Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Miles 'Foxy' Prower! ❯ The Deadly Chaos Troupe ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ok, we're finally getting back to Super Sonic! This chapter is VERY action packed, and epic! Not only that, but there's a delightful plot twist I think you'll all like. Please, just read it!
Miles `Foxy' Prower! Chapter 10: “The deadly Chaos Troupe”
The glowing, gold hero smiled radically as he pointed toward his enemy, taunting him. Over confident? No. Not only was the power of the legendary Chaos Emeralds rushing through his every vein, but the fate of the planet rested on his shoulders yet again. Sonic couldn't lose… and he wouldn't. He'd never been stronger than he was right now…
The Master Emerald Titan found itself enraged as it looked at the hedgehog… he'd swat him out of the air like a mere fly! The giant rushed, and attacked, it's fist flying at high speeds toward Super Sonic… The hedgehog just hovered there, arms folded, waiting… not budging an inch, until the fist was at his nose. But, just when it seemed, even though it was targeted at the fastest being on the planet, would be a sure-fire hit, the flaming savior disappeared, as if into mid-air. This threw the green titan off balance, making it look rather foolish.
Where?!” It's voice came, but that was all that was heard from the monstrosity, before being knocked on the side of the head by a ferocious kick from the lightspeed hedgehog, whom seemed to reappear out of nowhere.
The titan was knocked to the ground, and skidded on it's back, going an incredible distance before it collided with a building, which collapsed onto the gargantuan powerhouse.
Super Sonic, again, levitated midair, as it begun to rain, ever grinning, ever confident. Each drop of rain that fell from the night sky evaporated immediately upon hitting the 24 karat body, which was hot with sheer energy. The titan slowly got up, it's eyes glinting.
“…You're gonna have to do better than that!” Sonic taunted again.
The thing that enraged the masterful titan the most was the factuality that the hedgehog could now match the speed of Chaos Control… without even using it. He hadn't expected the opponent to be so formidable.
Two can play at that game!” The giant said, appearing instantly behind Sonic, leg ready to kick him into the earth…
But before any such thing could take place, the golden pyre-hog glanced, disdain in his eyes, flipped backwards, with absolutely perfect timing, hitting the Master Emerald Titan directly in the head, with both feet, in yet another vicious kick, chips of green, emerald-like armor flying from the large indention of damage left from the assault. Needless to say, the giant was sent soaring skyward… Sonic grinned, he wasn't done yet… It was time to give him a taste of his own medicine.
The inferno-covered ball of spikes and energy disappeared and reappeared to intercept the giant, high enough to touch a cloud. He literally spiked him downward, like the enormous creature was some sort of volleyball, and then, yet AGAIN, reappeared before the creature could have any peace, hitting him, flames flying out of each attack, which was done with more ferocity than the last… Super Sonic did this a total of 12 times, before landing a crushing blow to it's center, sending it sailing into the ocean.
Super Sonic calmed himself, and floated in the middle of the air, waiting for it to resurface. He knew it was tougher than that. Having vengeance for the attack that nearly killed him earlier , he succeeded in quelling the temporary lapse in his temper. Fury would only serve to expend his precious energy.
After a long time, the Titan did not resurface, but suddenly was attacking from the empowered hero's right side. He glanced that way, yawning, before dodging the attack simply. The Giant immediately used Chaos control again, this time appearing above sonic, whom never so much as unfolded his arms, moving, and narrowly, but easily dodging again. Again, the giant used this strategy, again, and again, and once more, each attempt being dodged with the utmost grace and simplicity. I mean, it was as if he was putting no effort whatsoever into these amazing dodges…
He made it look easy.
“Why?! Why can't I hit you?! You should NOT be this powerful, even with the assistance of the servers!” The Emerald roared. Sonic dodged a few aimless, angry swipes and floated backward, a serious `you can't win' look on his golden features. It was embarrassing… that the giant, nearly 1000 times his size, had managed to land not a single attack upon the lightning quick firefly, where as he had already landed 16 crushing blows upon him… It was as if there was no competition!
“First off, my name is SONIC, dude. I was already fast enough to begin with, if you didn't know. Second, you have nothing to fight for, you attack with rage… but me, I've got no choice but to win… everything that I care about is on the line…” The glimmering gold hero stated, his fiery body lighting up the night sky like a million fireflies.
“… You… move in slow motion to me. Chaos control won't help you. Brute strength won't, either, seeing as you can't seem to hit me with any of it. You know, you can still give up… if not…” Super Sonic stated, trailing. His flames, which calmly flickered like a candle, suddenly blazed like a blow torch in an impressive display of raw power. “…Then I'll have to destroy you.” The way the deadly, supremely intimidating hedgehog said those words struck fear even into the mighty Master Emerald Titan, whom noticeably took a step back, trying to think of something within it's vast intelligence.
“…What is it that drives you so…?” It asked it's formidable opponent. Sonic smiled.
“My friends… I fight for them. For Tails, for Amy, for Knuckles, for Chris, heck, even for Rouge… And Shadow, too, wherever he is… they are the source of my power!” The fiery hero shouted, with great passion burning in his crimson eyes.
Unfortunately… Sonic didn't know that the Master Emerald would take that seriously… it plotted, and, in a desperation attempt to win at any cost, he secretly consulted the minds of his 7 servers…
“My servants… hear my thoughts… “ The Master Emerald called.
“What is it, master? Do you want us to discontinue serving your foe…?” The essence of the green emerald asked the controller, from within Sonic.
“No, you must not make me look dishonorable, Artimus.” The controller told his servant.
“What would you have us do…?” A silvery essence asked after a brief moment.
“Alastor, I would have you, and your seven brothers and sisters leave your capsules, and walk the Earth once more…” The Master Emerald told them.
“All right! It's been centuries since we've been able to stretch our legs!” A light blue essence chortled.
“Indeed, Airy, it has been a long while… what's the occasion, master?” The darker blue essence stated.
Aigas, I wish of you and your comrades to seek out, and dispose of these friends he speaks of… You remember the names…?” The large Emerald asked his children.
“Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Chris, Rouge, and Shadow… I think…” The yellow essence said, sounding unsure.
“Yeah, Armic's right, that sounds about like what this fool said…” The red emerald stated, it's voice tinted with anger, and anticipation.
“Alfador, you sure sound excited!” The pink essence said, in a deep womanly voice.
“You kidding, Aile? Alfador is always excited about battle…” Artimus stated.
“My servants, go now, do what you've been instructed to do… find them… and kill them.” The controller of all seven ordered, evil infesting it's normally wise, virtuous voice…
“We will not disappoint you, master…” Artimus declared, ever faithful to his liege.
Sonic levitated, and raised one golden eyebrow…
“What are you up to?” He asked. The giant had been standing in one spot for a long time… it was very suspicious… What was he plotting?
“It is none of you're concern…” The Titan said, quickly unleashing a new attack, which consisted of it jumping into the air, up from the vast water in which it stood in, and back down, letting gravity take it's coarse…
The result was a large, powerful stream of water jetting up from the ocean, heading toward the fiery hero.
“Huh… so you think you can douse me, eh?” Sonic said to himself, not impressed. He dodged, and began to charge… but… he stopped…
Something was wrong. Sonic clenched his stomach, which, for some unknown reason, was lurching with pain… It felt like something was trying to burst out from within…
“Ah-!? Wh-wha… AHGG!!? Gerh…ErHk… GaaaahAAAAAAAAAAAA!” Came some unearthly noises, seeming to be ripped from the hero's mouth, his shriek of agony echoing for miles…
A blinding flash, across the sea, a sudden crash, a sonic boom erupted from him, as a rainbow-colored syndicate of lights shot out from his torso, in all different directions, at first, then meeting in the distance…
Sonic looked up, his flames, the ones that once engulfed his whole body, barely flickering enough to even be noticed… he was still Super Sonic… but all the sudden… he felt so weak… so feeble… His fire, where it once could be called a flamethrower, a volcano even… now whispered off his pale gold body, at the consistency that was only half a step above a match…
“Ahg… What… what did you do?!” The gold, but fading hero demanded to know, holding his stomach.
“Is something the matter…?” The Titan asked, malice tainting his voice… as he chaos controlled below the pale, diminished Sonic, a leg meeting with his head, sending him rocketing into a building.
Sonic saw the attack coming from a mile away, but he hadn't recovered from whatever the Master Emerald Titan had just done to him, and was hit dead on…
This… didn't look very good.
“Ergh… why do the bad guys always have to cheat…?” Sonic growled, weakly, dashing back to the sea, where the Titan awaited…
7 colorful clouds of energy jolted through the sky…. seeming to move in slow motion, as they lit up the night sky like a rainbow colored lightning bolt, before, in a blinding flash of energy, and a thunderous explosion…
…One could see seven figures rise, the smoke of the collision clear, as they step out of the crater in which they created… The seven youthful-looking servants, each toned a different hue, looked about them in what could be only discerned as a malicious fascination…
Each unique character looked almost human, if you didn't include their strange clothing, unnatural hair and eye colors, and the ornate weapons each one held…
“… Looks like a lot's changed in the last 1000 years…” Said one of them, walking to the side, moving toward one of the town's vast buildings, and touching it with interest… He grinned in sheer fascination.
Just by looking at the young man, one could tell he was the leader of the group… His hair was dark green, held back by a purple bandana, and spiked in a crew-cut. He wore mostly green clothing, but his body was partially covered by leather armor, and on his side, one could only admire the beautiful hilt of his longsword, which rested on his waist, within it's scabbard… Whenever this one looked at you, you could see his emerald-colored eyes glint with malice.
Another of the seven walked toward the leader, putting an hand on his shoulder.
“Artimus… let us not forget our mission.” The grimmest-looking of the team said, his voice ever serious.
This one had long, pearly hair, bound by a circlet, and wore heavy platinum-colored armor, and a long, white cape, which was embroidered as if it belonged to royalty. In his right hand was a halberd, which was an odd mixture between a spear and an axe… It was decorated just as ornately as the sword, but make no mistake, was sharp, and deadly… The eyes of this one were mirrorlike, and resonated with a firm, disciplined aura.
Artimus turned his head, and nodded, ever loyal to the master.
“Yes, you're right, Alastor… we must waste no time at all…” The deadly leader announced, so all could hear. Another stepped forward.
“So, how are we going to go about doing this…?” The young, silky-voiced male asked.
His hair was a deep, sea blue, and it was all gelled back, except for a few bangs that hung over his eyes. He pushed his silvery glasses further up his nose with a free finger, and they flashed in the light. He wore a sleeveless blue robe, black pants, and black boots. Upon his hands were leathery black gloves, on waist, a navy body band, with an ornate piece of metal in it's center. The man's look was a peculiar combination of intelligence, and deadliness. An ornate black pistol was strapped to his left thigh, resting in it's holder, just waiting to see combat. Past the glasses, you could see his dark blue eyes, which seemed to know something.
One of the female members stepped forth and smirked, somewhat with mischief, somewhat with ill-intent, which flowed freely from the grinning face.
“I say we just kill all the worthless mortals, Aigas! Hehehe… at least some of them will be the ones we were sent to slay!” She giggled, showing her inner taint.
This one had the most beautiful, shimmering azure hair you've ever seen… Her lengthy locks in pigtails on the back. She wore a rather tight, sky blue body-suit. On the back of her belt, there were two curved sheaths, containing two razor-sharp daggers. The girls glowing, cerulean eyes were large, though you could easily detect a loathsome aura emanating from them. She looked a playful kind of dangerous, as she hung on her brother, Aigas, obviously irritating him.
“Airy, come now, stop hanging on me like that, I haven't had any elbow space for over 10 centuries, why deprive me of it now?” Aigas complained her, making her pout as the two began to argue for a moment.
“…Artimus, do you think we should do what Airy said? It HAS been a while…” Came a deep, smooth female voice.
This woman looked as if to be the oldest in the group. Her hair was a pinkish-purple, as was her lipstick, and eye-shadow. She wore a mixture of pink and purple garbs, and some tight leathers upon her loins, making her look a bit on the (slutty) trashy side… Upon her right thigh, which was actually quite proportioned, was a whip, or rather a cat of 9-tails, upon closer examination. It was made out of an unknown, jet-black animal hide, and looked amazingly versatile and deadly. Her eyes were narrow, raspberry-colored, and had the look of someone who couldn't be trusted. It was doubtless, this rose had thorns…
“Well… I don't know, Aile… I suppose it couldn't hurt… hehe…” Artimus responded, smirking a little. Another of the 7 stepped forth, and shook his head.
“No… We can't do that!” The youngest of the 7 said. Every other stared at him for a moment, and he looked a little embarrassed.
“I-I mean… We were ordered strictly to kill only the friends the hedgehog mentioned… If we went on another killing spree without permission…” The boy trailed.
The first thing you notice about the shorter blonde boy, amongst his siblings, is that he was clearly the black sheep in the family. His hair was scruffly, and fluffy, and a handsome shade of goldenrod… He wore a light orange and yellow jacket that had a split tail (think tuxedo meets trenchcoat) that went to his knees. The sleeves were wide, and hung down like a samurai's, or a priest's robe would. He had on brown slacks, and his torso was bound by a thick sash that formed into a large orange ribbon on his front. In his left hand, there rested a staff, which was slightly taller than him, and was decorated almost like something the Pope would carry. If you looked into his shimmering amber eyes, you'd see an unsure soul, that didn't seem to fit in. You'd also notice, that amongst all of them, his presence was the only one that seemed to have an absence of the thick evilness that his brothers and sisters all seemed to have in common. He looked to be no more than 14, when in reality, he was just as old as his kin.
Alastor, however, immediately agreed with him.
“Armic is correct… we should not deviate from our master's instructions…” The pearly-haired knight spoke, blunt, grim, and to-the-point. Artimus hesitantly nodded.
“…Hmph… congratulations, squatty-body, your squeamishness has once again ruined our fun.” The last of the group scoffed, slugging the smaller Armic, whom vocalized his pain with an `owch!', and rubbed the spot were he got frogged.
This one looked like a scary sort of bully; the kind you'd avoid like the plague all of the school-year, until you graduate, then immediately get an out-of-state job. He was easily the tallest of all of the party, and upon his head was some inferno-red hair, which was spiked straight up, imitating a campfire, suggesting that he was, literally or metaphorically, a real hot-head. Upon his waist, and on his powerful-looking forearms, there were bandages, of the type a fighter, a boxer, or a monk would wear. He wore nothing else on his upper torso, which had an abundance of scars, and muscles. The only other items of clothing on his body were some black pants, which were cut off at his shins, and a scarlet sash, which was tied at his side. A noticeable difference in he and his kin was that he carried no weapon… though, one look in his fiery, blood-red eyes, and you'd know that he didn't need one.
“Alfador… That hurt…” Armic whined. The larger, buffer Alfador only grinned, and proceeded to mess up his brother's hair beyond fixing with his taped hand, making the boy look highly agitated, though probably not willing to do anything about it.
“Good!” He remarked snidely, making the gold-eyed boy pout.
“Oh, leave the poor kid alone, he's already messed up enough with you torturing him all the time…” Aigas remarked, adjusting his specs. Alfador merely stuck his tongue out immaturely.
“You boys are so childish. You're acting like 400 year-olds!” Airy commented, crossing her arms.
“Look who's talking…” Aile mused, rolling her eyes.
The 4 of them persisted to bicker, as all siblings generally do, until Artimus finally became sick of it all, raised his gauntlet to his mouth, and whistled loudly, making them all stop immediately, and turn to look at him.
“Will you idiots quit it…? What would the master think if he saw you all acting like such fools?” The green-garbed man scolded, fathering the less mature part of the group. Alastor and Armic merely stood there, knowing they weren't categorized with them. The others merely hid their hatred of being lectured by their peer, though not very professionally.
Alfador yawned.
“So… what are we supposed to do then…?” He said, seeming bored. Aigas konked the red-head on the head, just hard enough to annoy him.
“Moron, he wants us to discuss how to find the objectives.” The more intellectual one remarked. The more muscle-headed one fumed, and raised a hand to pop him one, but saw Artimus' glare, and decided against it.
Aigas and Alfador never did get along very well.
“I think we should split up. It's the obvious choice.” Airy blurted, seeming full of herself. Aile nodded.
“Huh, you had a good idea for once in your immortality…” Aile said through a grin. Airy had a big anime-style vein popping out on her forehead, grimacing at her sister, whom smirked smugly.
“Hopeless…” Artimus said in aggravation, his hand over his eyes.
“… Nonetheless, I agree with Airy. We'll cover more ground, and find our target's faster…” Alastor said, ever focused on the mission.
The leader nodded.
“Very well then… we'll all split up, and seek out these `friends' of his.” Artimus said. Airy grabbed Aigas cartoonishly.
“NO! I wanna go with Aigas!” She squealed.
“I'm going too. I hate being surrounded by strangers…” Aile announced, looking at nothing in particular. Artimus let out a deep sigh of agitation.
“Fine. You three do whatever you want… I'm going solo.” Artimus said, folding his arms. He thought the whole thing to be foolish. They were all powerful enough to take on anybody in this era… other than maybe that hedgehog.
“Me too.” Armic said, raising a hand rather cutely. No one seemed to notice though.
“Same here…” Alastor said.
“Peh, I actually can't WAIT to get away from ALL of you. I already know where the guardian is, anyway…” Alfador boasted, referring to Knuckles. Airy gasped.
“Really?! Where is he?!” She demanded to know. Alfador looked disdainful.
“Hey, dibs! I'M gonna tear that echidna limb from limb… so forget about it.” He said, making Airy pout.
“Where was it that you saw him…?” Alastor inquired.
“You didn't notice him present before the battle between the master and that hedgehog began, Alastor?” Artimus said over folded arms. “I'd think YOU, of all people would catch something like that.” He proclaimed. Alastor shrugged.
“Huh? I thought I was the only one who saw him!” Alfador said, making a humorous face.
“Please, you're not the only one with eyes, you heathen.” Aigas began. “I was about to head that direction myself…” He said, pretentiously.
“…Hey! The guardian's MINE, ya four-eyed geek!” The hotheaded Alfador shouted, shoving his brother into a wall, though it seemed more commonplace rough-housing between the two than actual, serious fighting.
However, Aigas began to draw his gun, and Alfador put up his dukes, and they began to approach one another…
But they were stopped by a shimmering silver sword coming between them. Artimus succeeded in persuading them into calming down with only that. The leader sheathed his blade after twirling it skillfully for a moment.
“Alfador called it, so he gets to destroy the guardian. It won't take three or four of you to defeat him…” The leader declared. Aigas turned around, folded his shoulders, and gave a loud HMPH, as Alfador seemed to rub it in with his rude snickering. With a single glare from the threatening Artimus, the two immediately stopped their childishness.
“…Good. Now, if you don't mind me, we've wasted enough time already… get moving.” He added, his green eyes flashing as some sparkling, solid white wings of pure energy materialized upon his back. He flapped himself into the air with great simplicity.
Being the leader of the Master Emerald's servers, better known as the infamous Chaos Troupe, Artimus was gifted with the most power… these including flight… It was well known amongst the 7 of them… whoever had the Wings of Chaos had the most power… and the most authority. In theory, should one of the Emeralds, or the actual essence of an emerald, (aka, one of the Troupe) be destroyed, the Wings would be passed on to another Emerald. However, in all the 5000 years of their existence, this had, and probably would never happen… so they assumed.
Artimus flew upward, stopping once to look down on the Earth, to make sure that his brothers and sisters were doing as he told them to… they all spread out slowly, except for Aigas, Aile, and Airy, who all traveled in the same direction. They, despite the rules, rarely ever obeyed him… so he was good to get off with even that much.
With that, the assassins of the Master Emerald began to seek their targets… The deadly Chaos Troupe would spill the blood of the living again, for the first time in 1000 years!
End Chapter
Hehe… yup, OC's. The Chaos Troupe is one of my favorite twists in this story… I hope it'll be yours too! I know, I know… the names are difficult to learn now, but you'll memorize them all by the time you get to Chapter 14.
Anyway, please review this chapter, mother fuckers!
And if you really are considering reviewing, I'm sorry I called you a mother fucker.

If you just reviewed, I'm REALLY sorry I just called you a mother fucker.
If you didn't review the chapter, than I'm very glad I called you a mother fucker, because you ARE.