Sorcerer Hunters Fan Fiction ❯ Letting go ❯ Gateau's POV ( Chapter 3 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
TITLE: Letting Go Gateau's POV
AUTHOR: Lemony Chocolate
DISCLAIMER: I don't own the Sorcerer Hunters.
FEEDBACK: Hell yeah, uhm yes please.
DISTRIBUTION: Archive away
SPOILERS: none that I can think of.
Please note: This story may or may not contains the themes of incest, mild violence, sex and/or male/male relationships (more like than not). If any of these may offend you then STOP READING IMMEDIATELY. If you choose to continue despite my warning, please DO NOT come crying to me.
Note: Comments and criticisms are very much welcome, flames, however are most definitely NOT. Flames generally include a lot of pointless talk about the author's lack of morals, scruples, etc. and to be really perfectly frank, I really don't care. If you don't like the stories I write, please do us both a favor and DON'T READ THEM! It's as simple as that.
That being said, please read and review. Remember though NO FLAMES!
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I kept my eyes closed, pretending to be sleep as he left the bed, something he had been doing for the past several weeks. I felt him pause---to make sure I was still asleep before the left to stand in front of the window, like he had been doing every night and I finally opened my eyes.
Once again we sit in silence
After all is said and done
Only emptiness inside us
Baby, look what we've become
Sometimes I felt like screaming from the pain lurking in his eyes. He was still moping about for his precious niisan. I closed my eyes and almost sighed aloud at just how badly I had fucked up! And not just Marron's life, but all five of us all because I was fucking jealous over Carrot. Marron thought the reason why the girls weren't pounding on him anymore was because he thought they thought he did a much better job of it than they ever could. But the real reason was because they had figured out the real reason why Carrot had left and they were doing a pretty damn good job of making my life a living hell!
We can make a million promises
But we still won't change
It isn't right to stay together
When we only bring each other pain
When I had first joined the group, I had sorta expected me and Carrot to be either best friends or friendly rivals. I had heard so much about him from Chocolate that I had expected to see a big beautiful man like myself when I first met him. To say that I was shocked by Carrot's appearance didn't really cover my extreme horror over the scrawny little man that everyone was fawning over. Here was this skinny little piece of shit, that had not one, not two, but THREE people catering to his every need and fawning all over him! And he didn't even seem to give a damn about any of them. Chasing after every pretty girl he saw, ignoring both Tira and Chocolate attempts to get him to fall in love with either of them.
I don't wanna cry
Don't wanna cry
Nothing in the world
Could take us back
To where we used to be
And quite honestly, it had pissed me off royally and fool that I was, I wanted to hurt him for having all the attention. I was used to being the one that every one lusted after and catered to, afterall, I felt it was only my right that the more beautiful people should have the adulation of the less fortunate ones, right? God was I an egotistical piece of shit!
I plotted to take away at least one of his little adoring fans. I figured out quickly that Marron was Carrot's true weakest link. Going after the girls would be a total waste of my time and energy, Marron would be easy. I could already see the doubt and uncertainty in his eyes every time Carrot would announce to the world that Marron was gay. And God help me, but I preyed on that fear, building it, stroking it as I whispered in his ear. Silken lies about how Carrot hated him for being gay, that Carrot was useless and a coward, that Carrot would ultimately turn away from him in disgust for being gay, but I would always be there for him, if he would just let me touch him, hold him, kiss him.
Though I've given you my heart and soul
I must find a way of letting go
'Cause baby, I don't wanna cry
I watched eagerly as he fell more and more under MY control, turning away from Carrot, clinging to me, listening to MY words, letting me do such deliciously nasty things to his beautiful body, ignoring Carrot. I remember smirking as I watched the painful confusion fill Carrot's big expressive eyes as his little brother drifted further and further away from him. I laughed silently to myself as he tried to frantically regain Marron's attention, his affection; he was willing to accept even a small speck of it and he was rebuffed each time by the increasingly wary Marron; I watched as Carrot finally retreated with bruised, unhappy eyes.
Too far apart to bridge the distance
But something keeps us hanging on and on
Pretending not to know the difference
Denying what we had is gone
And I was surprised that it didn't bring me the satisfaction I craved and that I needed. I had come to care about them all, during all my scheming, even about Carrot! While he did act like a fool 90% of the time, there was not a doubt in my mind that he would brave the devil himself for his friends, for me and especially for his brother. But by the time I came to my senses, he had left and I dared not tell Marron the true role I played in all of this.
Without his brother to prod him out, I watched Marron retreat further and further into his shell. And I had made a vow to find Carrot and get him to come home where he belonged. If he wanted me to leave the team, then I would, because at least Marron would be happy with his beloved niisan back in his life.
My vision blurred with unshed tears as I gazed at the silent graceful boy. As I had played Marron and Carrot, it was only fair that in the end I get played too. I had fallen and fallen hard for the beautiful boy!
Every moment we're together
Is just breaking me down
I know we swore it was forever
But it hurts too much to stay around
Initially, I had felt a little triumphant that while he was retreating in his shell, I could still reach him every time we made love, or at least I made love and Marron just went with the motion, to stubborn to admit he had made a mistake.
Hearing the little gasps he made as I made love to his body, the way he would arch his hips and bite his lips to hold back his moans; how his eyes would be screwed tight, I thought, in passion. But I was wrong and, I don't even think he realizes just who he's fantasizing about behind his tightly closed eyes. I just know it's not me, because I can see the surprise and disappointment in his eyes every time he opens his eyes and sees my face.
All the magic's gone
There's just a shadow of a memory
Something just went wrong
We can't go on make-believing
It's not my name that he whispers in his sleep, a smile of love and happiness gracing his face. It was never me that made him happy, that made he smile. It never will be me. It was never me at all.
I got up carefully from the bed and approach him.
"Marron, we have to talk," I say heavily, seeing him jump at the sound of my voice.
AUTHOR: Lemony Chocolate
DISCLAIMER: I don't own the Sorcerer Hunters.
FEEDBACK: Hell yeah, uhm yes please.
DISTRIBUTION: Archive away
SPOILERS: none that I can think of.
Please note: This story may or may not contains the themes of incest, mild violence, sex and/or male/male relationships (more like than not). If any of these may offend you then STOP READING IMMEDIATELY. If you choose to continue despite my warning, please DO NOT come crying to me.
Note: Comments and criticisms are very much welcome, flames, however are most definitely NOT. Flames generally include a lot of pointless talk about the author's lack of morals, scruples, etc. and to be really perfectly frank, I really don't care. If you don't like the stories I write, please do us both a favor and DON'T READ THEM! It's as simple as that.
That being said, please read and review. Remember though NO FLAMES!
* * *
I kept my eyes closed, pretending to be sleep as he left the bed, something he had been doing for the past several weeks. I felt him pause---to make sure I was still asleep before the left to stand in front of the window, like he had been doing every night and I finally opened my eyes.
Once again we sit in silence
After all is said and done
Only emptiness inside us
Baby, look what we've become
Sometimes I felt like screaming from the pain lurking in his eyes. He was still moping about for his precious niisan. I closed my eyes and almost sighed aloud at just how badly I had fucked up! And not just Marron's life, but all five of us all because I was fucking jealous over Carrot. Marron thought the reason why the girls weren't pounding on him anymore was because he thought they thought he did a much better job of it than they ever could. But the real reason was because they had figured out the real reason why Carrot had left and they were doing a pretty damn good job of making my life a living hell!
We can make a million promises
But we still won't change
It isn't right to stay together
When we only bring each other pain
When I had first joined the group, I had sorta expected me and Carrot to be either best friends or friendly rivals. I had heard so much about him from Chocolate that I had expected to see a big beautiful man like myself when I first met him. To say that I was shocked by Carrot's appearance didn't really cover my extreme horror over the scrawny little man that everyone was fawning over. Here was this skinny little piece of shit, that had not one, not two, but THREE people catering to his every need and fawning all over him! And he didn't even seem to give a damn about any of them. Chasing after every pretty girl he saw, ignoring both Tira and Chocolate attempts to get him to fall in love with either of them.
I don't wanna cry
Don't wanna cry
Nothing in the world
Could take us back
To where we used to be
And quite honestly, it had pissed me off royally and fool that I was, I wanted to hurt him for having all the attention. I was used to being the one that every one lusted after and catered to, afterall, I felt it was only my right that the more beautiful people should have the adulation of the less fortunate ones, right? God was I an egotistical piece of shit!
I plotted to take away at least one of his little adoring fans. I figured out quickly that Marron was Carrot's true weakest link. Going after the girls would be a total waste of my time and energy, Marron would be easy. I could already see the doubt and uncertainty in his eyes every time Carrot would announce to the world that Marron was gay. And God help me, but I preyed on that fear, building it, stroking it as I whispered in his ear. Silken lies about how Carrot hated him for being gay, that Carrot was useless and a coward, that Carrot would ultimately turn away from him in disgust for being gay, but I would always be there for him, if he would just let me touch him, hold him, kiss him.
Though I've given you my heart and soul
I must find a way of letting go
'Cause baby, I don't wanna cry
I watched eagerly as he fell more and more under MY control, turning away from Carrot, clinging to me, listening to MY words, letting me do such deliciously nasty things to his beautiful body, ignoring Carrot. I remember smirking as I watched the painful confusion fill Carrot's big expressive eyes as his little brother drifted further and further away from him. I laughed silently to myself as he tried to frantically regain Marron's attention, his affection; he was willing to accept even a small speck of it and he was rebuffed each time by the increasingly wary Marron; I watched as Carrot finally retreated with bruised, unhappy eyes.
Too far apart to bridge the distance
But something keeps us hanging on and on
Pretending not to know the difference
Denying what we had is gone
And I was surprised that it didn't bring me the satisfaction I craved and that I needed. I had come to care about them all, during all my scheming, even about Carrot! While he did act like a fool 90% of the time, there was not a doubt in my mind that he would brave the devil himself for his friends, for me and especially for his brother. But by the time I came to my senses, he had left and I dared not tell Marron the true role I played in all of this.
Without his brother to prod him out, I watched Marron retreat further and further into his shell. And I had made a vow to find Carrot and get him to come home where he belonged. If he wanted me to leave the team, then I would, because at least Marron would be happy with his beloved niisan back in his life.
My vision blurred with unshed tears as I gazed at the silent graceful boy. As I had played Marron and Carrot, it was only fair that in the end I get played too. I had fallen and fallen hard for the beautiful boy!
Every moment we're together
Is just breaking me down
I know we swore it was forever
But it hurts too much to stay around
Initially, I had felt a little triumphant that while he was retreating in his shell, I could still reach him every time we made love, or at least I made love and Marron just went with the motion, to stubborn to admit he had made a mistake.
Hearing the little gasps he made as I made love to his body, the way he would arch his hips and bite his lips to hold back his moans; how his eyes would be screwed tight, I thought, in passion. But I was wrong and, I don't even think he realizes just who he's fantasizing about behind his tightly closed eyes. I just know it's not me, because I can see the surprise and disappointment in his eyes every time he opens his eyes and sees my face.
All the magic's gone
There's just a shadow of a memory
Something just went wrong
We can't go on make-believing
It's not my name that he whispers in his sleep, a smile of love and happiness gracing his face. It was never me that made him happy, that made he smile. It never will be me. It was never me at all.
I got up carefully from the bed and approach him.
"Marron, we have to talk," I say heavily, seeing him jump at the sound of my voice.