Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Sabrina's Adventure ❯ Earth Doomed? ( Chapter 17 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Last time on Sabrina's Adventure...
Sonic,Tails,and Shadow were looking for the last two chaos emeralds,but ended up finding Sabrina in Station Square.While they were showing Sabrina the five chaos emeralds,she struck and attacked them and stole the five emeralds.At the same time,Sabre was commanded by Dr. Eggman to find the last two chaos emeralds and the Master Emerald from Angel Island.Sabre attacked Knuckles,he got away and stole the Master Emerald,but Knuckles thinks it was Sabrina who attacked him.He went after the yellow hedgehog towards Station Square. Sonic had figured out the problem with Sabrina,and he found out that they were going to use the chaos emeralds to use the eclipse cannon on the space colony ARK.Sonic,Tails,and Shadow made a decision and left to Eggman's vessel to hitch a ride to the space colony ARK.
It's a race against time to stop Sabre,Eggman,and Sabrina from firing the eclipse cannon and destroying the world!
Sonic,Tails,and Shadow were at the Station Square pier,watching as Sabrina and Sabre's pods flew towards Eggman's vessel,they had just figured out Eggman's plan,Sabrina and Sabre already got all seven chaos emeralds and stole the Master Emerald from Knuckles,they are planning to use the chaos emeralds and the Master Emerald to power up the eclipse cannon on the space colony ARK. Suddenly,a red figure passed by in the sky.Sonic recognized the figure. "Hey Knuckles,come here!" Knuckles looked down and saw Sonic waving at him.He went lower and landed a few feet away from him. "Hey Sonic,I got a bone to pick with you!" Sonic was confused. "About what?" Knuckles pointed up to the flying vessel. "About that pod.Sonic,Sabrina invaded my island,pummeled me,and stole the Master Emerald!" Sonic stared at him,wide-eyed. "What?! No way! Sabrina betrayed us and is working with Sabre and Eggman.They're trying to conquer the world and already have all seven chaos emeralds!" Knuckles got the idea. "Who's Sabre?" Sonic showed a picture of him. "Sabrina's twin brother,he looks just like her,except he's evil,and now Sabrina's evil." Knuckles growled and pounded his fists together. "That Eggman!" Sonic ran towards the waiting Tails and Shadow in the Tornado. "You coming or what? We gotta jet!" Knuckles grinned and hopped in the plane. "Ready to go,guys?" Sonic,Shadow,and Knuckles nodded.Tails started the Tornado and the plane started moving towards the ocean,it started going airborne.It flew over the ocean towards the floating aircraft.
Meanwhile on Eggman's ship...
"Well done,my apprentices! We have achieved victory in getting the chaos emeralds and we even got hold of the Master Emerald! I could never get to either in the past! Now is the time to start a new era,an era full of machines,glory,and chaos,the Eggman Empire! Together,we will rule the world in which I deserved a long time ago! Come,we must go to the space shuttle and go to the space colony ARK!" Sabrina and Sabre started walking towards the suit up rooms and changed into space-wear.After a few minutes,they walked out and went to the space launch area. Eggman soon walked in and went to the cockpit of the spacecraft. "Are you two ready?" Sabre and Sabrina nodded and checked the spacecraft's systems. "All systems are fully operational,doctor!" Eggman grinned and got the shuttle ready for launch.A voice came onto the loudspeaker. "Spaceflight 962 ready for launch in 5...4...3...2..1...shuttle liftoff!" The rockets on the shuttle ignited and lifted the large vehicle into the sky.
"Sonic! Look!" Tails blurted out while flying the Tornado towards the large vessel. "Oh no! They're leaving into space! Tails,try to fly us close enough for us to hop on that shuttle!" Sonic,Shadow,and Knuckles hopped out of the cockpit on a last attempt to get into space.They managed to get close enough,the three heroes jumped off the wings of the Tornado,they landed on a small balcony with a door in it,Sonic opened it and they all walked in. "Whew,that was a close one!" Shadow walked around and saw the chaos emeralds in an energy container. "Sonic,I found the emeralds!" Sonic and Knuckles walked over to the seven glittering gems. "Yeah,let's get them and leave before we get into space!" Shadow walked up to them and held one of the emeralds,Sonic and Knuckles walked up to him and they huddled close together. "CHAOS CONTROL!" There was a bright flash in the room,suddenly,Sabrina walked in and looked around. "What's going on in here?" Sabrina looked at the energy container and saw that it was empty.She pulled up her communicator and talked into it. "Doctor,the chaos emeralds are missing! What should we do?" Eggman's voice came in. "Just sit tight,we still have that Master Emerald to power the cannon up! They just took the decoy!"
Sonic,Shadow,and Knuckles landed back in Station Square with a bright flash. "Thanks,Shadow!" Knuckles pounded his fist in the ground in complete turmoil. "Darn! He still has the Master Emerald! He's probably going to use it to fire that cannon!" Sonic and Shadow walked away into the street. "Sonic,Shadow,what are you doing?" Sonic and Shadow pulled the seven emeralds onto the ground around them. "Ready to do this,Shadow?" Shadow nodded and they shook hands.The two hedgehogs closed their eyes and clenched their fists.The chaos emeralds slowly lifted up and started spinning around the two hedgehogs,they started spinning faster around them.Sonic and Shadow opened their eyes and suddenly,Sonic has transformed into Super Sonic,and Shadow transformed into Super Shadow. Knuckles was blown away from the sudden blast of energy,he got back up and watched as the two super-hedgehogs flew into the sky.
On the space shuttle,,just a few minutes before they leave the earth's atmosphere,Sabrina was returning to the cockpit where Sabre and Eggman were.Suddenly,right when Sabrina entered the room,she attacked Sabre and knocked him down. "Sorry,Eggman,but this time your plan didn't work!" Sabre got back up and pulled out the shock button and pushed it. Sabrina was shocked with 1,000 volts of electricity,she didn't scream,she didn't move. "What! How could you endure that shock?" Sabrina walked towards Sabre,she clenched her fist,the fist started glowing a deep,dark arora. "You see,Sabre,this very special gem is the most powerful force in the world,and I'm going to use that power to destroy you!" Sabre stood up and started running away from his sister. "No! It can't be possible! You're the guardian of the black chaos emerald?!" Sabrina grinned and ran at Sabre,who picked the button back up and turned the dial to maximum power and pushed the button.Sabrina flinched,but didn't scream,the button started short-circuting.Sabre dropped the button before it exploded,freeing Sabrina from his orders. "I guess that training paid off well." Suddenly,Sabre ran at Sabrina,knocking her at the space shuttle's latched door,the door unlatched itself and Sabrina fell out,falling towards the earth at a very high speed. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" The space shuttle flew off into space and towards ARK.
Super Sonic and Super Shadow were flying towards the space shuttle,when Super Shadow saw something falling,it was a yellow hedgehog. "Sonic,there's Sabrina,she's falling!" Super Sonic saw her. "Quick Shadow,catch her! I'll go after Eggman!" Sabrina flew past Super Sonic very fast,she was knocked unconcious. "Hang on,Sabrina!" Super Shadow was flying directly at her,when they were close enough,he grabbed her arm and he started flying back to Station Square. When they landed,Super Shadow put her down. "Sabrina,wake up!" There was no response.He started shaking her shoulder,there was still no sign of her waking up. "Sabrina,please get up!" Shadow started using his healing powers with the hand that was on her shoulder.A bright green light appeared on his hand,the light spread to her body,about a few seconds later,the light disappeared. Shadow shook he shoulder,he heard her start breathing,Sabrina slowly opened her eyes and saw a silver hedgehog with red stripes.She instantly sat up and backed away. "Who are you? Where am I?" Super Shadow stood up and spoke. "Sabrina,it's me." Sabrina instantly rcognized the voice. "S-Shadow? Is that you?" Super Shadow nodded. "Oh Shadow,I'm so sorry! They were controlling me,I didn't mean to hurt everbody like that!" Sabrina started crying. 'It's ok,it's okay!" Super Shadow put his arms around her and closed his eyes.Sabrina stopped crying and stood up. "Come on Shadow,we have to stop Eggman and Sabre,they're headed towards the space colony ARK!!" Super Shadow gasped. "Space colony ARK? That's where I was created! Sabrina,I have to go before they fire the Eclipse Cannon!" Super Shadow hugged Sabrina one more time before he flew off into the sky. "Good luck,Shadow!" Sabrina waved to him before he disappeared into outer space.
Eggman's space shuttle safely landed on the space colony ARK after throwing Sabrina off the shuttle. "Doctor,we have landed on the space colony.Hurry we must put the Master Emerald in the cannon's power cell." Eggman agreed and they left the shuttle. "Now that that prototype Biolizard is out of my way,there is no stopping me from at last conquering the world!" Sabre agreed and nodded. They got to the control room a few minutes later,Sabre was holding the Master Emerald. "It's a good thing my grandfather made this energy port for the Master Emerald.Sabre,put the emerald in the port!" Sabre picked up the emerald again and carried it to the port and inserted it.Suddenly,lights filled the room,a holographic picture of the colony appeared in the middle of the room. "Yes,it's working!" Eggman laughed evily and put the password in the eclipse cannon control. He set the target of the cannon on Earth. Suddenly,Sabre saw something glowing out in space. "Doctor! Something is approaching the space colony!" Eggman turned on the telescope and looked into it,he saw Super Sonic. "No! it's that cursed Sonic,he used the chaos emeralds! Sabre,fire the eclipse cannon at Sonic!"
Super Sonic was about to land on the space colony,he felt a strange energy,he flew around the colony until he saw the eclipse cannon charging up. "Oh-no! The cannon!" Luckily,the cannon was facing away from Earth,the cannon fired,but Super Sonic was able to move out of the way.The cannon fired five more times before one missed him and went directly at Earth. "OH-NO!!! NOT AT EARTH!!!!" Sonic raced after the beam.
Shadow was flying towards the space colony when he saw a giant green beam headed straight for him. "What? NOOO!!!!" He raced towards the beam at light speed.
Sabre has accidentally fired the Eclipse Cannon at Earth! Will Super Sonic and Super Shadow be able to stop the beam from destroying the defensless planet? Or will the Earth be shattered into pieces? Find out in the final chapter and conclusion to Sabrina's Adventure! Review or else!