Star Wars - Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Lost Stars ❯ Meeting the Neighbors ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Lost Stars
By Tirsis
Chapter 2
Meeting the Neighbors
Robotech is the property of Harmony Gold
Star Wars if the property of Lucasfilm Ltd.
I own neither, god I wish I did.
Han and Luke sat in the small office used by the Captain of the Victory and slowly came to grips with the strange ship. Landing on what amounted to a flying airfield was only the smallest of shocks they received. Han wasn't even concerned about that after living on Nar Shaddaa.
The giant war droids that were aboard were something else however.
“You said that this was called the Hoth system, “Captain Preston said. “We have gone over our charts and have not found it. Is it a local name?”
“No,” answered Luke. “It's on all the charts. It's just that no one really comes here, it's a little inhospitable.”
Preston frowned at this, “Are you an expedition then?”
Han and Luke shared concerned looks and Han answered, “What do you know about the Empire?”
“You'd have to be more specific. The Zentradi Empire has fallen, but if we are deep enough into space to render our charts useless then I would guess that this is a new faction?”
Luke shook his head, “The First Galactic Empire formed at the end of the Clone Wars. It replaced the Republic as the ruling government for the entire galaxy.”
Han continued, “They said it was for the good of the people, but the politicians in charge went power crazy. All sorts of laws were put on the books. Most of them said that anyone who wasn't human was a second class citizen. Taxes skyrocketed and the Grand Fleet of the Republic tripled in size to the Imperial Fleet.”
“That's when the Alliance to Restore the Republic started,” Luke finished. “But most people call it the Rebel Alliance.”
The Victory's Captain leaned back in his chair and let out a long breath. He took a look at the pilots sitting in front of his desk and considered what he had just learned. The information he had just gotten confirmed his second in command's findings. Commander Hammond had done several passes with the telescopes and could not find any known reference points. They were well and truly lost.
What he had not expected was to stumble into a civil war that seemed to encompass this entire region of space. This was a first contact, but in the middle of someone else's war. Preston briefly wondered if this was how the Sentinel races had felt when the Robotech Masters and the Invid were going at it in their skies before the uprisings.
He looked up when the younger pilot, Luke Skywalker, spoke.
“I realize that you're facing a hard choice here, but consider this. The Empire won't help you. All they want is to impose their will, not help people. Once they find out that there may be more worlds out there ripe for conquest then you'd be facing the same problem as us.”
Preston nodded,”Perhaps, but it is still a choice I must make carefully. If I accept your help then there is a chance that we will be pulled into your war with what may be a legitimate government. This is a grey area, and we must walk carefully, lest we fall into darkness.”
“Very wise,” Luke nodded and stood. “Han and I will stick around if that's all right. If you decide to take your leave then we can launch when ready. If you decide to stay then we can guide you into base.”
The two pilots left, passing the ships female XO who was called in to the office.
Once the door closed again Han asked, “All right, what's going on? You pretty much offered them bantha steaks and Corellian brandy back there. Sure, recruiting a fighter carrier this size is a good thing, but you seemed to be ok with letting them go too.”
“I know Han, but isn't that what we are all about? Letting people make choices. I'm just trying to be diplomatic here, kinda like Leia.”
“Uh huh,” Han said with a smirk, “impress the Princess? It isn't that easy.”
Luke shrugged as one of the Victory crew came up to guide them back to the hanger bay.
Rebecca sat back and contemplated what she had been told by the Captain.
“Another galaxy,” she sighed and noted that Preston had taken off his jacket, a sign that this was informal and continued, “I don't know John. It's a lot to take in. But can we really afford to turn away help? We're hurt, more then we let them know.”
“The easy thing to do would be to get our bearings and get out of here,” the Captain said as he put his hands behind his head and tilted his chair back. “The thing is that if we can't pin down where we are in relation to where we were we can't get home.” He looked to Hammond for confirmation here and at her nod continued, “And this Empire sounds like something Anatole Leonard would have approved of.”
Rebecca winced at that. Supreme Commander Leonard was a sore spot to any soldier due to his political bullying, bigoted views, and idea that a higher body count meant a greater victory.
The Captain stood, pulling on his jacket and as he did Rebecca stood, formal again.
Preston moved to the door and said softly, “Talk to the officers, take their temperature. Find out what they think. The easy thing may not be the right thing.”
“Aye, sir.”
Muck ran his hand along the underside of the alien fighters sitting in the hanger and smiled to the small robot watching him.
“Sweet little hot rod you have here Tin Can.”
The robot whistled and chirped at him, almost sounding put out at the name, and the Robotech pilot chucked, “All right, all right. It's not like you're wearing a name tag you know.”
“His name is R2-D2, but we call him Artoo,” Luke said as he came around the wing glancing at the grey jump suited pilot.
Muck winced, “Not very original.” He stuck out his hand and Luke took it as Han joined them, “Lieutenant Frank Murray, but everyone calls me Muck.”
“Commander Luke Skywalker, and this is Captain Han Solo. Why Muck, if you don't mind me asking.”
The young pilot smiled, “It's like a rite of passage with us. You fly with a wing long enough you get a call sign, kind of a nickname to use without breaching protocol. I got tagged with Muck during flight training when I screwed up and nose dived right into a swamp. Techs spent a week pulling weeds and mud from the engine. And Cadet Frank `Muck' Murray spent that week cleaning the officer's head with a toothbrush.”
The three of them laughed at that and Han said, “Sounds like some of the stuff I went through at the Corellian Academy. Maybe we aren't so different after all, huh Luke?”
“Maybe,” Luke admitted, “but what we fly sure is. Those fighters of yours, they almost look the same as your war droids.”
Muck nodded at the term, but figured it easily as Luke indicated a Battleoid that was being serviced nearby, “That's because they are. That beast over there is the soldier or Battleoid configuration of one of our Alpha fighters. They can shift from one mode to the other depending on the situation.”
Han's jaw dropped, “What do you need a ten meter droid for in a dogfight?”
Muck laughed, “You'd be surprised. It was originally for ground combat of course, but in the hands of a halfway good pilot the transformation multiplies your maneuverability.”
The Alliance pilots whistled low and Muck grinned, having their attention.
“Let me tell you about this one time …”
General Rieekan looked over the report transmitted by his officers on the scene and grimaced at Princess Leia Organa, “A lost carrier from a civilization beyond the galaxy. I don't think the Empire would come up with something like this when bombarding the planet would be easier.”
“Agreed,” the Princess said as she finished the report. “Luke and Han seem impressed by them, and Luke did offer to let them join us. Do we endorse this offer?”
Rieekan rubbed his chin thoughtfully, “We've welcomed pirates, Imperial defectors and private citizens, why not a group of extra-galactic refugees?”
“Not refugees,” Leia corrected, “This is a military force. Luke made the initial overture, but I should go up there as well as a diplomat. Figure out exactly what they want and see what we can get in exchange. We need to know what laws they follow, if trade is even allowed, or if they are unable to return then will they throw in with us?”
The base commander nodded, “Politics never were my forte. I leave this to you then. Find out what you can, and hopefully we will have a new ally at the end of the day.”
Commander Rebecca Hammond had made her way to the flight deck and was watching the leader of Raven squadron gesture wildly with his hands describing some combat maneuver with the Rebel pilots who were both amused and enthralled by whatever story he was telling.
Minding that she stayed out of the way of any work crews she made her way over to the group and when she approached Muck gave a lazy salute.
“Commander, how's it going? Boss make his mind up yet?”
Rebecca frowned, “The Captain has yet to make up his mind, Lieutenant. I take it you, Commander Skywalker and Captain Solo are getting along?”
The young pilot smiled, almost eagerly, “Sure, we were just comparing notes. Did you know they have shields on their fighters? I mean, on fighters? That is so cool. We have better armor, sure, but that would make a dogfight a little easier, don't ya think? We've got smart missile tech, maybe we could trade?”
“Kid's a little hyper, but he has a good idea there,” Han said with a smile, “Our protons and concussion missiles don't have the turning capabilities he says yours have.”
Luke added, “Your control systems must be better too, to be able to pilot a fighter that turns into a droid. We could trade some of that for our astromech technology. They can plot and store ten hyperlight jumps and help maintain and repair a ship. I'd be dead a dozen times over if not for Artoo.”
The blue and silver bullet shaped robot chirped happily at the praise as Rebecca considered this.
“It's not for me to say what will happen,” she said calmly. “We both have wars to fight, and ours is back in Sol, or have you forgotten Mister Murray?”
Muck shrugged, “I'm just hedging my bets Commander. It sounds like we're more then a little lost after all. Why not keep our options open if we are stuck? May as well throw in with the right people.”
Rebecca frowned, “And how, Lieutenant, do you know who the right people are? No offense to you Captain, Commander, but we know nothing about you other then the fact that you are an anti- government force. Those kinds of movements almost led to planetary civil war before the First Robotech War, and afterwards.”
Han bristled and shot back, “So it's ok to sit back and watch innocents be slaughtered? I may be a pirate, Lady, but I'm not that heartless. If you think…”
“Han, that's enough,” Luke said as he got between the taller smuggler and the REF officer. The young pilot also saw that Muck was more alert now, his hand touching his holstered side arm, but remaining calm and neutral, only ready to act if things got out of hand.
The aspiring Jedi continued, “We know the Empire is evil, we saw the destruction of Alderaan first hand. But these people haven't seen that, and they only have our word to trust. That's why we called Leia, she's the diplomat and that's what we need here. Not fighters. Let the calm minds and clear heads work this out.”
Han calmed, and Luke saw Muck's hand drop from his holster, a smile on the young pilot's face.
Commander Hammond nodded, “I apologize Captain, as I said I meant no offence. We are strangers in a strange land and must be cautious. Handing out technology to anyone that comes along is not the wisest course of action and I wished to remind Mister Murray that we are an army, not a mercenary force.”
With that she turned and left the trio, moving on along the deck to speak with other crew. As she drew out of range Han's scowl deepened.
“What's up with her? It's like she didn't even think about what she was saying.”
Muck sighed and leaned against the X-Wing landing strut, “Bulletproof Becky, that's what we call her, and that's what she is. If there's a heart in there it's behind a layer of ship armor and probably some of your shields too. We think she knows how to care, she just chooses not to so she can put everything she is into her career. She's one of the best officers in the fleet, but she dumped a lot to get there.”
“Ignoring your emotions like that is dangerous,” Luke said softly. “Ben, the Jedi Knight who taught me, said that you need to see the world around you with your feelings.”
Muck nodded at that nugget of wisdom and asked, “You've mentioned these Jedi Knights before. What are they?”
“For a thousand generations the Jedi were the keepers of peace in the galaxy…”
Luke and Han told the REF pilot about the legacy of the Jedi, and this time it was Muck that was enthralled.
Diplomacy is a balancing act between epiphany and madness, and none walked that line better then Princess Leia Organa. She had come up to the Victory on a rusted but usable LAAT Gunship that the Alliance was using to move teams around the outskirts of Echo Base, and now sat across from Captain Preston in his office.
Only an hour before he had spoken with Skywalker and Solo, and his impression of the young woman sitting with him was just as favorable. He had never liked mixing politics with soldiering, but Princess Leia had the rare combination of a level head, strong heart, and calm demeanor that made these talks possible.
They had exchanged histories, as well as current events for both sides. Leia was surprised that these humans from Earth had gone from basic orbital flight to interstellar travel in just forty years While John was shocked at the atrocities that the Empire had committed. Acts that made the `Rain of Death' look like a childish tantrum.
“I am sorry for the loss of your homeworld,” he said somberly.
Leia nodded, “Thank you, but I can't stop to grieve. If any of us do then the Empire could have another chance to do the same thing again. That is why we are asking you to aid us. We have few ships at the moment, and even fewer able to act as carriers. It could be very useful to our fight.”
“No doubt,” Preston nodded. “I've looked over the charts provided by your people, and I have to say it looks like we truly are far beyond our known space. Even with our Fold system at full power we have no where to go. My officers are of the opinion that given a choice between wandering aimlessly trying to get home and helping out a good cause, we should do the latter.”
“It may be a hopeless cause. The Empire's power is almost immeasurable.”
“Captains of Robotech ships have a proud history of fighting for lost causes,” Preston said with a smile.
Three days passed on the ice world, and productive ones at that. The Victory had been guided in and landed near Echo Base as was able to share provisions with the rag tag forces of the Alliance. Techs spent hours crawling over, under and through each other's equipment as they began a comprehensive study on how the differing technology stacked up against each other. And the two forces were slowly coming closer.
Muck and his Raven Squadron had already begun a friendly rivalry with Rogue Squadron when the last of the Rebel pilots had arrived in system, and Cyclone troopers were added to the picket lines. Their motorcycle forms were almost useless in the deep snow of Hoth, but the powered armor was a welcome addition, especially when one could carry an E-Web repeater all by itself.
The culmination of this, as far as Luke Skywalker was concerned, was this day. He sat in the Raven's briefing room, clad in a grey REF flight suit waiting for Muck to get off the comm. handset.
Placing the handset back in its cradle, Muck turned and smiled at Luke, “Ok, a Booby Duck is ready for us. It's one of the old VF-1Ds that we keep around for training. It's a two-seater, and I'll give you a little stick time with it once we're in the air.”
“Excellent,” Luke grinned as he picked up the Robotech helmet sitting in the seat next to him, stood, and followed Muck out to the hanger deck. A familiar cacophony greeted them as they made their way along the deck to the white and brown trimmed fighter waiting for them. It was larger then an Alpha fighter and had a less compact design, but to the pilots it had graceful lines and a profile that spoke of a hunter stalking prey.
Climbing up into the cockpit, Muck motioned for Luke to take the front as techs bustled around the plane, removing red ground flags and arming pins. Their straps were checked and Luke lowered the odd helmet onto his head as the canopy lowered.
The sensation that swept over him as the power came on was weird, to say the least. A tingle shot down his spine, and for a moment he felt a presence brush up against his mind. Even with his minimal training in the Force he felt a connection had somehow just been made.
“What was that?” he asked.
Muck blinked and looked up from his checklist, “The flight computer just started up. If you felt a tingle, it's because of the fighter's…unique control system. I'll give you a full rundown once we're in the air. For now, let's get rolling.”
Muck signaled outside, and a small cart locked up with their nose wheel, pushing them back onto the repaired deck elevator. Once topside they were pulled off and in to line up with the runway atop the grounded Victory. The tractor pulled away, and another group of techs, this time sealed in CVR-3 armor against the cold, moved up to make sure they were set for launch.
“Keep you hands off the controls,” Muck reminded his friend, “You've never done a catapult shot, and the natural reaction is to try and take control. If you don't know what you're doing that will crash us in a heartbeat. You've got it nice and easy with you repulsorlifts, now you see how we play.” Clicking on the radio he continued, “Mustang, this is Trainer One, ready for launch. V.I.P. patrol and demonstrator flight over the south ridge.”
“Rodger that, Trainer One. Enjoy your flight, Commander Skywalker.”
Luke couldn't even acknowledge as the techs cleared out save for one. The remaining tech saluted, dropped to one knee and pointed forward. In under a second the forty year old Veritech fighter jumped from a standstill to one hundred and twenty knots pulling him hard into his seat and stopping his breathing.
There was a blur of blue and white outside, and when he was able to breathe again Luke saw that they were 5000 meters in the air and moving at just below the speed of sound.
“By the Force,” he gasped, “that's how you take off all the time?”
Muck laughed, “Not all the time. It's just the best way to get up to a tactical speed in a hurry. The Alphas and Betas don't even use the cat much anymore; they have enough power to do it on their own.”
Muck pulled back on the control stick and they rapidly climbed. After a few moments they were above Hoth's abundant clouds and flying smoothly.
“Ok,” Muck said,” at this height we can recover from almost anything. Remember that the wings are giving you lift now, not repulsorlifts. Keep your speed up and try not to do anything too crazy just yet. Front seat has control.”
Luke took hold of the throttle handle and flight stick and replied, “I've got control.” He started with small movements, just to see how the craft would handle. The fighter was easily as responsive as an X-Wing. Without the gravity compensators he was used to he could feel every maneuver, and that tingle at the back of his neck had not gone away yet. It was almost as if he could feel the wind under his arms somehow.
“Nice,” he whispered.
Muck smiled, “Ready to cut it loose?”
Luke nodded once and pushed the throttle all the way to the stops, kicking the fighter into a spin and diving. He pulled up sharply, imagining a TIE fighter in front of him and dogging its tail. Several high power combat maneuvers later he suddenly found himself losing the bite of wind under his wings as a red light appeared on the MFD in front of him.
“Engine stall,” Muck called from behind him without a hint of panic.
Luke however was close to it as the plane simply fell out of the sky.
Muck continued even a g-forces buffeted them, “Pop the throttle back and try and nose down. Get some air under your wings and pull up.”
The young Jedi forced the nose of the plane down, and their drop increased. There was no lift, almost no power, and nothing he could do.
“Muck, take over!”
The Robotech pilot laughed, “Nope, you got us into this, you get us out. Passing seven thousand meters, heading for splat.”
Luke struggled with the controls for a few moments more, and Muck called out again, “Try pulling the slider marked `B'. It'll give you a few more options.”
Luke did so, and instantly the Force sang in his head as the plane seemed to start breaking up around him. Engine nacelles dropped away and swung forward, the undercarriage split and spread out, the tail folded up and the entire aft end of the fighter collapsed behind the cockpit as his seat flipped back and an armored shield dropped over the canopy. Screens came to life around him and he could suddenly feel legs, arms, and the wind rushing past a head.
“Now would be a good time,” Muck said with a hint of worry in his voice as the altimeter passed two thousand meters.
Luke opened up the throttle again and tightened the muscles in his legs. The humanoid robot that the fighter had changed into rolled itself so it's boots were pointing at the ground below and twin columns of flame shot from them, slowing the descent. The Battleoid spread its arms out, increasing drag, and soon it stood still in mid air atop bright fusion fire.
Slowly the young Jedi throttled beck, lowering the Battleoid down until he finally landed on the icy surface. He took two steps with the giant warrior robot to use up the last of the momentum and then stood tall, head turret swinging upwards to see the sky he had fallen from.
“That was incredible,” Luke said.
From above him in the reconfigured fighter Muck's voice answered, “Not bad. You have to remember that this is a real aircraft designed primarily to work in atmosphere. But otherwise not bad for a first flight. Now pull the control marked `G' and we can start heading back to base.”
The Veritech unfolded into its hybrid configuration and the Robotech pilot continued, “Think of this mode like one of your speeders. You can skim the surface at high speed, but you still have a wide arc of fire thanks to the arms. Now, I've set the computer for our return route. Take us home, Commander.”
They left in a swirling cloud of loose snow kicked up by the thrusters, and as they skated along at several hundred kilometers per hour Luke Skywalker, Rebel Commander and aspiring Jedi Knight had only one thought.
Some Imperial TIE Fighter pilot was going to have a coronary in the next battle between the Alliance and the Empire.
To be continued…
Endnotes: Ok, people seemed to like this, and forgive me for any errors for the most part. I'll make no apologies for technical inconsistencies with either Star Wars or Robotech, I'm using what reference I have available to me and have already pictured relative sizes and the like for battle use in my outline. I thank those who did point out technical errors, but ask that you think of this as a story about people, not ships. The ships just add to the cool. Next time, the Empire Strikes Back begins. Until then…I got nothing again…go read `Dragon Lady of Macross' or something. It's a good story.