Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Megamorph ❯ Chapter 17

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Tails and Shadow had arrived in the elevator, heading up to Vanilla's place. The trip seemed longer and it was the two alone. As the two waited, Shadow got bored and moved behind Tails, he wrapped his arms around her, one around her shoulders and the other on her bump, hugging her. He gave her a kiss on the neck, and then released her a little.
"Saying hello, or are you happy to see me?" asked Tails.
"Both." Shadow replied. The elevator reached its stop and opened. "And here we are." He said.
"You do the honours." Tails said.
Shadow took Tails by the hand and walked over to Vanilla's door. Looking down the hall either side, he turned to Tails, took her by the cheek and kissed her again. He broke away shortly afterwards. "Sorry, couldn't resist." He grinned. He then lifted his hand to knock on Vanilla's door.
"Aren't you friendly..." said Tails.
"Let's just say I have a new grown confidence. One I plan to exploit, if that's okay by you." Shadow said, as he knocked and waited.
Vanilla answered the door.  "This is unexpected." she said.  "What's going on?"
"There was a little incident at Rouge's club. i was told to bring Tails here after she didn't feel so well. She seemed to recover on the way though." Shadow replied.
"I see." said Vanilla.  "You look happy, Shadow."
"Maybe I am." Shadow replied. "Is that wrong?"
"No, not at all."
Shadow looks at Tails. "Shall I leave you here?" He asked.
"I'll be fine, thanks." Tails said with a smile.
Shadow nodded. He leaned over and brushed his nose with Tails again, before he warped away.
"That was...peculiar. What was that about?" Vanilla asked.
"Shadow finally came clean." Tails answered.  "He's affectionate now."
"Somehow I don't believe you..." Vanilla replied. "Anyway, you should come in and I'll fetch some drinks." She said. "Then you can tell me all about it."
So, Vanilla let Tails in and headed to the Kitchen to get the refreshments. "Anything you'd like in particular Tails?" Vanilla asked.
"We're out of OJ, we have Apple, BC wait, that's all we have..."
"Apple works."
And Vanilla fetched the drinks. "Under ice or plain?"
"Icy... four cubes."
And with the addition of four cubes, Vanilla took the drinks into the other room, placing them on cup holsters. "So, what happened at Club Rouge? I've not known Shadow to chauffeur before."
"Well Marine, Blaze and I went to Club Rouge and I apologized for being ungrateful.  Then Honey came by to see what was up and I showed her the sonogram pics of my daughter and she congratulated me.  Though she felt bad."
"Oh? I wonder why." Vanilla said.
"Not sure, she didn't say."
"Well, everyone has a little secret they might not like to share. And by secret, I mean anything that they don't wish to share. Perhaps a hurtful memory." Vanilla explained. "I wouldn't push it on her. Go on."
"I got sick and Shadow was on his way to take me here.  We fell out at first, and then he kisses me and says that he loves me."
Vanilla sweat drops on the back of her head. So he finally out and said it... "I see. And how do you feel about that?" Vanilla asked.
"I... I don't know.  I'm still shocked from hearing it.  I mean, sure I said he should come out with it... but the kiss and his choice of taking responsibility takes me aback."
"Taking responsibility? What for?" Vanilla questioned.
"He said that he would be Lavender's father."
"You know, this sounds like a 'Shadow fan-girls' Fantasy fanfic found on the internet." Vanilla said. "Too good to be true."
"I owe him a favour too."
"For saving you?" Vanilla asked.
"Well... yes, for being there.  How do you repay that sort of thing?"
"So, because he's been there for you, you feel you owe him?" Vanilla asked. "Doesn't that make you owe everyone in a sense?"
"Perhaps I should do something really nice for him.  I mean, everyone else has done so much and..."
"Tails." Vanilla interrupted. "Have you ever considered that just knowing you and your baby are safe is all we need in return for being there for you? The own satisfaction that you're alive and happy is all we need."
"I see."
Vanilla then smiled coyly. "But, if you insist on doing something nice for Shadow, then that's up to you. But tell me, what do you think you should do?"
"Not sure..."
"Well, I must ask an odd favour of you."
"Go ahead."
"Don't repay him through sexual service." Vanilla said.
"You mean no teasing with the Magic Naked Apron?"
"Not exactly. Let's put it like this. If he said that to repay him, and asked for head, or even sex. Don't do it, unless you deep down really want to." Vanilla explained. "But go ahead and tease him. It'd be funny to see him sweat."
"Give head to.... Shadow...."
Vanilla takes her own drink and sips from it. "Yes." She said.
"I guess so."
"Do you want to?"
"I'm not sure..."
"Well, until you are sure, don't accept it as a way to repay him." Vanilla said.
"Okay then."
"Anyway. You're free to do anything else to repay him. Even if that means teasing him with kinky outfits."
"I see.  By the way, How is Cream doing as of late?"
"That leads to my next request. And it might seem harsh. But I'm giving you only one of 2 choices." Vanilla said. "Cream has been very upset as of late and she's said some worrying things. So, I want you, Tails, to either resolve things with Cream, or stay apart from her for a while."
It was at that moment where Tails heard Marine's words from before they left from Knothole.  She snapped back into reality and addressed Vanilla.  "I know how to resolve things with Cream, but it all depends on you letting me." the fox told Vanilla.
"Like I said, Tails. Resolve things with Cream, or keep away for a little while. The choice is yours." Vanilla said, before finishing her drink.
"Then tell me where I can... no, I'll just wait here until I get the chance to resolve our issues."
"I'll be sure you get your alone time." Vanilla said. "Just promise me you won't let her do anything bad to herself, please?"
"You have my word.  Well, I wanna lay down here on the couch if you don't mind."
"Would a bed be more comfortable? That room you were using before is still available to you."
"Okay, that will work."
"It's all made up with fresh sheets, so don't worry about changing them." Vanilla said. "You know where I am if you need anything."
"Thanks a lot, Vanilla." and Tails went back to her room.
I hope you can resolve things with Cream, Tails. It's upsetting to think I might need to keep you away, for the sake of my own daughters safety. Vanilla thought, before heading off to the kitchen.
Meanwhile, Knuckles was enjoying the workout at the gym and he was currently spotting Cream as she bench pressed 150 lbs. Amy on the other hand was attempting weights far beyond her strength capability. She had managed to lift it above her head but had to put it down with a crash.
"Ouch..." She uttered as she rubbed her arms.
"Lift within your limit, Amy." Knuckles said.
"I'll lift what I please." Amy replied. "But I'm taking a break. Anyone want a drink?"
"I'm fine." Knuckles answered.
"Not thirsty yet." Cream answered.  "Knuckles, could I get five more pounds on each side?"
"Right, sit up for a moment."
So Amy left to get something to drink. After 10 minutes, she was heading back only to see a certain someone she didn't want to. Great...If Knuckles sees him, I hope he doesn't flip... She thought. She returned to the other two. "You'll never guess who's here working out." She told the two.
"Wave the Swallow?" guessed Cream.
"Billy Hatcher?" guessed Knuckles.
"Cream was closer than you Knuckles." Amy said, sipping her drink. "It's that Albatross we all know and 'love.'"
"Tch... He shows up every now and again." said Knuckles.
"I hope you never get into any fights or anything."
"We may have 'Gear Wars' going on, but the gym is for everyone to build up some muscle."
"So, what are the plans after we've finished here?" Amy asked.
"You have yet to lift anything without almost hurting yourself." said Knuckles.
"Don't think you can limit me to staying here until I lift something of an ideal weight." Amy retorted.
"Cream's benching 160 pounds, but you can't even lift 40?" Amy didn't reply.
"Lift a little bit of metal, Amy." said Cream.
"My legs are stronger than my arms anyway. Sure, you're stronger than me thanks to keeping both me and Big in the air, but he was still hanging onto my legs you know." Amy replied. "Besides...I'm not in the mood." And she walks off and takes a seat somewhere.
"They have a machine where you can use your legs to push iron, don't they?" asked Cream.
"Yeah, but let her stay as she is." Knuckles answered.
"Could you get this please?"
"No problem."
Knuckles lifts the dumbbell with his arms and allows Cream to sit up.
It was at this point a familiar voice was heard. "Yo! Knuckles! How've ya been?!" It was Vector. "You know, we should really go out and hit the city tonight, what'dya say?" He asked, giving his friend a gentle nudge.
"Pass, I got a gig tonight." Knuckles answered.
"Aww, that sucks." Vector said. "Well, what about tomorrow?"
"Workin.  Speaking of work, how's the CDA?"
"Bad. With no clients, we're gonna go outta business." Vector replied. "We ain't had nothin' from no one. People just seem to live peaceful lives."
"That's too bad."
"Yeah, if only someone would hire us, we'd be set for at least another 2 months. But, that's life. All we can do is sit back and pray."
"What a shame."
"Well, gotta run. I gotta get the club some grub." And Vector let out a laugh. "See ya later. Oh and miss, that's some mighty impressive strength you got there for your size. Keep it up and maybe you'll be able to beat me in an arm wrestle one day." He said to Cream.
"Eh... you aren't the real muscle of the Chaotix anyway.  But thanks." said Cream.
"I may not be the strongest, but still." And Vector flexes. "Catch ya later." and off he leaves.
Amy walks back over. "How long are you two going to stay here?" She asked.
"Need I remind you that you're here because of Vanilla?" Knuckles questioned Amy.
"Is it so wrong to ask a question?" Amy asked.
"Vanilla has filled me in on both of you girls wanting to kill yourselves, so it's my job to take your minds off of that sort of thing."
Cream and Amy both look at each other. "You wanted to kill yourself?" They asked simultaneously.
"Now, let's get the pads and gear on you both.  You two are going into the ring." said Knuckles. The girls shrugged and did as they were told.
Those two should be able to relieve their problems in ring with each other. thought Knuckles.  This isn't going to be the first time those two did something like this together.  "Okay ladies, this is just a good sisterly spar." Knuckles reminded the girls.  "No kicking, no grabbing ears or hair, no spitting, no flying and keep the blows above the belt.  Are we clear?"
"Crystal." Amy said.
"No problems here." Cream answered.
"Good." Knuckles
answered.  "Touch gloves and get into your corners."
Shadow walked through the town. He was 'window shopping' it seemed. I wonder what Tails would like. I also wonder who'd be a good person to ask... He then saw a chilidog stand. Aha, as if that'll be around without Sonic. I should probably leave before he appe-..
"Looking for good wares, Shadow?" Sonic zipped up out of the blue.
Son of a... Shadow thought. "No, actually." He replied.
"So what's up?"
"Hm... I'm just passing time." Shadow lied.
"Looks like you're window shopping."
"And what if I am?"
"There is a baby on the way."
"Alright, you caught me red handed." Shadow said, shrugging.
"Well, what's up?"
"Unlike everyone else who probably plans to get the kid something, I think I'd prefer to get something for Tails instead. Only one problem." Shadow said. "I don't really know what Tails likes, other than machine parts and right now I highly doubt she'd be fond of a tool set." Shadow said. "Not to mention I think Cream already got her Chrome tools a while back."
"Well, get something that'll help improve logic."
"Like what?"
"Thinking games."
"Hmmm..." Shadow thought. "Fare enough." That won't do... He thought. Talking to Sonic about this probably wouldn't be wise.
“Hey, I figured that I would make a gift for our mom-to-be. But at least it will be something from the heart." Sonic said confidently.
"Hmm...." Shadow thought for a moment. "I see."
"Remember, it's the thought that counts when it comes for gifts."
"As you know, Sonic. I'm not usually one for gifts. But your advice is appreciated."
"Get her some lingerie then."
"Yes, because that won't look weird at all." Shadow narrowed his eyes. "I can see it now! 'I am the ultimate life form! Saviour of the human race. Now, give me some panties.'" Shadow mocked.
"Tidy white, candy apple red, or tickle me pink?" joked Sonic.
"Midnight black." Shadow said. "Anyway, I have a question for you, Sonic."
"She doesn't like black panties... but ask away?"
"Thanks for that, I'll keep it in mind. Anyway, how are you dealing with everything thus far involving Tails?"
"Well, it was very hard to endure at first.  Then I realized how much I love Tails.  I often tell Tails that because it's not only true, but it's the job of the big bro to look after the younger one."
"At least I'm not the only one on that." Shadow uttered. "Well, at some point, I'm going to see if she wants to have a fun day out. See you later, blue hedgehog." And Shadow began to walk off.
"See ya, Shadow." and Sonic saw Shadow go away.
Shadow warped onto Angel Island, looking around. "I know that they live in some hut somewhere..." He said. "Well, time to seek them out." And he began walking through Angel Island. I wonder. Should I check the outside shrine of the Master Emerald... He thought. Why not? And he warped to the master emerald shrine. Well, one of them is still about, the M.E is in its pedestal. But I don't see that red echidna anywhere. He thought.
"This is a first; you never came to visit before." Tikal's voice was heard.
"I thought I'd take up that offer for head." Shadow joked, looking around.
"Need to relax I see..."
"Not really. I'm perfectly happy at the moment. But that same day, you said you'd help out."
"I did give you a pointer."
"One pointer is all I get?" Shadow asked.
"No, you'll get others."
"So, where are you? Talking to air is pretty lame." Shadow asked, still looking about.
"I guess you're ready to jet out then..."
"What do you mean?"
"Perhaps I should use better slang for orgasm...  Sorry about that."
"Perhaps you shouldn't use slang at all. Either way, I'll 'jet out' when I've earned that much." Shadow said. "And I intend to earn it from Tails."
"So, ready for your head?"
"Stop hiding already."
"Touch the Master Emerald, and come to my home." Shadow shrugged and walked up to the master emerald. He placed his hand on it.
A glow emanated from the Master Emerald and in a flash of light... he was gone.  After the light dispersed, Shadow found himself in the old Mystic Ruins.
"So this is the Ancient Ruins of past." He said. "Interesting."
"Yes, it's beautiful, huh?" Tikal's voice is heard.
"I guess." Shadow said. "Nothing to complain about, I'll give you that."
"Nope." and Tikal appeared suddenly next to Shadow.  "This is a tranquil place."
Shadow looked at Tikal. "So, how's your head?" Shadow asked.
"My head is fine, what about yours?" Tikal said and stuck out her tongue.
I wasn't the one who got smashed with a hammer. Not that it'd make a difference to my skull, I'm too strong for that." Shadow said.
"I see.  So allow me to show you around."
"Of course. Oh, and for your information. I skipped your pointer and went a little ahead. I think I have Tails attention now." Shadow said.
"So what's the problem now?"
“I need to know how to progress further. Something tells me that simply kissing Tails isn't going to get me all that far."
"Well, have you embraced her yet?"
"In what sense?"
"Like holding in the arms."
"Does hugging her in an elevator count?"
"How did you hug her?"
"Show me around, and I'll tell you everything that happened." Shadow said.
So the two walked off and Shadow explained to Tikal in detail about what had happened from the club, to carrying Tails to the cafe, to the fight, to kissing her to prove his affection up to leaving her at Vanilla's door.
"Well, you definitely did a lot." said Tikal.
"Tails made me realise that trying to ignore feelings like that is pointless and that I should just open up. It sucked that I chose my wording wrong, but it worked out in the end." Shadow said. "However, not sure how to approach the situation with some of her friends. You're different since we already had a long chat, and telling Rouge won't be a problem either. The rest however..." Shadow shook it off. "That's not the point. Anyway, that's all there is to it in terms of what happened."
"So what's next on your 'Getting the Foxlove' plan?"
"This is when I went back to your pointer. I don't know what Tails likes except machinery and bits and pieces. I had a look around only to be bothered by that irritating blue hedgehog. He gave me some nice advice though, I'll give him that." Shadow said. "I've never been on a date before. Perhaps that should be my next step. Seeing if Tails would just generally like to hang out. She must be getting tired of the same company at some point. Or am I the only one who does that?"
"Well, perhaps you should ask Cream as far as Tails dates go." said Tikal.  "Cream is the only one to go out with Tails, so she's your 'go-to' on the subject.  Ask Cream about her dates with Tails and learn from them.
"Other than that, there's always Twinkle Park.  Everyone enjoys Twinkle Park... including me."
"Is asking Cream really that wise?" Shadow asked. "Last I know she and Tails were on bad terms."
"Then take Tails to Twinkle Park.  I'm sure you can enjoy throwing balls at the cans, popping balloons with darts, taking the hammer and attempting to ring the bell and other things that don't involve the rides.  Share a chilidog for a romantic effect and even enjoy a sunset or two."
"Hm...I might just do that. It gives Tails a chance to unwind and I get some quality time." He said. "So, where's Chaos then? Isn't he also around here somewhere? I'm surprised he hasn't attacked me thinking I'm some kind of intruder."
"Chaos is at the shrine of the Master Emerald."
"I see." Shadow replied. "I have a question. Do you have a particular love interest?"
"Well, that doesn't really matter at the moment." Tikal answered.
"No, but everyone else likes to pry into my secrets and things I don't feel matter, so I thought I'd try." Shadow grinned.
"Here's the deal.  I have to lay an egg, but I'm not ready for that sort of thing."
"A crush or relationship doesn't mean children have to come 'immediately'." Shadow replied.
"True, but I guess I want to see how things work with Tails before I decide to be an egg Hatcher."
"I see you missed the meaning of my words. No matter." Shadow adjusted his gloves slightly. "Let's just hope when it comes to it, Billy Hatcher doesn't come and steal your egg." He teased.
"After the incident between him and Silver, I'm sure Rolly is raping that cock whenever she has the chance." and Tikal stuck her tongue out again.
Shadow laughed. "Yeah, true. Well, enough of speaking about the lesser creatures of the planet. I think I should leave now...unless you have other things you want to keep me in here for."
"So you don't want your head anymore I see..."
"If I get head, it'll come in time." Shadow said. "If I get shot down, I'll come visit." He grinned.
"Fine.  So have you seen The Wizard of Oz?"
"You make it sound like I'd have something to watch anything on..."
"Fine... close your eyes." Shadow does so.
"Now click your heels three times."
Shadow opens his eyes. "Yeah, not happening." He said.
"Fine, stay here.  You can always talk to the Chao."
"I don't know whether or not I hate you."
"Fine, go over there and think about home." Shadow wonders off over to where she said to go.
"Well, now think happy thoughts, like butterflies fluttering over a calm field."
"A happy thought, eh?" Shadow pondered. "I'll just reminiscence on an earlier little event."
"Now start singing 'A Merry Merry Unbirthday' from Alice and Wonderland."
Shadow growled. "Stop mocking me!" He yelled at her.
"Just close your eyes and picture somewhere you would rather be right now."
"I'd rather be in station square, in the same time period in which I was before I came into the master emerald." Shadow stated.
"Sorry, I can't turn back time." said Tikal.  "Now concentrate." Shadow, still slightly peeved at Tikal, does so. "I'm a peaceful and happy person, so happy thoughts to go home is a must."
"Well you shouldn't have pissed me off with stupid jokes..." Shadow then relaxes and goes back to that moment he recalls being the happiest in a long while. After he kissed Tails.
"If you would've just clicked your heels and followed initial instruction, you'd be out of here already.  And make sure you fake losing at those carnival games for Tails' sake."
Just let me leave this fuckin' place already.... Shadow thought. "Hm, fine by me." He said.
"Do you have your happy thought?"
"Yes, I've had it for some time." Shadow replied calmly.
"Now using your thoughts, count backwards from ten, and then open your eyes." Shadow does just that, keeping it all mentally done. He opens his eyes at the exact amount of time Tikal told him to.
He was back outside of the Master Emerald shrine. Note to self, never go there again for any reason, lest I kill that echidna... He thought, before he warped off to Station Square.
It took a while, but Amy and Cream managed to wear each other out with their fists.  Knuckles passed each girl a Propel and the three had a seat.
"Gah...what is it about us that we can't seem to find a deciding winner..." Amy asked, exhausted. "We're almost as bad as Sonic and Shadow in that sense."
"The point was to wear each other out." said Knuckles.
"Well worked. I'm knackered." Amy laughed.
"So where are we going from here?" asked Cream.
"Not sure, perhaps into the Mystic Ruins." said Knuckles.
"Oh, what's happening about Tails' workshop, by the way?" Amy asked.
"Still looking for clues."
"I meant repair wise." Amy replied. "Surely we should probably get it rebuilt. Tails'll need a place to live after birth. I don't know if she plans to live with someone else or something see where I am coming from, right?"
"Point taken, but it's best left wrecked."
"How come?"
"Eggman may come back and search the place."
"I didn't think of that..."
"I did." said Cream.  "And it makes a lot of sense."
"Then, what does Tails plan to do after giving birth?"
"No one knows." Knuckles answered.
"Well, at least she has options."
"Should we go now?" asked Cream.
"Isn't that up to Knuckles?" Amy asked.
"Let's just go shower, we need to clean up." said Knuckles.
"I can do with a good shower, but don't think of peeking Knuckles. I know about that small gap in the wall between the girls and boys shower rooms." Amy warned. "Unless we plan to shower somewhere else. Then it's fine."
"Lockers are co-ed." said Knuckles.  "Now get drenched."
"Well, there's still a gap in the wall..." Amy then pouted. "And if they are shared, then I'm not using them. I don't want to be perved."
"Just go hit the showers." said Knuckles.
And Amy and Cream walk off to hit the showers. What happened in my life to make it just go bust... Amy thought. I must have done something horrible in a past life to get this...
"Amy, you really need to switch to decaf." said Cream.
"Fine, no more coffee for you.  Just drink tea."
"What's wrong with coffee?"
"Too much caffeine makes you wig out."
"Too little means I can't keep up with Sonic...then again, I guess I don't need to." Amy lowered her head a little.
"Let's just have our shower." said Cream.
"Okay." Amy said.
After 3 minutes, the girls got into the shower and washed the sweat away.
"So, I don't mean to touch on a horrible topic, Cream...but why do you want to end your life?" Amy asked.
"Let's just say I've been doing bad."
"Wanna talk about it?"
"I started going on a killing spree with a knife.  Nothing matters except for stabbing everyone close to me with a knife."
"If you don't want to talk about it, just say so. You don't have to make something up..." Amy replied.
"I knew you'd say that... that's why things are bad for me right now."
"Well, I know you haven't gone on a killing spree Cream, otherwise you'd be in an institute for twisted children." Amy said. "So, perhaps you can explain it better?"
"I killed Tails using a knife, okay?"
"You're not making sense, Cream..." Amy sighed. "I'll just drop the topic..." And she continued to shower in silence.
"So what's with all of the stuff in a pile?"
"Huh?" Amy questioned. "You mean back at your place?"
"Yeah.  That wasn't Knuckles' stuff, or mine to be exact."
"It's all my stuff. It's everything I have that I either didn't or couldn't break." Amy said.
"I see."
"It's a long story." Amy said, as she turned the water off on her shower. "I don't have a place to live. So I asked Vanilla if I could stay with you two until I sort myself out..."
"Then what?" and Cream turned off the shower head.
"Well, I had to hand over every hammer I own to Vanilla and will be a 'go get' girl or something."
"It's a 'go for', Amy.  At least you'll be paid for your services."
"Well, whatever it is. I'm currently at Vanilla's mercy."
"More like her employee."
"Okay." Amy said. "Anyway, I'm done." And Amy took a towel to dry herself.
Cream wrings her ears out.  "See you in the locker." And Amy wraps herself and leaves. After 10 minutes, the girls are washed and dressed, feeling refreshed.
"I feel like 6 bucks." Amy called and stretched.
"Well, let's go meet up with Knuckles." said Cream.
"Sure thing." And the girls leave and find Knuckles. "We're back." Amy said.
Took you long enough." said Knuckles.  "Let's get moving, I have to go and grab people."
"Oh? Like who?"
"That is?"
"My younger brother.  Every now and again, I grab him and have a bit of brotherly time."
"How cute." Amy smiled. "Anyway, let's go."
"Indeed.  I'll be taking you to the Mystic Ruins and we'll meet up with Tikal."
"Okay." So the trio leave and head for the train station.
Meanwhile, back at Vanilla's place. It had been a few hours since Tails had gone to the bedroom, and it was only about now she came out. "Hey, Vanilla? What time is it?" She asked.
"5:30." Vanilla answered.
"Really? How long was I out?"
"A few hours."
"I see..." and Tails let out a long yawn. "Anything on the tube?"
"Not much."
"Fare enough." Tails said. "I should probably finish up those prescriptions I have, shouldn't be much left in them..." And Tails walked over to her bag and opened it, going through it to find the items.
"Do you have somewhere to be?"
"Not that I reca-..." And Tails then found something in her bag and pulled it out. It was the Lamaze leaflet. "Oh...scratch that." She said. "I suppose this." She opened the leaflet.
Tails takes the leaflet over to Vanilla and hands it to her.
Vanilla reads the leaflet.  "So, your Lamaze class is at six." said Vanilla.
"Seems so." Tails said.
"So are you feeling okay?"
"About what?"
"You were a bit under, but what about now?"
"I'm feeling much better now." Tails said. "I think I just got a little worked up."
"I see."
"It's not something I'm keen to talk about either. I just got so worked up that I made myself sick."
"Then wash up, we're leaving in five minutes."
"Should I bother with the prescriptions?"
"Those first."
"Okay." And Tails returns to her bag, takes her prescriptions and heads to the bathroom.
5 minutes later, Tails returned and put the prescriptions back in her bag and felt refreshed from a quick wash, she also made sure to empty her pecks just encase she had an embarrassing milky moment later. The last thing she wanted to do was lactate during her classes. After checking her things, she was ready to go. She went into the kitchen to find Vanilla, who'd just found her keys. "I'm done." Tails said.
"Ready to go?" asked Vanilla.
"Yup." Tails replied with a smile. "Little nervous though..."
"Why the face?"
"Huh? What face?" Tails asked, confused.
"You were leaking, weren't you?"
"Uuhh..Not really..."
"Just so you know, you have to leave me some to cook with."
"I can live with that." Tails replied. "Also, I plan to bake a cake with my breast milk." Tails smiled happily. She then went through her bag again and took a few containers of her breast milk. "I will be honest that I did make sure to empty, no accidents, you know. Have room to freeze it? Wouldn't want it to go bad."
"Give me what you just lactated, or put it in the fridge."
Tails hands over the containers. "Have fun." She said.
"So you just milked these?"
Yes. Everyone who's tried it complains that it's plain. Marine wants to inject my breasts with chocolate syrup..."
Vanilla laughed.  "Chocolate won't work.  Now Dulce da Leché is another story."
"Dul da what?" Tails questioned.
Vanilla puts Tails' milk in the fridge.  "Let's get you to your class."
"Sure..." Tails said.
And the two left and headed for the elevator. Upon arriving and hitting the button, the doors closed and Tails stood at the side of the elevator. She then thought she'd try something and used her index finger to draw a line down her belly.
"You okay?" asked Vanilla.
"Testing something..." Tails said. "I had a weird experience."
"Well, it happened in Knothole. Marine traced her finger down my belly and...I dunno if it's silly to think this, but it was almost as if Lavender followed her movement by poking from the inside..."
"Looks like Lavender likes Marine."
Tails traced her finger down her belly again. "It's not working..." Tails sighed. "Do you want to try?"
"Maybe later."
"You're not shy, are you?" Tails questioned.
"No, not at all.  But all things will come in time."
"Fare enough." And Tails traced her own stomach again, followed by letting out a slight squeak.
"At least your spirits are high."
"Why wouldn't they be?"
"Good point."
"And soon, I'm hoping Cream will be back to her joyful happy self. I just hope I don't make things worse."
"Optimism is a good thing to have."
"You know. I still can't get over what happened in town today. It's just...I don't know what it is. But it's not something that..." And Tails lost her words.
"Let's keep that optimism."
"Something inside says it was weird...and yet another thing hopes it happens again. I'm confused..." Tails blushed a bit. Ding. The Elevator hit the ground floor.
"Now, let's see what happens on your first day of Lamaze." said Vanilla
"Still nervous." And the two leave the elevator.
After getting out of the building, the two headed for the town, and Vanilla checked the leaflet for the location of the classes. As they walked, more chatter was shared between the two.
"Hey, Vanilla. What was it like when you were pregnant with Cream?" Tails asked, curious.
"Well, it was a very challenging experience for me." Vanilla answered.  "I had a lot to deal with at the time, aside from having Cream."
"I know you weren't having the best of times. But was there anything during the pregnancy that just felt... I don't know...Weird, but at the same time, kinda 'magical'."
"There were a few moments, but they showed up after day seventeen."
"I see." Tails said. "Anything in particular?"
"Knowing that it will change my life forever."
"Oh." Tails replied, a little disappointed.
"Look at it this way, you have a lot more time to anticipate your daughter than I did."
"Oh, sorry. I forgot you have a lot less of a pregnancy span than I do..." Tails felt bad.
"Gestation isn't anything to be sad about."
"It doesn't matter." Tails said, she looked around. "It's not all that busy, is it?"
"What isn't busy."
"Anything. There's a lack of people in town today." Tails replied.
"Must be a bad sign..."
"Of what?"
The two continued on and finally got to the Lamaze class, the two entered the building, and Vanilla noticed a change in Tails spirits, it was obvious the fox with either scared or nervous or both.
"Hey, none of that." said Vanilla.
"I can't help it." Tails said, lowering her ears.
"You act like you don't want to go."
"I can't help being a little scared..." Tails replied.
"It's fine, I'll be here with you." and Vanilla rubbed Tails' back. It was a little while, but Tails was at least calming down.
"Thanks, Vanilla."
"Let's get to the room of the class."
"Okay." And Tails followed Vanilla through the building.
The two get to the room where the class was held and all eyes are on Tails and Vanilla as they enter the room. Just great. Now everyone stares at me... Tails thought, but didn't say anything.
"So you're taking classes here too, Miley?" asked another pregnant mother.  She was bigger than Tails.
"U-uh huh." Tails nodded, her nerves clearly just reached an all time high.
"I didn't want to take this class, but I'm doing this for my kids."
"I'd say I was being forced into this. But I'd be lying." Tails laughed nervously.
"So how many are you having?"
"Just the one."
"Likewise, how many do you count?"
"I got three, one of each apparently..." and the mother-to-be gives a sigh.
"One of each?" Tails questioned.
"Apparently, one of mine is a herm."
"Not sure whether to call that lucky or unfortunate." Tails coughed. "For the child, I mean."
"Miley, be nice." said Vanilla.
Oops...sorry." Tails lowered her ears. "I didn't mean anything by it."
"You don't have to sound so scared you know. It's not all that bad; we're all in the same boat here." Said an arctic fox on the other side of previous speaking pregnant mother. Behind her was a black fox, which seemed to have the expression that he was simply tolerating being her
e. Why does that guy remind me of Shadow so much...? Tails thought. It's not just the fact he has black fur either...
"Well, let's get you a spot." said Vanilla.
Tails nodded to Vanilla and followed her to a spot on the left. As she walked across the room, Tails had a study on those who were in the room, and from right to left she wasn't getting any calmer.
From right to left, Tails saw another pregnant brown fox, who seemed coupled with a red hedgehog, a cat couple, the bearcat pregnant mother with the triplets and her presumed other half. Then a Tappeti Rabbit coupled with an echidna, who strangely enough had her locks in different colours. After them were the Arctic pure white fox with the black fox and Vanilla and Tails sat down and to Tails surprise, the person next to her was a young rabbit roughly her age, maybe a little younger, with a fox who had a crescent moon shade of colour change on her face, the above part and behind was clearly all brown, but the rest was a pure white. The Rabbit was a pure white, and had three plumes on the top of her head which were held together with a form of hair band, each of the three bangs ended in a different colour, Yellow, Red and Blue, not exactly in that order. Tails got comfortable... well, as comfortable as her loose nerves would allow. The rabbit leaned over slightly and spoke to her in a low voice.
"Um...I'm really...really glad that you're here too." She said shyly.
"Huh?" Tails questioned. "How come?"
"Well...If you weren't...then I'd be the only young one here, with a bunch of big ladies." The rabbit said.
"Yeah, I was actually surprised to see another in my shoes, kinda." Tails said. "I guess it does help me relax a little..."
"So, how many days are you, young doe?" asked Vanilla.
The rabbit doesn't reply to Vanilla, she just slouches slightly with her head low again, blushing. The fox behind the rabbit smiled and gently pat her on the head, then looked at Vanilla.
"Isn't it amusing?" She said. "I'm a fox with a young rabbit, and you're a rabbit with a young fox."
"Not really." Vanilla answered.  "Support is vital to these young girls."
"Oh absolutely." The fox replied. "It doesn't matter. My name is Kirika and this shy one is Muri. And I think she's about... 20 or 21 days, Muri?"
"21." Came the quiet reply.
"This is Miley as you know and I'm Vanilla." Vanilla introduced herself and Tails.  "This is the first class, but at least you two are in it together."
"Indeed." Kirika smiled.
"My name is Aqua and..." The Arctic fox said before getting interrupted.
"Tell them my name and I will leave." The black fox grunted.
"Awww, don't be such a grump, Hiei." Aqua grinned. He simply sighed and pat her on the head, but she grinned with victory.
Muri is quiet... thought Vanilla.  I think she hid her pregnancy from Kirika.
She's even more nervous than I, who'd have thought it... Tails thought.
"Aqua is a nice name." Vanilla said to herself.
"Thanks." Aqua smiled from the other side of the room.
"And your partner over there is quite supportive for being here with you."
"He's only here because he feels he needs to be, he doesn't necessarily have to like it."
"Don't talk about me like I'm not right here." Hiei moaned.
"Most men aren't comfortable with this sort of thing." said our pregnant bearcat.
"I'd rather be chuggin' some beer somewhere." Said the red hedgehog, before his fox partner bopped him on the head.
"Hey, if you two guys wanna grab a couple after the class, feel free to come along with me." said the male bear cub as he rubs his wife's belly.
"Thanks, but beverages have no effect on me." Hiei said. Shadow wannabe... Tails thought, narrowing her eyes.
"Okay everyone, let's begin." the class heard the voice of the teacher.
It was at this point that Muri just freaked and got out of her chair and was about to run off but Kirika caught her, in the most gentle of fashions. And Muri began wailing and making a scene.
"I don't wanna do it, I don't wanna do it." She cried.
"Shh, shhh, shhh...Calm, dear, calm." Kirika soothed her by stroking her ears down.
"So many jitters for a young girl." Vanilla whispered to Tails.
"I thought I was scared....." Tails replied, whispering. "But no, she takes the cake."
The teacher of the class flew in after the door opened.  "Welcome everyone to All the Babymentals.  My name is Saffron and I will be teaching you how to prepare for the life inside your own."
"Sorry about the noise. She'll relax in just a moment." Kirika apologised.
"I hope so, she's a noisy pest..." The brown fox uttered. Aqua's ears twitched.
"You're not one to talk, Shena." She said.
"You want something, bitch?!" Shena stood and barked at Aqua.
"Geez, take a chill pill. She's basically a kid, lay off, would ya?" Aqua calmly replied.
"Ladies, ladies, this isn't comforting." Saffron reminded all of the mothers.  "I want all of you to keep in mind that this is a neutral place for everyone to get along.  Now unless some of you are in a race to give birth first, no arguments.  and refrain from the language, please." Shena took her seat and crossed her arms. The hedgehog looked at the bearcat male.
"I'll take up your offer on that drink, dude. I'm gonna
need it after this..." He said.
"I'm sure both of you guys will." said the male bearcat.
"Nope. I'm still fine." Hiei replied.
"You three know this isn't about you, right?" Tails said to the males narrowed her eyes again.
"We better get started." said Saffron. It was about this time that Kirika had gotten a hiccupping scared doe back to her seat, but she was still clearly distressed.
"Saffron, what will be the first thing that our mothers should learn?" asked Vanilla.
Saffron went over to Muri.  "Don't be scared young lady." she said to the doe.  "I still remember my first pregnancy and how scared I was." Muri didn't reply, she simply wiped her eyes, still hiccupping away. "This first lesson is for all of our mothers to stay as calm and collected as possible."
"Looks like we're off to a bit of a bad start." Kirika smiled, rubbing Muri's back down.
"No, we can use this situation as a good example." Saffron said with a smile.  "Pregnancy can be a scary time for mothers and there will be many instances where you'll want to panic.  Pregnant mothers should never come into a state of panic, because this will not only stress her, it will also stress the unborn foetus or foetuses.
"When the mother is in a state of panic, it's best to use various methods to calm her down.  Soothing words, music, even rubbing her belly can all help calm the mother and unborn ones down."
"Mind if I try something?" Tails asked.
"Feel free." Tails then leaned over to Muri and lifted her ear slightly, and appeared to be whispering to her, but in such a tone that chances are no one else could hear what she was saying. However, as Tails was whispering. Muri's eyes moved and focused on the red hedgehog and then Shena for a short time. After another few seconds she began giggling and Tails returned upright in her seat, leaving Muri in her giggles.
"See, this is the sort of thing that should be happening in this class." said Saffron.  "The rest of you can learn from the examples of these young girls." Aqua applauded the girls and despite being the only one doing so, she didn't mind. She just smiled along and happily clapped for them.
"That was a funny little joke, Miley." Aqua said.
"You heard me?" Tails questioned.
"My ears do more than frame my face. Chances are Hiei heard you as well." And she looked up to Hiei who did have a grin on his face. "Yup."
Afterwards, all of the couples introduced themselves, including the mothers-to-be talking about their terms.  Muri did well considering she was quiet about it. And Saffron smiled.
"So, you're probably wondering why a girl like me is teaching Lamaze classes." said Saffron.  "Well let me tell you that even though I don't look like it, I am actually pregnant."
"You are?" asked Vanilla.  "You're not really..."
"Pregnant material, I know.  But bees reproduce in bulk.  In fact, I give birth almost every morning."
This comment got her looks. "Seriously?" Tails replied, surprised.
"Seriously.  Bees lay a lot of eggs, thousands actually.  The colony of bees is constantly going and the birth-rate of bees is constant."
"That's a lot of kids...."
"Does it....hurt?" Muri asked, shyly.
"Not anymore, but birth can be painful." Saffron said and had a seat.  "My first time, I had to lay 300 eggs.  It took seven and a half hours to do it in too."
"I'm scared..." Muri began to shake a little.
"It's okay to be scared, but don't worry about my experiences.  You won't deliver that many in one pregnancy ever, so take solace in knowing this." She doesn't look like anymore than three in her.  But I could be wrong. Thought Vanilla.
"Three hundred for the first birth and limits to the thousand. I'd say you probably develop about 160 or so eggs in about 6-12 hours..." Aqua guessed.
"I can't brag...  Anyway, let's discuss things that help us calm down after a bad experience.  We'll start with you, Aqua."
"Hm, after a bad experience. That all depends on the experience." Aqua said. "Music however I've found is a good way to relax, some from that band...what are they called... Oh, Within Temptation."
"That's good." said Saffron.  "How about you, Shena?"
"I don't want to tell mine." Shena replied.
"I remember a mother had a calming experience she didn't want to discuss, but we found out later that sex calmed her down."
"That's not my method, I'll tell you that." Shena said.
"Why don't you just admit that whenever Seifa pisses you off, you watch violent movies and pretend the guy being killed in a most gruesome fashion is Seifa?" Kirika said.
"Ladies, remember to be positive, there are young mothers present." Saffron advised.
"Sex as a relaxation method." And Aqua looks at Hiei. "Next time I get stressed, we're doin' it." She said poking his nose. Muri and Tails giggled.
"In all fairness though, Kirika is right, I do that." Shena said.
Saffron sweat dropped.  "O-kay... and what do you do, Muri?"
"I generally curl up in a comfortable ball and have someone pat me down." Muri blushed.
"I see.  Rolling up and thinking like your unborn child is a very useful strategy.  Vanessa, what about you?"
"Before you go on, I was wonder
ing just what is a bearcat anyway?" asked Vanilla.
"What kind of question is that?" Tails asked, curious.
"Just wondering.  I've heard of a bear and a cat, but not a bearcat."
"Was anyone else besides Vanilla and myself, wondering what a bearcat is?" asked Saffron. Muri raises her hand. But the rest seemed contented.
Vanessa smiled.  "We bearcats are odd animals." she said.  "But we are in the same family line as the mongoose."
"I think I am confused already." Muri said.
"So a bearcat is pretty much a big mongoose?" asked Vanilla.
"Pretty much." Vanessa answered.  "When I get scared, or panic over things when I'm pregnant, I rub my trio here down with baby oil or pad my breasts.  Sometimes I even hook up the pump and milk myself to relieve my stresses." Tails blushed, but didn't say anything.
"What about you, Miley?" asked Saffron.
"Uhhh..." Tails thought for a moment. "I haven't really thought about it..." She said.
"Surely there is something..."
"Well...I guess I like to cuddle. And a bubble bath always works." Tails blushed a little further.
"A bath is always soothing.  Speaking of which, we will talk about bathing your baby later." said Saffron.
"I'm guilty of the sex relaxation." Said the echidna.
"Don't feel guilty." said Vanilla.  "Some women do find sexual intercourse during their pregnancy effective."
"Hope you don't mind. But that's making me uncomfortable..." Tails moaned.
"I'm curious. When was the last time you had a good lay, little girl?" Shena asked Tails.
Never... Tails thought. "I don't want to talk about it."
"Vanilla, you seem contented about this.  How did you handle your pregnancy?" asked Saffron.
"My pregnancy with my daughter was rough, but herbal tea helps a lot." Vanilla answered.  "It even helped me deal with sore ankles."
"Haven't had sore ankles yet." Tails said.
"A lot of times my entire body aches..." Muri said.
"Tea will help with that." said Vanilla.
"Actually, body aching is common in pregnant mothers, especially in the lower back." said Saffron.  "My achy days were a real pain.  And when it happened that I had an achy day, I was given a good back massage."
"Son-...uhh..." Tails cut herself. "A friend I've been staying with gives me a good back massage when I need it." She said. "Does work."
"Son?" asked Vanessa.  "You mean Sondra?"
"Oh, no. Sonia." Tails 'corrected'.
Other forms of relaxation were discussed.  And with the comparing and contrasting over, it was time for the next lesson.
“Okay mothers, this next part doesn't apply to me, but it will to you." said Saffron.  "We're going to discuss nursing.  Nursing is a very special time between mother and baby, and it can also be troublesome for some of the mothers.  There are proper ways to nurse your baby, but these can vary from mother to mother.  But before I go into things, I wanna get a few questions that you mothers may have when it comes to nursing."
"I've heard that breast feeding doesn't always work." Aqua said. "But I'm curious as to why this would be."
"That's true.  Sometimes, the process doesn't work." said Saffron.  "However, there are reasons to why it won't and they aren't limited to; improper latching; lack of milk flow; baby doesn't want to nurse; and some mothers will have babies who are allergic to their breast milk."
"Isn't that...bad?" Muri asked. "If they were allergic, isn't that a little dangerous?" Muri questioned.
"Well not exactly.  On rare instances, babies are allergic to their mother's milk.  An allergy report can tell you this if your baby shows this assumption."
"But...they aren't at any risk?"
"In most cases, no.  You should see signs that your baby is allergic to your milk, and should notify your doctor in these cases.
"Now if your baby is allergic to your milk, there are other substitutes that you can give your baby that are a safer choice, like soy milk."
"It's actually interesting this came up, since Muri actually was allergic to her mother's milk." Kirika said.
"Well, that only makes sense that you are concerned." said Saffron.  "What else might be of concern?"
"Are there any milk that are bad in consideration for replacing our breast milk, on the assumption the baby can't or won't drink ours?" Tails asked.
"That depends on your baby." Saffron addressed Tails.  "Some babies will have to drink other milks, or formula depending on what works and doesn't cause an allergic reaction to your baby."
What about if your breast milk has chaos energy in it... Tails thought. Hiei looked at Tails momentarily, then closed his eyes and resumed his calm ignoring of the situation. What the...that was weird, almost like he heard my thoughts... Tails sweat dropped.
"How about concerns from the older mothers or fathers-to-be?" Saffron asked. The room remained silent.
"I see.  Well let's move on.  Now it's time for a few visual aids.  We're going to look at the inside of the breast and explain how lactation occurs and all the things that go into it."
"Woopie, now I get to see why my breasts just can't contain anything." Tails sighed.
The class was over in two hour's time and everyone was getting ready to go with pamphlets and videos in tote.  "Man, I'm glad that class is over." said Jack.  "Hey Seifa, ready for a few cold ones?"
"Pleeeaaaase..." Seifa dragged. "Oh god my damn neeeeeeds." Seifa moaned.
"Another movie for me tonight it seems." Shena said pissed.
"Are you going to join them, Hiei?" Aqua asked.
"I'd rather eat fish paste." Hiei replied.
"Still unsociable."
"He reminds me of someone else I know.  Stubborn as hell and very moody." said Vanilla.
"Hey, we're on the same page, Vanilla." Tails smiled coyly.
Suddenly there was a squeak from Muri. "Waah! I'm scared!" She cried slightly.
"What's wrong?" Kirika asked her.
"It's doing something!" Muri panicked.
"Are you okay?" asked Vanessa. Aqua walked over to her and crouched down, placing a hand on her stomach. After about a minute, Muri squeaked again and resumed her panic attack.
"Awww, how sweet. You don't need to be scared. Your baby is just saying hello." Aqua smiled.
"It's...saying hello?" Muri questioned, having instantly calmed down.
"Yes. It's just kicking, so it's saying hello." Aqua replied.
"Oooohh..." Muri relaxed now.
"Aww, that's cool. Let me see." Tails said as she walked over and placed her hand on Muri's stomach. Then Muri squeaked for the third time. This startled Tails a little. "Whoa...that's actually...that was cool."
"Kicking babies are nothing to worry about." Vanessa assured Muri.
"It's never happened before." Muri said.
"It'll happen often, but it's nothing to worry about."
"Kirika, you said that Muri was how far along?" asked Vanilla.
"21 days." Kirika replied.
"She hid her pregnancy, huh?"
"What makes you say that?"
"When we met and you asked her how far along she was.  Then her body language when she gave her response to you..."
"You're perceptive." Kirika said. "Yes, I found out 3 days ago."
Vanilla got into whispering range of Kirika.  "Between us, she's a little further along than just twenty-one days." she whispered to Kirika.
"That's what I think, but look after her and keep her from getting too scared."
"Of course."
"So, just how did you find out?" Tails asked. "Did you just guess?"
"I had my suspicions after a few signs. So I had her use a test. It didn't take a second for that thing to turn blue."
"I have a few pointers on how to help her when the moment comes." and Vanilla handed Kirika a small stack of 3x5 cards.  "This will help you and Muri get through things." Kirika looked slightly confused. "I know, I'm a rabbit after all, but there was a lot going on in my life when I had my daughter.  These will help Muri in case things get too out of hand."
"Thanks." And Kirika took the cards.
"So, see you in a few days at the next class?"
"Most likely." Kirika said. "We're going to head for some food, then head home."
"Okay." And the crew of pregnant woman and company parted ways.
"I kinda feel sorry for Muri." Tails said to Vanilla.
"At least you've made a friend in class today." said Vanilla.
"Indeed, and you seemed to as well."
"Kirika and I shared a few motherly tips."
Not just Kirika, that bearcat as well. I think we all became friends there. Probably not including Shadow the fox."
"You mean Hiei...." Vanilla giggled.  "See, aren't you happy you came to class?"
"I was only scared, not regretful. Poor Muri completely wigged out though..."
"She is younger than you... probably Cream's age."
"That's kinda scary. I thought it was bad at my age but..."
"Let's get home and enjoy some tea."
The two got back to Vanilla's place, but were in the elevator going up. Tails was leaning against the side, staring at the roof.
"Hey, Vanilla..."
"What's wrong?" asked Vanilla.
"About this Shadow thing. What would you do...if you were me?"
"I would make him earn my heart."
"Earn my...heart..." Tails repeated, but trailed. "This is getting a bit much."
"No.  You shouldn't rush into your heart...  Make sure his feelings are into it, and then give him the benefits of the heart... and the body."
"It's not just him..."
"Then what is it?"
"It's everything else in my heart...and in others hearts as well. For the longest time I've...I've loved Sonic, but as time went on and I grew into being a boy, they vanished into the back corner of my mind. And then you have Cream and Marine, both who want me in a relationship, and that's far beyond just clear." Tails explained. "And now there's this....this unknown entity in my heart that Shadow opened. I knew it was always there and that I did feel a slight attraction to him. But now it's like it has its own gravitational pull. And I'm torn between 4 people." Tails looked at Vanilla and her eyes watered. "And I don't want to hurt any of them."
"I see..."
"I'm sorry..."
"Don't be.  There is nothing to feel torn about, your heart makes everything clear.  Those who love you will understand."
"But...I don't know what to do...Or what I want."
"Then play the field and find out."
Tails didn't reply. She simply looked at the floor of the elevator as it came to a stop and opened. This however was not the floor they were to get off on and some people came into the elevator. There were a lot of people and Tails was getting squished against the wall.
"H-hey! Careful! I'm having a baby here, stop crushing me!" She moaned.
"Hey, show a little consideration!" Vanilla yelled.
"We can't help it, there's not enough room for us all." Said a random person.
"Gah...Get out of my way! I'm leaving." And Tails carefully pushed her way out of the elevator, but tripped on the way out and landed on her belly and rolled over a bit.
Vanilla went to Tails' aide.  "Are you okay?" she asked.
"I'm okay...but I don't know about...Lavender." Tails said, lifting herself up a little, using one hand to hold her belly.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I think that was my fault. Can I help you at all?" Ask a black and red Armadillo as he walked over and knelt to Tails, in concern.
"That was quite a fall, let's get you checked up." said Vanilla.
"May I carry you? I feel responsible." The Armadillo offered. The elevator had closed and the two were on a floor they didn't want.
"I don't want to move for a minute..." Tails said, placing her other hand on the floor to support herself.
"Let's give you a moment, and then get you to a hospital." said Vanilla.
" much for tea..." Tails said. Tails then shifted herself to sit on the floor and let out a long breath.
"I'm really, really sorry." The Armadillo apologized.
Vanilla looked at the armadillo.  "You look familiar somehow..." she said.
"Oh, you might have heard of me. I'm one of the Chaotix crew." He replied. "My name is Mighty."
Tails burst into tears. "I think Lavender is in pain..." She cried.
"Okay. Not waiting anymore." And Mighty carefully and effortlessly picked up Tails.
"Let's get to the hospital." said Vanilla.
"Let's go." And Mighty hastily but carefully moved to the stairs and headed to the bottom floor. What a day... He thought. First I get dumped and now this... Someone really must hate me right now... They get to the bottom floor where they head to the exit, just as they reached halfway, the door opened and in came Amy, Tikal and Cream, clearly heading back after being dropped off by Knuckles and then shopping, with the bags they had.
"What's going on?" asked Cream.
"Why is Tails crying?" Amy asked.
"Sorry ladies
, no time to explain. We have to go." Mighty said. He took Tails passed the girls, who then turned to Vanilla.
"What happened?" Amy asked.
"We're going to the hospital, the baby may be in trouble." Vanilla answered
"What?!" Amy gasped. "That's awful!" And the girls all went in pursuit of Mighty and Tails.
Luckily, however, they was an available cab nearby, so there was no need for a long run, although Amy opted to go on foot, due to the lack of space in the taxi. The cab trip was hasty due to the driver's concern, it was as safe as it needed to be, but still over the speed limit slightly. Luckily it wasn't pulled over. Mighty got out of the cab and headed into the building. The girls were tending to Tails; Vanilla paid the driver the fare and a small tip for his concern. Truthfully, she was so concerned, she didn't care for change.
"Can someone help us please?!" Mighty called, inside the hospital, grabbing the attention of employees and patients alike. There wasn't much for them to say before Tails got helped out of the cab and taken into care.  Doctor Quack was notified of the situation and was on his way.
All they could do now was wait in the waiting room, Mighty sat in a chair in the corner, elbows in knees and face in palms. It wasn't too much longer that Amy arrived.
"Is she okay?" She asked.
"We'll find out." Vanilla answered.
"What happened?" Tikal asked.
"It's my fault this happened." Mighty said from the corner. "I'm responsible."
"Let's stay positive for the mother's sake." said Vanilla.
"Could someone please explain?" Tikal asked.
"She fell on her belly." Vanilla stated.
"I hope she's okay..." Amy said. She took a seat next to Cream and hugged the doe a bit.
Inside the ward. Tails was relaxing on the bed, being treated by Dr Quack.
"So, what happened to you?" asked Dr. Quack.
"I was *hic* getting squished in an elevator, so I tried to leave and my feet got caught. I fell onto Lavender." Tails replied, calming down.
"I see.  You're worried about your daughter... and how did you fall?"
"Straight onto my stomach, I didn't have much time to stop myself with my hands."
"Well, I had a look inside and nothing was wrong.  Did you feel any bleeding at all?"
"Something didn't feel right, I thought she was hurt." Tails said.
"Well, we'll monitor you and your daughter for today and see if anything is wrong."
"Yeah...O-okay." Tails said.
Dr. Quack had an eyebrow raised.  "Is there something I should know about?"
"L-like what?"
"That response was a bit delayed.  Thinking about aborting now?"
"NO!" Tails snapped a bit too loud. "I'd never think to do that!"
"Then what's wrong?"
"It's just...You mean I have to stay here again?"
"Just tonight, but it's only for observation."
"So, not for a whole day or something then." Tails said. "I just...wanted to somehow make it up to Cream. I can't beleive this happened..." Tails had completely relaxed now, but sighed.
"I see...  Well the point of this is because everyone was scared of your safety.  It's probably nothing to be of concern, but it's a precaution."
"I know...I'm sorry." Tails said and got comfortable in the bed.
"Who knows, you may be out of here by tonight if all goes well."
Tails rubbed her belly. "You should probably tell the others. They might be worried..."
"But of course." Dr. Quack left Tails' room and went to address everyone waiting to hear word if Tails' condition.
As he entered the waiting room, everyone looked at him expectantly.
"Is she okay?" Mighty asked, a twinge of guilt in his voice.
"So far, everything's fine." Dr. Quack assured everyone.  "We'll monitor her for a while as a safety precaution
"But for now, the two of them are stable." And everyone relaxed.
"Thank heavens." Mighty sighed.
"If you'll excuse me, I have a patient to see." and Dr. Quack left the waiting party
Mighty then stretched his muscles a bit and walked over to Vanilla.
"I really am sorry for the trouble I caused. I've gotta go now, but I hope everything will be okay." He said to her.
"Thinks should be fine." said Vanilla.
"Yeah. Okay. Again I'm sorry." And with a bow, Mighty left. The other girls watched him leave.
"So, what do we do now?" Amy asked.
"I'm going to be here for a while." Vanilla told Amy.
"Hey, Cream. We should get back to your house, okay?" Amy said to Cream. "I'm sure Tails will be fine."
"I'm conflicted." said Cream.
"Well, let's head back, Vanilla has things covered here."
"Tikal, can you keep an eye on Cream?" asked Vanilla.
"Certainly." Tikal said. "I'll babysit them both."
Hey!" Amy countered, to which she got a simply giggle from Tikal.
"I am not a baby." said Cream.
"Oh, sorry. Not to imply you were, Cream. I was simply teasing Amy." Tikal smiled walking over. "Don't you have some puzzles at home. I'm interested in finding a difficult one to play with."
"We can do the Eiffel Tower."
"Sounds good to me." And Tikal took Cream out of the waiting room and they left. Amy followed. Vanilla sat there and kept positive.  I hope Tails doesn't feel like this is problematic to her again. she thought.
(( End Notes: Aqua, Hiei, Shena, Seifa, Kirika, Muri and Mikuru (Echidna) are (c) to Tsuikai and the Bearcat couple are Kattx. You are not allowed to include them in any of your own works. Thank you.))