Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Musical: Some things Never Change ❯ For you, Terra! ( Chapter 27 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Copy-Cat wasn't sure he heard Beast Boy correctly. “You were the one to go first?” he asked. “Why would you wish to be first to be attacked?”
Beast Boy smiled again. “Ahh… but I didn't say was I was going first.” he said. “Nope, I had something else in mind.”
Back to the Story…
The trio was growing rather impatient, and all the animals were getting really hungry. “Well… speak up!” growled Mammoth. “Who wants to go first?”
Still no response from the Titans, and then Garfield stepped up. “You three do.” he said.
Everyone was confused, and then Garfield told them that he had been waiting for them to release every single animal from his Beast Boy DNA. “Which means now is the perfect time to use my little secret weapon.”
He reached into his belt and pulled out two flasks. Everyone gawked at him nervously, trying to figure out what he was about to do as they saw him reach in and pull out a black wavy orb.
Everyone stared sweating, and chattering, at the object, and then… in swift move. Garfield Slammed the Capsule down on the ground!
POOF!! WHESH!! Smoke blew everywhere, and then all was silent. Nothing seemed to be happening.
“Yo' man… what's the deal?” asked Cyborg.
“I wish to no the meaning of this weapon of yours?” added Starfire.
Garfield didn't understand it. “Come on… work… work!!” he grumbled.
The trio just stared at each other with a look of disgust on their faces. Gizmo armed his ray gun. “You'll be first!” he growled as he armed it.
(This is just like JUMANJI now)
Terra dashed over towards him with tears of desperation in her eyes. “NO, GARFIELD NO!!” she cried. Garfield held her in his arms as Gizmo Pulled the trigger.
“NO!!” the Titans all cried.
But the blast suddenly just stopped right where it was in mid air, only about a centimeter from hitting Garfield's face, and then the most amazing, yet unusual of things happened things.
The ray was being pulled backwards in a small drat of wind, and it got sucked down into one of the flasks where it vanished.
Suddenly, the wind started getting stronger as Starfire, and Terra's hair began flowing in the wind, as well as Garfield, Raven, and Robin's capes.
The trio also didn't feel so good as the looked down at their hands.
“What's going on here?” Cyborg asked nervously.
The whole ship began to rumble softly, and then IT HAPPENED!!
“LOOK OUT!!” Garfield cried. Everyone began screaming as the animals came crashing through the walls in a HUGE TORNADO!!
“WHAT IS THIS!!” cried Robin
“WHAT IS HAPPENING?!” added Starfire.
The animals began flying everywhere, growling, and roaring, and squealing as their molecular structures began to break up in the gusts.
Jinx, Gizmo and Mammoth suddenly began to feel themselves getting sucked up by another tornado. They tried to hold tight, but it didn't work, and up they went!
“EVERYBODY HANG ON TIGHT!!!” screamed Garfield. Terra held onto him tight, and the Titans held on as well as the tornados kept blowing.
Garfield's little weapon had broken down the structures of the animals and began sucking them all up into the first flask, while Jinx, Gizmo, and Mammoth were being shrunken down to size and throw them into the other flask.
The tornados kept on going, until they settled down enough inside the flasks, so Garfield could run over and place to strong stoppers in the lids of the flasks.
“Like I said…” he panted. “Don't mess with the Manimal.”
“Why you little genius you.” Cyborg said giving him a noogie.
Robin gave him a big thumb way up. “Way to go.” he said as he walked over to pick up the flasks. They would be able to send the DNA back to Von-Richter, and get the trio over to the police.
Starfire thought they looked kind of cute being so tiny, and trying t o break out from the flask, but Garfield took the precaution of taking the unbreakable glass. They wouldn't be able to get out unless they were let out.
Suddenly… the ship began to tilt and quiver again. “Now what's happening?” asked Raven.
Garfield dashed to the controls. “Awe, no!!” he cried. “The ship's going out of control!” he cried. “And the fuel's running low!”
His little tornado stunt may have saved them all, but in the process it really damaged the interiors of the cave, and the whole thing was hurdling all over.
Even if Garfield got it under control, which he couldn't as the controls were fried a little, the ship was almost out of fuel. There wasn't enough power to get the rock far enough from the city to set it anywhere safely.
“What are we going to do?!” cried Terra.
“There's nothing we can do!” cried Robin.
Garfield checked what was left of the computers, and there was one way to stop the rock, but it wasn't going to be easy as it required… well… a big risk, possibly a sacrifice even.
“We can use the T-Ship.” he said. Everyone exchanged looks of confusion. “Trust me, I have an idea.” replied Garfield.
The Titans, eager to find out what he had in mind, decided to go along with his plan. Even Terra was in with them. So they followed Garfield, through a shortcut he had found which lead them all back to the hanger-bay where the T-Ship was still in one piece.
The Titans all leapt up into their respective cockpits, accept for Garfield and Terra as the last one wasn't big enough to carry them both in. “What are we going to do?” Terra asked. “There's no way the both of us can fit in through there.”
“And what's you plan anyways?” asked Robin.
“Trust me.” Garfield said. “Now release the hanger and then get the injector-tube on my pod ready through that hole in the ceiling.” he called.
Robin wasn't rightly sure what he was doing anymore, but he and the Titans did as was instructed. The ship went back outside and fired it's engines. It positioned itself carefully over the hole, and lowered down the elevator-tube.
“Okay Beast Boy, we're ready.” Robin said.
Garfield, not bother to correct him about his name again, didn't answer back on his communicator. He even seemed a little said, and so did Terra.
While the Titans had dealt with the ship, Garfield explained to Terra what his plans were…
He was going to use the lasts of the ships fuel to fly the rock far up, up into the sky, and then… and then, the rock would high enough in the air to be blown up into pieces small enough to vaporize harmlessly in their descent.
“But… how can we blow the rock?” Terra asked. “I don't think the T-ship has enough power to do that, and I still haven't regained control of my powers yet.”
Garfield nodded sadly. “Yeah… I know.” he said softly with his head hanging a little low.
“So then, how are we going to destroy the rock?” Terra asked.
Garfield looked up slowly. “Like this…” he said and he swiftly grabbed a hold of Terra.
“Hey!!” she squealed. “What are you--”
Garfield then showed her he had recovered one of Gizmo's remotes that was linked to the Ship's Self-Destruct system. One touch of the red button and the whole thing would go up one mighty Big-Bang!
Terra now understood what was going on, but before she could say anything, Garfield got out his Titans communicator. “If I don't make it… give this to Robin!” he told her as he stuffed it into her outfit.
(Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to the movie ARMAGEDDON. I'm just borrowing some really good plotting)
“MAKE SURE ROBIN GETS IT!!” and he shoved her into the tube. “Get in there!!” snapped the doors shut, and jammed them so they couldn't open again.
This was almost just like when Terra turned herself into stone. She did it to save him, the Titans, and the whole city. Now with a mixture of fear and bravery in his eyes, he stood there with his cape flying in the drafts by the holes in the walls and ceiling.
“It's my turn now!”
Terra got herself together in a huge haste. “GARFIELD… GRAFIRELD!! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!!” she screamed as she got up and pounded on the glass. “I SHOULD BE DOING THIS, LET ME OUT OF HERE!!”
She was speaking on the fact that it was her powers that made the rock and everything else that put the town in danger. She felt that she was the one who should stay behind and destroy it, but Garfield shook his head. “No it isn't, Terra, it was never your fault.”
Terra's eyes widened. Tears began to pour down her face as he looked directly into her eyes. “Terra... you sacrificed yourself once to save everyone, and I lost you” he said. “Then you came back, but I lost you all over, again.”
His words were staring to pierce Terra's, already, breaking heart. “Terra… all I ever wanted was to be with you, and have you by my side.” He went on. “so If I don't make it out of this… I want you know… that I did this not for the Titans, not for the city…”
“I'm doing this… for you.” he placed his hand directly on the glass where hers was.
Terra's tears were falling in earnest now. Streaking down her face, splashing on the floor, and staining her outfit. “Garfield.” she sobbed.
He let go of the glass, and hit the Up-switch. “Good luck, Terra...”
“Garfield, No!!”
“I love you, baby!”
The tube started to go up and Terra was on her knees crying madly now as she pounded on the glass. “GARFIELD… I LOVE YOU!! DON'T GO… NO, YOU CAN'T… GARFIELD, NO… PLEASE!!”
“My love.”
Up in the T-ship…
The Titans looked back into the center-cockpit and found Terra, alone, and in tears. “What happened?” Robin asked.
One look into Terra tearful eyes was enough to tell them everything. Raven shuttered in anger and sadness. “That crazy, stubborn, little--”
(Music cue)
Garfield looked around him, and he couldn't help but shead a tear as he placed his helmet back on. “Some hero I turned out to be.”
(Shorter version)
-This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
-Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes...again
-This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
-It hurts to set you free
But you'll never follow me
The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of nights we tried to die
This is the end.
Outside of the story…
“You wished to sacrifice yourself to save everyone?” Copy-Cat asked. “Only a true hero would have done such a thing.”
“Trust me…” Beast Boy said as he began playing his Keyboard, on piano mode, and started a song. “I felt like anything but a hero.”
He quickly snapped himself out of it, and continued on with the rest of the story, of how he managed to get out alive.