Spirited Away Fan Fiction ❯ What Was Always There ❯ Chapter One~ Mikos and Demons ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

This takes place nine years after Spirited away. I do not own Chihiro and Haku but I do own Ethena, Damien, Sora, Neko, Taiga so let that be known.
Chapter One~ Mikos and Demons
`Nine years.' Thought Chihiro. She was ten then, nothing but a naive little girl. She looked at the sky with a smile as she replayed her appearance in her mind. Short, scrawny, scared of anything, and weak. Her brown hair always tied in a ponytail, her black eyes always downcast, and her shirts too big. Chihiro sighed. Since the day, she had started many sports to strengthen her body such as: Horseback riding, Ta Kwan Do, gymnastics and track. Now she was nineteen, with a body to rival a goddess. Her body was luscious and graceful. Her once brown hair had turned black and she had put crimson red streaks through its length and her eyes were now a watery blue.
She stood and went to the full-length mirror. She was wearing a blue halter top with flare bottom jeans and blue flip flops. She ran downstairs and out the door. Her parents were out and wouldn't be in for a few hours. She jumped off the porch just as a horn sounded. A red Ferrari 360 parked in the drive way, its beauty dulling in comparison to its driver. A woman of nineteen leaned against the side of the car in a red halter top and flare bottom jeans and red flip flops. Her platinum blonde hair was slicked back in a high ponytail and sunglasses were settled on her face. Her sinewy arms were crossed over her chest.
“Ethena!” Squealed Chihiro as she raced to the other woman and embraced her. Ethena was her first friend and ever since they had met they were best friends. So much in fact that Ethena showed Chihiro her true form, a wolf. She had been the wolf spirit of the Japanese Islands but was released from her duty when she came across a human and did not kill it. That was nineteen years ago. She was then given a new life, but she still kept her wolf form and her memories of her past life.
“You ready to go?” She asked with a smile.
“You bet.”
They got in the car and raced away. They traveled out of the city and into the countryside, where they came upon a large mansion. They pulled into the garage and parked next to an orange Lamborghini Diablo. The tinted windows gleamed against the florescent lights and the neon orange paint seemed to glow. A black wolf was painted on the hood, teeth bared and bloodied.
Chihiro smiled at the painted canine. Damien, the owner of the sports car, was also a wolf spirit, but while Ethena was THE wolf spirit, Damien was the follower that captured her heart. He had been the next in line to become the Wolf Spirit when Ethena had been banished but he had followed her also starting his life over again with his true form and memories. Now the two were happily mated and were the perfect couple in high school, which they all graduated together.
Music blared from inside the house and only intensified as Ethena and Chihiro walked into the house. As they walked through the halls, the music turned down and then altogether stopped. They turned one last corner and were met by four people. Two women, two men. One man stepped forward and wrapped his sinewy arms around Ethena, bending down to give her a soft kiss. He wore a tight, orange t shirt and baggy black jeans with black skater shoes. Damien's lightly tanned skin looked brown against her pale skin. His midnight black hair fell into his forest green eyes as he reached up and took off the sunglasses that were settled across her face. Her eyes that were closed in surrender opened to send him a glazed look. Her eyes were pale yellow. The strange color was proof that she, at one time, had been the wolf spirit of the Japanese Islands.
The other three people that were positioned around the room were also spirits that had either been banished or had run away from their duties. One such example was Neko. Neko was a tiger spirit. Before she had run away, she had been the heir to the title of The Tiger Spirit of the Asian Continent, but her father, who actually held the title, arrange a marriage between her and the heir to the title for the North American Continent. She would have gone willingly if not for the rumors she had heard about her soon-to-be husband. The maids often said that he beat his women. Neko had told her father, but when he had not listened, she ran for fear of her own life.
When Neko passed the barrier between the human world and the spirit, the life force that slowed her ageing dissipated and she started ageing like a human. She was now twenty years old. Her hair resembled that of her true form, a brilliant red, and her eyes were a fierce emerald. Her petite figure was laced with muscle and she had been blessed with the womanly figure that most of her kind lacked. And today she decided to show off that figure with a tight, green tube top and equally tight black flare bottom jeans with black spiked heels.
The other woman in the room was Sora. She had a white wife beater, flare bottom jeans and white spiked heels. Sora and the man next to her, Taiga, were not like the other spirits in the room; they were not spirits of a certain breed of animals. They were sky spirits. Their true forms were winged horses, also known as pegasuses. Sora had been a servant for Taiga and had been lured into his heart and his bed when she became his personal maid.
In spirit form, her beauty surpassed that of The Mistress of the Sky, who had been Taiga's mother.
Sora and Taiga were secret lovers until one day, Taiga's father, The Master of the Sky, arranged a marriage between him and the daughter of the Horse Spirit. When Taiga learned of this he gathered a few belongings and Sora and whisked them to the Human world. Now they too were happily mated. (By the way Taiga is wearing a black wife beater, loose jeans and black skater shoes.)
Chihiro smiled sadly as she too remembered her childhood sweetheart. Haku. She remembered his straight dark green hair, his flawless, pale skin, his dark mysterious eyes. But she also remembered his dragon form, how he had reminded her of a fearless warrior and how good he had felt racing between her clenched legs. Now, at her hormonal age, she often wondered how he would have felt if he had been riding her, thrusting in and out, with her moaning beneath his glorious body and screaming as she…
Chihiro jerked from her fantasy and found all the spirits starring at her with knowing eyes. Often had she told them of Haku and their adventures.
“You know,” purred Neko, “We can smell that.”
“Yea and if you miss him so much why don't you go to him?” Asked Damien.
Ethena took over. “Because she has a life here, there she has nothing.”
Chihiro nodded, confirming the wolf's words. Then the room was filled with silence.
Sora, ever helpful, broke the silence. “Hey, I have a great idea. How `bout we go clubbing.”
Everyone cheered at the woman's suggestion. Chihiro and Ethena went upstairs to get some shoes. When they entered Ethena's room, Ethena turned to look at the other woman. “You know, Halloween is coming up. And you know can pass through to the other side just for that night.”
“I know, but I'm afraid that if I go…”
“You'll never come back.” She finished.
Chihiro nodded. They retrieved their dancing shoes. Ethena and red, spiked heels and Chihiro and light blue.
They went downstairs and got in cars. Ethena and Damien in his Lamborghini, Sora and Taiga in his black Aston Martin, Chihiro in her light blue Jaguar XKR Convertible, and Neko in her silver Infiniti Coupe. They all drove to Mikos and Demons. Loud rap was playing when they entered the club and they immediately split off into pairs. Chihiro and Neko made their way over to the bar and ordered their drinks.
Hey hope you liked it. Please review and be nice about it.