Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Megamorph ❯ Girls Day Out. ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Tails was in a large metallic bed, tied down by mechanical arms. Her limbs were held down tightly and she struggled to break free. What the hell, where am I? Why am I here? How did I get here?! She thought in panic. It was at this point a shadow fell on her and she looked in the direction of the figure. Dr Eggman stood, but what was disturbing to her was he was completely naked. Okay, NOT something I needed to see. Tails thought to herself.
"What the hell are you up to now, Eggman?!" She yelled at him.
"Having planted my experimental egg within you Tails, It's time to fertilise!" Dr Eggman laughed. Tails eyes widened in fear as he began to mount her on the metal bed. Then he forced his way inside of her.

"AAAAHHH!!" Tails screamed as she shot out of bed, panting hard. My god, that was the worst nightmare I've had in ages. She thought as she tried to regain her breath. Her eyes watered as she tried to forget the detailed description of her dream.
Two raps were heard from Tails' bedroom door.  "Hey, are you okay in there?" asked Cream.
It was a while before Tails had regained enough a breath to reply.
"Yeah...I just had a bad dream; I don't want to sleep anymore..." She told Cream.
"Need some company?"
"Might be good."
"Um... you might wanna get the door..."
"Oops...sorry..." Tails said as she stood up, wiped her face and walked to the door, opening it for Cream.
Cream walks inside of Tails' room.  "You really have been through a lot."
"Kinda wish I didn't." Tails replied. "Every time I sleep the dreams just get worse..." She walked over and took a seat on the bed again, burying her face in her hands for a short time before falling back on it arms spread and sighing. "Well...better me than you." She said.
"And what would you do to help if it actually was me?"
"I don't know. I don't even know what to do with myself at the moment..." Tails replied with a sigh.
"The first thing you need to do is find a way to strengthen yourself.  Unless you find a way to get your physical strength up, the mental strengthening won't do you so well."
"And how are we going to do that?"
"We should occupy your time with other things."
"What do you have in mind?" Tails asked as she sat up.
"Not sure.  Perhaps a puzzle or TV?"
"I've been here nearly two weeks, but we've not really hung out at all..." Tails said. "I can understand that you might be avoiding me. I wonder though, I've never been shopping as a girl."
"We can go shopping tomorrow if you want.  I mean, it is still the middle of the night."
"Of course." Tails said. "What puzzles do you have then?"
“Well, let's go take a look."  Cream takes Tails by the hand and the two head into the living room.
At least Cream is finally talking to me properly now...I hope it lasts... Tails thought.
Once in the living room, Cream opened a cupboard and searched around for the puzzles.
"I would have opted for the Television, but the only things shown at this time are dirty pornos and Tikal's talk show.”
"Tikal's talk show?"
"You don't know it?" Tails asked.
"I don't stay up at night."
"Well, she gets a decent air time on Saturdays."
"And what does she talk about?"
“She council's people, you know, like Jeremy Springer."
"Oh wow, he's worse than that one lady on the Spanish channel, she actually lets them fight."
"Well, Knuckles loves the show." Tails says.
"Tikal's or Jeremy Springer?"
"Tikal's, he's security on it."
"Security on Tikal's show and side jobs being Rouge's bouncer. I guess you can't have you know what do everything."
"You know what?" Questioned Tails.
"Yeah... 'You know what'." Cream answers with a sigh. "Water can only do so much..."
Tails tilts her head. "You've lost me, Cream."
"Anyway, we have one of the planet, one of a car, one of the.... World's Largest Toilet? What the hell... and lemme check the Puzz 3D."
"Toilet..." Tails uttered. "Excuse me a moment..." And off Tails went to locate the bathroom.
As Tails walked to the bathroom, it wasn't long before she was running to it. She opened the door and slammed it shut behind her before dropping to the toilet seat to bring up last night's supper.

It was a good 5 minutes that Tails remained within the confides of the bathroom, not knowing whether or not to leave just yet.
"This has to stop..." She uttered, sitting back against the wall.
"Hey Tails, do you still want to do puzzles?!" Cream yelled from the living room.
"I'll be there in a bit Cream." Tails called back. "I just need to stop feeling like my insides want to escape..." She said to herself, so Cream could not hear her from the other room.
Another 10 minutes passed before Tails felt safe to leave the bathroom, having freshened herself up. She walked back into the living room.
"So, did you decide on a puzzle yet, or should I talk about the puzz 3D ones?" asked Cream
"Um..." Tails thought for a moment. I didn't think of what puzzle, whilst spilling my guts...bleh. "Tell me about the 3D ones."
"Well, there's one of the planet, one of Big Ben, one of a dragon, the Great Wall of China, Omochao... where are the other ones..."
"Could do the Omochao one." Tails said.
"Omochao it is." and Cream begins to put away all of the other puzzles.
The girls relocated to the table to do the puzzle.
After the puzzle was out of the box, the two began work on constructing it. "So, any plans for where we're gonna go tomorrow?" Tails asked.
"Well, I can finally go girl shopping with you if you want." Cream suggests.
"It's a bit new to me, since I've never done it." Tails honestly replied. "I mean don't get me wrong, at times I get myself a few comfortable panties...which I got looks for. I generally said I was getting them for you by request of Vanilla..."
Cream looked away, slightly blushing.  "Well, you do have good taste."
"You know what panties I wear?" Tails questioned. "I guess you would, I get them from the same place yours come from after all."
"Oops, I guess I'm making you uncomfortable. I'll stop talking about it."
"N-no, that's not it...  I guess I'm not used to talking about comparing panties with you."
"Admit it. You're just not used to the fact I can compare panties with you, and not sound perverted." Tails pointed out.
"No, it's just you always talk about machinery and particle accelerators.  Comparing panties with you is a bit of a change."
"I kinda don't want to think about machinery at the moment..." Tails said sadly, lowering her ears. "The idea of machines at the moment makes me sick."
"Wow, thanks for making me feel bad about the tool set." and Cream began to sulk.
"No no...That's not what I meant, Cream." Tails said, trying to turn the whole thing around.
"I really thought you'd like those tools, they were real chrome... chrome."
"I loved the tools, Cream. I still do. But..." Tails then just stopped and sighed. "Imagine what it's like to set your whole life, your heart on one thing. It becomes your favourite pass time. Only to one day be raped by it..." Tails then began to cry. "I can't help how I feel at the moment..."
"Me neither, but at least I'm trying to help.  It's not like I can sleep it all away."
Tails wiped her face. "Do you really blame me because of the way I'm feeling at the moment?"
"No, I blame myself....  Everything that happened to you should've happened to me.  But it didn't, and now you have to suffer for it." and Cream ran from the table towards her room.  "I'm sorry that this is all my fault.” And her cries could be heard from down the hall.
Tails just collapsed her head to the table and she herself cried there.

After a good 7 minutes, Tails had stopped crying, but was still face in arms on the table. A hand touched her on the shoulder, startling her a little, only to find it was Vanilla.
"Oh...Vanilla, I'm sorry, did I wake you?" Tails asked before wiping her face.
"Well, the crying of both you and Cream did, yes. But it doesn't matter. I've already spoken to Cream." Vanilla said, taking the seat.
"I really upset her this time...I sounded so ungrateful..."
"A part of me is to blame for that."
"Why's that?" Tails asked.
"Here's the deal.  As you probably were aware of, I've been trying to get you and Cream courted...  Then you told us, and Marine so lewdly showed us that you were a girl, that was a lot of shattered glass on our end.
"Trust me; it was very hard to get over the fact that you were female.  Marine had to counsel me for the entire day.  I was mad at myself. Now things are really hitting the fan and reality makes people face itself... whether we want to or not."
"Reality hits the can say that again..." Tails sighed. "No matter what I do to try and forget, it's not going to just go away..." Tails then put her hands back in her palms and cried softly.
"I can honestly tell you that my feelings toward you, though somewhat different now, still remain unchanged.  And I'm sure Cream's remain the same as well.  Transition time isn't pretty... but you know about that more than any of us in and on the house, don't you?"
“Transition time?”
"Yes, transition time."
"That is..?"
"Transition time is the point in life when a person changes his or herself depending on their current situation.  You are currently going through this more than all of us."
"More than you know..." Tails uttered.
"You know what; I felt like you are once before back in the day..."
"Oh?" Tails questioned.
"I remember it like it was yesterday.  It was the day I buried Cream's father."
"..." Tails didn't say anything.
"Anyway, that was a day I will never forget.  I was in so much stress putting him into the ground and moving on was hard.  Being a widow isn't any fun and my transition was a very difficult process."
"I see...I'm sorry...My issues seem kind of minor to that..." Tails said. "But...Vanilla....C-can I trust you with something?"
"Funny you should say, because I think your situation is just as difficult as mine was." and Vanilla pats Tails' back.  "Do you want to know why?"
"Why?" Tails asked.
"Because I soon found out later that day, I was pregnant with Cream."  Vanilla stood up.  "I will let you break whatever news of yourself in time, I trust your decisions."
"I...can't keep it to myself anymore..." Tails said. "But, I want your honest word you won't tell anyone else either."
"Tails... I already know.  No one gets sick after my signature meal unless they're dying or pregnant."
"O...oh...." Tails lowered her ears. "So how long have you known?"
"Mothers know these things... that and your midnight sickness is the third time I've heard you."
"I don't know what to do..." Tails said sadly
"Do what you feel is right, I won't judge your choices."
"Well...I've considered abortion a few times. But I just keep remembering it's not the child's fault, nor did it ask to be created..." Tails said. "What would you do?"
"I would go either way.  Just keep in mind that you have to birth your child and not the other way around." Vanilla reassured Tails.  "Needle insides or not."
"It's just...eventually I'd have to tell everyone and I don't know what they will say." Tails said. "Also...somehow I think an abortion wouldn't work."
"If that's how you feel, then have your baby.  It worked for me and you see how Cream turned out."
"Yeah, I know..." Tails said. "Eggman's not someone who makes mistakes, underestimated judgements, but not mistakes. There's no way that he'd have missed the option of abortion if this is truly what he had in mind for me. If it were just so easy to abort, then his entire plan would be flawed."
"If you want, I can give you nursing pointers."
"I'm going to need all the help I can get, if I truly am forced into motherhood..."
"Well, let me know and I'll help you however I can."
"How do you deal with morning...well...screw morning...Pregnancy Sickness?"
"You don't.  That you have to take as it comes, but it doesn't last for long.  Just the first couple of weeks.  And judging by the looks of things, you are only a couple of weeks."
"Near 2 since I was told." Tails confirmed.
"It should end by the middle of the third week."
"I guess I have to suffer a little longer." Tails sighed. "How is Cream? She was really crying earlier, but I was too weak to go after her. She thinks all of this is her fault."
"I will talk to her, but this will take some time."
"I know..." Tails said. "I just hope it doesn't take too much time."
"She won't hate you forever.  Not like she hates you now, but like I said... transition time."
"I know..." Tails replied. "I'd attempt going back to sleep...but not if I'm going to have another nightmare..."
"Well, you have a puzzle here, so let's work on that."
"You're not going back to bed?"
"Not yet, I have to check on Blaze."
"I'm right here." said Blaze coming around the corner.
Vanilla saw Blaze, then stretched.  "Well, I guess that's two less people for you.  I'll go see what my daughter is up to." said Vanilla.  "Enjoy your night, girls."
"You too, Vanilla." Tails said. "So, how long have you been there?"
"Only just arrived actually."
"How much did you hear?"
"Just about a puzzle and Vanilla mentioning about checking on me."

Meanwhile, Cream was sat in her room in the dark, she'd left the door open, but the only light in the room was the full moon, which she was watching.
"Cream, are you still upset?" Vanilla asked, peeking inside of the room.
"It's my fault this happened to Tails...It was supposed to be me." Cream replied, lowing her head.
Vanilla walked inside of the room and went to comfort her daughter.  "Cream, you can do one of two things:  Be mad at yourself for something you couldn't control; or be mad at not being able to forgive yourself.  Either way, it won't make things easier for the both of you."
"But I..." Cream sniffled. "I want to help and I don't know how to. And I hurt Tails because I got mad because I felt like she didn't like the tools I got for her."
"Tails is going through a very rough time right now... something that no one her age should ever have to go through.  I mean, rape is a serious experience that no one wants to have to attempt to forget."
"If it were me, Tails wouldn't have to suffer it at all..." Cream said.
"Are you sure about that?"
"I dunno, kinda..."
"Let's say that you were going through what Tails has to currently endure.  Tails would probably feel so hurt about it just as you are."
"But...." Cream said. "Well...I guess so..."
"See, everything probably would be worse.  Did you even take into consideration how I would've felt if it were you?"
"No...I guess not."
"Cream, you have to understand that what happened to Tails doesn't just concern you and her.  It affects all of us.  Here we all are thinking that Tails is a guy, even Sonic, who knew Tails longer than anyone, only to find out Tails is a girl in one instant."
"Yeah, that was a real shocker...and here I was so forward too..."
"Tails will need a lot of love now more than ever.  And since we are the ones who care about Tails, it is our job to see that she's loved."
Cream looked up at the moon. "Yeah. You're right." she said. "I should go and say sorry for how I acted just now."
"You do that, I'm going to bed." and Vanilla left Cream to her own.
Cream waited a little bit and looked at the moon again. I've been selfish about all this. I've been concerning about how I feel and ignoring what Tails is going through...I have a lot of making up to do... She thought.
Cream stood and walked out of her room, in time to see her mother close her own room to go to bed. Cream then walked into the living room. "Tails?" She called as she walked around, but she hushed as Blaze walked passed with Tails in her arms. Tails had fallen asleep it appeared. Cream frowned a little but shook her head slightly. No, I'm sure she's really tired...I'll just put the puzzle away for now. But then Cream saw the puzzle. She completed it? But...that was so quick...
Cream shrugged and decided to leave the puzzle where it was. Blaze returned from Tails room.
"How are you Blaze?"
"I'm fine, but you should head back to bed too." Blaze told the young doe.
I guess you're right." Cream replied. "Well, good night Blaze." And Cream retired to her room.
Vanilla woke and yawned slightly. She rubbed her eyes a little before she rolled out of bed and gradually got changed, did her typical morning things and left her room, only to be welcomed by a sweet scent of cooking. Cream must be up already. She thought. She then headed into the living room to find Blaze had dozed off in the window and Marine was sleeping on her head, having fallen off the couch the same night, but not woken. She headed into the kitchen and to a nice surprise, it was Tails cooking up breakfast and not Cream.
"Oh, Good morning Tails." Vanilla said.
"Good morning, Vanilla." Tails greeted.
"Smells sweet, what are you cooking?" Vanilla asked, walking over.
"Just something out of the blue involving fruit.  Is there anymore orange juice?"
"Sounds interesting, let me have a look." Vanilla said, before she went into the cupboards. "Hmm...Ah, here we are. It's not much though." Vanilla said, as she passed Tails a bottle of OJ which had about a glass and a half left.
"Ah, thanks a lot." and Tails pours the orange juice into the cooking breakfast.
"Do you need me for anything?" Vanilla asked.///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////
"Well, it's your house..."
"My house or not, you got to the kitchen first." Vanilla smiled. "I wouldn't want to impose. I'll be cleaning the living room if you need anything...once I've lifted Marine back into a position which won't cramp her for the rest of the day...if I'm not too late that is." And Vanilla left the kitchen and carefully lifted Marine onto the sofa again, surprisingly, Marine didn't seem to even notice. Vanilla walked over to Blaze and shook her slightly. Blaze woke up slowly and looked in Vanilla's direction. "Would you like a proper sleep, you've been on guard duty with 2 hours a night sleep." She said.
"No, I must stay on guard..." Blaze said as she stood to retake her post.
"Blaze...That doctor hasn't shown up in the time you've all been here, a little rest won't hurt." Vanilla told her.
"I guess a speed na
p is in order. You're right, if I keep this up, I'll be too tired to even fight." Blaze agreed before yawning.
"Go ahead and sleep in my bed for a bit." Vanilla offered.
"Okay, thank you, Ms Vanilla." And Blaze strolled off to find the room, passing Cream who'd just gotten up and changed, who headed straight into the kitchen.
"What smells sweet?" asked Cream.
"Thought I'd try making something using fruit." Tails replied. "Did you sleep well?"
"I've had better, but I'll make it."
"Well, at least I didn't dream when I fell back to sleep." Tails replied. "I'm sorry...I upset you last night." She apologised.
"I guess all of us got upset last night.  I was hoping not to upset you anymore."
"You can start by changing the topic, no one is going to feel better when talking about who upset who." Vanilla said, as she came in and lifted Tails hand holding the pan. "If you don't keep the fruit moving, it'll lose its flavour." She said.
"I still have more stirring to do." said Tails..
"Go ahead." Vanilla said, letting Tails go. "Cream, why not set the table?" Vanilla suggested.
"Okay." And off Cream went. Vanilla watched her daughter go, then lowered her lips to Tails ears and said quietly.
"I'll let you tell everyone in your own time, but if you need to talk about anything, you know where I am, okay?" She told Tails.
"Sure, thanks a lot."
Cream came back. "Would we need forks or spoons?" She asked.
"Spoons." Tails answered.  "And bowls too.  I mean, you can use a plate for this, but bowls would be the better choice."
"Okay." Cream said, before leaving again.

After 15 more minutes, Tails was serving up, but Marine and Blaze were still absent.
"I guess Marine and Blaze are heavy sleepers." said Tails.  "Well, I can understand Blaze, but Marine... that girl sleeps like a rock."
"Shark on my toshie!" Marine yelled from the couch, before falling onto the floor...and remained asleep.
"Well, I guess we better eat." said Vanilla.
"Yeah, have your eat." said Tails.  "I'll go freshen up in the bathroom."
"Of course." Vanilla said, as Tails left for the bathroom.
"Tails sure does use the bathroom a lot these days..." Cream commented.
"Remember that her insides were torn, Cream... it probably affected her Bladder." said Vanilla.
"Oh yeah...I forgot..."
"Remember Cream, not every girl who's insides went through hell will have a 'leak' like normal." said Vanilla.
"I guess not." Cream said, looking in the direction of the hall leading to the bathroom. "I hope Tails is okay."
"She'll be fine, let's just eat our breakfast."
"Okay." And so Cream and Vanilla continued breakfast without Tails.
Tails finally returned to join Cream and Vanilla for breakfast.  "So, what do you think?" she asked.
"It's tasty." Cream said.
"Yes, it's quite pleasant." Vanilla replied. "Everything okay on your end?"
"Yeah, I have a racehorse complex at the moment." Tails answered.
"Well, you should eat; get your strength up for the day." Vanilla advised.
"Yeah, since we're going shopping today." Cream agreed.
"We were talking about shopping last night." said Tails.  "I can probably find something nice for Amy."
"You should get some things for yourself too, Tails." Vanilla said.
"Hey Tails?" Cream questioned, waiting for a reply before asking her question.
"Um... yes?" Tails asked.
"What's a racehorse complex?"
"You know the expression, 'Piss like a racehorse' Cream?"
"Oh, now I see." Cream said. "Okay."
"Can we stop talking about piss now?" Vanilla asked.
"Um, sorry about that." said Tails.
Marine appeared at the table, but looked zombiefied.
"Fooood..." She dragged.
And Marine takes a seat and, after having food served to her, begins scoffing it down quickly. Three raps were heard at the front door.
Wow, that was quick...  I may eat like that one day. Thought Tails.
Vanilla got up and headed to the door as Marine finished her food, pushed the bowl aside and sat back.
"That hit the spot. Who cooked?" She questioned.
"I did." Tails replied.
Vanilla walked back in the room, followed by Amy.
"Amy's come to visit." She said.
"Hi girls, what's up?" Amy asked as she walked over to sit. "Isn't Blaze on duty?"
"Hey, even a cat has to sleep at night." Tails replied. "She's been on the tightest sleep schedule since we got here, she deserves a sleep."
"Sheesh, didn't mean to cause offence."
"None taken, sorry it appeared that way."
"So, what are your plans then?"
"A little shopping." Tails replied.
"Girly shopping." Cream added. Amy brightened up a bit.
"I see, well
I could show you the best places to go just for that." She said.
"I bet you could." Tails replied.
"Hey Cream, maybe we could..." Amy leaned over to Cream and finished the rest of her sentence in her ear quietly.
"Ooh, that sounds like a great idea." Cream replied joyfully.
"What's a great idea?"
"Oh, you'll find out." Amy smiled slyly.
"Ya don't mind if I sit this one out, do ya?" Marine asked. "I gotta work on ma next ship."
"You mean think of a ridiculous amount of requests to plant on me." Tails replied.
“You're going shopping with them, Marine." said Vanilla.  "You young girls have to show Tails the feminine life."
"But..but, but, but..." Marine stuttered. "Oh alright, guess ya'd need me there, can't have a bonzor good time without yer captain around, eh Tails?"
"Try not to be too hyper." Tails answered.  "Besides, you need to know a few local areas anyway.
"Well, I just hope this shopping doesn't go so bad.”
After finishing up their food, the girls went off to get ready for their shopping, though this was an excuse to wait for Blaze to rest up a little.

Cream and Amy were in Cream's room, as Tails was in her own.
"So Cream. How are you taking all this?" Amy asked.
"Slow." Cream answered.  "I'm trying hard to help, but things aren't doing well."
"Still not used to Tails know...a girl?"
"It's.... challenging to say the least."
"And what about your feelings for Tails?"
"I... I don't really want to say.  I mean, I had strong feelings for 'him' and now I have to remind myself that I have strong feelings for 'her' and..." Cream stopped herself.  "It's complicated, very complicated."
"Well, I won't push the issue." Amy said. "Still, I should check up on Tails. I need to know she's still doing okay." And Amy stood up, gave Cream a quick pat on the shoulder and went to leave the room.
Amy left and walked down the hall to Tails room. As she tried to open it, she found it locked and knocked instead. Inside, Tails was having yet another breakdown, crying into her pillow, but it was severely muffled.
"Tails? Are you okay in there?" Amy questioned from outside.
"Ah, yeah.  Just brushing my tails." Tails answered.
"Are you sure? You don't sound okay." Amy double-checked.
"I'm trying to sound confident, Amy.  I was raped after all...  Can I try to forget that for one whole day?!"
"Sorry, my bad..." Amy said, now feeling bad. "Um, I'll just go away now." And with that, she returned to Creams room.
As she entered Creams room, she noticed Blaze exit Vanilla's room, however didn't bother with current formalities and closed the door.
"Amy, what happened with you just now?" asked Cream.
"What do you mean?" Amy asked.
"I heard yelling."
"That would be Tails biting my head off."
"Amy, please understand that Tails is going through a worse hell than you are.  Put yourself in her shoes for a bit."
"I didn't mean it like that. I feel bad enough as it is, I don't blame her for chewing me out, but you asked and I answered." Amy said, taken aback.
"Welcome to my disagreement last night."
"Huh? What disagreement?"
"Long discussion."
"We got time to talk about it, if you want."
"No, let's just get ready to go shopping."
Amy then nodded and began to help out. Tails room door could be heard clicked, then pulled open. Seconds later she could be heard running down the hall, clearly in the direction of the bathroom.
"That's the 4th time she's done that..." Cream sighed. "I hope she's okay."
"Wow, that's a major racehorse complex." said Vanilla with a smile.
"She's gone to pee again?" Cream questioned.
"Well, maybe the breakfast was too sweet for Tails." suggests Vanilla.  "With all of that sweetness, I can't have candy all day.  I better think about getting the 'racehorse' some saltlick."
"Well, anyway. Once she's done, we're ready to go." Amy said.
"Have fun." said Vanilla.
"We will." Cream replied happily as Vanilla left and headed to the bathroom. She tapped it 3 times.
"Everything okay?" She asked.
"I'll be fine." Tails replied from inside.
"I hope you don't have a urinary tract infection.  Maybe you should call your doctor..." Vanilla suggests.
Tails then opened the door and looked up at Vanilla. "A what?"
“Urinary tract infection.  One of the symptoms is frequent, uncontrollable urinating..."
"I wasn't peeing, but I'll still have it checked..." Tails said, closing the door behind her.
After getting herself back together, Tails met up with the other girls and they left for the towns shopping centres.
The girls met up with Tikal and Rouge in different places in town, but eventually all the girls were in one big shopping group. They were walking down the towns to one of Amy's personal favourite shops, and were talking about general things.
"Well, I may have missed it last time, but that means I have making up to do." said Amy.
"And I brought plenty of money this time around." said Rouge.
"Sweet, this is a really big place." said Marine.  "Look at all the stores in here."
"The majority from this angle look like underwear shops..." Tails commented.
"I could use some more lingerie." said Amy.
"How many pairs of underwear do you need?" Tails questioned.
"I guess you're used to boxers, huh?" Cream commented.
"Actually, you'd be surprised how comfortable a Bikini is when working on my usual things." Everyone looks at Tails oddly. "What?"
"So, you've tried Bikini?"
"Yes." Tails replied.
"I figured you'd stick to boys underwear."
"Not really, I tried a
Tonga, but i think I had it confused. Not sure..."
"And that must be something from that lolicon book Sonic mentioned you had." said Rouge.
" not...have lolicon books, damn it. It's a catalogue for PANTIES!" Tails yelled in frustration.
The girls looked at Tails.  "Well, you do need better knickers, luv." said Marine.
"And how do you know?" asked Rouge.
"I caught a glimpse of her inventory." and Marine stuck out her tongue.
Tails face palmed.
"If she needs some new panties, why don't we model her for some?" Tikal suggested.
"Wait, what?" Tails then began sweating a little. "You're not serious, are you?"
"Damn straight."
"That's gonna be bonzor cool." said Marine.
"Tails modelling in panties... at least Cream will see what you're made of in the feminine department." said Rouge.  "She may even give you a playful slap on that twin tailed ass of yours."
This made Tails blush furiously. "No way, I'm not modelling for anything."
"I wanna see you in some new knickers myself... you'd look nice in them, luv." said Marine.
"That's just way too embarrassing." Tails said.
"Why don't we both model?" Cream suggested.
"If it makes you feel better, all of
us will have tried at least 1 pair to show each." Tikal said. "Either way, no is not an answer we'll accept."
"I think I can get a good one in." said Rouge.
"Hopefully I can find some in a synthetic mix." said Marine.
And so, the girls all dragged Tails to the nearest female panty shop and naturally, Tails got odd looks.
"Why is everyone looking at us like that?" Cream asked.
"Used to be a boy, remember?" Tails reminded her.
"Don't worry about Tails... this is only the outcome of a lost bet." said Amy.
Everyone understood that and resumed normal shopping.
"Nice save." Rouge whispered to Amy.
"Works every time."
"What just happened?" Tails asked.
"Not sure." Marine answered.
"Wanna out the closet to everyone?" Rouge whispered to Tails.
"Huh?" Tails questioned rouge.
"Let everyone know you're a girl then..."
"I'd rather not just shout it out to everyone..." Tails replied.
"Then don't." Tikal said walking over. "Show them."
"I'm not going to get into dirty positions to show my true gender."
"I meant using...." And Tikal walked over to a certain thong and picked up showing the girls. "Something like this." She finished.
"I'm not wearing the-.." And before Tails could finish, Tikal, Rouge and Marine all pushed her to the changing booths and forced her inside. "I'm not wearing this." Tails said from inside the booth.
"And why not?"
" do you put it on?" All the girls fall over.
Cream then stood and walked inside the booth. "Hey! What are you..?" After what sounded like warfare, Cream poked her head out, after all the girls had recovered.
"Um...I'm with Tails..." And they fell over again.