Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Mistress ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Teen Titans belongs to DC Comics and Warner Brothers, not me.
Author's note: This is my second foray into the unusual pairing of Robin with Blackfire, as most people prefer to pair him with Starfire or Raven. As much as I like both pairings, I like to do what has never been done before or what has been only rarely attempted. Hence, the attraction to Robin/Blackfire.
I warn you; this one-shot is not for the sexually repressed. Here, you will see various sorts of kinkiness. There will be voyeurism, masturbation (both male and female), bondage, some food-play, female-on-male strap-on usage, and plenty of the domination/submission dynamic throughout. If none of that is enough to scare you off, you're welcome to continue reading, but don't say I never warned you.
Now let's get it on!
A figure sat alone in front of a computer screen, dressed in form-fitting black with an electric blue stylized bird emblazoned on his chest, each wing connected to an electric blue V on each shoulder. A vaguely birdlike mask covered his eyes, but that was the only thing concealing his identity. It didn't conceal the slope of his nose, nor did it conceal the shape of his lips, lips that many women - civilian or hero - would kill for a chance to kiss. It certainly didn't conceal spiky, somewhat windblown black hair.
That figure was none other than Nightwing, formerly known as Robin the Teen Wonder, and he was watching someone. That someone was a tall girl with inhumanly golden skin, black hair with purple gloss, mischievous violet eyes, and dressed to kill in a skimpy black top and skirt over a silvery metal suit. If anyone who didn't know her had seen her, they might have thought she looked like a darker Starfire.
Nightwing knew this girl very well. She was Blackfire, the older sister of Starfire and an intergalactic criminal who had once managed to forcibly take leadership of Tamaran and used it to force Starfire into a marriage to spite her. Fortunately, Starfire had routed her in the end and banished her.
Despite what had happened, Nightwing often found himself wondering what had happened to Blackfire after her banishment. When she first came to Earth, the acrobatic crime-fighter knew her only as someone who was considerably more adventurous than her younger sister and whose enthusiasm for a good time was infectious. She had reminded him of Starfire, only without the sometimes-frustrating naïveté, and he had felt himself . . . drawn to her.
After the revelation that she was really a criminal, and especially after what she had put Starfire through in forcing her to return to Tamaran for a bogus marriage, Nightwing had done his best to put Blackfire out of his mind. She was a criminal and he was a crime-fighter; therefore, they could never be together . . . and he was loyal to Starfire. Wasn't he?
Then again, a tiny voice in the back of his mind jibed, if you were really loyal to Starfire, you wouldn't be watching Blackfire the way you are. You wouldn't be keeping her presence on Earth hidden from Starfire or the other Titans.
Nightwing sighed.
He'd found out Blackfire was back on Earth about two months after he'd changed his identity. He'd just been patrolling and he'd seen a purple streak of light high in the air. Someone else would have mistaken it for a shooting star. He knew better.
He'd followed that purple streak to the best of his ability, keeping it in his sights even if he couldn't catch up to it. When he discovered it to be Blackfire in flight, he had fought against the unexplainable surge of joy in him. He shouldn't be happy that an intergalactic criminal was back on Earth; she was probably just planning to stir up trouble again.
In the beginning, Nightwing had simply observed her, learning where she liked to hang out. He had quickly established the mall as one of those places. Another thing he had discovered was that he could easily find her in the hottest dance clubs whenever night fell.
He even learned where she lived, a penthouse apartment in uptown Jump City.
Once he came to know her comings and goings, he began hacking the security cameras of the mall and the dance clubs she liked to visit. He even planted cameras in her apartment, covering the holes as the cameras were designed to see through walls.
He told himself that he was trying to learn her every move just so he'd be able to take her down if she ever became a threat. Of course, there were several flaws to this self-justification.
The first was that if it was only that, he wouldn't have cameras in her bedroom and bathroom, which conveniently allowed him to watch her when she was undressing or showering.
The second was that if it was only that, he wouldn't be allowing her to get away with stealing rare gems and diamonds.
The third was that if it was only that, he wouldn't be jerking off after seeing her naked.
As it was, he was presently watching her in one of the dance clubs she so loved to frequent, watching as she moved gracefully and sensually to the beat of the music. There were plenty of others in the club watching her, many of them male, some single and some with girlfriends. Of course, the fact that they had girlfriends didn't stop them from watching Blackfire with lust in their eyes. The former Boy Wonder would be jealous, if not for the fact that he had a girlfriend - Starfire, to be precise - and that wasn't stopping him from spying on her wickedly sexy older sister.
After she left, he hacked into the satellites that monitored Earth and used them to watch Blackfire as she flew. He might not have been Barbara Gordon, but he was a good hacker in his own right.
So beautiful, he thought.
It was an obsession, but then Nightwing had an obsessive personality. It was why he fixated on Slade so much. It was why he fixated on Red X, who had stolen both the suit and the identity Nightwing had crafted in his days as Robin to place himself in an ideal position to stop Slade.
Suddenly, the klaxon rang, alerting Nightwing of a metahuman crime in progress. The masked crime-fighter sighed in exasperation.
“I'll see you another time,” he whispered, withdrawing from the satellite feed and putting up a random ongoing investigation file in its place. He didn't need any of the other Titans coming into his room and finding that he was watching Blackfire.
It was Kitten, or Kitten Moth, taking the moth-like wings on her back into account. After her father had been thrown in jail for the final time, she had continued his work, splicing her own DNA with moth DNA. She had retained most of her human features, gaining moth-like wings that were strong enough to carry her weight in the air.
At present, she was robbing the mall for a dress she wanted for her date with her spider-headed boyfriend Fang, accompanied by a swarm of moths to eat away any and all resistance.
Vaguely birdlike shuriken flew at several moths, cutting them down. Green bolts of energy cut through more moths, as sonic vibrations killed even more.
“Hey, Kit-Kat, if you wanted a dress so bad, you have enough money to buy it,” a sardonic voice mocked.
That voice drew Kitten's attention and she turned to face those that were cutting down her moths.
It was Nightwing, flanked by Starfire and Beast Boy on one side and Cyborg and Raven on the other.
Nightwing wasn't the only one to change his look among the Titans. Starfire now sported a simple collar that connected to her skimpy purple top, her uniform otherwise unchanged but her body having blossomed into a vision of tall, curvaceous womanhood. Beast Boy had had a growth spurt, making him only about an inch or two shorter than Nightwing, and his uniform was now a sleeveless black outfit with purple claw and tooth marks on the chest, sides, and legs. Cyborg was covered in a sheath of golden liquid metal, which was actually nanotechnology protecting a presently fully biological body. Raven wore a full-body suit with a silvery raven emblazoned on the front, the wings appearing to cover her bosom, and the cloak was still part of her uniform.
“Robby-poo!” Kitten squealed. “You came all the way here just for me!”
“He did not come for you!” Starfire shouted in extreme rage.
“Believe that all you want, alien, but Robby-poo loves me and I know it!” Kitten sneered.
Nightwing materialized three more birdlike shuriken between his fingers. “You're still going to jail, Kitten.” He flung the shuriken at Kitten, who flew out of the way, only to have her moths hit instead.
“You're killing my babies!” Kitten shrieked in outrage, flying at Nightwing. Starfire immediately inserted herself in front of Nightwing, shooting an optic blast at Kitten to halt the spoiled girl's charge. The blast hit its mark and Kitten was propelled into a wall, the impact being enough to knock her unconscious.
Nightwing let out an internal sigh of relief. He didn't feel like having a prolonged battle with Kitten, mainly because watching Blackfire was a lot more enjoyable.
A voice that sounded suspiciously like Batman scolded him. You're not doing this because it's fun. You're doing this because it's the right thing to do.
Nevertheless, Nightwing was itching to go back to his room so he could resume indulging his private obsession.
“What do we do?” Beast Boy asked.
“The same thing we always do, Beast Boy,” Nightwing replied. “Deliver her to the police and leave her in their capable hands.”
“No offense, but how capable are those hands if they can't keep her locked up?” Beast Boy questioned.
Raven stared at Beast Boy. “It's not the police that keep criminals locked up; it's the prisons. Ask the people running them why they can't keep Kitten in there.”
“Ok,” Beast Boy said.
After they had dropped Kitten off at the police station, the Titans returned to their Tower, Nightwing immediately making his way to his room. As he left, he heard Beast Boy ask, “Why does Nightwing spend so much time in his room?”
“Guy just likes his privacy a lot,” Cyborg replied. “And he's been investigating a lot of cases. It's no biggie; I'm sure once he's finished for the time being, he'll want to hang out with us.”
Nightwing sighed sadly. As much as he hated doing this to his friends, he couldn't deny the power Blackfire had over him. She had him addicted to her, without having even seen or spoken to him.
He retreated to his room and checked the camera feeds, finding the one that showed Blackfire in her room, beginning to undress. First came the collar, revealing a long, elegant golden neck that Nightwing had idly wondered what it would be like to kiss. Next came the bracers and thigh-high boots, leaving just the top and skirt, which soon joined the bracers and boots. Now she was in just the silver metal suit, and she reached up to find the catch that kept it on, unlocking it to allow her to pull it off.
Saliva gathered in Nightwing's mouth as he watched Blackfire unknowingly reveal inch upon inch of smooth golden flesh to him. Finally, she was naked, and Nightwing could not help but admire every inch of her shapely body, from the large breasts capped in pinkish-purple nipples to the womanly hips to the graceful long legs that the young crime-fighter had imagined wrapped around him more than once.
He shifted the camera view, allowing himself to see her walk out of the room and down the hall to the bathroom, where she entered the shower and turned on the showerhead, which he had noticed was removable. He watched as she adjusted the temperature until it was exactly right and then stepped underneath the water spray, letting it cascade over her body.
He watched as she worked the soap into lather and spread that lather over various areas of her body. It didn't escape his notice that she was very deliberate in her motions, almost as though playing to an audience.
After she cleaned herself, Blackfire removed the showerhead from its post and lowered it to between her legs, the spray of water hitting her hairless womanhood and eliciting a deep moan of gratification. To his shock, Nightwing realized that she was looking right at where he'd planted the camera, a seductive gleam in her eyes. As she looked at the camera and pleasured herself with the showerhead, she squeezed and caressed one of her breasts with her free hand.
Nightwing stood up in shock, his mind racing.
She knows! the masked crime-fighter thought. This thought repeated in his mind a mile per second, only stopping when he realized that seeing Blackfire naked and pleasuring herself had aroused him as well. He stripped off his uniform, sans his mask, and gripped his member, stroking it while watching Blackfire pleasure herself.
He hated himself for doing this, but his lust for Blackfire would not be denied. If he could not have her, then this was the next best thing.
All too soon, he felt himself approaching the brink. He drew it out for as long as he could, until he noticed that Blackfire was nearing the edge herself.
He aimed himself away from his computer, not wanting to damage it, and climaxed with Blackfire's name on his lips. As he came down from his orgasmic high, he heard his name whispered breathlessly by Blackfire.
Sighing with bitter self-loathing, Nightwing pulled on a bathrobe and changed the image on his computer to a random investigation file. After that, he went to the bathroom to clean himself. Of course, he would never really be clean, not with the amount of lust he carried for his girlfriend's sister.
It was the same pattern, he mused darkly. Sate his lust for Blackfire and then scrub away the evidence. Of course, the physical evidence would be gone, but the knowledge of what he had done and the image that had prompted it would be burned into his memory.
After he had gotten out of the shower, he changed back into his uniform and went down to the gym to train, hoping that treating the punching bag as a substitute for himself would alleviate his guilt. Of course, it never did; it just left him weary.
The masked crime-fighter simply went to bed, collapsing on his front and passing into sleep almost immediately.
All too soon, he was pulled out of his slumber by very strong hands gripping him by the shoulders and shaking him gently yet insistently. A dulcet voice accompanied the shaking, pleading, “Nightwing, it is time to awaken.”
Nightwing reluctantly awakened, looking up at Starfire's beautiful, worried face.
“Morning, Star,” he greeted.
“Good morning, Nightwing,” Starfire greeted. “I notice that your sleep was not pleasant.”
“What makes you say that?” Nightwing asked.
“In your sleep, you were muttering the name of my sister and then `don't,'” Starfire replied.
If not for his self-control, Nightwing would have colored with embarrassment. In truth, he had been having an all-too-pleasant dream about Blackfire. If Starfire hadn't gotten to his room when she did, she would have most likely heard “don't stop” instead of just “don't.” That would have resulted in Nightwing explaining things that he didn't want to explain.
“Yeah,” Nightwing said, going along with Starfire's misperception. “It was a bad dream.”
“Do not worry, Nightwing,” Starfire said, hugging him tightly yet gently. “I would never let my sister hurt you.”
If Nightwing hadn't had as tight a grip on his emotions as he usually did, he would have cried from guilt. Here was an angelic creature willing to do anything for him, and he was lusting after her she-devil of an older sister. He was damned, certainly damned. Thanks to the team's experience with Trigon a few years back, he knew that there was such a thing as hell and now he knew that that was where he was going to spend eternity for his lustful thoughts of Blackfire.
Pushing the guilt aside, Nightwing went to start his day.
“Any luck with those investigations?” Cyborg asked him at the breakfast table, the nanotech sheath receded to reveal the image of a handsome, muscular young African-American man dressed in a black T-shirt and blue jeans.
“Not yet,” Nightwing replied, “but I'm getting there.”
Raven just gave him a sidelong glance, as though to tell him that she knew that there was more to it than what he was telling.
“I bet you're tired from doing the mattress mambo with Starfire,” Beast Boy leered.
“Actually, Nightwing and I did not do any kind of mattress-related dancing last night,” Starfire corrected.
Beast Boy's leer faded. “Oh.”
“It's probably just the investigations,” Cyborg said. “As soon as he's cracked at least one case, the two of you can go back to shagging on a nightly basis.”
Nightwing said nothing.
That night, the former Boy Wonder sat at his computer screen. He wasn't poring through ongoing investigations like he'd allowed his teammates to believe; he was watching Blackfire. Curiously, she wasn't in any of her favorite clubs or in her apartment. Nightwing checked the satellite feed and to his surprise, he found her zooming toward Titans Tower.
“Damn it,” he cursed under his breath. “What could she want here?”
You, idiot, the reproachful voice that sounded suspiciously like Batman answered. You're the one who decided to play with fire by getting in touch with your inner voyeur. Now she's come for you.
Nightwing simply snarled and withdrew three explosive disks from the utility cuffs on his wrists, holding them between his fingers in preparation for an assault on the Tower. To his surprise, he found Blackfire right outside his window, garbed in her usual attire but with the addition of the cape and crown from her time as Grand Ruler of Tamaran.
“Blackfire!” he exclaimed.
“Nightwing,” she greeted sultrily.
“What are you doing here?” Nightwing asked.
“I know you've been watching me,” Blackfire answered with a smirk. “Why do you think I put on that show for you last night?”
Nightwing gulped.
“What do you want?” he asked.
Blackfire floated into his room through the open window. “To tell you the truth, it's very amusing that you went through all this just to keep tabs on me. Even better, you're my sister's boyfriend, so I get to have what I want and make her miserable at the same time.”
Before Nightwing knew it, Blackfire had tackled him onto the bed and was kissing him harshly, with enough force to leave his lips bruised, and nipping at his lips with her teeth. This was a kiss that the masked crime-fighter could not pull away from, so he had no choice but to yield to her. And yield he did, letting her inhumanly long tongue slide into his mouth and literally down his throat. Putting any fears of suffocation aside, since he could breathe through his nose, he sucked on her tongue. A muffled moan escaped his mouth and hers as she ground her pelvis against his, feeling his length pressing against her.
After a few minutes, Blackfire ended the kiss, only for Nightwing to find that his wrists had been bound above his head. He tugged experimentally at his restraints, discovering that his wrists were being restrained by the same cable that he used to bind his enemies. He had to hand it to her, her ability to coordinate restraining him with kissing him was nothing short of impressive.
“You mind letting me go, Blackfire?” Nightwing asked.
“That's `Empress' as far as you're concerned,” Blackfire replied. Her eyes gleamed with sinister intent as she gazed down on Nightwing. “Why struggle? You want this as much as I do.”
Batman had taught Nightwing to see past illusions and deceptions, including those created by the self, and it was that lesson that forced Nightwing to answer with a choked “yes.”
Blackfire smirked at him and literally tore his uniform off him, leaving just the gloves, wrist cuffs, and mask. Otherwise, he was completely naked before her, and what a sight for sore eyes. Lithe, sculpted perfection right before her eyes, marred only by the scars of battles past.
She got off the bed and reached into the bag of tricks she'd brought with her for this occasion, pulling out a Tamaranean fruit that resembled a warty cross between a tomato and an orange. She poked a hole in the fruit and squeezed it, releasing purplish ooze onto Nightwing's bare chest. She kept squeezing until the fruit was completely devoid of ooze, which was now entirely on Nightwing's torso. She proceeded to draw the ooze into patterns on his skin.
All the while Nightwing shivered, both from the cool feeling of the ooze against his heated skin and from Blackfire's touch. Once she was finished, she began to lick the ooze off him, her long tongue making sure that she didn't miss a single trace. The masked crime-fighter tried to hold back a moan, only to fail once she reached a particularly sensitive spot on his body.
Once she finished, she moved down to his member.
“I wonder how you relieved yourself as you fantasized about me,” she whispered sultrily, grasping his member. “Did you do it like this?” She caressed him, slowly and gently, but even that touch made him arch into her hand. “Or like this?” She began stroking him more vigorously. “Or until it hurt?” Her stroking became so insistent that it elicited feelings in Nightwing that straddled the edge between pain and pleasure, eliciting a cry from him that could have passed for one or the other.
She smiled. “You like it this way. You like the pain. It electrifies every last neuron in your body in a way that makes you feel alive like so few other things can do. That's why Starfire can't satisfy you, not the way I can.”
Nightwing arched into her hand insistently.
“You want me to end it now, don't you?” Blackfire deduced. “I can end it now, but I won't. I want to see just how close to the edge I can drive you before you topple over.”
A frustrated cry escaped Nightwing's mouth.
Blackfire's smile deepened into a smirk just before she took Nightwing's manhood into her mouth. Even in this, she was not gentle. Her mouth and teeth formed a vise with which to hold his manhood tightly in place while the suction was nearly enough to hurt. Nightwing would have thrust into her mouth, if not for the fact that her hands had too strong a grip on his hips to allow that. All he could do was cry and moan in simultaneous pleasure and frustration as she dragged out his gratification.
Finally, the simultaneously painful and pleasurable stimulation proved too much even for Nightwing to bear and he climaxed, crying out, “Empress!
Blackfire drank her newfound lover's essence while internally smirking in triumph. Her sister's “boy” had surrendered to her, and so easily, too. She almost pitied the naïve little bitch, but then she knew that Starfire could not satisfy the sort of man Nightwing was. Raised in darkness for so long, men like him came to crave it, no matter how long they spent in the light.
Once she'd had her fill, she held some of his seed in her mouth. She moved up his body until she was seeing eye to eye with him and kissed him fiercely, pouring his own seed down his throat. Nightwing's eyes widened in shock at this, but Blackfire's lips had his thoroughly captured and her hand at the back of his head prevented him from retreating, leaving him with no choice but to swallow.
She pulled away with a triumphant grin. “You're mine now.”
Nightwing looked at her disbelievingly.
She got off the bed and began to strip, first removing the cape and collar, following it with her bracers and boots and then her top and skirt. Once they were all off, she undid the catch keeping her metal under-suit on, allowing her to peel it off her body. This she did with excruciating slowness, torturing Nightwing without even touching him.
Finally, the suit came off, exposing herself entirely to her newfound lover. Only her royal crown remained, and that was on her head.
Blackfire walked up to Nightwing and straddled him, pulling his face in between her breasts.
“Do you feel them, Nightwing?” she asked softly. “They're so soft, so firm, aren't they?” She hummed. “Would you like to suck on them?” She narrowed her eyes when he didn't answer. “That's the trouble with you humans. You're afraid to speak your desires.”
Nightwing muttered something.
“Speak up, lover,” she purred.
“Yes,” he spoke, much more audibly than before.
She pulled his face just far enough away from her breasts so that he could look at them.
“Go ahead,” she invited. “Suck.”
Nightwing proceeded to do exactly that, taking Blackfire's right breast into his mouth and sucking on the pinkish-purple nipple. Blackfire moaned deeply, mumbling in Tamaranean. Nightwing's lips and tongue caressed his new mistress's nipple, much to her delight as she stroked his hair. After a while, he switched to her left breast, giving it the same treatment as her right breast and eliciting more pleasured utterances in Tamaranean from her.
As much as Blackfire enjoyed having Nightwing suck on her breasts, the ache in her womanhood was growing along with her pleasure. She pulled Nightwing away from her breast and moved up until her legs were on either side of his face, placing his face right in front of the glistening pinkish-purple lips of her womanhood.
“Pay homage to your empress,” she ordered.
Knowing what she meant by that, Nightwing moved to lick her womanhood, the tip of his tongue grazing her nether lips. Blackfire let out a cry of pleasure.
“Do that again,” she commanded.
Nightwing brushed her nether lips with his tongue, this time a firmer lick, eliciting a purring moan from Blackfire. He licked more and more insistently until his tongue was buried as deeply in her womanhood as it could get. He swirled his tongue inside her, catching the almost-preternaturally sweetness of her juices on his tongue.
Blackfire let out a deep groan of pleasure.
“My sister's taught you well, hasn't she?” she murmured.
The Titan leader found the familiar pinkish-purple nub at the upper corner of Blackfire's lower lips and sucked on it, scraping it with his teeth. This brought forth a very loud cry of pleasure from the exiled Tamaranean princess and she began grinding her pelvis against his face.
“Get ready,” she groaned, “because here . . . I . . . COME!
Blackfire climaxed like a flood, pouring her strangely sweet nectar into Nightwing's mouth. Nightwing tried valiantly to drink it all, but there was too much for him to drink and so the rest spilled onto his face and Blackfire's thighs.
She smiled down at him almost lovingly, stroking his hair.
“It's not very often that a man makes me come like that,” she whispered. “Now, clean me, and I'll give you your reward.”
Nightwing licked Blackfire's thighs, which were now slick with her nectar. He was diligent, not stopping until the only slickness on her thighs was his own saliva.
She got off him and went back to her bag of tricks, pulling out a moderately sized phallus-shaped device with three straps attached to it. Nightwing's eyes widened underneath the mask in realization of exactly what that device would be used for.
“Are you serious?” he asked, regaining some of his defiance.
“I'm very serious,” Blackfire answered, inserting the inner end of the device into herself and connecting the three straps around her pelvis in such a way that if someone saw her from behind, they'd think she was wearing a thong. A wicked smirk formed on her face. “Don't worry. I'll be gentle.”
She climbed back onto the bed and turned Nightwing over onto his stomach, adjusting the cable binding his wrists and propping him up onto his hands and knees with the pillows on his bed. She departed from the bed to pick up a small bottle of water-based lubricant. She opened the bottle and poured out a generous amount of that lubricant, rubbing it all over the strap-on phallus until it glistened. She dipped a finger into the lubricant bottle and then inserted said finger inside Nightwing's entrance, making him grit his teeth and groan in pain.
“I said I'd be gentle, but that only works if you're willing to relax,” she said.
Reluctantly, Nightwing willed his muscles to relax, allowing Blackfire to insert her finger all the way to the knuckle. Once he was relaxed enough to take that one finger, she added a second, widening him further.
She pulled her fingers out and replaced them with her artificial phallus, slowly inserting it into Nightwing's entrance. The young crime-fighter groaned in both pain and pleasure as her strap-on stretched his entrance. Inch after excruciatingly pleasurable inch went in until Blackfire's hips were pressed against the young hero's backside.
She bent forward, pressing her breasts against his back and wrapping her arms around him. One of her hands rubbed his chest while the other moved down to grasp his member, which was still quite hard.
“Does this feel good?” she asked with a sensuous purr in her voice.
“Surprisingly, yes,” Nightwing replied.
Blackfire smiled wickedly before pulling partly out of Nightwing and slamming back into him forcefully, making the masked crime-fighter cry out in mixed pain and pleasure.
“I thought you said you'd be gentle!” he protested.
“Oops,” Blackfire answered with a giggle. “Forgot to tell you that I was just trying to make entry easier on you. Now that I'm in, though . . .”
She thrust into him fiercely, her motions anything but gentle. In spite of the lubrication easing her entry, her thrusts burned, but it was a burn that walked the tightrope between pain and pleasure. Eventually, the pleasure aspect won out and he began to push back against her thrusts.
“Empress . . .” he moaned.
Spurred on by her lover's moan, Blackfire thrust into him even faster and harder, hitting his prostate with each thrust. As she drove into him, she began pumping his member with great gusto, bringing forth more moans and groans of pleasure from him.
Sensing that he was nearing his zenith, Blackfire began kissing Nightwing's neck and shoulder while pumping his manhood even more enthusiastically.
“Come for me, Nightwing,” she purred into his ear. “Show your Empress how much you like this.”
With one more brush against his prostate and Blackfire moaning huskily into his ear, the Titan leader climaxed with a throaty yell, his essence spilling onto the bedclothes below.
In the aftermath of their respective orgasms, Blackfire pulled out of Nightwing and removed the strap-on, throwing it aside. She laid herself on Nightwing's back, rolling them onto their sides and reaching down to caress his now-flaccid member back into hardness. The young hero only took a few seconds to respond.
Blackfire adjusted their positions so that she was straddling Nightwing.
“Since you've been so good to me as to let me have my way with that gorgeous ass of yours, I'm going to give you your real reward,” she purred, lowering herself onto him and taking him into her womanhood.
Nightwing moaned deeply as he felt her moist womanhood engulf him, gripping him like a tight glove. As she began to ride him, he wondered just what the hell he'd started . . . and how he was going to keep it from Starfire and the other Titans. Then he smiled.
Might as well hang on and enjoy the ride, he thought.
End Notes: Not my first lemon, but my first Robin (technically Nightwing)/Blackfire lemon and the first lemon I've written that explores certain kinks. Hopefully, you all enjoyed it.
The initial idea for this lemon was mine, but a fellow fanfic author named Dark Charaxes helped me out by suggesting particular kinks-slash-fetishes to utilize. He also pointed out that Blackfire would have a dominant nature, hence her commanding Nightwing to call her “Empress.”
If you're wondering why Nightwing so easily gave into Blackfire, it was because his will to resist had been worn down by repeated spying on her and because he couldn't really deny that he wanted her. Also, it's fun to see how somebody who desires to have control in almost all aspects of their life can inexorably surrender that control to an obsession or the object of their obsession.
Anyway, you're free to review and tell me how much you liked it or how much it disgusted you.