Sorcerer Stabber Orphen Fan Fiction ❯ It's in the Family ❯ Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: The usual, I don't own any of the characters in SSO.

This is set after Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: Revenge. This is based off the Anime only and the English ADV versions at that. Warning Spoilers!

Author's note: The language will get rough from time to time as our heroes' frustration level rises and believe me, their frustration level will rise. Also, you will notice that the characters have changed and may be somewhat OOC. Please keep in mind the events that happened in It's in the Blood and remember that will have far reaching effects... that said I am doing my best to keep them in character.

Chapter 9 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

In the middle of the night, the silence that had settled over the Everlasting mansion was shattered by a long scream, calling for Orphen. It bounced all the sleeping souls out of their beds at a run.

Hartia was the first to arrive in Cleo's room. He had his hands up, ready to cast at whatever was threatening her, when he saw her sitting up in bed, completely oblivious to his arrival, as she inhaled for another cry.

"Cleo, what's wrong?" He moved closer to her, since there was no apparent danger. Leki was leaning against her, crooning, trying to soothe her, but seemed to be having little effect.

When Hartia got close to Cleo, she became aware of his presence, and punched him in the eye. "Owww…Cleo, what did I do?" Tistiny entered the room, in time to see Hartia rock back from the impact of Cleo's fist, and Leki move out of the way, to allow everyone else to get close to her.

Cleo screamed again, "Nooooooo! Don't!! I'll be good!"

That was when Hartia noticed her eyes were closed. She was dreaming or, more accurately, having a nightmare. "Cleo, wake up!" He tried to restrain her.

"Don't kill him! Pleeeaaassse." She started crying and shrieked, "NOOOOOO! ORPHEN!!!!!"

He couldn't get near her to try to calm her down without being hit. Tistiny got closer and was able to hold Cleo, but she still wasn't waking and continued to repeat the same phrases. She kept ending with the same cry. Tistiny tried calling Cleo's name to wake her, but she wouldn't come out of it. "She's trapped in the dream. I can't wake her." Tistiny murmured shakily.

Cleo subsided into sobs momentarily, and Hartia and Tistiny became aware of crying and a soothing voice in the next room, indicating Alik was awake and Mariabella was with him.

Hartia said, "I think I know who might be able to snap her out of it. I'm going to get Krylancelo. `Away.'" Hartia `ported to the camp where Orphen, Majic and Policarpos were sleeping. He'd barely finished materializing in the camp when Orphen sat up.

Seeing Hartia arrive in his only in his sleeping shorts, Orphen was immediately alert, "What's wrong?"

"Everyone's fine, but… Cleo's trapped in a nightmare. We…" Hartia trailed off, realizing he was talking to air. Orphen had already teleported back to the mansion. Hartia looked over at Majic, who was getting to his feet, and said, "I'll come back and pack up the camp, after I drop you off at the mansion. The `port is too long for you right now."

A growl was heard, and they saw Policarpos starting to pick up the blankets. He also nudged Hartia; the message was unmistakable, `Go back to the mansion. I'll pack up here.' With a grateful glance, Hartia said, "Thank you." He grabbed Majic and said "Away."


Orphen rematerialized in Cleo's room and walked up the bed where Tistiny was holding Cleo, just as she screamed his name. "Cleo, I'm right here," he said soothingly. Not acknowledging Hartia and Majic's arrival, he turned to Tistiny and whispered, "Give her to me." He reached out and pulled Cleo close to him as Tistiny stood and moved to a nearby chair. Cleo fought against him but he wouldn't release her. He whispered in her ear, "It's Orphen. Come on, Cleo, wake up."

She repeated, "Nooooo! Don't!! I'll be good!!"

He whispered, "You are being good, but you have to wake up." Orphen noticed that even if she wasn't waking, she wasn't struggling as hard as she had when he first started holding her. Silently, he prayed that that was a good sign, that she was coming out of it.

She shook her head and repeated the next phase of the dream, "Don't kill him! Pleaaasssee."

As she was crying, Orphen whispered hoarsely, "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere, now wake up, please." Fainter now, she finished the cycle and cried, "Noooooo! Orphen!!??" Her eyes fluttered open briefly and she saw Orphen's face hovering close to hers. "Orphen???"

"I'm here. You're safe. I'm not going anywhere." She smiled slightly, snuggled into him, closed her eyes and went back to sleep. He sighed with relief; he'd gotten through to her. He shifted her into a more comfortable position with her body across his and her head on his right shoulder. He then moved back to lean against the headboard of her bed and relaxed himself. Leki jumped back on the foot of the bed and crawled closer to them. Orphen, seeing the pup tentatively approaching, directed him to Cleo's lap.

As Tistiny moved to step out of the room, she leaned close to Hartia and whispered, "As much as I'm enjoying the view, Hartia, it might be a little much for Mariabella. You might want to put at least a shirt on, soon."

While Hartia blushed as red as his hair and exited with Tistiny, Majic took the opportunity to move around the bed near Cleo's head. He sat down, putting a hand on her shoulder, and exchanged glances with Orphen, worry evident in his gaze. "Is she all right?"

Orphen half-smiled, half-grimaced, "I don't know, but we'll keep her safe."

"Right, Master." Majic said as he leaned closer and began stroking her hair.

Hartia, who'd hurriedly thrown a shirt on, returned to observe them, with mixed emotions, from the shadows near the door. It was scenes like these when the connection between Krylancelo and Majic made him feel like the odd-man out. He wanted to be part of it, almost desperately, but at the same time, knew he didn't want to be in the middle of the trouble that always seemed to follow them. Still, he knew he couldn't, and wouldn't, leave them to face the challenges ahead without him.

Shortly, Tistiny came back with Mariabella, and a very teary-eyed Alik. He saw Cleo and Orphen, and flung himself at them both. Hartia caught his head-long flight and redirected it, so he wouldn't disturb Cleo, but could be near them both. With a whispered instruction from Hartia, Alik moved to the side of the bed where Cleo's legs were and crawled against Orphen's side and tucked his legs under Cleo's. That earned Hartia a grateful look from Orphen as he disentangled his arm, which had been under Cleo's legs, to wrap it around Alik and pull him closer to them. Alik leaned his head against Orphen's left shoulder. "Is she okay?"

"She just had a nightmare. She's fine, but she'd be upset with you if you don't get some sleep."

"I'm glad you're back. Can I stay here?"

"For a while, but we'll move you later. Sleep."

Alik snuggled into Orphen, knotting one hand in Orphen's shirt and laying the other on Cleo's leg, and promptly fell asleep. Tistiny took that as the hint to chase Mariabella, Majic, and Hartia out of the room.

Orphen gazed down at Cleo's sleeping face, wondering for the hundredth or thousandth time, and whispered, "What happened to you in that cave? I wish you would tell me." He pulled her closer, and placed a quick kiss on the top of her head.

She moved restlessly, curled into his embrace and murmured sleepily, "Don die….don leave me, please."

He inhaled sharply, "It was a dream. I swear I'll never willingly leave you." He reassured her, tightening his grip, on her as he tried to get his emotions under control. He would be useless to them if he lost control of his temper. As much as he needed and wanted to vent, to avenge them, they needed him here and in control.

Suddenly, he was aware that he was no longer in the room with just Cleo and Alik. Tistiny had slipped back in and was watching him closely, smiling slightly. "Mariabella and Hartia are having tea downstairs. When they finish they will come back up and take Alik back to his bed. I suspect Hartia will want to talk…be ready. I'm trying to get Majic to rest. He has not been sleeping well the past few weeks."

Orphen nodded, agreeing with her. He knew he needed to let Hartia know what happened at the ruins and doubted he'd get any sleep that night.

Tistiny smiled again as she stood in the doorway, toying with the heart-shaped pendant she always wore. "I'm going to get back to my bed now that she's in good hands. For what it's worth, when you get around to asking her, you have my consent. Her father would have approved, too, and that's saying a lot."

Orphen just gaped at her as she left. He couldn't believe she just came right out and said that. He also realized he wanted to do exactly what she implied, but he knew what he was, a rogue sorcerer whose weaknesses would be exploited. Cleo was a big one, but, in all honesty, married or not, everyone already knew how he felt.

Looking down at her, he sighed, as he nuzzled close to her face, inhaling her familiar scent. Knowing full well she was sound asleep, he decided to practice, "Marry me?"

Not really expecting an answer, he was very surprised when he heard her mutter again, "'Bout time... asked me… two-bit-sorcerer…yes." That almost unintelligible phrase was followed by a very inelegant snore. It was all he could do not to laugh out loud. Smiling, he thought, `That's my Cleo.' He shifted the four of them to a more comfortable position and tried to relax to get some rest before Hartia returned.


About forty-five minutes later, Orphen heard the door open and Hartia looked in. He saw that Orphen's eyes were open and quietly entered with Mariabella.

"Let's get him back in his room." Mariabella said.

"He's fine where he is." Orphen said.

"We need to talk, let him sleep in his room, undisturbed. I know you won't leave Cleo, so we'll just have to take that risk." Hartia said.

"I know, I just don't…."

"Stop right there. I know you don't want to let either of them out of your sight, but he needs the sleep. Do you really what to chance him hearing what we will be talking about?"

"Will you let me finish? I know, I just don't want him to be alone for the rest of the night. I agree, we need to talk. This wasn't a good day and turned into a hell of a night."

Hartia walked up to the bed and gently disentangled Alik from Orphen. The boy didn't even move during the shifting. "We also thought of that, so we've put Majic in Alik's room. That way neither of them will be alone." Hartia said, as he carried Alik out of the room.

Mariabella stayed behind a moment, "I know you care about them both, but why won't you show them…"

"I have my reasons. But you were right and I won't push them away again. You have my word on that."

"You know she loves you…no, they love you." She watched Orphen glance down at Cleo and nod slightly. "Don't hurt her again." She added with a warning tone in her voice.

"I won't." He replied looking away and effectively ending the conversation.

She nodded slightly and left the room.

When Hartia returned to the room after settling Alik back in his bed, Orphen and Cleo had moved from the bed to the couch and Cleo was lying prone, with her head on a pillow in his lap. Leki was lying at the foot of Cleo's bed, watching them intently. Hartia smirked to himself as he made note of the new arrangements. "I would ask how the search at the ruins went, but from what you said earlier, I'd guess not well."

"You'd be right." Orphen looked down and noticed Cleo was shivering slightly. "Before I continue, could you grab a blanket for me?"

Grinning, Hartia grabbed a spare blanket from the foot of Cleo's bed and draped it over her. When Orphen arched his eyebrow at Hartia, "I knew, as well as you did, that you didn't want the blanket for yourself. So…how much of the rubbings were you able to get done?"

"None. The ruins were destroyed, deliberately and utterly."

Collapsing in a nearby chair in shock, Hartia exclaimed, "You're kidding. Please tell me you're kidding."

"I wish I was. The casket we found the writings on was completely turned to dust. To the point even a restoration spell couldn't return it to normal. Of course, in all likelihood, it happened over a week ago, so the weather and winds probably didn't help things."

"You know that means that whatever is in those writings is something that the demon wants to keep hidden."

"Don't you think I've thought of that? I'm getting sick and tired of feeling like we're one step behind the bastard. We have to think of ways to make him react to our actions rather than the other way around."

"Yes, we do, but we need information first. Since that source is going to be no further help, we probably need go to the library at the Tower… or… Rox Row's house."

"Yeah…he might have notes from his books there, and I know for a fact that he took some of the more sensitive books with him when he left the Tower." With a smirk, Orphen added, "I'll bet the Elders are still sore about that."

Hartia smirked back, "They are. That probably should be our next stop."

"More than that, someone needs to go there as soon as possible. Do you think you and Majic could go?"

"Sure, it would probably be a good chance to reinforce the teleport skills. But, do we really want to delay the rune copies and the translation any more?"

"There's got to be something in there. Garik…" He stopped and looked down when Cleo whimpered slightly in her sleep at the sound of the name. He smoothed her hair and she immediately relaxed.

"Did she wake up at all?"

Orphen shook his head. "Not even when I moved her."

"So, you don't know what triggered the nightmare." Hartia mused aloud.

"No, I don't, but I think we can both guess."

"He threatened you. That's why she was so adamant that you and Majic go with protection to the ruins. But why did she have the nightmare tonight?"

Orphen debated on how to answer Hartia. He suspected Hartia knew the answer, but admitting it was another matter. "Umm… tonight was the first night she was asleep for any length of time without me in… in bed with her," Orphen admitted with a slight blush.

"But you…?"

"I was, but at night, I… if you tell anyone about this, I'll rip your throat out, at night, I couldn't stay away. I'd join her after she was asleep and leave before she woke up. At least once or twice a night, she'd whimper, I suspect those may have been the beginnings of a nightmare, but it never went any further."

"Of course it didn't, she whimpered. You reassured her you were alive and kicking. Tonight, when that reassurance didn't arrive, the nightmare took her." Hartia thought for a few moments, "I…do you think that might mean he was watching everyone to find out just how to hurt you both?"

"Hmmmm…it's a possibility. Scrying other locations is common."

"Actually, it's very likely he is watching us. Constantly," came Majic's voice from the door. Inwardly, Majic winced. He shouldn't have said it like that since he didn't really have anything to back it up. `That was smart, Majic. Way to go, idiot. Now, I'm gonna have to explain how I came up with that. Saying I dreamed it will go over well. Wait… she said… okay, I can do it that way.'

"We need to talk about blocking that, but who's with Alik?" Orphen asked.

"Mariabella… he wouldn't let go when she tucked him in. Since, she was staying I…" He looked down and shuffled his feet. "I…well…"

"That's fine. Come in, sit down and tell me what you meant."

"I meant," Majic paused, choosing his words carefully, "when Cleo and I talked yesterday, she said something that leads me to believe the demon had a way to show her what happened. I-I-I think he showed her her apparent …um …death."

"How do you figure that?" Orphen asked.

"Well… have either of you talked to her about what went on with Agan?"

Hartia and Orphen both shook their heads.

"Well…when we talked…she wasn't surprised when I admitted that you witnessed her… death. I know that no one else has talked to her about what actually happened, so if neither of you told her… then… I know she was trying to reassure me, so she might have covered it, but it didn't seem so to me."

"She's gotta talk to me soon." Orphen muttered. "Good observation, Majic."

"I just listened while she talked. I didn't do anything, she was reassuring me." Majic replied, feeling guilty that he couldn't tell the whole truth. It was close, but he was having a hard time accepting what he'd dreamt after his talk with Cleo. He knew dreams usually didn't mean anything but…he had a strong feeling that one did. That dream was why he'd felt he'd had to go see her the previous night, when he ended up spying, to make sure she wasn't back with Garik.

"That's all we can do. When she can talk, she will. As difficult as it is, we've just got to be patient." Turning to Orphen, Hartia continued, "But promise us, you'll share what happened with us. That way, she only has to tell it once. You know we care, too."

"I will, don't worry."

"Majic's right. If he really showed that to her, he's probably watching everything we do."

"Of course!!" Orphen said exasperated at himself for not having figured it out sooner, "He must have been scrying us from early on, but beginning when? When we arrived in Totokonta the first time or before that? Damn Garik!" Almost absent-mindedly, Orphen put his hand on Cleo's shoulder to reassure her when she whimpered after his statement.

"Just before that. And Wolven block now." Came a new voice from the bed as Leki entered the conversation in his human form.

Hartia, Majic and Orphen all jumped slightly, in spite of each having met Leki's human form on previous occasions.

"Will you quit…" Orphen started loudly, but stopped when Leki shifted back to Wolven form. At his outburst, Cleo stirred and rolled over on her other side, now facing Orphen's body. Inwardly, he groaned, `Bad enough I almost wake her…but did she have to turn that way?'

Once assured Cleo was back to sleep, Orphen had to fight a strong battle with himself. When she rolled over, essentially putting her face towards his crotch, she'd also put one of her hands between the pillow and his lap, right on a very sensitive area. The heat that small unconscious act generated in him was driving him to distraction.

He also noticed, where the attention of the other in the room was focused, and realized the blanket had slipped and her grown had ridden up. He glared at Hartia and Majic, who were both looking way too much for his liking. 'When did I get so possessive about a girl, especially her?' he asked himself. He quickly set about covering her back up with the blanket, using his right hand.

While he was doing that, he slipped his left hand under the pillow to grasp hers, to keep it from moving too much. He considered moving it altogether, to prevent her from rubbing against anything again, but he knew how she slept. She always had a hand under her pillow and he'd run the risk of waking her if he moved it. He tried to cover his blush with a glare at the others.

Hartia and Majic both looked away in response to the glare, but more importantly to conceal their grins when they noticed the blush on Orphen's face.

After a few short minutes, he felt her relax completely and nodded to Leki. "What did you mean?"

Leki shifted back to human form, "Have little time in form. Cannot hold con-concen… thought long. Form older than I. Felt distress but very faint and familiar." Leki gave Orphen a pointed look. "Then stronger calm. Then sudden increase and different. Left immediately..." he added with a growl, "At depart... Mother told, met demon on road...Red-eyed monster was him under illusion."

"WHAT!?! You mean that sick creature that tasted her blood was actually Garik!!!!" Cleo stirred and whimpered again at the exclamation. As he was rubbing her shoulder and gripping her hand, it was all Orphen could do not to wrap her up in his arms and never let her go. The thought kept repeating, `The more we find out, the more danger she's in, and the more I want to lock her away somewhere safe. But, I know it's not possible.'

When Leki nodded agreeing with Orphen's statement, Orphen's blood almost froze. He had come so close to losing her before he even knew what was going on. If Garik had taken her then, they would never have found her. That was before the Wolven had even given Cleo the pendant.

"Not happy with Mother. Wouldn't left if knew demon."

"I don't think anyone in this room would disagree with that." Hartia said.

Orphen looked up at Majic to see the same horror and sheer terror mirrored in his eyes as they both realized how close they had come to loosing her. Involuntarily, they shuddered as resolve hardened their expressions and Orphen's eyes darkened with anger.

"When" Orphen said through gritted teeth, "do we meet her?"

"Have already. Twice. Talk her later."

"Now, what did you mean by `Wolven block'?"

"Block Demon sight."

"So, the Wolven are blocking his scrying. Are you blocking an area or specific person?"

"Block house only."

"Outside the house?"

"Visible. Moving block difficult but possible. Sister said save for travel." Leki appeared to be sweating slightly, "Cannot hold. Hold pendant if need answer. Limit. She hear, too."

With that Leki shifted back to Wolven form and curled up on Cleo's feet.

Simultaneously, Hartia and Majic each had something to say. Hartia asked, "Krylancelo, when did you meet human Leki?"

"That was interesting." Majic muttered, "If...hmmm."

"Yesterday." Orphen answered Hartia absently focusing on Majic, who was thinking about the conversation at hand, the one Orphen thought was more important, "Out with it, Majic. Your observations have been accurate so far, so let's hear it."

"It's just a couple of random thoughts."

Hartia answered encouragingly, "Sometimes those can be the most helpful."

" he's been watching us, and the rubbings are important, why hasn't he come after them?"

Smirking, Orphen said, "Because he doesn't know we have them. How much you want to bet he was watching Cleo while we were at the ruins?" In a thought, 'Finally! We know we're one up on you, you bastard.'

"Right. Which brings up my second's something I realized I should have asked Argenthua. She said Garik…was found by one who searched for him. I should have asked if that was Agan." Majic watched Cleo intently when he said the demon's name again and, as he expected, at the name she whimpered again.

Just before Majic started to say something else, Leki looked up from where he was almost asleep and unmistakably nodded.


"Wait, Master…" Majic interrupted with an apologetic look, "I want to try something …I'm going to say something, watch her." He got out of his chair and kneeled next to Orphen and Cleo. He put a hand on her shoulder, ignoring the `get-to-the-point' look he was receiving from his Master. He whispered, "Garik." As Majic expected, Cleo whimpered and trembled. Majic let his hand fall away from her as he hung his head, whispering "Why couldn't I have been wrong?"

"Damn, I should have known." Orphen whispered resignedly. He knew she couldn't say that name, and she reacted to it while awake; it wasn't much of a stretch to expect it while she was asleep. Even so he still he pulled her up in his lap and tightly against him. Leki jumped up to Orphen's shoulder and nuzzled his face reassuringly.

"I guess we'd better watch what we say." Hartia murmured as he watched two of his closest friends wracked with fear, worry, and utter helplessness. This group had already faced down unbelievable horrors and he shook his head, wondering how much more they could take.

"You're right." Orphen quietly agreed with Hartia as Majic sat on the couch next to Cleo's feet. Shaking his head, Orphen tried to focus on what they were talking about before, it was important. "W-we need to wrap this up quickly. So…where were we? We-We'd guessed they were working together and that he was likely the one who saved Agan when I was attacking. We knew that."

"If Agan was working with uh… the demon, and the writings are important enough to be destroyed, why did he send us there?" Majic followed Orphen's lead to get back on the topic begin discussed before he interrupted.

"It was a ruse to separate us from Cleo. I'm just glad I ended up staying, even if I couldn't cast. My presence must have been deterrent enough." Hartia added. "He must not have realized how weakened I really was. His scrying worked in our favor that time."

"I guess, but..." Majic started.

"I see where you're going with this. If the writing is so important, why take that risk, ruse or no ruse? Unless... Majic, was it just me, or was Agan not happy when we said we were going to translate the writings?"

"I...well… that was why I brought it up. I thought he was nervous...scared, almost, when we said we wanted them translated."

"No, he wasn't just scared... he tried to persuade us it wasn't important." Grinning broadly now, "He was deterring us because he was afraid of betraying …the demon. Hartia... there was something about being allied with demons that I can't remember from my years at the Tower."

"Jeez… Krylancelo, that's pretty basic apprentice level stuff ...Oh, crap!!!" Hartia went completely white.

"Go on!!"

"The one who frees a demon is protected from him unless the demon is betrayed in some fashion. I can't believe I forgot that after Master Childman pounded those lessons into our skulls."

"That's it!! Agan hid it and it's important. We're on your ass now, you son of a bitch." Orphen practically crowed.

"Very good, Krylancelo." Hartia teased, "Now what other basics have you missed teaching your apprentice?"

"I…some of it was covered when I was at the Tower of Fang. We…went over some basic demon stuff in the classes I had. The pact was mentioned along with the different types demons. I didn't know Master Childman taught those classes." Majic replied.

"He didn't." Hartia answered, "We learned the same basics from the Tower's History Master. Most of the rest he taught us in our early teens. He went over details on the types of demons, their power structure and, oh, hell…"

"He was preparing us," Orphen said, "and I didn't pay close enough attention. How in the hell did he know?"

"He didn't, he was preparing us to partner this generation of Hunters, including the one that's at the Tower now. Don't you think?"

"That would be Childman." Orphen said, rolling his eyes. "Leki, you need to get down." And Leki, jumped off Orphen's shoulder to the couch. "Hartia, you can fill in the gaps on the way to Rox's. Go get some rest." Orphen said as he stood up with Cleo and moved to the bed. Tucking her in first, he turned back to the others, "Majic, get some sleep on the couch." Knowing Majic wouldn't want to leave and really not wanting him to either, he threw the blanket, which had been on Cleo, at him. The blanket was quickly followed by a pillow.

"'Night, Hartia." Orphen climbed in bed next to Cleo and Leki pulled at Majic's shirt, encouraging him to lie down on the couch with him. Once Majic lied down, Leki perched himself on Majic's chest.

Majic muttered, "Mother hen, err… Wolven, if she were awake, I'd say she told you to do this." The pup nodded and gave Majic a doggy grin.

"Night." Hartia said as he left the room, closing the door behind him.


(A/N: I could end it here since several of the other chapters end with them going to sleep…but since someone commented on it. I'm going to be different.)


He felt her stirring in his arms and opened his eyes to watch her reaction. She stiffened slightly when she realized she was being held, but relaxed when she touched his hand. She slowly rolled over towards him and he closed his eyes, feigning sleep. Once she was facing him, she angled her head so she could look at his face. He felt her hand caress his cheek as she whispered, "He's here?" She moved her hand down to rest on his chest as she snuggled close to go back to sleep.

"I'm awake, too."

She was slightly startled and tried to pull away, "I'm sorry, I didn't..."

"Don't be. It's a nice way to wake up," he said as he returned the caress on her blushing cheek. He smiled slightly and pulled her back against his chest.

"Not that I'm unhappy, but when did you get back and why?"

"In short, the ruins were useless and we came back during the night."

"Oh..." She shifted uncomfortably and grimaced. "Back in a sec." She got up and started for the bathroom when she noticed Majic on the couch. She turned back to Orphen and whispered, "Okay, what's wrong? Why is he in here? What really going on?"

"You don't remember?"

"If I remembered, I wouldn't have asked."

"You had a nightmare, a bad one. Hartia came and brought us back." It was on the tip of his tongue to ask her what it had been about, but he just couldn't.

"Oh...I-I-I'm sorry..." She whispered, looking down, absently noticing Leki was now at her feet, having jumped off of Majic.

"Will you stop apologizing for something you didn't have any control over!?!" Orphen said exasperated and then wished he could take every word of it back. `Damn it, the last thing she needs right now is me shouting at her. Even if she deserves it.'

"You never let me finish, that wasn't why! I have control over when I say things, don't I? I should have told you I was having bad dreams before you left, but I was afraid you wouldn't go, and the information might have been important. I almost told Hartia yesterday, but didn't because you deserved to know first." She stopped and began crying, "I-I start to relive it... every night... I… He… I-I can't..." She turned and ran into the bathroom and slammed the door. He could hear her crying in the bathroom.

As he was hurrying to the door after her, Orphen thought, `I know she's like this, that she apologizes when she insecure or scared. So, why do I keep making an issue out of it?' At the door, he addressed her, "Cleo, open the door, please."

From behind him, Orphen heard Majic speak quietly, "Um...Master, I think she could use a few minutes without you hovering by the door. Why don't we go get cleaned up and dressed?" Orphen glared at Majic but didn't move from his position by the door. Majic stood up and walked close to Orphen to whisper, "We're supposed to give her time, but we won't leave her alone, ever again."

"Damn it, Majic, back off. She can't keep holding it in and avoiding talking about it to me... er, us, anymore." He grimaced, `I know why I keep making an issue of it. I hate feeling helpless. I hate not being able to know for certain I can protect them.'

"Is she, Master? I think that she just tried more than she ever has before."

"But it's not enough."

"But it's all she can do right now. Unless you really intend to break down the door and try to frighten her into talking. Which we all know will do more harm than good and might even set her back. Is that what you want, Orphen?"

Sighing, "I take it back, you're too observant. I'm going to get dressed and check on Alik. I don't need to ask…."

"No, you don't."


"You can thank me by letting Cleo make our coffee this morning. Please," Majic pleaded laughingly.

"If she'll come out, she can make our coffee." Orphen said in a louder voice. He turned, left and went to his room to get dressed.

Majic was folding the blanket, when Cleo came out of the bathroom.

"Are you feeling better?" Majic asked without looking at her.

"No, but I'll be okay. That was sneaky of you."

"Me, sneaky?" Majic said, feigning innocence, "What do you mean?"

"You manipulated your Master, and if that's not sneaky, what is?"

Blushing, "Awww… Miss Cleo…" Majic started but he stopped when he felt her hug him from behind.

"You always have watched out for both of us, haven't you?"

"Umm… that's my job?" He said in a small voice, "Besides, we're family."

"That's right we are, aren't we. Well, little brother, now that Papa Bear" eliciting a snicker from Majic, "is out of the room, what happened last night?"

"In short, we got to the ruins, they were destroyed, you had a nightmare, Hartia came and got us and we came back. Only Orphen could calm you down."

From the doorway, came Hartia's voice, "All that and I discovered that you have one hell of a right hook. Good thing I'm a fast healer. And why is Krylancelo grumbling about manipulative apprentices?"

Cleo and Majic both started laughing. "Excuse me, but I'd better make the coffee before he gets really grumpy."

"That, and Majic and I have a trip to start."


"Well… walk with me" Hartia said as he stepped out the door and extended an arm. She accepted it and they started going towards the stairs.

"Wait, I need to check on Alik."

From behind her, Majic said, "Master said he was going to check on him."

"So… I'm going to check on him, too. He needs to be reassured, I'm sure he was scared last night. Right, Hartia?"

"Umm… let's go check on Alik." Cleo and Hartia had switched directions headed towards Alik's room when Orphen stepped out into the hall.

"I checked on Alik, he's still asleep. Come on, you have coffee to make." Orphen said taking Cleo's arm away from Hartia. "If they're good, I'll share it."

Behind them as they began walking down the stairs, Cleo heard Hartia's whine and Majic's whisper. "What are you whining for? Mariabella will fix yours."

"But she's always serving tea."

"Yuck. Sorry."

Cleo looked over her shoulder at them, "Hartia, just ask. Mom taught both of us how to make coffee, since Dad couldn't stand tea. Did you ever tell her you preferred coffee?"

"Well…I didn't want to hurt her feelings."

"It won't…Jeez, show some backbone. Shrimpy." Cleo said laughing as she saw the smirk on Orphen's face.

"I'm no coward."

"True, you aren't." Cleo started and Hartia beamed, "But you are a wimp," quickly deflating his ego.

"I'll talk to her before we head out on our trip today." Hartia said, pointedly ignoring Cleo.

Cleo stopped at the bottom of the stairs and whirled on all three, "Trip? That's right, where are you and Majic going? You didn't get to explain that earlier."

"Umm… Krylancelo, you can explain." Hartia said, proving her point as far as the others were concerned.

"Gee, thanks!" Orphen said grimacing. "That was part of the discussion we had last night while you were asleep. Since the ruins were a dead end, Majic and Hartia are going to Rox Row's."

"But that's a long way…"

"They'll be teleporting a lot, which will cut down the travel time and be good practice for Majic."

"And they'll be taking a Wolven with them." Cleo said firmly.

"The Wolven stay here." Orphen said just as insistently.

"The extra Wolven that came for the trip to the ruins will go with Majic and Hartia." Cleo said and turned to go to the dining room with Leki trailing behind her. He looked back and nodded, indicating he agreed with her and that she'd already arranged it.

"Damn that link." Orphen muttered under his breath. "Cleo Everlasting, you just make damn sure there are two here to protect you and Alik!" Orphen was aggravated; she'd outright defied him and, although he got the last word, he knew she was getting her way. It rankled, but he had to admit he'd sleep better knowing someone was looking after the duo, especially Majic, who was less able to protect himself than Hartia. He mused, with a smirk growing on his face, 'At least, for once, my brat is thinking first and not running straight into danger. How ironic. She actually thinks and I worry more.'

Cleo was watching him think after he'd groused about her delegation of the Wolven resources. When she saw him smirking, she couldn't stop herself from asking, "What's the smirk for?"

"Don't worry about it," He replied and then baited her with, "Brat."

"Oh…" Cleo said, suppressing a grin. It was nice to know, things were returning to normal. "Well… be that way!" she said, turning towards the dining room. She stopped in the doorway realizing he wasn't moving and decided to bait him into following her. With a wicked grin, she taunted, "See if I make your coffee in the morning anymore."

"Did I ask you to?" Orphen said with a smirk, thinking, `Well, that's one way to get her to stop taking that risk.'

Seeing his smirk, Cleo realized that he was taunting her and she wasn't going to fall for it. `Besides,' she thought, `He didn't want me to make any coffee and by doing so, I'll accomplish two goals, annoying him and saving everyone else from his temper.' With a huge grin, as she was about to close the door behind her, "Well then, I'll just make Majic's." Cleo looked up at Hartia and Majic, who were still standing on the stairs watching the scene unfold, "And Hartia's. Come on, you two."

Majic and Hartia had started down the last of the stairs to follow Cleo into the dining room, when Orphen grabbed them by their collars. "Don't even think about it."

"But, Krylancelo, I have got to try this coffee. Besides, I haven't had any coffee in weeks." Hartia playfully whined.

"Master, I'm not giving up a last cup of her coffee. You'll be here while we're gone, and I have to put up with his cooking." Majic whined gesturing at Hartia.

"Quit your whining!" Orphen growled as he stepped in front of them, mission accomplished as far as he was concerned. He entered the dining room first, about to address Cleo, when he saw three cups set out for them. `All right, here we go!' he thought looking forward to the restoration of their play fights. Closing the door behind him, shutting Majic and Hartia out, Orphen said, in a challenging tone, "Cleo! We are going to have to talk about this coffee thing. Again!"

Majic and Hartia stood on the other side of the shut door, mentally debating about whether or not to enter the dining room and interrupt the latest quarrel between Cleo and Orphen, when they heard three things: something smash in the dining room, a scratch at the door, and someone clear their throat in the hall.

Majic pulled the door open slightly, letting Leki out, as the sorcerer and apprentice turned to see Mariabella standing by the door to the kitchen. Just before Mariabella spoke, Leki trotted upstairs, heading for Alik's room. "Hartia, if you liked coffee, why didn't you say so? Please follow me." She moved back into the kitchen.

Hartia and Majic shared a glance and followed her, without saying a word. They could hear the raised voices coming from the dining room and knew those two would be occupied for a while.

Once they entered the kitchen, Mariabella continued, "I have most of your supplies gathered and will make you both some coffee. Please go over the supplies to make sure I didn't miss anything you might need. I hope it wasn't too presumptuous, but I wanted to make sure your journey goes safely and smoothly." Mariabella looked down slightly when Hartia walked up close to her. She whispered so only Hartia heard, "And that you return quickly, safe and sound."

Majic, seeing that they might want a moment alone, slipped out of the room unnoticed, wishing for someone he could be with.

"That's a promise." Hartia said, leaning in to give Mariabella a hug.

"You'd better keep it. Or… I'll …um…never do this again." She reached up and pulled him into an embrace. She wound her arms around his neck and pulled his head down, bringing their lips together.