Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Musical: Things Change & The End? ❯ WHAT A BATTLE! ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Count had been waiting for this day for quite some time. Starfire took one look at the creep, “You… killed me people!” she thundered at him and then charged straight for him hoping to finish him off, but the Count just stood there…
Starfire aimed a powerful, glowing punch at his chest, but she felt herself being forced back by an energy field. “So people just never learn.” the Count mocked, and the Dark Prognosticus hovered alongside of him, “You may have done well to out-best my minions… but you will never live to tell the tale, not even if you defeat me.”
“What do you mean by that?” asked Raven.
The Count then projected an image of what he had done. Not only had the Dark-Void grown large enough to suck up everything faster than ever, but by stealing some of Negative-Man's shadow-energy, he was able to generate miniature voids, millions of them… and sent them to all corners of what was left of the universe to destroy the lasts of it faster…
“This is insane…” cried Elsti-Girl, “Why do you want the Universe destroyed?”
The Count laughed hard, “Why do I want it destroyed? You underestimate me. I want more than just the Universe destroyed… I want every world, every dimension, anything that exists at all to be wiped out and never brought back again.”
Everyone felt worried, but that still didn't answer, “Why do you want it destroyed?” Robin asked again. “What good is destroyed worlds doing you?”
The Count was silent and still for a moment, and his head hung a little low. “All worlds are meaningless!” he growled. “They are worthless, empty, creations that never once brought me any joy and happiness. All existence is everything that I never experienced!”
“What are you talking about?” asked Robot-man, “What makes you think all worlds are useless…?”
The Count was growing angrier by the minute. “You pathetic, slimy, excuses for beings.” he hiss at them, “You wouldn't understand at all! Neither of you would!”
“Try us…!” snapped Starfire.
Terra, however, was trembling in anxiety and snapped, “Don't you guys realize who he is?” The others were still confused, and decided to connect all the dots…
First was his name, Count Logan. “Logan…?!” cried Elasti-Girl.
His voice sounded so incredibly familiar. The Titans gasped.
The biggest and most powerful evidence was, Beast-Boy's body had gone missing without anyone touching it. “It can't be!” cried Mento.
“Hmm, mm… but it is!” snapped the Count, and he removed his mask for everyone to see his green-face, “I am all that is left of Beast-Boy!” It was him indeed, only he looked a little more adult-aged now than before he died…
Gasp after gasps echoed through the room. “Friend?” cried Starfire as she approached him, “It is not true… Tell me it is not true!”
Beast-Boy poised his cane at her, “Get away from me!” he sneered, “I'm not your friend. I don't have friends, a family, or anything but the darkness that surrounds us.”
“Garfield…” said Elasti-Girl. “You've been alive all along.”
Beast-Boy turned to face her, “Stay where you are!” he demanded, “And hold our tongue. I am not the one who you remember me as. There is no Garfield Logan, and there is no Beast-Boy…”
“There is only, Count Logan, and soon there will be nothing left at all.” Then he gripped his cane tightly, “And now the time has come-- I'm going to be rid of you pests one and for all!”
“Beast-Boy, wait…!” cried Robin.
“SILENCE…!” he shouted back as he blasted a huge burst of energy at the heroes. “Look out!” cried Copy-Cat and everyone scattered away. Negative-man heard them scream, and finally had the power to slip from his chains to joint he battle. “Garfield…! Stop!” he begged.
Beast-Boy charged at him, “Stop calling me that…! I AM NOT BEAST-BOY!” and he punched him hard in the gut, then the face, and kicked him away. “YOU'RE ALL GOING TO PAY FOR MY PAIN…!”
“We do not have a choice…!” cried Copy-Cat. “He cannot be reasoned with, we must strike him down.”
Terra was most against that idea, “No, we can't there has to be another way!”
Beast-Boy then leapt into the center where whereas all the others began to attack him from either side, but Beast-boy was so incredibly angry, and determined not to lose he was just too much…
Robin leapt up high to try and strike him from below, but Beast-Boy saw him, and quickly leapt up a struck Robin hard in the arm. “YARGH…!” the sharp edges of the diamond on his cane split his sleeves and gashed his arm. SPLAT! He crashed into the ground.
“ROBIN…!” cried Starfire.
Just that one strike and Robin looked like he had been hit by a bullet. “DOOM PATROL… CHARGE!” roared Mento. Even though Beast-Boy used to be one of them, he was their enemy now, and he needed to be captured.
Beast-boy leapt towards them, fighting fearsomely to his once surrogate family. “Surrogate family MY FOOT…!” POW! He kicked Robot-man so hard that he dented his armor. “UGH…!” he flew backward and slammed hard against the wall. “D'ARGH!”
Mento tried his sonic-waved, but Beast-Boy shielded himself with his cape and deflected the attack right at Elasti-girl! “HAH…!
POW! “AA-AAH…!” Poor Elasti-Girl fell off her large feet and shrank to her normal size. “Rita!” cried Mento.
“My turn…!” shouted Raven. “Azarath… Metrione… ZINTHOS!!”
The count peered round, “Ha…?!” and he spun out of the way and then leapt up towards her. She fired at him again, but Beast-Boy grabbed his top-hat and actually absorbed the energy and fired it back at her. Raven felt like she had been struck by lightning, “AA-YEE-EE…!”
She had been attacked with her own power, along with Beast-Boys, twice as hard. “RAVEN…!” shouted Copy-Cat. He rushed over to her, and she was still covered in electrical-jolts.
Count Logan was beating everyone so easily, everyone except Terra, whom he still wished to stay alive and witness the end of the universe; payment for her little stunt…!
“Things Change, Beast-Boy! The girl you want me to be is just a memory.”
Beast-Boy grew angrier, and angrier as he continued to pummel the heroes… much to Terra's horror and shock. The Beast-Boy she remembered and wanted back would never do this…! “I gotta do something…!” she cried. “But what?”
Copy-Cat, tried the use the Light-Prognosticus, but couldn't figure out what to do. IT wasn't even able to reflect Beast-boy's energy, because the Dark Prognosticus was too strong, fueled by all of Beast-Boy's rage…
The book could absorb the blast of his cane, but it still slammed him back hard. “OHH…!” Beast-Boy was too strong for him to read his mind, or copy his forum. That one hit also left him hurt…badly!
Negative-Man, Mento, Cyborg, and Starfire charged for him. “Get him…!”
All of them fired charged with their strongest attacks at the ready, but Beast-Boy laughed, “Pathetic! HAH…!” and he opened his mouth wide and breathed a powerful hyper-beam of energy…
KAPOW! A huge explosion that damaged the floor. By now, pretty much everyone was badly hurt, bleeding and gashed. All were laying on the floor, with their outfits ripped, bruised and burned, and groaning.
“Heh, ha, ah, ah, ah…!” He walked over towards Robin, and poised his cane at Robin's neck, “I've waited for this for such a long time! Finally, the Teen Titans and the Doom Patrol will be no more.”
Starfire could see what was happening, she tried to get up, “Ro-bin--ARGH…!” but she fell down hard. There was nothing she could do…
Beast-Boy grabbed Robin by the collar, “Ugh! Uhn…!” Robin panted. “Beast… Boy…!”
Beast-boy narrowed his eyes. Those angry, hateful eyes, “I told you to sop calling me that!” he thundered at him, then he raised his cane up high, ready for the kill, “I end your life… FAREWELL…!” but right as he was ready to strike, a white glow of light emitted from a corner of the room, “Huh…?”
Everyone, though weak, could see what was making the light. Terra, clutching the Light Prognosticus in her hand, was bathed in a stream of white light, with a straight expression her face.
Beast-Boy put Robin down, dropped him hard, and began to pace towards her, “I nearly had forgotten about you.” he hissed at her. Then he stopped where he was and gazed at her… exactly like it happened back at school.
“Beast-Boy…!” Terra sneered deeply, yet softy, “This has gone far enough!”
The fallen heroes couldn't understand what was happening to Terra, but Copy-Cat suddenly had the feeling that maybe she was unlocking the secrets of the Light-Prognosticus…
“So… it would seem you've tapped into the power of that book.” replied Beast-Boy. “But you're wasting your time and effort. I cannot be defeated, nor can the prophecy of the Dark Prognosticus be stopped!”
Terra refused to believe that. “I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but I want to get through to you. You can't be like this, Beast-Boy.”
“I said… STOP CALLING ME BEAST-BOY! My name is Count Logan!” he thundered at her.
“No! You are Beast-Boy!” Terra snapped, “Please… let me help you. No more pain, no more destruction and chaos.”
“And be made a fool of, AGAIN…?!” snapped Beast-Boy. “NEVER! Time and again I've been played with and used far too much and too long to believe anymore lies. I've come much too far to stop now…”
He finally decided to forego his promise, and get rid of Terra right here and now! Terra also realized, no matter how much she didn't want to, she had to fight her best friend--
No, he was not her best friend. “The guy I love!” Terra thought with all her heart. “I'll save him or die trying!”
Her school uniform morphed into the outfit she used to wear all the time. Black shirt with a T on the chest. Yellow-shorts. Goggles. Gloves, and Boots. The Light she was bathed in faded and now her body was surrounded by angry white-flames… while Beast-Boy was surrounded by angry dark-flames.
This was going to be a battle to remember…
(Music cue)
Beats-Boy charged, and Terra charged. The both of them firing energy balls, and punching and kicking each other. Beast-Boy swinging his cane…
A crash of thunder
A brilliant flash of light
A battle has begun
And only one will win the fight
Danger in the air
Destroying everything in sight
The time has come to right the wrong
With Prism Power might!
Terra didn't have to use the rocks from the castle itself, as the Light-Prognosticus gave her all the Earth she needed. Every Rock glowing with white light, or was it all white light…?
Either way, she actual had succeeded in hitting Beast-Boy a few times, and rip part of his Count outfit. “YARGH… Take this!” and he returned her fire with his dark-magic. “Ah, ha, ah, ah… not good enough, My dear!”
Terra refused to give up. “I'll save you Beast-Boy.”
She's got the power
Oh she's got the power
She's got the power
Yeah she's got the power
She's got the power
Oh she's got the power
She's got the power
Oh she's got the power
Beast-Boy Swung his cane hard, but Terra grabbed it, and they engaged in a lockdown. Both of them grunting and growling as they gazed into each others eyes, as tons of flashbacks from their former lives flared…
“I promise I won't tell.”
“Swear on it.”
“You said you'd be my friend no matter what, remember?”
“Slade was right. You don't have any friends.
“Beast-Boy… you're the best friend I ever had.”
“You are who you choose to be, Terra.”
“You don't belong here, Terra.”
“Stop CALLING me that!”
Beast-Boy was now angrier than before, and more determined to crush Terra for good! He kicked her hard in the chest and sent her flying backwards.
Terra, however, knowing what she had done was wrong, especially Things Changed, and determined to make-up for it all, she was more determined to save Beast-Boy. So she fired a bombardment of glowing rocks at him.
But they weren't out of it yet…
A desperate struggle
The strongest takes it all
The battle rages on
Until the weakest finally fall
A vision fills her heart
And gives her strength that's pure and true
And when it seems that all is lost
She knows what she must do
Still hurt, but well aware of what was happening, the Titans and the Doom Patrol ha never seen anything so fierce in all their lives. Who could blame them? Beats-Boy had proven to be the toughest enemy any of them had ever faced…
Even The Brain…!
They just hopped Terra wouldn't end up being defeated, but they also hoped Beast-Boy wouldn't be killed either…
She's got the power
Oh she's got the power
She's got the power
Yeah she's got the power
She's got the power
Oh she's got the power
She's got the power
Oh she's got the power
Beast-Boy was starting to look tired, and so was Terra, but they still refused to quit. Now. “I… will not… be defeated!” Beast-Boy roared. Then he summed up all the rage, darkness, and power he had; every last ounce of it, into one tremendous power-blast. “BE GONE…!” and he fired.
But Terra stood her ground and fired back with the exact same attack. Both sides appeared to be equally matched. Until Terra closed her eyes, and remembered what she was doing here and why.
“You're my friend… you're a Teen Titan.”
“I've already found her.”
“Come with me…”
She loved Beast-Boy, she knew that now. Now it was time for her to show it, by overpowering all the hate, darkness, and evil in his heart. Her energy began to fight its way back…
“Huh…? No! It's can't be!” cried Beast-Boy. He tried hard but there wasn't enough Darkness he knew that could stop a light like this. Just before the blast had hit him, there was a white FLASH…
Power Power
Power Power
Beast-Boy, as how he was before, and Terra, still in her school uniform. “Beast-Boy…?”
She dropped her books, pulled off her tie and threw it away before running towards him and look at him deep in the eyes. “Beast-Boy… I--I--”
Beast-Boy placed a finger to her lips, “Shh…” then brought his own lips to hers.

's got the power Ohhhhhh
She's got the power
Oh she
's got the power!
KAPOW!! A Huge explosion of bright light and energy; so strong it blew the whole roof of the chamber away, and Beast-Boy was caught right in the middle of it…!
The light had faded and the tremors stopped. Terra fell to her knees as the flames round her body had ceased. The light had also healed the fallen heroes of all their injuries and energy.
The smoke cleared, and there was Beast-Boy…
He was just standing there with his upper-body hunching down steam emitting from his body. Ash, and dust covered him from head to toe, and his clothes were ripped, torn, and tattered, and even his hat looked squashed and beat up.
A single moan escaped from his voice, as his cane rolled out of his hand, he began to fall over, and collapsed flat on the floor.