Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Omochao and Eggchild take over the world again! ❯ It's funny because it's true! ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]



{Our friends are finally at the beach! Wheeeeee!!!}

SONIC:" Oh, I've never been so scared in my life! Your drove so horribly Shadow!"

SHADOW:" But you're the one who made the door fall off!"

SONIC:" That's not the point!"

SHADOW:"…….But it IS the point!"

ROUGE:" Would you two shut up! Lets just all-"

KNUCKLES:" Hey! Hey! Look what I can do!"

{Knuckles gets a big weird looking grin on his face, stretches his arms out and falls over face down in extremely slow motion, he then bounces back up off the sand in the same way}

ALL: O_o;;

KNUCKLES:" ^___^

ALL: O_o;;;;

AMY:" I'm speechless, I'm absolutely speechless"

OMOCHAO:" Well I'm not! Biggles, biggles, biggles!"

TAILS:" Ahhh! How did you get here!?"

OMOCHAO:" You got a problem with me and my boyfriend and a few of our mad friends going to the beach for a bit of rest and relaxation?"

SHADOW:" Your boyfriend?"

OMOCHAO:" Yes, Metal Sonic, he's over- Oh my god!"

{Metal Sonic is sitting in a deck chair staring at some other girls and drooling}

OMOCHAO:" How dare he look at other women!"

{Omochao flies over to him and slaps him in the face}

OMOCHAO:" You basterd! I thought you loved me! Think about all our years together!

Think about the children!"

METAL SONIC:" What children!? We don't have any children!"

OMOCHAO:" Who said they were ours!? I was talking about children in general!"

METAL SONIC:" Wha? Leave me alone you freak! I hate you!"

OMOCHAO:{Teary eyed} "You really mean that!? Awwww! I love you too honey!"

{Omochao hugs him and Metal Sonic starts punching himself in the head}


{Later on that day…}

AMY:" So Sonic, why do you think of my new swimming costume?"

{Amy is wearing a bright pink costume that covers everything}

SONIC:" I think it looks crap"

AMY:" Really!? I'm so glad you like it!"

SONIC: ¬_¬;

ROUGE:" Well how do you think I look then?"

{Rouge is wearing a tight purple Bikini that barely covers anything, Sonic, Shadow and Knuckles start drooling}

ALL:" Oh, it looks very nice! Er, we mean you look very nice!" ^_^

ROUGE: ^^ "Does anyone want to go swimming?"


TAILS:" I will!"

AMY:" Me too!"

{Sonic and Shadow glance at each other nervously}

SHADOW:" Well, we would come, but, er…."

SONIC:" We, um, can't…."

TAILS:" Huh? Oh yeah, I forgot you two can't swim…..Hahaha! You can't swim! That so funny!!!"

{Tails falls to the ground laughing and Sonic and Shadow glare at him}

AMY:" Don't you two worry….I bought armbands and floats!"



SHADOW:" Not the armbands! Anything but the armbands!"


AMY:" No you won't, now come on!"

{Amy grabs Sonic and Shadow and drags them towards the sea}


{In the water…}

SHADOW:" The horror! The horror!"

SONIC:" I want my mummy!"

{Sonic and Shadow are dressed in armbands, little swimming trunks, which are pink and have red and blue hearts on them, and are each holding a float}

AMY:" Now, first I'll teach you the doggy paddle!"

{Tails, Knuckles and Rouge walk by at that moment}

KNUCKLES:{Laughing} " Ahahaha! Look at you two! You look so stupid!"

TAILS:" And the doggy paddle!? I learned that when I was five!"

ROUGE:" Oh I wish I had my camera with me… Anyway, come on, lets go swimming!"

{Knuckles, Tails and Rouge jump into the water as Sonic and Shadow watch them}

SHADOW:" This is so humiliating"

SONIC:" Wanna make a run for it?"


{Both of them try to run away, but sadly they trip over, the poor dears}

AMY:" Come on you two, its time to swim! Maybe I should give you both a kiss for good luck!" ^-^


{Meanwhile Eggman and his minions are all relaxing on some other part of the beach}

THE DOG MAN:" WOOF! WOOF! I wish you wouldn't wear such a tight swimming

costume Eggman, it shows off all your areas, especially the bad ones!"

EGGMAN:" Shut up! Agh, it so warm, I feel like a fried egg"

RASPUTIN:" Pun fully intended!?" ^_____^

ALL: o_O;

RASPUTIN:" Oh sorry, sometimes I get a bit carried away!!!!!"

{Mr. Crystal Penguin starts crying}

CHAO DR:" Hehehehe, Whats the matter with you?"

MR. CRYSTAL PENGUIN:" My ice mouse melted!"

WUFF:" Don't worry, there are plenty more fish in the sea"

MR. CRYSTAL PENGUIN:" There are? YAH!!!"

{Mr. Crystal Penguin leaps into the sea in a happy daze}

EGGMAN:" I'm confused"



WHEEEEEEEE! That's the end of chapter three!

Bye! ^_^