Star Ocean: Till The End Of Time Fan Fiction ❯ My Equal, My Friend ❯ Tattered Pride ( Chapter 4 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I barely have ten dollars in my purse therefore I don't own Star Ocean.
Author's Notes: Why is it that I get the majority of my inspiration while in the bathroom? I swear I changed the beginning of this about three to four times before it started to flow. This will most likely be the shortest chapter so far and I'm very sorry for it; my muses seem too fallen off the face of the earth lately. Hopefully this chapter, despite its length, will fit with the rest of the story; I tried my best to iron over any discrepancies and I apologize if I missed any. Any ways, this takes place after the Crimson Scourge PA and they are currently at the top of the watchtower in Airyglyph Castle.
Tattered Pride
I never really realized how soothing a breeze could be. This breeze is different though; you're here. I don't know how you managed to find me up here but I suppose it doesn't really matter. The sky is clear tonight shining with a multitude of stars as snow dances lazily around us; a perfect night for thinking made even more so by your presence.
I know you'll keep us here for a few days rather than returning imminently to 4D space to improve ourselves and out equipment though for the moment we will enjoy a night to our own devices. I'm not really sure why you came to the castle with me since I can't imagine what business you'd have here. I'm not sure what I felt when you came with us to the treasure room to watch as I faced the very katana my father once wielded. I know I should hate you for seeing my weakness but I can't find the means to be. In the end, I suppose I'm glad you witnessed my trial with the Crimson Scourge just for the fact that someone knows and wont judge; it still doesn't mean I won't avoid you or your piercing eyes and somehow I think that breaks your heart.
“Was my presence that unwanted?”
A whisper as soft and light as an angel's sigh drifting on the wind, dancing with the snow. I'll have to consider why that whispered voice sends shivers down my spine.
Another whisper made ruff by years of war and pain to join the first in stark contrast but fitting with it perfectly. Why does it seem that I will always be his opposite?
A touch of finger tips calloused from wielding a sword across the back of a hand. A shiver courses through my body. Please. Please, don't make me feel tonight, but if I am I'm glad it's for you.