Sorcerer Stabber Orphen Fan Fiction ❯ It's in the Family ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Note: Okay, I've been warning you for a while that the character's language would get rough. This is the first chapter where someone actually goes for the gusto so to speak when they curse. If you are easily offended, please ignore the few times I have the characters use this type of language. I do not have them use it very often and considering the situation I have put the person in, they are entitled.

Also, the usual reminder, you will notice that the characters have changed and may be somewhat OOC. Please keep in mind the events that happened in It's in the Blood and remember that will have far reaching effects... that said I am doing my best to keep them in character.

Chapter 8*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Majic and Orphen were just out of sight of the house, heading to the ruins with Polikapi, when Orphen stopped. He looked back towards the Everlasting home.

"Give me a minute. I, uh… need to stop for a minute and do something."

"What? Should we go back?"

"No, stay here. I'm just going to the trees. You know."

"Oh…" Majic blushed, although he knew full well that Orphen wasn't going to the trees just for a necessary bodily function. `Hartia owes me big time. I was right.' he thought with a grin, as he sat down to wait for Orphen to return from the house.

Once Orphen reached the trees and was hidden from view, he teleported to Cleo's balcony and was surprised to find her room empty. He heard Hartia's voice and went to the door to listen.

"Why are you out of bed and walking down the stairs?"

"Um… I'm hungry and wanted to grab a bite to eat? Before I..."

"I'll go get it for you. You go back to your room."

"Thanks for the offer, but bring it to the study instead."

"No, you'll be in your room, resting. That way, when the overprotective psycho returns, you're rested and on the way to a full recovery. I want to remain in one piece, thank you very much."

"Whatever, I'll be in the study. If you really want me to eat, you can bring the food there." She said, ignoring Hartia's comments. "I'm going to take advantage of the fact that Mom is going to town with Alik to buy him some new clothes. He's all ready worn out the ones we got him when he first arrived. I'm not going to waste the quiet time while he's occupied; I'm going to use that time to work on reading the runes. I want to study, since I'm so far behind on them."

"NO! Don't be stubborn, you can just as easily study and rest in your room. I'll bring up the food and books. That will work nicely in YOUR room, because if anything happens to you, I'm a dead man."

"Awww…are you scared of the big bad Orphen?"

"Oh, pluh-lease, don't insult me. Mariabella, on the other hand… Now, turn around and go back to your room, like a good girl."

"Whatever. I'm going downstairs. You get the food and I will sit in a chair and study and eat. You can watch me, if you feel you must. That way you can tell Orphen that I was a model patient, or I'll tell him I haven't seen you at all since he left. Your choice."

"I notice you didn't say you were going back to your room. Alright, you win this round, but don't expect to win all the time."

"Oh, I won't expect it." Orphen heard Hartia go down the stairs as Cleo muttered, "But I will win against you, Shrimpy. Because you, my friend, are a wimp."

It was all Orphen could do to keep from bursting out laughing.

"Come on, Leki." she said, as she followed Hartia downstairs.

Once the coast was clear, Orphen went to Alik's room. As Orphen opened the door, he was pounced on by a half-dressed Alik, who roared like a tiger, trying to scare whoever entered. "Oh… I thought you were Aunt Tistiny. Weren't you gonna be gone for a while? Cleo said so."

"Well, did I say good-bye?"

"No, and I'm mad at you for that."

"That's too important, I wouldn't forget. That's why I'm here."

Alik threw himself in to Orphen's arms. "I knew you wouldn't forget! Cleo said that since I was outside when you left, that's why you couldn't say good-bye, but I knew you wouldn't leave without saying good-bye. She also said I couldn't come, but I want to, can I, please?"

Orphen smiled at how Cleo had covered for him again. It wasn't necessary, but it was good to know. "She's right, but if you're good while I'm gone, we'll do something together that's extra special. In fact, you can choose what we do, anything within reason and safety. Deal?"

"Wow… Deal!"

"Now… I have something else to talk to you about."

"Oh… that sounds serious. Am I… oh, no… you found out about the vase I broke." The boy let go of Orphen and looked down, shuffling his feet.

"No… but where are the pieces?" Alik pointed at his closet. "I'll fix it before I leave but what I wanted to ask was …well, how do you feel about Cleo and I taking care of you?"

"I…well, I wish you'd let me do what I want more. I-I know I can't …I mean my real parents are….uh…gone, but having you `n Cleo is kinda like still having…having parents."

"That's what I was hoping you'd say. It may take some time and it's our" Orphen said as he pointed at himself and Alik, "secret, so no telling yet, but how would you feel if Cleo and I officially adopted you and made you our son?"

"Wouldn't you have to be married to do that?"

"That's why I said it would take some time. Besides, I want you to think on this for a while before you give me a final answer. Can you wait?"

"Yes… I can. Does that mean my name would be Alik Finrandi?"

Orphen's eyes got huge as his mouth fell open, which set off a fit of giggles in Alik. After a moment, Orphen choked out the word, "How?"

"I listen good. Hartia calls you Krylancelo a lot and I got curious. So I found out that's your real name, from when you lived at the Tower of Fang."

Regaining his composure, Orphen asked, "But who or how?"

"Promise not to tell?" Orphen nodded. "I found and read one of Cleo's old journals. It described your first journey together. What an adventure! I wanna see the big bugs!"

Laughing, Orphen said, "Your secret's safe with me, but I'm going to want to quiz you on what you read. And someday, we'll have to take you to the GigaSequoia, but I bet Cleo won't want to climb the tree again. What do you think?"

"No way. But I bet if you dared her she would."

"You're probably right. Anyway, I really need to go, so be good, squirt. I'll be back soon." And Orphen ruffled the boy's hair, but that wasn't enough for him. Alik hugged Orphen around the waist. As he returned the hug, Orphen thought, `This feels good. It feels right. Everything I was doing before felt wrong. I know why now. I can't deny my family.' He let go of Alik and moved to leave the room, but turned back, "Vase?"


Cleo sat in the study, looking out the window, wondering how far Orphen and Majic had gotten. She remembered seeing them off, noting that just like she'd asked Leki, one of the Wolven escorted them. There should be a couple more guarding her and Alik. Thinking about it though, she remembered seeing only two lately, and wondered which was Argenthua and where the third one was. Absently, she stroked Leki, who had climbed up in her lap, after she'd settled into her chair and didn't appear to be studying. She looked down at him as she wondered for the hundredth time, if she'd imagined everything between herself and Orphen, even though he had been so nice the night before. She still found herself waiting for the other shoe to fall. Sensing her tension, Leki leaned up and nuzzled her face, bringing about a smile.

[No worry.] Leki reassured her.

[I know I shouldn't. This is still weird you know.]

[In a good way?] He asked, almost hesitantly.

[A very good way.] She said, smiling, as she scratched Leki behind his ears, a spot she now knew was an absolute favorite. Slowly though, her other cause for concern encroached on her thoughts, and the smile faded. [Where's the third Wolven, Leki?]

Before he answered, Leki sort of wilted and really leaned into Cleo, [Sister home. Mother angry. Said too rebellious to continue. Disagree over protection.]

[What do you mean by that?]

[Just keep pack together. Not like today.]

[I don't know if that will be possible, but I'll try. Why?]

[Wolven protect Hunters. No like sent Polikapi with mate and brother. Only one adult remains for den]

[Orphen wouldn't like that if he knew. Can we get more Wolven to guard us when we can't all be together? I can't lose my family, and they're targets, too. Aren't they?]

Eyes brightly glowing, Leki yipped and licked Cleo's face, [Good learning. If ask, must.]

[Good. Can you relay a request for another Wolven to protect all of us, even if we have to be separated? I'd prefer Argenthua back.]

[Don't know about sister. Ask for more yes. Can. Will and,] after a momentary pause. [have.]

[Thanks. Now, I need to study, table or floor?]

Leki hopped up on the table and curled up, away from the books but within easy petting reach. Giggling, Cleo gave his ears one more good scratch, before focusing on her lesson. Leave it to Orphen to give her an assignment before he left.


Since he heard Hartia say that he would be getting Cleo a snack, Orphen knew, even with the time he'd spent with Alik, he would still have a few minutes. Especially since Mariabella would be the one to fix the tray and lately, when Maribella was around, Hartia lost all track of time.

Orphen hurried downstairs to the study and saw Cleo at a table, reading, with her back to the door. He walked up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. Leki, laying on the table, opened an eye, looked at him, and closed his eye again.

"Go away, Shrimpy, I almost have this one." Orphen almost choked on a laugh at her assumption.

He tapped her shoulder again and, without even looking up, she waived her hand in a shooing motion. He repeated the tap again and she shooed him again.

Smirking, he tapped a fourth time. Cleo stood up and started to turn, yelling, "Shrimpy, I told you that I wanted to take advantage of the free time to catch up on my studying… Orphen?!?"

"I forgot something. And I'll definitely remember what a pushover Hartia is when it comes to you. Anyway, good girl for studying. You will have a test when I get back and, if you pass, you get a treat. Your choice… well, within reason."

She stared at him with surprise, "Okay… but what did you forget?"

"Partly, I needed to say good-bye to Alik, but mainly for this," He pulled her into his arms and gave her a quick kiss. With a cocky grin, "Aren't boyfriends supposed to kiss their girlfriends good-bye? Later, vixen. You, too, pup."

With that last smug line, he chanted a quick spell and vanished from sight. Cleo lightly touched her lips where he'd kissed her. Still slightly in shock, she whispered to herself as she sat back down in the chair, "A treat, hmmmm? Well, more of that would be nice, but I won't get my…" She was cut off from her musing when she was kissed again.

A familiar voice said, "Sounds like a treat for both of us. Study well." She saw the familiar flash of purple light missing from his previous departure, indicating he'd actually teleported this time.

"Why you sneaky, conniving, no account, magic-using, second-rate charlatan." As Cleo was spouting off her insults for the absent sorcerer, she could hear Leki's laughter in her head as he said, [About damn time.] "And you watch your language, Leki! You're picking up bad habits! When I get my hands on you, Orphen, I'm gonna put itching power in your underwear…no, better, I'm gonna make you do Majic's chores… no… I'm gonna …"

"That's harsh. Who's the honoree?" Hartia asked, walking in and setting a plate of food down on the table, knowing full well that Orphen had just teleported out of the room. From the looks of Cleo's lips, she was soundly kissed before he left. `Majic's going to be insufferable to have been right. Especially if she follows through on that threat.'

"What… oh…Hartia…um… er… I… well…I could tell you, but you'd never believe me."

Hartia arched an eyebrow and said, "Really? Now, I've got to hear this. Try me."

"No… but, you can tell me something. What do you think of my sister?"

"She's a very nice lady. Why?"

"I was just wondering. You're not involved with anyone at the Tower, are you?"

"I was chasing after you just a few weeks ago. What do you think?"

Blushing, "Oh yeah… um… by the way… I-I wanted to say something about what I found out yesterday. I …um… I wanted to say I'm sorry."

"Why?" Smirking at her quick subject change, knowing that it meant he'd won this round, "Oh great, what have you done now? And…will I be killed for it?"

With a slight laugh, which was what Hartia was hoping for since he suspected he knew what this was about, Cleo reassured him, "No, nothing like that, you're safe. Well, for now, anyway. I…wanted to say I'm sorry for draining you and your magic when you…"

"Oh… I'm just glad it was me and not Krylancelo." Inwardly Hartia groaned, knowing he shouldn't have worded it that way.

"What do you mean?"

"You do know that, regardless of any fighting you'd been doing, if he had seen you first he would have healed you?"

"I know that, but… what did you mean that you were glad it was you and not him?"

He thought, `I can't tell her that Krylancelo would have drained himself completely to save her. I came too close as it was. And I have a lot more experience healing.' Aloud he carefully said,

"He's not as experienced with healing as I am. He would have done a good job, but " as he puffed himself up with pride, "not a good as I did, of course."

She gave him a dubious look but decided to accept the response for now. She resolved to catch Majic later. "Well, I'm still sorry it drained you. I should have never gone to the inn, but I promised Dortin that I would…"

"Stop right there." Hartia said, suddenly dead serious, "You mean you were not even going to try to get help?" When she glanced down, he had his answer, "Thank goodness I was there. It drained me, sure, but I've been drained before. It's just part of healing magic. There's no lasting damage. Hell, healing Carolina was more draining than you. We're not stupid, you know, we`re taught to know our limits and not to exceed them." He wanted to get on to easier ground and back to the teasing he was more used to, so he grinned and said, "Damn, I am so good and I do very good work. If I may say so myself."

Rolling her eyes, Cleo muttered, "God complexes, all of you. Sorcerers," Cleo snorted in disgust, "What do they do? Teach arrogance classes at the Tower?"

"No, we all come by it naturally. Art thou Sorcerer or God? It's all in the ego, you know."

"Save me from egomaniacs. Oh, Great Deity, grant this poor mortal use of your power to fulfill my fondest desire. A cup of tea, please?" She said. Laughing at his crestfallen expression, she decided to add to the teasing a bit more, "Unless it's beyond your power to do?"

"Oh, ye of little faith. I shall go forth and return with your heart's desire. Oh, wait, he has left on a quest, so you will have to settle for that cup of tea."

"Shrimpy…" Cleo said warningly.

"Sorry, but I couldn't resist. I shall fetch you some tea, but when I return, you had better have finished your snack, or back to bed you go."

"Sheesh, you sorcerers have a one track mind." He heard her mutter as he left the room, laughing.

As soon as he closed the door, he turned and came face to face with Mariabella. "Oh, hi. I was just heading to the kitchen to get the student a fresh pot of tea. I see you've already anticipated the need for it. You really are so much more than a pretty face. You have a brain and know how to use it and so many people don't. I like a intelligence in a …."

She narrowed her eyes at him. Recognizing his babbling as nervousness, she ignored it and said, "Excuse me. We need to talk."

"Of course, um… about what?"

"Healing magic and its draining effects on the caster."

"Oh…well." He hedged slightly, hoping that didn't mean she'd overheard the conversation from a few moments ago. "Okay, but it is a very boring subject. We could…"

"We will be discussing the healing you did when you saved my sister's life, and its effects on you."

"Oh…you overheard that."

Starting to turn away from him, the implied threat very evident, she asked, "Are you going to answer my questions or not?"

"Yes, but not here and now. The usual place and time? Will that be acceptable?"

"That will be fine. Now, you'd better get back to guard duty, before your charge makes an escape."

"Yes, ma'am. Of course, ma'am. What ever you say, ma'am." Hartia said with a smile, as he saluted her.

"That's more like it," she said. She handed him the tray and he returned to the study. She rolled her eyes, exasperated at herself, "Why a Sorcerer?"


"I've used my incredible powers to grant your wish as quickly as possible." He announced as he re-entered the study.

"Right. You met Mariabella just outside, didn't you?"

"Um… I …uh… I summoned my servant telepathically, while we were talking earlier, having anticipated your… needs?" He trailed off at the disbelieving look Cleo was giving him, "That and Mariabella was just outside with the tea.

"There was something else I wanted to ask about. Will you answer me truthfully?"

"Um…If I can."

"When I was at the lake a day or two after you healed me, I know that you were following me. Keeping an eye on me, like now. I left the lake and ran past Orphen. I hadn't gotten far when I heard an explosion, then you appeared in front of me, looking quite smug. So, what was it all about? I could tell you had been angry and upset earlier. D-Did the explosion have anything to do with the trouble I caused between you and Orphen?"

`Where did this come from? Damn, I hope Krylancelo gets back quick. I want off the hook for answering all these questions.' He grimaced at the memory and answered, "First, you didn't cause any problems. Second, you really don't want to know."

"That's what I thought. Never mind. Sorry to bother you." She said as she looked down and re-applied herself to the runes.

"Will you stop that?" He said, exasperated at both himself and her. `Great. If that last line wasn't a challenge to peak her curiosity, nothing is. Brilliant, Hartia.'

"Stop what?" She responded, keeping her head down so he wouldn't see the grin she was suppressing.

"Stop making me feel guilty when I don't want to answer a question."

"If you answer, then you won't feel guilty." She said with a slight smile, thinking, `Worked like a charm. He's such a pushover, just like Majic.'

"Cleo, did it ever occur to you that there are some things you're better off not knowing? Not to mention that it was between me and Krylancelo and we've already worked it out."

"I just want to know what happened."

"Fine, but it's been resolved already. He pissed me off with his attitude and I lost my temper, I blasted him, both verbally and magically."

"Shrimpy, why?"

"Trust me, he deserved it for being an idiot."

"Although I knew you had one, I've never seen you loose your temper."

"Me?" He gestured to himself with a mock innocent look on his face, "a temper? P'shaw! Wait a minute, who talked? They will have to be punished."

"I think I will be keeping that a secret. Or, I can just blame the red hair."

"Hey, leave the hair out of this, or I will start with the blonde…"

"Why, Shrimpy! I am surprised at you for picking on Majic, and he's not even here to defend himself. I'm disappointed in you."

"…" Hartia tried to come up with a good comeback several times before he just gave up and laughed with her.

When she failed to stifle a yawn, Hartia sobered quickly, saying, "Times up, missy. Back up to bed."

"No, please, just a little while longer." To her fury, she yawned again in the middle of her protest.

"No!" He scooped her up intent on taking her out of the room and up the stairs.

"Shimpy, put me down before I sic Leki on you!"

Leki, who was jumping down from the table to follow them, replied, [No. Need rest.]

"Not you, too!" Hartia looked at her when she said that and realized from where her glare was now directed that the pup had apparently agreed with him. He started laughing so hard he almost lost his grip on her. After a moment, he recovered and they left the room.

"I can walk you know. What is it with you macho Sorcerers and carting me around all the time?"

"Hey, it is not the first time you've been in my arms, you know."

"If you two keep lugging me around everywhere, I may just forget how to walk."

"Cleo, what's really wrong?" He asked seriously, because he noticed a slight tremor go through her.

"I'm fine...well… I don't want …to sleep without him near."

"I understand. Would it help if I stayed in here while you napped?"

"I guess so."

"Okay, that's settled."


By the time Orphen and Majic arrived at the ruins, it was approaching sunset. They'd ended up getting a really late start, since they'd all slept late due to the stresses of the previous day. Orphen remembered some interesting revelations that occurred when they'd had breakfast… well, lunch.


Orphen arrived downstairs to see the usual morning routine. Majic was sitting patiently, waiting for his coffee, which Cleo was fixing and Orphen could see she had a cup out for him. `What did I tell her last night?' He was about to start in on her about it when she looked up, saw him and smiled brighter than the sun. `Jeez, I'm getting soft. One smile and I'm letting her have her way. Well, right now, anyway. But I'm gonna make damn sure that she doesn't mix them up again.'

She finished mixing the coffee and handed Majic his cup. She pushed Orphen's towards him. He noticed that she'd kept her tea almost all the way across the table from where she prepared their coffee. That didn't stop him from ignoring his own cup and going over to her's. He picked it up and sniffed it. Satisfied it was tea, he handed it back to her. He saw the anger in her eyes flare up, but it was quickly replaced by another, more mischievous, look.

Cleo's thoughts were written all over her face, Orphen could almost hear her saying to herself, `I should be angry…that was just plain rude, but …It's kind of sweet, in a way. Or maybe he just doesn't want to clean up after me again.' What she actually said was, "You know, I really wasn't serious before about wanting some one to taste my food."

"I'm not taking any chances."

"Oh…you! Don't you have something to do besides messing with my tea?"

"Now, I know what's up…the Everlasting girls' curse is out." Majic said with a grin, until it dawned on him on just how it probably came out. "Wait, Cleo, you didn't ….Oh, no, I ended up with tea yesterday. I'm sorry."

"What do you mean, Everlasting girls'….Not just Cleo?" Hartia interjected looking worriedly at Mariabella and Tistiny. At the same time, Cleo started in on Majic.

"It was a mistake, Majic. I'm fine, no harm done."

"But, Miss Cleo…"

"I'm sorry to worry everyone. It was an honest mistake, it just happened. You're not to blame, Majic."

"Also, she came to me right after it happened, so it wasn't the prolonged situation it was previously. We know what happens and have the medicine ready in the event of accidents." Tistiny added.

Orphen watched Hartia look over at Mariabella, who on seeing his intent gaze made a hasty retreat to the kitchen. This announced to both men in no uncertain terms that the allergy applied to others in the household besides Cleo.

"Excuse me." Hartia said as he stood and left the dining room and headed to the main entrance.

Orphen saw the flash of purple under the door, which indicated that Hartia teleported somewhere, most likely to follow Mariabella.

Orphen turned his attention back to Majic, Cleo and Tistiny, in time to see Tistiny looking quite smug about the situation. He also noticed the impish look on Majic's face. He saw Tistiny's reaction to that and had a suspicion, which was almost immediately confirmed.

"Now…Mrs. Everlasting, you know that doesn't effect just Cleo and Mariabella."

"Majic! You weren't supposed to tell on me…." Tistiny said slightly flustered for the first time Orphen had ever seen, "Your dad told you to do that if the family allergy came out, didn't he?"

Eyes dancing with merriment and mischief, Majic nodded.

//End Flashback//

"Majic, I meant to ask earlier, how long have you known and how did you find out about Cleo's allergy?"

"Um… she didn't tell you?" Majic asked, hedging, knowing full well he'd be in trouble for his part in the discovery.

"She hinted at it, but fell asleep before I could get the full details. Your name was mentioned, so you're not getting out of it that way."

"Oh…uh…She was 11 and I was 9. I was…I was down and Dad wasn't really paying much attention to me. Just before she came to visit and try to cheer me up, I was watching Mr. Everlasting's new young assistant drink some coffee. He made this horrible face after each sip, and it got me laughing. Cleo saw me laughing but when he left my humor did, too, so in an effort to get me laughing again, Cleo accepted my dare to drink a whole cup. Her face was funnier than his." He was smiling at the memory but suddenly frowned, "…until she got sick. Real sick. No one knew what was wrong. She couldn't hold anything down for a week. Finally, they asked me if I'd seen her eat or drink anything unusual. When I mentioned the coffee, Dr. Hale gave Mr. and Mrs. Everlasting a pointed look and made me help him with the cure since I was the one who dared her. I think the cure was worse than the sickn…" Majic's voice trailed off as they arrived at the ruins, which were very changed from the last time they'd been there.

Everything was destroyed.

Not just destroyed but practically dust. The buildings were crumbled so that the back of the alcove could be seen when standing by the entrance. They could even see where the casket should have been. Emphasis on should, there was simply dust and dirt where the casket with the etchings and writings had been.

"Garik did this." Orphen said with a snarl. "Damn it. `Sword of Light'" and he sent the spell against the wall of the alcove in sheer unadulterated fury. "Damn, damn, damn….he's always one fucking step ahead of us."

"But…Master, at least we have a copy of the writings."

"Yes." Orphen said, trying to calm down, "He did this, so that means he didn't want us to know what was written there. Those writings are important, they may even hold the way to defeat him."

"I was thinking the writings might be part of the prophecy the Wolven mentioned. I was hoping they might have more details but I've been focusing on copying, not translating, right now."

"How far along have you gotten on the copies?"

"I'm only about half way through one copy because of all the lessons."

"That's your new focus, finishing the copies. I'll make Hartia help more. Let's look around and see if there's anything he missed." Orphen added with a sigh, knowing there probably wouldn't be anything, but unwilling to give up hope. So much for the light-hearted mood he started out with earlier in the day.

He examined the scene and something struck him as familiar. He stepped back out to the entrance and the clearing. He looked at the alcove the ruins were hidden in. His blood ran cold, it was the same…the same as his re-occurring nightmare. `No! It's just a coincidence. I will not relive someone else's life to fix their mistakes. I make my own destiny!'


Closing Note: Sorry about the lengthy delay in posting this chapter, there was a major crisis in my family, which we are still working though. I promise, I will post when I can but between the ongoing family issues and the fact that I have now posted the last fully completed chapter, it will be at irregular intervals.