Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Musical: What Changes Really Are ❯ Where are you going? ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
“TITAN'S GO…!” Robin yelled, and everyone, including Copy-Cat went after Slade… only Beast-Boy hadn't arrived yet, and Terra wasn't there either…
Slade, who had earlier stolen charity money from the Murakami High-school, dashed up the city, and across the rooftops. Then finally, he stopped, “You're pretty quick on your feet, Titans.” he hissed, “But I think it's time we found out just how strong you are on them…” and with that, he jumped into action.
“Split up!” cried Robin, and all the Titan scattered.
Starfire shot her star-bolts, but Slade got down on his bottom and kicked his shoes reflecting them right back at her. “ARGH…!” she groaned, “You have reflected my star-bolts?”
Slade nodded indicating that his new boots were specially equipped to withstand any forms of energy, and reflect them right back. “Man… can't we ever get a break?!” groaned Cyborg.
“Use your other tactics…” Robin said, and everyone made a break for it.
Copy-Cat snuck up on Slade from behind, and copied his form, except for his Robin's mask “Let us see how you like to face your own self, Slade!” he growled, and the two Slade attacked each other with such force and skill.
The other Titans were barley able to tell which one was the real Slade, as they couldn't see Copy-Cat's mask in all the commotion, that is, until the real Slade threw his copy into a dumpster. “Well they usually say a black cat causes bad luck.” he mocked.
That gave the Titans the clue that he was the real deal, and they charged him. Robin fired his disc-bombs… Cyborg launched his missiles, and Raven used her powers to throw pieces of metal at him, “Azarath… Metrione... ZINTHOS!!”
Slade got hit, but he was still on his feet and ready for more. “Pretty good, Teen Titans… but not good enough!”
Just then… everyone heard a loud noise, and they all looked round and saw “Beast-Boy…!” Standing on the crates.
“Friend… you have come at last.” cried Starfire.
“And about time, too!” muttered Raven.
“Ahh, Beast-Boy…” Slade mocked, “Finally decided to give the poor girl a break, and leave her be…”
Beast-Boy's anger boiled inside… “Don't… talk… about TERRA… THAT WAY…YARGH!!” he jumped down and fought the villain, solo; changing into so many different animals and thrashing him around.
The Titans couldn't help but notice how much Beast-Boy was fighting, “Yo'… what did he mean by all that stuff about Terra?” Cyborg asked.
“Maybe she really is back?” Raven thought.
Copy-Cat was confused, he had never before met this girl Terra before, yet he had heard amazing stories about her. “Ahh… so much I have yet to learn about the Earth.” he said to himself.
Finally… Slade was beaten enough, as it actually was just another one of his robot-clones, but Slade did give Beast-Boy one final message over the speaker-monitor in the head, just to taunt him some more. “You may as well face it. Terra doesn't want t remember you… you're alone, and will always be!”
Then he was gone…!
Beast-Boy changed to his true form, holding the money-sack, and everything was present and accounted for. The others all approached him “All right Beast-Boy…” Robin said as he patted his shoulder.
“Yo' man… you were awesome.” added Cyborg.
Starfire gave him one of her huge hugs, nearly suffocating him the process. Raven had to admit, “I'm pretty impressed.” And her boyfriend, Copy-Cat nodded, “Well done Beast-Boy. Very well done.”
“Yeah sure… whatever…” Beast-Boy simply said, “Let's just get this back to the school and go home.” Then he walked off.
“Uh… O-kay….” Cyborg said.
“What's wrong with him?” Robin asked.
Copy-Cat decided he needed to look into his friend's mind with his psychic foresight and see what it was that was bothering him. Of course, Raven could've tried it too, but her powers weren't like Copy-Cat's and able to penetrate all the way in.
After giving the money back to the high-school, the principal and the students wished to commemorate the heroes, my awarding them medals usually giving to high-grad students.
All the students stood in long hallway of the school as the principal gave each of the six Titans a gold medal. “Thank you heroes… we don't know where this city would be with out you.” He said while shaking Robin's hand.
Robin thanked him back, “You should be thanking Beast-Boy... he's the real hero of the day.”
All the other Titans nodded, and the principal agreed that Beast-Boy deserved and extra special medal, one not like all the others. “Thank you, Beast-Boy.” he said as he fit the medal round his neck.
All the students cheered for joy, but Beast-Boy still didn't even so much as smile, and that's when everyone went all quiet. Beast-Boy looked out into the crowds, and he saw her…
Terra was standing behind her two friends, Jackie, the red headed girl, and Jillian, the black girl. She was trying not to be seen by the Titans so they'd make another fuss, but her eyes met Beast-Boy's… and even though she knew that this change was for the best, she couldn't help but feel the anger, and pain in those green eyes of his.
That's when Beast-Boy began sadly walking down the rows of students towards the doors, “Beast-Boy… where are you going?” Robin called, but he got no answer.
Worst of all… before walking outside, Beast-Boy took off his medal, and tossed it into the nearest garbage can causing the crowds to gasp. “I don't need it…” he said as he walked out.
There were a few chatters going round, but suddenly a student approached Robin, a d asked for his autograph. Then more students came up for the others' autographs… the next thing they knew, the Titans were busy signing their names on T-shirts… books, and even candy-wrappers the kids used because they didn't have anything.
“Titans…” Robin said, “I dare say, we know where we're going.”
The movie title then appeared…
(Music cue)
As the Titans continued signing autographs, they began to sing…
I am on my way…
Yet I have to get there.
Must we sing?
Yo'… it seems pretty fair.
(All five)
Where are you goin'
We got to get there soon
Where are you goin'
(Thunder clashes outside)
What looks like an Earth monsoon
Goin' here, goin' there,
We sure have been everywhere…
Going here…
Yo'… don't go there…
There's lots of singing… so beware.
(All five)
If you know who you are
You should know your rising star.
If you know where it is you have been
You will get there with a grin.
(All five)
Where are you goin'
Where are you goin'
This opening is getting drawn
Going once, going twice.
Going, going, gone…
(Music changes)
The music was now played with sad pianos, and strings in the vibes.
Outside, poor Beast-Boy was out in the rain, and not caring that he was all wet and cold, as he walked up the street.
-Where am I going, I'm not knowing
Where've I been, “Good question”
Nothing feels right,
I can't even find the light…
(Street light burns out)
Who am I?
So blue am I.
Who am I?
With no clue am I
Am I doomed to be alone
With my aching heart, head, and bones.
If only it were clear,
It'd be easier to cheer…
Oh, Who am I?
Misconstrued am I
All a-skewed am I
Pooh-Poohed am I.
(Changes to a dog)
I feel like a dog that's gone a-stray.
(Changes back)
Someone please help me to FIND MY WA-A-A-A-AY…
(Slumps to his knees)
Oh, Who am I?
In a stew am.
Worn through am I.
Really unglued am I?
(The others in the distance)
Where are you going I'm not knowing?
Where are you going I'm not knowing?
Where are you going I'm not knowing?
Where are you going I'm not knowing…?
Where are ya' goin' I'm not knowi-i-i-i-i-ing…
(Screen blacks out)