Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Miles 'Foxy' Prower! ❯ Tails, the Great Inventor ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well, here's chapter 2. As usual, I hate, burn in hell, burn in hell you bastards, blah blah blah…
Anyway, here I go! Miles `Foxy' Prower, Chapter 2: “Tails, the great inventor”
Tails scowled, his first experiment ending in failure. He didn't expect to get it right the first time… after all, he knew far too little about what scents to use… he was flying by the seat of his pants here.
“Hmm… no good, I need more data.” The young fox said to himself, putting the first liquidy substance in a vial, and labeling it `attempt #1'.
He had to put all of his failures in a vial, just to make sure he didn't make the same mistake twice. Tails decided to take a visit to the second most all-knowing being in the universe, next to God… the internet.
Tails had the best computer, software, AND hardware than anyone else he knew, bar Eggman. He'd put it together himself, managing to create a mini-semi-super-computer, MSSC, or “Missy” as he called it. It took him virtually no time to start up, enter his password, and have the info he was searching for displayed in front of him. Tails was a faster typer than anybody around. Probably even Eggman. His keyboard used the original, faster abcdef setup, rather than what most humans today used, qwerty, which according to his resources, was purposefully created to slow down typing in order to make typewriters jam up less. But those being obsolete, now, the foxteen found it rather foolish to cling to the slower setup, just because you're too lazy to learn the faster one.
Tails clicked around the website until he saw the first word that might be affective to hypnotism. “Arousing”. Now, Tails had quite a different definition of the word playing in his head, he actually misread the word and saw “Rousing”, which was the word he was looking for. Tails clicked it and it took him to a scientific theory on what scents were considered most arousing in women. Tails was eager to get his experiment underway, and, naïve thing, totally ignored any and every sentence that might suggest what he was getting himself into.
“Ok… looks like a mixture of a strong aroma of lavender and wild strawberries is most affective in rousing the attention of females… Let's try that.” Tails muttered to himself.
Tails had to go out to get ingredients for this experiment, luckily for him, there were nice specimens of both these growing in the chao garden , which was quite close to his workshop. He snatched a rucksack, which he used for such things, and threw it over his shoulder. He twisted his two, fluffy tails together, and simply lifted himself off the ground, as he preferred over walking.
His flying had gotten a lot faster over the years. He still couldn't keep up with Sonic, but then again, nobody could. Tails became dependent on flying over time… he had to run a lap around Mystic Ruin every morning, for fear his legs might atrophy. However, it became quite a strength, using his tails all the time. The muscles inside of them built up, until eventually, they were more powerful than any other muscle in his body. He could overpower just about anyone but Knuckles if he used them. But then again, Tails was also just as peaceful as he ever was, so he'd probably never use this strength unless he had to defend himself.
Before you could say “Antidisestablishmentarianism” (real word ^_^) Tails had arrived in his workshop with lots and lots of both ingredients. He ground them up, until they were a orangish sort of paste. Tails wanted the concoction to work on both genders, so he figured he would add a few aromas he liked as well.
He opened up the fridge, and looked at all the assorted foods inside pensively.
“Ok, OJ… hmmm… grapefruit… vanilla icecream…. and… oh what the heck, I think I'll mix in a slice of pizza, too.” Tails said, grinning. He carried all the things into the other room where all his materials and tools were. He dropped all the things into a huge blender, optimistic that this experiment would be a success. He mixed all the stuff up, his bizarre looking monster of a margarita machine making quite a clamor. He dumped the stuff, of a color I couldn't possibly describe into the mixture, and it created a hot pink liquid. Tails took a whiff…. His eyes teared up and he began to gag.
“*HACK* Wh-what in the- *wheeze* MY EYES!!” Tails said, coughing uncontrollably.
Needles to say, this aroma was completely and utterly repugnant. Tails hated it so much, he instantly put it in the `attempt #2' vial and sealed it up. He threw the rest into the ocean, hoping it wouldn't kill any fish, or poison the water.
“Ugggh! That was the most rotten thing I've ever smelled! It's worse than sulfuric acid! Bleck!” Tails half shouted, spraying Febreeze throughout his workshop.
Cream the Rabbit sat boredly in her room, thinking about various things, as she aimlessly looked at the ceiling. She sighed deeply.
“I think I'll call Amy…” she said… indifferently. Cream wasn't like Sonic or Tails, always on an adventure… she had loads and loads of free time, just to sit around, and worry about them, especially for Tails.
Generally in her free time she'd talk to Amy, who never had much to do but chase Sonic about, the pink hedgehog's never ending favorite passtime.
Over the years Cream developed all the parts ladies are supposed to develop, and thensome. She managed to always retain that girl-like cuteness, and yet, also a ladylike attractiveness at the same time. Amy, more often than not, was jealous of how good Cream looked. She, however, never seemed to realize it, naivity seeming to be something she kept through the years. Most agreed, though, that this was cute. Her voice had only changed a little bit. It wasn't EXTREMELY high anymore, but I digress, it was a lot higher than the normal voice, even for a girl her age, which was 13 and a half as of today.
Unfortunately, you don't get to celebrate half birthdays, so Cream had, quite sadly, nothing at all to do.
She picked up the phone, which was white and cordless. She dialed the familiar number of Amy Rose and, after several rings, heard that familiar voice.
“Hi Amy.”
“Oh, Hello Cream. Is something the matter?” Amy said. This is usually what she said when Cream called for no apparent reason.
“Well… I'm bored. Do you wanna do something? Go to a movie, shop at the mall, take a trip to the park?” Cream inquired, hopefully. Amy thought it over.
“Hmmm… weeeeeell. I really don't feel like doing anything today. Can't we just talk on the phone?” Amy said. Sometimes she just got lazy like that. The girl really had mellowed out over the years.
“Well… Ok… what do you wanna talk about?” Cream asked.
“Well, I heard from Sonic that Tails is working on a new invention!” Amy said, sounding excited. Cream tittered.
“Uh oh!” she said jokingly.

“Hahaha, I wonder if this one'll actually work?”
“Oh… Tails is so smart, he can do anything… I think…” Cream said in a dreamy voice.
Amy laughed. Of coarse, just about everyone but Tails himself knew that Cream had a MASSIVE crush on him. Like, semi Amy-Sonic stuff. She was obsessed with him, yeah, but she didn't worship the ground he walked on, like Amy with Sonic. At least not quite as openly.
“Aww, that's so sweet! I wish you would hurry up and ask him out. You two would make the most adorable couple!” Amy cheered. On the other side of the line, Cream was blushing madly.
“Y-you really think so?” Cream said, twiddling her thumbs and smiling goofily.
“Well, DUH! You two are only the most innocent people I know! Innocent is cute!” Amy said.
“Ohh… thanks Amy… but I'm not brave enough to make the first move… you know that…” Cream trailed.
“Well, the guys are sposed' to make the first move, I know, but Tails is one of those hardheaded guys! Sometimes you just gotta do something to get their attention!” Amy said, from experience.
“Uhh… like what?” Cream asked, curious, and slightly desperate, but not wanting to sound like it.
“Well… I dunno, wear a nice perfume... compliment him… Wink every once in a while… imply! Tails isn't as much of a dumb-dumb as Sonic, Cream, one implication that you're crazy about im' is enough of a message for that sly foxboy…” On the other side of the phone, Amy winked. She was never attracted to Tails, but she saw him as a VERRRRRRY eligible person, should Sonic ever become ungettable. Amy was just the type that needed someone to cling to.
“Hey, don't get any ideas, now.” the sweet little rabbit said, rather seriously, not liking the way Amy said those last two words.
“Hahaha… chill out, girl, it was just a joke! I'm not out to get your foxy baby.” She said, teasing.
“He's not my foxy baby!” Cream said, defensively. Apparently Amy still remembered the one time Cream called Tails that, on accident of coarse.
“Hahahaha! You're so easy.” Amy chortled.
“Hehe… you better quit that…” the bunny warned.
“Ohh, I'm shaking in my boots. So anyway, Sonic never told me what the invention was gonna be. What do you think it'll be?”
“Oh… I don't know.” Cream said, having no idea.
“Well, I know one thing, if he needs a test subject, I'M sure not steppin' up.” Amy said, a hint of anger in her zesty voice. Cream giggled.
“Oh right. We don't need your quills falling out again.”
“DON'T REMIND ME. Urrrghh! I could still just…. choke that punk!” Amy said, remembering how angry she was when it first happened. Not to mention the week after.
“Calm down Amy… you already gave Tails a scar to remember on his cheek.” Cream responded, in a bit of a scared voice. Most people knew better than to EVER screw with Amy Rose.
“Well… I guess it's not ALL bad. After they grew back, I DID looked a lot thinner…” Amy said, trying to look on the bright side.
“Y-yeah! You should be thanking Tai..”
“I wouldn't go THAT far…” The pink time bomb interrupted.
Cream sweatdropped on the other side of the phone. Amy was likely the scariest person she knew.
Over the coarse of the next week, Tails had 20 more tries, and 20 more miserable failures.
“AAAAAAAARG!!” the frustrated fox shouted at the top of his lungs, tearing some of the fur out of his head.
That marked the 21st consecutive failure… and the young inventor was just about ready to give up.
He put the liquid into another of the failed vials, seeing that this was the last one, as he only had 21 of them. His stand however only carried 20.
Without really realizing it, he took number 2 and set it out to the side, and replaced it with number 21. His Vial Stand was built in to his counter, so there was never a worry of any spills. He really needed another one, though.
Tails sighed and went to the lounge. It was getting late and he figured he could get a fresh start tomorrow. He looked at the Hypno Gun, which was already built. It looked somewhat like a squirt gun, but it had a hypnotic plate on the front of it, which was designed to spin. It was just for looks, as there was a hidden compartment on the side to put the liquid scent that's to be ejected in particles on the target, invisibly of coarse. But without the proper solution, Tails' invention could never work!
“Blast.” He muttered to himself, as he shuffled drowsily to his bathroom.
He brushed his teeth, took all his clothes off, which usually consisted of a vest, some shorts, and his trademark red and white sneakers. This was his usual routine in getting ready for bed, if you're wondering. He turned all the lights off, and felt his way to his bed. All the while lots of thoughts were going through his head.
Tails, for one reason or another, got his best ideas in the dark. Just as the fox was about to fall asleep, BANG! The idea of a lifetime hit him like a ton of bricks. The idea jolted him awake.
“That's IT!!!!” He shouted with glee.
He ran as quick as his legs would take him, so excited in fact, he didn't bother to put his clothes back on, or turn any of the lights back on on his way into the other side of the workshop. He bumped into various things, stubbed his toe, but for the most part, he knew where he was going. Or so he thought.
Upon getting in the proper room, Tails ran toward some of the ingredients he gathered. However, his foot got caught on a cord, the cord connected to his bunsen burner, to be exact.
Unfortunately, it was very light, and flew across the room, as Tails hit the ground, face first, and with a grunt. The cord knocked off a familiar vial, which was set aside from the stand of the other vials, and it flew right onto Tails' back, shattering and soaking his naked fur with the contents.
But that's not all. No, the burner flew into yet another vial, which was on the other side of the room. It was used in a different experiment, and contained a mystery chemical that Tails had discovered, but had yet to study. The glass broke as the burner smashed into it, and the tar-like fluids seeped out… slowly, until a single drop came off the table and landed on the temporarily K.O.ed fox's hide, evaporating as soon as it touched him. For a second, Tails' fur seemed to glow pink, before fading.
A delectable and very wonderful scent could be inhaled throughout the room, resonating from the young foxteen's furry body…
End chapter
Myahahahaha! So, are you on the edge of your seat?! I know it's not logical to review each chapter individually, but I'd vastly appreciate it! I really hope you're liking what you read… And the next chapter's only a click away. You lucky person.