Sorcerer Hunters Fan Fiction ❯ Broken Bonds ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Look people, I don't own the Bakuretsu Hunter, the Sorcerer Hunters or any other Hunters Never have, never will. I would pay dearly for Marron and Carrot. All I own is this little bitty BACK OFF! I was just kidding, you guys know that right, where are you going......come back, I was just kidding

Chapter 2

silence ain't golden

He looked at them, desperation in their eyes as they mutely pleaded for his help. He glanced away, he knew what he would do, "You remember what happened last time," he quietly asked turning an impassive gaze on the trio.

"We remember, that's why we came prepared. We have enough non-perishable food in the kitchen to last you for at least a week. The doctor will give you the antidote for the virus and we'll keep you supplied with ice to help bring down Marron's fever." Chocolate continued, her words running over each other in her eagerness to help Marron.

"And where will the beautiful Gateau be in all of this and what does he think about me being here and being the one to save his lover" Carrot asked with a cold sneer on his lips.

The doctor thought he finally understood the tension in the group, "Marron and the dark cold man had been lovers before Marron turned to Gateau", he thought happily to himself. He shook his head as he imagined the courage it took the beautiful boy upstairs to leave this cold dark man and turn towards the warm blond man upstairs. He thought that Marron had gotten tired of the coldness and decided to be warm for a change, poor thing, he thought sympathetically.

Tira and Chocolate exchanged glances and looked away.

"You didn't tell him, did you," he asked remotely. "You both know he's not going to react to well to me being here."

He thought and sighed.

"Is there food prepared, now, that I can eat," Carrot asked still not relaxing his cold stance.

"Yes, we had something prepared in the kitchen," Chocolate said gesturing to the back of the house.

"Fine, lead the way," Carrot said as he stalked across the room. Chocolate turned and left with Carrot following behind her like a deadly predator.

"Oh thank god," Tira whispered as she sagged in relief, her muscles barely able to support her as the tension left her. She staggered back against the doctor.

"You can say that again," the doctor muttered supporting her briefly. "I don't mean to pry into your business, but I gotta say I think that it's a good thing that that boy upstairs is with Gateau. Being the lover to that man," he gestured towards the kitchen, " Would have slowly kill him."

Tira turned around slowly as anger grew in her at the man's presumption to talk about their friends.

"First," she gritted out, "Carrot hasn't always been like that, it was we that cause him to become like he is. We let him down, we weren't there for him, we constantly belittled him and hurt him. The three of us made him what you see now."

Chocolate and Carrot exchanged puzzled glances at the sound of Tira's raised voice and quickly went to see what was wrong. They caught the tail end of her blazing defense of Carrot at the doctor. Carrot leaned against the wall out of view and listened. Chocolate silently gazed at her friend and agree wholeheartedly with her sister. They, not Carrot, caused the break in their bond.

"Second," she leaned down, hissing at the doctor as he cowered before her, "Carrot and Marron are NOT lovers, they never were. What they are, are brothers. Ones that had a terrible fight that they couldn't resolve."

"Go, Tira, go," Chocolate chanted silently, mouthing the words. She didn't notice the amused look Carrot threw towards her

"How dare you, " she was on a roll now, "Presume to know what goes on in this house, you stupid little man. I'll tell you right now, if anything happens to Marron, if he should die, I'll see that your death will be a long torturous one." She finished coldly, still enrage at how he dared to criticize Carrot. The nerve of some people, she snorted to herself in. disgust.

Doctor Apple thought wildly, "And I thought Carrot was bad. At least if I die it'll be quick. If this madwoman gets her hands on me, she make long and slow."

Tira flung her head back and caught sight of Carrot watching her. She blushed furiously, she still harbored a lot of feelings for him. She didn't know if she was still in love with him or not but he had been her friend.

Carrot pushed away from the wall and went back into the kitchen. He knew he would be needing all the fuel he could to get through the barrier. What everyone never realized was that the barrier hurt him almost as much as it hurt everyone else. It didn't kill him because it was a part of Marron and he knew little ototo would never hurt him like that. The barrier would swiftly attack him, fire racing across his nerves burning him, consuming him before it recognized him and sweet fire would caress his body in apology.

But now with this rift between them, he didn't know how Marron would react now. He would give everything he had to his ototo to make him well, except for his life. That he couldn't give.

He pushed back his chair and strode back into the living room.

"Let's get this start, okay," he spoke causing the silent trio to jump, a cold smirk slipped across his face at their reaction. He grabbed his pack and gestured for them to grab whatever they needed.