Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Musical: What Changes Really Are ❯ Total Control ( Chapter 15 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The next morning, the sun rose in the sky like it always did, and the Titans had been taking turns all night watching over Terra who had spent the night with them for her safety. Now that the others knew the secret, Beast-Boy, or Trigon would be certain to make Terra suffer.
Still… there hadn't been any signs of Beast-Boy all night long. He wasn't in his room, or anywhere around the tower, yet the doors were all locked, and they were still locked with no indication of ever being unlocked.
Raven couldn't sense him anywhere with her psychic-contact, but she anticipated that for knowing that Trigon was in control and possibly blocking her out.
Terra was growing pretty nervous. All night long she had nightmares about Beast-Boy growing stronger and more powerful than ever, and hurting many innocent people, and yet deep down, “I still keep thinking that this is all my fault…” she said.
The others couldn't really blame her that way. “Still… the sooner we find him, the sooner we can try and help him.” Robin said. “But where do we start looking is the problem.”
Suddenly, everyone heard Starfire calling to them to rush over to Beast-Boy's room. They all rushed in, “Yo'… what's wrong…?” Cyborg asked, but then he and the others saw what…
Beast-Boy's wardrobe was wide open, but instead of clothes, or a big mess; it was all colorful, and sparking. Cyborg checked it with his wrist-computer, “I can't it all out, but it's some kind of vortex, but I can't get a lock on where it goes to.”
The others we're barely able to believe that there even was a vortex in Beast-Boy's room, but where it leads to? They all had a sneaky idea that wherever it was it couldn't be good.
Copy-Cat picked up a piece of paper on the floor, crumpled it into a ball and tossed into the vortex. The paper-ball vanished instantly. “It appears to be safe enough…” he said, “But should we dare to cross into it?”
Now you could probably assume that everyone was just going to sit there all arguing over the pros and cons of entering the vortex, but Robin… he just dashed right in. “Robin…!” cried Starfire.
POOF… he vanished. “Wait for me!” Starfire called, and then jumped in after him. Then Cyborg jumped in, and so did Copy-Cat. “Wait… you guys can't!” called Terra, but suddenly she felt Raven grab onto her, “Oh come on already…” and then they jumped it.
The all reappeared in a rocky valley, miles and miles away from the city. “Swell… but now how do we get back?” Raven asked… Everyone looked back and realized that the vortex had vanished, and not one of them knew how to make it reappear.
That's when Terra looked on the ground, “Look… footprints.” she said. Everyone looked down at the prints in the dirt. Cyborg recognized the shoe-pattern. “Yo' there're BB's all right…” he said.
“Great… let's follow them.” Robin suggested.
They all began to walk off following the prints, but Terra hesitated for a moment, until Copy-Cat had convinced her to come along. After all, they were many miles away from the city with no instant return, and she had no powers. “If you wish to save Beast-Boy… I suggest you come along.”
Terra knew he was right, and tagged along.
The footprints lead them to a nearby cave with a long stairway leading inside. Down, down they went it was getting pretty dark, almost too dark to see. So Starfire held up two Starbolts for light, and Cyborg flipped up his shoulder flashlight to help them all see better, and kept on going.
The deeper they went, the more they began to think that he would be near the bowels of the earth. That's when it started to actually get brighter as they neared the bottom. “Are you certain that we should do this?” Starfire asked Robin.
Robin didn't know, “But I didn't come all this way just to turn back now.”
They all walked through a narrow stone doorway into a hidden chamber so mysterious. There were so many symbols and markings on the walls, all glowing with a mystical yet mysterious glow. There were also all kinds of weapons, and statues… like the ones in Raven's room.
“I don't believe this…” Raven peeped.
The others found it amazing that Trigon had been alive for all this time and in hiding. Terra however was the only one who still didn't understand due to the fact that she was still a stone-statue during that time.
Suddenly, they heard the sound of something scrapping across the floor at other end of the room. He turned and looked round, “Yo', they door!” cried Cyborg.
It was closing…SNAP! The didn't reach it in time. “We're trapped!” cried Terra. Then… things got way worse as everyone heard someone say, “What is that you want here…?”
Everyone turned to face the other end of the room; at the tops of a small set of stairs a big puff of smoke and waves of dark-magic burst out from nowhere. When the smoke had cleared, “Beast-Boy…!” Terra cried.
It was him all right, and he sure was dressed weird; He still had on his ordinary shoes, and gloves, but his suit was red, with a white tummy and black smears like Trigon's skin. A large metal chest plate covered his upper body, and two dark shoulder-pads with horns supported his long cape; black on the outside, dark blue on the inside, and on his face he wore a mask that resembled Trigon's face.
To top it all off… the mark of Scathe was seen in different areas all over his suit, and there was even one marking on his forehead.
“Yo man… what is with that get up?” Cyborg asked in disgust.
“Oh, friend… I am so glad we have found you.” cried Starfire.
Beast-Boy shook his head, “You are all mistaken.” he said deeply, “I am not Garfield Logan.”
Terra raised an eyebrow, “Garfield…?”
“It is a long story.” Copy-Cat whispered.
Robin then tried to approach Beast-Boy. “Easy Beast-Boy… we just want to help you.” He said, but Beast-Boy pulled up a sword that was next to him and poised it right at him. “Stay where you are!”
Cyborg began to step forward, “Hey come on man, is that anyway to treat your buddies.”
“I warn you… do not take another step!”
Robin urged the Titans to huddle together. “Trigon's control must be stronger than ever now.”
Suddenly, they all saw Beast-Boy grab his head and groan in pain. “AAH… Eh!” he was obviously still in there trying to fight the control. “We have to disarm him…” whispered Robin, “Be very careful…”
Starfire approached Beast-Boy, “Friend… you remember Cyborg and Robin.” She said to him, “We are all friends… we care for you.”
Beast-Boy looked up, “Frie-- Friends…?” he asked weakly. Then he raised his hand and held Starfire's. “Starfire…?”
The alien girl nodded while smiling at him.
Beast-Boy came down and looked over all the Titans. “Cyborg…?”
“Yo' man. Hey, give me five…” Their hands gently touched together instead of slapping.
“Raven…? Copy-Cat…?”
Robin saw this as his chance, “Robin, don't!” cried Terra, but Robin had already snatched the sword from his hand, and stood beside Terra. When Beast-Boy saw her, “GRR… AAH…!”
Being reminded of “Things Change…” and how he was so incredibly miserable in life, he lost himself to the darkness again. “There is no Garfield Logan. Only his body!” he growled, “My name is Trigon!”
He angrily marched away from the others and picked up another sword. “Beast-Boy… please.” cried Terra. She moved towards him and put her arms on his shoulders, “Please… I'm sorry this is happening to you, please let us help you.”
He just looked at her dead in the eyes, “Get away from me, School-girl!”
Terra backed away in fear.
“What are you going to do with us?” Cyborg asked.
“What else…?” Beast-Boy said, “I am going to conquer this world, and then the many worlds and dimensions beyond it until I rule all, and my first step is to see you meddling mortals out of the way.”
“You won't succeed.” Raven snapped at him. “We beat you once before, and we can beat you again!”
Beast-Boy sniggered, “How sweet… daddy's little girl thinks she's all grown up.” he mocked. “I have taken over your friends body, and my power continues to grow! Already I've ordered my army of Zombies to make waste to the city… and with no heroes to hold them back; I will be in control by sundown.”
Already the Zombies were in town and wrecking the place. Breaking up the buildings, and hurting the citizens… even kill those who stood in their way.
The police and the armies used everything that they had, but these zombies just wouldn't stay down. “Man… where are the Teen Titans when you need them.”
“You monster…!” growled Copy-Cat. “Release our friend at once!”
“Silence, Psyconian…!” growled Beast-Boy. “I don't take orders, I give them, and as of which… I have this order to make to you all. When I rule the world… you all have choices… you either serve me, or you shall suffer and experience the most painful death!”
The others all exchanged looks of disgust. “Yo' man… are you crazy!”
“We will never serve the likes of you!” added Starfire
Beast-Boy's eyes narrowed. “You have no choice in the matter. You either serve me or die!”
Robin gently tiptoed up from behind ready to try and grab for the others sword, but Beast-Boy fully away of him being there, quickly whirled round to stop him. “Heh, heh… foolish mortal! I have destroyed armies… and you dare to pit your PUNY STRENGTH AGAINST ME?”
As he finished shouting, his sword began to glow angrily with red-flames scarring the girls to run back to the others as Robin and Beast-Boy clashed their blades in battle.
“Robin!” Starfire cried as she tried to rush over to help. “No! Don't go out there!” cried Cyborg as he held her back. “It's too dangerous!”
All they could do was sit back on the sidelines as the two boys angrily swung their weapons at each other, but Robin was actually just trying to keep up his defenses. HE couldn't just hurt him, it was Beast-Boy after all, but he didn't know how to reach out to him.
Worst of all… Beast-boy blade had far more power than anything Robin had. Even if he missed and hit the walls of the cave, the glowing sword caused a dirt-explosion with enough force to knock Robin off his feet… but the brave warrior refused to give in.
CLANG! They were engaged in a blade-lock, “Beast-Boy!” Robin grunted, “Trigon's controlling you… fight him off!”
Beast-Boy's eyes glowed red, “SILENCE…!” he roared as he fired to energy-shots from his eyes knocking Robin away again. “I told you… that I am in control now. You will never… ever see your friend…AGAIN!” he raised his glowing sword up high and sent a shockwave of energy right at Robin…
KAPOW! All that smoke, and that huge flash knocked him unconscious. “NO!” Starfire cried.
“Ha, ha, ah, ah, ah… How Pathetic…!” Beast-Boy chuckled, “Such a waste of effort and time.” He the down his sword and began to walk towards the exit, but he stopped for a moment to gaze at Terra, who was looking back at him with fear and anguish in her eyes.
“You wanted a change?” he said to her, “Well… got one, and soon you will have plenty more as I conquer the world.”
He flicked his cape and then marched straight through the door, vanishing right though it, and out of the cave leaving them all trapped behind.
Terra pressed her back against the wall, slid to the ground, and a small tear leaked out from her eye. “Beast-Boy…” she sobbed ever so softly, “I'm so sorry.”