Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Musical: What Changes Really Are ❯ Take over ( Chapter 8 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author's notes:
I may as well remind everyone again…
The REAL Teen Titans are watching a movie made in their honor… it's not really them you see.
I can't make it real life for them or it would ruin the entire chain of fics I have.
Some time the next afternoon, Beast-Boy was finally starting to awaken to the sound of Trigon's voice. “Awaken, Garfield Logan…” he said, “The time has come for you to return to Jump-City, and to your former comrades, the Teen Titans.”
Beast-Boy got up, and rubbed his eyes awake, “Dude… I'm stuck in here, remember?” he said, “I couldn't open the door.”
“I shall remove the obstructions for you…” replied Trigon, and as he spoke those words, the stone door began to slide open allowing Beast-Boy to leave the cave at last. “Go… but remember that I am now a-part of you.”
“No!” snapped Beast-Boy, “There's no way I'm going to let you do this.”
“It is futile to resist me!” growled Trigon, “And every time you sleep… or your spirit weakens from your memories, I will gain further control until we are one in the same body.”
“Once you leave this place, you will not remember anything that has happened, until I call upon you again. Now go, and take care of OUR body.”
His voice faded out as the casket closed, and Beast-Boy left the cave as he was told. Upon going outside, he felt a little woozy, “Dude… what a headache.” He groaned as he held his head, “What am I doing over here anyways?”
He hadn't remembered anything, just as Trigon had told him. He also didn't know why but he was starting to think that maybe it would be best for him to return to Jump-City and go back to the Titans.
Being a solo hero was cool, but… still, being alone wasn't fun for him; especially seeing as how he was alone for a great deal of time in his life since the death of his loved ones.
(Music Cue)
Beast-Boy then changed into a green bird, and flew off to the west towards the direction of Jump-City…
(Beast-Boy's thoughts)
(Sounds like Joe Raspo)
When you strive alone, to make it by yourself,
And look out for no one but you.
You may think it's cool, but every now and then,
You feel lonely and blue…
But if you have a hometown,
And you're not quite like me,
Your home city… is the perfect place to be…
(Music solo)
Beast-Boy continued to fly along his way, and he even caught up with a pack of other birds, girl birds actually. “Hiya ladies… how's the weather.” He chirped in a bird language.
The birds acted all giddy like school-girls…
Sadly, that reminded Beast-Boy of Terra all the way back at Murkami high, and it did bring back some bad memories, and weakened his spirit. Still, at least it was safe to know that she never had amnesia, and that she still did harbor feelings for him deep down…
Or did she…?
It just may be that I'm guessing,
Or I'm sure as I can be,
Still I must go home… `Cause there's a lot to see.
-Now things come and go, they do not always stay,
And while it may be sad,
You may think it's the end, and there is no moving on,
And things may seem so bad…
But running is not the answer,
And now the more I see…
Being all alone… is not what I want to be.
(Music fades, but the song isn't over yet)
Meanwhile, in Jump-City…
“TITANS… GO!” cried Robin.
There had been a prison break-out at the maximum security facility that morning, and several of the city's biggest villains had escaped, and they were…
Cinderblock…; He was now looking harder and more powerful than ever…
Billy Numerous…; Now just as multiple, and full of himself as before…
And Adonis…; in a new robotech suit, about the size of a house…
How they got released and reenergized was all thanks to a fourth villain with them who was making his debut in crime. but he could not be seen. When the Titans had arrived on the seen, they could hear his voice, “Ha, ha, ha, ah, ah… welcome Teen Titans… at last we meet, if you'll pardon the pun… Face-to-Space…”
“Yo' just who do you think you are?” asked Cyborg.
The man introduced himself, “I am Dr. Noah Body, former scientist extraordinaire in the field of invisibility.”
Hat's when the Titans began to realize the uniqueness of his name. “Noah… Body…?” Robin said while he rubbed his chin in deep thought, “Noah Body! Nobody…!”
The sound of clapping was heard, “Very good, Robin…” replied the Doc.
He explained to the Titans that he had hoped that his theory of invisibility would please his superiors, and capture interest in the city, but all they did was laugh and scoff at him. “Now it is too late… I shall now use my theories only for evil! I'm going to make them, and the entire city pay!”
The titans began to realize that it was he himself who had snuck into the prison and released the prisoners behind him, or was in front? The point was, no one could see him, and now it was personal.
“Now gentlemen, ATTACK!” he thundered sending the three villains off into battle.
“GO…!” cried Robin, and everyone dashed into battle.
“Dibs on the Rock-head…” called Cyborg.
“I shall deal with Billy…” added Starfire.
Robin and Raven would go after Adonis, while Copy-Cat was left to face Dr. Body.
“Prepare to be crushed, Earth-man!” Copy-Cat said to him, “Like all those who dare to challenge the Prince of Psyconia.”
Dr. Body laughed, “Ha, ha, ha… quite confident are we? Bu do you really expect me to be intimidated, sour-puss… Heh, heh, ah, ah, ah…”
Copy-Cat hated it when someone made a bad cat mock to him, and he lunged forward. Dr. Body wherever he was, moved to the side, but Copy-Cat quickly changed his direction and ran his fist right into the Dc's face.
“GAH…!” he fell off his feet, “What… how did you know where I was?”
“You cannot hide from me.” growled Coy-Cat, “My foresight will lead me to wherever you may be, and predict your every movement.”
POW! He hit him again.
“Heh, hah, ah, ah, ah… I had feeling I would run into creatures with extra-sense.” Dr. Body chuckled, “So that's why I prepared THIS…” he pitched a small flask, that was not invisible once pulled out of his pack, and slammed it on the ground causing a huge smoke-screen…
Copy-Cat was able to evade most of the smoke, but he wasn't prepared for what happened next, until it was too late. “What… what is this?” he coughed as he breathed in the smoke. “My… my foresight…!”
“Ehh, heh, ha, ah, ah, ah… just a little formula I created to wipe out the extra senses of anyone who breathes in that smoke. Now that you can no longer sense where I am…!”
Copy-Cat threw a punch, but he actually missed, and the next thing he knew, he was kicked hard in his gut, “Ooh… Aah!” and kicked across the ground. “Grr…! I… am not beaten yet!” he growled as he extended his X-men claws.
Meanwhile, the others were still having a field day with the other villains.
Cinderblock was motioning for Cyborg to “Come on tin-man… come and get me!”
Cyborg was literally getting steamed up, “Yo'… you know what they say… the bigger they are…” he tried a jump-kick, but Cinderblock wasn't even phased, and Cyborg even felt a little recoil from his kick. “Ow… The more bones they break!”
Cinderblock chuckled madly, “Dr. Noah Body's new formulas have made my body much thicker and denser than ever. Even ten pile-drivers can't beat me now!”
“Oh yeah… well I still got plenty of fight in Me.” replied Cyborg as he armed his sonic-cannon, “Let's Rock… uh… or… whatever!”
Starfire wasn't having much luck either with Billy Numerous. He was able to multiply himself even faster than she could fire her star-bolts to try and find the original. “Never send a girl to do an army's work.” all the clones' mocked.
Starfire growled angrily, and shot her star-bolts faster than ever, and shot green-beams out of her eyes. Still, it wasn't enough to stop Billy, especially when the smoke had cleared from all that blasting…
All the clones had combined together, in an acrobatic stunt they had spent, working on in prison. Now all the hundreds of them came together to form a giant monster more than five times the size Starfire.
“What do you think now, little star?” the monster roared in all his many voices.
Starfire stood there gawking, and then she tried her star-bolts again, but this time… the monster was too big and full of itself to really take any damage.
Raven and Robin weren't having much luck either with Adonis. His new robotic suit was too big for any of Robin's weapons, or Raven's dark waves to cause any more than but a few scratches.
“Nice try Teen Tykes!” Adonis mocked, “But for now… let's turn up the heat!” with his words, he fired the two large flame-thrower cannons on his robot's shoulders. “LOOK OUT…!” cried Robin.
Raven shielded them both with a dark barrier. “That was too close for comfort.” she snarled, “We have to keep on trying!” added Robin, and the two of them rushed back into battle.