Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Megamorph ❯ The Doctors Appointment ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Shadow headed for Tails workshop, he lifted one of his chaos emeralds, which was glowing brightly.
"Hmmm, So, Tails has been keeping Chaos Emeralds." He said to himself. "I hope she doesn't mind if I borrow it for a while." He continued to walk to Tails workshop.

Upon arriving, he teleported inside and had a look around, finding no chaos emerald anywhere. "That's odd..." He uttered. He then checked behind the bookshelves, only to find a button. "Hmm..." Without hesitation, he pushes it, and a door opens. Shadow walks inside without hesitation.

Shadow arrives in a large underground facility. "How in the world did you build this one Tails..." Inside were all the main planes of Tails', including the Tornado 1, Tornado 2, Tornado X and the newest model which is yet to be named. There were many other machines in this place also, and a lot of computers. Shadow walked around to locate the Chaos emerald. After 5 minutes of walking, he found a generator and in it's small glass box held the Chaos Emerald. Shadow approached and reached to take it until.
"Please do not remove that Chaos Emerald." Shadow leaped around and looked for whoever owned the voice.
"Who's there?! Show yourself!" And with that, a camera of sorts shot a beam to the floor and it build up to a small twin tailed lavender coloured fox hologram. "What in the..."
"My name is C4BX210. But my creator calls me Lavender." The hologram spoke. "I am the system AI for this entire laboratory, and the Chaos Emerald is my source of power. Remove it and I will shut down, along with the rest of this place."
"I see, so...Lavender, As much as I'd like to leave this here, I need to take it." Shadow said.
"As much as you need it, I cannot simply allow you to take it." Lavender replied.
"Well, how do we resolve this then?"
"You'll have to speak with my creator. Only she can give you permission to remove my power source."
"So let's see what the problem is." said Cream.
Tikal entered the booth along with the other two girls and quickly resolved the problem, showing Tails just how to put on the lingerie. She poked her head out of the curtains.
"Tails doesn't look half bad." She told them.
"Well, bring her out already." said Rouge.
"Don't you da-.." But before Tails could finish, Tikal stepped out and pulled her along for all to see. Tails had gone beet red in the face as it wasn't just the girls she was getting attention from.
Marine gave a smile.  "Well, look at you in those knickers." she said.  "You're so bonzor cute in them."
"Well, I don't think pink is her colour." said Rouge.  "Don't get me wrong, the
y fit her well, but she needs a different colour."
"How about Cyan?" Tikal asked.
"Can I
pleeeaasee take these off?" Tails pleaded. "Everyone's looking at me like I'm some kind of pervert."
"Take your lost bet like a man." said Rouge.  "Hey, where is Marine."
Suddenly, Marine came back.  "Here we go, try on a few of these colours." she said.  "I got purple, green, and sexy black." she stuck out her tongue.
Rouge took out the black one and looked at the tag.  "Tails, what is your waist size?"
"About 5." Tails replied.
Rouge shook her head.  "Put those back, Marine.  you got them too big." she said.
"But I could've sworn she was around a 7." said Marine.  "Well, put on the black one, it's a 6." and Marine hands the thong to Tails.
Tails sighs and walks back into the booth.
"You know, you'd think she didn't like it here." Tikal giggled.
"Ten bucks says Cream has problems letting go of Tails' cheeks." Rouge whispers to Amy.
"You're on. Ten bucks says she can't even bring herself to slap Tails in any way other than a form of frustration." Amy replied. "On the backside, naturally."
"I wanna get in on that." said Marine.  "Fifteen bucks says Tails will block Cream's incoming hands."
"100 bucks says one of you is at some point going to lose money." Tikal added her two cents.
"I don't have 100 bucks..." said Marine.
Tails came out in the new underwear, which did fit near perfectly. "What are you all whispering about?" She questioned. "More ways to torment me, I guess." She narrowed her eyes.
"See, I knew about your size." said Marine.  "And the black makes you look like someone will take those off ya' with their teeth."
"Since you wanna get that technical, let's get you out of the way." said Rouge.
"Teeth?" Tails sweat dropped slightly. "Somehow, I don't like where this is going..." Then Tikal pat Tails on the head.
"There there. Marine's just getting a bit...too...feisty."
"Feisty is bad." said Cream.
"Um, excuse me ladies." Said a female staff member. "Some of the customers are complaining about you...fitting this boy with the lingerie."
"Are you going to kick us out?" Tails asked, sounding almost too happy about the idea.
"I didn't see any of you women complaining about the drag queens that came in here five minutes ago." said Rouge.  "Yet you wanna whine about a guy who lost a bet?"
"I'm sorry, ma'am. I'm only responding to the complaints of our customers." The employee replied.
"Ooh, look at this pair of string panties... I'll win the drag lingerie contest for sure." says a nearby guy in a skirt.
"Now, you might want to ask your other customers how they feel about him." said Rouge.
"That is gonna be a drag queen tragedy." said Marine.
The staff member then sighed. "I hate my job..." She uttered. "Excuse me." She bowed, then walked off, only to get bitched at by more customers about the males.
"Man, some guys really are disgusting." said Cream.
"I wouldn't put on something like that... it's way too revealing." said Marine.
"Yeah, and thanks to this whole episode, everyone now thinks I'm like that..." Tails said.
"We had you in decent attire, not that kinky shit." said Rouge.
"Not the point." Tails replied. And Tikal walked over with a white Lingerie.
"Tails, be a good little girl and put these on for us, okay?"
"How about I try on the whole friggin' shop..."
"I wouldn't complain too much Tails." Amy said to her. "After all, you still have another 19 shops to go through."
After Tails had tried on a few more panties, she was relieved that they were leaving the shop. Tikal took it upon herself to 'provide' Tails with some of the nicer panties. After they left, they wonder off to a chilli dog stand, Sonic was there pigging out, so the girls decided to join him for dinner.
"Well, we made a lot of progress today." said Cream.  "Now mind you, it wasn't what we hoped for, but at least we made progress."
"Progress?" Tails questioned.
"Yes, we made a lot of progress.  You'll understand in time."
"So, what have you been up to then?" Sonic questioned.
"Embarrassing Tails, from what I saw. We thought we were helping." Tikal replied.
"Hey, Sonic, How about after we're done shopping, me and you go on a date?" Amy asked Sonic seductively, rotating her index finger on a point of his arm.
"No way." Sonic replied swiftly.
"Why not?! You don't care about me at all, do you?"
"It's not like that Amy, I just don't want to date. Anyway, I'm done. See ya." And Sonic boomed out of the room, leaving the girls in the aftermath of his sonic boom.
"He's avoiding us..." Tails sighed.
More like avoiding Amy. thought Rouge.
"Sonic looks like he has something up his bum." said Marine.  "I never thought I'd see him run away from girls like that."
"Welcome to my world, Marine." Amy said to her.
He's definitely avoiding me... Tails thought. I knew he'd never understand... Tails then buried her face in her hands on the table, Tikal pat her on the back.
"There, there, sweetie. I'm sure he'll get used to this change in time." She said to her.
"So, where to next?" asked Rouge.
"How about that new dress shop that opened up over the road?" Amy suggested. "Me and Cream were going to have a look at what was in stock over there the other day, just before..." And then Amy hushed herself.
"So what type of Dress do you think Tails would look cute in?" asked Marine in an attempt to change the subject.
"Hm...Let's go and find out, shall we?" Tikal suggested. So with that, the girls finished their food. "Are you sure you're not hungry Tails?" Tikal asked.
"I'm fine..."
The girls moved into the shop and were in awe at the many pretty dresses all around the shop. Even Tails was in awe and a certain echidna noticed this.
"You like the look of these, huh, Tails?" She smiled.
"I've been in here before and it's still as breathtaking." Tails replied.
"You came in before?"
"Anything you liked?" Amy asked.
"Tails actually likes dresses?!" Rouge cried.  "I gotta see this."
"Me too, luv." Marine agreed.  "I wanna know your taste in dresses."
"You aren't the only one." said Cream.  "Okay Tails, show us what you fancy."
"No." Tails replied, crudely.
"And why not?" Tikal asked.
"Because you'll laugh."
"Well, you either show us what you like, or we can have a repeat of panty shopping." Marine said, then stuck out her tongue.
"And you don't know if we'll laugh at what you pick." said Rouge.  "For all I know, you might like something that I like."
"Fine, but if anyone laughs, I'm out of here..." Tails said, before walking into the shop. Much to notice the difference in the atmosphere, no one was giving Tails looks in this shop. Tails walked up to and pointed out an ankle length dress with red flowers patterned on the front, from the breasts up was held in place with 2 straps, which went halfway down the back.
Rouge just smiled, though she had a sweatdrop on the back of her head.  "I actually like that one." said Marine.
"I wonder if there is one like that for my mom." said Cream.  "She would like that kind of dress too."
"Well, there's only one thing to do." Tikal said.
"What?" Tails questioned.
"I like the dress." Amy said.
"Me too." Tikal said, taking it from the hook. "Tails...let's go."
"You're not going to make me put it on are you?"
"Damn right I am." Tikal said, pushing Tails to the changing booths.
Whilst Tails was assisted by Tikal in getting the dress on, the other girls wondered around and picked out thier own dresses, Tikal and Tails were done by their return, so Tails came out in the same dress, and some matching shoes Amy picked up.
"So let's compare this time." said Cream.
How about a competition between Cream, Tails and Marine?" Tikal asked. "The rest of us will judge."
"Contest?" asked Cream.
"Find out which dress is the cutest." Tikal giggled.
"A day I never thought was coming that I'd be competing against Cream for 'cuteness'" Tails said. "She outmatches me anyway."
"Well, let's go then." said Marine.  "Cream and I will hit up the fitting rooms and we'll let you judge."
"Don't underestimate yourself Tails, I think you look very cute." Tikal said as Cream and Marine headed to change.
It took a few minutes, but the girls came out of their fitting rooms sporting their new dresses.  Marine stopped out in the traditional sailor style dress, with the navy white and blue stripes down the collar.  The dress itself was all white with thin pleats and even sported yellow anchors.  Marine even had on coral white leggings to match her dress.
Cream on the other hand came out of her fitting room wearing a Velk Chao Print Dress.  The dress had spaghetti straps that were blue in colour which matched the line at the hem of her dress.  The cross-hatching pattern on the dress had purple and turquoise stripes and were pal pink at the sides.  She even gave a curtsy to add to the style.
"This will be a toughie..." Tikal said.
"Tell me about it..." Amy replied.
"Cream's out." said Rouge.  "I need more originality than that."  Hearing this caused Cream to fall over to the side. Tails took this to instinctively help her get back up.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"I'm fine," Cream answered, "but what the hell, Rouge?"
"Cream, don't get me wrong..." Rouge began.  "I think you look lovely, but another Chao Print Dress?  I need a bit more originality out of you."
"But this is original..."
"Just like it was when we went after the Nocturnus?"
"Originality isn't exactly bad, Rouge." Tails said.
"I think Cream looks quite cute. If anything I'd count Marine out." Amy replied. "I'm not into the whole Sailor thing."
"I don't know, they all look cute to me. But I like Tails dress exceptionally. But Marine and Cream are cute too..I don't know. I'm going to have to think just a little longer." Tikal replied.
"Well, my vote goes for Marine." said Rouge.
"Then, we're at a standstill, cause I say Cream." Amy said.
"Well, one more vote and I win." said Marine.
"Same here." said Cream.  "But the last vote can go either way."
I guess Tikal really needs to look things over. Thought Rouge
"Just pick one of the other two and let's move on already." Tails moaned.
"But..." Tikal replied. "I actually do like your dress a whole lot better, Tails..."
"So, you're gonna go with Tails?" Amy asked.
"Yes, Yes I am."
Marine felt a little bummed.  "Okay, second part." she said.  "Now it's time for the older girls to get dressed up."
"Now gonna be fun." Tails grinned slyly.
"Well, guess it's only fare. Okay girls, lets get ou
r dresses." Amy said before heading off to find something decent.
"Try something that doesn't have a wide hem for a change." said Cream.
Amy fell over, holding a wide hem dress. "Curses..." She said.
"Well, that should keep her from being an exhibitionist." said Marine, then she stuck out her tongue. So Amy had to look a little harder, Tikal however had already picked up something and headed to change.
Rouge found something too, but...  I like this, but it won't fit the upper body. she thought.  I need something to work with my guns.
Amy finally picked something and headed to change. Meanwhile, Tikal came out in a knee length orange dress with a long v-neck just slightly showing cleavage. She had a beaded necklace and around her waist were two strips holding the dress around her curves. She had heeled strip laced shoes to match.
Amy took a little longer, but came out in a tight pink dress with the lower rim coloured black, It had a single shoulder sleeved on the right side, as the left side was just a lace. The dress had two patterns, the left breast to the waist was netted as the rest was a pure silk line.
"Well, what do you guys think?" asked Marine.
"I'm gonna wait for Rouge first." Tails replied.
"Ditto." said Cream.
"I guess we wait for Rouge then." said Marine.
"Damn it, none of this fits!" and the girls heard Rouge yell.  "Why the hell me?!"
"Sounds like she's having a wardrobe malfunction." Tails said.
"Wanna surrender now, Rouge?" Amy called slyly.
"Not a chance." Rouge answered. And Rouge came out of her fitting room in the usual attire.  "I'm not gonna let you girls steal my thunder." and off she went for another dress.
"Good luck, Rouge!" Tails called. "Not that anything in this shop will support her bust."
"How do you know?" Amy asked.
"Like I said, I've been here before, and I just happen to know all of your bust sizes, so it's easy to make the judgement."
"I guess she'll have to cram." joked Marine.
"Cram those jugs? I don't think so." Tikal responded.
"I guess she's out."
"I'm glad I don't have Rouge's chest." said Cream.
"You're young Cream, who knows. You might get a bigger bust." Amy snickered.
"Let's hope busts don't run in your family, Cream." Tikal added.
"I'm just glad I don't have Blaze's chest." joked Marine.
"That would be sad." said Cream.  "Wave has more bust than Blaze and she's a bird."
"Birds are supposed to have breasts." said Marine.  "But I like the wings the most."
"You can't comment, Marine." Amy said. "I mean, chances are you have smaller titties than Blaze does."
Rouge finally shows up revealing a long red gown with slit at the side and the straps for the arms.  She even wore matching red heels, but her chest looked somewhat uncomfortable.  "Well, I got in this one." she said.
"You crammed, didn't you?" asked Marine.
"Hell no."
I got a bad feeling about her chest.... thought Cream.
"Rouge, that dress looks like it's about to tear..." Tails said.
"You're just jealous because I found a dress that I can actually wear." said Rouge.  "I heard that crack you made about my guns... and yours too, Tikal."
"Jealous? Not really, even I wouldn't cut my breasts air supply THAT much." Tails replied.
"Anyway, let
's get to judging before Rouge's dress can't handle it and she bulges out." Amy said.
"Jealous... you're just jealous." said Rouge.
"You first, Tails." said Marine.
"Sorry, Rouge. Cutting you out of this one." Tails said. "I'm going with Amy."
"I like Tikal's dress personally." said Cream.
"Well, I'm gonna go with..."
But before Marine could pick, Rouge's dress tears.  However, the tear gave the dress a Y-cut look to it.
"Come on luv, that's cheatin'..." said Marine.
"Wow, that actually looks better." said Cream.
"I knew it was going to rip! I knew it!" Tails called. "You can't fit into a single dress in this whole shop." Tails then laughed, which despite the fact that it was a strike at Rouge's pride, it was a nice thing to see due to all the misery Tails had before.
"Marine, you were saying?" asked Cream.
"My vote's for Tikal, because Rouge cheated." Marine answered.
"You're all just mad at the fact that I look good." said Rouge.  "And even with this, I still look good."
"Yeah, but you have to buy that dress since you ripped it." said a nearby sales clerk.
"And you people need stock up on dresses that make us D-cup girls look proper." Rouge complained. Then, the rip went further...  but it was beyond help this time.  It looked like the top of the dress exploded, which caused all of the girls, including the sales clerk to laugh hard at Rouge.
Tails actually fell over laughing so hard.
"My ribs! Oh god, my ribs, make it stop, make it stop." She laughed.
"You might...wanna...get changed." Amy laughed.
Rouge went into the fitting room, changed into her regular clothes, then proceeded to the register to purchase her "torn" dress.  "What's sad is that she could've asked for a discount if her dress stayed with the first rip." said Marine.  "But now she has to pay full price."
"Well anyway, I believe you got two votes, eh, Tikal?" Tails said, panting on the floor having stopped laughing. "I'm gonna get this dress, I think." She then got onto her feet.
After the dress was rung up, Rouge left the store with a pissed expression.  "Mommy, why does her dress look like something out of the Alien movies?" asked a young girl.
The girls laughed even harder.  "That's not right." said Marine.
"Think we should go after her?" Tikal asked.
"She's our friend, of course we should." And Amy and Tikal then quickly got back into the b
ooth's to change. They then came out, put the dresses back and went outside to look for Rouge, but they had no idea where she'd gone. "Shoot."

Tails, Cream and Marine joined them afterwards, Tails carrying a bag over her shoulder.
"They don't think that it's weird you're buying that?" Amy asked.
"After telling them it's a present for one of these two, no." Tails replied.
"That's actually more disturbing because they saw you wear it." Tikal replied.
"Bet." Tails replied. "They are actually very nice people in there. Unlike the panty shop."
I hope Rouge isn't too mad. Thought Cream.
Shadow was walking down the street. Since when did Tails create an AI system for the workshop, I mean the girls a damn genius, I know, but does she really have nothing better to do with her time. He thought, and then noticed a pissed off Rouge about to walk by, but he put his arm in front of her, halting her instantly.
"Didn't get that special jewel discount, I take it?" Shadow asked.
"I don't wanna talk about it." Rouge answered.
Shadow then pointed to a coffee shop. "Can I at least get you a drink to calm down?"
"I need a real drink after what I just went through."
"Then, let's go get you something strong to chug." Shadow said, as he changed his direction to head to her club.
"Fine, I can grab a mixer while I work."
"Oh, you won't be working..." Shadow said.
"Fine, let's just grab a drink."
Back with the girls, they'd searched around for Rouge for 20 minutes with no luck, in the end, Tails stomach denied her the lie she was trying to put on about not being hungry, thus she was forced to have some food. However, this only led to her being in the bathroom, whilst the other girls waited.
"How often does she do this?" Amy questioned.
"Mum says she might have the lower regions due to you know..." Cream replied.
"I see." Amy replied.
"You know, Tails did say there were cuts and tears." said Marine.  "For all we know, she could be ribbons inside."
"Ribbons?" Tikal questioned. "I get more and more worried about this the more it comes up."
"No biggy... perhaps she just drunk a huge jug of water... or this is a side effect of those happy drugs." said Marine.
"I don't recall Tails being on any form of medication." Amy replied.
"I hope she doesn't have any form of infection..." Tikal said. "Perhaps we should take her to the doctors to get her checked out."
"Well, I say we take her to Dr. Quack." Tikal suggested.
"You can have a UTI from wizzin too much."
"Is it really our right to force Tails to a doctor?" Amy asked.
"I agree, to the doc." said Marine.
As if on cue, Tails returned, wiping her face with both her hands.
"Tails, we're takin-..." Amy said before she noticed. "Are you crying?"
"N-no...I'm fine..." Tails said moving her hands, but was clearly lying.
"What's wrong?" Tikal asked.
"Peeing is painful."
"Something tells me that's not the whole truth."
"I also feel bad about laughing at Rouge..."
"Anyway...It's been unanimously agreed that we're taking you to see Dr. Quack." Amy said. Tails simply shrugged.
"Okay." She said.
It's about time I got checked out anyway. She thought.
"Really...that's it?"
"What do you expect me to say?"
"No argument, no fighting back?"
"What makes you think I'm not as worried about my condition as you are?"
"Point taken."
"Well, off to the doc." said Marine.
So the girls then headed off in the direction of their favourite doctor, chatting along the way.
"So, what shall we do after this?" Tikal asked.
"Well, there's a lovely cake shop I'd like to visit." Amy said.
"You shouldn't eat too much Amy, or Sonic will never be interested in you." Tails shot.
Not that he will anyway... Tails thought to herself.
"It's not like a little cake will make me put on much weight, Tails!" Amy shot back.
"Depends on the calorie count." said Marine.
"And how much you eat." Tikal added.
"Stop making it sound like I'm some kind of cake murdering pig..." Amy huffed.
"No, you're just an exhibitionist." said Marine
"And how would you know?!" Amy countered.
"Your knickers show with almost every move you make.  That and you just admitted it.
"Moving on, what other things does everyone have planned?"
"I'm going home." Tails replied.
"But, there's so many other things for us to do." Amy said.
"I'm tired of being your model..."
"Well, after the doc." said Marine.
"We'll stop modelling you, but please hang out with us a little longer." Tikal said to Tails.
"I'll think about it.." Tails replied. And the girls arrived at the doc's, booking Tails in and sat to wait.

"Cream, you've been awfully quiet, are you okay?" Tails asked.
"A lot has been on my mind." Cream answered
"Likewise, Cream, but I like to talk to you still, you know."
"Yeah...  I just don't have much to discuss."
"Oh, okay, I'll leave you be then..." Tails said sadly, lowering her ears and looking away. I really wish I knew what to say to her... Cream thought. Amy stood up and took Cream by the hand.
"Can I speak to you over there, Cream?" She asked, pointing to the other side of the room.
Cream said nothing, but responded with a nod.  The two then walked off.  Cream seems out of it. thought Marine.  I guess it's "Good Captain" time again.
Amy took Cream to the other side of the room, out of hearing range of the other girls, sitting Cream down and sitting next to her.
"Sweetie, I know this is hard for you, but you gotta remember what Tails is going through all of a sudden. The change is...different for all of us. But Tails is going through the biggest change in her entire life and not many people go from being a boy to a girl over night. Talk to me, I wanna know what's on your mind." Amy said, rubbing her arm soothingly.
"I.... I just don't know how to approach this." Cream answered.  "Maybe I should become a boy."
"And...why?" Amy questioned, a little taken back.
"I wish I knew."
"Okay, Cream. This might sound a little weird don't have to be different order to be together, you know? It might sound weird but loads of people in the world are like that." Amy said. "I'm not saying go right into the lesbo thing, but consider that before you seriously consider changing your own sex."
"You wanna head back over, or would you like to stay over here and chat with me for a little while?" Amy asked.
"Let's go." And with that, the two walked back over to the other girls.
"Feeling better now?" Tikal asked.
"Somewhat." Cream replied.
"You know, this is really a hard series of days for all of us." said Amy.  "Despite the shopping, it feels like we have some salty wounds."
"I wish I could go a day without 'salty wounds'. Just one day where I don't need to be reminded..." Tails uttered.
"It'll pass, it always does." Tikal said. "Time heals all wounds."
I think that isn't the case with internal wounds. thought Cream.
"Well, well, well, hello ladies." said Dr. Quack as he walks out.  "Come on back, Tails."
Tails stood and headed over.
"She'll be okay, right?" Tikal questioned, walking over to the doctor. "We
're worried she might have..." And Tikal whispered the rest to the Doctor, just encase she offended Tails. Then looks at Quack.
"I'll check." said Dr. Quack.  "Tails, would you prefer Tikal accompanying you back here?"
"No..." Tails replied solemnly.
"So just you and me?"
Tails thought for a moment. "Actually, I changed my mind, Tikal can come." She said.
"Hey, why Tikal over me?" asked Amy.
"Because the Knuckles tribe is known for fighters." Dr. Quack answered.  "But perhaps you can't handle being the first defense..."
"Nevermind." and Amy say down.  "Cream and I can handle things here."
"Don't forget about me, luv." added Marine.
"Come on you two, let's go." said Dr. Quack and the three went back into the office.
As Dr Quack closed the door, Tails turned to Tikal.
"Tikal, what you see and hear in this room stays in this room. I don't want this told to anyone yet." she said to her.
"Hm? Okay, I'm fine with that, I guess. Surely an infection isn't too worrying, is it?" Tikal asked.
"It's not that kind of infection." Tails replied.
So Tails hasn't said anything yet. Thought Dr. Quack.  "So Tails, I hope you haven't been exerting yourself." he said.
"Unless running to the bathroom every morning, evening and after meals, not really..." Tails replied.
"But other than that, how have you been feeling?"
"Miserable." Tails replied. "I'm so emotionally unstable at points I just cry for no reason at all." Tikal was watching and listening intently, but was confused at the conversation taking place.
"Ah, unexpected mood swings...  Well, you'll get more mood swings as the days go on."
"Honestly, I hope they don't get worse..." Tails said, before finding a seat. "I don't like crying on a normal day, now a simply toilet brush can set me off..."
"Trauma...  this is a form of trauma.  I guess this will keep you out of the lab.  With all of your G&Gs and whatnot."
"G&Gs?" Tikal questioned.
"Gadgets and Gizmos..." Dr. Quack sighed.  "I can never understand that LOL and MTC and BBF bullshit."
"Likewise." Tikal replied.
"I'd explain them, but I'm not really in the mood." Tails commented.
"I'm still confused as to what's going on..." Tikal said. "I know it's not my business but..."
"I'm pregnant..." Tails blurted. This froze Tikal solid. No movement, no words, nothing, just stood there looking at Tails eyes wide, trying to take in what she just heard.
"While Tikal absorbs things, lay down up here and let's see how you've healed inside." said Dr. Quack.
Tikal sank to her knees whilst Tails obeyed and did so. She looked over at Tikal, then back to Dr. Quack.
"Do you think I said it to
o fast?" She asked.
"I don't think she ever would've pictured you pregnant." Dr. Quack answered.  "I can only imagine what Marine will say, and Cream will probably be in tears."
"Please...don't remind me..." Tails said as she herself looked like she was inches from crying. "I don't want to tell them, ever..."
"Trust me, you will.  A foetus never lies... speaking of which, what's the verdict on yours?"
"Okay, so you're going through with your term.  I still need you to lie up here."
Tails lies down on the bed and looks to the roof. "Yeah...I'm keeping it, somehow I don't think Egghead would have bypassed the idea of abortion, so it's probably unaffected by it."
"I see." and Dr. Quack sat near Tails' legs.
Tikal finally made a move and stood up. "Could I...get a drink or something?" She asked, her voice clearly showing she's still in shock.
"I'll grab you a cup of water, be right back." said Dr. Quack, then he left Tikal and Tails alone.
Tikal took a chair and rubbed her head. "I feel sick."
"Welcome to my world."
"I can't believe what I'm hearing..."
"You're taking it a lot better than I did." Tails replied.
"That's probably because I'm not the victim here." Tikal said.
"How can this be happening? How did I not see it?"
"You weren't to know."
"No, I should have, I should have recognised the symptoms..."
"Long story, I don't want to discuss."
Dr. Quack entered the room and handed the cup of water to Tikal, then sat back down.  "Now Tails, here's what is going to happen." he began. "I'll lift your legs and place them in these holsters, and then I'll use forceps and have a look inside."
"Will it hurt?" Tails asked.
Tikal gulped down the water and then released a long sigh. "How have you kept that a secret all this time."
"It's not a secret when Dr Quack and Vanilla know." Tails replied.
"Anyway, you're the doctor, so do what you need to do..."
"Okay, let's get started." said Dr. Quack.  "Tails, try to relax during all of this."
And Tails took a deep breath, answering with a nod. Tikal took it upon herself to look away. I can't believethis. It's so...sickening...Tails is so young and to be pregnant to top it off, she's single to boot...who or what is the father to her baby...How am I going to keep this a secret, I wish Iknew what to do... She trained in her mind.
Dr. Quack slowly lifted Tails' legs.  A part of me feels that this support is uncomfortable to both of these girls. he thought, then started to separate Tails' legs.  The left leg was locked in first, then the right leg.  "Any tenderness from that, kiddo?" he asked.
"Not really." Tails replied, she was blushing slightly, twiddling her thumbs and watching the roof.
"What about you, Tikal?"
"Huh?" Tikal asked confused, looking over her shoulder. "What about me?"
"Are you feeling a bit sore yourself?"
"Why would I be?" Tikal was slightly confused.
"This sort of thing could be new to you." And Dr. Quack began rubbing the forceps.  "I mean, you practically had an episode when Tails broke the news to you."
"You've lost me completely.." Tikal said looking away. Tails hissed slightly as she felt a slight painful twinge. "I feel sick, but not sore..."
Dr. Quack finished rubbing off the forceps.  "You okay, Tails?"
"It hurt a little bit...I guess your insides don't tend to heal as quickly as the outsides..." Tails replied. "Like I said to the girls earlier, it does hurt to pee from time to time."
"Well, I'll use the forceps now, so brace yourself."
"I hope it doesn't hurt too badly..." Tails said. "I'll try and remain calm though."
"I guess you won't be doing the splits any time soon, huh, Tails?" Tikal joked, trying to lift her own mood mainly.
"Har har, very funny..."
She needs that humour. Thought Dr. Quack as he slowly inserts the forceps.
Tails tensed slightly at the odd feeling, but relaxed as she was told to, her heart raced slightly and she blushed even more so. Just stay relaxed. Relax...calm, calm, calm... Tikal began humming a tune out of the blue, the melody being a soft, relaxing hymn, which seemed to help ease Tails nerves and she relaxed more so.
Dr. Quack fully had the forceps inside of Tails, then closed his hand to open the forceps and Tails' pussy.
Tails moaned slightly in pain as he did so, but Tikal's humming remained, thus it wasn't very long before Tails had relaxed again.
Dr. Quack took a look inside of Tails' uterus.  "Well, no wonder it stings.  Your insides are inflamed" he said.
"How do you mean?" Tails asked, slightly worried.
"Well, you're red inside instead of pink.  Also, some of your cuts appear to be infected with your own urine." Dr. Quack answered.  "At least your swelling went down."
Tikal stopped humming to speak. "So she does have infection?"
"Keep singing, it was soothing..." Tails said.
"Thanks, I discovered that around 400
0 plus years ago." Tikal replied.
"I'll need to smear in here, hold still." said Dr. Quack.
"Please don't hurt me..." Tails said, almost pleading.
"Is there anything you can tell about this point?" Tikal asked.
"In a second." answered Dr. Quack and took a smear through the forceps.
Tails cringes a little bit before letting out a slight squeal and relaxes, tears rolling from her eyes to the pain. Tikal at this point began to worry herself and decided to take action. She stood and walked over to Tails, taking one of her hands and gently stroking her head to sooth her. She succeeded in keeping Tails 'tamed'.
"So, it's that irritating?" asked Dr. quack
"It stings..." Tails replied.
"Like I said, irritated.  I think also infected too."
"What else needs to be done in there, because I'm getting uncomfortable..." Tails said.
"There, there, Tails. Let the doctor do his job." Tikal said to Tails.
Dr. Quack placed the swab of the smear in a jar.  "I don't like how red you are in here." he said.  "Well, there aren't any other signs of bruising, so lemme leave the house." and Dr. Quack closed the forceps.  The forceps were then removed from Tails' body.  "Have you felt any sharp pain along your inner thighs?" he asked.
"Not recently." Tails replied.
"And how do you clean yourself after a piss?"
"Like I usually do." Tails said. "A single sheet dry, not much more than that."
"Tikal, could you stand outside in front of the door, please?"
"Hm? Sure." Tikal said, before taking her exit. As soon as she closed the door, the other girls ran over to ask questions about it all. Tikal pushed the girls away from the room into the hall again.
slightly infected real news than that." Tikal lied.
"Oh, I hope she'll be okay."
"Clearly they need to speak Patient Doctor
Confidentiality, because I was just asked to wait outside." Tikal said.

Back in the room.
"That didn't quite help me out there, Tails." Dr. Quack told her.  "Gonna need more info than that."
"What more can I say?" Tails questioned. "I pee, I take a sheet of toilet paper, I dry myself off and flush..."
Dr. Quack sighed.  "Fare enough.  Most women wipe back to front, some wipe inside of the labia, some women even put the TP on the inside to wipe excess urine  from the vaginal lining.  Either way, one wipe per sheet so you don't risk further irritation."
"Fare enough." Tails blushed. "So, what next?"
Dr. Quack scribbled with the pen.  "I'm prescribing a type of gel for you.  It's gentle for your lining, medicated for you and works in the same way as a can of whip cream.  You can work whip cream, right?"
"I've done so, yes...” Tails replied.
"I will also prescribe this rinse for you.  Use it after you urinate to keep from... stinging your insides."  And Dr. Quack unlocks Tails' ankles.
Tails turns and sits on the edge of the bed. "Okay." She said.
Dr. Quack stands up, hands the prescriptions to Tails, heads to the door, then motions for Tikal.  Tikal nods and enters the room, and then the doctor continues.  "So, what have you been eating?"
"Mostly nutritious foods and fruits with the occasional junk." Tails replied. "I've been trying more to keep my own strength than anything else.
"The junk being the chilidog we forced you?" Tikal asked.
"That, and 4 days ago Vanilla ordered us all pizza and I couldn't turn it a
way because she'd gone and spent more money to feed me as well. I can tell you that didn't go well with my insides. Was nice though."
Dr. Quack was looking at Tails' abdomen.  "Any stomach cramps?" he questioned.
"Yes, at times. They usually follow up with me hurling though." Tails said.
"So nothing from the foetus?"
"Honestly, the cramps were cramps; I never took the time to think where they were from." Tails replied.
"Aha...  Well, if you feel like your foetus is in pain, see me right away."
"How will I be able to determine if it's me or the foetus?"
"You'll feel like you're bleeding inside, or something is ravaging your womb.  At this time, you don't have much of a gut, so your first born is about the size of a grape.  Not bad for two weeks.
"A...grape?" Tikal questioned.
A grape.  It's only been two weeks.  You should start to appear chubby by day nineteen.  So until then, don't over walk... or overfly, limit the junk and salty foods, take your dogs plain or with relish.  No onions, sauerkraut*, and especially no chilli.  Limit your greasy foods, but take a cod liver oil pill if you need too..."
"Hm, I can live with that." Tails said.
"So, have you felt any soreness in your torso?"
"Not particularly." Tails replied.
"Any swelling or increased sensitivity in your chest?"
"It throbs pretty badly if I sneeze or swallow in medium to large chunks, but no swelling or anything."
Dr. Quack had an intrigued look on his face.  "Show me where this throbbing occurs." he said.
Tails then pointed to the centre of her chest. "About here..." then points to just inches about her belly button. "To here."
"I take it that's where you're cramps originate from?"
"Some are slightly lower, but generally yes."
"It's probably a type of heartburn or allergic reaction.  Then again, that could be the foetus telling you what it likes to eat.  Some mothers-to-be get instances like that, or certain foods taste burnt.  Certain foods will also cause you to hurl, or may even taste horrible, or have no taste at all."
"I hope none of my favourite foods do that." Tails said worried. "I like taste."
"So, since it's just a 'grape' you won't be checking up on it or..?" Tikal wondered. Tails narrowed her eyes.
"You're more curious about this kid than I am..." She said.
"Just remember that echidnas don't experience birth like foxes." said Dr. Quack.  "You have a few things that Tikal doesn't have, Tails."
"Now I am curious." Tails said.
"Look at it this way.  Tikal's child will have to be born, then has to hatch from the egg, where you will give live birth.  You also have nipples... something that Tikal does not.  So if you ever wonder what breasts look like without nipples, look at Tikal's chest... er, not literally.  But on the other hand, female echidnas have two vaginas."
Tails fell over. "You have...two...vaginas..?" She asked. She then regained her composure.
"You sound surprised." Tikal said.
"You can't keep falling over like that, Tails." warned Dr. Quack.  "You have to understand that the monotreme is an interesting female."
"I see. I'll keep that in mind." Tails said. "Anything else we need to do?"
"What's the hurry?" Tikal asked.
"Cream and the others. If we're too long, they're gonna asked more questioned than I'd like."
"Other than pick up your prescriptions in an hour, don't over walk or overfly, don't insert any shaft-like objects inside of you, leave the female echidna anatomy lesson for another day..." answered Dr. Quack.  "And most importantly, stay out of the lab!  No inventions whatsoever."
"Shaft-like objects? Why would I do that anyway?" Tails questioned.
"Shaft-like objects, like 'toys', wrenches, screwdrivers, the cardboard rolls from toilet paper, paper towels, tampons, objects that look like spires or obelisks... and I thought you wanted to reduce how much you were gonna get grilled.  Only thing that should be going in you have to deal with your prescriptions.  Understand that."
"You make it sound like I masturbate on a regular basis..." Tails narrowed her eyes.
"You can't even have vaginal sex, let alone masturbate." said Dr. Quack.  "It'll cause you to tear.  Now I'll see you at the end of the month, young lady.  So until then, think about breaking the news to everyone, including Sonic."
"Do I have to?" Tails moaned. "I can just tell that the reactions are going to do far more damage than Eggman ever could to me."
"You can live without 'blooming the rose', and you'll be better off telling everyone, you can't hide a pregnancy... and hiding it could endanger your lives."
"How's that?"
"Run along, you two.  Let's not keep your friends waiting any longer than they should."
Tails bowed to Dr. Quack and took her leave with a thank you. Tikal however remained a little bit longer.
"I want to know, is there anything that I can do to help Tails?" She asked.
"Keep her from falling over, killing herself, over walking and over flying, and make sure that girl eats healthier." Dr. Quack answered.  "Luckily, she doesn't have UTI."
"That's good, but there's nothing else I could do?" Tikal asked once more. "I'm sorry if I am being paranoid, but I'm just so worried now. Tails isn't ready for motherhood, this I know..."
"Be as supportive as possible, even during her mood swings.  Also, let Tails tell everyone she's pregnant.  It'll take the stress off of her if she does it instead of you or anyone else blurting it out."
"I gave my word I wouldn't tell, and I'm an honest girl. I guess that's why I was chosen to hear it first." Tikal replied. She bowed. "Thank you so much, Doctor. I'll be on my way now." She said, before following Tails.
Dr. Quack shook his head.  It's times like these that I'm glad Tails has friends and people that care about her. He thought.  She's a young pup, but she'll make it with everyone's support.  Hopefully, she won't lose it to the point the other part of Tails doesn't appear.
"Took you long enough." Amy said, as Tails and Tikal walked over. "So, what happened then?"
"I was gi
ven some virginal spray and whip cream." Tails replied.
"So, are you okay on the inside?" asked Cream.
"Well, if I leave my insides alone, I should be fine." Tails replied. "Save for the prescription of course..."
"So, you were saying about some cake shop, Amy?" Tikal questioned.
"We can go wherever, but I need to pick up my things in an hour from here." Tails said.
"No problem. Onto the cake shop." Amy said, marching out of the building.
"I swear she's gonna regret the cake she wants to eat." said Marine.
"Yes, but it'll be funny to watch." Tails replied.
"Hey! It won't do anything bad to me." Amy snapped.
"It won't do you any good either." Tails countered.
Cream and Marine laughed.  Man, I needed this. Cream thought as she wrapped her arms around her stomach during her laughter.
"Are you calling me fat?!" Amy barked.
"No, but in 30 minutes I will." Tails replied.
This response had all of the girls looking at Tails.  "Is there something you want to tell us, luv?" asked Marine.
"I'm well aware of Amy's choice in cakes. She likes the higher calorie types, why are you looking at me like that?" Tails sweat-dropped.
"Well, you do have a point." Cream answered.
"I was just wonderin' if you have something else to say in regards to you being fat." said Marine.
"You misheard me..." Tails said. "Amy asked if I was calling her fat, I said no, but I will be calling her fat in 30 minutes." Tails looked over her shoulder at Tikal who simply shrugged. "Okay, seriously...back up, would you?" Tails said to the rest of the gang.
Marine looked confused.  "Maybe we should take you to Rouge and bring you a cake from the baker?" she offered.
"I'd still like to apologise to Rouge." Tails said.
"That'd be good, we can all apologise, we were pretty nasty to her." Tikal said.
"I know just the cake!" Amy said.
"We want to apologise, not fatten her up, Amy." Tails countered.
After a last few chuckles, the girls moved onto the cake shop, after purchasing a 'special sorry cake' they headed on to Rouges Club.

Meanwhile, in said club, Shadow had cleared it out and the two shared a few sharp ones, but not enough to get either of them tipsy.
"Feeling better now?" Shadow questioned.
"Yeah." Rouge answered.
"Good." Shadow replied. "You wouldn't happen to know the locations of any of the Chaos Emeralds, would you?"
"Fare enough. So other than this previously tragic incident, how are you holding up?"
"A little better.  I'm still worried about Tails though..." and Rouge sighs.  "Poor girl, she was raped by a machine and Sonic seems to be keeping his distance from her.  I really thought those two were close..."
"When the going gets tough, Sonic gets going, as far as I am concerned. Pit him up against 1000 robots and the Doctor, he'll charge in and fight without a care in the world, trying to beat his 'knock down' record. Pit him against a situation he has to learn to deal with forever and he's the biggest coward around." Shadow retorted, taking another drink. "For now, I'll take his place in keeping an eye on Tails, since he's so incompetent."
"I think you need to lighten up on the drinks."
"It's not like they affect me anyway." Shadow replied. "Damn Sonic...Grow up already..." He then finished his drink and pushed the glass aside.
"You have to admit though; Sonic is used to solving problems with his fast feet.  Running won't solve what happened to Tails.  For all we know, he probably feels powerless.  I know I felt powerless having to watch it as I hung from my wrists.  Amy was lucky, but Tails was right next to me."
"Damn it!" Shadow roared, slamming his hands into the table. "Why in the hell didn't we get there faster?!" He gritted his teeth. "It pisses me off!"
"Trust me, I'm glad you guys didn't show up later.  That's not to say that I'm mad for you two not showing up sooner..."
"We could have done better, damn it!" Shadow was pissed.
"That's it, no more drinks for you."
"Fine by me." Shadow said, walking away from the bar. He took out a small sack. "Here, this should cover me and the damages from the other day." He tosses the bag behind him toward Rouge.
"Well, thanks for the help." said Rouge and took the bag.
Shadow then took his leave. As he walked out of the club, he looked up and noticed the group of girls coming over. He walked over to them.
"I hear you girls were a little less than nice." He said. "Not that I care what you do."
"Nice to see you too Shadow." Tails said.
"How are things any..." Shadow then noticed the glowing of the chaos emeralds he had, pulling one out.
"Looks like its hunt time again." He said, putting the emerald away. "Oh, give me permission to take the emerald in your shop." Shadow said to Tails.
"Say please." She grinned coyly.
"Say please." Tails repeated.
"Forget I even bothered. I'll just rip the place open for it." And Shadow walked around the girls.
"So much for him..." Amy snarled.
"Let's just go and see Rouge, no doubt she's here." Tikal said. The girls nodded and walked into Club Rouge.