Sorcerer Hunters Fan Fiction ❯ Letting go ❯ Marron's POV ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
TITLE: Letting Go Marron's POV
AUTHOR: Lemony Chocolate
DISCLAIMER: I don't own the Sorcerer Hunters.
FEEDBACK: Hell yeah, uhm yes please.
DISTRIBUTION: Archive away
SPOILERS: none that I can think of.
Please note: This story may or may not contains the themes of incest, mild violence, sex and/or male/male relationships (more like than not). If any of these may offend you then STOP READING IMMEDIATELY. If you choose to continue despite my warning, please DO NOT come crying to me.

Note: Comments and criticisms are very much welcome, flames, however are most definitely NOT. Flames generally include a lot of pointless talk about the author's lack of morals, scruples, etc. and to be really perfectly frank, I really don't care. If you don't like the stories I write, please do us both a favor and DON'T READ THEM! It's as simple as that.

That being said, please read and review. Remember though NO FLAMES!

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Marron's POV

I crawled out the bed, stood at the window and gazed out at the moonlit night. It's been nine months, two weeks and five days since my Niisan left. Of course, I could probably say how many hours and seconds it's been, but I don't want to seem too obsessive, was my wry thought

I feel so empty without him, I never thought a body could feel this much pain and still function. I rubbed absently at the burning pain in my chest.

It's been too long and I'm lost without you
what am I gonna do, I been needing you, wantin' you
wondering if you the and who's been with you
is your heart still mine, I wanna cry sometime I miss you

He keep trying to tell me how he felt, but I keep pushing him away and ignoring his feelings. I thought he was just jealous that I finally had someone and he didn't. I didn't realize how close we were and the growing distance between us was affecting him. He always claimed that I was his best friend, some friend I turned out to be, loathing myself.

We were close friend, also lovers
did everything for one another
now you're gone and lost without you
but I know i got a live it, make it somehow

come back to me, can you hear me
hear me calling for you

"I used to wonder what Tira and Chocolate saw in him that made them fall in love with him. I know now. He has the most generous heart I've every seen. And, although he complains about it a lot, I know he enjoys helping people. He has always been there for me, keeping me company before I even knew I needed it. Always with a smile and a joke to cheer me, us up, " I thought with self-hatred, "and I threw it all away.." I leaned my hot forehead against the windowpane.

Now I'm sitting here, thinking about you
and the days we used to share
it's driving me crazy, I don't know what to do,
I'm just wondering if you still care,
I wanna let you know that's it's killing me
I know you got another life you got to concentrate, baby

Come back to me,
can you hear me,
calling for you

The girls don't blame me anymore. I think they've noticed what a superior job I've been doing on my own. Actually, I don't talk much to them anymore, I seem to have slipped back into my old habit of not talking. Carrot was the only one that could get me to open up. Gateau keeps trying to get me to open up but he doesn't understand, I didn't understand how much Carrot's presence affected my behavior. It took some doing on his part but he somehow managed it.

Around my niisan, I was bolder, I was more open and apt to speak up knowing at least one person would hear me and not dismiss me because of my face, as if because people find me attractive I can't think, I snorted. I miss being able to sit beside him and listen to him babble about anything and everything. I miss him throwing an arm around me and hugging me. I miss how he always made me feel strong and courageous.

Isn't it strange how we only want something we lose it or throw it away, feeling the pain throb throughout my body, centering around my heart. I rubbed absently at my chest to ease the pain.

I can't think no more, since you been away
I don't really feel like talking, no one here to love me
Baby, can't you understand me, I can't do a thing without you.

Occasionally, we hear about how he's doing with his new team. It doesn't make up for the lack of communication between us. I need to be with him, to protect him. I don't want some stranger taking my place at his side. I don't want him to make the same mistakes I made by pushing me (us) aside. He's MY niisan, he's mine to protect, to keep safe", I thought growling mentally. I froze in disbelief at the possessive mental growl. My God, what's wrong with me? Carrot doesn't belong to me! I thought in shock. "Oh but he does and he always will," my inner voice purred.

It's been too long and I'm lost without you
what am I gonna do, I been needing you, wantin' you
wondering if you the and who's been with you
is your heart still mine, I wanna cry sometime
I miss you

End Marron POV

As he stood gazing pensively out at the moonwashed night, unaware of eyes studying his back.

First he was aware that Gateau stood behind him was his voice, causing him to jump in startlement, saying heavily, "Marron we need to talk.