Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Sabrina's Adventure ❯ Betrayal and the Master Emerald Stolen ( Chapter 16 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Last time on Sabrina's Adventure...
While Sonic and Shadow were fighting Eggman's army,Sabrina was captured and put under Eggman's control using a micro-laser device that put millions of probes in Sabrina's body,Sabrina was shocked with electricity whenever he disobeyed Sabre's orders.Sabre forced Sabrina to train to be the ultimate weapon of destruction.Sabrina gave in to Sabre's orders and joined the Eggman Empire.At the same time,Sonic and Shadow were captured and held prisoner in Eggman's prison cells.Eggman commanded Sabre to release them,he did so,but left them on the large island,they were unable to get back on the vessel as it left the island,until Tails flew in the Tornado.Tails had also found the fifth chaos emerald,the three heroes took off the island to rescue Sabrina...The chase is on!
Sabre and Sabrina were in training in the training area on Eggman's flying vessel. Sabrina has accepted her fate and joined the Eggman Empire,it has been about a day since she had joined Sabre and Dr. Eggman on the quest for world domination. "You're as good of a fighter as me already,sister! I think we will make an unstoppable team!" Sabre said,pleased with the results of Sabrina's training. "Yes,brother,we will stop Sonic and his friends from stopping us,and conquer the world,together!" Sabrina continued her training. "Hey sister,want to spar with me?" Sabrina made an evil grin. "Ready when you are!" The two yellow hedgehogs got in fighting poses and started fighting.
Sonic,Tails,an d Shadow were flying in the Tornado,searching for the flying vessel that Sabrina was being held. "Tails,any news yet?" Sonic asked from behind. "No,not yet,but the chaos emeralds are glowing a little.Maybe we should check it out." Sonic and Shadow nodded and the plane turned in the direction of the energy source.
On Eggman's flying fortress...
Eggman was giving Sabrina and Sabre their first mission. "Ahem. At last,the time has finally come for the first phase for world domination.Sabrina,Sabre,you two will have to find the seven chaos emeralds." Sabrina stood forward. "Doctor,I know that Sonic and his friends currently have five of the seven emeralds.Maybe if I can get through them,I will be able to collect the emeralds from them.Sabre can search for the other two emeralds." Eggman smiled "That is brilliant,Sabrina! Since that pesky rodent,Sonic doesn't know who you are with,you can sneak away with them! You are smarter than I thought! Hurry! There isn't much time to lose here,find the chaos emeralds and bring them here!" Sabre and Sabrina gave a salute and walked away to the pod launcher. "Are you ready,sister?" Sabrina nodded and entered her pod.The pods closed and launched at the nearby cities.Sabrina's pod went to Station Square and Sabre's pod went to Paradise Island. Sabrina's pod landed in an alley,the pod slowly opened and she walked out with a communicator in her hand. "Sabre,step one completed,beginning step two." Sabrina started running through the city,when she got to the pier near the ocean,she felt a weak energy.She looked out into the sky and saw a tiny speck moving.She picked up her communicator and talked into it. "Doctor,chaos emeralds located,I'm in pursuit." Sabrina hid in an alley.
Sonic,Tails,and Shadow were following the energy signal,which has suddenly changed direction a few moments ago. "Were getting pretty close,Sonic! It's in Station Square!" Sonic looked below and couldn't see anything. "Man,somebody must have it!" Suddenly,Shadow stood up and looked below. "I feel the energy,this energy is very strong,it could be Sabrina's emerald!" Sonic perked up. "I think you're right! I see her right there!" Shadow looked down again and saw Sabrina there,waving at them. Tails landed the Tornado and everyone hopped out and ran toward Sabrina. "Hey kid,you're okay! We were so worried about you!" Shadow walked up to her and gave her a short hug. "I really was worried about you." Shadow stepped back and they all walked towards the Tornado and showed her the chaos emeralds. "Wow! Five emeralds already! What a surprise!" Suddenly,out of nowhere,Sabrina attacks Sonic,Tails,and Shadow. They all flew in different directions.Sabrina took the bag of chaos emeralds and disappeared. Sonic recovered first and got back up. "Hey! Where'd she go?" Shadow got up and looked around,she was nowhere in sight. "Sonic! She took the chaos emeralds!" Shadow looked in the sky and saw a small aircraft heading towards a bigger aircraft. "There she is! She's headed towards Eggman's ship!"
"Sabre,phase one completed.Returning to base with the chaos emeralds." Sabrina was able to quickly get away from the three heroes with the five chaos emeralds in her hands.Her pod was headed back to Eggman's vessel.Her pod safely landed on the vessel's landing area,her pod opened and she walked towards the entrance.She found the entrance,the same one she carried Sabre into.She pushed five numbers and walked in to see a very pleased Eggman. "Well done,Sabrina! You did an excellent job! Let me see them." Sabrina pulled out the bag and showed him the five chaos emeralds,Eggman smiled and took the bag. "Sabre should be returning soon,hopefully he will find the other two emeralds!"
Sonic,Tails,and Shadow were lost in confusion when Sabrina attacked them and stole their chaos emeralds. "Why!? Why did she do that?" Shadow said while pounding his fist on the concrete. Sonic looked back up at the larger aircraft in the sky. "I don't know,but I bet Eggman has something to do with this!" Suddenly,Sonic was punched by another yellow hedgehog,Sabre. "Sabre,where's Sabrina?!" Shadow blurted out. "I've already told you,she's with us now. Looks like I still need to finish you off!" Sabre suddenly disappeared,a small aircraft was seen flying towards Eggman's vessel. "Doctor,this is Sabre reporting,I have found the last two chaos emeralds.Returning to base." He looked at the two chaos emeralds he found,he found a light blue emerald on Paradise Island,and he found the yellow emerald in the ocean closeby there.His pod landed on the same area where Sabrina's landed.He stepped out and entered the vessel with the two emeralds,Eggman was waiting there for Sabre to return. "Excellent job,Sabre! I knew I could count on you!" Sabre smiled and gave him the emeralds. "This is perfect,doctor,now that we have the seven chaos emeralds,we're going to at last conquer the world!"
Sonic,Tails,and Shadow were getting ready to fly to Eggman's vessel.Suddenly,Shadow felt a very strong energy. "Sonic! I'm feeling the power of all seven chaos emeralds! Eggman got all the emeralds!" Tails stood up and ran to the Tornado,starting it up. "C'mon guys! We have to stop Eggman now!" Sonic and Shadow hopped into the bi-plane and took off towards Eggman's ship. The plane was moving slower than it used to. "We can't go as fast without a chaos emerald,but I think we can still catch up with it!" Sonic and Shadow nodded,the Tornado was slowly approaching Eggman's vessel.
Eggman was looking at the seven chaos emeralds they found,he had put the emeralds in an energy containment chamber. Sabrina and Sabre walked in and pointed out the window. "Doctor,that blue hedgehog and his friends are approaching the vessel,what should we do?" Eggman made an evil grin. "Stop them at all costs! I will go to the space colony ARK and prepare the eclipse cannon.You two stop that pesky Sonic once and for all!" Sabre and Sabrina saluted. "As you wish,doctor." The two hedgehogs ran toward their pods and took off.
Sonic,Tails,and Shadow were getting very close to the large vessel when two small aircrafts flew right by them,almost hitting them. "Tails,follow those pods!" Tails nodded and turned the plane around and flew back to Station Square.The two pods landed in the street,Sabre and Sabrina started destroying buildings.The Tornado landed,Sonic,Tails,and Shadow ran out and after the two yellow hedgehogs. "Stop,Sabrina!" Sonic lunged at Sabre first,but he missed and ran after Sabrina. "Sorry if I have to do this,Sabrina,but I have no other choice!" Sonic ran at full speed,hitting Sabrina and knocking her down. Sabrina got back up and ran at Shadow,she knocked him down. "Sabrina,what are you doing? We didn't do anything to you! Stop this senseless fight!" Sabrina didn't listen,she lunged herself at Shadow again and punched him. "Ugh! Stop! I don't want to hurt you!" Sabre suddenly got a message on his communicator. "Sabre,this is Dr. Eggman,I have a new assignment for you. Go to Angel Island and bring the Master Emerald to me for the Eclipse Cannon! You need to go alone on this!" Sabre sneaked away into his pod and took off. "Copy that,doctor!" His pod took off into the sky.Sabrina was still fighting Sonic and Shadow,Shadow is still refusing to fight his best friend. "Don't make me hurt you!" Sabrina kept swiping at him with full force.Shadow kept dodging them.
Meanwhile on Angel Island...
Knuckles was busy guarding the Master Emerald. "Hm,I wonder what Sonic and the others went off to,I haven't heard from them in weeks." He continued his resting.Suddenly,a rumbling sound was heard,Knuckles sat up and looked around and saw a yellow hedgehog on the bridge. "Huh? Who are you? And what are you doing on my island?" The yellow hedgehog slowly walked up towards the altar and made an evil grin. "I'm here for this lovely,yet powerful gem,you pathetic little weakling!" Knuckles put up his fists and clenched them in rage. "WHAT?! Nobody takes the Master Emerald or calls me weak!" Knuckles launched himself at the hedgehog and got ready to punch him,but the hedgehog grabbed his arm and twisted it. Knuckles screamed in pain and fell to the ground.He got back up and ran at the hedgehog again and tried to punch,but the stranger grabbed his arm again and tossed him off the floating island. "Have a nice fall! Oh,and thank you for this emerald!" The yellow hedgehog jumped onto the altar,he picked up the giant green emerald and jumped off the island and took off into the sky in a small aircraft.Knuckles climbed back on the island and started gliding after the small flying pod. "Hm,that hedgehog looked just like Sabrina! She's gonna pay for this!" He disappeared into the dark sky.
Sabrina was still beating up Sonic and Shadow in Station Square. Sabrina had just punched Sonic. "Sabrina,what's happened to you? Why are you doing this?" Suddenly, a small pod flew through the sky,it had a large green jewel on the back of it.A message came in on Sabrina's communicator. "Sabrina,this is Dr. Eggman,return to the base and get ready to leave for the space colony ARK.Return immediately!" "Copy that.Sabre,report!" Sabre's voice came in the communicator. "Phase two completed,I have retrieved the Master Emerald,returning to base!" Sonic heard the messages and gasped. "Sabrina! Y-You betrayed us?! You're working for Eggman and Sabre?!" Sabrina didn't say anything,she made an evil grin and went back to her pod and took off into the sky. Shadow tried to follow,but the pod was flying over the ocean. "Sabrina! Don't do this to us! Sonic,we have to stop her! I heard they're headed towards the space colony ARK! Maybe we can get there first.They have all the chaos emeralds,they got the Master Emerald,they even have Sabrina,which also means they have the black chaos emerald!" Tails walked up to them. "Sonic! I think we can get on their space shuttle before it takes off! Wanna give it a shot?" Sonic thought for a moment and stood up. "Okay,let's do this!"
Will Sonic,Tails,and Shadow be able to get to the space colony ARK before Dr. Eggman fires the eclipse cannon? Will Sabrina and Sabre attempt to fire the planet-destroying weapon of mass destruction? Will Knuckles be able to get the Master Emerald back from Sabre? Find out next time on Sabrina's Adventure! You better review or I'll go in rage stage on you! And don't forget about that new fic offer!