Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Musical: What Changes Really Are ❯ School's been blown to pieces ( Chapter 11 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Beast-Boy arrived at his destination, Murakami High-school. He arrived just in time to see all the students and teachers go back into the building after their lunch-break. He stood there in the field behind the school and waited until the last person had gone in…
“Tell me…” Beast-Boy asked, “Why have you brought me here?”
“Heh, heh, heh…that school contains well over a thousand people. Some of which are young and strong, and others can be granted powers.” Trigon answered, “They will make the perfect recruits for our army of servants, but before that… we must destroy them.”
Beast-Boy's eyes widened, “D-D-Destroy them?! Dude… you can't--”
“Do not attempt to defy me!” growled Trigon as he made Beast-Boy's head ache harder. “You will destroy those humans… or should I say… WE are going to. Now… go!”
Beast-Boy struggled to try and resist, but his eyes were glowing red, and he could see the scathe marking in his gloves. “I will destroy them!” he hissed. “I will…!”
While no one was looking, he walked over towards the building, keeping a good distance away from all the windows so as not to be seen. “Hmm, mm, mm…” he then raised his hand and pressed it upon the solid brick-walls of the building.
The scathe marking on his hand glowed as more markings began to appear in rows along the walls and creeping their ways to all the doors and windows. All the students and teachers were so incredibly busy inside that they didn't notice the steel, doors were being melted, and the windows, and even the roof-hatches were being secured down by dark magic.
…no one would be able to open them. “Good… the exits are all sealed.” He thought wickedly, “Now for the next step…”
However, He didn't realize that he was being watched from behind. Terra and company, who were returning late from their lunch-date, saw him at the school. They didn't see what he did to the doors and windows… but they did see him change into a bug and fly through the air vents, that he hadn't sealed, and into the school.
“What the heck is that punk up to now?” Jackie wondered.
“Don't know…” said Jillian, “But we're going to find out and mess that kid up for good.”
The boys agreed, but only Terra refused, “Girl… what's the matter with you?” Jillian asked, “You said you wanted that kid out of your life and then all of a sudden you start to defend him? Make up your mind already!”
Terra sighed, “Look… I just don't want you guys to keep picking on him like this!” she said, “He doesn't deserve it.”
“Whatever…” snarled Tim, “After what he did to use with the meatball… we'll get him anyways.”
They all headed towards the front-doors, but when they tried to open them. “Hey… what gives?” grumbled Jim. “It won't budge.”
All five of them tried as hard as they could, but the doors didn't move so much as a half and inch. The janitor, who was passing by in the hallways saw the kids. They knocked at the door telling him that they wanted in… but he couldn't seem to budge the doors from the inside either.
Beast-Boy, as a spider on the ceiling, snickered in his thoughts, “Insignificant fools.” Then he got back to his work crawling all over the school and planting small devices with a red flashing light on them…
Once all the boxers were set, it was time for the final phase. Beast-boy slithered like a snake, literally, into the principal's office. He reappeared in his human shape. “Hey, who are you and what are you doing in here…?” the man grunted.
Beast-Boy smiled and then, KAPOW! Right in the face, knocking the man out cold… “School's about to be canceled…” he mocked. Then he sat himself down at the principal's desk and clicked on the intercom.
“Attention occupants of Murakami High…” he spoke, “Here me now, as I will say this once only...”
All the students, and staff looked up, and even those outside the building could hear the announcement. “That… that voice.” cried Terra. “No… it can't be…!”
Beast-Boy continued on with his announcement. “I just thought I should point out to you all that your end is near.” he said, “For I have rigged this entire building with powerful-explosives. Exactly one minute after this announcement… this school, and all of those trapped within shall be blown to kingdom-come!”
Most of the students thought this guy, whoever he was, was bluffing, until… “And to prove this is no hoax. I may as well make things a little more interesting.” Using his powers, Beast-Boy rigged the school with red warning lights, alarms, and timers on the walls all over the place… and he also caused a giant red switch to appear on the desk before him. “One minute humans! Heh, heh, ah, ah, ahhh…”
He ended his transmission, and then gazed down at the switch before him. “Oh… this is going to feel sweet!” he chuckled, and he pounded the switch… this caused the alarms to go off; the lights to start waving around the building, and all the timers began to countdown…
“The complex will Self-Destruct!”
1:00… 0:59… 0:58… 0: 57…
Beast-Boy quickly made it for the air vents, and slipped out as the building start to rumble, and debris began to fall from the ceiling.
“EVERBODY OUT…!” cried the Principal, who had recovered after Beast-Boy left. All the students and staff began running and panicking…
While outside, Terra and company could feel the building and ground quivering, and getting hotter. “Man we better get out of here!” cried Jim. “This whole place is going blow!”
“But we can't just leave the others all stuck in there!” cried Terra.
“And if we don't get out of here… we'll be stuck too. DEAD STUCK!” growled Jackie, and they all continued to run.
While inside, the hallways were packed with panicking teens and teachers as the rumbling got worse, more debris fell from the ceiling and worse. Fire and explosives burst out at random causing more screaming and panicking.
“The complex will self-destruct!”
0:37… 0:36… 0:35… 0:34…
One of the students cried out, “ALL THE EXITS ARE STUCK TIGHT!”
“We're trapped!”
More explosions followed! “The complex will self destruct!”
People nearby in the streets had already heard of what was going on, and the Teen Titans arrived on the scene, Beast-Boy too, but he was pretending nothing happened. “Dude… what's going on?” he cried.
Cyborg scanned the school from a-far, “Yo'… that baby's getting' ready to seriously blow!” he cried…
0:03… 0:02… 0:01…
Everyone got down just as the clock hit ZERO! The whole school and the area around it when up in the biggest explosion anyone had ever seen, and the worst bit was, no one saw anyone leave the building in time.
Terra couldn't believe her eyes, “NOOOOO…!” All those people, the poor innocent folks who gave her a chance for anew life, they were all gone, and the school with it.
“Dude… no way…” cried Beast-Boy. It was bad enough hat Terra almost got killed, but all those others. “Oh Robin…” cried Starfire with tears in her eyes.
“There's nothing we can do, Star…”
Everyone in the city just stood there watching the flames, and mourn over the loss of so many. Yet, deep in Beast-Boy's mind he was arguing with Trigon.
“Well done, my boy… tonight we begin our next step.”
“Yes…I understand.” Beast-Boy thought, “Dude… what am I saying… er… thinking?”
He could feel himself feeling weaker and weaker to Trigon's control, and it was getting harder and harder for him to feel any remorseful for what he just did. Nevertheless, he suddenly noticed Terra gazing at him through the crowds with her friends…
They walked over to the Titans claiming they knew who did it, “Uh oh…” Beast-Boy thought, “No you guys don't!” His eyes began to glow red…
“So, who was it…?” Cyborg asked. “Who did this to the school...?”
That's when the five students began feeling funny in their heads. “Hey… what's going on?” cried Tim. “I… I can't remember…” added Jim. The girls couldn't remember wither, and neither could Terra.
“You are unable to remember?” asked Starfire, “But had just explained that you knew who had destroyed your school.”
The kids couldn't explain it; all of a sudden they knew who it was and all of a sudden again, POW they're drawing a complete blank.
Copy-Cat and Raven weren't sure about this. Nobody's memories just went blank like that, not even under that much emotional stress. That's when they glanced over at Beast-Boy…
Copy-Cat didn't need his foresight to feel that he was acting strange. Still, he wasn't one to judge so quickly. Raven couldn't detect what was wrong either, as every time she tried to sense Beast-Boy's inner thoughts, something was blocking her out.
Perhaps it was those new powers he had learned on his journey being alone, but still… she really wished to know where those powers were coming from. She needed more time, and Copy-Cat really needed to get his foresight back and quickly…
That night…
Robin was up late still trying to piece all the bits of evidence together that he could; so far he had no luck. No other eye witnesses saw who it was who planted those bombs in the school, and Terra and her friends still didn't remember who they saw go in, and heard over the intercom…
Beast-Boy however, was wide-awake in his room, and standing in front of the big closet in his room. He carefully made sure that no one was watching, even though he was alone in his room… he had to be careful…
He opened the doors revealing a vortex inside his closet. He hopped in and shut the doors behind him, and he was teleported back to the cave where it all started. “I assume you know why we have come here…” Trigon said.
Beast-Boy nodded. “Yes… I do…”
He walked up, outside to the surface and there stood an army of zombies. Mutant powered Zombies that all looked like the school-teens, their teachers, and the staff for Murakami…
“Prepare yourselves…” Beast-Boy said to them, “For soon, the time will come.”
His new zombie army growled in a cheerful manner.
(Music cue)
As all the zombie's received their powers, and began to train for battle, Beast-Boy sang…
(Sounds like Alice Cooper)
Well we got no choice
All the girls and boys
Makin' all that noise
'Cause they found new toys
Well we can't salute ya
Can't find a flag
If that don't suit ya
That's a drag
All the girls and boys
Makin' all that noise
'Cause they found new toys
Well we can't salute ya
Can't find a flag
If that don't suit ya
That's a drag
School's out for summer
School's out forever
School's been blown to pieces…
No more pencils
No more books
No more teacher's dirty looks
School's out for summer
School's out forever
School's been blown to pieces…
No more pencils
No more books
No more teacher's dirty looks
Well we got no class
And we got no principles
And we got no innocence
We can't even think of a word that rhymes
Well we got no class
And we got no principles
And we got no innocence
We can't even think of a word that rhymes
School's out for summer
School's out forever
School's been blown to pieces
No more pencils
No more books
No more teacher's dirty looks
Out for summer
Out till fall
We might not go back at all
School's out forever
School's out for summer
School's out with fever
School's out for summer
School's out forever
School's been blown to pieces
No more pencils
No more books
No more teacher's dirty looks
Out for summer
Out till fall
We might not go back at all
School's out forever
School's out for summer
School's out with fever
School's… out… completely…!
He and all the Zombies shared a powerful and evil laugh.