Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Musical: Some things Never Change ❯ He's falling for her agian. ( Chapter 16 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The next day, things hadn't gotten as good as Garfield hoped for.
As he walked to school, he passed the newsstand and could see that he was going to be in big trouble now as the latest headlines read…
“Citizens call for Manimal's Arrest”
“WANTED: Cash reward for the capture of Manimal.”
Garfield's eyes narrowed into a sneer.
Worse than that, some people who were reading the paper, or heard the news were starting to agree with Jackie and Jillian, and badmouth Manimal, making it really hard for Garfield to keep himself from snapping.
Even the kids at school were starting to hate Manimal's guts. Garfield realized that he'd have to be extra careful when he went out on patrol, as the police were out there looking for him.
In their new secret hideout. Jinx, Gizmo, and Mammoth were trying to work up new plans.
“This Manimal guy's got more nerves than those Titans.” Mammoth said. “There's got to be some way to flush him out of hiding.”
“Yeah, only one problem.” snapped Gizmo. “If we try that, even with these new animals we got, the Teen Titans will show up an make a mess of everything.”
Mammoth realized he was right. Just dealing with one hero, or a set of heroes was tough enough. “There's got to be a way…” Jinx said. “Someway to flush out the Manimal, and keep the Titans from messing things up.”
“There is a way.” hissed a voice over the computer screen behind them.
The trio all turned around. “Awe, Slade… it's just you.” said Gizmo.
“Yes… now listen closely.” Slade said. He went over plans to have the Manimal, and the Titans gather together in one place and then be weak enough for them to conquer.
“Bu remember… don't any of you make a move until I give the word. Is that understood?”
The trio nodded, and then Slade signed off.
Later that day…
It wasn't long before the papers were restacked with a new front page.
“Titans Challenges Manimal!”
It was a story saying that Teen Titans had challenged the Manimal to a duel at the Gotham city bridge, 6 pm, Thursday night.
However… the Titans were given a different paper. It was roughly the same story except it read. “Manimal Challenges Titans.”
“Thursday night?” Robin said. “But that's tonight.”
The other Titans weren't so sure if they should take the challenge. “It doesn't make sense.” replied Robin.
“You're telling me.” said Cyborg. “Why would the guy want to challenge us to a duel?”
“Perhaps he is not really our ally.” Satrfire suggested. “Perhaps beneath his suit, he is in fact some horrifying creature in disguise?”
The other Titans raised their eyebrows. “Uh… not likely.” said Raven. “But still… we have to decide whether or not to accept his challenge.”
They thought it over, and they decided to take the challenge. “It may be our only chance to confront him, and find out what he's really like.” Robin said. “We're going.”
The other Titans agreed.
Meanwhile, at school…
Terra didn't bother to sit with Jackie and Jillian at her usual table at lunchtime. She had read the headlines in the paper, and even though they claimed not to be responsible for post the gossip up, she still was mad at them for starting the whole thing.
So she sat with Garfield, who also seemed pretty disturbed about the paper. “I think those two have really lost their marbles.” he said.
Terra actually agreed with him, and it wasn't the first time she herself had ever though about it either. She even told him about her night after she left him… how Manimal came to her rescue and she got to thank him.
… Garfield had to pretend with all his might to be amazed.
“He really is amazing.” Terra said.
Garfield smiled. “He sure is.” he said. “Sometimes… I wonder what he's really thinking. Like maybe he's got problems just like everyone else does.”
Terra wondered that too. “I just hope the fight really doesn't go on tonight.” she said. “I can't believe the Titans would challenge him like this, and after everything he's done to help them protect the city.”
She asked Garfield if he was going to be there to watch the fight… but Garfield said that he had too much to do that night. Homework and stuff. “I'll just catch it on the live news.”
He had to lie to her on that… he was going, but not to watch the fight.
Terra understood, and it was a good thing the music club was called off because of the unexplainable damages in the music room, but Garfield had been trying to work out what happened there for days.
“It just doesn't make any sense.” he said as he went over his notes. “The ground there is far to solid for it to just suddenly erupt and blow like that.”
This made Terra begin to worry again. She was beginning to believe more and more that she herself did that… as if she had some sort of magical power to move the Earth, and rocks.
…but she wasn't sure she was ready to tell him yet, for fear of him fearing her. So she kept it to herself, and tried to work up reasons as to why she had this great gift.
As she walked home after school she suddenly remembered what Beast Boy had tried to tell her a long time ago.
“Wait… I know… you can move the Earth.” Then he tossed a big clump of dirt in her face and she couldn't control it.
“Can it be?” she muttered to herself. “Am I really this girl he said I am?” she didn't know. Her memory was still to foggy, and she was concentrating on it so much, she didn't realize that she walked right into a construction zone.
“HEY KID!! WATCH OUT!!” cried a man.
Terra snapped up to realize that she was standing right near a rock wall with and avalanche crashing right for her. Terra screamed and shut her eyes really tight bracing herself for the impact… but it never came.
She opened her eyes and found the rocks neatly piled up beside her, and all the construction-men gazing at her as if they just saw a ghost… Which could only mean that those powers of hers did it again.
She got scared, and then braced herself in anger and focused her mind on the rocks. “This is really starting to get weird.” she said to herself as she walked off.
Garfield was finding it hard to concentrate on his homework. He felt so mixed up that he couldn't think straight.
In just a few short hours he'd be in for the battle of his life. He'd be facing the Teen Titans on the bridge, and pretty much the whole town would be there.
He couldn't shake off this feeling that something didn't seem right. The Titans were heroes and they never challenged anyone in their life, unless forced to do so.
“Whatever's going on… I got to find out what it is.” he said to himself.
That wasn't the only thing on his mind. He was still thinking of Terra… and how he was growing fond of her, and they even shared a romantic moment last night… though she didn't know it was him.
“Is it true…” he asked himself. “Am I starting to fall for her?”
He added everything up…
He liked being near her… he was always worried about her… when he was with her, she made these weird images play in his head… so it was true.
(Music Cue… just like Stewie)
Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn!
I've grown accustomed to her face.
She almost makes the day begin.
I've grown accustomed to the tune that
She whistles night and noon.
She almost makes the day begin.
I've grown accustomed to the tune that
She whistles night and noon.
Her smiles, her frowns,
Her ups, her downs
Are second nature to me now;
Like breathing out and breathing in.
I was serenely independent and content before we met;
Surely I could always be that way again-
And yet
I've grown accustomed to her look;
Accustomed to her voice;
Accustomed… to her… face.
Her ups, her downs
Are second nature to me now;
Like breathing out and breathing in.
I was serenely independent and content before we met;
Surely I could always be that way again-
And yet
I've grown accustomed to her look;
Accustomed to her voice;
Accustomed… to her… face.
(Images of him and Terra at school play byas the music goes along)
But I'm so used to hear her say
"Good morning" every day.
Her joys, her woes,
Her highs, her lows,
Are second nature to me now;
Like breathing out and breathing in.
I'm very grateful she's a woman
And so easy to forget;
Rather like a habit
One can always break-
And yet,
I've grown accustomed to the trace
Of something in the air;
Accustomed to her face.
Her joys, her woes,
Her highs, her lows,
Are second nature to me now;
Like breathing out and breathing in.
I'm very grateful she's a woman
And so easy to forget;
Rather like a habit
One can always break-
And yet,
I've grown accustomed to the trace
Of something in the air;
Accustomed to her face.
(Sorry I had to edit a lot of the song and cut the next few verses out.)
Garfield sighed to himself.
So, what if he had a crush on Terra… he wasn't sure if she felt the same way about him. So he just decided to let it ride for a bit, and in the meantime be careful not to act like a fool near her.
Garfield finished his homework and saw that it was fifteen minutes to 6 pm. “Time to go.” he said to himself.
He shut all the blinds, and then opened up a secret compartment in his closet, and he changed into his costume. He climbed up to the roof and looked out towards the bridge all the way on the other side of town.
“All right Teen Titans…” he said. “I may not know what's going on… but whatever it is you have against me will end tonight.”