Sorcerer Hunters Fan Fiction ❯ Letting go ❯ Carrot's POV ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
TITLE: Letting Go
AUTHOR: Lemony Chocolate
DISCLAIMER: I don't own the Sorcerer Hunters.
FEEDBACK: Hell yeah, uhm yes please.
DISTRIBUTION: Archive away
SPOILERS: none that I can think of.
Please note: This story may or may not contains the themes of incest, mild violence, sex and/or male/male relationships (more like than not). If any of these may offend you then STOP READING IMMEDIATELY. If you choose to continue despite my warning, please DO NOT come crying to me.

Note: Comments and criticisms are very much welcome, flames, however are most definitely NOT. Flames generally include a lot of pointless talk about the author's lack of morals, scruples, etc. and to be really perfectly frank, I really don't care. If you don't like the stories I write, please do us both a favor and DON'T READ THEM! It's as simple as that.

That being said, please read and review. Remember though NO FLAMES!

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Carrot POV

I laid on the roof of the house, looking up at the sky. Me and Marron seem to be coming apart at the seams and I donno how to fix it. Gazing up at the moon, hoping for answers.

I knew you when I had a friend
buried deeply love lived within
but somehow we got loose when we were oh so tight
somewhere we went wrong when we were oh so right

I've always tried to spend some quality time with him no matter what, 'cause he's always so quiet and he don't like to complain either. So you got to sit him down and yammer at him till he tell you what's wrong. He used to seem happy when I would do that to him, but now it seems he don't even like to be in the same room with me. It seems like the only person that matters to him anymore is that fucking idiot Gateau, I thought resentfully.

what's a man to do when he just can't take no more
what's a man to do
what am i to do when my heart beats me to the door
now i tried and tried again, but now this is the end
tell me what's the use of holding on if we can't be friends

I sighed, maybe it was time to let go him go and stop pushing for somethin' he ain't willin' to give me anymore.

Big Mama offered me a transfer to another group, maybe it's time I took her up on the offer. Give Marron the space he's askin' for, wondering if this was the right decision.

He's made it plain that he doesn't want me around anymore. Maybe I should accept the transfer.

i'm emotional and can't let go
i am trying to hold on to you
though it hurts me so,
got to let you know
that the love we once shared now is through
say goodbye to you

All we ever seem to do now is hurt each other. I try not to say anything back but the boy's been watching me for too damn long, he knows all the right buttons to push.

you seem to hurt me purposely
didn't understand it oh girl why me
i had no choice what was best for us
was to terminate our love and be free

End of Carrot's POV

They came downstairs slowly, still trying to wake up. They saw four envelopes on the tables with each of their names written on the envelopes, one for each of them it seems.

"I wonder where Darling is," Chocolate said in some concern, "He's usually the first one up to get breakfast."

what's a man to do when he just can't take no more
what's a man to do
what am i to do when my heart beats me to the door
now we tried and tried again, but now this is the end
tell me what's the use of holding on if we can't be friends

Tira had picked up her envelope and opened it quickly, her face whiten as she read the note. She raised her head, a look of total disbelief on her face as she stammered out, "It's from Carrot." The square of paper fluttered from her lax hands as her knees buckled in shock.

"Tira," Chocolate cried, clutching at her half-fainting sister and lowering her to a chair.

i'm emotional and can't let go
i am trying to hold on to you
though it hurts me so,
got to let you know
that the love we once shared now is through
say goodbye to you

Marron snatched his letter and ripped open the envelope with trembling hands. As he read his note, his eyes growing wider and wider, a look of self-loathing crossed his face. He finally finished reading his letter and raised his head slowly, a blank look in his eyes. He dropped heavily into a chair, with the letter clutched in his hand, he buried his face in his hands. A low moan coming from his throat as he rocked back and forth. "Oh niisan, what did I do to you," he thought in anguish.

what's a man to do when he just can't take no more
what's a man to do
what am i to do when my heart beats me to the door
now we tried and tried again, but now this is the end
tell me what's the use of holding on if we can't be friends

"Marron," Chocolate said worriedly, "What happened to Darling?" she shook his unresponsive shoulder. She turned to Tira, staring blindly at the table. "Tira, what did he say," she cried anxiously.

Tira finally looked at her with tears rounding down her face, she reached out a hand, picked up Chocolate's letter and extended it trembling to her.

Chocolate just looked at the letter, she looked at the moaning Marron and looked at the letter in terrible realization.

"Darling!" she screamed.

Now I've tried and tried again
tell me what's the use of holding
on if we can't be friends