Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Megamorph ❯ Chapter 18

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

It was only a few hours of waiting, but Tails was let off on the promise she'd keep rested for the night. Vanilla and Tails had taken a cab ride to Vanilla's home and were heading to the elevator again. "I hope we don't have Deja Vu." Tails said.
"We can always take the stairs." said Vanilla.
"How many floors?"
"Elevator it is..”
And the two got in the elevator and it was empty, luckily enough. And the button was pressed and up they went.
"I can't
believe all that happened." Tails said, rubbing her belly.
"I'm just glad you two are okay."
"Me too...I got worried."
"Let's stand in the middle of the elevator this time."
Tails nods and walks into the middle of the elevator as it went up. Luckily they reached their floor with only one stop, and that was just for a single person who stood out the way in the corner. The two left on their floor and went to Vanilla's door.
Vanilla took her keys and opened the door, letting the fox in first and then following. Tikal was lying on the sofa and the other two weren't in sight.
"We're back." Tails said. Tikal got up and looked over the sofa.
"Everything is okay then?"She asked.
"Just a false alarm." Vanilla answered.  "A bit of bumps, but Lavender isn't in any trouble at all."
"That's good. Cream is in the bathroom at the moment and Amy nipped to the shop." Tikal said.
"I see."
"Anything I can do?" Tikal asked.
"Take Amy to the Mystic Ruins when she gets back.  Have her spend two days there with you."
"Any real reason?"
"Help her meditate... and build survival skills."
"Will do." Tikal said.
Cream came out from the bathroom and headed into the living room to see the two had returned.
"Hey, Cream." Tails waved at Cream.
"Hey, are you okay?"
"Yes, I just got a little more worried than I needed to be." Tails blushed.
Cream gave a sigh of relief.  "Well, at least things are well with you two."
"Yes, indeed." Tails said walking over to Cream. She took her by the hand and pulled her towards her room. "Now things need to be well with us." She said.
"I think I'll simply get Amy now and delay." Tikal said. "Back in 15." She said, before leaving the place.
Tails leads Cream to her room and Vanilla simply watches the two go.  Well, you better make this count. She thought.
The two were once again in Cream's room.  "Tails, what's going on here?" Cream asked.
"It's not about what is going on." said Tails.  "What comes off will be the main deal."
"What comes off..." Cream was confused.  "And what exactly might be coming off?"
"Our clothes." Tails answered.
This reaction shocked Cream.  "Okay, what is going on here?"
"It's called resolution, Cream.  But this time, things are going to be saved."
"Cream, let's face it.  Every time the two of us have tried to mend what we have, it has always gone wrong."
Cream's head drooped.  "Tell me about it."
Tails' ears drooped.  "We're in a really bad spot right now, and everything we've tried so far has only made things worse.  But I need to know one thing that is very important... I need to know how you feel about me."
"I... I'm not sure....  and hearing about stabbing you to death from your nightmare doesn't make me feel easy."
"So you don't have feelings for me anymore?"
"That's not it at all!  I just, I just don't want to hurt you anymore." and Cream sat on her bed about to cry.  "I can't do this anymore, Tails.  It's too painful right now..."
It was at this moment where Tails remembered what Marine had told her before they left from Knothole... the tail end of it.  She
then took a deep breath.  "So how should we save what we have?" she asked.
"Save us... you mean our bond needs saving right?" Cream guessed.
"Yeah, it needs saving."
"I don't know.  Everything I've tried to do to save what we have has only made things worse.  I don't know how we can save things, but I'm welcome to try anything."
"We're gonna do it."
Cream's eyes got wide.  "Wait, do what?"
"It, as in each other."
"You mean sex, but you're pregnant...."
"You said you were welcome to try anything."
"That I did, but..."
"And I already gave you head earlier in my pregnancy..."
"Yeah, but sex is different than head...  Okay, I'll have sex with you."
Cream kicked off her shoes, revealing her white ankle socks and sat on the bed.  Tails managed to lay Cream back and for the second time, managed to get her hands under Cream's dress. For the second time during her term, Tails was pulling Cream's panties down the rabbit's thighs. 
"Ring print panties this time." said Tails.
"No, those are angel halos." Cream corrected.
"Oh." and Tails pulled them off of Cream anyway.
I can't believe I'm actually not going to raise a complaint. thought Cream as she saw her panties being removed.  Maybe this is something I really need after all...
Now Cream, lemme satisfyyou and make your mother happy. Tails thought, then began to undress herself.
"Now, explain again why we're about to do this?" asked Cream.
"Because we need it and we're saving our love." Tails answered.
Once she was undressed, Tails spread Cream's legs open again. 
Here we go again... she thought.  Only, all the way this time. and Tails positioned herself over Cream.
"So, how is this gonna work again?" asked Cre
am.  "I mean, I know we're gonna do it... but is this like birds?"
"Yeah, just like birds." Tails answered.  "Neither of us is a guy here."
"Well, I have a vibe that works for two..."
"...Okay, you get that and I'll wait on the bed."
The two switched places and Cream grabbed her vibe.  Once she had it, Cream sat on the bed in front of Tails.  "So, you have to put your end in first, then act like a guy." she said.
"Right." said Tails and took the vibe.  She placed her end two inches inside of herself.  It caused her to wince, but Tails was otherwise fine.  Afterwards, she pulled Cream towards her, making the other end of the vibe penetrate the rabbit in the process.  After that, Tails put her right leg in Cream's lap and Cream's right leg went into her lap, then the two began simulating intercourse where one of them (most likely would've been Cream) was thrusting away.
Vanilla could hear both girls moaning in the room, and she shook her head.  Well, I guess I can't be mad at those two for having sex. thought Vanilla and she sipped her tea.
Five minutes of their current position, it was time to switch.  "Are you decent enough for humps?" asked Cream.
"I am a bit." Tails answered.  "But who goes first?"
"I can start out subordinate." Cream offered.
"No, I think I'll let you have the first hump."
"Can you turn on all fours?"
"Yeah, give me a moment."
Tails turned on all fours and Cream had her right hand on the vibe.  And after placing both of Tails' tail over the right, Cream mounted Tails and began her thrusts.  "Let me know if it's too far for you." said Cream.
"Okay." said Tails.
Well, I never thought I would hump Tails, but this is what she wants. thought Cream, then took the fox doggy style.
What shocked Cream the most was the reaction she got out of Tails while doing this.  The hardest part of the actual act was knowing how to place her hands.  Cream didn't want to hold Tails' hips, but tried to wrap her arms around the fox's belly.  That didn't work all too well, so Cream's hands cupped Tails' breasts... but gently, so not to hurt her partner.  after a few minutes, Cream paused to turn Tails around and lay the fox on her back, then continued her humping.  I never thought I'd like this so much... both of them thought as their moans egged their hips on.  Both girls started to quief, but neither of them were gonna rag on the other.  Afterwards, Cream stopped humping Tails and sat in front of her.  "Are you okay?" asked Tails.
"It's your turn to do me now." Cream answered.
I hope I can actually pull this off. thought Tails as she positioned herself over Cream.
I hope this doesn't overexert her. thought Cream, then she wrapped her arms over Tails' shoulders.
Tails managed to hump Cream like they had figured and everyone was enjoying themselves.  Tails was shocked at the fact that she was able to give Cream "the business" so well despite being halfway through her pregnancy.  I hope I'm not crushing her. She thought.
I hope she isn't worried about crushing me. Cream thought.
"How are you holding up?" asked Tails.  "Be honest."
"I honestly don't feel crushed if it makes you feel better." Cream answered.
"Thanks, but what about the sex?"
"It's almost how I dreamed it would be?"
"Well, you weren't pregnant in my dreams."
"Were you pregnant in the dreams?"
"At one time, but only five days."
"By the way, your breasts are very soft."
"And they're also sensitive."
"Make sure to squeeze mine when you ride me, okay?"
"Um... sure."
After a bit of being on her back, Tails stopped and turned Cream on all fours, then finally had her ride on the rabbit.  Thirty seconds into the thrusting, Tails takes up Cream's offer and handles those bunny breasts of hers.  "Your tits are perky, Cream." Tails said.
"Yeah, they have to be, I don't have a bra like you do." said Cream.
"We can compare bras next month."
After a while of giving Cream doggy style sex, Tails finally dismounted and fell backwards onto the bed.  Cream noticed the fox laying back and removed the vibe.  "Worn out?" she asked.
"Yeah, I'm worn." Tails answered.
"Okay.  I guess that's all for our sex." and Cream placed her hand on Tails' belly.  "And you don't have to worry about the jostling anymore, Lavender." and Cream kisses Tails' belly.  When she moved away, the rabbit noticed a section of Tails' belly poking across.  "Tails, can you feel that?"
"Feel what?" Tails asked, still trying to recover from the sex.
"Lavender moving around."
"Oh yeah, she does that."
I wonder if Lavender is conscious of the outside world. Cream thought.  She seems to be dancing in there...
Noticing the horizontal bump going across Tails' belly, Cream manages to press it with her pinky.  This causes the movement to stop.  However, the point went away when Cream moved her finger.  Cream used her pinky to draw a diamond on Tails' belly and was shocked to find that Lavender followed the same pattern.  "Tails, she followed me." Cream said, somewhat excited.  "Lavender followed me."
"Well, she has done that with one other person." said Tails as she sat up somewhat.
Cream used her pinky to draw a spiral on Tails' belly going outside in.  Lavender made the same spiral, but went inside out.  Cream decided to draw a heart on Tails' belly for Lavender...  Lavender followed, but kept going.  As a result, she Followed Cream's heart and connected a smaller heart inside of the one Cream had traced out.  "Well, your daughter's really smart." said Cream with a smile.  "I guess that runs in the family."
"I guess so too." said Tails, then the two girls share laughs.
Vanilla hears the laughter from her room.  "Looks like those two are back on positive terms again." she said to herself as she poured another cup of tea.
The next morning, Tails was woken by the light of the sun beaming in through the window. She yawned a little and then went to move, but noticed her right arm was numb. Apparently the girls were having so much fun playing with Lavender last night that eventually they wore each other to sleep, and Cream was on Tails arm. The doe's peaceful face was enough to stop Tails from attempting to wake her up. Instead, Tails eased her arm, trying to free herself, but the lack of room stopped her from doing so, so she just continued to lie there and stare at the ceiling. Guess I have to wait for Cream to wake up. I think my arm has lost most of the blood circulation. Hopefully it won't start hurting before too long... She thought.
"Five fun stacks of pancakes... heavy syrup." Cream said in her sleep and rolled over.
Guess I know what I'm making Cream for breakfast...Tails thought. Thanks to Cream rolling over, Tails was able to free her arm, then carefully tried to climb over Cream to leave the room.
Tails managed to stand on her feet, after climbing over the bed. She got changed and snuck out of the room and closed the door behind her. She walked towards the kitchen whilst rubbing her numb arm, getting the blood flowing again painfully. She'd noticed Vanilla was cleaning the house.
"Morning." Tails said.
"You had a good night's sleep." said Vanilla.
"The night was good, but my arm really aches now." Tails said. "Slowly the feeling is coming back into it though."
"You didn't sleep on it, did you?"
"No, Cream did." Tails giggled.
"Speaking of that, how are you sleeping?"
"You mean in general or last night?"
"Generally speaking."
"Well, sometimes I just wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep, generally I sleep okay though."
"I see.  What about position wise?"
"I usually sleep on my side or back."
"You mean flat on your back?"
"I can understand sleeping on your side.  But if you sleep on your back, you better be propped up.”
"How do you mean?"
"Sleeping flat on your back can be bad for you."
"So can front, so I'm glad I don't do that." Tails replied.
"I won't up on my front once, I got worried, but everything was okay."
"Next time, have Pillows support your back and lean at an angle.  You'll save your back and not have to worry about rolling over constantly."
"That'll work." Tails spoke to herself. "Thanks Vanilla. Any plans for breakfast?"
"Well then. I'll make up a 'thank you' breakfast for you, I wonder if you have the ingredients though..." Tails wondered. "Pancakes don't need all that much though, do they?"
"Nope, not regular ones."
Vanilla shook her head and smiled.  "Lemme know if you need any help."
"Will do." Tails replied before she began searching the kitchen for everything she needed. However, when looking for the syrup, which she couldn't find. She located it in a top cupboard at the back and got on tiptoes to reach it. Normally she would have succeeded, but there was a certain bump down below which stopped her. Tails struggled to reach for the syrup. "Um...Vanilla..." She called.
"Something the matter?" asked Vanilla.
"Can't...reach...." Tails let out as she still reached for the syrup.
Vanilla reached up and grabbed the syrup for Tails.  "Here you go."
"Thank you." Tails blushed and continued to prepare for her cooking.
"I better go grab the reaching arm."
15 minutes later and Tails was near enough ready to serve up. Wonder if Cream's woken yet... She thought.
"How are things going in there?" asked Vanilla.
"Near enough finished." Tails replied.
"I'll set the plates."
"Okay." Tails replied and finished up. She then carefully took the pancakes into the other room. I hope Cream likes this. She thought.
"So what's next for you, sweetie?" asked Vanilla.
"I don't know. I go back to Sonic's. He might be worried." Tails replied.
"I see.  Do you need me to take you?"
"Probably." Tails replied. "I can't go alone, but you can always fetch someone."
Cream finally walks out of the room rubbing her eyes.  "Good morning everyone." she says with a yawn and sits at the table, barely sitting in the seat.
"You okay, Cream?" Tails asked, placing the food on the table, ready to be served and eaten. "Want a drink to wake yourself up a little?"
"Tired, I'm worn out."
"Oops." Tails replied.
"Well, you two definitely had a little too much fun." said Vanilla.  "I remember the morning after I had sex with Cream's father and woke up like Cream did.  Later that day, I started having pregnancy sickness."
"Wait a moment...That can't be right..." Tails said.
"What can't be right?" asked Cream.
"Well...Unless you're talking about the day you conceived Cream, you can't have done that." Tails said to Vanilla.
"Well Tails, there are many reasons why women will wake up sick." said Vanilla.  "I reflect on that because I remembered it being a sick morning.  I was still trying to figure out why I threw it up.  And to think that night before the sex was a lovely dinner....  Lobster and all you can eat crab legs."
"I see...Somehow that changes my appetite."
"You ate so much water food... no wonder you were sick." said Cream. The morning conversation continued and the three had a nice chat.
Shadow was sat on a bench, looking over the park, he was in the lounge position with one leg over the other in a masculine way. What were currently going through his head were many questions that continued to roll around in his mind. How should I ask her? what if she refuses? will she even like it? Just exactly how many things would she be able to do in her condition? He let out a long sigh. Shadow shifted his position to lie on the bench with his hands behind his head and watched the clouds above him. On in particular he saw took on the shape of Tails face, smiling. "I can't even look at the sky without seeing her..." He said to himself.
"Staring at the clouds... I find that soothing."  Shadow's silence was broken by Knuckles and knuckles was holding a smaller, red echidna in his left arm and wore a backpack..  "You always were one to be lost in thought."
Shadow looked at Knuckles. "I'd ask what brings you to the park, but it's obvious." Shadow replied.
"What's obvious?"
Shadow narrowed his eyes. "The reason you're in the park......" He said dryly.
"Oh... just taking a stroll."
"So you're not playing with the tyke."
"He's asleep."
"I meant before, but never mind." And Shadow went back to cloud watching.
"Nope, I was at Twinkle Park."
"What events are in there that don't involve rides?" Shadow asked, not looking away from the clouds.
"Carnival games.  I would have tried the shooting gallery, but it isn't 'little guy' friendly."
"Too loud or too violent?"
"Loud.  Nothing is too violent the Knuckles tribe echidnas."
"Hmm...I bet I'd do perfectly on the shooting gallery..." Shadow said, more to himself than Knuckles.
"I just stick to darts and tossing the balls or bean bags.  The rings are rigged and I save my change for other oddities."
"Ring toss."
"I see." Shadow said. "At least I'd get to show off a lot." Shadow said to himself, but was ment to think it instead.
"I show off with the hammer.  That carnival game is a test of real muscle." said Knuckles as he flexed his free arm.  "Use the hammer to smack the plank and ring the bell.  That's muscle power."
"I'd expect you to break it." Shadow said.
"Not strong enough, huh?"
"Not gonna get yelled at by the people who want to try it next.  I had to pay $700 to replace the last one I broke."
Shadow laughed. "Classic."
"Not as classic as you are when you go berserk and destroy stuff."
"Touché." Shadow said.
"So who's dragging you to Twinkle Park?" asked Knuckles as he sat down next to Shadow.  "Theme parks aren't normally your idea of fun."
"No one's dragging me to it." Shadow replied.
"My mistake.  I don't really care why you've decided to have fun.  For all I know, this is probably a challenge to be faster in the Twinkle Circut by Sonic... or you're doing this to win a bet, or you just found a girl that promised to make your dick wet after a day at the carnival."
"Nope. None of those. I'm going to ask Tails if she wants to go." Shadow replied honestly.
"Tails promised to get your dick wet, huh?"
"I just said no, you idiot!"
"Mellow out, you're too uptight.  Just remember to whistle her favourite carnival song every now and again."
"I don't even know what that is."
"There are two specific ones, one of them was learned for Cream, but I don't know which is which.  At least that's what Sonic told me."
"So you mean to tell me that I not only have to ask Cream for a carnival theme song, but that irritating blue hedgehog as well?" Shadow gritted his teeth. "The things I put up with."
"No, I remember the songs.  I just forget which of the two songs Tails favoured for Cream."
"You know, I'm surprised you didn't jaw drop to the floor, knowing I have intentions of asking a pregnant fox, who I recall is one of your best friends, on a date." Shadow sat upright and put his feet to the floor, still sitting though.
"I'm not a woman.  I'm glad you've decided to do some dating." and Knuckles exhaled.
"Hmm..." Shadow said. "So, you going to tell me these songs or do I have to ask Cream and Sonic?"
"I'll tell you."
"I'm listening." Shadow said, and waited.
"Let's see.  One was the remixed version of Bippity Boppity Boo from the second Cinderella and the other one had to do with tea... What was it again?  Oh yeah, that Merry Merry Unbirthday shit.  I can't stand that song.  I can barely tolerate Tikal singing Colours of the Wind from Pocahontas."
"Oh god, tell me about it. She wanted me to sing some of that when I went to visit her...That Merry...merry..thing."
"That's nothing.  She showed my brother her The Wizard of Oz and tried to have him clicking his heels.
"I'd rather sing Casey Jr. then do that shit.'
"So, she's just obsessed then..."
"No, my bro needs some kind of youthful memories."
"I still say she's obsessed."
"You should've seen what Tikal had Rouge sing."
Now Shadow was interested. "Oh?"
"Yeah... Rouge had to sing It's a Small World After All to leave.  She was pissed when we got back to the Mystic Ruins."
"Well, she could convince me to sing some stupid song." Shadow said.
"I'll take Merry Merry Unbirthday over It's a Small World After All any day of the year."
"The other problem is I don't know the songs. But from the sound of things, you wouldn't catch me dead singing them." Shadow said.
"Well, you better get a crash course of Disney real soon."
"I'll pass I think. Thanks anyway."
"I never did like Alice and Wonderland... The White Rabbit was a pussy, the Cheshire was tripped out, that Merry Merry Unbirthday part makes me wanna leave the room and croquet with flamingos is enough to make me wanna spit out good beer."
"I see."
"The only thing I liked about Alice and Wonderland is the smoking caterpillar...  Always had a long drag and puffed out letters with the smoke.
"At least in the anime remake Miyuki-chan in Wonderland, you get lesbian sex from the broads dressed up as chess pieces."
"Okay, I'm finished talking about this now."
"What's wrong with broads having lesbian sex?"
"I never said that. I'd just like to talk about something else." Shadow said, but he was clearly bothered by the topic.
Man, he acts like he's hoping to take Tails' virginity. Thought Knuckles.  "Anyway, if you do have a date there, order a couple's cake.  Tikal loves it when I get one of those and share it with her."
"Heh, I'll keep that in mind. But I have doubt's she'll even agree to go." Shadow replied.
"Tails turning down an offer to go to Twinkle Park?  You either raped her or she's sick to the point where she can't get out of bed.  Twinkle Park was the main excuse to get that fox out of the lab." Shadow didn't reply.
"Please tell me you didn't rape Tails..."
"Yes, Knuckles. I raped her." Shadow said, clearly sarcastically. "What kind of ass hole do you think I am? I'll do a lot of things, but raping someone is not something I get shits and giggles out of, nor does the idea get me off...."
"Man, Rouge and Tikal were right.  You really are emo.  Catch you later, Black Shot." and Knuckles walked away with his little brother.
"I should probably change that." Shadow said to himself. "Well, I guess I find Tails then." And off he warped.
Breakfast at Vanilla's had long since finished, Vanilla was typically cleaning the house. Cream and Tails however were enjoying a nice game of Mario Kart for the Wii, Tails was currently winning and Cream wasn't far behind. The computer settings were set to quite a difficult standard, however.
"Silly Bowser is too slow if he hits anything." Tails said. "Yoshi for the win."
"I need a new vehicle." said Cream.
"Want me to unlock one for you?" Tails questioned, clearing the 2nd lap. "Shit! I friggin' hate those stupid..." Boom, Yoshi was sent into the air, and Cream took the lead. "Damn you Bowser and your stupid blue shells..."
"Good, now I can go and..." and Cream went off a cliff.  "Stupid POW block."
"I'm in 5th, great..." Tails complained, picking up another box, her weapon shuffling. After clearing, Tails launched, having 3 red shells surrounding Yoshi. "Fun..."
"Stupid powerful ass weapon combos."
"My bad...say goodbye Princess Peach." and she launched a shell, taking the princess clean out and taking 4th. "Watch out Luigi, a certain little dinosaur has a treat for you." And Tails took out Luigi too, and then hit another box by this point. "How're you holding up?"
"I need mini-turbo practice."
"Here I come Mario..." But before she could fire her final shot, every racer was struck by lightning, and Tails was smashed by Bowser. "Son of a..."
"Did you set the items to aggressive again?"
"I don't remember, probably." Tails sweat dropped.
"I hate the Tiny Titan..."
"Looks like we had the 1st and 2nd places stolen from us." Tails said. She picked up another item box, and as soon as the weapon came into view she launched it. "Super star for the win!" And Tails zoomed past, crashing into people to spin them off, but avoided doing so to Cream, the two now in 4th and 5th place.
"Next time, I'm using a bike." said Cream and ran into the item box.
"Think we can take out Bowser, Luigi and Mario before they steal the wins?" Tails asked.
"Have fun, I got a killer." said Cream and uses her item.  "Speeed!"
"Traitor." Tails pouted, and picked up a box. "I should have nuked you with my star..."
All went well with the race and Cream took third, but was only a thousandth faster than Tails, who took fourth. Tails sat back against the couch and let out a long drawn out sigh, rubbing her belly.
"Are you two okay?" asked Vanilla.
"I think last night is kicking in, I'm tired." Tails yawned. "That was fun though."
"You need more work in Mario Kart Wii."
"For the 3rd time playing it, I'm not doing too badly." Tails said.
"At least you had a decent vehicle." said Cream.  "I was stuck in the Tiny Titan."
"Zip Zip! Pow, Zip zip." Tails said.
"Zip Zip, Tails?" asked Vanilla.  "You should've been riding the Mach Bike.  And Cream, everyone knows you do much better in the Mini Beast."
"Well I would've used the Blue Falcon, but it slides too much." Cream whined.
"Mach Bike, huh?" Tails questioned. "Well, I'm bored of Mario Kart now, like i said, that was the 3rd race and I'm happy without a deciding winner."
"I would use Rosalina, but the heavy vehicles suck." said Vanilla.
"What shall we do now, Cream?" Tails asked.
"I'm gonna make cookies." Cream answered.
Tails poked her own breasts. "I wonder how full these are at the moment. Haven't had a 'leek' in a while." She said. "If I have enough, I could make that cake Sally wanted..."
"What cake might that be?" asked Vanilla.
"Just a cake using my breast milk instead of the typical milk." Tails replied. "Sally said that if you make a cake with your breast milk and have your friends eat it, it like a good luck charm or something when it comes to safe birthing. However, apparently if you make it without wanting to, it has the opposite effect. I'll admit at first I was a little unsure of the idea, but it actually sounds like fun."
Cream and Vanilla both laugh.  "That old wife's tale?" asked Cream.
"People still do that?" asked Vanilla.
"Apparently so."
"Well, I hope you make it very sweet.  I'll take out the white gold of yours."
"Laugh all you want, I want to do it for another reason." Tails said.
"Hey, we aren't making fun of you." said Cream.  "I'm just shocked that people still do that."
"Well, Sally requested it, but only if I wanted to do it." Tails replied. "Personally I reckon she just wants a cheap reason to get cake." She giggled.
"There's another reason why pregnant moms use their breast milk instead of regular milk to make a cake.  However, I don't think you wanna hear that one."
"Try me..." Tails said, looking at Vanilla.
"There's that frozen milk." said Vanilla as she put the contained breast milk on the table.  "I'll let Cream tell you that one." Tails looked at Cream.
"Well, when pregnant mothers make cakes with breast milk, they usually are trying to land themselves a man."
Tails then blushed furiously, but didn't bother looking away. Geez, I hope Vanilla doesn't have the wrong idea or something...
"So how are you gonna thaw that out?" asked Cream.
"You mean everyone's going to assume I'm making a cake because I was a significant male half?" Tails asked.
"No, not at all." Cream answered.
"Then what's to thaw out?"
"Hello?" Vanilla looked at Tails with the two containers of the fox's frozen milk on the table.
Tails shook her head. "Sorry....I'm distracted..." She said. Stupid Shadow....Thanks to them bringing that up about that whole landing a man crap, you're stuck in my head... Tails blushed and pouted. "I've no idea."
"Rouge told me about how she milked you like a cow, Tails." said Cream.   "Does that mean I get a turn?"
"Is that so, I wanna try that too." said Vanilla.
Tails then sweat dropped. "Uhhh......" She said. You fuckin' bitch, Rouge! I'll have my revenge for this! Tails mentally cursed the bat.
"Well Cream, you might as well milk Tails now since she's probably full up top." said Vanilla.
"Ok." said Cream.  "I'll go and get the pumps."
"Do I get a say in this?" Tails whimpered.
"You were the one who talked about full you might be." said Vanilla.  "We're just taking your hint to heart."
Tails curls up on the couch. "I still have nightmares about what Rouge did to me, I won't have needles in my tits again, if you plan to 'milk' me the way she did..." First chance I get, I'll escape... She thought.
"How did that happen?" asked Vanilla.
"She gave me a chest massage and I gushed like the fountain of youth..."
"She milked you like a cow I see..."
"I'm pretty sure she didn't use the term without reason."
"So you can have sex with Cream, but you can't let her de-lactate you?"
Why does everyone assume that if I can do one thing, anything is open...geez... Tails mentally complained. "Fine, fine...Just let me go pee first..." And Tails put her feet on the floor, stood up, but wobbled a bit before her ass landed back in the chair. Vanilla helped Tails to the bathroom and the fox took it from there.
After finishing her business, Tails came out of the bathroom. "Um, sorry about that. Guess I forgot just how much weight has been added down here..." She said, rubbing her belly.
"You forgot to wash." Vanilla scolded Tails.
Tails sighed and returned to the bathroom to quickly wash up. "My bad..." She said.
"Okay, I got you two pumps." said Cream.  "Now you unload your stockpile."
Just at that moment, there were 7 raps at the door.
"I'll go and get the door, and you two set up in the room." said Vanilla.
Tails looks at Cream as Vanilla heads to the door. "So, which room? Bathroom? Your room?" She asked.
"My room." Cream answered.
"Okay." And Tails follows Cream into her room. The two get inside of the room.  "Just a question, does it hurt when you use these?" asked Cream.
"No." Tails blushed.
"Well, lemme get that top of yours."
"Sure." Tails said.
I wonder who is at the door. thought Vanilla as she was ready to open the door.
"Yo, Shad, what brings you here?" Sonics' voice was clear.
"Not you again, don't you ever stop bothering me?" Shadow questioned Sonic.
"Hey man, I came here to see if Tails is about, is that a problem."
"Fine, then I'll take my leave..."
Vanilla opens the door to see both hedgehogs.  "Look who's here.  Come on in you two." she said. Sonic grins and makes his way inside, but the black hedgehog clearly is not comfortable going in with Sonic. "Come on in." said Vanilla. Shadow simply sighed and made his way inside. "Hey you two, hurry it up back there, we have company!" Vanilla yelled to the girls in the back.
"MOOOOO!!!!" Tails called in retaliation.
"What in the..." Sonic questioned.
"Tails is top heavy at the moment." Vanilla explained.
"And she's mooing because...?" Sonic questioned.
"You really are an idiot, aren't you?" Shadow said to Sonic.
"Hey, I don't know what she gets up to in her spare time, never heard her moo before."
"As if it was a 'serious' moo, bah, why do I put up with you?"
"Because if you didn't, you wouldn't be known as the cockiest hedgehog on the planet."
"No, you're the cockiest, I'm the most arrogant."
"I now pronounce you hedgehog and hedgehog." joked Vanilla.  "Now lemme go grab some rice."
Meanwhile in the room, Cream had gotten Tails top off, and the fox was currently sat on the bed in half her clothing. "Do I hear Shadow and Sonic? Just great, of all people to show up." She sighed.
"We can do this later if you want." offered Cream.
"No, no, might as well do it, otherwise I'll lactate later and most likely at the very worst of times." Tails smiled.
"Here you go." and Cream hands Tails the two breast pumps.
"You don't want to do it?"
"I can read body language, Tails.  You obviously don't want me doing it, so I'll let you have your day."
"I'll admit I'm not entirely comfortable with others tweaking with my breasts, but that's only because mother nature has tweaked the 'sensitivity button' up ten fold and....It's embarrassing. My entire body goes week when I empty up."
"Well, hook up and let's get this over with.  I mean before they come back here..."
Tails looks at the pump and smiles. "I'll admit that Rouge caught me off guard when she 'milked' me." And she stands up and takes Cream by the wrist, but not nastily, and places the pump in her hand. "But I trust you and like Vanilla said, we already went full way, so this should be fine. I want you to."
"If you say so." and Cream made sure Tails' torso met plastic. Tails retook her seat on the bed.
"So what brings you two here?" asked Vanilla.
"I came to check on Tails." Sonic said. "She's supposed to be staying with me and all, and I was just checking if this was the case or if she was now staying on the Ocean Tornado with Marine and Blaze, who told me to come here."
"And what about you, Shadow?"
"I came to talk to Cream, actually." Shadow replied.
"Well, sit tight for a while.  And enjoy a few laps in Mario Kart."
"Aww, sweet!" And Sonic zipped over to the Wii and took up his controller.
"I'll pass thanks..." Shadow folded his arms.
"What's the matter Shadow, chicken?" Sonic teased.
"Oh that does it!" And Shadow walked over and too up the other controller.
"Cream, hurry up with 'Betsy' back there!" yelled Vanilla.  "That heifer shouldn't have given you that much problems!"
"Who's Betsy?" Sonic asked. "And Heifer? New friends?"
"Stop being an idiot on purpose." Vanilla said.
"Fine, fine, I'll stop acting oblivious." Sonic said. "I was trying to be funny."
"Try harder." Shadow retorted.
"You two sound like a married couple." said Vanilla. This is where Sonic shuffled away from Shadow on the seat, and Shadow put the controller down and warped to the back of the room, leaned on the wall and folded his arms.
"Looks like I win." Sonic said.
Tails and Cream came out of the room, Cream happily carrying the containers of milk, but Tails had a blush on her face and was rubbing her belly in a form of comfort to her own embarrassment.
"Ok, what happened back there?" asked Vanilla.
"I fell of the bed..." Tails said.
Sonic stood and walked over. "Not gonna ask." He said. "So, little buddy, you still staying at my place or are you happy located elsewhere?"
"Um, no, I'll come home tonight." Tails replied. "I just had a few things to do." Tails replied.
"It's all good with me, so long as you're okay. All your things are at mine, that's all."
"I see." said Vanilla.
"It's your decision in the end, bud. I'll be happy to take your things anywhere."
"Thanks Sonic." Tails smiled. Cream had just finished putting the milk in the freezer, and had also put the previous containers Vanilla brought out back as well, assuming the cake would be delayed,
and then came back into the room. She looked at Shadow who motioned her to follow and then headed for the front door.
The two left the apartment and Shadow led Cream off away from the door toward a corner.
"So what can I help you with?" asked Cream.
"How are things for you and Tails working out so far?" Shadow asked.
"Better now.  We managed to save ourselves from falling apart."
"Good. I want to make you a little deal, Cream." Shadow said.
"Um, okay..."
"I want some information, and I'll do you a favour if you keep this little chat to remain between us." Shadow said.
"So what's going on?"
"Do we have a deal or not?"
"Okay, deal.  So what's going on?"
"I want to do something nice for Tails, but I don't know what. I have been given a few peices of advice from a couple of echidna, but I believe they're pulling my leg a little."
Cream had a sly grin.  So this is who Tails is trying to land... She thought.  "What exactly did they say?" she asked Shadow.
"Twinkle Park was Tikal's suggestion. Somehow I got into a chat with Knucklehead about Twinkle Park and told him I had intentions of inviting Tails. He then gave me a few idea's that still to me seem like I'd be trying too hard." Shadow said.
"Like what?" asked Cream, her expression was intrigued.
"What are Tails favourite carnival themes, if she has any?"
"Themes... what do you mean by themes?"
"Tunes, songs, that kinda stuff."
"She really likes Merry Merry Unbirthday."
"So, Knuckles wasn't lying about that then." Shadow said. "Well, if you took her to Twinkle Park and it came to the point of food. What would you get for her?"
"That will be tricky since she's pregnant..."
"Talking cakes."
"Which cakes?"
"Let's just say you wanted cake, what cake would you get?"
"Well that all depends.  If it's for myself, I would get a funnel cake.  But Tails usually got a couple's cake for me."
"Knuckles said to get a couples cake. You see to me, that gives off the wrong idea."
"It's a 'couples' cake, it gives off the impression I'm trying too hard, but that's just my veiw on it."
"Are you trying to get under her bra at the park or something?"
"No." Shadow retorted. "I'm not very good at this sort of thing, so you must understand I'll see things a little differently than you 'social' people do."
I can teach you how to take a bra off if you want."
"Uhh...huh..." Shadow raised a brow. "You're convinced I just want Tails in sexual service now, don't you?"
"So you want to have sex with Tails?"
"Not on the top of my list." Shadow said.
"But, you wanna have sex with her?" Shadow didn't reply.
Cream shook her head.  "I guess you don't want help after all..."
"Do I honestly have to answer that question?" Shadow asked. "Yes, that'd be something I might want. But only if she's willing, nothing more."
"I can't help if you won't be honest." Cream told Shadow.  "And it isn't what you might want or might not want.  You either do or don't... so which is it?"
"Fine, yes." Shadow said.
"At Twinkle Park?"
"No." Shadow looked at Cream. "Like I said, I'd want sex with Tails only if she'd want to as well. It's something I intend to earn. I'm not doing this to try and seduce her. I generally do love her and have already come to terms with that. I just want to make her happy."
Generally love and actual love are two different things." Cream pointed out.  "Either way, you must be an idiot if you don't get your date a couple's cake.
"That's a rule, you don't eat that cake by yourself."
"I see." Shadow said. "And I'll admit if a lack of knowledge makes someone an idiot, then when it comes to this sort of thing, yes, I'd be an idiot. You do know that the closest person to me was Maria, and we weren't that close, and 50 years i spend frozen and haven't ever been on a real date, so you surely must see why I'm asking you this now, right? I want to make sure nothing goes wrong because I lack knowing what to do."
"That's what happens when you don't socialize with people." Cream shot.
"I didn't want to, remember?" Shadow said. "I didn't want to get close to people out of my own selfish reasons, and I've realised recently that I should stop that, so here I am, asking you for help."
"Of course.  Well, what else do you have questions about?"
"I need to know some of Tails interests, besides machinery."
"That's a problem."
"You don't know, right?"
"I know, but you can't do those things with Tails because she's pregnant."
"I'm curious as to what these thing are..." Shadow lifted a brow curiously.
"Aside from G&G, Tails likes flying.  She also like to travel, snowboard and of course... something that has to do with a whirlwind.  Oh yeah, skydive.  But her pregnancy keeps her from doing any of this."
"I see. Interesting hobbies." Shadow said. "But true, as fun as those sound, she is very limited, it sucks that Twinkle Park is going to be so bitchy and finical to even let her ride the Ferris wheel, hell, even that silly marry go whatchamacallit is off limits, why, I'll never know."
"Merry-go-Round.  And of course she can't get on that or the Ferris Wheel.  People have sex in the cars of the Ferris wheel..."
"And what's the excuse for the M-G-R?" Shadow stretched a little. "Actually, never mind. It's not like I'd want to ride that anyway." He said. "Thanks for the info, hopefully I should have enough to survive off of.
"I was told to let her win games as well, something I can tolerate, but I want a female view on this."
"How's your swimming?"
"I'm not Sonic."
"You're not answering my question either."
"My swimming is fine."
"Well, Tails likes to swim and she can swim to help her relax in the water.  But I suggest a heated pool.  Pregnant mothers shouldn't swim in cold water."
"Yes, Rouge decided to let me in on a little information I quite frankly didn't think I needed..."
"Like what?"
"Cold water doesn't do her chest justice."
"I like how Tails' breasts look when they're perky.  Cold water doesn't do any girl's chest justice."
"Anyway, we should cut this chat short before someone comes looking for you in curiosity." Shadow said. "Thanks again for the information. I appreciate it."
"Good luck..."
"Thanks." Shadow said. I'll need it, I think...
He's gonna need a lot more than this instead of just luck and advice. Cream thought.
Cream and Shadow rejoin Tails, Vanilla and Sonic.  "Tails, Shadow has something he wants to say to you." Cream told the fox.
"Really?" asked Tails.  "Okay Shadow, I'm listening."
Shadow looks at Vanilla and Sonic who are also listening. Meh, I don't care. He thought.
"I wanted to know if you'd like to go to Twinkle Park for a day out sometime." He said. Sonic then burst out laughing.
"Shadow asking someone for a date, I've seen everything now!" He laughed.
Tails was taken aback.  "You're... Shadow, you're asking me out on a date?" she questioned Shadow.
"Yes." Shadow replied, without hesitation. Sonic just laughed harder, so much so that he fell on his back in tears.
Vanilla kicked Sonic in the side.  "Well Tails, Shadow's asking you out on a date." she said.
Sonic stood up, but couldn't help the odd giggle. "Sorry, Shad. I know how hard this must be for you to do. It just sounds so funny." Shadow simply ignored Sonic, focusing on Tails, awaiting her answer. Vanilla then smacked Sonic in the back of the head, hushing the hedgehog.
I gotta hear this. Thought Cream.
"Shadow, I... I don't know what to say..." Tails said.  "I'm touched... and no, it isn't Lavender.  I mean I'm touched by this sudden change of heart."
"I understand if you don't want to." Shadow said.
"No, of course I'll go out with you.  I mean, this is Twinkle Park." Tails said as she rubbed her belly.  "I never turn down going to Twinkle Park, but I can't really ride anything in this state of my well being."
Shadow smiled. "I'm sure there are plenty of other fun things to do." Sonic actually was jaw dropped at this point.
"Is something wrong, Sonic?" Tails asked Sonic.
"Nothing...just...didn't expect the outcome." And Sonic snapped out of it. "Hey, I guess even I can be surprised." Then laughed again.
"Either that, or you're mad that Tails is dating Shadow before she'd date you." said Cream.
"Nah, not the case." Sonic replied.
"So, Tails." Shadow said. "When's a good time or day for you?"
"Well, what are you up to today?" Tails questioned Shadow.
"I never have solid plans for anything; I generally just take my days as they come."
"Then let's go now."
"Sure." Shadow smiled again.
"Nice one Shadow. Not only have you scored a date, you scored an immediate date." Sonic said.
"You know, if you don't want to feel left out, you could always take Amy out."
"No way." Sonic crossed his arms.
"You can always take Blaze or Marine." said Cream.
"Hmm..." And Sonic sped off.
"You two better go before he gets back with a date to double with you guys."
"Yeah, sounds like a good idea." Shadow said.
"You are too much." said Tails.
"Is that bad?"
"Not really."
"Okay." Shadow then walked up to Tails. "Well, anything you need to do before we go?"
"Nope, I'm good."
"Okay, let's go then." And Shadow offers Tails a hand.
Tails giggled and took the offered hand.  I hope I'm not boring in my state of body. She thought.
Shadow then led Tails out of Vanilla's house and toward the elevator. I hope this turns out okay. I wouldn't want to make her unhappy. He thought.
With this, the rabbits saw them enter the elevator and saw the doors close.  "So, do you think those two will have a good time?" asked Cream.
"We'll see." Vanilla answered.
"I wonder if she'll suck his dick."
"What, Shadow needs a good blowjob..."