Sorcerer Stabber Orphen Fan Fiction ❯ It's in the Family ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: The usual, I don't own any of the characters in SSO.

This is set after Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: Revenge. This is based off the Anime only and the English ADV versions at that. Warning Spoilers!

Author's note: The language will get rough from time to time as our heroes' frustration level rises and believe me, their frustration level will rise. Also, you will notice that the characters have changed and may be somewhat OOC. Please keep in mind the events that happened in It's in the Blood and remember that will have far reaching effects... that said I am doing my best to keep them in character.

Additionally, since I haven't done it in this fic yet, I'd like to add a very big thank you to my beta readers. You know who you are and you know the story wouldn't be as good without you.

Chapter 7*~*~*~*~*~~*~*

Needing to think, Orphen quickly left Majic's room and went to the tree, absently making note of the two Wolven guarding the house, and wondering where the third one went, since he hadn't seen it in almost a week. He was trying to sort out the jumble of thoughts in his head. He couldn't seem to keep his focus and his mind kept wondering. He climbed up in the tree and watched Cleo's room as the sun set. The sense of deju vu was strong as he remembered a much happier time when he was perched in this same tree.


`Where's that stupid troll? This time every day, he's supposed to show me that the sword is still safe.' Orphen thought with frustration. He didn't like being here this long. That and having to listen to his apprentice, Majic, whine was no picnic. He kept embarrassing the daughter of the household, who seemed to think he was watching her.

Although, he had to admit, when he first saw her, he thought she was someone else and he almost approached her. Once he realized she wasn't the mystery girl he'd seen at the Ruins of Kohan the night before he arrived back in Totokonta, he didn't really spare her any thought. Sometimes, he still wondered, she looked so like that vision from the lake, the nymph he'd followed back to the mansion. The one who'd made him feel complete in the brief second he'd allowed just a sideways glance and the one he'd never seen since.

Today was different. After a year of simply waiting and watching, there seemed to be more activity in the house. Maybe that was why the troll was late; the family was going to be entertaining that night or something.

This particular afternoon, Majic brought something with him and called out, "Hey Master, why don't you use these?"

"Why don't I use what?" Orphen asked from his position in the tree.

"These," he said holding out a pair of binoculars, "If you're `bird-watching', these might come in handy."

"Well, I guess they couldn't hurt." Orphen said, taking the binoculars, "Thanks. Good job." He realized the binoculars might eliminate the need to wait for the troll every day, if he could see the Sword directly through the window with them. He decided to use this to his advantage, "Now quit bothering me, will ya, kid."

He looked through the binoculars and examined the house. He could see clearly into all the rooms in the front of the house and was scanning for the room that held the Sword of Baltanders. He caught a glimpse of blonde and blue but he didn't think the daughter of the house, Mariabella by name, had a room on this side of the house. She spent a lot of time sitting in the upstairs drawing room, probably doing needlework. He scanned back and saw the other girl, who'd caught his eye, preparing to change clothes. As he shifted, trying to see her face, she stopped changing and moved to the window, looking out. She looked angry, but was undeniably the same girl from the lake. The spark of fire in this girl far outshined Mariabella.

He'd barely recovered from the shock of finding her when a shriek was heard inside the house and Majic commented, "Hey, um…did you just hear something?"

He shook his head, knowing the sound came from the room where his mystery girl was. She'd voiced the shriek as she ran out of the room. This did not bode well, considering he wanted to be on friendly terms with the one who'd attracted him so completely. He was contemplating leaving before he was accosted by some servant, when she came out of the house with a sword.

"Hey, you! Up in the tree! How dare you spy on me, while I'm changing clothes?!? Oh, I suppose you were `bird-watching'!"

Frankly, her beauty mesmerized him, until she opened her mouth. His nymph from the lake was a shrew. He thought, `God, the Fates have a wicked sense of humor,' as he began to defend himself against her verbal and physical attacks. And that was how he'd met Cleo Everlasting.

//End Flashback//

He was smiling at the end of that memory, `If I knew then what I know now, what would I have done differently? Or would I have done anything differently?' He thought about all the fun they'd had and realized he wouldn't change a thing… well… except the event which had caused him to spend three days in this tree. `I told myself I never wanted to think about that time again, but it never leaves my thoughts when I'm alone. This is why I resolved to get the distance back so I wouldn't think about it. But damn it, it's not working. If anything, it's worse. I find myself seeking her out, because I can't stay away, and then I remember what I'm trying to do.'

He looked up at her room again and cursed himself. He wanted to go up there so badly, he put his hand in his pocket and felt that stupid button. If he didn't leave soon, he knew he would go up to her room and take back everything he'd tried to accomplish in the past week. He'd needed to get away. He chanted, "Towers in Heaven that Dance Around Me" and teleported to the tower at the lake, a place that had always given him solace.

As soon as he arrived at the tower, he immediately found himself looking down to see if she was there. He remembered another time when they were all at the lake.


The two days after the second talk with the Wolven, everyone went out to the lake again. Alik, Majic and Hartia were being chased around by Leki while Cleo was unpacking the last basket containing the deserts Maribella had made for their picnic.

When she found the pie, "Here you go, Orphen. You had better eat it before the bottomless pits get back. They'll devour it all and you'll lose out." She added with a self-deprecating grin, "I promise, Mariabella cooked it, not me."

Her words made him angry. She was so much more than Mariabella, but when Cleo compared herself to her sister, she always acted like she came up short. It always got his hackles up and he wanted to shake her for it. That or … 'No! No! No! I made a resolution and damn it, I'm going to stick to it.'

"I said I didn't want anything but I guess you still can't understand any language." He then took the plate she offered him, turned it upside down and let it fall to the ground. He stood up and stormed off, without a backward glance.

He knew of the pain that he caused, but he still kept walking away. It was for the best. He had to protect them both from these feelings.

//End Flashback//

He remembered that scene and cursed himself for doing that at the lake. Now he was remembering the things he'd been doing to recently to regain the distance and save himself from anymore anguish. With another curse, he decided he was thirsty, "Towers in Heaven that Dance Around Me", and he appeared at Bagup's tavern.

As he walked in, he noticed a very typical quiet evening scene in the tavern. Bagup was behind the counter, polishing a glass, and, upon seeing Orphen, he reached back for the glass he normally created Orphen's ice cream floats in. As Orphen walked further into the room, he noticed a couple, a brunette boy and blonde girl, sharing a book. She teased him and he responded, adding to the play fight. Orphen was struck by the familiarity of their relationship and remembered something else as the boy and girl shifted in his mind to himself and Cleo.


She was sitting at the desk in the study, hunched over the rune books, when he entered for their appointed lesson. He hated himself for looking forward to the lessons and realized he wasn't keeping with his resolution.

She looked up and smiled, noting his arrival. Teasingly she said, "You're late."

"So? I didn't want to teach you in the first place. This was all Azalie's idea."

She examined his face, looking for some hint that he did not mean it. When she could not find any, she wilted under his steadfast gaze. "In that case, why are you wasting your time here? Go away." She turned back to the instructional text and shut him out.

He knew he should have been happy that his plan was working. The distance was growing between them, but why did he suddenly feel so empty?

//End Flashback//

`Great, there's no escape anywhere in this town.' He looked back up at Bagup and shook his head, indicating he no longer wanted the float. He quickly turned and walked out of the inn. He was realizing, as much as he hated to admit it, he was hurting her, and himself, too. He was likely the source of her stress, just like Hartia said. `Damn it, when did he get so good at reading people….oh, yeah….Childman. I swear, that man knew when Hartia and I were about to get into mischief before the thought had fully formed in our heads. And Hartia had five more years with him than I did. I guess that explains a lot. Now, what to do about it? I can't change my plans, I'm leaving for the Tower tonight to partner that other Hunter.' Resigned, he started waking back to the Everlasting home, intending to gather his gear and leave. He was walking past a familiar clothing shop when he put his hand in his pocket again and felt that button….and the scene from earlier that day replayed itself in his mind.


Hartia was taking Mariabella and Cleo shopping. Orphen followed along because Alik was staying at the house and he didn't like Cleo being protected by just the single Wolven not counting Leki. That and he was enjoying watching Cleo happily chatting with her sister, about the only smiles he'd seen on her face in days. He enjoyed that vision so much and cursed himself for missing her smiles. `I have to do this, it's for the best.'

He was standing on a sidewalk outside a store, apparently bored, when Mariabella exited, followed closely by Hartia, who was carrying several packages.

"Please, go and put those in the wagon."

"Of course. So, how many more shops will we be hitting today?"

"Just a few more. You don't mind, do you?"

"No, I enjoy helping such an elegant lady as yourself shop." Orphen rolled his eyes thinking, `You're laying it on too thick, Hartia.' Hartia continued, "You use your mind and bargain to get the best merchandise for the best price." He winked at her and then turned to head for the wagon.

Maribella blushed as she watched Hartia walk off, shaking her head but smiling brightly. Behind her, Cleo hurried out of the store and rushed past Maribella to stop in front of Orphen.

"Look at what I found!" Cleo said excitedly, "I've been looking for this everywhere!" Orphen looked at her with a bland stare. "Don't you remember? About six months ago, you lost a silver button on your jacket. I've searched in every store, in every town we stopped in, and I finally found a match." She reached up to his collar and pointed out a black button on his jacket. She proudly showed him the silver button she had clasped in her hand.

He snatched it out of her hand and bit out, "Yeah, whatever. It's not like you could sew it on anyway." He saw the hurt in her eyes, but ignored it, turning to walk off. He was afraid he would admit how shocked and pleased he was that she'd thought of him, ruining all he'd been trying to do.

As he walked away, he heard her sharp intake of breath and the murmur of a brief conversation between Cleo and her sister.

"Why you… " Mariabella called out, about to take Orphen to task.

Cleo cut her off saying, "Leave it alone, Maribella."

"Cleo, he just..."

"That is how he is. I realized long ago that this is how things would be. I had a choice to accept this or leave him and I have chosen to stay. It's my life and I will not change my mind."

"You deserve better."

"Mariabella." Cleo said, with a warning tone in her voice.

Orphen had gotten too far away to hear Mariabella's response at that point, and, frankly, he didn't want to. It was probably the same thing that was running through his head. `Why are you defending me? I've hurt you and you're still defending me. You covered for me with Alik, too. Why?' It dawned on him that if he wanted to make the break from her, he had to stop caring about what she did, but he just couldn't seem to stop.

//End Flashback//

Orphen fell to his knees right there in the street. `I can't do it. I can't. I don't want to leave her. It hurts too much to even think about it. That's why I haven't left yet. I'd planned on leaving earlier this week, but I couldn't go, and, damn it, I still can't. It feels wrong. What the hell am I doing? I can't leave her. I'm tearing myself apart.' He opened his fist and gazed at the simple silver button, she gave him that he couldn't throw away. And he realized, the reason he couldn't throw the button away was the same reason he couldn't leave. It was because of her. He loved her. `I don't want to leave and I'm not going to. I have to go back and fix things. I just hope it's not too late.'

He climbed to his feet and chanted "Towers in Heaven that Dance Around Me." He vanished and re-appeared on Cleo's balcony. He looked in only to see her running into her bathroom covering her mouth. With a shock, he realized what he was doing to her by pushing her away, `It stops tonight!'

He entered her room and heard her dry heaves in the bathroom. He immediately crossed to the door and, as he passed Leki, he muttered, "Watch over her, I'll be right back." He headed downstairs. He entered the kitchen, moved to the ice chest and opened the door. When he looked in, he saw a familiar plate with cheese and crackers on it that he'd seen prepared last night…


Cleo was in the kitchen late at night when Orphen found her. She was placing some cheese and crackers on a plate.

"What are you doing down here? Are you trying to make yourself sick? You have no robe on and you're bare-footed. Haven't you worried everyone enough without…"

He stopped abruptly as he watched her, without saying a word, put the food back in the ice chest, turn and walk out the door. Once the door closed, a growling Leki, who had followed her down, blocked the door, preventing Orphen from following her.

"Knock it off, mutt."

Leki growled louder as his eyes started to glow for an all-too-familiar attack.

"Don't you need to follow her back to her room?"

When Orphen moved towards the door again, Leki snapped at him. This only succeeded in igniting Orphen's temper. In a flash, he grabbed Leki and tossed him through the door after Cleo and bellowed, "You forgot something!"

"Leave him alone!" Cleo ordered as she caught Leki, "This is between us."

"There is no `us'. And don't you forget that."

"Even with my limited intelligence, I've figured that out." She replied sadly. In a whisper he almost couldn't hear, "Even though you confuse me with mixed signals."

They both turned their gazes up the stairs at a soft sound as Mariabella appeared on the landing. "Cleo, what are you doing up this late?" She saw that Cleo appeared to have come from the kitchen, "Were you getting a snack? I'm glad you are eating more, but it is late. Let's get you back to your room." She glared down at Orphen, indicating she'd heard the preceding exchange, and added, "And away from him!"

"Mariabella, we've discussed this already, and I still have not changed my mind" After a moment, she added sadly, "yet."

//End Flashback//

"DAMN IT!" He cursed and added, "DAMN ME!" He grabbed the plate and flung it across the room with a satisfying smash. `The list of my crimes just keeps growing. It can't be too late, I-I won't let it.'

He heard a soft gasp and realized he wasn't alone in the kitchen. Hartia and Mariabella, who had been sitting at the kitchen table, sharing a pot of tea, had witnessed his…latest crime.

"Something about the food displeases you. Good. You know that was Cleo's plate from…"


"Krylancelo! Watch your temper!" Hartia admonished him, standing up.

"Maybe if he get's mad enough, he'll leave." Mariabella said spitefully. "You aren't welcome here anymore. Not after…" Hartia placed a hand on her shoulder, silencing her.

"You won't hear that from Cleo and you know it. Let me handle this, please." Hartia whispered to Mariabella. In a louder voice, Hartia addressed Orphen, "Why are you here in the kitchen, Krylancelo? I thought you were leaving."

"Getting food for her." He lowered his head slightly, looking away and added in a whisper, "Trying to start making amends."

Mariabella started to say something again, but Hartia squeezed her shoulder to keep her quiet. He could see in Orphen's eyes that the message from earlier had been received and understood. It was also apparent that he had decided to change his ways.

This was particularly evident when Orphen cleaned up the mess he made before continuing to prepare a tray of all sorts of Cleo's favorites. Without saying another word, he finished preparations and left the room.


"He does realize that Cleo won't be able to eat all that?"

"At this point, I don't think he cares as long as she eats."

"He won't force her to eat, will he?"

"No and yes. He won't force her, but he won't put up with any tricks." He watched her intently and answered her next question before she asked it. "Yes, he cares. Probably more deeply than he wants to admit. You saw him earlier, how could you doubt? He's just been running scared."

"Oh… well… I-I can understand that."

"So, where were we before we were interrupted?"

"You were telling me about the training you've been inflicting on poor Majic."

"Inflicting? Me?" He said, feigning innocence. "Well, it was pointed out today that we've been pushing him too hard. He's been doing wonderfully, though. He really has a lot of potential and his progress has been incredible. His concentration on the runes rivals the stories I've heard of Rox Row and his research. We are easing up on him. Cleo was right, he's been doing too much."

"Oh…so that's why Mom sent her up with the cookies. Cleo let you have it, didn't she?"

"Um…." Hartia scratched his head looking sheepish, "Well…yes. She did, at that….so your mom set that off? I guess I should have expected that. She doesn't miss much, does she?"

"She sure doesn't. I swear, when we were growing up she knew when Cleo was about to get into mischief before Cleo did."

"And you?"

She gave him a cryptic smile but didn't answer. She sipped her tea with merriment dancing in her eyes, indicating that she had no intention of answering.

"Be that way, but I'll find out. I always do. Anyway, you said something earlier today about a Festival?"

"I can't believe they didn't tell you about it. The Fall Festival is a big event in this town. We go every year. There's shopping, games, auctions and, at the end of the day, a dance. Usual festival stuff, but we have a good time."

"Dancing, eh? So, does everyone bring dates?"

"Um…some do. I figured we'd all go as a group, but there is something I wanted to talk to you about regarding the auction…"


As Orphen approached the door to Cleo's room, he saw Leki sitting outside the door waiting for him. `How in the hell did he get out of her room? I guess she must have let him out. I'll have to talk to her about that. If I'm not in the room with her, I want him there.'

Leki stood as Orphen arrived at the top of the stairs. When Orphen reached for the handle of the door, Leki growled.

"We are not doing this again, mutt."

Leki growled again, paced a moment and then stopped. He looked up at Orphen and his form started to shimmer and shift. Orphen met Leki's human form.

"Shit!" Orphen muttered in shock and almost dropped the tray. `Wait a minute! That pup is as old as Majic and he's been with Cleo while she's bathing. I'm going to fix that.' He noticed that Leki was dressed exactly like him. "Nice outfit. We're going to have to have a long talk sometime, but not now."

"No go in unless committed. Why you hurt her and self?"

"Out of my way! Mu….kid." In a thought he added, `Damn, this is going to be confusing.'


"None of…" Orphen paused and sighed, "No…I can't get back into that. I need to help her get well. I want to see her happy and the smile back on her face and in her eyes."

"And if she happy with you gone?"

"I won't leave until I hear it from her."

"If she says go?"

"I-I wouldn't want to…it'd tear….I'd have to go….but I'd always protect her with my life."


Leki stepped aside and shifted back into Wolven form. "You and I are going to have a VERY long talk. Soon. That and we need to work on your grammar. Does she know?"

Leki looked back up at Orphen and shook his head. He then scratched at the door. As Orphen shifted the tray to one hand so he could reach the doorknob, he grumbled, "The least you could have done was open the door before you changed back. Stay out here while I talk to her."

Leki shook his head and started into the room. Orphen blocked Leki's movement with his foot, "We need to settle this ourselves." Leki growled but sat down while Orphen entered the room.

"Thanks for nothing, mutt." Orphen muttered sarcastically as he kicked the door shut behind him. He immediately noticed that Cleo was not back in her room. He put the tray down on the table and was about to check on her when she exited the bathroom, clad only in a pair of towels, one wrapped around her head and the other wrapped around her body.

She stopped when she saw Orphen and eyed him warily. She turned around to go back to the bathroom. "Do you mind? I'm not dressed."

Snatching her robe from the foot of the bed, he threw it over her head. "Put it on, then we'll eat."

She started putting the robe on over her towel as she answered and glared at him over her shoulder, "I'm not hungry. Why don't you go eat with Hartia?"

"The point here is for you to eat." Orphen replied, attempting to be patient.

"I said I wasn't hungry."

"We can eat or talk or both."

She quickly turned back to him eyes widening in surprise as she finished tying the robe. "I can't eat any of it. Take it back downstairs. I'll get something later."

"No, you'll eat now. You just threw up your dinner so you're going to replace it."

"I can't…it…it'll just come back up." She started walking back towards her bed and away from the table.

Resisting the urge to grab her, sit her down at the table and force her to eat, he quietly said, "Please try."

She turned back towards Orphen and looked at him in surprise. `A request, not an order. Is this the same Orphen who's been ordering me around without one kind word? What happened? I want to do as he's asking. if only because he's asking, but it won't stay down and I only just got cleaned up from the last bout.' Although still wary, she smiled at him, "I-I …Orphen, I want to but… my stomach isn't settled. It'll just come back up."

"Cleo, the doctor said you've lost weight. We're all worried. You need to eat, at least a little."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry anyone. It was an accident…oh." She said hesitantly, expecting an explosion like the previous night and worried at his reaction…she tried to cover her slip by adding "I-I'll eat tomorrow."

"What accident?" Orphen asked, trying to restrain his anger. "What aren't you telling me now, Cleo?"

"I…oh….I give up. I can't deal with this now. Just go away." Involuntarily, she wrapped an arm around her waist as her stomach started flip-flopping and she felt like she might throw up again. She started eyeing the bathroom again, fearing she was going to be throwing up the little bit of water she'd used to wash her mouth out from the last time.

Orphen took a step back, realizing she was about to run…not run off in anger, but run away from him in fear. He felt a pain in his chest as he realized just to what depths he'd been hurting her. `Oh, please, it…can't be too late. I-I…oh, God, what have I done?'

"I shouldn't have gotten angry. I never want you to be afraid of me. Do you need to?" He asked, gesturing towards the bathroom. She hesitated considering and shook her head slowly. "Would drinking something help? I brought some coffee, since I saw you dri…."

"No!" She barked out, grabbing her stomach again as she started heading for the bathroom, nearly tripping on the towels as they fell off of her.

He hurried behind her and grabbed her hair, which was falling towards the basin as she heaved, and threw up what appeared to be a small amount of water. He put an arm around her shoulders offering support until the last of the spasms left her. He handed her a small towel he'd grabbed from by the sink. She wiped her face, and whispered weakly, "Tea?" finally able to respond to his question. He nodded, and picked her up and carried her to her bed, trying to forget what his body was reminding him, that all she had on was that robe.

As he turned to leave the room, he said, "I-I'll get you some tea."

"Wait…I'm sorry about all that."

"That's ok….I-It's my fault. I'll bring the tea up and leave."

"It's not your fault, I was careless and didn't pay attention when I was making our drinks this morning."

"Huh?" He looked confused, "Could you elaborate?"

"I thought you knew. I figured Majic would have said something years ago."

"Cleo …could you please stop babbling. Just answer."

"I'm allergic to coffee."

"Excuse me? What ….since when?"

"Oh, I decided I would be allergic yesterday. Duh….I've always been allergic but I didn't find out until I was dared to drink some by…..oh….um…never mind."

"By who?"

"Um…just a childhood friend."

"Don't force me to go hunt him down."

"You leave Majic alone! You've put him through enough….oh, darn it."

Orphen smirked.

"You know there are times when I really hate you" She said smiling and added in a thought, `and a lot more when I love you so much it hurts.'

"I just wanted it confirmed."

"This is great an all but it won't stay down." She said gesturing towards the table, "Maybe you could bring up the plate from last night and some tea. I-I'll try that."

"Um…. that plate had an accident, I'll bring you a new one." He said looking down at his feet. "I'll be right back." He picked up the tray and left.

She quickly moved to her dresser, grabbed her pajamas and went in the bathroom to brush her teeth and change. She'd just gotten back on the bed when Orphen returned with a small plate of crackers, a few slices of cheese and a fresh pot of tea.

"That was quick."

"Your mom was already fixing it downstairs. She said you should be able to at least hold down the crackers by now."

"What did she say?"

"What do you think?"

"I know, I should have told you."

"At least you told her….apparently, right after it happened. From now on, Majic and I will fix our own coffee."

"I like fixing your coffee."

"No… you can't risk…"

"I've done it how long and this is the first mistake, besides I know how you get when you don't get your coffee the way you like it."

With a groan, he knew she was right. "We'll see, but if you do, I'll be watching. This won't happen again." He hesitated and finally said, "I'll just go."

"Why?" She looked down at the plate he'd handed her, "you don't have to…I …um, have some cheese and crackers to share."

"You need to eat all of those."

"You aren't going to watch to make sure?"

"Okay…" he sat on the edge of the bed. "You chew, I'll talk."

"Huh?" She said and started to open her mouth to say something, only to have a cracker put in. Blushing at the thought of him feeding her, she quickly started chewing and swallowing as he continued. She could tell he was serious and suspected she knew what it might be about.

"I'm sorry. I hurt both of us, when I was trying to protect…" She put her fingers up to his lips.

"Stop. It's okay, I understand. I-I…knew and…."

"Is that why you kept defending me?"

She looked away and quietly said, "Yes."

He reached up and touched her chin, turning her head towards him, "Thank you for trusting in me, I…."

"I will always believe in you." She said, blushing again at both his proximity and his touch.

Orphen slid his hand across her chin and to the base of her neck. Gently, he pulled her closer intending to give her a quick hug and peck on her cheek, when she turned her head and their lips met. Before the kiss could deepen beyond a chaste kiss, they heard Leki barking on the balcony, and both saw a flash of purple light, indicating someone had teleported away.

"Leki!?! How did he get out there?"

"He went through Majic's room to get there. He says he heard from the others that someone was watching through the window. Someone in dark clothes." Cleo relayed.

"I am going to kill Hartia!" Orphen muttered, "Excuse me a moment while I go take care of my ex-best friend. Will you be alright alone for a few minutes?"

Cleo replied as she started to get out of the bed, "I need to go check on Majic anyway, so…"

"No, you stay in bed. Finish your crackers and tea. I will check on Majic and then deal with Hartia."


Orphen stepped out into the hall and went down the hall to Majic's room. He found Majic up and straightening things in his room, fully dressed, wearing a navy shirt. `Hmmm. I suspect it wasn't Hartia we saw. Majic looks awfully smug and he is the little spy of our group.'

"So, weren't you supposed to be asleep?" He said when Majic noticed him in the room.

"I-I was just getting up to… um… get something to eat."

"Uh huh. Really?" Orphen said with a smirk.

"Well…. um… you know, don't you?

"Actually, I didn't. I only suspected but you just gave yourself away."

"Shoot. I'm sorry, I …was worried."

"Don't be." Orphen replied, "However, if you don't get back in the bed and get some rest, I will bring her in here to shout at you." When Majic didn't seem suitably impressed, Orphen upped the threat, "I could get Tistiny instead."

"Okay… I'm sleeping." Majic hopped up on his bed, covered up and starting making very fake snoring sounds. However, as he allowed himself to relax, the fake snores almost immediately faded into genuine sleep.

Quietly laughing, Orphen left the room and returned to Cleo.

She was asleep, sitting up on her bed, with the plate still beside her. To his relief, about half the crackers were gone, all of the cup of tea and one slice of cheese.

He shifted her so she was laying down, covered her up and, after removing his boots, belt and jacket, joined her.