Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Miles 'Foxy' Prower! ❯ Clash of the Avians ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ahhh… I remember when I started writing this chapter…. about… a day ago, I think. Yup, I was perty glad… cuz I had 226 reviews at this point… then, it all went to hell when deleted the story right when I was about to reach the top… the fucking bastards. ^_^
Hahahaha, I'm laughing about it now, though… because I've said some mean ass shit about, and, if you STILL don't hate the fuck out of it, then I'll be damned. Anyway, this is the latest chapter… the story's not done yet… but I update VERY fast, so don't worry! Read this, then leave me a real nice review, telling me what you think, ok?
Miles `Foxy' Prower! Chapter 14 “Clash of the Avians”
Dead of the night in the Mystic Ruins… Poetic, and yet ominous. The blackest of clouds circle above… seeming to swirl in the sky, like vultures. There was not thunder, nor lightning, but night… still, and calm, to the point that would make one's stomach churn. A certain uneasiness was communicated quietly by nature.
Tails, being a homebody by nature, remained in his workshop, rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes. He couldn't sleep… on a night like this, he didn't want to. First, nearly being raped. Twice. Then… Shadow. Then…. He discovers the existence of a different world, and Vampires…
This was way too much for a 15 year old to handle!
The foxboy groaned in frustration. What would he do? He'd been pondering, weighing out his options for hours… he couldn't decide on what he wanted to do…
His priorities struggled with his curiosity. He COULD delve into a whole new field of… erh, `study'… yeah, that's it, study, if he were to use the aroma of his fur to his advantage… He could see what it actually feels like to enjoy the female touch… He could be loved, adored, worshipped even! But…
That was the point where the little angel on his shoulder began to argue with the little devil on the other one. He couldn't take advantage of somebody's emotions like that! It was just wrong… He had no right… but…
…He now had the ability. He found himself growling, his patience with himself growing thin, as he scruffled the fur of his head, irritated with the sudden anxiety. He'd have to FORCE himself to do one thing, or the other, arbitrarily, or he'd never decide. Not wanting to continue basking in his own agitation, he finally decided to…
But who would he try it on…? Rouge and Amy were both eliminated immediately… Amy… He couldn't approach her safely… After seeing the way she reacted, he could well end up ruining more than one life… not only that, but if the effect ever wore off, and she found out… She'd KILL HIM!
Rouge… NO. NO. NO… he told himself, fighting to keep images out of his head. She was nothing short of scary, even if it was in an intriguing way, it was too much of a risk. Besides, Knuckles might blow his top… despite the factuality that he'd never openly admitted to any feelings… mental or physical (possibly both) he'd encountered around the bat. However, it was painfully obvious.
A pair of long ears, a fluffy cottonball tail, and glimmering chocolate eyes penetrated his mind. His body froze, and he completely zoned out, as the thought consumed him entirely. It was as if he was a statue… the only thing moving were his cerulean irises, which fluctuated unsurely within his eyes.
The cocoa eyes in his mind twinkled, and he saw stars within them… uncharted, warm stars, brighter than a sea of oil set ablaze. An entire undiscovered universe lied within that rabbit's huge, innocent eyes.
He watched a small drop of saliva fall from his mouth, and he slapped his gloved hand upon it immediately. Was he just drooling…?
What WAS it about her?! What was it that fascinated him so much… that made him want to run to her, and avoid her in the same heartbeat? Her very thought seemed to make his world flip upside down, and become illogical and confusing…
…Whenever Cream the Rabbit visited him in his countless dreams of her, all of his intellect, all of his understanding of the real world crumbled… right down to the stuff he knew about himself. She was like a dream… she seemed to lock his normally abundant coherent thought.
He would see her so vividly in his dreams… he eventually began to wonder whether or not he was asleep, every time he saw her… It wasn't, however, as rare as you think, that they were to see one another in reality… she visited him a lot… though he never said much.
He'd just stare, and look away whenever her eyes tried to catch his. He'd nod at everything she said… relishing the voice, but not the words… he could only focus his mind on one thing whenever she was around… and it was usually her. Scratch that. That was a statement of good old American denial. He ALWAYS focused on her.
They say that knowledge talks, but wisdom listens… Her presence, whether the ethereal beauty of his dreams… or the angelic damsel of harsh reality, it always seemed to steal his wisdom away. And when that happened, he had no wisdom to hate her with… nor true knowledge on which to depend on. Leaving him with nothing… except an unbridled fascination.
Such power it must have required to render the brilliant Fox so helpless! It was a power he'd come to dread, and yet, at the same time… adore.
Being a genius, busy all the time, he himself, had long forgotten how to clear his mind, and calm down. The release… the tranquility… the gentle sweetness of each moment her visions brought him… he had to admit, were indescribable. Like nothing he'd ever felt… it was almost as if all his worries… his fatigues, and his personal issues and complexes were…
Wisp'd away by her very existence. Time and time again he'd find himself going to her… and each and every time, it was harder and harder to pull himself away.
Every time he'd become more and more inclined to her, and yet, more and more afraid that he'd become TOO inclined. He shook his head, successfully warding her for now.
As his rationality returned to him, he suddenly connected two key dots. Where he to… apply the experiment to her… Perhaps he'd find some fulfillment? Perhaps she'd stop plaguing his mind… perhaps he'd no longer care if she did, perhaps…
Suddenly, a thunderous crash struck his home… and he was thrown to the floor from his couch. He regained his senses fully after a moment, and he hopped up, looking ready for anything, yet also worried.
It couldn't have been an earthquake… it was one solid crash. He began inspecting his workshop for the damages… As he rounded a corner, his stomach lurched, as he saw the door to his house… on the floor… in two symmetrical pieces…
This was scary. From the looks of it, the door had been… cut in half. The cut was absolutely perfect… that couldn't be a good thing for him! He looked around… To the left, to the right, behind him… everywhere, trying to find the intruder. His dual tails flared up, tensing for battle.
Now, Tails was no fool. If the intruder was out to harm him, then the logical thing to do was to exit the house, and enter more open grounds outside, so nobody could sneak up on him and slit his throat. And that's what he did. He didn't dash, didn't walk cautiously, but jumped and rolled outside, like some sort of agent amidst a gun fight. He sprung up immediately, looking directly behind him.
He turned round and round, trying to keep his eyes in every direction… he knew somebody was watching him… he could feel it. The presence wasn't in his house… but…
Suddenly, Tails was struck, hard, in the back of the head by something solid, and blunt. How did they get the drop on me?! He thought, as he fumbled forward, onto his stomach. Something in his brain, perhaps his instinct, perhaps his intuition, urged him to move immediately, despite injury.
The fox boy, thankfully, obeyed it, rolling to the side, as a sharp blade whirred, slicing the earth where his head was, a mere instant earlier. His grace finally caught up with him, and he backflipped to his feet, springing back from his hand. He was ready to fight now… not another attack was getting by him!
He analyzed the foe, surprised to discover that it wasn't any type of machine… but… a human?
The man smirked, apparently rejoicing that his target was not so simple to kill as his appearance belayed. He was a man of an average build… though a not-so-average evil pulsated from him…. it was enough to make a person with a normal intestinal fortitude physically sick.
He wore studded leather armor, a green tunic, and a purple headband… his hair was oddly toned, the hue of a pine tree… a very deep green. His eyes were much like Sonic's… Neon, emerald green… though his… they were nothing short of scary. As Tails looked into those eyes… he sensed power, fierce, malicious power…
Tails had become much, much braver over the years… and he'd developed a natural talent for feeling… like a gut sense, people's intentions. Eventually, he'd gotten to where he could just tell if somebody was good, bad, lying, or telling the truth… He had a super-sensitive sixth sense for detecting evil, and this guy set it off like nobody's business. For the first time in a long time, the fox boy felt his legs shaking.
“Hahahaha… Miles `Tails' Prower… I can just smell the fear on you, already!” He announced, twirling his razor sharp longsword, and sheathing it, as he walked slowly closer to him. Tails said nothing, still trying to fathom who this was, what he wanted, why he was here. The fox took a step back.
After a long moment, the evil man stood, arms folded, ever grinning, and let out another tainted laugh.
“Have you nothing to say to me…? You must really BE horrified. Maybe what they say is true…? Maybe you are the wisest of your kind, to fear me…” He said, full of himself. Tails shook his head, his will conquering his weakness… he couldn't be afraid… the second he becomes afraid, it would all be over.
“Who are you?!” The two-tailed wonder demanded to know. The assassin popped his neck, rather loudly.
“I thought you'd never ask… I am many things… the incarnation of death… tangible destruction… the very worst of your nightmares…” He said, his words tipped with venom, as he took delight in using fear to his advantage… “…But I suppose, since you are about to die, you may call me by my birth name…” He drew his blade, and held it in front of him, pointing it at his target.
“I am Artimus, the Lethal!” He shouted, for the whole world to hear. As if on this very cue, a lightning bolt flashed behind him, and a crack of thunder followed. Tails took another step back, looking wary, and a bit nervous.
Artimus… the name went into his ears, and slithered up and down his body, making it tingle with coldness, seeming to freeze his very blood.
Tails had to be strong, he told himself. Sonic… Sonic wouldn't be afraid… Fear would only slow him down… and Sonic had no fear… maybe that's why he was so fast? The fox boy mentally demolished his terror, and achieved a state of enhanced awareness… imagining his blue friend at his side.
The fox didn't hesitate another moment… Sonic would never hesitate, so neither would he. He charged at his attacker, his tails propelling himself forward, as the distance was closed easily. Tails was fast… but Artimus was much faster, showing this by dodging the attack with the utmost simplicity. He didn't even bother to counterattack.
The fox boy nearly fell down, not expecting any human to be that fast… no, on second thought, this couldn't be any NORMAL human…
Artimus's silvery sword rested in his right hand, at his side, in no real fighting stance… It didn't look like he intended to use the weapon just yet… Tails glanced at it. He remembered the door… did he accomplish slashing 2 inches of steel in half with just that…?! It wasn't scientifically possible… he'd need unfathomable skill, strength, velocity…
…He shook his head, making the decision to worry about that later… His head throbbed… he was likely hit by the hilt of that sword… was Artimus merely toying with him?
His first tactic failing, Tails deployed an ability that would surely give him an advantage: His flight. He whirled his claims to fame, lifting himself into the air. He grinned, waiting for the enemy's surprised reaction… but…
Artimus didn't look the slightest bit impressed.
“Ha… hahaha…. hahahahahahaha! You call THAT flight?! How foolish!” He mocked, from the ground down below. Tails only glared down at him, trying not to let the words anger him.
“At least I CAN fly, Fartimus!” Tails shouted down to him, confident. Artimus scowled in disgust.
“How immature! I'll cut that grin off your face, you cur!” The leader of the Chaos Troupe shouted up, secretly insulted by this name.
Tails rolled about in the sky, laughing as hard as he could, just to rub it in… two could play at these mind games. …What the two-tailed flyer didn't know, however, is that Artimus had more than enough skill to force-feed him those words. His mid-air mockery was cut short, as he noticed that… something from the ground appeared to be giving off a strange light.
The fox immediately detected danger, as he looked down, to see, to his dismay…
“Huh?!” Tails shouted, his eyes dilating with surprise, as his… backside is swatted by the flat side of a blade, causing him to yelp and fall to the ground, with a thud. His eyes teared up as he rubbed his aching rump…
“Hahahahahahahaha! If you want to insult someone, do it physically, you worthless maggot!” Came the above taunts of Artimus… Tails looked up, angry at first, but his face faded to worry when he saw that…
Artimus had wings! Upon his back, they flapped up and down, levitating him… ever-glowing, and transparent, almost as if they weren't real…
But, seeing as they enabled him to fly, the fox found that, unfortunately for him, the were indeed, real. He rubbed his sore bottom again, hoping the insulting sword-spank wouldn't affect his flying.
A bit angry now, Tails twisted his dual appendages, and took to the air again, leveling with the emerald assassin. They stared each other down for a long time… Artimus was still merely toying with him, it was obvious… so he was waiting to be attacked… whereas Tails was trying to think of some tactic that would work to his advantage… He looked at the razor sharp blade, in which his foe gripped with his right hand, and felt beads of sweat forming on his head… the accursed sword proved to be even more of an obstacle than the Wings of Chaos. He'd use his mighty tails to attack his foe… but… he wouldn't be ABLE to if they were to get lopped off!
The thought made his stomach twist agonizingly. Every strategy he thought of had a flaw… And Artimus was beginning to look impatient.
“…What are you waiting for? Attack me, or be attacked!” the avian warrior shouted, swishing his light blade through the air threateningly. Tails flinched, but did nothing.
The fox boy was no fool… and he NEVER attacked unsurely… never without a sure-fire plan, of which he currently had none. He began considering a hasty retreat… dishonorable, maybe… but he was unarmed, and he was no vicious fighter like Sonic or Knuckles…
He decided to see if he could out-fly him. Tails waited one more moment, then used all of the might in his `copter-like tails to jet through the air, seaward. Artimus was surprised, delaying his reaction and giving Miles a head start, before he gave chase, shouting angrily after him:
“You coward! Have you no honor?!” He screamed at the soaring fox. Tails looked back, to see that he was quickly catching up with him…
“Maybe maneuverability then…?” The vulpine genius whispered to himself, performing an impressive rise, followed by a backwards dive. This was his greatest evasive action… he'd actually used it to dodge heat seeking missiles in the past, but…
No dice! Artimus not only predicted, but counter-acted the move, screeching to a halt and reversing his direction to slice at Tails…
The fox's heart throbbed for that one moment, when everything seemed to freeze, as the outcome of the attack resulted in…
He ripped his slashed vest from his chest, to see himself still intact… it was a close miss, and a miraculous one! Tails mentally praised his luck, as he formed a small strategy…
He continued to retreat, despite it's futility. He looked behind him, an enraged swordsman gaining on him, weapon extended. He didn't look to happy about that miss. The fox kept flying, and flying, until the villain was a mere centimeter from coming into range to strike when…
…Tails turned the tables. He stopped mid-air, and turned around, on a collision coarse with his foe, who's face was twisted in surprise, as the young fox lashed at him with both of his powerful `weapons'… but…
Artimus somehow managed to slip away from them, making the attack end in failure. His tails hitting nothing, and no longer spinning to support him, the astonished fox plummeted, catching himself just before hitting the sea.
This wasn't good… he looked around, until his baby blues locked onto his enemy once again. The most powerful of all 7 emerald spirits smiled arrogantly, as he hovered above him, looking devilishly smug. Tails clinched his fists.
“Lucky dodge!” the young fox claimed.
“Look who's talking?” The emerald-eyed swordsman countered.
“Grrrr… I'm gonna clip those wings of yours!” The boy yelled, giving in to his own frustration. Artimus gave a tainted grin.
“I dare you to try…” He said, eyes flashing with confidence, malice, and deadliness. Tails was too mad to come up with any witty come-backs.
“You're such a jerk!” He shouted, running out of strategies, wit, and dangerously low on hope. The masterful fighter only grinned larger, and more evilly.
“At least I don't fly with my ass…” He taunted. With that snide remark, Tails's patience, logic, and common sense all snapped at once.
Without another second passing, the fox's face twisted in rage, and he roared more viciously than he ever had before. For the first time in his life, he was blinded by anger. He propelled himself toward his hated enemy, reaching a velocity that exceeded even his normal limits.
Artimus, however, underestimated the power that anger bestowed. Tails came up faster than he'd expected, and his weapon was still to the side when a fist came into contact with his face, with a loud popping sound.
…For a moment, both were still in the air, the assassin's head slumped slightly to the side, a fist-shaped bruise visible on his cheek. The attacking fox froze also, his fist still in the poised from that last swing.
Ominously, Artimus raised his head, a terrifying sort of irritation eddying about his expression. He spit out a single tooth, and wiped his mouth. Tails suddenly regained his senses, as his anger faded… he should have attacked with his tails but… his fist jumped out first. He'd never had impressive arm strength… in a different situation, it would have been laughable that he had been capable of knocking someone's tooth out with the limb.
Before he could blink, a sharp pain gripped his cheek, and another powerful blow sent him plummeting, until his body bounced a few times after colliding with solid ground.
A agonized grunt was ripped from the fox's throat, as he tried to regain the wind that was knocked out of him. He coughed a few times, picking himself up from the ground, weakly. He felt his cheek which felt like it was on fire… He'd been cut, but not bad…
It was right across the scar that Amy'd given him (see chapter 1)… and it would probably leave another nasty one on his face… Blood oozed from it… not a sick amount, but enough to let you know that it was more than a tiny scratch.
“(coughing a little)… ok… that didn't work out so well…” The fox boy choked out, still a little woozy from being kicked so hard. He staggered up, and something… fell out of the pockets of his shorts…
He looked down at it… it was his master remote. (again, see chp. 1)
The master remote… it was one of the best things he'd ever invented. It was compact, it worked on virtually every type of mechanical device, and he'd even formatted it to control the Typhoon!
Something in Tails's big ol' brain clicked, as he finally formed an idea that would surely save his pelt.
“Of coarse! Why didn't I think of it sooner…?” He whispered to himself as he picked up the device, then looked up at Artimus, who was flying ominously downward.
“…I really must congratulate you, fox… you're the first warrior who's ever struck me successfully… Too bad I have to kill you now…” He said, landing on the ground, his wings disappearing as he did.
Tails hid the remote behind him, though he couldn't prevent the huge grin from forming on his face. Artimus scowled demonically.
“…What are you smirking about, you court jester?” He insulted, taking a single step toward the fox…
“…This.” Tails said, before the leader of the Chaos Troupe heard a beeping noise from behind him.
Came the sound of the thunderous propeller on the Typhoon, which shot out into the sky from Tails's workshop, like a mighty eagle, arcing backwards, causing Artimus to be extremely startled…
“W-w-What IS that thing?!” Came his shocked yell, as he watched the machine to an impressive aerial trick.
Being that the last time Artimus was released from the green Chaos Emerald was 1000 years ago, the poor warrior was frightened, having no idea whatsoever exactly what the strange object was…
The swift Typhoon zipped through the air, as the young foxboy amused himself in torturing his foe with it, using the joystick on the remote to make it zoom by him several times, though the nimble warrior cautiously dodged each time, shouting curses.
Not wanting to be foolish as to give the assassin time to figure out he was the one controlling the `blasted metal bird' (as the villain had consistently been referring to it), he jumped into the air on the last pass, leaping into the cockpit, with a well-practiced, swift motion. He flew up, up, and away in his plane, praising his lucky stars that he always carried his wonderful little remote with him.
Artimus finally caught on, and jumped into the air, his wings materializing. He yelled something after him, but Tails couldn't hear it over the loud propeller. Without a moment's hesitation, the young fox boy pressed the big red button that would ensure his victory…
“Typhoon! Transform!” He yelled out, (really just for show, but, you know) as the plane underwent it's amazing, brilliant transformation…
The winged essence of the green Emerald stopped mid-air, staring in awe as the metal of the plane twisted, clanked, and robotically molded, enshrining the inventive fox-boy within it…
Tails's most powerful inventions proved always to be parts of his planes… the fact that the Typhoon was the smallest-looking aircraft he'd ever built only hid it's true nature… that nature being the most powerful weapon he'd ever constructed!
The process completed, and the fox grinned, only his head visible, as a bionic cursor-device lowered mechanically to cover one of his eyes. Artimus didn't even know what to think, as he looked at his new opponent…
There he was, his body enveloped by his invention… which he fondly dubbed the Bionic Omni-Optical Suit/Tank… or B.O.O.S.T. It was the only transformation of the Typhoon… but also the only one it would ever need. It looked to be a humanoid robot, with legs, and arms. The core of the machine was bulky, containing the engine of the machine, and the power-source, which was an alternation of cold fusion, combining the theory of free energy with the fake chaos emerald he'd created long ago, resulting in a similar affect to having it powered by a REAL Chaos Emerald… The legs contained many jet-like propulsion systems that could move him every which way he desired, and quickly. Upon the right shoulder, there was a large device, looking like a golden needle, which was in reality, a proton cannon, which blasted a highly concentrated and condensed particle beam, capable of piercing 30 inches of titanium… when set to minimal power. On the left, there was a box, containing more than a dozen gravitic rockets, which had various lock-on features. The right arm of the machine was an extremely large gun, which was similar to a gattling gun, only using more powerful projectiles, fired by using the rail gun principal, or using magnets to fire the bullets at increased velocity… It was dubbed the `Vulcan cannon'. Upon the other arm, there appeared to be only a hand, but, concealed within that, there was a fully functional magnetic force-field, which could completely deflect anything from a .45 caliber handgun, to an .75 anti-tank shell.
The view of the machine, through the eyes of one who must battle it… let us just say, was nothing short of horrifying. This was, by far, the most devastatingly destructive thing the young boy had ever built… he often felt as if creating such a weapon was a crime to this world… though he was mentally thanking himself for that now.
Tails looked at the so-called `assassin' through the night vision scope, seeing the body heat in various colors. As he watched him, it seemed that his body was getting colder, and colder… as if from fear. The fox hesitated, then tapped the robotic monocle twice, causing it to whir, then fold up out of his line of normal vision. He didn't need it.
He looked at Artimus, who's face was etched with sheer terror. Seeing something like this nowadays would be scary… but seeing one 1000 years ago…? Something like that would likely drive a person insane.
Suddenly, despite the fact that this man had nearly killed him, Tails felt… sympathy toward him. The advantage he now held was nothing short of unfair.
…For a long moment, neither dared to speak. Finally, the young fox said something.
“…You should've thought twice before trying to kill me, Artimus.” He said, his words strangely gentle, though meant to be threatening. “…I've got more than enough firepower here to incinerate you to nothing but a spec of dust… so… If you still want to live, then leave, now!” He shouted, raising his Vulcan Cannon to aim it at his foe.
Artimus's face suddenly faded from fear, and twisted into one of anger… he would not run away… he WOULD NOT lose… He had to please his master… he HAD to.
“So you have a suit of armor now… big deal! I'll shred you into confetti nonetheless!” The spirit shouted, dashing forward, sword extended to dismantle the levitating machine.
Tails closed his eyes, sad that he had to do this… as his finger pulled on a trigger…
The faint sound roused the aching bat from her unconsciousness…
“Oh… my aching head…” The silky voice muttered, as she rose to sit up.
End chapter
That's all for now folks… I know, I know… 14 chapters and STILL no romance, right?! Well, you lucky fools got all 14 at the same time, so you haven't been waiting half as long as the faithful reviewers from had… but have faith! The longer you wait for it, the better it'll be…
Action scenes aren't the ONLY thing's I can write, as you'll soon see.
Anyway, if you're being a fucker and haven't reviewed ANY of the other chapters, then you better leave a KICKASS review for this one, that is IF you want me to keep writing… I update very, very quick… WHEN I get reviews… so come on! If you don't review, then trust me, no one will. That's all I've got to say.
That and's a faggot.