Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Of Gems and Emeralds ❯ The Unusual Chase ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Of Gems and Emeralds

Disclaimer: I own none of the sonic characters.

A/M: This is the next action/comedy for those of you that would enjoy very much.

Rating: R for Strong Violence and Action, pervasive language, sexual content, and drug use.

Recommended For: Bad Boys, All About The Benjamins, Die Hard

Fade In-

Ext. Station Square Museum - Night

It was a beautiful night in station square with lots of lights on and everything else to go around. Most of all, it's quiet.

Cut To:

Int. Museum

It was empty inside the museum as security guards were guarding the entire museum.

Int. Center

Inside, we see a diamond guarded behind a square glass and security.

Int. Vent

Inside the vent, we see someone in a gear with a light-top helmet on. It was none other than manic hedgehog and he was very equipped. Behind him was cyrus Lion as manic looked through the holes of the vent door and saw the security lasers around the prized possession.

Manic: (whispers) Bingo. (to cyrus) Kill those lasers, man.

Cyrus: (took out laptop)

Manic: (noticed, whispers) Man, you could've been had that out!

Cyrus: (whispers) I thought we was going for money.

Manic: (smacks lips, whispers) What gave you that idea?

Cyrus: (typing, whispers) You did.

Manic: (whispers) Oh, man. I never- (sighs) Nevermind. Let's do this thing.

Cyrus pressed "Enter" on the key as the lasers has been deactivated. Manic quietly took off the vent and took out a cable before connecting it to his back belt buckle.

Int. Center

Manic was soon lowered down from the vent slowly as he had goggles on. He saw the emerald but their was a problem. The emerald is protected by lasers, four defense turrets, and a hidden camera not far from manic.

Manic: (frustrated sigh, whispers) Okay.

Manic took out a spray from his pocket before spraying the nearby camera on the corner.

Int. Security Room

The security guards were asleep although the alarm will wake them up. They haven't noticed the camera being tampered with.

On Manic

Manic then took out an earpiece and placed it in his ear.

Manic: (on earphone, whispers) Cyrus, kill the laser and disable the turrets.

On Cyrus

Cyrus: (typing) Roger that, boss. (press enter key)

Int. Center

The lasers were disabled and the turrets lowered down like they were dead as manic lowered some more on the emerald. He had black gloves on to keep his prints from them. He slowly reached the emrald as he grabbed it. He kissed the emerald before signalling for cyrus to pull him up.

Int. Security Room

(10 minutes later)

One security guard started waking up before noticing that the camera was tempered with.

Security 1: Shit.

Int. Center

Soon, the security raided the area and found that the emerald was gone from the museum's center.

(Rap Music Playing)


A car was riding in the early day on the streets.

Int. Car

(Manic and Cyrus laughing)

Cyrus: I can't believe we pulled that shit off, man! (laughing)

Manic: Who's the best thief in the whole fuckin' universe?

Cyrus: You are, my man! (laughing)

Manic: Who's Da Man?

Cyrus: (points to manic) You Da Man!

Manic: No, No, dawg. You Da Man! (laughing)

Cyrus/Manic: (laughing)

Manic: I mean, this is the free world, man. And no cops is there to stop us. You heard me?

Cyrus: I hear ya, dawg.

Manic: They send every cop and they couldn't find us. I mean, who they gonna send now? Matlock?

Cyrus: (laughing)

Manic: I know it ain't no Quincy Jones or some shit.

Cyrus: (laughing)

Manic: How bout Andy Griffith?

Cyrus: (laughing) Boy, please.

Manic: (chuckles) I mean, who else is there?

Cut To:

Int. Office

A paper was being slammed on the desk involving the robbery at the museum. At the desk was Athair Echidna.

Athair: Who the hell could pull shit like this?! (paused) Oh, I know. A petty thief. That's what.

Voice: Don't get ya'll knickers in a twist, chief.

Athair turned to the new voice. He eyed a chair where it turned around revealing Bunnie Rabbot with a necklace on holding her badge. She was wearing a black leather jacket and shades. She was also wearing some neat clothings.

Athair: Bunnie Rabbot. I thought you were suspended.

On Bunnie

Bunnie: (gets up, chuckles) Do you think often, chief?

On Athair

Athair: (paused) Nevermind.

Bunnie: Now let me see if ah got this. You're looking for a thief, is that correct?

Athair: Yeah. So far, he has robbed over 10 places including a museum last night. He took with him a priceless emerald that was secured over heavy surveillence. This guy happens to be good to get pass the entire goddamn security alarm.

On Bunnie

Bunnie paces back and forth before speaking.

Bunnie: Ah know who he is.

On Athair

Athair: (looks at her) Who?

Bunnie: Professional Thief Manic Hedgehog.

On Bunnie

Bunnie: He has a partner by the name of cyrus lion who assisted in this robbery.

Athair: How do you know all that?

Bunnie: Ah clashed with him before. (chuckles) Caught the son of a bitch 5 times and ends up flipping through mah goddamn fingers.

Athair: Did this have something to do with your suspension in knothole?

Bunnie: No, that was personal shit ah had to deal with.

Athair: Oh.

Oh Athair

Athair: (reads document) Well, I looked at your record and it appears that you have caught many criminals and thieves throughout the 2 years you've been on the force. (looks at her) You think you can catch this one?

On Bunnie

Bunnie: (looks at him, smiles)

On Athair

Athair: Well?

On Bunnie

Bunnie: Lift mah suspension and you'll see.

Ext. Daytime

Skyscraper buildings were shown in the afternoon of station square.

On Sidewalk

Manic was on the sidewalk wearing a disguise and holding a bag in hand. He was walking in a jewelry store unnoticed to him that he was being watched a distance from his location.

Int. Store

Manic entered the store as the clerk dismissed his customer and went to the next. Manic scanned the place before taking out some sort of small camera the size of a peanut. He pressed a button on it as a slot opened at the end of it showing a lens in the peanut.

On Cyrus

Cyrus was inside a house viewing the entire thing as he was typing on his computer. He started searching the entire store as manic moves the hidden camera around.

On Manic

Manic was still looking when...

Clerk: Can I help you, sir?

Manic turned to the clerk.

(Camera Angle Behind Cyrus)

Cyrus lost the sight due to manic's directional turn.

Cyrus: Fuck!

On Manic

Manic: Um, (Irish accent) No. Thank you, young fellow. But I'm just looking around the place. No harm to you now.

On Clerk

Clerk: (nods)

The clerk went back to work with his customer as manic switched back to his direction and got the hidden camera back in place.

(Camera Angle Left of Cyrus)

Cyrus was still searching when he found what he was looking for.

On Cyrus' Eyes

His eyes sparkled like emeralds.

Cyrus: Merry motherfuckin' christmas. (on com) I found it.

On Manic

Cyrus: (from com) It's to your left.

Manic looked left to find two gems there.

On Gems

The gems were on 2 staff sparkling red and green.

On Manic

Manic approaches the gems before turning to the clerk. It was only a matter of time before manic passed the two staff. As he did, the gems were gone. Manic walks pass the clerk before waving. The clerk waves back before going back to work.


Manic exited the store with the bag in hand. He took off the shade that disguised him and looked inside the bag which has the two gems inside.

Manic: Score!

(Engines revving)

Manic heard it before turning around. He was in shock to see what he saw.

Close Up on Car

A blue altima car was shown as Bunnie Rabbot was inside and saw the entire thing.

On Manic

Manic: Fuck! (runs off)

On Bunnie

Bunnie: Oh, you runnin' now, huh?

Bunnie pressed the accelerator and drove after manic.

(Techno Music plays)

On Manic

Manic ran almost as fast as sonic as he started bumping into bystanders.

Bystander 1: Hey!

Bystander 2: Watch where you're fucking going!

Manic kept running.

On Bunnie

Bunnie was catching up to him before noticing manic turning an alley.

Bunnie: (laughs) Whoo!


Bunnie turns her car to the alley following manic.

On Manic

Manic turned and saw bunnie still following him.

Manic: This bitch won't quit! Don't she ever fucking quit!

Manic kept running and passing a puddle doing so. He soon got out the alley and crossed the street through bypassing cars. He tumbled over one car that was in the way and continued on.

On Bunnie's Car

Bunnie's car was still following him when...

(Engines sputter)

Bunnie: (noticed) What the fuck?!

Bunnie checked her meter to find her low of gas.

Bunnie: (shocked) No fuckin' way. (bang on compartment) Fuck!


Bunnie stopped her car and got out before running. She soon got out her gun and went after manic.

On Manic

Manic was running the sidewalks as he turned around and didn't see bunnie's car. He soon stopped to catch his breath.

(Techno Music stops)

Manic: (panting heavily)

It didn't take long for him to noticed bunnie running among the crowds.

Manic: (shocked) No, no, no. Fuck naw!

He continues running despite gasping for air.

On Bunnie

Bunnie aims and shoots at manic but was only shooting newspaper holders and concrete walls missing him.

On Newspaper Guy

A newspaper guy was even walking by.

Newspaper Guy: Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

On Bunnie

Bunnie ran and knocked the newspaper guy out the way.

On Newspaper Guy

Newspaper Guy: (retorts) Hey, if you don't like the news, don't fucking watch TV, jerkoff!

On Manic

Manic soon took another alley and wished that he didn't when a dead end was there.

Manic: Damn!

He ran back out before bumping into bunnie as they both toppled over and fell to the ground. They quickly got up and stared each other off.

On Manic

Manic: (panting) What the fuck are you doing here? Aren't you suspended?

On Bunnie

Bunnie: (panting) Haven't you heard, sugahog? Suspension lifted. Meaning ya'll ass is all mine. You have the right to remain silent so ah suggest you surrender.

On Manic

Manic: (shakes head) Not today.

Manic ran at bunnie and threw a left hook.

On Bunnie

Bunnie ducks and threw a hook to manic's midsection and a punch to his face.

On Manic

The results of that prompts manic delivering a back hand to bunnie's face staggering her back.

On Manic and Bunnie

They both regained their composure.

On Bunnie

Bunnie: (felt her lips bleeding, spits out blood, looks at manic)

On Manic

Manic: (smirks) You ain't the only one who kick ass.

On Bunnie

Bunnie: And you ain't the only one knowing bullshit like this.

At that, bunnie took a running start and threw a jumping left kick staggering him back.

On Manic

Manic hits the ground before jumping back to his feet.

On Bunnie

Bunnie: (surprised) Mah stars. You pretty good.

On Manic

Manic: No fuckin' shit. You're not so bad yourself.

On Bunnie

Bunnie: Aww. Thanks for the compliments.

On Manic

Manic charged her with a left and back hand which bunnie ducks and blocks easily before swiping manic's left leg and throwing a clothline to manic. Manic was sent about a few feet back before hitting a car door leaving a dent.

On Bunnie

Bunnie approaches him and stops having her hand on her right hip.

On Manic

Manic soon got up and cracked his neck.

(Angle over Bunnie and Manic)

Bunnie and Manic ran at each other exchanging blows and blocking each other moves til one was victorious.

On Bunnie and Manic

They soon ended it when they got into a tie-up and before they could break it...

(Sirens wailing louder)

They both looked and found police cars approaching their area. About 5 to 8 of them were there as cops got out and started aiming their rifles at them.

Cop 1: Freeze!!

Cop 2: Put your hands up, motherfucker!!

On Bunnie and Manic

Bunnie and manic quickly lets go and puts their hands up. It didn't take long for bunnie to flash her badge from her left hand.

Bunnie: Ah'm on it!

Manic: (scoffs) Yeah, right.