Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Miles 'Foxy' Prower! ❯ Crematorium ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Now everybody totally loves this chapter… because, put simply, Vampire Shadow kicks some ass! You'll love it, but be fore-warned, this is a bit dark… but then again, so is Shadow.
If you're uncomfortable with death in general, you might wanna skip some parts…
But if you love kickass fight scenes, and/or Shadow the hedgehog, then you'll wanna read every little detail.
Miles `Foxy' Prower! Chapter 11: “Crematorium”
Shadow skated, he skated and skated. As fast as his legs would take him, he went, traveling in the direction that set his senses off.
Somebody in that direction was frequently using Chaos Control.
Being the ultimate life form, he could, as a birthright, sense every speck of chaos energy within a 300 mile radius. It was close… a massive surge of energy, one of the likes he hadn't sensed since….
Honestly, he'd never sensed one of this capacity. And what was worse, it all didn't seem to be in the same place… There was one MASSIVE spike of chaos energy, and then there were seven smaller ones, most of which were spreading apart. It was none of his concern, but something… with THAT much destructive power had the potential to obliterate this planet in one fell swoop. He could NOT let that happen…
Shadow, however, did not like the pace at which he was moving on his feet alone.
With that, the ebony hedgehog's image seemed to disorient itself for a moment, before his whole body was enveloped in the blackest shade of jet you could possibly imagine, making him a mere silouette of the most raven of blacks.
If there existed a shade darker than black, that was it.
The silouette of Shadow disoriented again, almost as if it were a hologram, covered by static, before it, quite literally speaking, took to the air, soaring through the sky at unimaginably high speeds.
This was a power gifted to the shady hero by his Vampiric rebirth. The power to move, half in the shadow world, half in the real world. He remembered the time he first used it… it fatigued him so greatly, he couldn't stand up for a while. He'd train his body to be more durable, house more stamina, and attack with more ferocity than ever before.
Within a flash, the amazing power had him at his destination. He looked, from atop a skyscraper… easily balancing himself on the tip of the needle-like point of it, the moon large behind him, as he looked across the sea in horror...
Out there, his hawk-like eyes could see what was doubtlessly the largest conglomeration of Chaos Energy he'd ever seen in his entire life… was this the true power of the Master Emerald that was prophesized?
He watched helplessly as it did battle with, to his dismay to discover, Super Sonic. But… Super Sonic, he was losing. Bad. The hedgehog watched, terror etched on his face as the golden firefly was knocked about, too and fro by the much larger Master Emerald Giant.
He shook his head, trying to think of something he could do…
Nothing came up. Much like Sonic, he was not gifted with the ability to swim… and he could only fly by using his power, which consumed far too much energy, even after years of using it.
The Vampire could be seen pondering, a deep pondering, the type where one closes there eyes and blocks everything out in order to achieve total focus…
However, his meditation was interrupted by a sharp spike of energy directly behind him… no, scratch that, THREE of them…
Shadow leaped from the building, his cloak flying every which way, as he darted about it, landing perfectly at various points until he was a safe distance from the ground…
Somebody was there! He quickly hid himself, flipping behind a small picket fence as three peculiar individuals walked by, slowly…
“…Aigas, this is no fun! It's the middle of the night, and nobody is even awake! How are we supposed to find our target in the dead of night, when there's not even one single human to interrogate?!” Airy whined. She flipped one of her sky-blue bangs from her face.
“Stop you're complaining, all we need to do is look for one who… is not like the humans. it shouldn't be too hard.” The intellectual gunner told her. She folded her arms and made a face, much like the one a child does when they don't get their way.
Aile merely walked, silent most of the journey so far. Suddenly, she saw something out of the corner of her keen orchard pink eyes…
She stopped, and looked in that direction quickly. Whatever it was, it was fast… it ducked out of view with the utmost speed, and no noise whatsoever… it was dark… almost like a shadow. It was too stealthy for her, seeing as she continued, dismissing it as a figment of her imagination.
“Hmmph. We've been out here so long, I'm starting to see things! Aigas! Are you sure you remember the names of these `friends' of his we're supposed to kill?” She asked, doubtful.
“Pssh, it's simple, Chris, Tails, the guardian… umm…” Aigas trailed… He sweatdropped.
“You idiot! That's not even half of them! This is hopeless!” Airy scoffed.
“Shut up! We'll find them, they'll find us, I don't care… We'll tear these buildings down, if we have to… We WILL find them, and we WILL end them… Of that I assure you.” The man in glasses told her. They both calmed down after that…
That was close, Shadow thought, as he followed the three… The one with the whip quite nearly spotted him… he almost flinched when he heard the words in which they spoke…
Tails… Chris… They intended to kill them…? He shook his head as he stalked. Now he HAD to follow them… make sure they stayed out of trouble… even if he had to implement brute force… which he might. He felt another jolt of Chaos Energy coming from them, and it chilled his bones…
These people… Did they ALL have a Chaos Emerald? It seemed that way, as each one of them gave off a full-on energy, at least equal to one emerald each…
It was so strange, he thought. Their colors… normal humans didn't look like that… and Shadow was no fool. He easily connected the dots, discerning them from normal…
But, at the same time, it didn't make any sense… He saw Super Sonic not 5 minutes ago… so how was it these… people had any of the Emeralds…?
He quietly, and stealthily stalked after them, managing to stay within 10 feet of the trio without making a single noise. He was very good at this, it seemed…
He was, quite simply put, compelled to follow them. He had know way of getting information from them, seeing as he could not speak… but on the other hand, by following them, he may find out the secret behind the energy in which they emitted. Energy that was doubtlessly of Chaos.
Aigas kept walking, and his two sisters followed, but…. something simply wasn't right, he could feel it in his very blood… a chilling feeling… almost like they were being watched… Feelings like this always had some sort of explanation, he thought… No noise, no visual, but the smallest, most inconspicuous form of presence that one can just… feel sometimes.
The navy-haired server turned around, quick, drawing his weapon, pointing it in various places, startling his siblings.
“What is it, Ai-..” His sister started, but her brother's voice shot through hers.
“WHO'S THERE?!” Aigas shouted, his voice echoing across the streets. Airy and Aile immediately drew their weapons, and turned in that direction, arming themselves, taking complex, but deadly-looking battle stances.
A moment passed, and there was no answer. Aigas didn't budge, but his sisters looked confused, wondering where the enemy was.
“Aigas! What's wrong with you?! There is no foe here!” Aile scolded him. He pulled a gloved finger to his lips.
“SHH!” He hissed. His eyes were completely serious. Aile sighed heavily and continued to look around, hopelessly.
After another long, long moment, all three of them were startled, as something moved into view, a dark creature, his motions almost ghost-like, slowly, and menacingly leveling with them. It was apparently hiding in an ally way.
To have spotted him, or only so much as felt his aura, these HAD to be magnificently abnormal humans… Shadow could not believe it himself, but he entered their view. It was too late to turn back now. If he were to retreat, he'd risk losing them. Not only that, but it seemed they intended to do harm to his friends, and he could not allow that to take place… he was only trying to gather as much information as possible… before he would stop them from whatever wicked deeds they had brewing in those evil minds.
A thick, malicious evil… he could feel it, and it was strong. The kind of those who'd seen countless battles, spilled countless pints of blood, ended countless lives…
He COULD not allow a single one of them to live.
The blue-haired man in glasses cocked his pistol, and Shadow analyzed the movement, and the weapon. From the way he held it, and the way he cocked it alone, the Vampire could easily tell that he knew how to use it. Not only that, but it was a very nicely crafted weapon… he tensed himself, and took a apprehensive stance, instantly knowing this would be no easy victory.
“…Who are you?” The man with the gun demanded to know.
Shadow, could not, and would not respond. He just stood there, wind blowing his cloak a bit. He was perfectly calm. After a brief moment, the girl with knives stomped the ground angrily.
“You heard Aigas, you fool! Answer the question!” She hissed. The hedgehog only glanced her way, and then back to this `Aigas'… ignoring her completely.
“…Grrrh! Answer now, you freak!” The other Woman shouted, cracking her whip-like weapon in the air, trying to intimidate him. He didn't pay her any attention either.
Eventually, Aigas, twirling his pistol in his hand, with the utmost simplicity, showing off his skill with it, put his weapon back in it's pouch by his side. He adjusted his glasses.
“…He's obviously not going to answer us.” The arrogant man said. Shadow was appalled by this action… putting his weapon away clearly stated that he did not view him as a threat… he dishonored him, and on purpose.
“… I don't like his attitude.” Airy stated, scowling at him.
“Hmph. He looks a lot like… that other hedgehog… don't you think…?” Aile announced, looking amused. Airy and Aigas looked at each other, then back at him…
“You're right… The resemblance is almost uncanny.” Aigas spoke, through an intrigued stare.
Shadow was beginning to conclude that these three knew Sonic, in some twisted, possibly grudge-based way… He respected his blue counterpart in every way… but he retained that old hatred of being mistaken for him… time and time again… He steeled himself, and remained calm, despite the constant disparaging.
“Hmph! You think they know each other?” Airy said, smirking.
“…Who cares… he looks like he wants to fight… why don't you…” Aigas trailed, “…Have a little fun with him…?” He finished, folding his arms, and looking at his sisters, expectantly. Both of them looked at him, as if in disbelief.
“You mean…?” Aile trailed.
“Can we? Really, Aigas?!” Airy asked.
“…Hmmph. Ladies first…” Aigas said, making an indifferent gesture.
With that, Airy, with astounding, inhuman speed, sprinted, easily closing the distance between she and her enemy.
“You're mine, hedgy!” She shouted in glee, as she stabbed at him, smoothly, and swiftly.
Shadow was surprised, but not so much as to be incapable of dodging her attack, which he did, narrowly. She was fast. She knew what she was doing, too. She sliced at him, viciously, tittering like a lunatic as she did so, each pass at him swift, and flawless.
He kept dodging, ducking, side-stepping, flipping out of the way, until he discovered….
She had no limit to her stamina! She just kept attacking, without getting tired, as if she had some endless pool of energy inside of her…
This was, without a doubt, the power of the Chaos.
Shadow swiftly avoided each cut, some of which would have been fatal. She was getting impatient, though, and finally made a mistake in swinging harder than she normally did, throwing herself off balance, for a split-second…

However, that was all he needed, as his body became distorted, and the blackness of the true shadow covered him once again. He used this magnificent power to, not move around her, but straight THROUGH her body, like some kind of ghost, or phantom… She froze, and looked horrified, as her target passed through her body, and chilled her very blood.
Upon being behind her, Shadow's body faded back to normal, and he landed a perfect, leaping roundhouse kick, directly to her head.
She was knocked in that direction, her face a grimace of pain, and bounced on the ground once, but then flipped backward, landing perfectly on her feet.
Shadow landed, and stood there, unscathed, silent as always. He called that move… his Eclipse Dash. He only had to use it on a seriously tough opponent… not to mention he didn't like to, as it required actual energy.
Generally, Shadow was like them… he had limitless vigor… but it was that power that drained him.
One small bead of sweat dripped from his head, onto the ground.
“…What WAS that?!” Airy demanded to know, wiping a tiny speck of blood from her lip.
Aile dashed to her side, weapon ready, and stared the Vampire down…
“I don't know… I've never seen anything like that… Looks like this is going to be a little more fun than we bargained for, eh…?” The pink-wearing vixen said, through a smirk. (not a female fox! Just a figure of speech) Airy grinned as well, and took a fighting stance.
“…Yeah! Let's rip im' apart, sister!” The azure-haired girl suggested.
With that, they both dashed, not straight at him, but to the sides. They came quickly, zig-zagging between each other, in a very confusing manner.
Shadow carefully analyzed the motions, but just when he thought they would both strike him dead-center, they broke apart, and assaulted him from both sides!
The raven hedgehog, in a desperation attempt to dodge both of them, grabbed the whip, which wrapped around his arm, the blades digging into his skin, making him grimace in pain. He, however, had more control of it than appeared, and, knowing he could overpower the dainty Aile, yanked on the weapon, and spun around, ripping her feet from the ground, as she would not let go. He then swung her, using all his the strength at his disposal, into her charging sister, in a painful-looking collision between the two. They were both knocked to the ground, with a loud `oof!' As the hedgehog untangled the cat-of-nine-tails from his arm, and leaped backwards.
The two formidable girls hopped up, and took fighting positions, looking highly miffed.
However, all was not well, it seemed… as Shadow was bleeding from the arm he'd used in the assault… it dangled limply at his side, blood dripping onto the ground.
“Hehehe… Looks like you got him a little, Aile… Huh?!” Airy started, in amazement… looking at the liquid dripping from Shadow's arm…
Indeed, his blood was solid black.
Shadow grinned a little, confusing the two girls he was fighting… the next thing that happened astounded them…
His 9 cuts… slowly began to close up… healing in fast forward. He raised his arm to show them, as if in a way to mock the two. Within a single moment, they were completely gone, and his arm was in mint condition once again.
“What in the world?!” Airy growled, the very strange occurrence attacking her sanity a bit.
Suddenly, Aigas could be seen walking toward them. He looked highly amused, as he adjusted his specs, as he walked closer to Shadow, whom looked, but didn't flinch. His weapon was not drawn, so he was not as much of a threat.
“Aigas, what are you doing? Keep your distance! He's dangerous!” Aile shouted to her brother. He paid her no mind, though.
“I see, now… this one… Yes, this explains a lot…” Aigas spoke, examining the hedgehog.
“What are you talking about?!” Airy growled, upset from being hit twice by a single hedgehog. She, being an excellent, speedy fighter, was rarely hit.
“… This one… he's a Vampire. Surely you've heard of them…?” Aigas told his sisters. Airy looked in disbelief.
“You've got to be kidding? They don't exist! It's just a fairy tale!” She scoffed. The pursuer of knowledge looked on at his more foolish sister, and shook his head, seeming to pity her.
“I've read books… 2000 years ago… before we were sealed into the Chaos Emeralds by the master… I read many books about creatures like this… half shadow, half mortal… jet-black blood runs through their veins… and they heal at an abnormal rate… Never dying of age, never need of food, nor water… They've even been known to be capable of entering the Shadow Realm… Amazing!” He said, looking upon the Vampire with vast interest. Shadow became uncomfortable. This man knew much about his abilities… What if he also knew of his weaknesses…?
“…Oh, vampire, not a vampire! I don't care, I'm going to shred him!” Aile shouted, angrily. Aigas chuckled, as if she were making a fool out of herself.
“Hahaha… you'd better aim to kill, Aile! Unless you kill him instantly, he will only heal each of your wounds… I don't… think you can do it!” Aigas said, amused highly by this new type of life, as he studied it from afar. Aile was obviously insulted and enraged by that remark, and she charged Shadow, Airy following.
“YOU JUST WATCH ME!” She shouted at the top of her lungs, dashing at top speed, swinging her weapon viciously. Shadow grinned, like a madman, in the heat of battle… baring some very sharp fangs, as he Eclipsed, and spread out, making it appear as if there were 10 different solid black copies of Shadow.
This was his Eclipse Doppleganger. His silouettes got in a circular formation, and began rotating about the two girls, whom looked every which way, wondering which was real… he could see the look in their eyes… his motions were slowly chipping away at their very sanity.
His dopplegangers, after scaring the living daylights out of both of them, particularly Airy, whom was secretly horrified of ghosts, the shadows moved in a peculiar manner, before quickly becoming one, meeting directly between Airy and Aile, whom were back to back.
Airy shrieked, and took one of her daggers, and thrust it as hard as she could at the horrible shadow!
“AIRY! NO!” Aigas shouted from a distance… but it was too late…
A dull, meaty `shulk' could be heard… her blade had hit flesh.
The shadowy phantom dispersed… but there was no hedgehog in it. Airy looked down, in sheer horror, as she found what her blade had struck…
“Ai-…(hack) Airy… sister…” Aile said, blood sputtering from her mouth, as she dropped her weapon to the ground, before falling lifeless to the ground, the dagger still lodged in her chest…
Airy took one step back, looking down at what she'd done… Etched on her face was pure terror.
“…AIRY, LOOK OUT!” Her brother shouted again, but once more, it was far too late.
The ebony hedgehog darted from the shadows in which he was hiding the whole time, wrapping his arms firmly around the azure-haired girl's head.
With one swift, merciless motion, Shadow ended her, snapping her neck, with almost no effort at all.
The sound of the vital bone snapping in two echoed across the streets… and the girl plummeted to the concrete, meeting her demise, laying right next to her sister.
Shadow landed, and slowly, ominously got up from his crouched position.
Shadow and Sonic remained ever-alike… except for one, key factor that separated them greatly…
…One was merciless.
Shadow, being a Vampire, had a natural urge… a dark urge… to end lives. He could never explain it, but battle, that one last, crushing blow intrigued, and horrified him at the same time. It was almost as if he couldn't help himself…
Shadow, learning this darker side to being a vampire, went into hiding. He never wanted to be in contact with humans… for he always felt his sanity slipping… closer and closer to that of a mere murderer. He hated himself for it… he knew no one would ever forgive him… not even his friends.
So he decided to never ask them for it. Up until now, he'd avoided them all… and he did that on purpose. He feared what he might do to them. Feared that the evil blood in his veins might boil when he got near them. He found it to his liking to kill… the more unwanted people of society. Criminals, if you will. The feeling of inflicting pain on one… physical AND emotional… it enthralled him. And yet, at the same time… terrified him. What was he becoming…? Was he always fated to play the villain? The murderer? The killer?
The… monster?
In a flash, Shadow can be seen, a gun not 2 inches away from the side his head. Aigas was quick, too. Shadow would enjoy this... he thought, not looking, but smirking.
“…You… killed them… My siblings! …DIE!” Aigas pulling his trigger!!!
The dust cleared… and the shot was a direct, instant-death hit…
Aigas' glasses fell to the ground, shattered to pieces... his eyes shrunk, and he, too, fell, slumped, and lifeless.
Smoke rose from the barrel of Shadow's gun, the Crematorium. It was a strange, but deadly combination of a sawed-off shot gun, and a revolver. It was inaccurate, but packed an amazing punch… it was a deadly weapon… crafted in the shadow world.
Shadow blew into the barrel of his weapon, looking satisfied, before it, and his arms disappeared into his crimson cloak.
He bowed to his formidable opponents… the strongest he'd ever faced… and turned around, his footsteps echoing as he disappeared into the shadows once more…
End Chapter
Yeah, yeah, I know… I really out-did myself with that one, eh? I really hope you liked it… Please leave a review!
I know it seems like there's no real reason, seeing as you get more story anyway, since it's already done, but still, I'd love you forever if you did.
Just like I HATE forever for what it DID.