Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Musical: Adventures of Manimal and Geo-Girl ❯ We Want You ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author's notes:
I made the up the song down there…
Over flying the Italian Valencia, a mapping jet was trying to locate the new town that had just formed, but something strange was there. No buildings. No people… not even a single vehicle.
Just trees, trees, and more trees that stretched on for miles, and miles… The pilots radioed in to report that “There's nothing but five-hundred square miles of jungle below us.”
The boys back at control were shocked. “According to our estimates, you should be seeing the Italian town that formed with its population of its first thousand.”
The pilots reported that there was nothing of the kind, almost as if the jungle had swallowed the whole town, its population, buildings and everything. Suddenly, something went wrong… the plane had gone out of control.
The wind gauges read that the air outside was warming up, and getting very stiff; too stiff for flight control to maintain function. In almost no time, the jet was lost. What a disaster it was… it almost appeared as if the jungle itself had pulled the jet in and swallowed it.
Elsewhere there were more strange happenings in the process…
Many different stores and factories were being robbed and looted of special tools. The kind used in air-conditioning, and weapon building.
Also… many soviet bases had been broken into, and the thieves, whoever they were had been trying to rob the bases of their missiles, and other equipment. The authorities had done all that they could, but not all missions were successful in thwarting the break-ins.
Even a few good men were brought to their doom.
Finally, a top-secret organization decided to take action into this, and recruited one of their agents to investigate the causes of these crime waves, as well as the mysterious jungle growth that was reported in Italy.
However… this agent also had a life outside of his spy career, and he would need some of help to solve this mystery. He immediately began researching records all over the world, and even those who gifted with high intelligence, as well as swift thinking and outstanding bravery.
After all… you can't just walk up to someone and send them off on a life-threatening mission. Finally… he found two of the best he could ever find. “Get the aircraft ready…” he said, “I'm off to Jump-City.”
It had been a full week since the big criminal round up, and things were once again quiet in the city. The Titans were all in the lounge, napping.
Even super-heroes deserved a little rest here and there.
Cyborg lay asleep with his head on the table. Robin was slapping on the loveseat with Starfire resting with her head in her husband's lap. Terra was stretched out on the long sofa, snoring… and a cute little green puppy was sleeping soundly on her chest. Raven was sitting up right, but her head was drooped down, and an open book lay in her lap, and Copy-Cat lay curled up next to the chair where his lady-friend sat, and he even winced his bare feet a little.
Yes, all the Titans were sleeping peacefully, until suddenly, a loud noise awoke them. The sound of something rumbling from up in the sky, and making the tower quiver a little.
“Yo' five more minutes…” Cyborg groaned.
Starfire and Robin awoke, and yawned, “What is…. happening?” Starfrie asked.
Everyone awoke from their slumber, and then headed out to the roof to see what was going on. It was a private air-jet landing on the towers hanger-mark. “Nice… it just had to wake us up.” Raven said all grumpy.
As soon as the jet's engines ceased, a ramp was lowered and out came a tall, skinny man. He was all dressed up like he was some sort of spy-man. Blue suit, dark shades… just about everything you'd expect.
“Teen Titans I presume…?” he asked.
Robin stepped forward, “Yes… who are you?”
The man reached into his jacket, and pulled out a card, “My name is Band… Jim Band.” He sounded so suave and debonair, that the girls were starting to take his charm hard…. much to the boy's jealousy.
“Can we help you with anything?” Robin asked.
Jim asked that everyone meet within the tower, and he promised he was not an enemy agent come to spy on them.
Inside, Jim explained that he was the superintendent of one of the most incredible, most exquisite colleges in the world. “The Sea View Academy”
Beast-Boy and Terra shot up all excited by those words “SEA-VIEW ACADEMY!” they both said at the same time.
“Please, I wish to know what it is, this sea-view.” Starfire asked.
“Dude… it's only like the single, most awesome college in the history of the planet!” Beast Boy said. Terra nodded, “It's a college that lives up to its name…”
They explained how when they both were at Murakami-High, during the Time both Terra and Beast Boy lost their memories, they both read about it…
It was a college-building actually built under water, somewhere in the south-pacific. The building was said to be inside a huge high-pressured dome that gave a clear a beautiful view of the ocean around you, and it still had all the natural refinements a college had.
Sadly, during the time at Murakami, as much as they wanted to go, there was no way either of them could make the money to apply. Even Beast-Boy… as Garfield Logan with his IQ couldn't apply.
Besides… after they had gotten back their memories, and started a relationship. They figured they'd rather stay with the Titans.
“But… what does all this have to do with us?” Raven asked.
That's when Jim looked around to make sure they weren't being bugged. “I'm also an agent for W.S.S… the World Security Services… and I'd like to show you all something.”
He pulled out a tape from his jacket, and showed them all the case that his organization was concentrating on. Mysterious Jungle Growth appearing where it shouldn't be… and crime-waves occurring all over.
“I've been asked to find out the source of this jungle growth, and these crime-waves, but as I also must superintend the school, I cannot do this by myself.” Jim said, then he glanced over and Beast-Boy and Terra. “That's where you two come in.”
“Yo'… them?” asked Cyborg.
Jim nodded, and told everyone that he had been search for the right people outside of his organization to help him in this mission. This would help to deceive the enemy by using people not from the organization…
He scanned Terra and Beast-Boy's old records from Murakami, and he had never seen anything like it. Garfield Logan… boy genius, and student of the century; Never had gone to school in his life, and yet he graduated High-School in less than a year.
Yes… they also discovered about him being the Manimal. A superhero with the abilities of animals, and all the gadgets to provide more power…
Terra was also very good as well. The second-greatest student at Murakami and her powers to move earth and rocks…
Beast-Boy stepped back a little. “Whoa… wait a minute…” he said, “You're not thinking what I think you're thinking are you.”
Copy-Cat used his Psychic-Foresight to read Jim's mind, “Yes… he is. You want Beast-Boy and Terra to work as spies, do you not?”
Even Robin thought that was just sick.
Jim nodded, “Yes… and before you said anything else… let me said this.” he paused, “It's not obligatory, and you're free to refuse, but kindly keep in mind… you two are perfect to help us out, and realize what could happen if you don't do this.”
The Titans tried to suggest that they all go and try to fix these problems, but Jim talked them out of it. “Whoever, or whatever it is behind this jungle growth, and crime waves… they spare no one… a full band of heroes together might only anger them further and they'd take their vengeance on the rest of the world.”
The Titans knew he was right there. So it was all up to Beast-Boy and Terra… “Again… remember you have all rights to refuse, but we need your help.”
Everyone gave the couple some time alone to think about it. Beast-Boy and Terra were outside near the water. Beast-Boy had a real upset look on his face, and Terra could tell what was bothering him.
“We'd be going back to school again… and at least we could look out for each other.” she said, but her husband shook his head. “I know all that… but it's just that… all the memories it'll bring back.” he told her.
School, or anything related to the subject took Beast-Boy and Terra back to the time when Terra tried to push him away, “Things Change, Beast-Boy… the Girl you want me to be is just a memory.”
Beast-Boy shook his head in deep despair, he remembered how all that ended him up nearly losing everything all over again…
(Music Cue)
(Beast-Boy)(Sounds like Disney's Aladdin)
-Why must Things Change?
It's just too strange,
If only they looked closer,
Would the see a sad boy, no siree…
When things changed,
They took much more from me.
“Come with me…”
“No… you go. You're the Teen Titan, that's who you are. It's not me…”
-It happened right there,
It just wasn't fair.
To leave me in the darkness,
With nothing left to fight for, it's a pity.
I just wished…
For one last light, you see.
“I'm not a hero… I'm not out to save the word. I'm just a girl with geometry test next period and I haven't studied.”
“But… Terra…!”
-Making ends meet was too hard.
Life just played me like its own card.
Robbing me of so much that I held dear,
And left me with nothing but sadness… and fear…
Beast Boy then remembered the events from when he went to Murakami and he and Terra promised no more changes, and now they had been married for a year.
Now… he was being called to arms again… and e knew what to do.
-Still it's not the end,
That's not all now, it's then.
My life can seem much better,
Terra with you by my side, it's plain as easy.
We'll succeed…
And still be as happy, as can… be-e-e-e-e.
Smiling at each other, they shared a soft kiss, and then it was back to Jim. “We'll do it.”
Jim smiled “Thank you both.”
Author's notes:
Man I hate THINGS CHANGE… I wish it was undone.
That's why I'm telling everyone this…
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