Sorcerer Hunters Fan Fiction ❯ Broken Bonds ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Look people, I don't own the Bakuretsu Hunter, the Sorcerer Hunters or any other Hunters Never have, never will. I would pay dearly for Marron and Carrot. All I own is this little bitty BACK OFF! I was just kidding, you guys know that right, where are you going......come back, I was just kidding

Chapter 6

the truth hurts

Gateau arrived back at the house in the early hours of the morning still thinking about what Big Mama had said about Carrot. "How could I have been so blind and stupid after all this time," he thought painfully to himself. "Maybe I'm wrong, I pray that I'm wrong."

He wearily made his way up the stairs to his bed. "I hope Marron is okay," he thought to himself. He opened the door and froze at the sight of Marron cuddled against Carrot, his head resting on his chest, his hand resting on Carrot stomach.

Carrot, sensing a presence in the room, quickly opened his eyes as his arms tighten protectively around Marron. He saw Gateau standing in the doorway and said quietly, "Gateau, what's wrong? You okay, man," he asked growing worried at the older man's stillness.

Marron began stirring restlessly in the sheets. Carrot, without removing his attention from the man in the doorway, stroked his finger down Marron's writhing back, instantly calming him.

"How did you do that," Gateau painfully asked.

"Do what," Carrot asked puzzled.

"Calm him down that fast. Usually when he gets like that I try to soothe him back to sleep it never works. At the touch of my hand he always wakes up, goes downstairs and sits up for the rest of the night." Gateau said, hiding his pain. "So, how do you get him to respond like that."

Carrot glanced at the sleeping boy in his arms and back at his lover, "I dunno, I've always been able to do it. Don't take it so hard, Gateau, I've had over 17 ½ years learning him. You've only had him for a year. Give yourself time," he ended quietly.

"After all I've done to you, took from you and hurt you, how can you be so kind to me," Gateau choked out. Unaware that Tira and Chocolate and woken up and were watching

"Because Marron loves you," Carrot said steadily, his heart was racing, he so didn't want to do this. "Marron, is my brother and I love him more than anything in the world. All I've ever wanted was for him to be happy and if you make him happy, well then, " Carrot shrugged his shoulder. Marron came awake slowly at the sound of the voices talking.

"And if he decides to stay with me, even if I never let you see him again, will that still make you happy?" Gateau said quietly trying to understand Carrot.

Marron thought, "Why is he saying 'If I decide to stay.' I already am with him. What does he know."

Carrot's whole body stiffen in protest, "If he loves you and you continue to make him happy, then yes, I would still be happy knowing that he was with someone that cares for him." Carrot said steadily, willing Gateau to believe him.

Somehow, someway they had reached an understanding. No more fighting over Marron's affections. He was free to go or stay as he pleased.

The following days were a revelation to Gateau as his eyes finally opened. He decamped from his and Marron's room over Carrot's protests, firmly insistent that Marron needed to rest and get stronger. That the room was the best one with all the natural sunlight coming in. So Carrot stayed in Marron's room taking care of him in the early days of his recovery.

Gateau watched as Marron's eyes would filled with joy every time Carrot walked into the room and how desolate he would appear whenever Carrot left. He watched how Marron would watch Carrot whenever he thought no one was looking. He saw the subtle softening of Marron's body in the early days of his recovery whenever Carrot picked him up and carried him around.

He knew it was finally over the day he came into their room. they were sitting in the window seat enjoying the sun. Carrot was sitting with his back to the wall and legs stretched out with Marron curled up in his lap, wearing thin pants and a thin shirt. He was slowly stroking his hand up and down Marron back, while gazing out of the window.

Marron slowly raised his head and look straight in Gateau's impassive gaze. He stiffened, causing Carrot to shift Marron behind him protectively, until he realized it was Gateau. He glanced between the two noticing the cool posture Marron had assumed and the impassive Gateau. Tension was vibrating through the room, he didn't know what to do. On one hand they were lovers; on the other hand something was very wrong here and he didn't want to leave his brother.

"Marron, may I talk with you," Gateau asked quietly, "Maybe we could go for a walk around the house so you can stretch your legs a bit more," he added with a raised brow.

Marron narrowed his eyes and silently nodded his head. Carrot turned to him and stopped him from moving, "You don't have to go if you don't want to, you know" he advised him quietly, his eyes searching his ototo cool eyes.

"It's okay," Marron said and lean his forehead against his niisan. Carrot sighed, not noticing the shiver that coursed through Marron as he felt his niisan breath against his lips. (Gateau sharpened eyes caught the betraying reaction). He wrapped his arms around Marron in a protective hug and Marron wrapped his arms around Carrot's neck.

Carrot lifted his head and pressed a kiss on his nose. Marron lips curled up in a tiny smile.

"Be careful, okay," Carrot said as he lifted Marron down from the windowseat. Marron
smiled down into his niisan face, watching as the sunlight made them glow incandescently. His niisan was beautiful, he thought wonderingly.

"What's wrong,'' Carrot said. Marron was looking at him so strangely.

"Nothing," Marron said as he turned towards the watching Gateau.

"Here, put this on, you don't want a relapse," Carrot suddenly said as he grabbed his jacket from off the chair and put it on Marron. He button up the jacket and glanced up into Marron suddenly amused eyes.

"So, I'm a worrywort, you're my only brother and I don't want to lose you again." Carrot said and faltered slightly.

Marron smiled at him reassuringly as he and Gateau left the room.

Gateau adjusted his pace in order not to tire out his friend. He directed them to two stone benches in the garden and sat Marron on one and took the other.

"So, what did you want to talk about," Marron asked quietly when it seemed that Gateau wasn't going to start.

Gateau head jerked up from studying the grass, "How did you," he began and stopped at the amused glint in Marron's eyes.

"I know you too well, my friend," was the soft reply.

"We are friends, aren't we," Gateau asked quietly reaching out and taking Marron's hands in his.

Marron tilted his head to the side, "Yes," he said slowly.

"Friends always tell their friends the truth, don't they," Gateau asked.

"Yesssss," Marron said slowly wondering what was going on.

"Why didn't you tell me," Gateau asked slowly and quietly.

Marron blinked, "Tell you what?" he asked in confusion.

"That you are in love with Carrot," Gateau said gazing at Marron steadily.