Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Sonic Matrix ❯ Mission: Failed ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Sonic and Manic walked into the coffee shop.

"You sure we can trust this … D-man guy?" Sonic asked.

Manic nodded. "Yeah, bro. He wouldn't tell me how to find Jade if he wasn't legit, bro."

Sonic and Manic sat down at a booth.

"I dunno." Sonic said. "His name sounds a bit too close to 'demon' for my comfort."

A bug like creature made their way over to them. "Rogue, so nice of you to show up."

"You… you're D-man?" Manic asked. "I- Nevermind. You got the info?"

D-man gave the brothers a sinister grin.

Sonic and Manic raised their spines.

"Oh, I have so much more than that." D-man said.

The room suddenly turned white. D-man suddenly turned into Robotnik, revealing it was all a hologram.

Sonic gave Manic a look.

"I didn't know." Manic said, holding his hands up defensively. "I swear-"

A robot fired a blast at Sonic and Manic.

Shadow and Sonia made their way through the abandoned subway station, searching for a hacker they were supposed to meet up with.

Shadow raised an eyebrow as they found themselves in a random hallway. "This is a back room. I thought that was another conspiracy theory."

Sonia did a double take as the graffiti on the wall seemed to move. "Robotnik changed the codes." She replied. "Get out, now."

Shadow and Sonia took off their VR headsets, revealing they were in a wing of Tails' lab.

Sonic, still in his VR headset, was lying unconscious on the floor.

Sonia knelt down beside Sonic. "Bro?"

Tails burst into the room, slamming the door open. "Sonic's been kidnapped."

Sonia gasped.

"What happened?" Shadow asked.

"Knuckles and Sally are asking Manic right now." Tails replied. "Come on, I'm trying to lock onto Sonic's watch signal. I'll explain what I know on the way."

Shadow and Sonia ran after Tails.

A battered Manic laid on the couch, his clothes were ripped and some of his spines were missing.

Manic rubbed his bruised head, drawing attention to the fact that part of his left ear had been ripped off. "How was I supposed to know it was Robotnik?" He asked. "I didn't know his program had advanced into morphing."


"Because you're not supposed to engage with anyone you haven't met in Sanctuary." Knuckles yelled. "They only let your sorry butt go to send a message to us. They'll kill Sonic for the same reason."

Sally got her backpack. "Someone needs to go with me to save Sonic."

"I'll go in." Shadow said, following Sally to the VR room.

Sonia knelt down beside Manic. "I think he's got a concussion."

"I'll treat him in a minute, keep an eye on him." Tails said. "I'll get Sally and Shadow plugged back in."

Sally and Shadow put on their VR headsets and found themselves in a high tech garage as soon as Tails activated the program.

Sally checked her watch. "He's being held in the basement." She replied. She found an elevator. "This way."

Sally led Shadow to the elevator.

Shadow grabbed her arm before she could press the button. "He's got a security system. He'll know we're there and he'll crash the elevator."

"Blast it." Sally said.

Shadow raised his hand, blasting a hole at the elevator door.

The elevator car plummeted to the basement.

Shadow pulled the grapple gun out of his utility harness and fired it at the ceiling. He picked up Sally and jumped down the shaft.

Sally clung to Shadow as they glided down the shaft.


As soon as they landed safely on the ground, Shadow set Sally on the ground.


Sally checked her watch. "He's this way." She said, pointing down the corridor.

Shadow and Sally made their way down the corridor.

"Too bad Manic has a concussion." Sally said. "He is a master lock picker."

Shadow looked into one of the cells and stopped. "Found him."

Sally looked in the cell and gasped. She pressed her hands on the glass. "Oh, no. Sonic."

Sonic slowly raised his head, revealing that his right eye was swollen shut and his mouth was bleeding. Some of his spines were missing.

"Shield your face." Shadow said.

Sonic curled into a ball.

Shadow blasted a hole into the cell.

When the smoke cleared, Sally rushed in to help Sonic up.

Sonic slowly got to his feet and took Sally's hand.


Sally helped Sonic hobble out of the cell. "Help me out, Shadow." She said, motioning to the thick shackles on Sonic's wrists. "He has signal jamming handcuffs on. He can't unplug while he has the cuffs on."

"I can't without blasting a hole into him." Shadow said.

Alarms blared.

Sonic exhaled loudly and swayed. "Do… some… thing."

Sally pulled a safety pin out of her coat pocket and started picking the lock.

The shackles fell off.

Sonic rallied what strength he had left and jerked the helmet off.

Sally took her helmet off.

Shadow went to take his helmet when something struck his arm. He rubbed his shoulder and looked to his right.

A robot that looked like Sonic stood in the corridor. He fired another blast at Shadow's chest.

Shadow collapsed.