Star Ocean: Till The End Of Time Fan Fiction ❯ My Equal, My Friend ❯ Glades of Paradise ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: It's the same as the other chapters, people. No, I don't own it.
Author's Notes: You know, I've no idea how I came up with this. The setting just popped into my head and I just went with it. This is what came out of it. Not to bad, really, could be better but I'm rather happy with it, especially the ending. I kinda want to put in a bit more detail about what they did over that year, but that would take away from it, I think. Maybe a sequel? Any ways, yes this is the very last chapter of the story. I really hoped you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Cheers everyone! ^^
Glades of Paradise
A soft wind blows gently through the trees around us, rustling the leaves and adding to the soft song of life around us. It has been a year since the end, since we defeated Luther. I admit I was surprised that you chose to remain with me. The maggots tried to talk you out of it but you merely shook your head, a soft smile playing about your lips, and walked away from them and joined me. You have been at my side ever since.
After a year's worth of traveling around Elicoor, we have finally returned to Aquaira. Rather than staying in Aquios, we are camping in the small hidden glade in the Irisa Fields. Neither of us truly know why. Perhaps it's just for the fact that we've become so used to camping that it's what we feel most comfortable with. Perhaps it's for the fact that this offers us far more privacy than the city would. Both Queen Aquios and the King would descend upon us if they found out we were back. I like to think it's because you desire only my companionship rather than others just as I prefer yours to others. Whatever the reason, I'm glad for it. I don't think I could stand sharing you after a year of having you to my self.
I can't help but watch you as you watch the sun set through the trees as it painted the sky with shades of blue, yellow, orange, and red. Your eye glitter in the fading light and I can't help but be amazed that you chose me over any of the others, over your childhood friend, over your mother. You turn your gaze to me and I can feel my breath hitch and my heart flutter as they always do when I look in you eyes. You offer me you hand, a silent invitation to join you on the bridge watching the last of the sun set. I allow my self a small smile as I take your offered hand while wrapping the other around your waist.
You chuckle and wrap you own free arm around my neck and rest your head against my chest after placing a soft kiss on my throat. I all but purr at the attention bringing forth another chuckle from you as you nuzzle contently into my chest. The Aquairians speak of a paradise that you go to after you die. How can this be true if I'm already there?