Spirited Away Fan Fiction ❯ Where I Belong ❯ Human in The Spirit World ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Okay so a few notes. Sorry about the really slow update but I kinda forgot I posted the story the only reason I remembered is that I got an email about the comment my one and only wonderful reviewer posted. Now that I know this story is actually being read I'll keep going. She also pointed out that I have Rin's name wrong it's Lin. I honestly have no idea how I messed that up but anyway I'm sending a huge thank you out to Alliecoolgirl! On with the story!
Human In The Spirit World
(Seven Years Later)
Sen laughed at the indignant look Lin shot the frog who'd just told her that the pair was to clean the big bath for the third time that week. Lin muttered darkly about how she'd heard the French Humans ate frogs' legs as she and Sen walked towards the nasty goo covered monstrosity of a bath they were expected to clean.
“Sen I love you but every time we work together the number of times I have to clean this stupid tub gets bigger.” Lin grumbled at the giggling Sen (believe me if you could see the face I'm envisioning you'd giggle too).
They didn't talk as they worked, an unspoken rule, so they could finish faster and maybe get some time off. Fat chance. The silence was comfortable and it gave and 18-year-old Sen who'd grown out of the awkwardness of her childhood stunningly some time to think about the rapid approach of her 19th birthday. So much had happened since the accident that had driven her from the human world back to her home in the spirit world. For instance as of two years ago she and Lin were now legally sisters, thanks in large part to an obnoxiously large stack of paperwork. Sen had adapted to life as a human in the spirit world amazingly quickly and though there were a few problems in her first year she was accepted as part of the spirit community inside the bathhouse, it helped that the human smell came off after a few baths and some new cloths.
Chihiro had also, with the help of her ever-eager sister, finally admitted that what she felt for the Kohaku river spirit was much, much more than friendship. She loved him and she missed him. A lot. In fact the only things that hadn't really changed about Sen were her determination, courage, and big brown eyes.
(Yubabaa's POV<because we all want to know what's going on with our least favorite witch>)
Yubabaa watched the Yuna's working downstairs through a spell she'd cast hours ago. One worker in particular was being continuously watched and scrutinized. That worker was the only human not only to have ever worked in the bathhouse but also the only human to survive in the spirit world for such a great length of time. She also happened to be Yubabaa's favorite, not that she'd ever admit it.
The reason behind watching the girl was simple. She wanted to retire. Bou lived with her sister and she did miss her big baby, also after centuries of dealing with prissy spirits, annoying workers and managing big events at every solstice she was tired. The only reason she was still working was the lack of an apprentice (thank you Chihiro). As crazy as it sounded the old witch wanted the annoying, apprentice freeing, rule breaking, too-nice-for-her-own-good human to be her successor. One problem. She was HUMAN. Human's die after eighty or so years and that just wasn't going to cut it. One solution… change the girl into a spirit.
Yubabaa had conferred with her sister and, though they argued more than they worked, they finally found the right spell to get the job done. Now all she needed was to see if the girl would go along with it. Well only one way to find out. She sighed this was going to be interesting.
(Back to Sen<Because we love her more than the hag>)
Sen smiled as she realized the tub was done.
“Lin we still have an hour before works over do you wanna go into town and get some real food for a change?” Sen asked, hoping for a yes. She wanted to get out of the bathhouse. Her trip to visit Zeniba and Bou was canceled this part week because she'd been filling in for one of the many workers who'd fallen ill from eating one of the kitchens “mistakes”.
“Sur-” Lin was cut off by Yubabaa's voice being magically amplified to the bathhouse.
“Sen I want to see you in my office now!” The witch snapped. Yubabaa had become somewhat nicer as the years went on but she was still by no means a kind boss. Sen sighed wondering what she'd done wrong to merit a trip to the witches office. Whatever it was it probably wouldn't end well.
Okay I'm cutting it off there because I need to actually write the next part. Should be interesting. Sorry it's so short but hey I already told you I just remembered that I even stared writing this and I finally found the notebook I wrote my ideas in so now I know where the story is going (thank god). Well review please it actually may make me write faster/ remind me to write.
Thanks again to Alliecoolgirl for reviewing. The next chapter -Planning-, which will also have a major time-skip (this time about a hundred years), should be up soon. Thanks for reading