Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Of Gems and Emeralds ❯ Seeing The Boss ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Cut To:

Int. Police Station

Bunnie entered the place with the handcuffed manic hedgehog as everyone in the police station cheered her on. Manic took a bow as Athair came out his office.

Athair: (shocked, sees manic) I don't believe it. Is th-Is that him?

On Bunnie

Athair: That the thief?

Bunnie: (smiles, nods)

On Athair

Athair: (laughing excitedly) Yes! (points to manic) Your ass is in hot water, boy! (Laughs)

On Manic

Manic: Man, whatever. I want my fuckin' lawyer cause ya'll can't keep my ass here forever.

Bunnie: (nudges him) Shut the fuck up! Ah said, you have the rights to remain silent. And you will shut ya'll mouth.

Manic: (paused) Wait a minute. Now I recognize you. You're that-You're that fowlmouth cop who got fucked off in knothole village.

On Bunnie

Bunnie: Yeah and ya'll daddy was the-uh too, sugahog.

Manic: Hey, fuck you. You don't know my daddy.

Bunnie: Oh, yeah ah do. The drunk looking motherfucker ah caught trying to steal the worlds biggest chao emerald on floating isle?

On Manic

Manic: (shakes head) Hell naw. He didn't do that.

Bunnie: Yeah, yeah. Come on.

Int. Interrogation Room

On Bunnie and Manic

Manic: I ain't telling you where he is.

Bunnie: You know that ah can kick ya'll ass in this motherfucker if ah had too.

Manic: What, with that punk-ass shit you pulled on the streets?

Bunnie: Ah can do just that. Now tell me.

Manic: No.

Bunnie: (chuckles) Y-you not makin' this easy, aren't you?

Manic: I like it hard.

Bunnie: Oh, yeah?

Manic: Mm-hmm.

Bunnie: Eva been somebody's bitch?

Manic: The fuck you talkin' about? I might be somebody's nigger but I ain't nobody's bitch.

Bunnie: Then you can tell me where ya'll friend is.

Manic: Or what?

Int. Hallway

Knuckles and Tikal were in the hallway drinking coffee.

Knuckles: How's she doing?

(Thuds and banging on the walls)

Manic: (from room) This is cruel unusual punishment!

Tikal: (nods) She's doing great. Just rough sex.

Int. Interrogation Room

(10 minutes later)

On Manic

Manic had a a huge black eye as he and bunnie was still seated at the table.

On Bunnie

Bunnie: (cracks neck) That was round 5. You put up a pretty good fight for a bitch.

On Manic

Manic: Ha Ha.

Bunnie: Where is he?

Manic: (paused)

On Bunnie

Bunnie noticed and before she could do anything.

On Manic

Manic: (holds up hands) Alright, alright! Goddamn it! Okay, he's at the house on south avenue and trinity street.

On Bunnie

Bunnie: Excellent choice.


Cops were everywhere raiding the house.


They bursted inside and started searching the house for cyrus.


On Bunnie

Bunnie was standing outside waiting for them to find him when her intercom beeps.

Bunnie: (answers, on com) Yeah.

Cop 1: (from com) He's not here, ma'am.

Bunnie: (shocked, on com) No, no, no. He's he-uh. The little fucker gotta be he-uh.

Cop 1: (from com) We checked the whole fucking place. There's no one here.

Bunnie: (frustrated grunt) That lying son of a-

(Intercom beeps)

Bunnie: (answers, on com) Yeah.

On Athair

Athair: (on phone) Bunnie! Someone escaped from this station!

On Bunnie

Bunnie: (shocked, on com) No. Tell me it wasn't-

Athair: (from com) That son of a bitch, manic hedgehog!

Bunnie: (throws intercom, frustrated) Goddamn it!

On Manic

Manic was strolling the streets with cyrus by his side.

Manic: (laughing) My dawg. You came through.

On Manic and Cyrus

Cyrus: You damn right.

Manic: Man, I thought you dissed me, dude.

Cyrus: Dissed you? Hell no. Why would I do some shit like that?

Manic: Remember that one time-

Cyrus: (cuts him off) Don't even bring that shit up, dawg. You always-

(Dog Barking)

Manic looked and saw a dog barking at him and jumping around.

Manic: (chuckles) Look at this bitch. Jumping around and shit like he's air bud.

(Tires screeching)

Manic and cyrus turned their heads just in time before two cars started coming their direction.

Cyrus: Cops?

Manic: (paused) Hell, no. Something else. Let's go!

They both made a run for it.

(Intro to Ludacris' "Move Bitch" plays)

On Cars

The cars saw them as they started chasing them.

On Manic and Cyrus

Manic and cyrus turned a corner of busy traffic as cars were honking everywhere trying to get through. It's a good thing manic and cyrus weren't driving because if they were driving, they'd be trapped. They ran the sidewalks as the cars ran straight and not turning their way. Manic and Cyrus turned to find them not following them.

Manic/Cyrus: (laughing)

Manic and Cyrus turned only to get knocked out by a tree branch sticking out of a carrying truck. They started seeing stars as they got up pretty much dazed. They turned a corner only to stop in their track to find none other than Sojourer and Coconuts in front of them.

(Music Stops)

On Sojourer

Sojourer: (smirks) Do yourself a fuckin' favor.

On Manic and Cyrus

Sojourer: Don't run.

Cyrus: (gulps)

Cut To:

Int. Building

Sojourer and Coconuts entered the building with Manic and Cyrus as lots of DL Echidnas were there and some female DL's. One DL was making out with a female echidna out back.

On Manic

Manic saw this.

Manic: (tilts head left) Hmm?

Sojourer: (shoves him) Get movin'.

Int. Office

Inside, Kragok Echidna was seated on a chair where to guards are by the door. He was reading a nude magazine of naked echidnas.

Kragok: (laughing)

(Sojourer and Coconuts entered)

Frustrated, kragok slammed down the magazine and got up from the chair.

Kragok: What did I tell you about interruptions?! (waves finger) Do not ever interrupt me while I'm reading or you're balls are mine! Got that?!

On Sojourer and Coconuts

Sojourer: (salutes) Yes, sir!

Coconuts: (noticed, quickly salutes) Uh, yes sir!

On Kragok

Kragok: (sees manic and cyrus, growls lowly) Leave me.

On Manic

Manic: Okay, cool.

Manic and cyrus was about to leave when...

Kragok: Stop!!

Cyrus: (startled) Aah!! (crying)

On Kragok

Kragok: (sighs) I-I wasn't talking about you guys. (points to sojourer and Coconuts) I meant these two pricks!

On Sojourer and Coconuts

Sojourer/Coconuts: (salutes) Yes, sir. Sgt. Kragok.

They both leave.

On Kragok

Kragok: (gestures, child tone) Come here, little ones.

On Manic and Cyrus

Cyrus: (sniffs) I don't wanna. You know how that shit is, man.

On Kragok

Kragok: (deep voice) Come to me, now!

On Manic and Cyrus

In a fast pace, manic and cyrus got in front of his desk.

On Kragok

Kragok walks up to them.

Kragok: (child tone) Okay, little ones. Kragie wants to knows something and I want you to tell him. (normal voice) Where the fuck is the gems and emerald?

On Manic and Cyrus

Manic/Cyrus: (stutters) Uh...You-you know-we-we-

On Kragok

Kragok: Uh-uh-uh bullshit. You have any idea the risk you took?

On Manic and Cyrus

Manic: No disrespect, sir. But you guys weren't out there during our heist. Okay? I mean, we did the whole motherfuckin' thing. You know what I'm saying? I had to be chased by a cop, fightin' a cop, beaten by a fuckin' cop, not to mention the rough sex.

Cyrus: (looks at manic) Wait a minute. You had rough sex with the cop?

Manic: No, but that's what she calls it by brutalizing my green ass in the I-Room.

Cyrus: Damn.

On Kragok

Kragok: (paused) Huh. So you were distracted by a cop who fucked you in the Interrogation room?

Manic: No.

On Manic and Cyrus

Manic: She calls it rough sex just to beat the hell out of you. Which explains the black eye.

Kragok: Oh. And you distracted her by ratting out your friend here?

Manic: No, no, no. That was my escape plan. sir.

On Kragok

Kragok: (nods) Oh. Well, you know what you have to do, don't you?

On Manic and Cyrus

Manic and cyrus stood there pausing.

On Kragok

Kragok: Go back and get those gems and emeralds. Because if they aren't here and brought to me within 5 days, you know what'll happen?

On Manic and Cyrus

Manic/Cyrus: (lowers head) Casualties of War.

Kragok: Exactly. Now get the fuck outta my office.

On Kragok

Kragok: (grabs phone) I got a pizza to order.

Manic and Cyrus salutes him before leaving.

On Kragok

Kragok: (on phone, child tone) Yes. I wanna order a pizza for my daddy. (paused, normal voice) Her daddy, you fuck!