Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Megamorph ❯ Chapter 10

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Tails was all snuggled up and trying to sleep, after Vanilla had left, she didn't even notice Sonic had come in. Everything was all good until she had a random itch on her leg. She curled up to scratch it and when she stretched out afterwards, she saw Sonic in the corner.
"Oh, heya Sonic. Didn't see you there." She said.
Sonic smiled at the fox.  "Good to see you're all right." he said.
"Been better, been worse." She replied. "I hear you're preparing something special for me. I can't wait to see what it is." Tails grinned coyly.
"Well you'll have to wait and eat properly for that." said Sonic.  "I've been hearing you pulling that anorexic crap as of late."
Tails pouts. "What's that supposed to mean!"
"You've been eating for the girls, then puking your guts out.  Only anorexic basket cases do that, and you need to eat your brain food."
"It's not my fault I was forced a chilli dog." Tails continued to pout.
"Well, at least you're drinking your milk... however, you should stick to the carton instead of the 'big boy cup' until your reflexes sharpen.  You got it all over your chest."
Tails then blushed furiously before lifting her covers up and covering herself completely.
" me..." Tails then gave a nervous laugh. "I'll be careful from now on."
Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Why now of ALL times?! Tails cursed in her mind.
Sonic hands Tails a nearby towel  She really must be worn out from the fight. he thought.  "So, Vanilla tells me you and the girls got pretty banged up.  But you did well on your own."
"I didn't really do anything at all." Tails replied. "Except cower and nearly give up. I would have been taken if Gmerl didn't show up and save me." She lowered her ears sadly.
"No offense Tails, but this isn't one of your hero moments.  And wipe the milk up, huh?"
Tails gives herself a quick clean off and ponders to herself. Should I tell him? She wondered. I...I dunno how he'll take it...Sorry Sonic; I don't have the courage to tell you. " have you been all this time. I felt like you were avoiding me."
"You know me, running around." and Sonic walks over to Marine.  "Her ribs are wrapped up pretty well.  Marine was always a careless girl..."  He then turns back to Tails.  "So Gmerl totalled the robot?  Vanilla said she did that..."
"She did. Marine wasn't careless, she was defending me. She just took some...nastier blows than others." Tails replied. "Vanilla wears Gmerl like armour, I feel kind of silly not coming up with that myself, yet I need to know how Vanilla knew to do that."
Gmerl like armour, what'll they think of next?  "You know Tails, I'm reminded of two things right now."
"Yup.  The first thing is when I saw Amy taking the pill.  She was shocked when I found her birth control by accident, but it was funny to see the greatest malfunction ever.  Do you know what that was?"
", but I'm curious as to what's made you think of this."
"Amy got that weird side effect of the birth control pill.  It's a rare case, but sometimes when girls take birth control, their hormones imbalance and it causes them to lactate."
Tails sweat drops. Oh dear god... She thought. "Oh."
"Seeing milk dribble from her boobs was a highlight of my day that time.  Now the other thing on my mind was when we had our talk when we encountered the Nocturnus before meeting up with Rouge.
"In both cases, you and Amy told me a similar thing.  You told me about 'having to grow up' as a response.  Now is just another one of those instances where you have to grow up."
"Everyone has to grow up, but we all grow in different forms:  You grow by tinkering with G&G; Amy grows by using the pill instead of getting a shot of depo.  Hopefully should you start on birth control, you'll do the depo shot.  No lactating side effect like Amy and you take one every three months."
Listening to this was really beginning to get to Tails, he's telling her ways of contraception, but it's long since too late for her anyway. The tears well up in her eyes and she lies back and lifts the covers over her head, curling up underneath them. "Whether or not I go on birth control is none of your business, Sonic..." Tails said from under the quilt.
"True, but I should mention it since I'm your big bro and all.  Anyway, I grow up by running and losing myself in thought.  It's not that I was avoiding you, and I'm sorry if it appeared that way, but I needed some time to think... and to grow.  Having to forget about the hells you've been through these past weeks... in learning from this beatdown that everyone got, is part of growing up.  You may say you were about to surrender and walk over peacefully, but you were probably just baiting yourself to let your enemy's guard down.  Too often does that happen and actually work.
"The point is, I won't always be able to... 'rescue you guys' so to speak, but it just means that you need time to grow and build on self-reliance.  If not learning how to band with each other and kick some ass." and Sonic chuckled. Tails doesn't reply.
"I'll always support your choices, but you have to take the time to laugh at yourself.  A wise man once said, 'If a person can't learn to laugh at their own misfortune sometimes, you will never be able to heal faster or grow.'  I know I'm teasing you, but at least laugh at yourself sometime."
"Laugh at myself for my own misfortune......" Tails repeats gloomily. ".....Good night, Sonic..."
"Tails, you'll feel better this way.  Trust me."  But those last words weren't heard as Tails fell asleep.  "Cream, Marine, You two girls better look after Tails, she's gonna need you.  I have a feeling there's something she wants to tell me...  But I won't throw her out of context.  Tails isn't talkin', so I won't push her.  She'll let me know in time.  Well, rest up girls, you deserve it."  Sonic takes a chair and has a sit.
This was a hard time for everyone, Tails included.  But this seemed to be only the beginning of Tails' worries.  The good news for her was that she was released on Sunday along with Cream and Rouge was released that evening with a cast and crutches and Marine had to stay until Monday.  The bad news was that time was starting to become a hindrance to the fox.  She is currently two and a half weeks and is currently pudgy.  But at least she's not hurling her guts and eating food.  Tails was now alone in her quarters and looking at herself in the mirror.
"Tails, are you in there?" Tikal called from the door.  "Are you awake or getting ready?"
"I'm awake, but not getting ready yet..." Tails replied. "The door is open."
Tikal walks inside.  "Hey, when are you gonna get ready to go?"
Tails turns to her side looking in the mirror. She narrows her eyes slightly. "I feel fat..."
"That isn't the case."
"Pudgy then, if you didn't know, would you tell I were pregnant from how I look?" Tails asked.
"You've gained a few pounds, and you're eating more, so probably not."
"I'm not taking chances..." Tails said, she then began digging through what things she had. Tikal sweat dropped as she saw all sorts of clothes and other 'female' things flying around. She's becoming more like a woman every single day. Scary... She thought. "Got em!" And Tails began changing into somewhat large clothing. "A pudgy belly calls for pudgy clothes!"
"So you went 'plus size' shopping?"
"Maaaybe..." Tails dragged. "I took precautions, there are still some who don't know and I don't want them guessing."
"You can't keep this up forever, Tails.  And besides, you shouldn't be stressing like this since you've just come out of the hospital on Sunday."
"I know but...." And Tails sighs, looking at Tikal. "This isn't as easy as you think it is. I can't just go up to Sonic all willy-nilly going, 'Hey Sonic, how are things, oh by the way, I'm pregnant, chances of that huh?'" Unfortunately for Tails, Knuckles had walked into hearing distance of that.
"Early morning comedy isn't your forté, Tails." Knuckles said and stood in front of the door.
Tikal shook her head.  "Knuckles, wait away from the door, will you?" asked Tikal.
"Sure, how come?"
Tails saw Tikal leave her quarters, heard a whisping sound, then Tikal walked back in.  "Get dressed, we'll be having breakfast in a few minutes." said Tikal.
"Uh...sure." Tails said, she then scurried around and continued to change into her oversized clothing. Despite the fact she believed she'd look ridiculous, the clothes didn't look all that bad, they wouldn't rise too much suspicion and she actually looked quite good.
Tikal left the room.  Tails, you better muster up courage and let this out of the bag, because there may come a time where I can't wipe someone's mind or someone will leave that stupid memory hat of Marine's at home. she thought.
"What's going on, how is Tails doing?" asked Knuckles.
She is waiting for us to finish making breakfast." Tikal answered.
"So, what do you girls have planned for today?  I hope it's nothing too exhausting." Knuckles opened the conversation. Tails just ate her food, not replying to the question, hoping Tikal would do so.
"Not sure... we'll probably take things slow." Tikal answered.
"You better, the last thing we need is Tails going back to the hospital outside of getting her prescriptions."
"I'll be careful." Tails replied. "We could meet up with some of the other girls. Here, found this the other day. I forgot all about it till I came about it in my room." And Tails throws a small leaflet of some sort onto the table to Tikal. "It starts later this afternoon I think."
Tikal looked at the leaf.  "A fashion show?" she questioned.
"That sounds interesting." said Knuckles.
"You wanna go to someone else's fashion show, but you don't wanna model in mine?"
"I was asked?" Tails questioned, tilting her head.
"I knew she forgot about that fashion show idea."
"She did pass out after that ordeal with Madness, so let it go." said Knuckles.
"More information please." Tails said. "All I remember is you trying to convince tiny-titties to model for you. I don't recall a fashion show..."
"Modelling usually requires a show...  Oh forget it.  Let's go see if Rouge is willing to come.  She said that she'd stay aboard the Ocean Tornado until the club is back to normal."
"And if I were to say I was interested, then what?"
"Interested in modelling?"
"Why not? It's a much better idea than being dragged over here to be forced into watching a porn stash." Tails replied.
"Knuckles?!" Tikal yelled.
"What, it was only Booty and the Beast." said Knuckles.
"What do you mean only!?" Tails questioned. "You showed off several quite disturbing pieces of material." Tails then coughed. "And being the only non-erect person in the room was extremely uncomfortable, for reasons you might understand at this point."
"Non-erect in the crowd, but not in the bathroom." Knuckles shot back.  "You had no problems when we saw Tikal's porno."
"You think I went to the bathroom to get off? Boy do you have it wrong, I was too busy puking up that cream soda, I don't even wanna remember that...And Tikal...what the hell?" Tails replied. "Rouge I can expect, but you took me completely off guard, that was some disturbing stuff."
"We should just let things go now about porn." said Tikal.  "I want to go check on Cream too before we hit up this fashion show."
"Yeah, sure." Tails replied. She shifted her body and felt a cold sensation in her chest. "Um, can you excuse me a moment?" She asked.
"Go ahead, but no throwing up." said Knuckles.  "Sonic told me about that anorexic diet of yours."
"I just need a 'leek', Knuckles..." And Tails left the table and headed to her room, she went in, picked up Rouge's 'non-miracle cure' and snuck it to the bathroom.
Back at the table, it had passed way too long a time for Tails to simply be using the loo.
"Uhh...What's Tails doing? It doesn't take me this long to piss, and I know you don't take that long either." Knuckles asked.
"Well, your insides weren't torn by a robotic tentacle." said Tikal.  "Besides, she has to probably administer that one prescription drug down there."
"Hm, point taken." Knuckles said as he took a large bite of his food.
Tikal knocks on the door of the throne.  "Dealing with your meds in there?" she asked. The door opens and Tails comes out with a container of milk.
"Sort of..." She said. "I need to change tops."
Tikal looks at Tails' chest.  "Still hiding the rack too."
"Would you like everyone to look at you every time your nipples lactated? Oh wait, you don't have any." Tails replied.
"You may want to use a better choice of words, Tails."
"Why? Did I cause offence?" Tails then lowered her ears. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."
Tikal began to whisper into Tails' ear.  "We don't have Marine's memory machine here and I can only wipe Knuckle's mind one more time.  So unless you plan on letting him in on things before we leave... use better words."
"Oh...I see..." Tails said. "But you see my point, no?"
"Milk patches do lactate."
"Echidnas have milk patches instead of nipples."
"Hey, hurry it up, I have to use the can!" Knuckles yelled.
"Let's get you 'harvesting' in your quarters." said Tikal.
"I emptied." Tails said. "But, I should store this out of sight."
"That's both of them?"
"Believe it or not." Tails holds another container, fill to the brim. "Oh, and this one..."
"Let's go." and the girls leave from the bathroom.  "Can's free, Knuckles!"
"Thank god." Knuckles said and hits the can.
Tikal and Tails relocate to her room and Tails puts the containers safely out of view. "Oh, don't let Rouge know of these. She still weirded me out when she told me to save her two cups of it..." Tails said to Tikal.
"Save me a container, I can cook with it." Tikal joked.
Tails looked over her shoulder. "Please tell me you're joking..."
"On the cooking part, yes.  But I would like to examine it."
Tails takes a container over to Tikal. "Suit yourself. It's not like it's going to do anything but be thrown away anyway." Tails passes Tikal the milk. "Why is everyone so keen to get this?"
"Not sure about Rouge, but I want to examine it.  Also, save some for Dr. Quack to look at." and Tikal put her portion of Tails' milk away.  "And you shouldn't toss your milk out, you can always freeze it."
"And if Knuckles happened to check the freezer?"
"Not my freezer, he can't access it."
"Oh, well in that case..." Tails walks over to her bed and pulls a box holding about 7 or 8 containers. "This is what I've 'stored' so far that should still be good."
Damn, I didn't think Tails could produce so much. Tikal sweat drops.  "When did that leave your body?"
"Over the past 4 days...The rest went bad, so I flushed it."
"You must've done some serious pumping in the hospital.  How did you hide it from Cream and Marine?"
"I don't like it to be referred to as that...that sounds weird and in all fairness, Lavender has more uses than just flying around and looking cute. I had her returned to the lab to pick up another storage system which is just another of her 'bodies'." Tails replied. "That, and I did it during 'nap time'."
"Thank goodness she isn't here..."
"Who? Lavender?"
"What's wrong with Lavender?"
"Aside from being a way of finding your location... nothing.  So one day of hospital action and the rest here..." Tikal looked at the previous jars and it took her aback.  "Whoa, none of this is good, might as well dispose of it."
"Oh well."
"Lemme know when you have a 'bust moment' from now on."
"Why? Are you making a collection?"
"Well, I am the oldest of the crew."
"No, it'll give me a chance to make an alibi for you in case you attract some unwanted attention."
"Oh, gotcha." Tails replied. "You know, despite the fact you were the last to know of my gender, you've been a great help with this whole...other issue...and I thank you for that."
"It's got nothing to do with age." Tails replied.
"So, are you ready to grab the other girls?"
"One second." And Tails changes her top clothing. "Now I am."
"Okay Knuckles, we're out of here.  Have fun!"
Only disturbing noises of grunting can be heard, so the girls just leave. "I guess he's having trouble..." Tails uttered.
"Everyone needs to shit."
"Indeed." Tails said. "Let's go."
Tails and Tikal walk through the busy streets of Station Square. "Sooo, Cream's first?" Tails asked.
"Yup, then we'll grab Amy." Tikal answered.
"Why don't I just call Amy and have her meet us there?" Tails asked.
"You can make some calls too when we're at Cream's."
Tails takes a mobile and speed dials Amy. She places the phone on her ear and waits, but she just went into answer phone and hung up. "Odd..."
"What happened?"
"No answer...Amy always answers..."
"Is she busy?"
"Probably. She must be tied to a tree to keep her away from her phone." Tails replied. Tikal laughs. "How do you think I got her number in the first place? I only got it because she gave it to Sonic so they could 'always be together even when apart.' However, he just had me install a tracking device to the number so that he would know where she is at all times." Tails explained.
"Wow, Sonic has anti-Amy security on his phone... too bad he doesn't keep his phone on him."
Tails pulls Sonics' phone from her pocket. "Tell me about it. He got sick of her phoning." Tikal shook her head.  Wow, that is a real shame...
"Oh well." Tails said. She takes the collar of her jumper and shirt and pulls it forward, looking down at her stomach. "Pudgy..."
"Still think it's not going to work?"
"Your growing baby."
"I am very scared and fragile at the moment..."
"Well, let's do our thing." said Tikal as the girls reach the door and gives three raps.
They were surprised to find it was Amy who answered.
"Oh, hello girls." She said.
"Where's Cream?" asked Tikal.
"In the living room watching television." Amy replied. "Come on in, Vanilla went out for the day and asked me to look after Cream."
"Let's do something fun." said Tikal.  "Tails informed me of a fashion show happening later today."
"Oooh, interesting." Amy said. The girls entered the house and closed the door and walked into the front room. "Hey Cream, wanna go see a fashion show?" Amy asked the young doe.
"A fashion show, why not?" Cream replied.
"Anyone else wanna opt in for Tikal's fashion show also?" Tails joked.
"Don't look at me, Mom won't let me model." Cream answered.
"Hmmm...." Tails pondered. "I'll see if I can sway her opinion."
"Anyway, let's get Blaze, Rouge and Marine in on this fashion show deal." said Tikal.  "We need another girl's day out."
"Sounds like a plan." Amy said.
"So long as it doesn't turn into another 'let's dress up Tails' day, I'm fine." Tails replied.
"We'll save that for another day." said Tikal.
"I don't know if that's a consolation or not."
"Well, let's get going then, I'll grab my keys and we can hit it." said Cream.
So the girls grab up stuff and head on over to the City Docks, with medial chatter on the way.
"So, Cream. How's your neck doing?" Tails asked.
"Still sore, but otherwise fine." Cream answered.  "I can't wait to take this accursed brace off though."
"Time heals most wounds."
"Let's see if time has healed some broken bones." said Tikal.
"Time heals all wounds." Amy corrected.
"What?" Tails questioned.
"The saying goes 'Time heals all wounds.'"
"Not mine...It's just making it bigger..." Tails replied poking her belly a bit.
Tikal shook her head.  There she goes giving herself away again. she thought.
Amy walks up next to Tikal and whispers to her.
"Tails probably won't say so I'll ask you, but how's her gut doing now?"
"Her gut isn't the problem, Amy." Tikal whispered back.  "At least she's using her prescriptions, so things seem to be fine."
"That's good."
"Wonder how Marine is doing." Tails pondered.
"Yeah, she got pretty messed up in the fight." added Tikal. Tails lowers her ears slightly.
"Don't you start doing more of 'that's my fault' crap, Tails." Amy said to her.
The girls managed to find the Ocean Tornado and board the vessel.  "Man, look at this ship.  It's pretty grand." said Tikal.
"Yeah." Amy added. "Wonder if the girls are here."
Blaze suddenly walks out and notices the company.  "This is...unexpected." she said.
"Is it wrong to come see you here?" Tails asked.
"No, not at all, I enjoy the company."
"Good, we're gonna go to a Fashion show, and we want you and Marine to come with us." Amy said.
"Fashion show, what about me?" in comes Rouge.  The versatile bat flew down before them, landing crutches first.  "Some nerve forgetting about me.  I need a bit of cheering up too."
"Actually, we were gonna hit you up next." Tails replied.
"What a nice view.  I know it's just the docks, but this feels incredible." said Cream.
"Tails really knows how to build things from scratch, huh?" asked Rouge.
"You built this from scratch?" Cream was rather impressed.
"Uh huh, after Sonic and Blaze collected certain materials, it wasn't too hard to do." Tails replied.
"Maybe I can bring you some stuff and you can build a ship for me." said Tikal.
"Not anytime soon." Tails replied.
"No, later."
"Anyway, back to that fashion show.  I want in on going." Rouge said.
"All are welcome." Tails said. "Where's Marine anyway?"
"In the captain's room, Tails." Blaze answered.  "Go ahead and visit her, maybe you can cheer her up."
"She's not as energetic as usual?" asked Cream.
"No.  Marine's borderline gloomy."
"You act like that's a bad thing." Rouge joked.
"That last time I broke her feelings, she ran away and got into trouble.  So I would like to avoid that now, especially in her condition."
Tails leaves the group and heads inside on her own. After getting to the captains room, she knocked on the door.
"Crewmate Tails reporting for duty!" she called to Marine. No real response was heard, but the fox managed to catch a few mumbles. “Marine?”
This caught the other girls' attention.  "I better go for a swim." offered Blaze.
"Huh? Why?" Amy questioned.
"Not sure, just a gut feeling."
"Tails, just go in the room." said Tikal.
She better not have jumped out of the window. thought Blaze.
Tails shrugs and opens the door slowly, letting herself in. "Hello? Captain Marine?" She asked as she walked in. Marine was standing there, looking out the window of her quarters.  She wasn't wearing her green tube top, but her taped bandages covered her upper body and there was no response from the raccoon. Tails ponders the situation for a moment. "Marine? Are you okay?"
Marine sighed.  "You know, it's rude to enter the captain's quarters without permission." she finally replied.
"Indeed, but neither me nor Sonic were that good at keeping to routine orders." Tails replied. "And I'd rather have a response like that than none at all."
"I guess I have been sailing without a map.  Close the door, please?"
Tails does as ordered and closes the door. "What do you mean?"
"I feel bad, not being able to protect you.  A captain's job is to make sure that her crew should never feel so much danger.  Blaze said that it couldn't be helped, but I guess I can't go without feeling bummed out."
"At least you did some good, Marine." Tails replied. "I mean, what did I do to defend myself? Nothing."
"Perhaps, but I saw otherwise.  Sure, you weren't at your best then, but you did make sure Omega was taken care of.  You protected him, mate.  Now Omega may not have a grateful sense in his processors, or memory banks, but you did defend someone."
"And you protected me. You did a lot more for me than I did for Omega."
"And whose gadgets made sure people got aid long enough to get to the hospital for important medical attention?"
"Who kept a robot long enough from taking me away so that Vanilla could come and total it? Who defended me in the back whilst I did nothing but cower? Who was the one who took weapon in hand and was the first to go after Omega to battle?" Tails countered. "As much as you won't admit it, you did more than you give yourself credit." Tails continued. "So I pre-built a med-bot repair system when I was bored and happened to launch it. And perhaps I did delay Madness from killing Cream long enough for Shadow to appear. But compared to you, I did virtually nothing." Marine snickered, then burst into laughter. Tails tilts her head. "Did I say something funny?"
"That's too funny.  'As much as you won't admit it, you did more than you give yourself credit.'  It's true, mate.  But I wasn't the only one that can describe to that line."  Marine walked over to Tails, then began to kiss the fox as she wrapped her arms over Tails' shoulders. Tails took great surprise to this, not sure quite how to respond, though she did place her hands on Marine's sides.
This kiss lasted five minutes before finally breaking away.
"Wow...that was....unexpected." Tails said, still not sure quite what happened. This is almost as awkward as Cream's request... She thought.
"What's wrong, don't like gratitude?" asked Marine.
"I do. I just didn't see it coming." Tails scratched her head. "But why do I get gratitude?"
"Because of what you said, or did you forget already?"
"Only speaking the truth, Marine."
"For both of us.  Give yourself more credit than just 'I didn't do anything' Tails.  You did what you could, so smile from it... even if you did get a lot of misfortunes from it."
"That sounds a lot like what Sonic was telling me a while back..."
"I see... by the way, I don't want to overdo these ribs, so I can't go to that fashion show.  But that doesn't mean you can't take Blaze with you.  Go get some R&R and bring me back a nice purse.  Captains orders."
"Are you sure?" Tails asked.
"What is this, a mutiny?"
Tails took that a little badly, which was clear on her face. "Okay, well...any colour in particular?"
"Nope, but do enjoy yourself for a change.  I'm tired of seeing you all mopey."
"Okay." Tails replied. She turns and heads to the door, she gives a glance over her shoulder. "Rest well, Marine, see you later." And she left the room, heading back to the others.
"So, what's the verdict?" asked Cream.
"Marines not coming. She doesn't want to overwork her ribs, so she's staying behind, but she was slightly unhappy before I went in. I think she's cheered up a little." Tails replied.
"Well, I guess I don't have to jump in the water now." said Blaze.
"Hopefully not."
"Well, I think I will leave you to your fashion show."
"Oh no you don't, Blaze." Rouge said.  "You're coming with us."
"What, no.  Someone has to look after Marine."
"Marine's fine... and you need ideas on a wardrobe."
Tails lifts her sleeve and plays with her watch momentarily. "Marine said you're fine to come, Blaze." She said.
"Shall we go then?" Amy asked. Tails stops playing with her watch and nods.
"I'm ready."
"And I have Blaze, so let's get to that fashion show." said Tikal.
"No, I don't wanna go..." Blaze groaned.
"Stop fussing, this is for Tails, not you."
"Fine... if it's for Tails..."
The girls then leave the boat and leave the docks. They hear a bang behind them and turn to see a pod parachuting into the boat.
"Tails...did you..?" Amy began.
"I sent Lavender, yes." Tails replied.
"You really can't take the lab from this fox." said Rouge.
"Apparently not." said Cream.
"Why would you want to?" Tails questioned.
Because you're under doctor's order on 'No lab work' young pup." Tikal scolded Tails.
Tails placed her hands behind her head. "I haven't done anything but set a location and remotely had my lab fire pods. It's not like I'm doing any serious lab work or anything that can be considered lab work. I haven't picked up a wrench in weeks."
"Well, this will save us time." said Cream.
"Let it go, Tails needs to return to the groove and this is how." said Rouge.  "Let's get aboard on into fashion already."
So the girls continue on to where the show is being held. Once there, they saw all other festivities going on.
"Look at all the shops." Tails said.
"Ready for another day of shopping, are you?" Tikal asked and nudged the side of the fox.
"Why the hell have I become so feminine all of a sudden..." Tails uttered. "I never cared for shopping when pretending to be a boy..."
"There you go again with your words."
"What do you mean?"
"Ready to come out of the closet?"
"It's not like anyone heard me."
"We'll let Tails decide." said Blaze.
"Why me?" Tails questioned.
"Why not you?"
"And Tails takes a bat and knocks that comment right back at Blaze." Tails narrated.
"We can always dress you up in stuff you won't like again."
"Keep it to stuff that doesn't suck and I'm not fussed, but continue with that little threat and I'm taking off." Tails narrowed her eyes.
"Aw... look at you." and Blaze giggled for a change.  "Now pick a place so we don't have you dragged off like normal." Tails points to a random shop.
Tikal looked at where her finger pointed.  "Kinky Panty?  I didn't know you were into that sort of deal." said Tikal.
"That reminds me, I need to get some more whips... to interrogate people." said Rouge.
"And random pointing betrays me again." Tails sighs. "Oh well."
"I gave you a chance, but you had to pick the bondage shop." said Blaze.  "Come on, girls.  Foxy wants dominatrix."
Tails looks to the shop next door. "Oh god damn it!" She yelled.
"Something the matter?" asked Rouge.
"If I had pointed just a little more to the right, I would have been in heaven." She said.
"But you wanted to go to hell first.  Into Kinky Panty."
"Um... you go on ahead without me." said Cream disdainfully.  "I'm not into whips, rope, plastic boots and masochism."
"This is about Tails, not you Cream." said Tikal.  "Show some support, even if it isn't your style."
Cream sighed.  "Fine, but just this once."
"In all honesty, I'm no more comfortable than you are, Cream. Something tells me that's a little late now." Tails said to her.
Cream had no reply.  "Don't worry, I'll teach you how to work a whip." said Rouge.
As the crew approach the shop, Tails is knocked down by someone leaving the shop.
"Oowww..." Tails moaned rubbing her butt.
"Tails?" The person spoke. Tails looked up at the bird.
Oh shit... "Of all people to see here, but you? Isn't this place a little girly for you? Never thought you were the gay boy."
"Oh, Shut up Wave, why don'
t you go lay an egg somewhere?" Tails retorted.
"Now this is a real surprise." said Rouge.  "I didn't think a Babylon Rogue would be in a place like this."
"I thought I'd have a look around, seeing this gay foxes true colours is the highlight of the day though. So who's the unlucky male to have you stalking them, hm?" Wave asked Tails. Tails stood up.
"I'm out of here..." And Tails walked away.
"Can't face the truth much, huh, Tails? The fact you're walking away only proves you like spooning. But what are you? The big spoon or little spoon?" Wave mocked, and then laughed. Tails stopped walking.
"You know what I think.  I think you're mad because you have two dickless birds and neither of them is 'ruffling your feathers' so to speak." said Cream.  "And just so you know, Tails is with me... we're just trying something new." Cream's tone turned embarrassed.  "I'm not really into the whole kinky deal... but it's like the saying 'Don't knock it until you try it yourself.'  That and I lost a bet."
"Lost a bet? Guess that's your fault for going beyond your own limits. Just so you know, Jet and I have a very solid relationship. And you're trying something 'different'? I always heard rabbits were natural born whores though." Wave mocked Cream.
"Okay, that's it..." And Tails ran up to Wave
, pushed her into the wall and stared at her angrily.
"First of
f, at least Cream and I have something decent going for us unlike you and your so called great relationship with Jet, I know for a fact that unless he's cheating on you, he's screwing some swan. Then again, anyone would rather fuck a Swan than have you Swallow." Tails retorted. After some silence, Wave violently pushed Tails into a stall outside the shop, causing all the clothes and other objects to fall on top of her. Wave dusts herself off.
"Silly little fox said a bit too much than he can chew." She said. "How does the ground feel?"
The girls went to her aid, but Rouge decided to get in Wave's grill.  "There better be an apology coming out of you." said Rouge with an irate tone.
"And if there's not?" Wave challenged. "What's a bat with crutches going to do? Limp me to death?"
"Why don't you say that to a certain black hedgehog who's right behind you."
"Like I'm going to fall for that 'look behind you' trick." Wave laughed.
"Perhaps you might want to give her the benefit of the doubt."
Thus Wave stopped laughing and began to sweat. "Heh...hehe..." Fuck...
Rouge moved away from Wave and Shadow.  "Babylon tech has nothing on me." Shadow told the swallow.  "Now let's get an apology... and hope and pray you're sincere enough to be forgiven.  Especially since you threw the first stone.  I'm not in the mood at the moment, and kicking your sorry cloacae will help me safely deal with some pent up frustration."
Wave then looked at Tails who was helped to her feet. No way am I sucking up to that fox. "Tails. I'm sorry...that I didn't push you over sooner." Wave said, walking away.
"Stuck up ass bird." and Shadow began to glow an angry red.
"Let the drama queen walk off." said Rouge.
"You okay, Tails?" asked Tikal.
"I actually feel quite dizzy..." Tails replied.
"Get some water for Tails."
"Right." said Rouge.
Wait a minute, where's Cream? wondered Blaze.
Suddenly, Rouge heard faint ricochet sounds with her ears, followed by Wave falling to the ground.  Then came a slamming noise to her ears as she stayed with Tails.  "Well, rest assured that Wave got hers." she told Tails.
Blaze came back with a bottle of water.  "Here you go, drink this." she said and handed Tails the drink.
"Thanks..." Tails said as she took the drink and drank it, sat on a box. "I'm not going in that shop now..."
Amy and Cream rejoin the girls.  "Nice handiwork, girls." Rouge said only to them.
handiwork?" asked Cream.
Why were you going into such a shop anyway?" Shadow asked.
"I wanted to get a special tool, just for you Shadow." Tails replied. This caused Shadow to go red, but scowl, so whether he blushed or got angry was unknown.
"We can continue when you're ready." said Tikal.
"I'm not going in there." Tails replied.
"We'll wait, then try somewhere else."
"Without randomly pointing this time." Rouge
"Well, I better get going." said Shadow and warped out of sight.
Amy walks over to Rouge and whispers. "Okay, Tails definitely has some effect on Shadow."
"Mmmm hmmm." Rouge agreed.
"Should we give them a little nudge?"
"Nah... Cream has her eyes set on Tails still."
"Hmm, true." Amy thought for a moment. "Would still be funny if we sent them letters from each other, just for reaction purposes."
"I'm gonna leave that one alone."
"I guess I am on my own then." Amy said.
"I feel better now." Tails said.
"Well, let's get going then." said Tikal.
"Where to?"
"Let's go check out the area of the show." said Cream.
"Sounds good to me." Tails said.
The girls head to the runway and find good spots.  "Look at how close to the catwalk we are...  Nice eyes, Rouge." said Tikal.
"Well, they helped too." said Rouge.
"Hey, some of the contestants are helping with th-....." And Tails came to a halt as she saw one of the contestants.
"Is something the matter?" asked Tikal.
"Vanilla..." Tails pointed.
"What?" and the girls looked. It was true, there was Vanilla talking with someone else on the stage, almost nearly out of sight.
"I guess Mom models in her spare time." said Cream with a sweat drop.
"Too bad Marine had to miss this." said Blaze.
Tails takes out her phone and sets the video recorder. "Cream, I think I might have found a way to convince Vanilla otherwise about letting you model." She said.
"Let's look who else is here."
"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I trust you are all doing well." the girls heard the MC.  "Normally, we'd be starting in about twenty-five minutes, but the anticipation is truly murder."  Bystanders and clients laugh at this.
"Show's gonna start early." said Rouge.
"Indeed." Tails said.
"Shamefully, one of the contestants had to drop out due to a nasty fall, but you know what they say, hard life. We still have 32 other contestants all dying to show off for you." The MC continued.
"Well, let's see what's up." said Blaze.
"So without further ado, let's display the clothing line called SWEET."  and with that said, the lights dimmed and the music began to play.
Tails opened the leaflet and saw contestant names, she got 5 names down and laughed. "Boohoo Wave." She said, before closing the leaflet and pocketing it.
"Yeah, serves her right." said Rouge.
"With a breast like hers, she probably wouldn't look good anyway." said Tikal.
The music was starting to take its effect as the first model went down the runway.
S is for sexy
W's for woman
E is for exciting
E is for enticing
T's for tantalizing
What does it spell?  SWEET!
Each of the girls had their fair say on the models.  Some of the say was positive, some was negative, some was marginal and some... didn't need an opinion.
"Soda, who wants a Soda! Get your Soda's here!" Said a passing by drinks salesman trying to make profit.
So the girls get some soda and continue watching. More of the models came out to strut and the girls said their piece on them.
"Anyone have any standout favourites yet?" asked Rouge.
"Not yet." Tails replied. "Some have been pretty awful though."
"I thought that last one looked pretty." Amy said.
"One was okay, but no favourites." Tikal answered.
"Ditto that." said Cream.
"I wanna see what Vanilla comes out in." said Blaze.
"Me too." said Rouge.
More models came out to show their wares, including this one girl that was a plus sized model.
"Wow, that girl looks like she would make a good date for Big." said Cream.
"Which is disturbing." Tails added.
"She looks like she wants to fish." said Cream.
"Which, also, is disturbing..."
"Not as disturbing as picturing her baiting Big's worm." said Rouge.
"Okay, TMI T-M fucking I!" Tails barked.
Finally, Vanilla came out and showed her stuff in a red satin dress that fit her curves.
"I actually like that." said Blaze.
"Too bad red doesn't do either of you justice." said Rouge.
"Would have looked better in blue." Tails said. She took her phone and took pictures of Vanilla.
"She needs more cleavage." Tikal pointed out.
"Uh huh." Tails replied, as she began drinking her soda. Vanilla left the stage and the next contestant came on, catching Tails eye, causing the poor fox to choke on her drink, then cough violently.
"Hey, are you okay?" Tikal asked in concern. Cream pat Tails on the back till she was a little better.
"What the hell! Bernie?!" Tails spat out. On stage was Bernadette in a gorgeous, classic blue satin prom dress with a bustier styled bodice. The floor length dress is diagonally pleated under the bust line, flowing into a layered full skirt. The detail perfectly enhanced the bust and waist area. To add detail the dress is embroidered and beaded on the bust, the embroidery flows down the layer of the skirt and through to the hemline. The dress is completed with matching choker.
Rouge was shocked.  "You know that woman, Tails?" she asked.
"Yes I do. That's Sonics' mother." Tails replied.
"That's Sonics' mom!?" asked Rouge, Blaze and Tikal.
"Without a doubt."
Sonics' mom has good taste. thought Cream.
"Of all people..." Tails rubbed her head. And to add to her surprise, the next contestant after Bernie was... "Sally is here as well?"
If Sally's mother comes out next, I'm gonna be ready to leave. thought Rouge.
Luckily, no other familiar faces appeared after Sally and Tails was still trying to calm after seeing Bernie. The first clothes had been shown and finished.
"Well, that was a definite shocker." said Blaze.
"Tell me about it..." Amy said. "I was completely speechless. If Sonic saw Sally's dress, I'd have competition."
"You make it sound like you
don't have competition already..." Tails countered.
Okay everyone, let's see SWEET's display of swimwear." said the MC.
"I hope they have something that'll cover up what's her face." said Tikal.
"What's her face?" Amy questioned.
"You mean the Big Girlfriend wannabe?" Tails added.
"Yeah." Tikal answered.
"Here they come." said Cream.
This time around, the models had a different order and Vanilla was the third one listed to walk.  However, that didn't happen.  Once again, the girls gave their say on the models in their swimsuits and such.
"Stripes are so no go..." Tails said. "You're supposed to look 'sexy' not 'imprisoned.'" Tails commented at a random suit.
Pools in a cell block, nice one. thought Rouge.
"Hey, that one's thread is held together with gems, that's your kind of thing, isn't it, Rouge?" Amy asked.
"Gems are." Rouge answered.  "But my chest would murder that one."
"Just like that one time?" joked Cream.
"At least I'm not afraid to wear a bikini."
"That one has a small bust line, shame her chest doesn't do it justice..." Tails commented to the next one.
"This coming from the one who hides." Tikal joked.
"Don't go there..."
"See, now that one I like." Tikal pointed at the next model.  Her swimsuit was blue and the front wrapped around the neck, the fabric covered the breasts and down to the swim bottom.  When she left, the girls saw a horizontal strap across the model's back.
"Interesting." Amy commented.
"When is Vanilla showing up?" Tails asked.
Vanilla didn't walk out next, but Sonics' mom did.  That doesn't look good on her. Blaze thought.
Tails covered her eyes. "Oh dear god, Sonic, I hope you're not seeing this..." She said.
And apparently, spectators shared the girl's opinions.  They spoke upon themselves on how Bernie looked to them.  Some liked it and some did not.
"It's like marmite; you either love it or hate it, no in between." Amy said.
Things got worse with the plus sized model came out.  The music stopped and people even covered their eyes.  "Wow, if she's coming out, put her back in." Rouge thought aloud.
This caused others to laugh and had the model pissed off. 
"You crutch holding bitch, I look good." she shot at Rouge.
"No, you look like the blob in a bikini.  That's a tragedy!" said Rouge and the clients agreed.
"Where are the zoo keepers with their sticks, shove her in a cage, do anything just get her out of my view. My eyes, they are tarnished and ruined with every passing moment." Tails pleaded.
"You think you would look better in here, let's see what you look like." said the model.
Rouge managed to get on the stage.  "Now I may be in a cast, but I'm sure the people would rather see me in that bikini than you." she said and the crowd whistled their approval.
"Fuck you, bitch." and the plus sized model stormed off of the stage.
Tikal helped Rouge off the stage and the show continued.  And at the end of things, Vanilla came out in her swimsuit.  And it was... revealing to say the least, making the adult doe blush as she walked.  Sure she was getting whistled at in approval, but...
"Damn, that's swimwear?" asked Rouge.
"Tails, you're getting this on camera, right?" asked Cream.
"Every juicy second of it. This could be used as blackmail for several months....not that I would, mind you." Tails said as she recorded on her phone. Amy was just there gobsmacked.
I never thought I'd see Vanilla wear something like this. thought Blaze.  You wouldn't catch me dead or alive in that.
"Looks like I'm taking that suit back now that Vanilla's stolen my thunder..." Amy muttered. "Damn."
"Say something Amy?" Tails asked.
"Me? No, nothing."
"That had to be embarrassing." said Tikal.  "Either that, or Vanilla's looking to land you a new dad, Cream." and Tikal stuck out her tongue.
"That's if he can survive the trials." Tails said as Vanilla left stage. "Got and save!"
"Okay everyone." said the MC.  "I've just been informed by security that we will be wrapping up our show early.  So before we go, it's time to introduce our mistress of ceremonies herself.  The promoter and designer of SWEET, give it up for... Ms. Honey!"
"Oh you are joking..." Tails sweat dropped.
"Honey? Wasn't she the cat who got randomly kicked off the tournament list a while back?" Amy asked.
"Yes, for reasons unknown..."
"Who?" asked Rouge.
"If it's who I think it is, Honey the Cat was supposed to enter a fighting tournament a while back, however, she was removed from the list unexpectedly." Tails explained.
"Is that so?" asked Blaze.
"Yup." Amy confirmed. And out she came, To Amy and Tails amazement, there she was.  Honey the Cat and wearing her original red plastic fairy dress to boot. "And she hasn't changed a bit."
"Wow, that's an interesting outfit she has on." said Tikal.
Honey walked the catwalk like a pro model.  She waved to the people as the cameras flashed at her and looked at the crowd.  It was at that moment when Tails was spotted in her brown eyes, making her stop her walk.  "Hold it, cut the music!" she exclaimed.  The music then stopped and all attention was on Honey.  "You," she pointed at Tails, "get up here; I wanna have a look at you."
Tails sweat dropped. "What interest would you have in me?" Tails asked.
"Plenty, now come on up."
Tails looked back and forth amongst the girls, shrugged and stood. With a spin of her tails, she flew up onto the stage, getting cheers as the city's known saviour. She looks at Honey.
"What can I help you with?"
"Isn't this a little weird?" Amy asked the other girls.
"Who knows." said Tikal.
"Well, well, if it isn't Tails." Honey began as she circled the fox.  "Look at you, still in all your glory as usual, hero."
"I'm glad you noticed." said Tails.
"I notice a lot.  And as I look at you, I have noticed something very... interesting to say the least."
"Well, I needed to come out of the lab."
"No, not that.  You Tails... you're a girl!"
Everyone gasped at this announcement, but the girls weren't as ecstatic.  "What'll we do?" whispered Rouge.
"I don't know." Blaze whispered.
"This isn't going to bode well..." Amy added.
"I can't wipe all these memories either." Tikal added.
"What are you talking about, Everyone knows I'm a guy." Tails said.
"You're a girl and I can prove it." said Honey.
"You can do no such thing."
"Believe me, I can prove you're female:  Your bangs have a bit of volume to them, a refined volume to boot.  Your whole do is like that; your stance gives you away as well.  Not exactly Tails posturing, but marginal for a tomboy like yourself; your hips are a bit wide... and I can tell that from the baggy clothing you're wearing."
"You can?"
"Oh hell yeah.
"Next is your tail.  Notice that I used the single vernacular instead of the plural one, people.  The tail is too bushy, too much volume from it; you also had your tail surgically split in half, sewed up and filled with silicone.  You heal from the scars pretty well and the silicone implants really look genuine; for a girl that looks like Tails, you really have one hell of a cosmetic surgeon."
Hearing this, Rouge and the girls silently sighed in relief.  Man, that was too close. Thought Rouge.
"Everyone, I want all of you to know that this isn't your hero Tails, nor is this girl an imposter, she is obviously part of that Tails fan club I've heard about." Honey continued.  "Then there are two matters that I also know.  The first is the Teflon that you used to wrap around your chest to make yourself look flat."
"Guilty." said Tails as her ears drooped down.
"And the other thing I've noticed... is that you smell like milk."
Tikal's eyes widened. Oh shit on a brick...She thought.
The last part that was said by Honey brought gasps to the whole crowd.  "Now when a girl smells like milk it means only one of two things..." Honey noted.  "Either you bathe in milk to keep your skin healthy... which is something women do..."
Cream passed Marine's memory hat to Tikal without Amy noticing.  "Well, a milk bath is healthy." said Tails.
"It is, but not the case here.  When a girl smells like milk and wears this type of clothing, it only means one thing." Tikal used a hold to knock Amy out, making her pass out before Honey gives off the other reason.
Memory wipe made easy. Thought Cream as Tikal slipped the hat on Amy.
"You're pregnant." and the crowd gasped again. Rouge looked over to Amy and saw she had the memory wiping hat on her passed out frame.  Tails felt so much shame that she simply hung her head.
"So young Tails fan, first off... bring that head up.  A mother should never feel shame about being pregnant unless she's in an abusive environment." Honey said.  "You aren't in an abusive environment, are you?"
"No, I'm very loved." Tails answered.
"I see, I guess the Tails fan is just sad that I found her out.  Now, how about you tell me your name."

"My... name?" asked a sad and confused Tails.
"That's right, tell me your name." Honey's tone was more calm.
"I'm... I'm Miley." Tails said, not happy with the first name that came to her mind.
"Miley... is that all?"
"Miley Inari."
"Well Ms. Inari, it's nice to meet you.  And where might Miley Inari be coming from?"
Tails was nervous.  "R... Radical City." she responded.
"Radical City?  You truly are a dedicated Tails fan, Miley.  It's a long way to get from Station Square to Radical City.  And to be pregnant to boot, that is some real courage.  So why are you so sad about being pregnant, Miley?"
"I..." Tails was fighting back tears.  "There are people that are close to me that don't know about this yet.  And... and..."
"Say no more.  Everyone, it's obvious that Miley's talking about her parents.  So I want to let Miley's family who is watching this fashion show right now to understand that Miley is very frightened, but is okay."
"This is being televised?!" Tails cried.
"Of course." Honey answered.  "And everyone back home in Radical City knows about your bundle of joy.  But, they also aren't mad at you.  You know why?"
"Why?" and Tails was starting to cry.
"Aw, come on, don't cry.  You said
yourself; you're very loved, so why would they be mad at you?"
"I... I don't know."
"Well dry your tears, because I'm going to help you out.  We're gonna have a few confidence exercises right now."
"We... we are?"
"Yes we are."
Tails dried her face.  "I... I don't know what to say."
"Of course not, but I will tell you.  But first, let's all show our appreciation for Miley's courage everyone."
And as a result, the crowd applauded "Miley" for being brave and it managed to stop her tears.  "Now Miley, repeat after me." Honey said.
"I'll try." said Tails.
"None of that, you have a baby on the way, and everyone here has your support, you can do this."
"You have a point." Tails said, still scared.
Honey gave Tails a pat on the back.  "We'll do it for your baby."
"Okay... for my baby."
"Now repeat after me.  I am a strong girl."
"I am... a strong girl."
"I'm going to be a wonderful mother."
"I'm going to... to be a wonderful mother."
"My baby will be a very beautiful child."
"My baby will be a very beautiful child."
"We are loved, now and forever."
"We are loved... now and forever."
"My baby gives me strength."
"My baby... my baby gives me strength."
"And I'm not afraid to be a mother."
"B... but I am afraid."
This causes a bit of laughter.  "You can do it.  I'm not afraid to be a mother."
"I'm... I'm.... I'm not afraid... to be... to be a mother."
"See, you're very brave, Miley.  All of us here and back home know you're scared, but we'll help you take the courage that is waiting for you.  Now say it loud, 'I'm pregnant and proud.'  Don't be scared, say it.  Say it loud..."
"I'm pregnant and proud."
"Miley, you can do better than that.  Now, show us some more of that courage.  Say it loud..."
"I'm pregnant and proud."
Much better.  Again, say it loud..."
"I'm pregnant and proud."
"I'm pregnant and proud!"
"One more time for Radical City."
"Give this girl a round of applause everyone, she's earned it."
And everyone present showed their support for "Miley" with applause, cheering and whistles.  Honey gave the peace sign with her right hand.  "And to the rest of the mothers out there who are scared, who are doubting themselves, who think they are cursed, and who are feeling blue about their babies, remember to say it loud."
"I'm pregnant and proud." Tails said, tears starting to fall.
Honey gave Tails a hug.  "Thanks a lot everyone, see you next time."
After such a heart-warming moment, Honey managed to get everyone into the back.  Luckily, all of the models were gone.  "So this is Amy's new crew huh?  Pretty decent.  What happened to her?" Honey asked as she pointed to Amy.
"She fainted, but will be fine when she comes back around." Tikal answered as she had Amy
's frame.
"I have to admit, Miley.  You're very dedicated... very dedicated indeed."
"Oh....really?" Tails questioned. She'd still not quite recovered yet.
"Oh, can I ask a favour?" Tikal asked Honey. "Could we not mention this shocking pregnancy again, Amy can be a pain to carry around all day, you know how she is with sensitivity and all, you know, the shock that she believed she'd be first and all that."
"I guess so." said Honey.  "There was another reason why I mentioned that one part, but didn't want to say.  But I think I will get to know about our young mother here."
"What other reason?" Rouge asked.
"You're pregnant too?"
"Did I say that?"
"Of course you aren't.  As for you, Miley, tell me about your pregnancy.  Are you feeling a little better about things now?"
"Um...kinda, I guess..." Tails replied.
"Yeah, that's probably due to wearing that Teflon on your chest.  Teflon is a good fabric, it sometimes is invisible... but not good for pregnant mothers.  Your breasts must be in pain."
"Not particularly."
"Well, I disagree.  Take all of that off, I have a hunch.  Don't worry, I won't tell and we're all girls here."
"Uuhh..." And Tails blushes deeply. "Well, alright, if you insist." And Tails carefully removes her jumper.
Let's see whatTails looks like. Thought Tikal.
I wonder what her chest looks like. Thought Cream.
Though she was a bit uncomfortable, Tails removed her Teflon and the unravelled material fell to the ground, letting the fox's chest expose itself.  "Interesting, just as I thought." said Honey.
"What?" Tails asked.
Rouge just looked at Tails.  Looks like I'll get my two cups. She thought.
"So you're lactating too, another reason a girl will smell like milk." said Honey.
Tails picks up her jumper and reaches inside one of the deeper pockets, pulling out a container of milk. "Yes, guilty as charged..." She said.
Rouge grabs Tails and heads for the bathroom.  "Excuse us." the bat said and carted Tails to the bathroom.  Once inside, Rouge locked the door and Tails had nowhere to run.  "Now, let's get that two cups from the source."
"Seriously...why?" Tails asked.
Rouge places the pump on the sink.  "Honestly, I have a hunch on you." she said to the fox.  "I have an assumption that the whole key to this misfortune lies in that 'white gold' of yours.  Now, let's get that two cups from the source."
"Enlighten me Rouge, because I emptied this morning, chances of getting two cups yet are slim indeed..." Tails holds up the container she has. "And this is for my doctor to examine."
"Fine, even if you are dribbling away and won't even hook me up.  Like I said, I want that two cups..." and she whispered to Tails.  "Besides, I can't say much with Honey waiting for us."
"I have just been taken through one of the scariest moments of my pregnancy thus far and your request is a little too much for me right now." Tails said, her eyes watering but she fights back her tears.
"Fine, I'll wait until later.  But let's get you cleaned up."
Meanwhile, Honey was with the other girls.  "She's between a 32-d and a 34-c bust size." said Honey.  "Luckily, I'm starting a maternity line and plan on giving Miley a few gifts to make her motherhood easier.  I take it that I should include a breast pump."
"No, she has one." said Tikal.
"Why are you helping so much?" Cream asked. "Just a wonder."
"Honestly, I'll break that part when she comes back." Honey states.  "But even a woman on menopause can tell this is her first pregnancy."
As the sentence is finished, Tails and Rouge return to the room and retake their seats.
"Sorry about that..."
Rouge said.
"Miley, I wanna let you know something." Honey said.  "That figure of yours is something else.  Perhaps after you've healed from birth delivery, you would like to model for me."
"Um...I'll think about it." Tails replied.
"Anyway, what are you having?"
Rouge pats Tails on the head.  "Miley's being modest." Rouge said.  "She doesn't really know yet, but feels she's having a girl, and even has the baby named Lavender."
"Lavender, that's a nice name." said Honey.
"Lavender is my....oh never mind. Last time I was told, it was a grape. Haven't been contacted yet about going in to see my doctor yet though." Tails replied.
"We as women know what we will birth, the feel is a bond between mother and unborn child." said Honey.  "In any case, I need you to hold still for the tape."
"Fine, just stay there." and Honey stood up then circled behind Tails.  Afterwards, the measuring tape went around Tails' chest. She was slightly confused, but played along.
Afterwards, Honey looked at the ends.  "Well now, you're a 33... and a d-cup to boot." said Honey.  "So you'll probably wear a 34 bra."
"Um, okay." Tails replied.
"Also, I have a few things for you." and Honey pulled out two bags.  "Here are a few things to make your pregnancy easier.  A few baby things from my maternity line, like warm clothes for the new arrival in your life.  Red in colour, so you can be proud of putting your first born in a neutral, passionate colour.  The other bag has maternity clothing.  A few skirts that'll stretch to suit your growing bundle... and swelling bust.  A few nursing items and a few recipes to try out for the two of you."
Tails took the bags and looked at them momentarily before a mood swing kicked in and tears dribbled from her eyes.
"There you go crying again." said Honey.  "No worry, there are tips on how to deal with that."
"R-really?" Tails cried.
"Yes.  Now I better let you run along... and give those dresses a try."
"Honey, you're very nice." said Cream.
Honey laughed.  "I may be wearing my fairy outfit, but I am an angel too."
"Thank you so much, Honey. You've been too kind today." Tails thanked her.
"Just be a brave girl and let your loved ones know that you aren't afraid of them or what they think.  And enjoy yourself."
"Ye-yeah. I'll try."
"Run along girls, Miley should get in more walking time."
"Okay." Tails said, standing up. She bows to Honey in thank you, and after Blaze lifts Amy onto her back, the girls leave.
Honey watched them go.  Miley is the real Tails after all it seems. She thought.  But at least everyone now knows that it's just a fan posing as their hero.  The public isn't ready to understand Tails really being a girl.  I know she'll do just fine.
As the girls walked the rest of the strip, "Miley" got a lot of congratulations and motivational words from the people... in addition to positive compliments about the cosplay.  It truly brought a smile to her face.  "Looks like everyone respects you now, Tails." said Rouge.
"Never been my own fan before, it's an interesting experience." Tails whispered to the girls.
"Let's also use this positive experience as a way to break the news to everyone else." noted Tikal.
"How's that?"
Suddenly, Cream got a buzz on the hip and looked at her phone.  "Hey, it's a text from Marine." she said.
"Oh?" Tails pondered. "What'd she say?"
"It's says, 'Back to port U grlz.  ~C4p74in M4rin3'.  I hate that leet crap."
"Feels like Amy's coming around." said Blaze.
"So Amy, you awake yet?" asked Rouge.
"What happened..." Amy moaned. "Where are we? What happened to the show?"
"The plus sized model came back and ruined things, so you didn't miss much." Cream answered.
"Except Tails turning down the offer to model for her later." added Tikal.
"I never agreed nor turned her down." Tails replied.
"Anyway, Marine gave us a text to head back to the Ocean Tornado, so that's the scoop." said Rouge.
"I see...My head feels funny..." Amy said. "I feel like my brain got fried."
"What's Sonics' phone number?" asked Cream.
"There's no point giving it to you." Tails replied.
"Amy, what is Sonics' phone number?"
Amy opened her mouth to tell her, when Tails pulled her own phone. "Speed dial, Sonic." She said hitting the keys, moments later 'It doesn't matter' Theme plays from Tails back pocket. She takes the blue phone and puts it to her ear. "Hello? Oh, Hi Tails, still have my phone, huh?" She said.
Cream shook her head.  "Tell him it's a false alarm." she said.
"I'm not in contact with him, Cream...he doesn't have his phone because I have it. And the reason I have it is because he keeps purposefully accidentally leaving it at my place. Eventually I just kept it." Tails explained.
"Enough, let's get to the Ocean Tornado." said Rouge.
"Why do you want to contact Sonic anyway?" Tails asked.
"It was to check and see if Amy's brain was fried." Cream answered.  "And besides, I already have Sonics' phone number."
"I see." Tails replied. "You should see some of the pictures he keeps in here." Tails said looking through the pictures. "Hey Blaze, he has one of you. How embarrassing, why were you wearing poké-dotted panties?"
Blaze fell over.  "Send me a copy of that." said Tikal.
"I want one too." added Rouge.
"Can we
please get to the fucking ship!" yelled Blaze.
The girls continued walking, until Tikal's and Rouges phones went off. "Have fun girls." Tails said. You're lucky you're pregnant, Tails. Thought an irate Blaze.
"Hey, Tikal, Rouge. Have you two ever had a drunken kiss?" Tails asked.
"Don't go there, Tails." warned Rouge.
"Ahhh, okay. Send that one to Blaze." Tails grinned slyly.
You're gonna get it... thought Rouge.
Tails walked over to Rouge and whispered. "Would 2 cups of milk make us even, since I'm still not comfortable about giving it to you, oh and by the way...I was just guessing, there's no such picture on this phone. But it's fun to know you did have a drunken moment."
"Tails, what's with the shopping bags?" asked Amy.
"Just some gifts from Honey. There's nothing you'd like to know of though." Tails replied.
"I see.  So whose bra is that on the ground?  It looks like the cups detatch from it and those bras are usually reserved for nursing-"
Tikal came in and wiped Amy's mind.  "And this is the last time I can wipe Amy." said Tikal.
"And I think the you know what is shot." added Cream.
"Go get that bra, Tails." said Rouge.
Tails runs over and picks up the bra. "There's a hole in the bag...curses..." She moaned before putting the stuff in the other bags. "No more saves for me." She said. "Well, I guess i have to tell her sooner or later."
"Did anything else fall out of that bag?" asked Blaze.
Tails checks. "Luckily not..." She replied.
"Did you get everything?" asked Tikal, still holding Amy in place.
Tails then nods. "It's all here."
Tikal frees Amy of the wiping.  "Now Amy, do you know when my talk show comes on?" she asks the pink hedgehog.
"Um...Well duh, 3 in the morning on weekdays and 8 am on Saturday." Amy replied.
"She's fine from her fall everyone."
"Thank goodness." Cream said.
"I fell?" Amy asked.
"Yeah, and you need to look into your birth control." said Rouge.
"Uh...yeah, maybe you're right, that do make me feel kinda odd sometimes..." Amy confessed.
"You know, I heard the pill does have side effects." said Cream.
"I'll see what my doctor says about it." Amy said. The group then saw the ship in sight and headed over to it.