Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Megamorph ❯ Chapter 14

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Lavender completely powered up.
"Good day all, how may I assist today?" Lavender asked.
"You can start by initiating your Chaos Radar." Tails said.
"Roger Dodger." And Lavender's eyes turned green. "6 Chaos emeralds are all gathered in one place."
"Where?" Tails asked.
"Scanning..." And Lavender continued to scan. "Located northwest of the Mystic ruins."
"What else can you scan in that location?" Tails asked.
"A lot of metal." Lavender replied. "However, only 3 signs of mechanical activity. Indications that most of the metal detected is scrap."
"And life forms?"
"The life form is different from typical humans or Mobians alike. Indicated as Shadow the Hedgehog." Lavender replied.
"So he is there..." Tails said.
"Well, get going.  I can't help out on this one, but a lot of you can." said Rouge. And Sonic nodded, booming off the boat and Knuckles, Shade and Blaze all followed. "Tails, come here, I want to talk to you in private."
"You're not planning on milking me again are you?" Tails asked, following Rouge into the boat. This caused the rest on the boat to fall over.
"Rouge milked you, Tails?" asked Cream.
Tails looked at Cream before fully going into the boat. "Apparently it was to stop the chest pains, but she took odd means about it, I'll tell you later." And Tails followed Rouge out of hearing range.
"What goes on when I'm not around on this boat?" asked Cream.
"Something tells me you don't want to know..." Amy sweat dropped.

Meanwhile, with Tails and Rouge.
"What do you need to talk about?" Tails asked.
"I want your honest opinion on something." Rouge stated.  "If it was me in place of you being pregnant, wouldn't you do things within your power to keep me safe from harm?"
"I would, yes." Tails replied.
"What about if it was Amy instead of you?"
"And if it were Cream?"
"And would you defend out of love, or empathy?"
"Where are you going with this?"
"Is that a love or empathy answer?"
"That's a where are you going with this question answer." Tails gave her hair a quick brush. "And if I must answer, it'd be both. I love all of my friends and would do anything I could to help them through what I am going through."
"Then how come you can't take this mentality to heart even though it was you instead of us?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that all of this is out of love for you, not empathy."
"You make it sound like I'm ungrateful."
"But the question is 'Are you grateful' Tails?"
"Yes I am. Sure I have moments where I feel completely useless, but I am very grateful."
"What are you grateful for?"
"For the support and love." Tails replied. "Everyone has gone completely out of their way for me, why would you think I'm ungrateful for that?"
"So you aren't grateful for being a big help..."
"You aren't grateful for being a big help."
"Excuse me if I'm still confused..." Tails tilted her head. "You're implying I'm a big help and am ungrateful for that?"
"Marine told me how you felt useless to everyone.  And how you consider yourself as a burden that wishes to never have been exposed as a girl.  If you feel useless when your friends are trying to help you, because we love you, then maybe we shouldn't help you anymore." Tails took that hard as she stepped away from Rouge and her ears lowered.
"Now the next time you have a 'pregnant tantrum' about being useless, just remember how much everyone has endured out of love for you.  And furthermore, understand that roles change... and everyone knows that you would do the same for us if the roles were reversed.  Now take a walk around the dock and think about just how grateful you really are." and Rouge left the fox to herself. Tails waited for a long while before she just collapsed to her backside and sat there.
Meanwhile, back on deck, Rouge came out alone and retook her seat. "What did you talk about?" Amy asked.
"Reality." Rouge answered.  "Tails is having a hard look at herself after the wake-up call I gave her.  You'll get one later, but for now... for now, we just keep the ship in good measure."
"I don't look forward to that, but I guess I deserve it." Amy said. She then went through her bag and pulled a hotel leaflet, opening it up and having a look.
"In time... but I'll wait and stew on roasting your ass."
Amy sweat dropped, but didn't reply. "Oooh, this place looks nice, shame the expenses are beyond my cash amount..."
"You looking to relocate?" asked Marine.
"I have to find a place to stay. I lost my apartment..." Amy said.
"I hope you have a tent."
"No, I destroyed it..."
"Buy a new one?"
"If I can afford it."
"Ten dollars got me one."
"Hm..." Amy thought. "Well, we will see what happens."
Tails walked onto the deck, but stayed in the doorway, watching the crew. She wasn't happy and her face showed it. She tried to get Cream's attention by waving at her.
Cream caught the signal out of the corner of her eye and approached Tails.  "I take it you got scolded." she said.
"Quite..." Tails said. She took Cream by the arm and pulled her into her quarters and shut the door behind them. "Do you think I'm ungrateful?" She asked the doe.
"Define ungrateful."
"For all the help and love I've been given over the course of this pregnancy since that incident..."
"You have been stubborn on a few occasions and a little reckless, but I haven't seen you as ungrateful."
"Well, that's why I was scolded." Tails said. "I just feel useless at times, and that leads me to think I'm nothing but a burden." She walked over to her bed and took a seat. "And that's why Rouge lectured me."
"Well, I don't blame her." said Cream as she stretched.  "Her love for you cost her a lot so far.  You can't really blame her for putting you in your place."
"Yeah, I know..." Tails sighed. "I guess I should apologise."
"Here's the deal, Tails.  Rouge had her body broken and dislocated and her club totalled from all of this.  We went through hell keeping you safe and we'll do it again if need be.
"Just remember that this whole thing isn't about getting Eggman.  That's just the bonus points, Tails.  The whole point of this is to keep you and Lavender safe... and if That sadistic doctor would come after you at a hospital of all places, you know he'll be waiting to grab you."
"Yeah, I know..." Tails said, unknowing that tears began rolling down her cheeks. "This pregnancy makes me think weird stuff and I have been acting a lot differently to what I use to do."
"Well up until now, you have to look at yourself in a whole new light.  You aren't a boy, Tails, you never were.  But you were so used to being what you aren't for so long, you have to face what you really are."
"Isn't it funny?" Tails asked. "For a while I actually convinced myself I was male."
"You probably have enough money to get a sex change."
"I don't want to change my sex." Tails replied. "Even though I faked my gender my whole life, I'm happy as a girl. I've actually experienced life in both genders and I prefer the female one."
"I wish I can say that."
"Do you really want to be a boy?" Tails asked Cream. Cream didn't answer Tails.  Maybe I can have a regular relationship with Tails if I were a guy. She thought. "Have you told Vanilla this yet?"
"What would she say?  'My little girl wants to be my little boy now?'  Mother said I should think about how I want to end up."
"It's a big decision Cream." Tails said.
"I know... I'm just unsure."
"Do you love me that much? That you'd change your whole life just for me?" Tails risked asking.
Cream didn't know how to answer that.  "I already have."
"There's a difference between finding out that the guy you love is a girl and changing yourself to a boy to be in a relationship with a girl that isn't considered gay." Tails said.
"So would you consider yourself in a sexual relationship with me?"
"I haven't thought about it." Tails replied.
"I guess there's a lot for us both to consider."
"Do you know what's been the hardest thing for me, Cream?" Tails asked.
"Accepting who you want to love you physically?"
"Not quite." Tails said. "I'm going to be completely honest to you about something I've never told anyone."
"You always could." and Cream sat next to Tails.
"But, I don't want anyone outside of Vanilla, you and me to know. Especially a certain pink hedgehog on deck."
"I have more competition, don't I?"
Tails giggled slightly. "You might say that."
"It isn't Charmy, right?"
Tails then burst out laughing. "Oh please."
Tails laid back on the bed, her bump stretching out her dress slightly and due to the fact Tails had creased the dress on her way down, it made her bump very apparent. "No, it's back before I knew anyone. I never was the most popular girl around and no one liked me. I was never played with, never spoke to anyone and it gradually went from there. It came to a point where I just gave up trying and stayed away. Then I became so unhappy that I simply ran away. That was the day I met Sonic." Tails explained.
"From the start I was already taken with him, just the way he was told me that no matter what I did; he had to be my friend. And for the first time I can remember, I was brave enough to start conversation with someone. Since the other kids didn't like me for being a girl, I told Sonic I was a boy. Shortly after, I became his 'little buddy' and that's how I began my life with Sonic. I was his best friend, and then later his brother. Then we met everyone else. I'd already loved Sonic beyond anything by that time, and I became so mad every time Amy would chase him away. Slowly I remembered though, that I had lied to Sonic and that my love was pointless. I convinced myself I was happy just being his little bro. So that's how I lived my life. I went to Dr. Quack, the only one other than my parents to know my true gender and created synthetic genitals." Tails sat up and whispered to Cream. "I actually used Sonic as an example whilst he was sleeping, hush-hush though." She then giggled.
"Good example, but Sonic is bigger than you." Cream giggled.
"Well of course, so I had to reshape to compensate without suspicion." Tails said. "But, my genitals would have been a slightly smaller exact replica of Sonics'. And yes, that was the 'closest' to Sonic I'd ever been, and to tell the truth, I only thought two things at the time. How much I loved being so close and just how jealous Amy would be."
"You definitely pissed Amy off."
"Anything else I should know?"
Tails rubbed her belly absentmindedly. "Eventually, Amy introduced you to me and I saw the same look in you that I felt when I first met Sonic. And this began the hardest experience for me. Knowing that I was lying to you, and as much as I wanted to tell you the truth, I didn't want to risk my secret being broken to everyone and I was scared that if Sonic knew the truth, he'd have left me like a sack of mouldy sardines and I didn't want that. And then life continued. Eventually, I began to forget my real feelings for Sonic and developed more for other people. You and Marine as good examples and it was only when Eggman violated me and I became a female so suddenly that I realised how badly I was fooling myself. And the past few weeks living with Sonic, those old feelings I buried away began to spark again."
"Sonic will always feel for you."
"As his little sister yes. But it won't go anywhere. I had the worst morning this morning..."
"You had a worst day so far."
"No, I've had worst days than this one, but the morning was a nightmare. First was that stupid 'news hoax' that upset me, then Dr Quack came in and my morning brightened with the sonogram. But then it got worse. Dr Quack and Sonic mocked me." Tails said and pouted slightly.
"What did they say?"
"Well as of recent I've been having odd dreams." Tails explained. "At the start of my pregnancy, I had nightmares about the many outcomes of my pregnancy and other disturbing ones involving Egghead. Recently, I've been having sex dreams involving Sonic" Tails blushed a little and rubbed her cheek with her index finger.
"That doesn't tell me how Sonic and Dr. Quack mocked you."
"Well, I asked about them. I wondered if it was a common pregnancy thing to have sex dreams. I was mocked because they thought I was asking if I could have pregnant sex, or as Dr Quack said. 'After I use the forceps and check you've healed, I'll give Sonic a rubber and he can bless your insides.' Or something like that. And it was embarrassing..."
"So cracks were made about Sonic having sex with you and you were dreaming about Sonic having sex with you..."
"Well, I didn't specify who was in the dreams and it embarrassed me."
"Not the point.  You had dreams of doing it with Sonic, but when it's brought up for comic relief, you get mad instead of crack about how Amy would have Sonics' balls?" Tails didn't know quite how to reply to that. "Any of those dreams involve me?" Cream asked just for the hell of it.
"A few." Tails shuddered at the memory of one. "One was a little nightmare though..."
"Oh, I see..." that mad Cream feel a bit bummed out.
"Oh, don't take that the wrong way Cream, it was lovely to begin with and quite sweet, until you pulled a knife on me and I woke up in a cold sweat and milky chest..." Tails lowered her ears.
"I... I...." and Cream left the room in tears.
"Oh, crap..." Tails face palmed. "I should have kept my mouth shut..." She stood and walked to her door, closing it and locking it. I shall remain alone for a while... She thought, before she walked over to the bed, stripped off and got under her blankets.
Meanwhile, Amy had heard Cream crying and went to investigate, finding her inside the ship. "Cream, are you okay? What happened?" She asked.
"I don't wanna talk about it." Cream said through her tears.  "I just wanna go home... I wanna go home!"
"Hey, there, there." Amy said, giving her best friend a hug. She pat her on the head. "Let's get you to Vanilla, okay?"
Vanilla appears on the deck.  "What's going on here?" she asked.
"Momma, I wanna go home." Cream answered through her tears.
"I didn't do anything, I found her like this." Amy said, making sure she wasn't blamed.
"I think this one is from something else." said Vanilla.  "Come on, let's go home."
"Yes Mother." and Vanilla went to take her crying daughter home.
Marine shook her head.  "Crikey, look
s like the high flyers fell out again." she said.
Amy was angry. "Tails probably upset her." She said.
"Tails goes through a lot and Cream goes through a lot over Tails."
It was at this time more voices were heard, but feint.
"I said let me go, Blue Hedgehog!"
"You're hurt, you need assistance, so stop being so stubborn."
"Arrrr!" Boom! Sonic landed on deck, but was okay.
"Shadow really needs to sort out that temper of his..." He said, before leaping up.
This time it was Knuckles trying to help Shadow, who looked as if he could barely stand on two feet.
"You guys look like you've enjoyed the party." said Rouge.
"Shut up!" Shadow roared.
"His prides a little hurt." Shade said walking up onto the boat.
"Looks like his whole body is hurt." said Marine.
"And we actually missed all the action." Sonic said.
"That's our Shadow, self-reliant as always." said Rouge.
"I don't need help from anyone, least of all Sonic!" Shadow retorted.
"Hey, aren't you supposed to be checking with that anger management. Vanilla won't be happy knowing you're blowing your top." Sonic scolded Shadow.
"Oh stuff her silly little games, I'll fry her and take that chaos emerald." Shadow countered.
"In your state? I don't think so. I'll ignore that comment due to your injured state, but don't let Vanilla catch you saying such words. She can be merciless if she wants to be, especially when there are arrogant pricks like you involved." Sonic said, cleaning his ear slightly.
"Grrrr..." Shadow growled. "Fine, fine. Whatever, I want to sit over there." And Shadow pointed, he was led to a part of the boat and sat down.
"So what's next for us now?" asked Rouge.
"Well, I'm going to grab myse-...Hey, where is Vanilla and Cream anyway? Weren't they here before we left?" Sonic asked.
"Vanilla took Cream home." Rouge answered.
"You can catch them in a few seconds... if you wanted to." said Marine.
"Nah, I'll leave them be, I don't need them for any reason." Sonic replied. "Where's Tails?"
"In the back." Rouge answered.  "And I think we all need to have a discussion about our fox."
"Hm? About what?"
"Next week, let's leave Tails to herself.  Give her space from all of us so she can breathe."
"Are you nuts? We can't do that? What if Eggman shows up?" Sonic asked.
"After the stunt he pulled at the hospital that was stopped by Shade?  I doubt it.  This is what I propose.  We leave Tails to her solitude, but observe her from a distance.  Unless Eggman decides to rear his ugly head, we'll let the fox noodle noggin out of situations."
"So basically just let her fend for herself." Sonic questioned. "Are you suggesting totally ignoring her?"
"We aren't ignoring her, just giving the fox personal space.  Tails may be expecting, but she feels smothered with all of us taking her in and shielding her from the world."
"So what if she calls us for typical stuff, like wanting to hang out?" asked Marine.
"Tell her that we have plans." and Rouge spread her wings.  "Despite the disdain you may all seem to have, Tails needs time alone with herself and her belly."
"That seems kind of mean..." Amy said.
"No, we'll let her come to us.  And besides, most of her time is spent on her own anyway.  This way, she can have a grasp of solitude without having any of us to smother her." Rouge pointed out.  "We'll resume things like normal, but watch her from a distance.  And after the period, we can pass her on like always."
Shade looked toward the quarters. "Hmm...Did anyone else hear a door close?"
"I did, but I thought it was a window." Marine answered.
Shadow laughed a little. "Do you think Tails was just standing there listening to how you're about to avoid her?"
"If she heard, then it'll make her stronger.  Besides, she's the one that wants to feel like she can do things on her own.  And look at it this way, Tails will be able to think without one of us locking her up like a gold medal in a trophy case."
"Okay, what about if all us girls arrange to go out and Tails asks to come, what then?" Amy asked.
"She's pregnant... and what do women do for their pregnant friends before delivery..."
"A baby shower?"
"Very good, you just answered your own question.  Besides, we already know to get red stuff for Tails' daughter anyway."
"Using her pregnancy as an excuse seems low to me." Amy said. "Say we were actually going to see a movie."
"What excuse?  You mean to tell me that you don't want to throw Tails a baby shower?"
"Not what I said. I mean what if the plan we were doing involved going to see a movie and Tails asked to come. We can't just say 'no because we're picking up presents.' Can we?" Amy asked.
"We can say we're going to do other stuff not safe for little guys." Marine answered.
"That would blow your cover." Rouge corrected.  "We'll just use the Chimera card."
"So, Rouge. What did you and Tails fall out about?" Shadow laughed.
"Tails fell out with Cream, not me." Rouge answered and cracked her knuckles.
"Then why are you so determined to avoid her?"
"This isn't about avoiding Tails, Shadow.  I'm not sure if any of you thought of this, but Tails feels that she needs to able to do the things she could do before all of this happened.  Don't you think she deserves that chance?"
"Giving her space yes, but forcing space is another issue, Rouge. You'll make up excuses to make sure she get's the solitude you want her to have, even if she asked to hang out. Sounds like avoidance to me." Shadow retorted.
"Coming to her rescue again, eh Shadow?  Sounds like you're admitting your feelings for the fox."
"I agree with Shadow on this one, Rouge. Sure, we can give Tails more space to breathe, but I'm not going to lie to her and say I'm busy if I'm not if she asked me to hang out." Sonic said.
"Fine, do what you want.  But the next Time Tails feels useless and all cooped up, don't say I told you so." and Rouge crutched her way off of the Ocean Tornado.  "I'm gonna go check on my club and Omega.  Catch you guys later...  And make sure you get to Vanilla so she can cover for Tikal's show tonight."
"I will do that." Knuckles said. "But guys, I'm going to agree with Rouge."
"Only because you want to fuck her." Shadow countered.
"Like you don't wanna get into Tails' panties, Shadow." Knuckles shot back.
Shadow growled. "That'll do. Try not to abuse the girls too much." Sonic told them.
"He started it." said Knuckles.
"I'm finishing it. I want to know what the hell has happened between Rouge, Tails and Cream..." Sonic countered.
"I dunno." Marine answered.  "Rouge pulled Tails in the back for a talk, then Rouge came out.  Afterwards, Cream went to talk to Tails.  Then Cream comes out crying about how she wants to go home.  Personally, I'll have to test my luck and try to have my fun with that MILF."
"Seriously." Shadow said. "Stop talking about fucking Tails, you're beginning to sound as bad as Amy when it comes to Sonic."
"Yeah, Amy has a lot of broken bridges to fix." said Blaze.
"I guess we should go and see Tikal." said Marine.
"We could do that." Sonic said.
Tails came out of her room, she hadn't gotten dressed, and so she was as she used to be in the old days.
"So, what happened between you and Rouge and Cream?" asked Marine.
"I don't want to talk about it..." Tails said.
"This doesn't have to do with our rump before Shade showed up, did it?"
"Yes." Tails replied.
"Oh.  Well, forgive me on that one.  You'll tell your mind when you're ready.  If anyone needs me, I'll be in my quarters." and Marine walked off deck.
"Okay, so who do I upset next?" Tails asked.
"That'll do, Tails." Sonic said, patting Tails on the head.
"Anyway, you go and see Tikal. I'll be locked in my room." Tails walked back into the ship and Sonic turned to Knuckles and Shadow. Tails went and followed Marine to her quarters and knocked on the door.
"Doors open." was Marine's response.
Tails walks into the room. "It's just me." She said.
"Come on in, luv."
Tails closes the door behind her. "How are things at the moment?" She asked, making small talk.
"You tell me, I don't have the problems."
"Well, despite the fact Rouge wants to avoid me and I sent Cream home crying, that and I'm having a craving for steak and cheese. I'm just dandy..." Tails replied.
"Rouge doesn't want to avoid you, she wants you to understand how blessed you are."
"Well, right now I just want to see someone who I can talk to." Tails said.
"Well, I guess Dr. Quack is one person."
"Actually not who I was thinking."
"If we could get the boys off the ship, me and you can go." Tails said.
"Blaze will probably want to go, you know."
"Hm, Blaze can come, I guess someone should." Tails said.
"By the way, I still haven't given up on you." Marine stuck out her tongue. "Girl or boy, pregnant or not, I still want some from you."
"Um...Fare enough..." Tails sweat dropped.
"Well, lemme know when you're ready to shovel off."
Tails smiled. "Thanks, Marine."
"No problem."
Tails left Marine's quarters and headed towards her own. However, she was stopped by Sonic. "Hey Tails. We're going to go and see Tikal, do you want to come?" He asked.
"No thanks." Tails replied. "I want to sleep a little."
"But it's the middle of the day."
"Pregnant, Sonic. I run out of energy easy." Tails said, making an excuse.
"Oh okay. Well, Blaze said she'll still be here and
I think Shadow is going to head back on to Rouge's place. I'm not sure. See you in a little while." And Sonic pat Tails on the head and left. Tails walked into her room. Wow, that seemed convenient...
10 minutes later, the only ones left on the ship were Blaze, Marine and Tails. Tails had gotten changed and left the room. She went and looked for Marine, knocking on her quarters.
Marine came to the door.  "Feeling better?" she asked.
"A bit, but I'm ready to go now." Tails replied.
"I see.  Well, let's raise anchor and set sail."
"And where are we going?" Blaze asked, walking in.
"Tails wants to go somewhere." Marine said.
"Knothole. I want to see Aunt Sally and Bunny." Tails told them.
"Knot Hole Eh?  Well, it would be nice to venture a bit.  Help out with the ramp, Blaze."
"And you're not planning to tell anyone where you're going?" Blaze asked.
"It's not like Eggman knows where Knothole is." Tails said. Blaze shrugged and went to help move the ship.
After 5 minutes, the ship had been started and left the dock, Marine at the wheel. Blaze and Tails were with her though.
"It's been a long time since I saw Sally and Bunny." Tails said.
"I get to meet your aunts." said Marine.
"Well, they're not really my aunts, but I think of them as such." Tails said.
"I'll be in my room. Shout if you need something." Blaze said, before leaving the two.
"If the wind continues to grace us, we should arrive in Knot Hole before sunset." said Marine.
"Sally's in for a shock...several shocks..." Tails said.
"Well, let's hope that she doesn't have the same reaction that Cream and Blaze did when they found out about you." and Marine giggled.
"Knowing Bunny, she'll give me a hug with her normal arm and tell me everything'll be fine, but chances are Sally is going to freak." Tails explained.
"Normal arm?"
"It's a long story. Back a few years, we were faced with something called the robotocizor. It turns biological creatures into robots. Let's say Bunny nearly fell totally victim to it before Sonic rescued her."
"I see...  Well then, I guess that makes sense."
"One of her arms and both of her legs are mechanical.”
"I see." and without warning, Marine fires off the EMP.
"What are you doing?" Tails asked.
"That was just the EMP, luv.  Nothing to worry about." Marine answered.
"What was the point?"
"Standard procedure.  Some arse decided to slap a bug on the boat to listen in on how Blaze and I have the security over the sceptre and the sol emeralds.  EMPs short out electrical equipment as you know, and I fire it off so no one's bug can track us."
"I hope you haven't damaged Lavender..." Tails said.
"It doesn't matter, I can fix her." Tails said.
"No biggy.  There's a secret to the EMP I've used so far."
"Is that so?"
"Yup.  Have you heard of a magnova grenade?"
"Off of the top of my head, no."
"Magnova grenades are different from your standard frag grenades.  When a frag grenade blows up, it goes boom, magnova grenades go boom, the release electric charges."
"You mean like a chaff grenade?"
"Fare enough."
Vanilla opened the door to her house and led Cream inside, who was still crying. After getting inside, Vanilla closed the door.
"Go and sit down sweetie and I'll get you a drink, okay?" Vanilla told her daughter.
"Yes, Mother." Cream said through her tears and sat on the couch.
"Would you like OJ or a milkshake?"
"OJ please."
Vanilla walked into the kitchen and took a glass from the cupboard and a bottle of OJ from another. After making Cream a fresh glass with water, she went back into the living room and handed Cream the drink.
Cream sips the drink slowly, but her tears continue to flow.  "This isn't helping."
"Well, talk to me. What's gotten you so upset?" Vanilla asked.
"I... I.... I did something very horrible."
"What did you do?"
"It was.... was....." and Cream just burst into tears.
Vanilla pulled her daughter into a hug. "Shhh, shhh... There, there sweetie." She said, rocking her daughter. "Tell me when you're ready to, okay?"
Cream just cried as she placed her juice on the coffee table.  The glass didn't make it to the coaster...  It's not fair... it's not fair... why would I do something like that to Tails?! She mentally yelled at herself. Vanilla continued to rock her daughter, waiting for her to calm down.
"Are you okay now?" She asked softly.
"Is there anything I can do?"
"Keep me away from sharp objects...."
"None of those thoughts please, dear." Vanilla said. "Please tell me what happened." Cream didn't answer, she just cried.
Vanilla mentally sighed and rubbed her daughter's shoulder. This is going to be a long afternoon... She thought.
I'll probably never forgive myself now... Cream thought.
After another 15 minutes of crying, Vanilla was still soothing Cream, waiting for her to either calm down or talk about it. After it seemed like her tear ducts were empty, Cream stopped crying.  "I'm gonna need the vibe." she said.
"Are you going to tell me what happened, dear?" Vanilla asked.
"I just want the vibe."
"Are you sure that'll help?"
"Yes, it'll help."
Vanilla then stands and does as Cream requests and fetches the vibe. She returns and sits next to Cream. "Will you tell me once you've finished venting?" She asked her.
"On second thought, the vibe won't help me." said Cream.  "I stabbed Tails while she was pregnant."
"What? When?" Vanilla asked, shocked at what Cream said.
"She's fine, it didn't actually happen.  It was a nightmare she had."
"Oh sweetie..." Vanilla said. "That's what has you so upset?"
"But it was just a dream, you don't have to feel guilty for that. We all have dreams that don't make sense, and some things happen that you'd never expect." Vanilla explained. "You feel guilty because you hurt Tails in her dreams when neither you nor she had control over them?"
"I can't understand that...."
"What's not to understand? She had a bad dream. That wasn't your fault and neither was it hers. It was a harmless dream."
"I don't know, but it makes things harder for me to find closure with all this."
"Cream, what happened in dreams are beyond our control. Everyone knows you would never do such a thing." Vanilla said. "But why does it make things harder?"
"What tension?"
Cream sighed.  "Couples tension."  Cream finally drank some of her juice, and then placed the drink on a coaster.  "I'm going through way too much... I'm probably mad as a March hare right about now."
"I doubt that dear." Vanilla said. "I have a question, have you ever had any odd dreams about Tails? In a similar fashion as the one she had but switching the roles?"
"I never dreamt of Tails stabbing me while pregnant."
"No, but have you ever had a dream where either Tails or someone else you love ever done anything violent to you in your dreams?
"No, not really."
"I guess it's a bad example. Well, let's think of it this way. It's not unheard of for people to have nightmares about those they love and care for. Some people have common dreams, due to the subconscious. Let's take Tails as an example, most of her life she kept her gender a secret from us and must have at times feared everyone's reactions as a result. The subconscious has a way of playing tricks on people so despite the fact she has now opened up to everyone about being female and also pregnant, and everyone has accepted that at least to her face, her subconscious still plays her dreams of alternate realities to the one that really happened. In this case, you stabbed her. But, don't think of this as Tails fearing that you would or such, but it's just what the subconscious does to play a trick. Do you understand?" Vanilla explained. "You must also understand that this might be a cause of her pregnancy. Pregnancy affects mothers differently, but have you thought to yourself that perhaps you're not the only one that Tails has dreamt doing something violent to her?"
"Besides Eggman, probably Shadow."
"I happen to believe that she has at some point had dreams about Marine, Knuckles and even Sonic doing something bad to her. If her subconscious is bad enough to make someone as sweet and innocent as you hurt Tails, then it can make Sonic, the first person to know Tails and be best friends, to also do something nasty. But you must remember that it's all just a dream. It doesn't mean anything because they are not real." Vanilla replied.
"Am I frustrating you?"
"Just trying to cope, Mom." and Cream stands up.  Maybe I just need to relax.  All of this happening to Tails is stressing me out.  I don't wanna go blind from it...  Could you run me a bubble bath; I don't think I'll be able to myself?"
"Of course." Vanilla said, standing as well. "Are you still going to come with me when I go to air Tikal's show? Or shall I call a babysitter?"
"I might as well go.  Besides, it'll keep me from sharp objects."
"Now enough of that. I also want you to leave the bathroom door unlocked." Vanilla said. "And I think it would be a good idea if you stay away from Tails for a little while."
"I need a relaxer...."
"No seeing Tails. If she calls for you, I can make an alibi for you. But I want you to cool your head okay? This talk of sharp objects has me worried and until you stop making me worry about that, I don't want you seeing Tails, okay?"
"Yes, Mother."
"Good, now watch some television or something whilst I run your bath, okay?" And Vanilla walks off towards the bathroom. I feel mean for doing it, but this is all too much for Cream right now, what with all that's happened. If keeping her away from Tails will stop these thoughts that I presume are about hurting herself or suicide, I will have to do it. Vanilla reached the bathroom and put the plug in the bath and began to run it. Maybe I should ask Dr Quack about it. I'll be there to console Tails if she needs me to, but Cream comes first.
Suddenly, three raps come to the door and Cream goes to answer it.  As she opens the door, that stand Knuckles and Shade.  "Hey, get your mom.  We have to leave for the studio." Knuckles said.
Cream nods.  "Mom, Knuckles is here!" she calls.
Already? Vanilla questioned mentally. She leaves the bathroom after stopping the taps. "I was just running Cream a bath, can it wait a little while?" she asked.
"The show starts in a bit." Knuckles explained.  "Was Cream coming with us?"
"She was, yes. I guess her bath shall have to wait until we get back." Vanilla said, looking at Cream. "Is that okay dear?" She asked.
"Actually, Knuckles showed me where the studio is, so I can keep watch on her if you want and then bring her over." Shade blurted.
"I can have a bath at anytime." Cream answered
"Okay, we will all go now then." Vanilla said, she returned to the bathroom and pulled the plug, letting what little water that was in the tub go down the drain. She returned to the living room and picked up her purse and keys. "Let's go." She said.
"I already filled in the people, so you're clear to play talk show host." said Knuckles.
"Okay." Vanilla said, and the 4 left the house, Vanilla locked up and they walked on towards the studio.
Meanwhile, the Ocean Tornado had found its way to Knothole's harbour and docked. After clearance and other official business, Tails and Marine left Blaze with ship and left for Knotholes main city. They reached the main plaza easily enough and Tails headed in the direction of the castle, but as she walked she turned off in another direction, but she was soon a little lost.
"I can't remember this place too well..." She said to herself.
"We don't have to B-line for the castle, luv." said Marine.
"I wasn't, if I was, I wouldn't have stopped..." Tails replied.
"I see.  And how are your hootz holding up?"
"Please, let's not talk about that." Tails said.
"Well, show me around this place."
"Well, I guess I'll see if my hut is still around." Tails said, walking in a completely different direction to where she was previously going.
"Takin' a girl to your old place... aren't you a sly fox." Marine teased.
"Yeah, we can make out whilst we're there..." Tails teased.
"Good, sex before I meet your aunt sounds pretty ace about now."
"I said make out, I have no plans on sex." Tails replied.
"Fine, make out first, then sex after meeting your aunt."
Tails stopped and turned to Marine. "You know, I know you want something from me, Marine. But do you mind if it waits a little while? I'm not really emotionally stable enough for any kind of romantic contact..." She asked.
"So you can 'fish' for Cream and let Rouge milk you, but I don't get any action?"
"I never said that Marine." Tails said. "I was just verbally pounded into the ground by Rouge and I sent Cream home crying. Right now I am at an all time low, can't you understand that?"
"Sorry for getting carried away." Marine sweat dropped.  "You know I love you too much..."
"You can never love someone too much, trust me, I know. But right now, all I want to do is break down and I'm trying my best not to. If I come to Bunny and Sally crying then this will be a lot worse than I want it to be..."
"Point taken." Tails nodded and continued on toward the location she believed to be her hut with Marine following.

After a 15 minute walk, the hut came into
"It's still here." Tails smiled. "I wonder if it's taken by other people though."
Tails walked over to the hut and went to open it, finding it was unlocked. "Odd..." She said. "Hello?" She asked, opening the door. "Anyone in here?"
"Ah'm sorry. But y'all have got the wrong house, this one ain't fer sale." Said a familiar voice form upstairs as Bunnie Rabbot walked down and saw the duo. However, she lifted an eyebrow, confused at what she was seeing.
"Hey, Aunt Bunnie." Tails said with a smile. However, Bunnie wasn't entirely convince
d at this point. She came down the stairs and walked over to the two and gave Tails a once over, it was when she noticed her famous twin tails that it snapped.
"Tails?" She asked. "What in tarnation happened to you, you're so....
different?" Tails tried to keep the smile on her face, but she knew inside she was about to break down and was unable to stop it. She dove into Bunny and wrapped her arms around her and burst into tears, surprising the half-metallic rabbit. However, Bunny just wrapped her arms around Tails and pats her on the back. "There, there, sugah, just let it all out." What in tarnation..? If ah didn't know better...I wouldn't even think this here fox were Tails... She thought.
"You know, if this is what you meant by one of your aunts, she sure looks interesting to say the least, Tails." said Marine.  "And it seems your old place has dibbs up for grabs."
"Who're you, sugah?" Bunnie asked Marine as Tails continued her breakdown.
"I'm Marine." the raccoon introduced herself proudly.  "And aside from eating well, Tails has been feeling a bit down, so I figured that I would be good to her and bring her here for a bit."
"Well, Ah'm here for yer now, hun." Bunnie said, stroking Tails head. Ah don't know if ah heard wrong, but did that girl just refer to Tails as 'her'? She thought.
"You'll have to excuse me for soundin' weird, it's been a long boat ride and my accent confuses many people."
"Y'all ain't the only one on that boat, sugah." Bunnie replied.
"So, you're Tails' aunt Bunnie?  I was filled in on the robotic diggs on the way."
"It's good ta know we're all remembered here." Bunnie said. "Have y'all calmed down now, Sugah?" Bunnie asked Tails, who was just about relaxed, with a few hiccups. "Come, let's get you a seat. Y'all came here to see Sally, right?"
"Well, I *hic* actually came to se-*hic*-see you too, Bunnie." Tails said through tears.
"So, what's gotten y'all so unhappy, hm?" Bunnie asked.
"A build up of reality alongside hurting one of my best friend's feelings..." Tails wiped her face. "I know I shouldn't have run away from my problems, but I wanted to talk to you and Aunt Sally because you guys know how to talk to me about matters differently to everyone else." Marine wanted to add in, but said nothing.
"Things have been really hard on me lately and it's driving me to the point where ending it all seems the easiest to do..." Tails cried.
"Now there, hun. Y'all can't be havin' thoughts like that. The easiest path isn't necessarily the right one to go." Bunnie said. "Let's go and find Sally and we can have a big talk, okay?"
"Y-yeah, okay..." Tails sniffled.
Perhaps this Sally will teach me how to do that Funny Kiss Cream taunts me about. Thought Marine.
As Tails stood, Bunnie really only just began to study her attire and also noticing things she somehow missed. Okay, ah'm completely confused now... "Sugah Tails, why are y'all in a dress?"
"Long story short, I'm a girl." This had Bunnie sweat-dropping.
"Was it some kinda horrible lab accident?"
"No, I was born that way..." Tails replied. "And to add to the kick of shock, I'm also very pregnant." This had Bunnie lifting her hand to her mouth in a gasp.
"How did this...who's...Y'all are gonna have to explain this, cause ya lost me at the pregnant part..."
"There's no father..." Tails lowered her ears. "I'll explain when we see Sally; I don't want to have to explain it twice. It hurts too much."
"Sure, let's go and find her." It was clear Bunnie wasn't taking this well, but was trying to keep as cool as she could.
"Bunnie, I think we should go see Sally now... For Tails' sake." suggested Marine.
Bunnie nodded and escorted Tails out of the hut, after Marine left as well, Bunnie locked up and the three began walking toward the castle. "Oh, so y'all know what ah was doin' in yer hut. We've made sure ta keep it neat and tidy, encase y'all wanted ta come and stay. It's not up for sale. I was just givin' it a good ol' dustin'." Bunnie explained. Tails simply nodded in response.
"Good." said Marine.  "Old happy memories will help Tails out."
"So, Marine, was it? How did y'all meet Tails?"
"I find her and Sonic washed up on the beach.  Then we had an adventure on the seas with pirates, treasure and kicking in Egghead's teeth."
"Sounds like a typical Sugah-hog day." Bunnie replied.
"Sugah-hog?" Marine was confused.
"That's Sonic, Bunnie calls him Sugah-hog sometimes." Tails informed Marine.
"Sorry for the confusion." Bunnie said.
"Everyone has nicknames."
"Just like you, Captain." Tails teased.
"Hey, ranks are different than nicknames."
"Hm, so you're nickname would be brat by Blaze's point of view." Tails said. "My name Tails is just a nickname as well."
"I know that, I also know how much you hate your real first name."
"Did you know that 'Sonic' is also just a nickname?"
"Is this like asking, 'Are we there yet' to pass the time until we get to this castle?"
"No, I just know that Sonic hates his real name more than I hate mine." Tails giggled.
"And how are your hootz holdin' up?"
"Lactating..." Tails lowered her ears. Bunnie sweat-dropped.
"Y'all know, ah still ain't used to the idea y'all are really a gal, Tails. And havin' a baby to boot is a lot to take." Bunnie told her.
"Thanks for telling me, Tails.  But I meant you, Bunnie." said Marine.  "You aren't even wearing a bra..."
"Ma 'hootz' are fine, but thanks fer noticing." Bunnie said to the raccoon.
"I mean crikey, you're bigger than Rouge.  What are you, a j-cup?"
"Not quite, hun." Bunnie said.
"By the way, we're gonna have to make a pit stop, Tails need to get her hootz under control since the shirt has wet spots."
"Oh...shit..." Tails cursed.
"Looks like we'll be hitting' ma place then." Bunnie sweat dropped.
"I still say we should inject chocolate syrup into your hootz, Tails." said Marine. Bunnie fell over.
"No, no, no, no, no." Tails told the raccoon.
After going to Bunnies to sort out Tails, the three went to the Castle and reached the doors.
"Y'all ready?" Bunnie asked.
"Yeah..." Tails replied.
The three then enter the castle and walk around, Marine checking out its magnificent walls. The three entered the throne room, where Sally was sorting through some papers.
"I thought the current king was Sally's brother, why is Sally doing his job?" Tails asked.
"He's gone out to another kingdom for somethin', ah've not really asked, so Sally's fillin' in temporarily." Bunnie explained. The three had gotten to Sally without her noticing, since she was so caught up in her work. "Um, Sally-girl, y'all got a visitor." Bunnie said.
"Whom, exactly?" Sally asked, still sorting through her papers.
"Our favourite two-tailed fox."
Sally stopped shuffling through the papers and saw Tails and Marine.  "Tails, it really is you." she said with a smile.
"Yup." Tails smiled.
"So, how was the fashion show?"
"You saw that?" Tails asked.
"No, read about it in the paper, and your pregnant ass made front page.  So are you having a boy, girl, or hermaphrodite?"
"Girl." Tails replied.
"How did ah miss that paper?" Bunnie asked.
"Threw it away by accident?" asked Marine.
"Antoine tossed his because h
e thought it was a hoax." said Sally.
"Oh, he's gonna get it when ah see him next..." Bunny fumed.
"Um...could I possibly...get a hug?" Tails asked Sally.
"You said that you grew out of hugs... but I guess I can hug that baby girl of yours." Sally answered and left her table.
"I said that when I thought I was a 'big boy'. But I realise now that I'm just as bad as I used to be..." Tails lowered her ears.
Sally hugged Tails, but it was a short one.  "So, are you going to introduce me to your girl friend here?"
Tails was kind of bummed that her hug was so short. "Sally this is Marine, Marine, this is my Aunt Sally." Tails introduced the two.
"Nice to meet you, highness." said Marine.
"Likewise." said Sally and she shook with Marine.  After that, she wrapped her arm around Tails' shoulder.  "As for you, young lady, I have a gift you can take home."
"Oh?" Tails questioned.
"Yes. I might as well give you something besides a talk since you came out this way."
"I should probably explain how I got into the mess I'm currently in soon, huh?" Tails said.
"True, you should." said Sally.  "But not here, we have to go to a scene more welcoming.  Let's go to my study everyone.  It's more relaxing there and it's also where I put your gift." And the four head off to Sally's study.
"Have a seat everyone and let's have tea." said Sally.
"Typical that y'all would keep this place nice and clean, Sally-girl." Bunny said.
"Oddly, it doesn't look any different than that last time I saw it...and that was ages ago..." Tails added. The two take a seat, Bunny on Tails' left side.
"I may not be on the throne, but I am still a princess." said Sally.
"Even a princess can be messy once in a while." Tails teased.
"While we wait for the water to heat up, tell us about your daughter's conception."
"How to begin, I wonder..." Tails thought to herself for a moment.
"You can begin by telling me if this is a happy or sad story." Sally guessed.
"That depends." Tails said. "It's a sad conception, but I don't feel sad about my baby anymore."
"Tell me as much as you can without opening closed wounds."
"Y'all can take yer time if it gets too hard." Bunnie said.
"I'm afraid that's impossible..." Tails said to Sally. "This baby has no father, the conception wasn't normal."
Sally's expression turned shrewd.  "Sounds like you were drugged." she said.
"No, I was electrocuted, and then raped by a machine." Tails lowered her ears. Bunnie gasped.
"Enough said." was Sally's reply.  "So, what have you learned throughout your pregnancy?"
"That lactating really sucks and my breasts go through hell." Tails replied.
"That just means you'll breastfeed." Tails looked at Marine momentarily and then back to Sally.
"Probably..." She said.
"No, you'll breastfeed."
"Okay." Tails replied. "Um, are you sure you don't want me to tell you the full story?"
"If it'll keep you from wanting to kill yourself, then go ahead.  If not, then don't."
"This is Eggman's doing. He was the one who captured me, found out my gender and then used me for a sick experiment called Chimera. I got pregnant as a result." Tails said.
"Nice way to sum it up." said Sally.  "And I take it your capture was a result of being brave?"
"Yes." Tails lowered her ears again.
"Who did you rescue?  And why are you sad for rescuing that person?"
"I rescued Cream. And I'm not sad about saving her, I'm sad because I was incapable of escaping myself, which led me to the problems I'm having now..."
"Then don't be sad about it."
Tails just suddenly covered her face with her hands and burst into tears, leading Bunny to wrap her non-metallic arm around her shoulder. "Everything is just going so horribly wrong for me lately, and I just want it to stop. I just want everything back to normal and it's never going to be back to normal." Tails cried.
"Before this goes any further Aunt Sal, I better note that Tails and Cream are going through some rough waters right now." Marine pointed out.
"Oh, I didn't get to hear that part yet.  Sorry about me jumping the gun." and Sally slaps her forehead.
"I can't take it anymore, just make it go away, make the pain go away and leave me alone." Tails cried. Bunnie then rubbed her shoulder, and rocked her gently.
"There, there, sugah, let it all out, don't hold nothin' back." Bunnie said to her, leading to Tails falling
into Bunnies chest to cry. Bunnie pat her on the head. "Time heals all wounds."
The teapot whistled and Sally placed it on the tray.  "Tea should help things pass." she said, then placed two teabags into the pot.
"So, what are ya gonna call ya lil' gal?" Bunnie asked, as Tails began to calm a little.
"Lavender..." Tails said. "I designed a computer AI which was supposed to resemble my own daughter, but the colour scheme messed up and she was a lavender colour, so that's where the name came from."
"Lavender is a nice name." said Sally as she dipped the teabags.  "Well, let's have some lemon tea."
"Y'all feel better now that ya had a good cry?" Bunnie asked Tails. Tails then sat up right and wiped her face.
"I think I'm okay now." She said.
"I'll have a spot of tea please." requested Marine.
"I don't quite know what Sally does to it, but whatever it is makes it heaven in a cup." Tails said. "I'll have some."
"Good ol' tea." Bunnie said.
The teapot is passed around and the four girls enjoy the pot.  "I guess I really needed a break from paperwork." said Sally.
"Even though you turned down the crown, you still work too much." Tails said, sipping her tea.
"Once a princess... princess until death or marriage."
"You still work too much."
"Don't you work too much." and Sally sipped her tea.  "By the way, how are you enjoying the tea, Tails?"
"Heaven in a cup." Tails replied.
"Good.  Now for your gift..." and Sally reached behind her chair.  "This is a nice bag of nursing tea."
"Nursing tea?"
"Yes, it'll help you out when it's time for those 'meals of milk' that you have to give.  The tea helps with your milk production, flow and even takes away some of the problems nursing babies have while latching.  Actually, we're drinking it right now." and Sally stuck out her tongue.
"Ah knew somethin' was odd about this tea." Bunnie said.
"I only ask one favour from you, Tails." said Sally.
"What's that?" Tails asked.
"Nothing simple... just a cake..."
"A cake?" asked Marine.
"Yeah, you lost me as well." Tails tilted her head.
"Make me a cake." Sally answered.  "And instead of the regular 2%, use your breast milk instead."
Tails would have fallen over if she remembered she was told not to, however, Bunnie filled that gap for her and crashed to the floor. Tails put her cup on the table.
"I'm getting tired of everyone wanting my breast milk..." She said.
"Actually, baking a cake with an expectant mothers breast milk and eating it is a sign of good wishes for the mother.  It also ensures the mother a safe delivery if the cake is eaten before the mother goes into labour." Sally cleared up.
"It still doesn't stop the fact that everyone keeps asking for my breast milk." Tails replied.
"Well, I don't want your milk in general; I just want a cake from you with your breast milk as an ingredient."
"You're lucky you're special to me, or I'd say no." Tails said.
"When Bernie was pregnant with Sonic, she did just what I am asking of you.  She used her freshly pumped breast milk, mixed it into a cake, made a cake and let her friends eat it.  This ensured a save delivery for Sonic... and we all know that it worked."
"I'll do it." Tails said. "But like I said, only because you are you. If you were anyone else except a few unnamed others, I would say no. But I'm not."
"She's lying." said Marine.  "She also wants to deliver safely too."
"Huh?" Tails questioned Marine. "Now I'm completely lost..." Bunnie finally took her seat again.
"You want to birth safely, right Tails?" Marine questioned.
"Who wouldn't?"
"I'll make sure she bakes the cake, Sally."
"No, Tails should do it of her own free will." Sally pointed out.  "I don't want it if she wouldn't do it for others, because it has the opposite effect." Tails just decided to stop talking and finished her tea.
"You know. Even if I wanted to, I need to make sure it's okay with Dr. Quack." Tails said, after 5 minutes.
"Why's that, sugah?" Bunnie asked.
"My breast milk has Chaos Energy in it."
So that's why he wanted to know if I start swelling up. Thought Marine.  This might have the same effect like that one woman from the Kamyla movies.  Only we weren't drugged.
"I see." said Sally.  "Well, you have been exposed to chaos energy before and you've turned out fine.  So this just might offset things in your body."
"I will still check." Tails said.
"Well, how did you get here by chance?" Sally just remembered something.
"By ship." Tails replied.
"Well, that's a bummer.  It's past last launch, so you'll be stuck here until morning."
"You make it sound like a bad thing." Tails said.
"Well, you and Marine can always enjoy staying the night at your hut."
"There's a spare mattress still in there, right?" Tails asked.
"Y'all got nothin' to worry about." Bunnie said. "Everything in yer hut's as mint as yer left it, if not cleaner."
"That's good then."
"I guess we better grab a bit of munchies then." said Marine.
"Sure." Tails said, before standing and neatening the creases in her clothing. Taking her present from the table, she turned to Sally and Bunny. "Thanks for being so understanding about my situation." She said.
"We always will, even if things don't sound pleasant." said Sally.
"Still, thank you." Tails said. "We're going to go now."
Tails and Marine left the castle and were heading down the way.  "Hey Tails, I just had an ironic moment." said Marine.
"Oh?" Tails questioned.
"Sally said the fashion show incident was how she had heard about you in the paper, but wasn't she and Sonics' mom doing modelling?"
"Yes...she was..." Tails remembered.
"Perhaps that paperwork is a way of picking up on what she missed that day in her official duties."
"What are you saying?"
"I think that Sonics' expression of pride about you coming out could've been because he ran into his mom and got filled in."
"What do you mean? You mean that's why Sonic didn't blow his top when I announced, because he knew before I told him?"
"It's possible.  And if Sonics' mom knows what Sally knows, then word of your being female may already be exaggerated here.  Or maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions."
"Well, Bunnie didn't know." Tails said.
"And Antoine thought it to be a hoax.  But I wonder if Wave managed to catch that part at the end."
"You think Wave knows?"
"I think Wave is the one who did that news tip-off...  But since I can't prove that..."
"Oh..." Tails lowered her ears. "Anyway, shall we go back to the hut or grab something to eat on the way?"
"That's on you."
"Well, I would like to rest a little, but we need food." Tails said. Then something snapped inside of her. "Wait a moment...That news report had me send a message to Miley Inari but.....I didn't send that message. So who did?"
Marine began to lose herself in thought.  "Good question...."
Meanwhile back in Station Square, Rouge was working in her club and Shadow was sat in a dark corner with a beer on the table, but he hadn't touched it. He was in one of those corner couch like seats which bent around the corner. He was in the lounge position with one leg up on the chair, the other on the floor.
"So, you ready to talk about this yet?" asked Rouge.
"Bah..." Shadow replied. "If I must."
"Start talkin' then."
Shadow looked away from her. "About what exactly?" He asked.
"How you feel, what you're thinking, why you've been easy to irritate as of late, and then there's that one question that I've heard too."
"That question is?"
"Not sure exactly... something about tidy white and red."
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Shadow lied.
"Well, then answer the other questions."
"How I feel? I feel the question is completely irrelevant. What am I thinking? What brutal ways I can kill the Doctor. Why have I been so easy to irritate lately? Because everyone strives to piss me off." Shadow said.
"Oh, now I remember the question.  Tidy white or Candy apple red?"
"Neither." Shadow said.
"Of course...  You prefer midnight black."
"Wrong again, though I don't mind that one."
"I normally don't ask this but...  Would you care for a lap dance?"
"For what reason are you offering?"
"Well, the club isn't up and running, Omega's in sleep mode, we're the only ones here, and I figured that you need something to cheer you up."
"I'll pass."
"You better not waste that beer."
"I won't." Shadow said. "And just so you know, the reason I am so irate is because I failed to stop the Doctor from hurting Tails."
"Do you think that Tails has something to do with that challenge Vanilla has for you?"
"Bah. She's the sole part of it."
"Really?  So what's at stake for this challenge anyway?"
"To tell the truth, I don't know what I'm supposed to do for it. And if I don't do it, I can't get the last Chaos Emerald."
"Chaos Emerald, so Vanilla has it eh?  I would've thought it'd be in Gmerl."
"It doesn't matter where it is, unless I pass this stupid ridiculous mindless test, I can't get it!" Shadow fumed.
"Remember that Gmerl is Emerl reprogrammed and that Emerl once held all seven chaos emeralds before going berserk.  I figured that Vanilla would've put the last one in Gmerl.  Then I would've just challenged Gmerl to a fight and win the emerald that way.  But I guess you already thought of that, didn't you?"
"I don't want to hurt Vanilla, and since she uses him as body armor, that proves a problem."
"Not unless you overpower him.  When Emerl went berserk, Eggman demonstrated a higher amount of power than his peaceful safeguard programming."
"Yeah, well. A part of me also remembers that Gmerl defeated a machine that...beat me. I have been humiliated once already. Never again."
"Then I guess you can always take Tails out on a date." Shadow fell out of his seat knocking the table and the beer nearly fell as well, but Rouge saved it.
"What did I tell you about the beer?"
"It's intact, is it not?" Shadow said standing up.
"And what is so bad about taking Tails out on a date?"
Shadow thought for a moment. "Yes, I see where you're coming from. I'll take Tails on a date, then seduce her late at night." He said sarcastically, before retaking his seat.
"You could do that, or just ask her for a blowjob."
"She'd probably have no idea what to do. I wouldn't risk my own safety on that." Shadow retorted.
"If she can give one to Cream, she can give one to you." Rouge joked.
"Licking carpet and sucking cock are two different things."
"Cream doesn't have hair down there.  And if a rabbit that is two years younger than Tails knows how to practice head on a dildo, the fox can give it."
"Why are we talking about this again?"
"It might be the only way Vanilla will give you the emerald.  And besides, what does it matter to you if Tails' face is in your lap for ten minutes?  You're getting the chaos emerald, no one's putting out, you get to bust a much needed nutt, win-win-win situation."
"So, to solve my problems, I need head from a pregnant fox?"
"Who knows... head won't kill you."
"And what makes you think Tails would even do that? And with me, Mr Emotionless Ultimate Life Form who quite frankly couldn't give a fuck about the world, wants only to defeat Sonic in near enough every way and generally hates all forms of contact with other people?"
"Point taken...  you're gonna have to screw her." Shadow fell out of his seat again and the beer was not touched this time.
"Lemme take back that beer.  All that sober falling over isn't healthy."
Shadow stood. "Why are you so insistent to pair me with Tails?" He asked.
"Because you love her?"
"..." Shadow was quiet for a while. "Nonsense." He said before walking past Rouge and toward the exit.
"Fine, ask Vanilla for a hint when she's done with Tikal's show."
Shadow stopped walking, but didn't turn to Rouge. "So what if I do? Let's put that idea on the table and say that I do feel for the fox. What difference would it make in the end when it wouldn't be returned? I made a vow that I wouldn't care for another, so why would I start now?" He asked.
"Because circumstances have changed." Rouge answered.  "You never felt bad about anyone besides Maria or Omega until this happened to Tails.  But I guess you're confused about your feelings when they finally start happening to you."
"Maybe I am. Maybe I don't understand. But whether or not I do means nothing in the end." And Shadow continues walking.
"Fine, good luck having six out of seven."
"You don't get it at all." And Shadow left.
Rouge sipped the beer that Shadow didn't even touch.  "I get it, but this beer isn't helping." she said.  "Shadow is gonna have to screw that fox, I just know it."
"EMOTIONS ARE MAKING HIM WEAK." Said a mechanical voice from the other side of the room.
"Compassion doesn't weaken us, Omega.  It only makes us human."
"The phrase was rhetorical, Omega.  I mean that it makes him more organic."
"Emotions are not meaningless."
"Let's just say his programming is advancing and adaptability is being compromised."
"I'm glad that I'm recording this still.  Omega.... you and me both."
"Back to standby, Omega.  I'll take things over from here."
"AFFIRMATIVE." And Omega returns to the back.
Rouge stopped recording.  "Shadow is going through so much angst... no matter, he'll survive."
Amy was in the elevator of the hospital, holding a bundle of roses. She was in hopes that Tikal was going to be forgiving. She'd been told that she regained consciousness and was sent to her room. The elevator stopped and she got out on the floor, heading to the room. Swallowing a lump in her throat, Amy approached the room to hear laughter and it was definitely Tikal.
"Tikal? Are you okay in here?" And Amy was right, Tikal was near enough in tears laughing at something on the television. "What's so funny?"
"L-look who's on my show." She laughed.
"Vanilla?" Amy asked coming in and looking at the screen. She then too began laughing aloud. "Wave was your guest? Oh god, that's hilarious."
"So what's with the flowers?" asked Tikal.
"They're to apologise...for what I did. It was completely out of order and I deserve to be punished for it." Amy replied.
"So you want me to punish you, eh?"
"I don't want you to, I just said I deserve to be."
"O-kay.  Well it's nice to see Shade again."
"Again?" Amy questioned.
"Of course."
"You saw her during the Nocturnes incident?"
"No, but the Nocturnus always fought for land with my father.  I made a friend in Shade, but we kept conversations private and out of reach of the tribes informers.
"Oh, I see." Amy said, she took a seat next to Tikal's bed. "So, what will my punishment be?"
"You'll know it in time.  But for now, let's see how Vanilla deals with these people with relationship problems....  She's doing well so far."
"Somehow I want Cream and Tails to appear in their underpants just to ruin the show." Amy giggled.
"No, that won't happen, but having them on the show to deal with their relationship would be nice."
"Considering how unstable they both are at the moment, I don't see that happening."
"Those two should just have sex."
"Better Cream than Sonic." Amy pouted.
"There you go again."
"I can't help it. Sonic is mine and mine least, I believed that until he completely dumped me." Amy lowered her head.
"So Sonic dumped you?"
"Well, it would have been a dump if we were dating. I won't get him now, I see that I never had a chance with him to begin with and I was just fooling myself. And I hurt you in the process."
"Look at it this way, you'll get over it."
"No, I'm going celibate. No more men for me."
"I hope you have a vibrator ready."
"Would you mind if we stop talking about it?"
"It won't have you come to terms with me anyway."
"So, how are you gonna deal with your place?"
"I have no place."
"My landlord came and threw me out."
"I take it you didn't get the security deposit back."
"I have something for you to use."
"Oh? What's that?"
"I left it at home, but it'll help you big time."
"What is it?"
"Useful information."
"Your current situation."
"I see." Amy said. "Well, I have enough money to get a flat in Radical City, so i plan to move there."
"How do you plan on getting your plane ticket?"
"I'll come up with something." Amy sighed. "It doesn't matter what happens to me now. My life ended when Sonic trashed me."
Tikal looked at Amy.  "Lock the door to my room, will you?"
Amy stands, walks over to the door and closes it, locking it before going and taking her seat again.
"Is it thoroughly locked?"
"No one will get in easily." Amy said. "Why?"
"Good... now strip."
"What?" Amy looked at Tikal with an eyebrow raised.
"Strip.  Take it all off, all except your gloves and socks."
"Now you're just creeping me out."
"Are you gonna get naked, or do I have to rip those clothes off of you?"
"Fine fine, sheesh. But first." And Amy walks over to the window into the halls and closes the blinds. She then proceeds to remove her dress, and places it on the chair, she unclips her bra and removes it, slipping off her shoes, and she removes her panties, but doesn't turn to Tikal. "Now what?" She asked.
"Stand still, I wanna have a look at you." and Tikal stood up.
Amy looked over her shoulder. "Should you really be getting up?"
"Relax, it's not like you can kill me."
Tikal started to walk away from her bed.  She was wobbly at first, but managed to walk normally anyway.  She walked towards and circled Amy's nude body, then returned to the bed.  "Well, you don't appear to have any bruises on you."
"Why would I have bruising?" Amy asked.
"You said Sonic trashed you, yet you have no bruising.  He actually yelled at you to the point that you had a nervous breakdown after being dumped.  Put your clothes back on."
"I never said he attacked me, not physically anyway." And Amy got dressed again.
"But I was right, wasn't I?"
"Point taken.  Now, let's watch my show."
"Okay." And Amy took her seat and watched as Wave poured her heart out to Vanilla about her failing love life.
"Amy, you're upset with yourself at this time, but it'll pass."
"Maybe, maybe not. I don't know what will happen. Or care that much either."
"I see."
"Sonic was my whole world, there's nothing if there's no Sonic."
"Sonic isn't in Radical City, so why move there?"
"He doesn't want me, Tikal. And I can't be around knowing that."
"So what's next after the move?"
"I don't know. I live and die a miserable life."
"Adopt a kid if it makes you feel better."
"That won't work for me."
"I see.  You don't have any other purpose in life..."
"Nope, I had my life planned out and that's all gone now."
"Well, you still have one purpose in life before you leave and that is to deal with Eggman."
"Maybe I can do one final act by committing suicide, taking Eggbutt with me." Amy thought aloud.
"Cream will be very sad without you..."
"She doesn't need me."
"You're her big sister."
Amy stood up. "Well, I hope you get better soon. I'm going to head off to my tent. I'll see you later, okay?" And Amy took her leave.
"Stay alive for Tails' at least.  She doesn't need a dead friend before her daughter's birth." But Amy didn't reply and was gone in moments.
A figure appeared in the room. "Not a happy topic, I take it?" Shadow asked.
"Amy's borderline suicidal."
"I noticed."
"Any luck with Vanilla's challenge?"
"Rouge gave me a few suggestive ideas which are pointless."
"Like what?"
"Sexual interaction with Tails."
"You mean like fingering her preggo cunny until she has an orgasm?"
"Not quite."
"So you have to stick the vibe up her preggo cunny until she has an orgasm?"
"And people say all males are perverts, with ideas like that I wonder if that logic is true or if it applies to females as well." Shadow cleared his throat. "No, Rouge wasn't that graphic, she started off with the suggestion of getting head, but after a few logical comments she decided to up it to just plain screwing Tails."
Tikal giggled.  "That might actually work."
"How's that?" Shadow asked.
"She'll probably give you head.  Sex is out of the question, but Tails will more likely give you head."
"What makes you say that? I don't even see kissing as an option, let alone her going down on me..."
"Do you want me to give you a blowjob?"
"I didn't say that."
"You didn't say no, either."
"Why would you offer me head?"
"Think of my face instead of Tails' if you need to."
"I'm not following..."
"Fine.  Sit next to me on the bed." Shadow sighed, shrugged and did as he was told.
"Now, open up down here."
Shadow spreads his legs, but frowns.
"What's with the face?" asked Tikal.
"You should know me as the type who doesn't smile a lot." Shadow replied.
"Fare enough."  Tikal gets down on her knees in front of Shadow, properly positioned for the act.  "Look at me, Shadow." said Tikal.  "Don't be scared, just look at my face."
Shadow looks down at Tikal. "What makes you think I'm scared?"
"Just look at me, Shadow."
"I am looking at you
"But can you remember my expression?"
Shadow raises an eyebrow. "What one? The lecturers 'look at me' one?"
"Funny.  Just remember my current gaze...  And when Tails' face is bobbing up and down your length, just think that it's coming from me."  Tikal then stood up and sat next to Shadow again.  "If you can do that, then you should be fine."
"You know you're not making any sense at all." Shadow said. "Are you insinuating I should pretend that I'm getting head from you rather than Tails. That's not the issue here." Shadow crossed his legs and stared at Tikal.
"Fine, then think of Rouge's face... or Maria's face if it helps you."
"Not the damn issue." Shadow said. "You make it sound like I'd get in that situation. I don't see that happening."
"And when it does happen, then what?"
"It won't. So I don't need to think about that."
"Fine.  I guess you'll want to leave then?"
"Nope, I'm having a nice chat here and I'm sticking around, unlike Amy who runs away from her problems." Shadow replied. "If it came around to it, I have no problems knowing it's Tails."
"You may still be here, but you're still running from your problems."
"Honestly, what would anyone see in me? All I do is push people away."
"You hide the soul and can't wish to open up.  Many women like men who act as you are acting in hopes to show them that it isn't wrong to show affection." and Tikal folds her arms.  "And besides, A guy has serious problems if he can't enjoy getting his dick sucked by a girl."
"Heh, something tells me Tails is too interested in Sonic to give me a second glance." Shadow laughed.
"She's been grateful to you so far.  And besides, you might as well ask.  Tails will either service you, or not."
"Like I'm going to ask her. You have more chance of Sonic begging Amy for sex." Shadow said.
"You can't get it up, can you?"
"Last time anything was 'exciting' enough to get me excited was 50 years ago." Shadow said.
"Does that mean you have your own personal porn stash of Maria, or are you unable to get it up?"
"Hm, I haven't tried to get it up. I'm not one of those horny idiots who erect to everything or feel the need to beat off for any reason."
"I was wrong, you can get hard..." Tikal shrugs.
"Oh, and how do you figure that?"
"Arrogant guys can always get hard."
"Is that so?"
"Yup.  But knowing 'Mr. Ultimate Life form' the Hedgehog, you probably have Down Dick Syndrome."
"I'll ignore that."
"Do you even know what Down Dick Syndrome is?"
"Since we've seemingly clarified that I can get hard, you're implying I have a small package."
"No, that is Mini-me Syndrome."
"Then what are you implying?"
"That despite the fact that you can get hard, you have Down Dick Syndrome."
"That doesn't tell me anything."
"So you want to know then?"
"No, I'm asking questions for the fun of asking." Shadow replied sarcastically.
"Well, men get hard with Down Dick Syndrome..." Tikal giggled.
"You've lost me..."
"Men can still pop a boner with DDS, but the erection curves downward instead of up."
"Hm, No. I don't have that."
".... 'Hm, No.  I don't have that.'  Couldn't just answer straight I see..."
"Odd, I thought I did."
"You thought you had DDS?"
"I mean, having DDS isn't so bad.  Most guys' downward curve goes past their balls and in some finds itself in the buttcrack."
"You know, you're going from barely tolerable to slightly annoying."
"Fine, I'll quit taunting your shallow ass.  But when you get the solitude for it...  Think about Tails' female body and masturbate.  If you get off, then you know you want her." Shadow doesn't respond to that. "Get out of here, I'll be fine.  You're the one who has thinking to do."
"And if I refuse and want to stay and continue chatting, then what?"
"Then I can always tell you about some of my guests and offer you suggestions on how to get balls deep in Tails."
"I know that stupid rumour running about you females about my being in love with Tails, and I'll admit that since that incident all I think about is Tails, unlike before when I used to think about only Maria and beating Sonic. But beating Sonic doesn't even come into mind much anymore either. And I'm not talking about molesting Tails, she's just there, taunting the back of my mind, so it pisses me off that people assume to advise me on 'fucking her' so casually." Shadow stands and walks to the window, looking out onto the streets.
"I say get your dick sucked and I can give you pointers on actually screwing Tails." Tikal shrugs.  "Now if I were you and wanted at Tails, I would probably hit it from the back... have her--No, that's not a good position for preggos...  What's your opinion on having anal sex?"
"Against it."
"So no anal sex with Tails....  Well, you'll probably sit her in your lap and bounce her, that's safe for pregnant mothers.  I've actually had pregnant guests that suggest that one, even in the last trimester."
"You're pretty sex obsessed, aren't you?"
"You went fifty years without action while in a stasis pod, I went thousands of years without action as a sphere of energy in the master emerald."
Shadow then turns to Tikal and grins slyly. "So, you're just sexually frustrated."
"Frustrated?  Masturbating with a dildo hurts me.  I have what is called dyspareunia."
"So, you couldn't have pleasant sex if you wanted to."
"No, it would hurt me.  My vaginas have actually shrunk."
"That's a shame. Here I had a small deal proposal." Shadow shrugged.
"I didn't think you'd actually give me the time of day in bed."
"You didn't think I'd give anyone the time of day in bed. But we're all full of surprises. I wouldn't have thought you to be the type of girl who's so sexually frustrated that you needed to vent so much on sex, being the innocent chief's daughter and all." Shadow retorted.
"I make too much of my guest's sex lives personal.”
"You shouldn't. That's unprofessional." Shadow said. "I guess you're not interested in my offer." And he turns to the window again.
"Did you ever think that Tails' taunting you in the back of the head could be a sort of sexual tension?  Knuckles did tell me how you went berserk when Eggman mention Tails' panties with your logo on them."
"Maybe, maybe not."
"So get Tails to give you head then and get her out of your mind."
Shadow turns around and leans against the wall. "I can't do that."
"Then continue to have her taunting you in the head."
"If I were to show weakness in front of you, what would you do?"
"Give you a hug.  Not that you seem to have that, would you?"
"What? Weakness?"
"You don't take the time to get to know people."
"I don't consider that a weakness." Shadow looked at Tikal firmly. "If I continue talking, nothing I say leaves this room, understood?"
"Look at it this way...  You have one friend, one associate, three rivals, two hobbies and a lot of enemies."
"And what do you think my hobbies are?"
"Collecting chaos emeralds and Extreme Gear."
"My lack of friends is my choice. But, I will tell you this much, I have no luck when it comes to opening up to girls."
"That was obvious, all of us know that."
"Heh, well. Let me make you a deal then. You help me hitch up with Tails, and I'll do a request for you." Shadow offered.
"Like what?"
"That's on you."
"I might protest to a request, but try me. I'm doing stupid meagre tasks for Vanilla, so I don't see why I should reject too much you ask."
"I see.  Well, it shouldn't be too hard."
"This deal has a catch, my part won't be played until after the whole Tails thing. Also, no one is to know, unless you don't like having your skull still intact."
"Fine, I'll pointer you from the Shadows."
"Anyway, now I shall leave you in peace." Shadow said. He took a chaos emerald and looked at Tikal. "Anything else you want to say before I leave?"
"Get to know what Tails likes, then find a common ground on it.  Think of that as your first pointer."
"Hmm..." Shadow thought. Then warped away.
Tikal simply turned back to the TV.  "I hope you have to screw Tails to get Vanilla's emerald." she said.  "You'll be better off getting some from a girl, and you won't be all pissed off."