Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Miles 'Foxy' Prower! ❯ The Human Spirit ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello… This chapter is where the story takes a HUGE turn toward the action department… I'm perty good at writing fight scenes, so I think all you action-lovers out there will really dig it. This chapter belongs to out beloved hero, Sonic. People don't like him as much as they used to, but this chapter really captures his essense, I think. ^_^ Well, at least in the latter part of it…
Miles `Foxy' Prower! Chapter 7: “The Human Spirit.”
In the mid of the night, Sonic was still sturring, not one to sleep that often. In fact, Sonic disliked the whole idea of staying in one place SO much, he generally didn't go to sleep until his body forced him to. Right now the Hedgehog was wide awake, running around aimlessly.
Aimlessly including up and down the sides of buildings, throughout the streets, wherever his feet would allow him to go. And for the fastest thing on two feet, that was quite a variety. Sonic could even run across water if he pleased… though his inability to swim made him stay away from the water whenever possible. If there was anything Sonic `feared' other than losing his friends, it was deep water.
The hedgehog grinded down rails, used parked cars as ramps, performing arial stunts just for the thrill of it, all the while wondering what he should do to pass the time.
If there were any real weaknesses in the hero other than the swimming thing, it was the axiomatic factuality that he got bored with the utmost ease. If a person could do the things Sonic could do on a whim, they'd most likely never be bored. But Sonic was a true thrill-seeker, and he needed some action. He was sick of running Rouge's errand. At least for now. He'd do that later.
He stopped for a rare break. He had admirable vigor, but not limitless stamina. Just when he was about to take off again, somebody called out to him.
“Hey! Hey, Sonic!” A high, yet mangled, utterly displeasing voice came from behind him. He turned around. It was Amy.
(Ok, from this part on, this is gonna be the humor part, but it's action oriented humor… I guess, lol.)
“Oh, hey Amy!” Sonic said, with an idiotic smile, somehow not realizing that `Amy' looked like she weighed 400 pounds and had a huge orange mustache puffing out of her mouth hole.
Eggman inwardly laughed, deeming his scheme fool-proof. Good thing too, as it seemed they were abundant. Seriously, though, Eggman wore the most crudely put together Amy costume imaginable. He looked more like a big pink and red teletubbie with a wieght and facial hair issue. His imitation of Amy's voice was quite laughable. Any normal person would probably either be frightened, or find it funny, perhaps a mixture of both.
“Gee, Amy, you gain a little holiday weight?” Sonic said, bluntly. Eggman fumed.
“HOW DA- ah, (ahem) How dare you!” Eggman said in his normal voice at first, nearly blowing his cover. He'd always been sensitive about his weight. Even now, when that really, in comparison to his other issues, was nothing to be ashamed of. Sonic laughed.
“Just a joke, Ames. Hey, wait a sec… why haven't you glomped me yet…?” Sonic asked, a question mark appearing above his clueless head. This, needless to say, was a soon to be regretted error.
“Um… oh, yeah, that!” `She' said. With that, the Eggman barreled toward the hedgehog, and tackled him with his full, unfathomable weight. “Soniiiiiiiikku!”
“BLEACK! X.X” Sonic said, likely a death-cry.
Eggman got up off the hedgehog, only to find that he'd completely flattened him. Sonic laid there, twitching.
“Oops.” Eggman said. He nudged Sonic with his foot. Sonic didn't get up. Eggman made a face of sheer horror.
“Oh.. Oh noooooooooo! No! I killed Sonic! Now I'll never defeat him!” Eggman said, crying fountains, not realizing what an unbelievable contradiction that sentence was to itself.
A half hour later, Sonic groaned, and got up, holding his head. Eggman, still there, gasped and jumped with joy!
“Sonic! You're a- I mean, (ahem) Sonic! You're alive! I'm so happy!” The Amy imposter shouted. Sonic smiled.
“Yeah, I'm ok… I feel like I just got tackled by a sumo wrestler though. Whatever hit me must have weighed a TON! Now if I could only remember…” With that, an enraged Eggman wrapped his hands around Sonic's neck and strangled him, Bart-Homer style.
“Why you little….! I take that back! I want you to be dead again!” The angry doctor yelled. His Amy mask fell off.
“(GASP) YOU'RE NOT AMY!” Sonic shouted, like it was the most surprising fact he'd ever found out.
Eggman, his cover blown, shed the Amy costume and pulled out what looked a lot like a television remote with an antenna on the end of it. He laughed maniacally. (Maniacal as in that creepy lady like hoo-hoo-hoo thing he does in almost every episode of Sonic X… o.O;)
Sonic flipped himself onto his feet, positioned in a fighting stance. “Eggman!” He said.
“That's right! And guess what, Sonic? I've got a surprise for you!” The doctor proclaimed.
Rather than grasping the obvious sarcasm, Sonic's eyes lit up and he went chibi.
“REAAAALLY? I love surprises! What is it?” Sonic asked with a goofy expression.
“Hehe. You'll see.” The good doctor said through a twisted smirk. He then pressed the `play' button on his remote.
Suddenly, as if from nowhere, a giant robot, constructed of what appeared to be a washing machine, a few trailers, various bathroom sinks, lawn gnomes, a telephone booth (with a person still IN it) , and paper cups. How such an irrational creation could possibly function is beyond me. It looked rather like something you'd create when playing Katamari Damacy. (if you haven't played that game, nevermind the joke :3) It seemed to be held together by band-aids.
“OMG!” Sonic said. “YOU GOT ME A ROBOT??????!!!!!” Sonic yelled, vastly amused. Eggman smacked himself on the head.
“I LOVE IT!” Sonic said. Eggman blushed.
“Oh… Really? It IS rather ingenius, don't you think…?” Eggman boasted.
Sonic ran up to the creation and touched it. The entire thing immediately crumbled, LOUDLY and destroying half of that area of the city. Sonic screamed and narrowly escaped what would doubtlessly have turned him into a hedgehog pancake. Eggman ripped his mustache hairs out, since he had no hair.
“NOOOOOOOOO! My precious robot's only weakness! Everything!” He said dramatically, seemingly foiled again.
Sonic just stood there, wondering if this could even be considered a victory.
“Did I win?” Sonic asked no one in particular. Eggman's head steamed.
“NO! Of coarse NOT! You think you could defeat my robot THAT easily? Think again!” With that, Eggman pressed the `rewind' button on his remote. The giant robot crumbled in reverse, magically forming together again.
“MUH???!!!?!” Sonic said, his mouth hitting the ground. Eggman tittered madly.
The strange conglomeration of the randomest things imaginable began moving slowly toward Sonic.
Sonic just stood there. And stood there. The robot was unbelievably slow.
“Haha! Now you've got it comin' Sonic! Just you wait til he gets over to you! Eh?!” Eggman then noticed that Sonic was sitting in a lazyboy with the funnypapers and a pipe.
“…Hahahaha! That Dennis the Menace cracks me up!” Sonic said, bubbles floating from his pipe.
“Grrr! Ok, not fast enough for you? FINE!” Eggman shouted in utter irritation, as he mashed the `fast forward' button on his remote. The `robot's speed increased to an irregularly quick. And it ran up and punted Sonic into a building. The hedgehog, the lazyboy, and the pipe flew through one of the building's windows.
Sonic shook his head, and got up.
“OW! Ok, that's it. Eggman wants to play hardball, I'm game!” Sonic said, pumping himself up to do battle with the robot.
Of coarse, this was before realizing that he was in somebody's apartment at the moment, a bathroom to be exact. Suddenly a man screamed. Sonic was startled, and looked left, and, at the sight of the very hairy nude man in the shower, He also shrieked.
“AHHHHHHHH! It's Saddam Hussein!” Sonic squealed as he jumped back out the window he busted.
Sonic landed back on the street, where Eggman or the Giant Robot were nowhere to be seen…
“Huh? That's weird… where could they b-…” Before he could finish that sentence, he looked at a impending shadow below him, only meaning one thing.
Sonic jumped to the side, narrowly dodging the large robot's quaking assault. The earth tremulated under the weight. The hedgehog recovered quickly, and looked up at the bot, seeing Eggman atop it.
The hero grinned. “Bring it on!” He taunted.
(Here's where the fighting gets serious. If you want to imagine the Robot as a kickass egg-gundam right now, go ahead. I'm also Gonna make Eggman his normal self during this part… Eggy needs his time, too :3)
Eggman, only too happy to comply, pointed to Sonic and barked out orders for the monstrosity to attack him. The robot moved quickly, but Sonic was quicker, zigzagging between it's attacks, and running straight up a building, doing a backflip off of it when he neared the top, flipping, flipping, flipping, until his resolustions got so fast he appeared to be a blue blur of a ball. He decended upon the unsuspecting robot's mid section in a devastating homing attack. He didn't break through, but the bot was slightly damaged.
Eggman growled, and mashed the `record' button on his remote. The robot's glowing eyes flashed, and analyzed Sonic, whom rubbed his head, which he'd hurt on that last impact. The hedgehog charged, and began rolling, revving up for his famous `Sonic spin', and he released at an unbelievable speed, his target, a leg.
Quicker than even Sonic, the robot's eyes flashed, predicting this move, and lifting it's massive leg, it perfectly timed stomping the hedgehog into the ground.
Now that hurt. The hedgehog said, trying to pick himself up off the ground when the robot removed it's huge leg, which had left an indention in the road. Sonic smiled, as he managed to get to his feet. Eggman hadn't put up this much of a fight in a long time. He'd missed this.
“Herherher… had enough yet…?” Eggman taunted. He'd also missed the heated battles with the hedgehog. Sonic shook his head.
“You kiddin'? I'm just getting' started, Egghead!” Sonic said, wiping a bit of blood from his lip, grinning, almost suggesting masochism.
Eggman, not tolerated being called such a name, pressed the `skip scene' button on his remote. As a result of this…
End Chapter
(haha, just kiddin'.)
The robot suddenly appeared behind an unsuspecting Sonic, and swatted him into a telephone post. He hit it with so much force, it snapped in half and utterly destroyed a nearby car, it's alarm going off for a moment, then dying.
At this point, things were starting to look bad… where did Eggman get his hands on such a kick-ass remote?!!?!?
Eggman is seen clicking a `magical-remote control' icon on e-bay.
(end flashback)
One thing was for sure, Sonic had to get that remote and trash it. That skip scene thing it did a moment ago was essentially chaos control, for cryin' out loud. It's ability to speed itself up and record his moves made it difficult to hit at this point too. He had to gain some sort of advantage.
Being always quick-witted in a battle, Sonic got an idea. A classic move he hadn't used in ages. He spun around on the ground. He spun faster and faster and faster, until he was a little blue tornado.
Eggman removed his shades and squinted at the what he was seeing.
“What is he doing?” The mad doctor thought aloud, not even recognizing the move.
Sonic executed his full spinning speed, and the concrete on the road began to crack. Eggman gasped, and ordered the robot to attack. But just as it swung it's mighty arm, Sonic had drilled completely underground.
Eggman looked around warily, wondering where Sonic might pop up…
A long time passed.
It was strange… generally Sonic was the last person you suspect of waiting for anything.
Suddenly, Sonic jolted from above, and landed a direct hit on Eggman, knocking him off his perch. The remote fell too the ground and cracked into a million pieces.
Sonic looked up, as the Eggman plummeted. Amazingly, the robot caught him, and put him upon his shoulder again.
It was ok, though. Sonic, at this point, was confident he could win.
The hedgehog remained still, accumulating the energy in the air. This was his slowest, but most devastating attack. It was similar to Shadow's Chaos Arrow, but required more energy, focus and time. For some reason, Eggman was smiling, and waiting for the attack, recognizing it. Sonic thought he was taunting him.
“Huh, don't think I can do it, huh? Take this!! Sonic Wind!” The hedgehog hero shouted, unleashing a flurry of the razor sharp pockets of energy onto the robot.
As the thousands of blue flashes approached him, Eggman threw his hands in the air, and chanted a familiar line…
“…The servers… are the seven Chaos…. Chaos is power, power enriched by the heart… The controller serves to unify the Chaos..." Eggman spoke loudly and clearly these words. Sonic recognized them, but he couldn't remember…
Suddenly, the center of the robot began to glow bright green, brighter and brighter until the light was blinding. Sonic covered his eyes, confused, as well as surprised.
“Wh-what IS that!?” Sonic said, trying to see. What he saw next horrified him.
The Sonic Wind was frozen mid-air, and in the center of Eggman's robot… was none other than the Master Emerald.
“Emerald, lend me your power! Show the servers that YOU are truly the Master of all Emeralds! Unleash your wrath!” Eggman commanded the Emerald. It spinned, faster, faster still, and gave off beautiful sparkles…
Sonic Could do nothing but watch as the Sonic Wind shattered into a million pieces, like ice. The robot was consumed by the glittery show of sparkles… The bad thing was, when it dissipated, the robot was…
…Coated in green, emerald-like armor. Sonic remembered the chant now… it was the one Tikal and Knuckles used to address the spirit of the Master Emerald, and consult it… Unfortunately, it seemed the Emerald had been convinced by Eggman's words. It was true, the massive jewel had never before displayed any sort of power… just regulated the power of the chaos emeralds, or the seven servers…
And now it wanted Sonic, and the whole world to see that it had power superior to them. Sonic cursed this new turn of events. How did the madman get his mitts on the Master Emerald in the first place?!?!?!
Eggman, having most of the playing cards now, pointed to Sonic.
“Now, attack that hedgehog!” Eggman said with a triumphant grin.
Sonic dashed first, however, leaping and performing the hardest homing attack he could muster on the creature. Just as he thought, not good. In fact, he ended up hurting himself on the hard armor, and not even scratching it.
The massive armored-superbot was even quicker than the hedgehog had first suspected… apparently it used chaos control to move… just great.
Needless to say, before Sonic could even shake off his dizziness from that last homing attack, the monstrosity appeared behind him and backhanded him skyward… but it didn't end there.
The Master Emerald powered machine reappeared in the sky and intercepted the flying hero, smashing him again, and then again, and once more, the final reappearance sending him plummeting toward the sea…
Sonic was hurt. He could only take so many hits… and he was about to lose consciousness… not only that, but he was heading toward water… things looked bad…
“…way… Eggman… won? Is this… the end of Sonic the hedgehog…?” The questions played over and over in his mind….
However, just when Sonic was about to hit the water…. and right when all hope seemed lost…
A red flash swooped from above and caught the fallen hero, just in the nick of time.
Sonic, still awake, opened his eyes. A hazy vision slowly became more clear, revealing a certain brash, hard-headed, but ultimately magnificent guardian we all know and love…
“Kn-Knuckles…?” Sonic said, weakly. The echidna glided them to safety atop a building, and set the hedgehog down.
“No, it's alright, no need to thank me, I-…” was all Rad Red got out before Sonic got up and konked him hard on his knucklehead. “OW!”
“THANK you?!? Do you know how late you are?!? You're always late for everything! That's one thing I hate about you, dammit Knux!” Sonic scolded angrily. Knuckles immediately jumped into the argument.
“Hey, shut up! I just saved you're worthless-ass life, you know! And my timing was perfect! What would've been a BETTER time for me to arrive?!?!” Knuckles yelled back. Sonic put his hands on his hips.
“Well, let's see, how about showing up before I got my ASS HANDED TO ME?!?!” Sonic retorted. Knuckles raised a hand and opened his yapper, but nothing came out. He really couldn't argue with that logic.
“Yeah, that's what I thought. Oh, and by the way, what the HELL IS EGGMAN DOING WITH THE MASTER EMERALD?!?! HOW DID HE GET IT?!” Sonic asked. Knuckles sweatdropped.
Eggman is seen clicking a `Master Emerald' Icon on e-bay.
(End flashback)
“I needed money!” Knuckles said, trying to make his irrationality sound like something anyone would do.
“YOU AUCTIONED THE MASTER EMERALD ON E-BAY?!?!” The hedgehog shouted, his jaw dropping. Knuckles scratched his head awkwardly.
Suddenly, the conversation was interrupted by the building they were standing on being destroyed. Eggman was now on a rampage and destroying the city. Knuckles and Sonic leapt from the building to another one.
“Ah, Knuckles! Glad you decided to show up for the party! Yes, I visited your website, it was pretty cool. The whole `servers are the seven chaos' thingy was a really juicy bit of info. I didn't know that you could use something like that to actually talk to the Master Emerald! Pretty nifty!” Eggman let out a heck of an evil laugh at the expression on Knuckles face. Sonic looked at the red echidna with an anime-like irritation etched on his features. Knuckles shrugged.
“Hey! Guarding the Master Emerald is boring! I gotta do SOMETHING in my free time!” Knuckles said, sweatdropping enormously. Sonic rolled his eyes and let it go for now…. now wasn't the time.
“You ready to fight that thing? It's tough.” Sonic asked his occasional battle partner. Knuckles smacked his fists together, smiling.
“You know I wouldn't have it any other way!” The echidna assured him. He loved a good fight. Sonic nodded.
“Then let's go!” Sonic shouted, leaping toward Eggman, only to be swatted from the air. Sonic however flipped and recovered, landing on another building, as he did, Knuckles had already launched an assault of his own, gliding at high speeds toward the backside of the bot, winding his fist up for a devastating punch.
Sonic smiled. He'd seen the guardian break through 8 inches of titanium with that move. However, Knuckles was somewhat slow, so Sonic decided to launch another attack to distract the green titan. He leapt, quickly sailing straight toward it, as he and Knuckles closed in from both sides… surely one of their attacks would hit, he thought.
Regretably, Sonic thought wrong. The monster of a giant used chaos control to dodge, and Sonic and Knuckles ended up slamming into one another, and falling, where the seemingly invincible robot of chaos followed up by kicking them both into the concrete below, which cracked, and left them lying next to one another, out of ideas.
Knuckles was still fresh, and recovered quickly. Sonic, however, had not been hit by an attack like that once, but about seven times now, and that's if you don't include the damage caused by gravity. Knuckles began to move when he noticed Sonic hadn't gotten up. He went to his aid.
“Urgh… can't move. Damn. It's up to you… you have to stop that thing! If you don't… herk… It'll pulverize the city….” Sonic mumbled, bleeding in various places a little, but mostly just battered. One of his eyes seemed sealed shut.
Knuckles' eyes burned with resolve. After all, this really was HIS fault… he was the guardian of the Emerald… He had to clean up his own mess.
The red echidna climbed swiftly up a building and stood at it's top, trying to remain at head level of the massive emerald coated giant. Eggman appeared to have been waiting.
“Well, it's about time! Hmm? Is Sonic out of it already…? Well, that's no fun!” Eggman taunted, knowing of Knuckle's short temper. The echidna gritted his teeth and made a pass at not the Master Emerald Titan, but at Eggman himself. If he could just take him out, he could convince the Master Emerald to stop this. He hoped.
However, it seemed that hope wasn't good enough. The embodiment of the power within the Master of all the chaos emeralds disappeared before the punch could be landed. Knuckles knew what was coming next, so he quickly turned around and braced himself, successfully in blocking some of the damage that came from the titan's fist, which, as the guardian suspected, came from behind him.
The red fighter was, however, still sent flying, but he managed to catch himself. Darn. Knuckles was a proud and boastful warrior, maybe even a bit vain at times, but he knew his own limits. He simply wasn't fast or stealthy enough to sneak up on the Master Emerald. He cursed the fact that Sonic was out of commission, he could probably get the drop on it, if he was at his full potential, and had Knuckles helping him.
Knuckles only had one option left. He closed his eyes, and put his palms together, and calmed his mind, achieving a meditative state.
“The servers are the seven Chaos. Chaos is power, power enriched by the heart. The controller serves to unify the Chaos…” He said, having the whole thing memorized well. He opened his eyes. The center of the green titan was glowing.
Eggman expected Knuckles to try something like that. But he wasn't worried. He would simply have to be more convincing to the Emerald than the Knucklehead. Eggman, needless to say, was champion of the debate 3 years running in highschool.
“Master Emerald! What is it you think you're doing! Why all the destruction?! What will this accomplish?” Knuckles asked the Emerald. The green titan stopped destroying and paused. This was Eggman's cue.
“Master Emerald, don't listen to this fool… He sold you for his own sick purposes! Abandoned his people! His duty! The last of the Echidna… tainted by society… it's because of an overabundance of people like him that we must purify the world!” Eggman told the Emerald. Knuckles gulped. Eggman was good… he had total and complete mastery of grammar, not to mention he made a very coherent, convincing point. How was Knuckles supposed to compete with that? The Giant immediately began once again destroying everything in sight. Eggman cackled.
“Wait! Master Emerald, he's lying! Surely you can detect the evil in that man? I beg of you, please stop this! HE'S the one that's exploiting you! He's using you to try and take over the world!” Knuckles said. The titan stopped once again.
“Please! I'm but a humble doctor! He's the one who's lying!” Eggman shot back. The Giant slowly started smashing things again.
“No! Eggman's the liar!” Knuckles shot back.
“No, you are!”
“No, YOU!”
“That's ridiculous, it's obviously you.”
“You've always been a liar!”
“Sure, I know you are, but what am I?”
The titan looked at Eggman, then to Knuckles, Eggman, Knuckles, so on…. it was confused it seemed. Suddenly, amidst the argument, something that had never happened before happened…
…The Master Emerald spoke.
Silence! You life-forms are all the same, pointing the finger at one another, when in reality, you are both at fault! I shall decide this… I realize that Dr. Eggman is a power-hungry fool, but he is correct… it's because of corruptions of to the world, such as you two that make it more idealistic to simply purge the planet…. to teach it a lesson…” It stated, in a low, omniscient-sounding voice. Knuckles didn't like the sound of this… Eggman began to see that the Emerald wasn't really on HIS side, either…
“Hey! Don't you think you're bein' a little unfair?” A different voice spoke up, from behind Knuckles.
“S-sonic!” The echidna exclaimed, surprised. Sonic smiled. It was amazing… only Sonic could be half dead, and smile in spite of it all.
“Let me handle this.” Sonic told Knux, his eye still squinted shut, slouched a bit, a hand on his stomach. Knuckles didn't know what the battered, but not beaten hero had in mind, but he silently nodded, trusting him.
Sonic limped forward.
“Ok, `controller'. I've got a proposition for ya. My name's Sonic the Hedgehog, and I think you got it allllllll wrong. This world is nowhere near as bad as you make it out to be… Yeah, some people have their quirks, heck, a lot have no good qualities whatsoever, take Eggface over there for example…” Sonic said, nodding toward Eggman, whom promptly flicked him off, “…We have problems. Heh, a whole lot of em'… but what makes humanity worth all of the hassle you have to put up with… is their spirit. Yeah, the human spirit… I've never felt anything like it. It's strong. And you know what? I bet… it's stronger than even you.” Sonic said, pointing at the green titan. On his face was plastered, not a grin, but a smile. A true smile, showing his own unwavering faith in the planet. No doubt about it, Sonic was positively confident his words were true.
You… I sense much power coming from within you… But what you speak is nonsense… there is nothing of this planet more powerful than I.” The emerald spoke. Sonic shook his head.
“That's where you're wrong. And I'll prove it to you… I'm here to represent the planet… the people, and their spirit. If you win, you do whatever you wish, trash the place, I could care less… cuz you won't.” Sonic said, expressing a passionate sort of justice and faith that only he could accomplish.
Knuckles and Eggman didn't get it… The fight in Sonic was less than a hundrenth, but his spirit… his spirit burned brighter than ever. But, how can one fight on spirit alone…?
You, hedgehog… I admire your will, but you are no match for me. You cannot attack with sheer will, you need something to make it tangible. If you and I were at equal levels of strength, it would be a different story…but…” The Emerald trailed.
“Heh. How about I request your seven servers to aid me?” Sonic inquired.
Knuckles gasped, knowing now what Sonic had in mind… but… would Super Sonic be enough?
Interesting. This will be a good way to prove that I am more powerful than all my seven servants, and the will of your measly Earth, all put together! I accept your challenge, brave one… and I will not lose.” The emerald said.
“Heh, we'll see.” Sonic said.
In a blinding display of power, the Master Emerald Titan summoned the 7 chaos emeralds, which came flying from all directions, and began circling Sonic, in a blinding display of a rainbow of colors. Sonic closed his eyes…
As the emeralds revolved around him, one could visibly see the wounds and bruises healing, until the hedgehog was in mint condition. This hero of the planet was the only thing, yet again, standing in the way of his precious Earth, and total annihilation. He raised his hand up in the air, and all the emeralds spinned closer and closer to it, until all the seven chaos emeralds collided, coming together once again. Sonic underwent his famous transformation, his quills turning upward, and his hue reverting from blue, to solid gold, and his eyes going from green to scarlet, all in a fantastic display of power.
The dust settled, and there, in the air, facing the Titan, floated Super Sonic, flames and embers of sheer power emanating from his body.
“Are you ready?” Super Sonic asked, ever impatient, despite how much power he had. The crystal giant nodded.
“Good. I'm gonna show you… Just how strong the human spirit is!”
End Chapter
Hahahahaha! I laugh every time I read this… this one's easily my favorite chapter. If you liked it too, please review!