Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Miles 'Foxy' Prower! ❯ Heavy Metal! ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Please, I really need some more reviews here… you people… God. If you're one of the few who HAVE reviewed, then I praise you, and I literally just got on my knees and bowed to you. You get a bow for every review!
In other news: Fanfiction.Net is still directly related to Satan. If you love God, then you'll pray every night that lightning strikes's tiny little penis.
You love GOD, Don't you?!
Haha, enough nonsense, I'm just being stupid, please, for the love of all things good, don't delete my story. Just read it!
Miles `Foxy' Prower! Chapter 13: “Heavy Metal!”
She couldn't sleep. Turning around, she saw that it was now 2 AM… What was it that was keeping her awake tonight? It wasn't her thoughts of Tails… no, those usually put the bunny right to sleep… but she just had this… gut feeling, call it intuition, that told her something horrible was going to happen.
She got up out of her bed, and turned the light on, shaking her head. She needed something to get her mind off things. She sniffled as she .
She shuffled about her home, doing various things, whether it be cleaning, watching the late night television shows she normally couldn't catch, or looking at some old photo albums, she was obviously wide awake. Occasionally she'd sneeze, and need a tissue.
She admired a picture of her, Tails, Chris, and Chuck, god rest his soul… when they were all very young, bar Chuck, of coarse.
(yes, in this, Chuck has passed away… forgive me if this somehow irritates you, but Chuck was very old, and 4 years have passed, and this is just to show: people die. My fic must be at least slightly realistic, sorry.)
She smiled. She loved that picture… she sometimes wondered what Chuck would think of everyone as they are now… what he'd think of how Tails had gotten even smarter, Sonic had gotten even faster, and how Chris had gotten even braver. She giggled.
He'd probably have a heart attack if he saw what Chris did to his hair… but he'd be so very proud of how he'd saved her life and stuff, she thought.
A tiny little tear of bittersweet remembrance went down her cheek and she wiped it away with a petite finger. She put the album away, and began to wander around her tiny home aimlessly. She recalled how she'd gotten the home…
It was provided to her by the president, at the request of Sonic, whom did it at request of (rather threat of) Amy. The president would always be only too happy to do anything in his power to help the world's biggest hero. Being friends with Sonic always had serious advantages…
And now Tails and Chris seemed to be growing into big heroes as well. Unfortunately, people still recognized Tails only as `Sonic's buddy'… despite the fact that HE'D saved the Earth from sure destruction more than once, even without the hedgehog's help. Chris… well, he wasn't regarded as any sort of hero… just as a famous rock star. He was also quite popular in the world of Motocross… but that was another story. Being friends with Chris seemed to make human girls look at her with envy for some strange reason that eluded her.
Suddenly, something weird happened…
…There was a knock at the door.
“Huh…? At this hour?” She mumbled to herself as she scuttled to the door. Who could it be?
The rock star shivered a little. It was freezing outside! He looked at his watch, and it read an hour ahead of what he thought it was. He held a small box in his hand, which was wrapped in a sparkling paper, and tied up in a pretty little ribbon… obviously a gift. He mentally cursed himself for visiting her at this hour… but for some reason, he simply couldn't resist. He felt sorry for making her sick… Though it really wasn't his fault in the first place…
He smiled an awkward smile when she opened the door, not smiling, only looking curious.
“Uhh… Hi!” Mr. Thorndyke said, coolly. That being a huge overstatement, of coarse. Cream looked at him, and giggled a little at the goofy looking face he was making.
“Chris… what are you doing here? It's very very late, you know…”She said. He scratched the back of his head, trying to think of a way to explain his sporadic action. While he was still thinking of an answer, she coughed a little, in a cute way, but not suggesting that Chris didn't instantly feel bad for creating that situation, because he did.
“That's why… It's my fault you got sick, and I felt bad, so… well…” He trailed. Cream finally looked down, and saw the sparkly green box.
Her features lightened up. Was that for her…? He'd gotten her a present! She still had a child-like love of receiving gifts, and getting surprises… she instantly couldn't wait to see what it was.
“Hmm… Oh! Goodness, I'm sorry… Come in, it's very chilly out there… you don't want to end up like me!” She said, moving out of the way, leaving room for the boy to rush in, instantly trying to pat himself warm. He'd been concealing how numbly cold he was for those few moments. She giggled.
“Brrr! Thanks! It's so cold out there! I can barely feel my body!” He said, cartoonishly chattering as he said these things… She shut the door and tittered again. He smiled.
His pale face filled with warm blood once more, though it was a bit too much, making him blush. This being because he noticed the girl in her jammies, which were light blue, covered with pictures of little white bunnies all over them. They suited her perfectly, as far as the patterns went… when you got down to how they actually FIT her you'd notice quite easily that they were a bit… snug in places.
Chris averted his eyes, realizing that if he kept looking, his face wouldn't be the only place all his blood would be rushing. He turned and reddened.
Cream, however, was only SO naïve. She saw what he was looking at, and she looked down at her attire. She peeped a little, gave an embarrassed grin. Not HORRIBLY embarrassed, but caught at a slightly off guard. She clasped her hands in front of where her legs met, and twisted her body a little in a fidgety sort of way.
“Oh, I'm sorry… just… let me go change into something more appropriate!” She said, scampering up her stairs, her tiny little fluff-ball of a tail waving about as she moved. She disappeared into her upstairs room.
“Uh… Ok!” He shouted after her. He stood there for a moment, looking around at the inside of her house…
He liked her house. It smelled like she did… and it was nice and humble… homey, in a way that his massive mansion just never would be. He smiled as he looked at various pictures mounted on her wall. Most of them had Tails in it, he noticed, frowning just a little. Some featured him, but they were all group photos, taken of the whole gang… He wished she'd had pictures of just the two of them on the wall. But, sadly, he found himself being replaced by Tails.
“…(sigh)… Man, Tails… what I wouldn't give just to live one day in those shoes of yours…” He spoke to one of the pictures… he was jealous, but not spiteful.
“Hmm? What was that, Chris?” Cream said, poking her head from around a corner, startling him a little. That was mighty fast, he thought.
“Eh, nothing, just… talking to myself.” Was his excuse, as he sweatdropped. She tilted her head a little, but made nothing else of it.
She walked into view, and she was wearing a casual little sweater, which was red.. It had a low neck on it, and it showed off a lovely crest of soft fur jutting from the nape of the bunny's neck. It was much like the patch Shadow, or Tails had… only it was probably twice as fluffy as either of them. It had grown in with various other parts of her body over the years. It had a nice sheen to it, and you could tell that, like the rest of her body, the girl took exceedingly good care of it. It was enough to make one want to run their hand over it.
Over her waist was a sash-like, white belt, which was tied at her left hip. It sparkled when the light hit it. Her legs were adorned with a pair of jeans, which was odd, since she didn't normally wear something so informal. She had on the same shoes she'd always wore.
Chris felt his face getting warm again. She was just SO pretty… even when she dressed as casual as this. She smiled at him and told him to sit down at her dining table, which was directly behind him. He complied, and she sat on the opposite side. It was a round, very small little table, as the girl remained ever short, so they were only so far apart. Cream sniffled a little, covered her mouth and turned her head to sneeze.
“Gazhoontight.” Her 16 year old admirer said. He would have searched his pockets for a handkerchief, but he saw she already had one.
She daintily wiped her adorable little nose.
“I'm sorry for disturbing you… The lights were on, so… you know.” He explained to her.
“I know… I couldn't sleep tonight.” She said through a stuffy nose. He thought the accent it gave her was horribly fetching.
“Oh man… it's not because I made you sick, is it…?” He asked, looking ashamed.
“No, no! It's not like that at all… and how many times do I have to tell you, it's not your fault I tripped!” She said, shaking her head, trying to get that through his thick skull.
“Well… I should've caught you… and I'm really sorry I didn't… so…” He pushed the little gift toward her. She looked down at it, and smiled genuinely.
“Chris… you didn't have to do anything! How considerate… you're so sweet.” She said, pulling it toward herself and examining the box. Chris basked in that last comment, relishing it, as he smiled.
“Heh… I was gonna give this to you on your birthday… but… well, I just couldn't wait any longer…!” He told her. She looked up at him and raised an eyebrow, laughing.
“Chris… hehehe. My birthday… isn't for another six months…” She giggled, making him sweatdrop.
“…Yeah, I know… but I decided to give it to you now… I'll get you something else for your birthday! Just open it up! I can't take the suspense any more!” He urged, making a motion for her to open it.
She smiled, and, strangely, rather than ripping the paper apart, like any normal person would, removed the bow and the wrapper with the utmost ease, and without even shredding any of the shiny green wrapping. She actually looked like she knew what she was doing… Chris concluded that she must get a whole lot of gifts… this wouldn't surprise him a bit, though.
She set the paper and the ribbon aside, and she examined the plain, white box, and shook it. Something on the inside jingled madly. She giggled and shook it again, amused by the noise.
“Heeeeeey, quit that and just open it! You'll spoil the surprise!” Chris chuckled.
She complied, removing the plastic covering of the box, then the cardboard lid. There was a thin sheet of paper encompassing the object inside, showing that it must be something nice… She unfolded it, and pulled the item out… and she grinned hugely, letting out a little `ohhh' when she looked at it.
It was a shiny golden bell, attached to a fine red collar. It was lovely, and she admired it, holding it like it was priceless, as she jingled it one more time. She looked at Chris, and he grinned, waving his hand like it was nothing.
She immediately put the collar around her neck, and went to find a mirror in which she could admire the new accessory. She jingled as she ran, making an utterly pleasant noise that seemed to bring joy and fortune to all ears it met. She looked in the full body mirror in her room… and clasped her hands together in delight. Her eyes shimmered as she saw how well it went with her outfit and coloring…
“Chaoooooooo?” Cheese muttered, looking around drowsily from her bed. The jangling of the bell had roused him from his dream. Cream practically hopped over and scooped the little creature up, hugging him in a great joy. The chao was a bit grumpy, but smiled none the less, as the rabbit set him down.
When she and her pet came down the stairs, the young star was waiting for them, wearing a huge smile. Cream hopped into his arms to thank him, quite nearly knocking him down. He chuckled and patted her back softly with one hand.
“Hehe… I take it by that that you like it, huh?” He asked.
“I love it!” She cheers back. That made Chris feel good on the inside… not warm and fuzzy like the way he normally felt around her anyway, but the kind of feeling you get when you give someone a gift that they really, genuinely enjoy. She released him, and coughed a little bit.
“Easy now… don't wanna over-exert yourself.” He said, trying to be soothing. She nodded.
Something struck the door with a mighty force…
The silver haired knight, in shining platinum armor knew that Christopher Thorndyke was in that house… He HAD to be a famous person around here… gathering information concerning him proved to be exceedingly easy. He'd learned that the young boy rode around on a thing called “GlimmerBolt II” by reading a poster in the city… and he'd noticed said object (which was very strange to him) being parked outside this particular home.
Alastor swatted the door with the blunt end of his halberd again, making chips of paint fly off of it, as the noise echoed throughout the surroundings. Sensing a presence, the essence of the silver emerald stepped backward. Taking a defensive stance.
Chris' expression molded from a joyous to a serious one in a split second, as he motioned for Cream to back away from the door. She nodded, seeming scared, and grabbed her chao, trying to keep him quiet. The rocker opened the door, and stepped outside, looking apprehensive…
His heart nearly jumped out of his throat when he saw the dangerous looking man, waiting patiently outside for him. He stepped toward him, but stopped once he noticed he had a deadly-looking medieval weapon, which looked like some kind of skewer with an axe on the side. He'd seen pictures of things like that only in historical works and movies.
“Who are you?!” He asked, voice showing a small amount of fear, as it wavered a bit. He could fight… but he was no Sonic… and this guy looked skilled.
“…I am Alastor… If you are Christopher Thorndyke, friend of Sonic the Hedgehog, then I'm here to kill you.” The assassin claimed.
“… What?! Kill me…! Why?! Who sent you?!” The young one demanded to know. His expression didn't change; his mirror-like eyes only flashed upon his target.
“The answer to that question is not necessary to defend yourself, human. Now, do-so!” He shouted, his generally calm voice booming as he aggressed, dashing toward him with his weapon raised.
Chris' eyes dilated as the oncoming attack, a thrust, was narrowly dodged. The attack was SO close, it slit his scarf, where his throat was a mere nanosecond earlier. The dodge had been sloppy, too, making the boy stumble and fall backwards. He heard Cream shriek.
His adrenaline rushing, the legendary guitarist looked at the GlimmerBolt, which, as luck would have it, he'd landed right next to. He kicked up to his feet and began unfastening the straps that held his mighty guitar in place on the side… thank goodness he'd brought it with him!
Alastor wasn't as quick as Chris, but he was exceedingly fast for someone wearing such a huge amount of plate armor… He turned around and went on the attack again, this time swinging vertically, planning on splitting his skull with the axe part of his weapon. He just had one more fasten to detach when…
…during this time, four noises could be heard…
A scream, coming from a certain terrified rabbit, and the jingle jangle of her present.
A KLANG of a heavy metal contact…
…and a BLARE of a heavy metal instrument.
Chris looked up, fire in his deep blue eyes, as he jumped away from his attacker, a bit more confident now that his trusty instrument rested in his hand. Alastor looked at the weapon, seeming puzzled at it's shape and the sound with which it erupted, despite the factuality that his face relayed no emotion.
He whirled his halberd about quickly, locking it under his arm, taking a stance, as his white, flowing cape blew in the cold wind. He wanted Chris to attack first.
Not wanting to keep him waiting, the young one ran at him, jumping up, axe raised to strike. However, Alastor was no fool, and he took his weapon an swung it in the air, succeeding in knocking the boy, and his assault, back down onto the pavement. Chris landed on his feet, then stumbled a bit, feeling his face. Just as he thought, blood.
It was a nasty cut to his cheek, probably implemented by the axe part of the halberd. He grimaced. It was no fatal wound, but it would leave a nasty scar.
The fact that this was a truly skilled warrior, however, did not evade him at all. He OBVIOUSLY knew what he was doing… all of his motions were quick, fatal, and flawless. The formerly dodged or blocked attacks were all strokes of sheer and unbridled luck… but how could he win on luck alone?
Cream, amidst all of this, stood watching as Chris and this strange warrior traded attacks… well, actually, the one with silvery hair was doing most of the attacking, as the young boy narrowly dodged and blocked each attack, getting driven backwards with each pass. She looked on, fearing for her dear friend's life… gripping Cheese in a death clamp of a cuddle, making it squirm. She only did this when she was scared, and didn't know what to do. It became exceedingly obvious that this assassin wasn't joking when he said he'd come to kill Chris.
This was bad, the young rocker thought to himself… at this rate, the warrior would outlast him… he had to think of something, and quick! He suddenly had his instrument knocked aside (not out of his hands, but it left him open), and he was hit by a powerful kick, one so forceful, he flew backwards about 7 feet.
Cream eeped and winced when she saw the collision take place. That had to hurt, she thought… she had to do something! But what could she do…?
Chris barely managed to pick himself up from that last hit. He was already on his last leg after that… He swore one of his ribs were cracked from the attack as he found himself gasping for air. He got his wind back, but he fell to his knees after a moment. Boy, did that hurt… He cursed himself for not being as versatile as Sonic or as sturdy Knuckles… he'd seen them take hits like that and smile afterward… but not him… he was only human, after all… but wasn't this guy the same way? It didn't seem possible after he'd seen what this `Alastor' was capable of.
He looked over at his dirt bike, and then over to Alastor, who was now walking ominously toward him. Without a second thought, he hopped onto his treasured GlimmerBolt II, and revved it up, the wheels squealing as he charged toward the Emerald assassin on it, the top wheel raised in the air in a perfect wheelie.
Not even knowing that the object was capable of such things, (being from a different era and all) Alastor was taken off guard by this action, and the front wheel popped him, right in the face, as Chris drove up and over him like a ramp, landing perfectly on the other side.
“Hah! That woulda scored me a 10 at the X games!” Chris shouted, proud of his… victory…?
To his amazement… Alastor rose! Ominously, did he stand, dusting himself off, as he looked at the young cyclist, poison in his eyes. A long moment of sheer awe passed, and the Chaos Troupe's second-in-command seemed to examine the vehicle for a moment.
“I see… That object is some sort of mechanical stallion… impressive. I haven't felt pain in 1000 years...” He announced… Chris didn't really get his meaning, but he wouldn't be surprised if he'd never been hit before, with his amount of skill, “However, I will not make the same careless mistake twice!” He shouted, raising his weapon in the air…
The next thing that happened both startled and astounded the teenage star, as lightning shot out of the sky, and on a fairly clear night, too! The bolt jolted down, striking the halberd, making the weapon glow a blinding white glow, so much so Chris and Cream nearly had to shield there eyes.
“…Two can play at that game!” The warrior shouted, plunging the tip of his weapon into the ground, making it glow as well.
The light spread on the concrete, wider, taller, until it formed a distinct shape beneath Alastor. The dust cleared, and the illumination faded, and the young teenager looked up to see…
…A huge, solid white horse, charging right at him! Barely having a split second to think, Chris burned rubber, just barely managing to move out of the way, feeling that spear-tip graze his sleeve. He rode down the street as fast as it would take him, then turned around. Alastor had done the same thing with his horse. They were sparsely in shouting distance, as they stared each other down… Chris readied his Axe… riding one-handed was no problem for him, and by the looks of things, he might need it.
“What do you want from me?!” Chris shouted, his voice bouncing off the walls and down the street. Alastor could be seen grinning a little.
“Only your life!” He shouted back, smartly. The young rocker didn't like his attitude.
“That's it! Horse or no horse, I'm gonna mow you down!” The teenager yelled, like a battle cry, as he rocketed down the street, his heavy instrument scraping against the ground, making sparks fly out behind it. The knight upon his noble steed smiled at the opposition.
“Very well then, let us joust!” He said, more to himself than anybody, as he grabbed the reins of his stallion and cracked his greaves (like a metal boot) against the it's sides, making it enter a loud gallop down the street, as the powerful mammal neighed viciously, showing off his great speed. Alastor extended to meet the boy that was charging him.
(by the way, don't go correcting me here, I know jousts normally consist of lances, not halberds, and especially not electric guitars, but I simply couldn't resist the similarity of that to this scene. I'm quite prideful, so I'll let you know: don't go correcting me unless you want me to be seriously miffed.)
The two speed demons closed the distance rather quickly, until they were finally, for that split second, upon each other! Chris swung his weapon with as much force as his right arm could muster, and in suit, Alastor swung his weapon as well, as they traded their original places on the street… It went by so fast, it wasn't even evident who'd gotten the better of who, if either missed, or anything.
Chris suddenly gasped, as he watched the right handlebar of his bike… fall to the ground, sliced clean off! He looked at the unscratched Alastor across the street, and growled. This action only fueled his rage.
Cream ran to see if her friend was alright, but he took off down the road, charging Alastor, yet again, before she could make it close enough to ask. He roared down the street, perfectly balanced despite the missing handlebar, which was obviously meant only to taunt him, as his enemy matched his speed, charging him at an equal pace.
The two riders met again, but this time Chris didn't even so much as manage to swing, as his foe flipped his weapon, and used the blunt end of it to closeline him, clean off his bike! Chris gagged, and did a backflip before landing hard, his bike falling to it's side in the distance, unable to sustain itself without a rider.
Cream yelped, immediately rushing to his aid, passing Alastor along the way, whom let her, knowing that she wouldn't be much of a help to him anyway. She ran to the floored rock star, whom was still conscious, but just barely. He hacked heavily, showing the obvious damage that last attack had inflicted upon his throat. He was lucky that it didn't snap his neck! When he felt her hand upon his head, he opened his eyes.
“Chris! Oh my gosh, are you ok?!” She asked, her nerves obviously wrecked.
“C-Crea…m. Get out o- ..f” He stammered, voice crackling with weakness. He managed to push himself into a sitting position.
“Leave, girl! This is not your fight.” Alastor shouted from afar. Cream looked once, but ignored him.
“L-isten to… h-(hack) Go, you have to go!” The young rocker urged, managing to regain his voice, though it was still a bit sand papery. She shook her head, bell jingling as she did.
“I won't!” She refused, strongly.
“Chao! Chao!” Cheese said, firmly agreeing. Chris almost felt like smiling… but he decided against it.
Meanwhile, Alastor was beginning to notice that the bunny-like creature was… well, not human at all. This meant that she was from the same planet as Sonic, supposedly. He wondered…
Cream sniffled a little as she clinged to Chris, whom was now trying to get on his bike again.
“Cream, let go!” He yelled, squirming a bit.
“No! He'll kill you this time! I don't want you to die!” She shouted…
“…You! Girl!” Alastor yelled at her. She jumped, and her head snapped around to meet his deadly gaze…
“Do you know Sonic the Hedgehog…? Are you a friend of his…?” He asked, simply. Chris gasped a little bit, and positioned himself in front of her, angrily looking at the silver-eyed knight.
“Hey! Leave her out of this! You're not fighting her! She can't even defend herself!” The young rocker said, defensively. Alastor ignored the statement completely… It would be possible she DIDN'T know Sonic… but he concluded that she HAD to know him, and for that, must be executed.
“…She DOES know him, doesn't she…? She is his friend…? Then I'm afraid she must die as well!” He said, swinging his weapon in the air, intimidating her. She trembled as she held Chris's arm…
Chris's eyes narrowed… and something inside of him… deep inside of him EXPLODED. How could anyone want to kill such a delicate, timid, sweet, beautiful creature?! How could anyone be so evil, so heartless, so sadistic?! The boy's normally calm, deep blue eyes ignited, not reflecting a match, or a candle, nor an ember, but an INFERNO of rage.
He breathed in and out, heavily as he lightly pushed Cream off of him, not even bothering to grab his dirtbike, charging at the horsed Alastor, axe raised high, as his feet took him faster… faster… until he was running much faster than he'd ever done before! He rushed, as the frustration and emergency of the situation unleashed his true potential, his courageous spirit!
The knight looked down, surprised at how fast a mere human could run, as he was upon him quickly. However, Alastor saw opportunity in this, and held his halberd out, as to skewer the young boy!!
Came an eardrum-bursting blare from the boy's guitar, which had a built-in amplifier, turned all the way up. Cream shrieked as her sensitive ears were pierced by the mighty sound, and Alastor, startled, not even knowing that the technology of the day was capable of such things, was taken off guard, as his gauntlets released his weapon, and shot to cover his ears…
Chris, not wanting to waste his trump-card, took this chance to leap into the air, and, with a mighty yell, swat the knight firmly across the head with the point of his guitar, de-horsing him, making the heavy metal klank loudly upon the ground. Alastor lay motionless, as the wound upon his head bled openly.
Soon, life left his eyes entirely. Chris, completely out of energy, didn't even have the power to land on his feet, and he stumbled, falling to his stomach with a grunt. Consciousness slowly left him… and blackness consumed his vision…
…He felt soft hands brushing over his forehead, as he was startled awake, jolting up into a sitting position, practically scaring Cream half to death. Before he could say a word, a wave of pain washed over him, ripping a yelp from his vocals, as the bunny girl shooshed him and lay him back down upon the couch, which was a bit small for him.
“Chris! Don't move so much… you're hurt, I think some of your ribs might be fractured…” She said, soothingly. He had a blanket covering his body, and it was very warm… almost as warm as her presence…
Then things all came flowing back to him. His head jerked and he tried to move again, but she held him down easily, as he was still quite weak.
“Where's-..?!” He began, she put a finger on his lips, silencing him effectively.

“It's ok, Chris… You got him. Some people came and took him away… He won't hurt anyone else…” She trailed, hinting that Chris had successfully took his life.
The injured rocker thought on that for a moment… wow… he couldn't believe he'd actually KILLED somebody, even if he didn't mean to, and in self defense… It was… a horrible feeling, and he didn't like it. He stood silent for a long time, and Cream found that she'd have to cheer him up somehow.
“…Don't worry… you saved me… again! At this rate, you'll out-do even Mr. Sonic!” She said to him, winking. Chris smiled, and relished that statement… Maybe things wouldn't be so bad after all…
…He'd won the battle… and now he would get the joy of being nursed to health by Dr. Cream!
End Chapter
Yes yes, I know… But I think it's unbelievably cute, don't you? The bell I mean… I don't know why, I just love them. Is that so HARD to understand?!
Anyway, super duper Creamy Chris fluff, I know, but ultimately she'll end up with Tails… at least in THIS fic… hehe. Yes, there WILL be a sequel, but don't even acknowledge I said that, because I'll get DELETED for that shit.
Why the fuck are these sites so uptight about this shit?! Whatever… just review, muh darlin's.