Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Musical: What Changes Really Are ❯ A Sad yet happy ending ( Chapter 26 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
All through that week, the other Titans did all they could to work up any solutions about Garfield. Cyborg tried a DNA match-up, but the results were inconclusive.
Robin and Raven studied the pedestal where the statue was, and there still seemed to be no indication that it was moved. “Maybe it just disintegrated?” Raven asked.
While it was true that over time rocks would decay, “In only three years? That's highly impossible for a statue that solid.”
Still… even his findings were inconclusive.
Starfire however was still unsure of what to believe, and so was Copy-Cat. “If you were not able to sense his inner memories, the perhaps the man we believe to be Beast-Boy truly is not him…!”
Copy-Cat nodded, “That may or may not be correct. He does however have amnesia, and as you know I am unable to sense what people do not remember, and cannot think clearly. Remember, I was only able to detect Terra's deceit for she really had not lost her memories to begin with.”
All of this, and they hadn't even gotten away from the starting point of square-one. “Hey, has anyone seen Terra…?” asked Robin.
Terra had been out all day long by herself, running off to various places to try and shake off the aching stress that was panging her. Beast-Boy was back… but then again he wasn't… not like she remembered.
Worse than that, he was doing to her exactly what she did to him when she first came back, and now she finally understood why he was so persistence in stalking her. If she had known it had hurt him this much to lose her, she probably would've gone back to him years ago and maybe none of the horrible events would've ever happened…
“Poor pitiful Terra… you seem so miserable.” hissed a voice she hadn't heard in a long time, but still haunted her dreams. She turned to look over her shoulder, “Slade…!” She immediately sprinted to her feet and dashed right for him like a missile…
Slade leapt up out of the way, and that's when Terra started to throw boulders at him. “My, my… aren't we a little ill-tempered.” he mocked at her, “Don't tell me you're still upset over losing Beast-Boy…?”
This only angered Terra further, “It was you wasn't it?” she snapped, “You made Beast-Boy forget about me, didn't you?!”
Slade only sniggered as he continued to dodge her boulders, “Hmm, mm, mm… Beast-Boy had accused me of the same things towards you… and my answer to you is the same as his was, I did nothing of the sort.”
“LAIR…!” Terra snapped and she caused a huge rockslide that hit Slade full force and send him rolling down the hill.
She moved the rocks aside to reveal that she had only been fighting one of Slade's robot copies. However, Slade himself appeared on the screen in the robots head, “Terra… I did nothing to your little green hunk.” He hissed at her, “He obviously doesn't wish to remember, you… and he wishes to give you the same mercy you showed him upon your return.”
The screen faded out, and he was gone.
Terra wiped the angry tears from her eyes, and headed back into town. She found Garfield at the dry cleaners picking up his snappy suit to where on the set. He walked off and she followed him right to the TV-studio.
He was well aware she was behind him, and quite frankly he was really starting to become annoyed. The security guards couldn't even stop her at the front doors as she was mad enough too actually through rocks at them for no reason.
“Okay, okay… you can go in!”
She caught up with Garfield, and he finally turned to face her, once again she tried to persuade him to listen to her, “I'm not interested in what you have to tell Me.” he said harshly.
“You can't ignore me forever…” Terra said, “I can follow you anywhere.”
“No you can't…” Garfield said pointing to the on the door that read, “Garfield Logan” “My dressing room… me, and my make-crew only!” he marched in, and shut the door. Terra knew she'd have to wait…
She even fell asleep while she waited, until she was woken up by Tiffany, who was wearing her sparking gown ready to go stage. “What are you still doing here?” she spat at her, “If you're still stalking Garfield, I'm going to call the cops on you.”
Terra just yawned, “Bite me…”
That's when Garfield door opened, and he came out dressed in his suit and tie. His hair gelled and shiny and he began to walk off with Tiffany towards the set. “Look… what are you trying to run from?” Terra asked angrily as she followed.
“I'm not running from anyone or anything.” Garfield said to her “Go away…!”
“No! Not until you talk to me and we get something straight.”
Tiffany's head throbbed in anger, “Listen I'm getting so sick of you and your--” she stopped when Garfield held up his hand, “You just take your place Tiff… I'll handle this myself.”
Tiffany sighed gruffly and went behind the curtains to take her place on the dark stage. “All right now you listen…” Garfield said, “We have a show to do… you have two minutes, make this fast!”
Terra tried to convince him not to do this, and that he didn't have to change the way she did, “You don't belong here Beast-Boy…”
“Stop CALLING me that…!” Garfield snapped at her. He then licked his fingers to straighten out the bit of his hair that was messed up.
There was no doubt in Terra's mind that all this wasn't familiar to her. “It's you who are… just the way you said this is who I Am.” she said mentioning to herself.
Garfield gritted his teeth, “Look I don't know what you're talking about. What is it that you want from me?” he asked.
Terra explained to him that once, “You told this to me once… you said why things couldn't go back to the way they were before… and you were right… I was much happier there, and so were you.”
Garfield shook his head, “Things were never the way you remember…Just leave me alone.”
That was it… Terra was ready to give up. Still, even though she already knew what her answer was going to be, she couldn't resist in trying to give him her communicator. “Here… take this… in case you're in trouble. In case you ever need help… I'll be there.”
Garfield thought that was sweet of her, but just like Terra thought his answer was, “I don't need it…”
Just then, one of the stage-managers told Garfield, “One minute, Boss.”
Garfield began walking towards the curtains that lead to the stage. “Time's up…”
Garfield stopped in his tracks and looked sadly at the ground. He finally admitted to her, that just like her, he was faking it. He never forgot her, or the Titans… the only reason Copy-Cat couldn't sense his lies was because… all he had left of Trigon's powers, or any power at that was to block people from reading his mind correctly.
“I don't want to say goodbye… but…” he paused, “Remember, Terra… Things change. The guy you remember me as isn't who I am now.”
They stood at opposite ends away from each other like chess pieces ready for battle. The silence was then broken when Terra's communicator beeped, it was Robin tell her “Terra… there's trouble… we need your help.”
Terra looked back towards Garfield, “You sure you won't come with me…?” but then she remember, “Wait… don't tell me… I'm the Teen Titan… that's who I am?”
Garfield nodded, “Sorry it has to be this way… but it's my only chance to actually ease all the pain in my life so I can gather my thoughts. I'm not a hero anymore… and I'm not out to save the world like that anymore. I'm just a game show host and if I miss my cue I won't get paid, which means I won't be able to support myself or help the poor.”
He grabbed hold of the curtains ready to run out there, “Beast-Boy…” Terra called to him one last time. “I'll always love you…”
Garfield nodded sadly towards her that he'd always love her too, “See ya… some day.” That's when the music started, and Tiffany introduced the show… “It's the television school-game that everybody knows… its SUPER SCHOOL STARS!”
“And here's your host… Garfield Logan…!”
Then he was gone… leapt through the curtains and out onto the stage. “Hello everyone… and welcome to Super School Stars…”
Terra however picked up her communicator. “Terra to Robin… I'm on my way.” She then headed for the nearest window, leapt outside on a flying rock… and flew away.
That was it… the screen blacked out showing, “THE END” and the credits began to roll by. Some of the people thought the movie was awesome with all those effects, and emotions, but everyone else… including the Titans…
“Never in my entire existence have a seen ANYTHING MORE RIDICULOUS!!” Copy-Cat growled.
“Right on…” added Cyborg, “That's no way to end a movie? There's still so much they didn't get to yet.”
Robin and Starfire didn't approve of the movie much either. The way Robin kept falling after Trigon's hits, “They made me look weak!”
“That is more lower than a slimploshigus dirt mound, on an asteroid.” Starfire said referring to her old Tameranian ways.
Raven didn't like the movie much either. When they destroyed Trigon, they really beat him, there was nothing left of him, and she knew for a fact that he never had the power to transfer any bits of spirit around. “Just plain… stupid.”
Easily, Beast-Boy and Terra had it the worst. Having to watch an almost perfect repeat of their horrible THINGS CHANGE experience, and having seen a perfect inaccuracy of what really happened… “Dude… not cool!”
Terra was breathing stressfully, almost as if she was hyperventilating. The stress and pain was just too much for her. “Oh man… I need something to help me and fast.”
Cyborg had just the thing to help them all take their minds off the movie. “Hey… stand up a minute.” He said, Beast-Boy stood up as was told, “Okay… now sit down.”
“Dude… The chair's busted.”
“I know what I'm doin' here…”
Beast-Boy sighed, and sat down, “D-UGH…!” he crashed down again, and spilled some of his popcorn on Raven… yet again!
Cyborg laughed, “Okay now… stand up.”
“What?” Beast-Boy said as he got back to his feet.
“Okay… sit down…”
“Ah… sit, sit…!”
Beast-Boy sat down again, “BLAH…!” and spilled more of his popcorn on Raven. Making her and Beast-Boy really cross!
“Okay… get up…” Cyborg said, but this time when he told Beast-Boy to sit. He and Raven angrily looked at each other, “I'M NOT DOING IT…!”
“Yo'… BB… I thought you like trying to help Terra feel better when she's feeling down?” replied Cyborg. “We've laughed at you for spilling some of your popcorn on Raven's head… and more of your popcorn on Raven's head… now you're gonna' spill most of your popcorn on her head.”
Even Terra was feeling annoyed with the way he was making Beast-Boy fall own like that. That's when she, Raven, and Beast-Boy all got the same idea. He walked over with his popcorn bucket. “You want me to spill… most of my popcorn on Raven's head?” he said, “Well… I got a better idea dude… I'm going to spill… ALL of my popcorn… on YOUR head!”
“Yo'… what-wha--?”
He dumped the bucket on Cyborg's head and let the last of the popcorn spill all over him. “Yeah… Take that! There… Hah!” Then he grabbed Terra's hand, “Let's go babe.”
Cyborg brushed bucket off his head, and spit out what got caught n his mouth. “Aww… look at this!” he grumbled, “He got popcorn all over me… and it's buttered too!”
The others just looked at him with the expression that said, “Serves you right.”
Even though the movie was a disgrace to them, it still didn't change the fact that the Titans were in Hollywood, a great chance to check out the sites, and that's just what Beast-Boy and Terra went off to do to help get their mind off the movies and their bad pasts.
“Say… Beast-Boy…” she couldn't help but ask. “I know you may not want to hear this, but…”
Beast-Boy just pecked on the check, “Just ask it…”
Terra's eyes closed for a moment, and then she asked, “Well… if we never got together again.” she paused a moment, “If I never changed back… would you have moved on with your life.”
A moment of silence passed, that was a big question. “Well…”
Her husband shook his head, “No… I wouldn't.” he simply said. “You're my first and only love Terra… no one made me feel the way you do. Besides… the movie was right about one thing… A guy as unstable as I am, with the saddest and most hurtful life ever… there would be no moving on.”
Terra gripped his hand tightly and rested her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around his wife's waist, hold her closer as they walked along the streets.
(Music cue)
They heard the music… and Beast-Boy couldn't help but say, “Ladies and gentlemen… the voice of Mr. Burt Bacharach.”
What the world needs now
Is love, sweet love
It's the only thing
That there's just too little of
Is love, sweet love
It's the only thing
That there's just too little of
What the world needs now
Is love, sweet love
No not just for some
But for everyone
Is love, sweet love
No not just for some
But for everyone
Beast-Boy and Terra went around town spending a lot of romantic time together; just the two of them.
Dinner… Dancing… Walk in the park…
What the world needs now
Is love, sweet love
No not just for some
But for everyone
Lord we don't need another meadow
There are cornfields and wheat fields
Enough to grow
And there are sunbeams and moonbeams
Enough to shine
So listen, Lord
If you want to know
There are cornfields and wheat fields
Enough to grow
And there are sunbeams and moonbeams
Enough to shine
So listen, Lord
If you want to know
What the world needs now
Is love, sweet love
No not just for some
But for… EVERYONE!
Is love, sweet love
No not just for some
But for… EVERYONE!
Then, things started to get a little wild, as they began to do fun things…
Funfairs… video games… they even stopped to see how the apple pies tasted in Hollywood's café's
Followed up by them both headed back to their hotel room for a little… Make out Madness!
What the world needs now
Is love, sweet love
It's the only thing
That there's just too little of
Is love, sweet love
It's the only thing
That there's just too little of
What the world needs now
Is love, sweet love
No not just for some
But just for…
Is love, sweet love
No not just for some
But just for…
Just for…
… everyone!
They stood on the roof of the tallest building in town, and shared a kiss under the full moon.
Author's notes:
Like I said… it was just a movie…
If you want to see what really happened to Terra and BB in my world, read the 2nd fic in the chain. “MUSICAL: SOME THINGS NEVER CHANGE!”
Still… at least now I gave School girl Terra a taste of her own medicine. I hate negative, and costly Changes!