Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Megamorph ❯ Chapter 16

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Amy walked through Station square, dragging around a large suitcase and wearing a big camping bag. Clearly she'd been evicted from the park. She didn't know where she was going, or how long she'd be dragging everything she owned around for, but eventually found herself in the elevator, heading to Vanilla's house. After reaching the correct floor, she walked over to Vanilla's door, but instead of knocking, she dumped her stuff to the side and sat in the middle of it, where she curled up into a heap and silently cried.
After ten minutes, she stood and dusted herself off, wiped her face dry and returned to Vanilla's door, giving 4 raps. She waited patiently for someone to answer the door. Knuckles ended up answering the door. 
"Amy, what's going on?" he asked.
"Oh, hey Knuckles. I'm surprised to see you answering Vanilla's door." She said. "And nothing's going on. I just came to pay Cream and Vanilla a visit, since I have nothing better to do."
"So the camping gear is nothing to do?"
"What do you expect me to do? Leave everything I own in the park for everyone to steal?" Amy questioned.
"Park?  I don't follow, but tell me inside."
"Am I allowed to drag my things inside or is that wrong too?" Amy asked.
"I thought you didn't want people stealing your stuff..."
"I don't..." Amy replied. She then went to gather her things and dragged them into Vanilla's house, dumping them out of the way in a corner somewhere.
"Anyway, Cream's having a nap and Vanilla went to take a run, but feel free to kick it here and wait."
"Okay." Amy replied, she let out a sigh as she went and found a place to sit.
"After she wakes up, I plan on taking Cream to the gym so we can work out." Knuckles explained and passed Amy a glass of orange juice.
"Why would she want to do that?" Amy asked.
"You act like she can't bench press 200 lbs.  From last I remembered, Cream was able to carry and toss you and Big like balls in mid-flight."
"Knuckles...there is a big difference in the questions how and why. I asked why." Amy explained, taking the OJ.
"Pumping a bit of iron relieves stress and tension.  And being a little strong doesn't hurt either.”
"Maybe for you, but I don't see that as something Cream would do to release stress and tension."
"Wanna come?"
"I don't think I need to release anymore tension, thanks..." Amy replied.
"It couldn't hurt you to add a bit more muscle..."
"Trust me; I worked out my frustrations already." Amy replied.
"But are you stronger from it?"
"Maybe, I don't know. I do know that I am homeless from it."
"So you've been at the park this whole time?"
"I've been camping at the park since I got booted from my apartment. Just recently, police came and evicted me from the park, so I can't even stay there anymore." Amy said sadly.
Knuckles shook his head.  "See, I wouldn't be like this if I were you."
"Well, what am I supposed to do? I have no home, and all I own are in those bags. I have nothing else." Amy said.
"Now if I were you, I would be staying with Big.  Cream visits Big every so often and learned how to fish from him.  Cream has learned a lot from you and Big, but I'm shocked that you wouldn't be staying with him." Amy simply sighs, but doesn't reply. "Hey, it's an option.  I mean, Big roughs it every day by himself and he's really laidback.  I'm sure he wouldn't turn your company away, it beats talking to frogs..."
"I don't...really want to live in the mystic ruins." Amy said.
"What's wrong with living in the Mystic Ruins?"
"It's just not a place I'd choose to live." Amy said.
"So you don't have a problem with living with Big or getting kicked out of parks?"
"You lost me. Big lives in the Mystic Ruins the last time I checked, and of course I don't like getting kicked out of the park."
"Just so you know, the Floating Island is part of the Mystic Ruins.  And Tikal has no problems with it."
"It's not my kind of place, okay?" Amy almost yelled, but she held herself back.
"An old proverb, 'Homeless people can't be picky, because it will keep them from making proper choices.'  You have to understand that you don't have a choice on where you live if you're homeless."
Amy just sighs and puts her glass down on the table coaster. "Just...Never mind. I'm going to leave now." She said, before standing and heading to her things, picking up the backpack to put it on.
"You really should come and pump iron with me."
"I'll pass." Amy said, before lugging her things to the door. As she opened it, Vanilla was stood, holding her key, clearly she was about to open the door to let herself in. "Oh, hello Vanilla..."
"We have to talk." said Vanilla.
"Um...sure.” Amy said, backing into the room, before placing her things back in the corner.
"Follow me." said Vanilla as she walked to her room. Amy let out a small sigh as she followed Vanilla into her room.
Once the girls got into the room, Vanilla closed and locked the door.  "Have a seat on the bed." Vanilla told Amy. Amy did as she was told and made herself comfortable on the side of the bed. She began twiddling her thumbs, but kept quiet. "Tikal told me some disturbing news about you wanting to kill yourself."
Amy lowered her head slightly. "Well...I've considered it, I'll admit..." She said.
"I want to hear everything about this sudden change of demeanour."
"You mean the reason I considered ending my own life?"
"It happened after you guys left and I destroyed my apartment. I was just so angry with myself that I took my hammer and swung it at anything I could find that was breakable...and broke it. After letting my rage get the better of me, I just collapsed in my room and sat there..." Amy explained. "After a while, Sonic came in. And that's when my world finally collapsed."
"How so?"
"The things he said, how he said them...That sort of thing." Amy cried a little bit. "I was so jealous of Tails because she was having a baby and it made me realise just how much I also wanted one." She cried. "I became desperate and begged Sonic to get me pregnant, but he just pushed me aside with his words and told me he didn't want to be with me, that there's no way he'd ever want to be with me now."
"I just might be able to assist with your request."
Amy looked up at Vanilla, with her tear stained face. "Huh?"
"I may be able to assist with that."
"How, I know how to 'transfer pollen' so to speak."
"I'm confused."
"Perhaps I will show you instead." Amy titled her head in confusion.
Vanilla opened her drawer and shuffled around.  Then she pulled out three vials full of liquid and showed them to Amy.  "What do you think is in these?" she asked.
"I'm scared to ask..." Amy sweat dropped.
"What does it look like?"
"Vial's of fluid, how should I know?"
"Sperm, Amy... its sperm."
"Who's, may I ask?"
"Honestly, I don't remember which is which.  However, one is Shadow's, one is Knuckles' and one is Sonics'."
Amy's eyes widened. "What the fuck?! How the hell did you manage that?"
"Sonic owed me one, so I had him jerk and skeet.  But like I said, I forget which one is which of the three."
"No, seriously. How in the bloody depths of the master emerald did you get Shadow's!" Amy asked, still stunned.
"I have my ways."
"I want to know!"
"Can't tell you."
"Why not?"
"You don't want Shadow's sperm anyway.  Despite everything else, Cream needs her sister and Tails shouldn't be stressed over your death during her pregnancy.
"But if you still want to die, just say so and I'll have you killed myself.  But otherwise...."
"No, no. It was Shadow who convinced me out of that one. And despite the tempting offer, I think I'll pass on the baby thing." Amy said.
"Well, look at it like this... you have a job to do and you can't do it alive. Well you can, but not in a depressed state."
"I'm not going to kill myself. I just need to sort myself a place to live. 3 reasons why I don't want that sperm. 1: I am not in a stable place to raise a child, 2: You said you forget which is which; I don't want to be carrying Shadow's or Knuckles children. and 3, if ever came the time I'd have Sonics' baby...I'd want to conceive it with him, not behind his back which would force him to be with me only for the child's sake..."
"Point taken."
"Um...Vanilla...I know I am not in any right to ask this but...could I possibly...stay here until I sort myself out a place to live?" Amy asked, her voice going slightly squeaky as her nervousness to the question kicked in. "Please?"
"And what will keep you from going ballistic in my home?"
"Um...I could give you my hammer collection to start with. But other than that, only my word that I won't flip my lid like I did at my place." Amy replied.
"You're going to give me all of your hammers anyway.  But you still have to give me a plausible answer."
"I don't really know what to say. I mean, I raged so much back at my own place that I just don't think I can conjure anymore. I don't know what else I can say except promise not to do it." Amy got off of the bed. "So, I guess I'll just collect my things and be on my way then."
"Go ahead and run, you'll be back after you get kicked out from other places."
"What else can I say or do that would bring confidence that I am at least stable enough to not destroy your house?"
"You'll think of something."
Amy sighed. "Well, it's not like I can run anyway." She said.
"So, how can I know that you won't go ballistic?"
"I went nuts because Tikal told me that I'd never have a chance at getting with Sonic. That Sonic would never go for me. And he proved her right when he forced the information into my head. Why would I go ballistic over news that I know is true. I haven't got anything left in me to bother raging for." Amy sighed again. "Home truths about Sonic will only make me cry now. I don't have a reason to get angry anymore."
"Fine, then you can play 'go for' for me."
"You know... 'go for' this, 'go for' that..."
"Go on..."
"Scout work."
"Okay, I guess." Amy said.
"Good." said Vanilla.  "Now let's get those hammers."
"You locked the door."
"Let's start with the one you currently have."
"It's with my things, I don't have it on me." Amy said.
"You really like roughing it, don't you?"
"What do you mean?"
"You're never separated from a hammer, now hand it over."
"Strip search me if you really feel it's necessary, but I don't have it." Amy replied.
"Fine...." and Vanilla put on a pair of black gloves.  "Panties off and bend over the bed."
Amy sweat dropped. "Just where exactly do you think I keep my hammers anyway?" She asked. "I honestly wish I were holding one now so I could hand it over, because you're scaring me."
"Don't make me have to repeat myself." Amy sighs and does as she's told. "And before you go bitching about this, keep in mind that the search was your idea." said Vanilla as she stood behind Amy.
"You go ahead and waste your time, Vanilla..." Amy sighed.
I won't waste my time.  You're never separated from a hammer... until you become my go for... Vanilla thought and started the search in the one place you wouldn't think about looking for a hammer and removed it from Amy's possession.  "Found it."
"Wait, how the..." Amy questioned. "I didn't...oh fuck it, who am I kidding, as if you'd believe I didn't know that was there..."
"Well Amy, tampons aren't blue." said Vanilla and showed the object to Amy.  With a squeeze, the tampon turned into a hammer.  "Cream mentioned once that she heard you deal with this hammer after it came out once.  I believe your exact words were, 'I forgot about this hammer, I really can't feel it all that much.'  And I must admit that this hammer is cleverly guised and placed."
"I really must learn to remember that one..." Amy sighed.
"Now, aside from having this kind of hammer, let's leave and have you surrender every hammer you have.  Including the Kron Hammer." and Vanilla unlocks and opens the door of her room.
And Amy leaves the room and heads to her things, she opens the bags and takes every hammer she can find and puts them aside for Vanilla, in the end, she gives up a grand total of 21 different hammers.
Vanilla examined the hammers and was shocked at them all.  "So many hammers..." said Vanilla.
"You even kept my giant hammer." said Knuckles.
"My hammers are but one of my favourite collections." Amy replied.
"So where is the range hammer?" asked Vanilla. Amy then thought for a moment, before burrowing back into her things.
"You know about the range hammer?" asked Knuckles.
"Sonic told me about it."
"It's not in here...I think it's still at my apartment..." Amy said, after leaving her things.
"You'll have to get it somehow." said Vanilla.
"I'm not going back there..." Amy said.
"The point was to give me all of the hammers, you're one short.  One short is not all of the hammers."
"I don't have it, so what's the problem?"
"We agreed that you would give me all of the hammers, not all but one."
"I'll get it later. I've been walking around lugging all of my belongings around, I don't want to walk for a bit." Amy said.
"Fare enough, but I will have that last hammer."
"And what about if my former landlord destroys it?"
"I'm sure you can get another hammer, break it, attach a length extender to it and hand it over."  Vanilla then folded her arms.  "I'm a shrewd businesswoman, but fair and firm." Amy doesn't reply, she just sighs a little and sits on the floor to rest her legs.
"Knuckles, what's next on your agenda?" asked Vanilla.
"Going to the gym to lift weights." Knuckles answered.  "I plan on taking Cream as well.  I can spot her as she lifts weights."
"Good.  Take Amy with you when you and Cream go."
"Why would we...oh never mind..." Amy sighed.
"If you need workout gear for the gym, I can lend you that." offered Vanilla.
"Or wear your riders threads like Cream does." said Knuckles.
"I'll use the Riders gear." Amy said, having given in.
"See, that isn't so bad.  And you'll be stronger in the process." said Knuckles.
Tails, Marine and Blaze walked into Club Rouge and looked around. Shadow was in the corner couch, laid back and looked pretty relaxed, Rouge wasn't in sight however. After the girls walked over to Shadow, they realised he'd actually dosed off.
"Aww, how cute. Like a baby." Tails teased.
"Needs a blankie." Joked Marine.
"Let's find something, tuck him in and give him a kiss good night." Tails giggled.
"You know, if he wakes up and hears what you're saying, he'll be angry." Blaze said.
"What's he going to do? Beat me up?" Tails stuck her tongue out.
"Not in that sense." Marine answered.
"Well then, let's find out. I dare you to give him that good night kiss." Blaze grinned.
"Me or Marine?" Tails asked.
"Either or both. Whoever has the guts."
"You first, Tails." said Marine.
Tails smiled, blushed and shrugged. "Okay." She said. She then quietly walked over to Shadow's frame and looked over him. Wow, he sleeps quite peacefully considering his usual mood...It's quite cute. Tails smiled, leaned over and gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead. After about 4 seconds, she looks at him again.
"Hmm...Was that a kiss good night, or a kiss good morning?" Shadow asked. Tails
squeaked somewhat in terror, jumping at his sudden reaction and nearly fell backwards, but Marine was in time to support her. Tails covered her mouth with both hands, a blush from cheek to cheek.
Oh my god...that was so embarrassing... She thought. Shadow sat up and looked at the three.
Marine and Blaze laughed.  "That was funny." said Marine.
Shadow places both feet on the floor. "You should know I'm not a heavy sleeper." He said.
"If you'll excuse me, I'll be in a dark corner somewhere." Tails said embarrassed before she headed to leave, but was stopped by a certain club owner.
"Stop all of that.  It wasn't that bad." said Marine.
"You know, you should have more faith in yourself." said Rouge.
I wonder if I should make the fox sweat... Shadow thought with a silent chuckle.
Tails relaxes a little. "It was still embarrassing." She said, turning to Marine. Shadow stood and walked over to Tails. He leans over a little, his face just millimetres away from hers.
"It didn't seem so embarrassing when you were plotting it thinking I was sleeping." He said, he then gave her nose a gentle brush with his own. All of a sudden Tails' legs became jelly and she fell to her butt. "Not the reaction I expected, but still satisfying."
Shadow grinned. He then walked off and took a seat at the bar, leaving Tails beat red on the floor.
"Even now, that girl still can't keep from falling somehow." said Rouge.
Blaze walked over to Tails and helped her to her feet. "That was slightly unexpected of you, Shadow." She said. "Not your character at all."
"Sonic isn't the only one who can be full of surprises." Shadow counted. Rouge went behind the bar and Shadow off hand got her attention. She walked over and leaned over the bar, where he quietly spoke to her. "Personally, I thought you were nuts when you said Tails nose was incredibly sensitive, how did you know that anyway?" He asked.
"It's a funny kiss thing." Rouge answered.
Well, it was still amusing." Shadow replied.
"What are you whispering about?" Blaze asked, bringing a still heavily embarrassed Tails over. Marine came over as well and leaped onto a chair.
"Just regular chit chat." Rouge answered.  "I'll get a bottled water for everyone."
"Okay." Blaze said.
"I'll be in the corner." Shadow said, walking off to his regular corner. Tails had finally cooled down a little now and watched Rouge get the drinks.
"Um, Rouge." She said.
"Something wrong?" Rouge asked.
"Yes." Tails replied. "Um...I'm sorry I was seemingly ungrateful." She said, lowering her ears.
"Well, at least you figured out that we're doing this for the two of you.  But none of that feeling useless crap."
"I know I probably have my uses and have to accept that I'm not able to be as helpful as I'd like to be. And I don't mind anymore." Tails smiled. "I guess I was just a bit upset that I wasn't allowed to do something which I thought wasn't that serious and how being pregnant would stop me and I wasn't thinking when I said about feeling like a burden. So, yes...I guess I was ungrateful." She explained. "No more though. I want the rest of my pregnancy to be a happy one, and...I'd like to share it with my friends. Even a certain sly hedgehog in the back."
"Well, that's good to hear." Rouge smiled.  "But there's still one thing that has to be said about yourself."
"That's right.  Now say it loud...."
"Uuuhhmm...Only thing I can think of regarding saying it loud is I'm pregnant and proud." Tails replied.
"At least you didn't forget it." said Rouge.
"Of course not. Who would forget being forced to repeat that line with the view of several million people?"
"And in the proximity of a chosen few." in comes Honey.  "So this is Club Rouge... Talk about your fixer upper..."
"Well, the fixing is almost up." said Rouge.
"That was a bad joke."
"Sorry, I'm not a comedian."
"Good day, Honey. What brings you here?" Tails asked.
"What happened to that water, Rouge?" Blaze asked.
Rouge pulled out several bottles of water.  "Sorry, got caught up in the mood." Rouge answered.
"Such bad service." said Honey.
"I'd like to see you say that when I am actually open."
"I was wondering if you'd let me help you out financially." Tails asked Rouge.
"Thanks for the idea, but you're gonna need your money." Rouge answered.  "It may not seem like it now, but you'll find out later."
"I'm aware, but I could sell my Medi-bot plans to the government for a few K."
"GUN doesn't need more robot plans."
"Still, I will do so anyway. As you said, I could use the money." Tails said. "And I feel sorta responsible for the damages here."
"There you go feeling bad about things beyond your control again, luv." Marine said in a cautious sense.
"The attack wasn't your fault, Tails." said Rouge.  "Don't go back on your apology."
"I'm not. I just want to help." Tails replied. "Back to my previous question. What brings you here, Honey?"
"Just seeing how you are doing?" Honey answered.  "You and that baby of yours.  Speaking of which, any news on that kit?"
"Let's see. He's a she. She has my signature tails and you'll want to look at these." Tails said, as she goes through her bag for the sonogram pictures.
Honey takes a look at the sonogram pictures and holds back her tears.  "I was right, you will have a beautiful baby." she said.  "Congratulations on your bundle of joy."
Tails lowers her ears slightly. "You seem sad..." She replied. "Thanks though."
"No, it's just been a while since I've seen sonogram pics."
"When was the last time you saw some?" Tails asked, hoping to pry some information.
"A long while." and Honey got a hold of herself.  "Well, I'll return here when you open.  Hopefully I'm wrong about the service here."
"It can get rowdy in here. But you should try some of the weird named drinks." Tails smiled.
"Like what, Hollywood Genocide?"
"Ask Rouge, she knows the names."
"Never heard of Hollywood Genocide." said Rouge.
"I never tried it, but saw someone who did." said Honey.  "Poor guy was sent to the hospital from it."
"Well, Rouge has never hospitalised someone with a least I hope she hasn't." Tails sweat dropped.
"Not unless they drank too much." said Rouge.  "I opted against selling that Godkiller Rum."
"I see." Tails replied.
"Well, I'm gonna go now.  But know that I'm watching over you, fox girl." said Honey and began to leave.
Tails watched as Honey left, then turned to the rest of the girls. "Back in a mo..." And off she went after Honey. Tails caught up to Honey outside. "Honey, I have a question." She said, trying to get the cat's attention.
Honey stopped her walking.  "Is something the matter?" she asked.
"I don't mean to pry. But I feel there's something more to you that you can't bring yourself to say. And the sonogram picture reaction really only makes me more curious." Tails said. "I hope I'm not prying into something painful."
"Oh, I almost forgot about that." and Honey gives the sonogram pics back to Tails.  "Sorry, I almost left with them."
Tails took the pictures. "My bad for also forgetting. But, I hope you don't mind if I evade your attempt to dodge the point."
"What point?"
"Is there something you're not telling me. I'm okay if you said there was and you'll continue to refuse to tell me. But it feels like something is bothering you. Whatever it may be is certainly bothering me as well and a few of my other friends." Tails explained.
"Like what?"
"Let's think, how did Marine put it..." Tails thought for a moment. "I think it began with the Lamaze class know how. Let's just say she doesn't believe your story on how you know about them."
"All women should know about Lamaze." Honey said as she shrugged.  "That's basic knowhow for the female species."
"Perhaps." Tails replied. "Well, I'll stop pushing." She said, putting the sonogram pictures away. "But, if you do have something you wanna get off your chest, you can always come to me, like I'm hoping I can do the same."
"Speaking of chests, how are those nursing bras working for you?"
"Wonders, like the rest of the stuff." Tails replied.
"That's good.  Well, try not to overdo things you two."
Tails bowed. "We won't." She said with a smile. Honey walked off, leaving the fox to herself.  Tails, you really do have it good during your pregnancy. She thought.
Tails walked back into the club. "Well, if she is hiding something, she's a hard nut to crack." She said.
"Everything good with you two?" asked Marine.
"Of course, I was just prying for information since what we discussed at Knothole." Tails replied.
"Okay, you two girls better start filling the rest of us in on things." said Rouge.
"Marine is the one with suspicion, so ask her." Tails replied.
"Just tell us already, both of you."
"Marine doesn't believe Honey's tale on how she knew in such detail about the Lamaze classes." Tails replied.
"Neither do I, but go on."
"Did you see her when I gave her the sonogram pictures. She looked like she was going to break down..."
"I did notice her body language." Marine said.  "Perhaps someone in her family was pregnant..."
"Somehow, I have a feeling it's more connected to her as an individual."
"It could've been her mom, pregnant with a sibling." guessed Blaze.
"You know, I never thought of that one." said Marine.
"I don't know..." Tails said. "I feel differently about it."
"I have heard that some sibling are excited about a brother or sister being born, then are devastated during a tragic event."
"Perhaps whatever it is, is none of your business and you should stop prying. If Honey wanted to tell you, don't you think she would have done it?" Shadow's voice came from the corner.
"You don't know that, Shadow.  You aren't female." said Marine.
"It's because I'm not female that I can understand if people want to keep personal information to themselves. It's not like you all don't have your little secrets you don't want to tell people."
"Just like the secrets you keep from us?" asked Rouge.
"Exactly." Shadow grinned.
"So tell us about some of your most sensitive secrets.  We won't laugh, we promise."
"You missed the point entirely."
"It can't be that bad." said Marine.  "I know some of the koala guys back home only have one jewel in their goody bag."
"I have a full set, I'll have you know."
"See, thanks for sharing.  Now what other secrets are you going to open up with?"
"Why don't you share some of your dark secrets?"
"Fine, I will." said Marine.  "Before we got back, I had my first time.  It was really good too and the two of us enjoyed ourselves... we even got worn out."
Tails then blushed furiously, before rubbing her face. "Excuse me a moment. I am going to the bathroom to do....anything..." And off she hurried to the girls toilets.
" that was slightly uncalled for." Shadow lifted an eyebrow. "Anything else?"
"Wait a second...what? You didn't..." Blaze questioned Marine.
"Anything else?  Are you vague, Shadow?" asked Rouge.  "You just find out who she did it with."
"Your point being?" Shadow asked. "Well, I guess it's my turn. So I'll just make up something random to keep you 'supposedly entertained.' I have a thing for cats in pink underwear." He lied. What about foxes in pink undies? thought Rouge.
Blaze then blushed. "Something tells me you're just trying to bug me."
"And if I am?"
"What's the matter? Wearing
tighty whities?"
"How da-..."
"Perhaps you don't wear anything at all..."
"What business is it of yours?!" Blaze barked.
"And here we are ladies. To the point I was trying to put across before." And Shadow stood up and walked over to them, staring at Blaze. "Thanks for proving my point. What underwear you're wearing is not my business, just like it's none of any of your business when it comes to anything Honey doesn't want to tell you." And he looked at Rouge. "Also, I know what you're thinking, so stop."
"Oohh, Now I'm curious." Blaze grinned evilly.
"What, we just found out that Marine had sex with Tails." said Rouge.
"Yeah, and thanks to Marine who knows what state Tails is in right now. Well done, clever raccoon." Shadow somewhat scolded Marine. "If you'll excuse me. I'll return to my corner." And off he walks back to the corner. Blaze leans over to Rouge and whispers to her.
"Is it me, or does he seem bothered by the fact Marine and know..."
"He's bothered." Marine answered.  "But don't tell Cream, she'll be pissed."
Tails came staggering out the bathroom, holding her head with one hand and using her other to lean on the wall. "I want to go home, I don't feel well..." She said.
"You all right?" asked Rouge.
"No, I've just been sick and I'm dizzy..."
"She stressed too much..." Blaze said.
"You weren't sick when we left." said Marine.
"Well, I just was and I want to go home..." Tails cried, falling to her knees.
The girls looked amongst themselves.  "Shadow, do you think you can take Tails to Vanilla's place?" asked Rouge.
Shadow leaped up from the chairs. "I can manage that." He said walking over, but he walked over to Marine and leaned over to her ear. He whispered something to her and walked over to Tails, kneeling before her. "Tell me when you're ready and I'll carry you there." He said.
"What did he say to you Marine?" Blaze asked.
"It....It doesn't matter, mate..." Marine replied, he
r tone was somewhat sad though.
The words played out in the back of her mind. Don't feel bad for the way Tails is reacting, chances are that it's not out of regret or disgust, but you have to remember that despite the fact youare happy to yell it out to the world, Tails has a lot on her plate without you adding things for her to stress over. Try to think of how shefeels before you open up things like that, understand?
After 4 minutes of silence, Shadow picked up Tails holding her back in one arm and her legs in the other. She instinctively placed her head on his shoulder and held onto him to make sure she didn't fall backwards, not that she could in his grip. Shadow then went to leave the club. The remaining girls watched them leave.
"Poor Tails..." Blaze said. "We were having such a nice little chat too."
"Well, I just hope things go well." said Rouge.
"Yeah, she has Lamaze class later." said Marine.
"Depending on how she feels, she may have to miss today's class.  And try not to let things like that fly in the open."
"As far as everyone is concerned, Tails should be doing girls.  But fine, I will ask for her forgiveness later."
"Why should she? Quite frankly in her condition she shouldn't be doing anyone." Blaze replied.
"Everyone needs lovin' including you.  And you're one to talk, Blaze.  Especially since one of your pornos have preggers in them."
Rouge was shocked.  "Pregnant porn... Blaze, you really have some odd fetishes." she said.
Blaze then blushed bright red. "I have no such thing!!!!" She barked at Marine. "And you shouldn't talk!" Blaze barked at Rouge. "I know all about thatmilking incident."
"Hey, that was for study." said Rouge.  "Besides, at least I know her breast milk has chaos energy in it."
"That's not the point!" Blaze growled. "Grrr! Why do I bother? I'm gonna go to a bar, one which serves some strong stuff..." And out Blaze stormed.
"Hey, I serve strong drinks." said Rouge. But it was too late, Blaze was gone.
Shadow was walking down the streets holding Tails. It had been quiet for some time and the two were getting a lot of strange looks and comments, to which Shadow ignored.
"What's happening over there?"
"Isn't that Miley Inari? She looks sick, I hope she's okay."
"Wow, from this angle they look like a cute little couple." Were some of the comments that shot around the streets. Shadow didn't realise, but his hand that was holding onto Tails shoulder, he was using his thumb to gentl
y stroke her in a soothing manner. He was getting slightly frustrated at the comments, but didn't show it and continued to ignore.
After another 6-7 minutes, Shadow shifted Tails ever so slightly, trying to keep her as comfortable as he could. He looked at her face, she had her eyes closed at this time, and seemed pretty snug. He looked around, trying to figure out his location, then turned the next corner, where the streets seemed emptier, only 1 or 2 people on the sidewalks, and very few cars drove past.
"You're not going to fall asleep in my arms, are you?" He asked her, in his calm tone. He however didn't expect a reply.
"So... faint.." was all Tails said.
"Do you want some water or something?" There was no response from Tails, she simply buried her face in Shadow's chest. Shadow couldn't help but get a little flustered. What the.... He thought. What's with this reaction? He shook it off mentally. He lifted his hand from Tails shoulder, though still holding her with his arm, and stroked her head a little. "How silly of you to get so worked up. Marine was an idiot to do that, but look at the state your in." He said. A moan came from Tails and nothing more. "It'll take another 15 minutes to get to Vanilla's by walking, make a sign or something if you want to stop somewhere." Shadow continued. Again, moans left Tails, but nothing more as she buried her face in Shadow's chest. "I'll just stop talking..." Shadow said.
Shadow continued to walk on, more views, more looks and more annoyance coming his way, but, like the respectable ass that he makes out to be, he simply ignored the whole lot of them. After having to stop and press a button on a crossing and wait before the traffic stopped and he could cross. He continued walking and something began to eat at him in the back of his mind, all the previous conversations that were either directed at him or indirected at him, or some he simply overheard involving feelings for Tails and generally anything else to do with Tails began to haunt him. Bah...shake off these thoughts, Shadow. Getting attached will only bring her harm... He thought to himself. She is kinda cute though....Damn it Shadow! Stop being such an idiot. As if you're good enough anyway... Shadow was getting flustered again. The position she's currently in isn't helping either, but hell, she's not well so who am I to complain.
"Tails, feeling any better yet? I can stop if the walking isn't making you feel any better? Do you want to rest for a bit?" Shadow asked the fox.
"Thirsty...." Tails managed to say.
"That's it then, we're stopping for a drink." And Shadow diverted away towards a few of the shops. He'd located a small cafe. He took Tails inside and got strange looks, but again, ignored them. He took Tails over to a table in the corner and sat her down in one of the chairs. "I'll get you a drink, anything you want in particular?" He asked.
"Juice." Tails answered.
"Tomato... and apple as a backup choice."
"Sure." And Shadow goes up to the counter, however, every few seconds he keeps looking over his shoulder to check on Tails. After he made sure she was okay, he made the order and got the juice. He walked over and sat in the chair next to Tails and placed the glasses on the table. "There." He said. Tails had her drink, but gave no response. "Feeling any better?"
"Somewhat." Tails finally answers after finishing the juice.
"Good." Shadow replied. "Tell me when you want to continue on and we'll leave."
"Shadow, what really goes on in that head of yours?"
"What do you mean?"
"You seem to act like you don't give a damn, yet you're.... showing compassion."
Shadow paused for a long while, but finally replied. "Is it wrong for me to care?" He asked.
"Not at all, I actually feel better that you care."
"Then why question it?"
"To make you aware of it."
"I don't want to care." Shadow said. "I tried to lock my emotions away. As far as I'm concerned when I show compassion, someone gets hurt. So I try not to." Shadow folded his arms and leant back in his chair.
"Oh...." and Tails drooped her ears.  "So you really don't want to help me then?"
"I do for some reasons, and don't for others." Shadow replied. "I'll keep my reasons for wanting to help you to myself. As for why I don't, that's because I don't want you to get hurt because of me." Shadow cleared his throat a bit. "Think of it like this. I want to help you to the best of my ability. But I just worry you'll be hurt because of me."
Tails shook her head.  "You truly are stubborn."
"Is that so?"
"Well, what do you expect when the only one you truly cared about is slaughtered before your eyes, moments before you're launched into the depths of space, powerless to do anything?" Shadow asked. "I cared for Maria, and because I cared, she was punished for that."
"You're full of it." Shadow remained quiet. After a moment, Shadow lost himself in thought, and then sighed.
"Alright, you want me to be the most honest I can?" He asked.
"Just say you love me and quit being difficult."
"But, that's so out of my character." Shadow grinned. "Besides, if I said that, you'd laugh."
"You know, never mind...  I'll go to Vanilla's myself."
Shadow opened his mouth to say something, but paused. After a few moments, however he spoke again. "Okay, look. I'm sorry." He said. "I've been trying to simply convince myself that I wasn't having any sort of feelings for you at all. But ever since that night when I took you out for a run in that wheelchair, you just been in my head constantly and every waking thought is of you." Shadow explained. "I'll throw away my cocky pride and admit what I was trying to ignore." Shadow breathed in ever so slightly. "I you, Tails..." He said.
"Somehow, I don't believe you." said Tails as she walked down the street.
Shadow then sighed and warped in front of her. "I didn't think you would." He said. "How would I make you believe me then?" Tails didn't answer, she just continued to walk down the street en route to Vanilla's house. "Please stop..." Shadow near enough sounded like he was pleading.
"Tell that to someone who you might actually care about. Humph!" and Tails continued walking down the street.
Damn it! You forced my hand... Shadow thought. There's no way I'm going to confess like that and have you leave me in humiliation... He walked after Tails, his pace slightly faster than hers and when he reached her, he took her by the shoulders, not roughly, but enough so that he could turn her around, took her by the cheek and lip locked her without a second thought. Go ahead and slap me for this if you must, but it's worth it... He thought.
Tails had a shocked expression on her face.  "You... you kissed me..." she said.
"If you still don't believe me, Tails. Then I'll take you to Vanilla's place and I'll never bother you again, if that is what you wish." Shadow replied. "But I'm telling the truth. I love you." Shadow looked Tails in the eyes.
"Uh.... can we hold hands?"
Shadow blushed, he was quite shocked himself. But then smiled. "Sure, why not?" He said, offering a hand.
Tails took Shadow's hand and the two began to talk off.  "You know what... this isn't so bad." said the fox.
"Indeed...Kinda makes me feel stupid I didn't say anything earlier." Shadow chuckled.
"You know, it may be just because of a brother/sister thing, but at least you finally said it.  Also, I do owe you one."
"Really?" Shadow questioned.
"If there's anything you may need from me, just say so..." Tails said with a blush...  "Even if it means giving you some of my breast milk."
I could mention the whole Vanilla test thing. But...nah. Like she said, i'll earn my way to it. And not for the Chaos Emerald. That's not important anymore. I'll earn my way because I wantto. Shadow thought. "If anything comes to mind, I'll mention it." He said. "Until then, I'll just receive what you want to give when you want to give." Shadow replied. "And don't take that like I'm being selfish, the same goes for you as well." He smiled before giving Tails' nose a gentle brush with his index finger on his free hand.
Tails giggled.  "I guess that means you want something special from me then?"
"Maybe, but I'll earn it, not ask for it." Shadow replied.
"You know, now that I think of it, my breast milk probably wouldn't bother you."
"In what sense?"
"Nothing, it's nothing."
"Hm...Okay, if you say so." Shadow said. "So, do you still want to go to Vanilla's house?" he asked.
"Sure, we don't wanna worry Rouge and the girls."
"Naturally." So the two, hand in hand, walk off toward Vanilla's place. However, Shadow stops for a moment and Tails looks at him. "I just thought to myself. Once your daughter is born, one day she's going to ask the same question all children ask when they are missing a parent..."
"Go on." said Tails.
"What would you tell her, if she asked about her father?"
"Not sure...  Parthenogenesis I guess."
"I see." Shadow said. "Well, if it makes it any easier on you. Just tell her that I'm her father. I don't mind filling in that position if it's needed of me."
Tails didn't answer, but nodded and smiled.  That's... oh well... she thought. And the two continue on to Vanilla's place.