including her gun. He gazes her with a somewhat perplexed look.

Manic: You're-you're quitting?

Bunnie: (chuckles, shakes head) No. More like retirement. By the way, Ah'm actually going to the cemetery. Say one last goodbye to mah parents.

Manic: (nods) Oh. (paused) Well, I guess this is goodbye.

Bunnie: (shakes head) No goodbyes. Ah'll still be around. You can visit me anytime you want.

Manic: (chuckling) Yeah, I'll try.

Amy: (approaches them) Hey, what's going on?

Manic: Oh, uh...she's retiring.

Amy: (surprised) Oh, man. I'm sorry to hear that.

Bunnie: Don't worry.

Amy: (sighs deeply, emotionally) Bunnie, I'm terribly sorry about your parents.

Bunnie: (chuckles) Ah said Don't worry about it. Ah'll heal.

Amy: (smiles, extends hand) It's a pleasure working with you.

Bunnie: (takes it) Thanks.

Manic: (smiles, extends hand) Take care.

Bunnie: (smiles, takes it) You too.

Bunnie took one last look around before leaving. But before she could, she stopped and turned to Manic and Amy.

Bunnie: Say, uh...

Manic: Yeah?

Bunnie: For all time sakes, how would you guys like to come to the cemetery with me?

Manic: (nods) Sure.

Amy: (nods) Yeah.

Bunnie: (smiles) Alright. Let's go.

Bunnie, Manic, and Amy walks out the department and got inside the car. They soon drove away into the day.

The End
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Author's Note: The sequel to the story might be changed so keep a lookout pretty soon. Ciao!