Spirited Away Fan Fiction ❯ White dragon Golden Phoenix ❯ A week to long ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

White Dragon Golden Phoenix

Chapter One

A Week Too Long

"You lie! This place where spirits live isn't true Chihiro!"

"Yes it is Hotaru!"

"Then where is it?"

"I don't remember. Only a forest then this shrine but…"

"Tell me again why I became your friend?" Hotaru joked.

"Because you are nice person and you hate people being left out."

"You forgot head strong and independent!"

"YEAH YEAH just please don't start singing that song…"

"Miss independent…"

BOINK! "Hey what was that for!"

"Sorry Hotaru you got a little crazy there."

"Ok tell me more about Haku!"

"He is wonderful, cute, kind and brave."

"Sounds fun I wish so much that it was real." Hotaru smiled to herself and wondered about finding this spirit realm and the world be on.

The bell rung for school being out and Hotaru took a short cut by the forest. There was a barely visible trail so it took time to cut through the underbrush and then she noticed large statues appearing in the trees then a large shrine looked down on her. She parked her bike next to the wall and walked through the long hall way until she found herself standing in an old church. She spun around staring at the old relics left in the windows and on the alter. She spotted another door way and slowly went through and found there to be a large vacant pasture so beautiful with the flowers gleaming in the bright light. A little farther she could hear the rushing of a river. Leaping through the pasture until the river was spotted. Hotaru gracefully leaped from one to the other and onto the very bridge that would change her life.

`It is just as Chihiro had described it, but where are the spirits' Hotaru thought. The sun was setting behind her and the town in front started to light up with life. Hotaru became annoyed and shouted, "Chihiro you never told me what do then get here!" A large crow landed and the wind it knocked Hotaru off her feet.

"You know Chihiro? Good you might be spared stupid human."

"One thing I'm not stupid and two I hate being knocked down with no consideration."

"Smart mouth well I could fix that!"

"You won't touch me Yubaba!" Hotaru's eyes glowed with fury and it scared Yubaba a bit. So she just said to follow her to the bathhouse. The workers stopped to take a look at the new arrival since Chihiro had left three years ago.

"Where are we going?" she questioned

"To Haku he is in need of a human friend."

"You mean THE Haku!?"

"The only Haku I know of."

They went up to a woman older the Hotaru and the woman looked at the girl with disgust and shouted, "Scrawny thing come on!"

"Hey I'm not scrawny woman!" She followed Lin a friend of Chihiro's from before time. They cam to a door and Lin knocked on it.

"Hey Haku…its Lin I have someone here to see you."

A shuffling was heard inside and the door cracked open a little bit.

"This is a friend of Chihiro's and she came to visit you."

"Okay just…leave her here I'll talk to her later."

"Haku get over your depression life is to short for such a thing." Hotaru yelled at him in pure frustration. Haku smiled at the girl and welcomed her into his room.

"How long have you known Chihiro?"

"Just this past year, she is my best friend."

She sat down on one of the chairs and gazed back at him.

"She talked often about this place, her adventure and…you." He perked up at that comment. Then a light knock was heard.

"Master Haku there is a spirit named Shi Ryu here to see you."

"Send him in." A dark figure of a boy of fourteen lurked in through the door he looked at Haku then averted his gaze to Hotaru.

"Haku you once sought great powers and I am here to ask for you to join me in a partnership to find the Great Spirit and gain the power." Said Shi Ryu clenching his fist tightly while still looking at Hotaru.

"I have no interest in power any longer, so you can look for this power on your own." Haku announced with annoyance.

"You know little girl…" he said while stroking her cheek.

"Don't touch me!" Slapping his hand away.

"AH spirited and those eyes the eyes of the Great Spirit."

"Leave Shi Ryu she is my guest before I have to force you." Haku began to stand up but Shi Ryu just smirked and walked out.

"Death dragon...makes me feel sick as if I knew him, but I never saw him until today.

"He is an idiot the Great Spirit died in an epic battle, two thousand years ago." Haku explained. She nodded and got up and walked to the door.

"Where are you going?"

"I want to stay here but not for free, in other words to get a job."

Haku smiled and thought to himself, `This girl is different then Chihiro.'

Hotaru walked back the same way she had come and took the elevator to the top floor. It clinged and she stepped out to the already open doors. She walked down them until she found Yubaba at her desk writing.

"What do you want now?"

"I want a job."

"A job hmmm last time I gave it to a human she messed badly."

"I won't mess it up at all."

"Alright sign here and now you are Hon."

"You called." A stern Haku said as he appeared in the room.

"Your new friend here has gotten herself a job help her find a place here." Yubaba said as she went back to her work.

"Your name?" He asked.

"It's Hon now." Haku nodded and showed her to the door while Hon stared at the different person he became when it came to business. They followed the same way before and arrived into the main area of the bathhouse.

"Lin here is your new assistant." He walked away and Hon turned to Lin.

"I am ready for any job." Lin stared at the golden hair and eye, she then snapped out of the trance and took the girl to find her clothes. While fitting them out a male worker came rushing in requesting that they take care of a spirit named Shi Ryu.

"Wasn't he the high paying customer the time before. Yeah he was."

"Lin we need to be careful." Hon said with blazing hatred and fear.

"Why he never did anything to anyone before."

"I'm just saying, keep your eyes open." Then Hon walked out into the bathhouse to the waiting guest.

Shi Ryu smiled wildly as he saw the two females walking towards him and in a sweet voice he called out.

"Hello beautifuls I'm ready." He walked off to his area and the two followed behind him but he felt the daggers in his back from Hon. He slipped out of his clothes and got into the bath, Lin poured the water and Hon staying far away folded his clothes. Seeing a chance he called out for Hon to come scrub his back.

She looked at Lin and she pointed at the boy in the bath. With disgust she grabbed the soap and brush. Slowly with the brush she did what she had to but he then reached and took her hand. At first she thought it bad but he moved it different and then when she relaxed he pulled her in.

"So beautiful!" Shi Ryu tried to kiss her but Lin had a hold of the girl's arm and pulled her out. Shi Ryu was pissed off that his plan had failed and reached for his knife and ran at Lin with it at her throat.

"Hotaru be a good girl and come with me you little weakling before your friend here has a blood problem." Demonstrating he pushed the blade into her neck and drew droplets of blood. Hon felt a power gather inside and surged forward with great speed and ripped the knife from his hand.

Shi Ryu lunged at the girl and tried to pry it from her hands but she struck out and ran forward and would have done worst if Yubaba and Haku hadn't walked in at that time. Haku pulled her off of him and Yubaba walked the boy out as she glared and told Haku to take the now fainted Hon away before she decided to do something bad to the girl. Lifting her Haku lifted the light girl.

Hon woke up to the smell of burning wood and sat up to a warm fire; she sat up and saw in the dark a figure sitting next to her.

"I never saw such speed on foot without flying. The great spirit supposedly was the only one capable of such magic."

"Well I never knew I could do such a thing." She gave him a sweet smile and he spoke, "I could imagine how Chihiro would have felt if you had gotten hurt. She is very caring." Hon tried to force another smile but it hurt to think that he only cared because she knew Chihiro. Day was coming so she went to find her way to her room she shared and fell into a slumber.

She tossed and turned, a nightmare haunted deep inside. A beautiful golden woman who became a phoenix was fighting a dark man who became a black dragon. It seemed to rage on until the dragon fell dead and the phoenix badly wounded. Then she awoke to the still morning. Hon got up and walked out onto the balcony to see the early morning sun. `I need my paints.' She thought.

"You're up early." Came a voice from behind her. She turned to face Haku watching her carefully.

"Yeah I was just thinking about how beautiful it was here and the spirits. How'd I love to paint everything here and keep it."

"You could paint portraits for a price earn extra money."

"You know that's a good idea but have you got any spare paints?"

"Always up to doing more, that's a lot for thirteen.

Hon laughed aloud.

"What is so amusing?" Haku said trying to not smile so wide.

"Loosen up Haku. I have my bag somewhere. Here." Hon pulled out her bag and unzipped it to pull out a small stereo and cd.

"I'm going to teach you how to dance now you gotta feel the music." Hon started to sway her hips and move her legs with her arms in the air. Haku just stared until she grabbed his hand.

"Come on you ca do it." She showed him some moves and slowly he picked up on the moves and felt the music. Hon came behind him and grabbed him around the waste.

"Now we can partner dance." She went in front and placed his hands on her waist.

"You dance and I will follow your moves." Haku moved nervously but she'd help guide him. Then a slow song came on.

"What is this it's slower then before."

"Here I turn around. Keep your hands on my waist and I'll put mine on your shoulders. Now follow the way I move then I'll follow you." Haku moved clumsily and they laughed as he finally got it and stop stepping on Hon's feet.

The music ended and they stopped and stared into each others eyes. Haku leaned in but Hon spoke sadly, "Don't kiss me if you're only caught up in the moment." The she perked up, "Now you'll be able to dance with Chihiro. I'm gonna go and get her soon but not now." Haku shook his head while Hon put the stereo away.

"You should get some rest for work." And he disappeared. Hon slept soundly until she awoke to the scurrying and yelling coming from outside the bedroom.

"Get everything ready for her." Yubaba yelled out to all the people moving around. She got up and walked out into the hall and bumped into Lin.

"What is with the crowd and all the yelling?"

"The great spirits' daughter is here and Yubaba is having the place rented out to only her."

"What?! I want to see this girl." Hon pushed through the crowd and saw a skimpy dressed red hair girl her age. Yubaba came around the side of the crowd and grabbed Hon's arm.

"She has requested for you not to bother her until the painting." Yubaba glared and went off after the girl. Hon followed the crowd until it broke up and she saw the girl in the nicest bath.

"How do they know you are the daughter of the Great Spirit?" Hon asked and the girl turned around in surprise.

"I thought I told them not to let you near me."

"You didn't answer my question from before how is it you can claim to be the daughter of the Great Spirit?"

"Her mark is on my right wrist it is impossible to make such a thing so there is no way you can say I'm not who I claim to be."

"Now why would you make that connection." Hon smirked at the girl and heard the foot steps of Yubaba coming. She stayed and watched as she came in and glared at Hon.

"I told you she didn't want to see you, you are such a stupid human. Your greatness is there any request."

"Yes is there any guy who looks like a human that can be my servant while I'm here?"

"Oh yes Haku can.'" Yubaba said while smiling wildly. This spirit was going to bring in a lot for her.

"Yubaba you can't let a slut like this have Haku." Hon protested.

"How dare you call me a slut." The girl slapped her hard across the face.

"Bitch whatever your name is I'm going to pound you." Hon leaped onto the girl and pulled at her hair and punched her in the face leaving a giant purple bruise.

"Get off of her!" raged Yubaba and yet a thought lingered, if this was the great spirits' daughter why couldn't she fight off a weak human such as Hon. She ripped the blonde girl off of her and called for Haku. He walked in and held Hon away from the red head.

"Yes what is your name spirit?" Yubaba questioned and the girl seemed to get nervous from the situation and the she spoke, "Aijin." Hon looked back at the girl and tried to think where she had heard that name before.

"Well Haku you have to be Aijin's servant while she is here or Hon is going to be punished for her actions." Yubaba yelled. Haku looked back at her and then agreed. Hon felt the bottom of her stomach fall out and she fell to the ground.

"He he now Haku scrub my feet and then do my back and my hair." Aijin slipped into the bath and Hon walked out but not before she spied on the girl. Haku did what he had to and when he walked out of the room Aijin snickered to herself.

"This is going well, she is mad and will soon be gone and my sweet Shi Ryu will have it all but how can she prove that I'm not who I am." Hon decided that it was time to play dirty, since that is what Aijin was doing. She tied a piece of jewelry to a string and tied it to a bucket of mud that sat on top of the wall where she couldn't see it. Hon walked around the corner and heard an ooo come from the room and a tug and fall, followed by the ever pleasing scream.

"WHO DID THIS!!!!???" A mud covered red Aijin stopped around the corner and saw Hon.

"You did this wretch!" She screamed at Hon.

"I was never near you slut so don't be blaming me for something you can't prove!" She yelled back sarcastically.

"OH I AM GOING TO HURT YOU!" Aijin jumped for her but Haku grabbed Aijin and…kissed her! She seemed happy with it and kissed him back and stared at Hon who was shocked. They parted and he told her to go to the bath and get cleaned off.

"Haku you really didn't have to do that, I could have taken her out."

"I didn't want you to…get hurt as in Yubaba that's why. Chihiro wouldn't like it."

"Do you care about anyone else besides Chihiro!" She slapped him and ran off to find Lin. She told Lin that she needed someone to help her set up the painting station for 50-50 price. Lin asked about Haku but Hon told her to drop the subject as tears fell silently.

Later after it was time to go to bed Hon asked to talk to Lin.

"Hey what is it you want to talk about?"

"Do you ever want anything besides the bathhouse?"

"Yeah I want to take the money I have and get on that train and go somewhere far away. How about you?"

"I want to write and become an author but my stories seem to be rejected every time." Tears rolled down her cheeks more was on her mind then she was telling.

"Why don't you forgive Haku he needs a friend while he is taking care of that god awful girl."

"NO he doesn't care for me alone but that I'm Chihiro's friend." She loudly spoke.

"At least get the girl out of here she can't be real." Hon nodded and headed towards the private side of the bathhouse. She heard some noises as things were knocked over.

"Haku get over her you are mine."

"Never! I can't stand you!"

Hon rushed in to find Haku and Aijin fighting. Hon looked at the girl's bare shoulder and saw a scar. Wait a scar that she gave to a girl that wanted to take Chihiro as her friend and picked a fight with her.

"Aijin you aren't the Great Spirit, but the very girl who I beat up a couple years ago when you tried to hurt Chihiro." Aijin looked back in shock and dropped her knife and Hon took her chance and punched the girl in the jaw. Haku got free and called to Yubaba to get the lying scum out of the bathhouse before the real great spirit decided to do worst to her then she could imagine. Aijin ran like the wind out of the bathhouse but not before cursing she would have her revenge.

Hon continued painting the works of the other spirits and soon she and Lin could buy lots of train tickets. Hon gave some to Haku and told him to use it only when he must. He knew that she had forgiven him for what he had done and hoped she would stay around for awhile longer.

The sixth day of being in the spirit world was arriving on her and she felt a dark and evil presence in the bathhouse but she couldn't pin point the location. Hon got up and ran through every room in the bathhouse even into Yubaba's room. The last room…Haku's. She opened the door slowly and peered inside the sight she saw was devastating, Shi Ryu stood over a bleeding Haku. Hon felt the girl Hotaru come out once again and ran at the dark colored boy.

"Die Shi Ryu for your death causing hands." Hotaru fought him right out of the window he came through and she watched him become a black dragon. She rushed from the window and went to Haku's side, he was barely alive. Hotaru laid her arms and face on his chest and cried, cried for the way she had been and that it was her fault for his pain and death. Her tears ran over his body and sparkled as they healed every knife wound and a sigh came from the boy. He sat up to stare at the golden tear girl and he leaned forward planting a soft kiss on her lips.

"I told you not to do that." She sighed with sadness in her voice. Haku held her face up and kissed her again.

"I wanted to do this…my savior." He smiled at the sad girl and both tired with what happened fell asleep in each others arms until the day break of another day. Hotaru pulled out of his arms and walked to the door thinking about what she was going to do.

Hotaru followed her feet back to the human world. The only thing on her mind was finding Chihiro and returning her to the one place she was suppose to be. Hotaru walked to Chihiro's house and found the girl in the front yard; Chihiro looked up and ran to Hotaru.

"Where have you been?"

"No time to talk Chihiro, I need to return you to the one place you forgot."

"Where Hotaru?"

"In Haku's arms."

She grabbed Chihiro's hand and pulled her through the forest to the bridge and across. Haku stood on the other side and with a small shocked look on his face.

"I brought you a gift Haku." Small tears left Hotaru's eyes but were they of sadness or happiness, s she watched them hug. The couple walked away and Hotaru leaned against the rail and felt the wind through her hair when a figure walked up to her.

"What is it you want Lin?" Hotaru asked a little annoyed.

"Why did you do the only thing you never wanted?"

"Because I could never live with myself if I didn't do it." Lin smiled at the wiser girl.

"Perform and paint for the new couple one last time." Hotaru nodded and walked towards the bathhouse one last time.

The paint set was still organized so she set out to finish what she had started beginning with Chihiro and Haku's painting. Chihiro left but Haku remained. He asked for her to do one of him and her together, Hotaru worked hard on it until the painting was done…a complete masterpiece.

"I need you here Hotaru, I know you want to leave but…"

"Haku I was here for nothing more then to find that you love Chihiro so don't make this any harder then it already is." Haku's tears fell for the first time and he hugged her. Hotaru explained she would dance one last time and then she didn't know when she'd come back she might never.

The bathhouse was rearranged and every spirit around came to see the amazing girl perform, even though it was only a week there wasn't a spirit that hadn't heard about her. Hotaru readied the stage and the microphone, when it was almost time she set the small stereo on and played first, break stuff. The loud song caught everyone's attention and when that ended it went to fighter, when her favorite slow song came on, if you're not the one. She remembered dancing with Haku that one day and she felt like crying seeing everyone with a partner. She danced with herself and wondered how much longer it would be until she could leave. The last song everywhere blared and Haku asked for a dance with her but she refused but he didn't listen and grabbed her around the waist.

Hotaru pulled away and walked out of the bathhouse she looked back at the place she wouldn't see for another five years.

Chapter Two

Firefly Come Home