Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Sonic Matrix ❯ Saving Shadow ( Chapter 5 )
Tails leaned across his desk, typing furiously on his keyboard. "No… no. Shadow, can you hear me?"
Sonia looked up from bandaging Sonic's minor injuries. "Tails?"
"Shadow?" Tails cried. "Oh, no."
"What?" Sonia asked.
Tails typed some more commands on. "I can't reach Shadow." He said. "His vitals monitor abruptly shut off."
Sonia gasped. "He can't be dead."
Manic got up and hobbled over to the computer microphone. He picked up the mic. "It's not real!" He yelled. "You can do whatever you want, Shadow!"
Sonia looked at Knuckles and Sally and hopped back in the seat. "Take care of my bros," She said. "I'm going to find Shadow."
Manic handed Sonia the headset.
Sonia put on the headset. "Activate the headset."
"Vaya con Dios, Princesa." Tails said, pressing a button.
Sonia wandered around a dark corridor in the lab. "Shadow?" She whispered.
Suddenly, Shadow appeared in front of Sonia.
Sonia nearly jumped a foot off of the ground as she shrieked.
Shadow slapped his hand over her mouth and hushed her. "We're in Robotnik's lair."
"Then let's get out of here." Sonia said.
"We have one thing to do before we leap out." Shadow said. He took her hand and dragged her along as he skated to a control room. He blasted a hole through a wall of computers.
Sonia looked at Shadow. "Now?"
"Now." Shadow replied.
Sonia and Shadow removed their headsets.
Tails hopped up and hugged Shadow as soon as he and Sonia came into the control room. "You're alive!"
"Thanks, Rogue." Shadow said, patting Manic on his back. Shadow sat down. "You can erase the Badniks and this new one."
"New one?" Sonia asked.
"Erased?" Tails asked.
"It's a program; things can be erased." Shadow said. "There's a new robot I call metal Sonic."
"I saw it." Sonic replied. "It guards the cell block."
"I found Jade's location." Shadow said. He sent the coordinates to Tails.
Manic got up and stood over Tails' shoulder, grinning.
Tails checked his watch, then started typing on his keyboard.
Shadow looked at the other computer sitting next to Tails' computer. "Can I use that?"
Tails barely glanced at Shadow. "Go ahead."
Robotnik watched as his computer did its daily backup.
A black and red pop-up screen, featuring a glowing red outline of an angry hedgehog, flashed on the screen.
Robotnik spit out his coffee. "What just happened?" He asked. He hurriedly tried to clear the pop-up off.
"I locked your screen." A male voice said through the speaker. "But you'll try in vain to shut it off anyway."
"Who is this?" Robotnik demanded.
"I bet you're wondering who I am." The voice said. "I will appear quietly in the night, a shadow in your mind's eye. I am the whisper of death, speaking softly in your ear. Your time has come."
Shadow shut off the microphone and left the resistance control room. He stared at the starry sky for a moment before racing off into the distance.