Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Teen Titans High School Musical ❯ Terra is a Rebel! ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

With Kitten no longer terrorizing the gang, and Dick free to go about his own lifestyle again the day continued peacefully… for most of the students!
Now the gang was focusing on Garfield, and trying to figure out the source of his uncontrollable emotions as it seemed pretty obvious that Terra wasn't getting anywhere.
She had been following Garfield around all day trying to talk to him again, and again, and Garfield just continued to brush her off.
She even tried to talk to him during classes. In science/chemistry she nearly interrupted Garfield's experiment and would've caused a chemical spill. “Watch it!” Garfield snapped at her, “Break this flask and you can kiss your flesh goodbye!”
He had been trying to work on a type of acid that could cut through thick and solid steel, making laser-beams a thing of the past. Only he was still having some flaws…
Terra had gotten at least that bit of information recorded in her tie-clip, but she was still no where near to finding out anything about Garfield for Slade… or herself.
All she managed to do was make Garfield even angrier, as he kept starring at her with a very scary expression on his face.
In the library during a brief study period, Garfield was cramming through as many books as he could within the hour he had to spare. When suddenly, a note fell through one of the books which read, “What are you running from? Why are you trying to avoid me?”
Garfield looked behind him and saw Terra studying in another corner, but he could tell that she was actually spying on him again… the same we he used to spy on her when they had their little difficulty.
Garfield walked over to her and gave her a note of his own before leaving the library. His note read, “I'm not running from anyone. Leave me alone!”
Somehow, Terra had a feeling he was going to write that. She remembered it happened the other way around when she befriended Jackie and Jillian and betrayed Garfield.
She dashed out of the library and followed him into the hallway, but he instantly knew she was following him. “You better give it up Terra… you can't follow me around all day.”
“Yes I can…” Terra snapped back at him.
“Oh, no you can't…” Garfield said as he pointed to the sign on the washroom-door. “Boys only…!” He walked inside and sighed as he laid his back to the door. “Ugh! Perhaps I'll get some peace and quiet now!”
Terra just stood there for a moment or two, and then she walked off, but ran into Jackie and Jillian on her way to computer class. “Look, why are you wasting your time with that geek?” asked Jackie.
“If he wants to be miserable let, him rot.” added Jillian.
Terra shook her head, “You guys don't get it do you.” she said, “All this being angry, and miserable isn't good for Garfield, and I'm going to figure out what's bothering him the most.”
She walked off to class alone having her friends pondering over what she just said. “I don't know who's crazier; her, or that geek?” Jackie said.
After school, Dick was acting a little shy around Kori. “Uh… look… I want to thank you more for helping me with the whole Kitten thing, and so… I was wondering if… well maybe…” he stuttered a little bit. “You want to… hang out at the mall, just the two of us?”
Kori felt herself blushing slightly, “Uh… well…” she stuttered just like Dick, and then answered, “Yeah… sure… I'd love to.”
They suddenly found that they were starring deeply into each other's eyes, but then quickly turned away feeling a little embarrassed, and that's where Dick noticed Terra down the hallway just standing there starring sadly into her open locker.
They walked towards her, “Uh, Terra…” Dick asked. “You alright…?” but then suddenly he realized “What am I saying, of course you're not alright.”
“Trouble with Garfield again?” asked Kori.
Terra nodded. She told them of how everything had happened to today was an exact Vice-Versa of what they went through when she and Garfield had their problem, “Only now it's Garfield telling me to back off.” She sighed heavily as she held her head low.
That's when Kori and Dick got a good look at what she was staring at in her locker. It was a beautiful heart-shaped silver mirror-box. On the front of the bottom half was a little carving that read, To Terra: Love Garfield.”
Kori though it all to be very peculiar; a heart-shaped gift with the word “Love” on the front. “Terra…” she just had to ask. “We're you and Garfield… you know… more than just friends?”
Terra didn't answer, and she didn't have to because Kori and Dick could see the tear that escaped from her eye. They immediately decided to let Terra come along with them to the mall as she seemed to need some cheering-up, which was more important than their plan to spend some time alone.
At the mall, they met up with the two Goths who had just come form their shift at a spook-shop that dealt with things like Halloween merchandise, and gothic material all year long.
Raven even had a few speck of fake-blood on her face. “Another bright day redeemed by a horrendous blood-bath.” she moaned as she rubbed the stains off her face.
The others nearly shuddered at how scary that fake-blood on her pale-skin made her look creepy. “Perhaps a horror-flick at the movies will spread some light on the eternal-darkness that surrounds us?” said Kato. “My offering to your doom...”
Raven smiled weakly. “Whatever…” she said cheekily and she left with her boyfriend arm-in-arm, and left the others to continue their way to the food court. Garfield wasn't on shift today at Mega-Meaty-Meat, which gave them the perfect chance to sort things out, without him knowing…
Terra explained to Dick and Kori that she and Garfield first met in grade-eight. They hit it of right from the start.
They didn't have any friends either, and Terra was struggling who was having a hard time doing homework and studying. Garfield looked out for her like a big brother…
Whenever she was being teased or picked on by bullies, Garfield insured that revenge was made, and that the bullies never bothered Terra again. He even helped her find an interest to study that helped her improve her grades immensely.
Terra even invited Garfield over to her grandmother's apartment, where she lived since her parents died, and every time he was allowed to stay for dinner, he always acted as though he had never tasted anything so good in his life. Almost as if he never knew what home cooking tasted like before…
“He was always so caring and polite.” Terra said. “Yet deep down… I could sense a deep dark secret within him. Especially when he never allowed me to come to his place for some reason, so I never found out where he lived…”
She even told that everyone that it was in Grade-nine, when they first went to high-school together that he gave her the mirror-box, and even asked her out… and she accepted.
Garfield never got out that much, as he was always too busy studying… or trying to perfect certain experiments he would think up, or write out those depressing stories he told in literature class… possibly in an attempt to get rich quick.
So, since he'd never been on a date before, and since it was for his benefits, Terra took him to all her favorite places. One of which was a rocky-hilltop near the edge of town where you could stand up and get a view of the entire city.
They stopped at a café that Terra usually went to after school, and even though the café had no vegetarian dishes for Garfield, they did make a mean apple-pie which Garfield redeemed as…“This… is the greatest pie… in the history of pie.”
Then they hit it off at the theme park, where Terra admitted to Garfield, “You're my definition of fun.” Of course it only being their first date… they didn't kid at all, but they did give each other a warm hug before saying goodnight.
“I remember that night so well…” Terra sighed.
Kori and Dick thought that was sweet, “But what exactly happened between you two?” Kori asked. “How big was this Change?”
Terra's eyes slowly shut, and she said “I met Jackie and Jillian over the summer holidays, and that's when things began to change”
Terra explained that, Jackie and Jillian seemed like two girls who could teach her other styles of life. Like how to be a real teenager. How to shop… impress boys… and be popular. Terra always had wanted to be popular and have more friends, and gradually she began to act more and more like her friends did.
She enjoyed shopping, and learning to be carefree about certain things, and she had completely forgotten about Garfield and all the fun they had together, and when it came time to go back to school… that's when it happened.
Jackie and Jillian didn't like Garfield from the start, and wouldn't let him go anywhere near Terra, and Terra herself… even after one summer of all that changing, Terra was acting as though she had amnesia, and didn't remember Garfield at all.
Garfield then followed her around trying to recapture what they once had. “Why can't things go back to the way they once were? You and I were so happy then.
“Things were never the way you remember. Now just leave me alone.”
“But… Terra…”
“Things Change Garfield… the girl you want me to be isn't who I am.”
Tears of guilt ran down Terra's cheek, “And when I finally did remember some weeks later, it was too late.” she cried. She referred to how Garfield had changed…
He acted hostile, and his anger was out of control, he even looked as though he hadn't been sleeping well, what with those bags under his eyes. She tried to apologize to him and work out their difference, but he wouldn't let her anywhere near him…
He once even threatened to call the cops if she didn't stop stalking him… by giving her a warning through a song-video he had made in computer class.
(Music cue)
Garfield, dressed with a black leather jacket over a white T-shirt, a golden chain around his neck. Sunglasses over his eyes, blue jeans, and white sneakers… was lying in his bed one late night and began to sing to a heavy rock-song.
(Sound's like Kevin Clash/ Billy Idol Muppet)
Last night as I was lyin'
Just loungin' in my bed,
Heard such a loony howlin',
Stood my hair up on my head.
Lunged over to the window,
Flipped the floodlight right on.
Hey, there's a strange girl on the loose
Leapin' across my lawn!
(Garfield in the window, and Terra on the lawn)
I heard the rebel girl
Let out a…
The little rebel girl,
She cried,
I heard the rebel girl
Let out a…
The little Rebel Girl,
She went…
(Music goes REALLY wildas they both move to the beat!!)
(Screen whirlsround and around Horizontallyas Terra SCREAMS )
(Screen whirlsround and around Vertically)

She said…
"You gotta listen,
See, I'm a lean, mean lass.
And if I cannot have you then,
I'll kill you at the pass
Just wanna live for you and me
And don't say I'm too young
I was born to scream for love
At the top of my lu-lu-lungs!"
(Screen flips round and around Horizontally)
I heard the rebel girl
Let out a…
The little rebel girl,
She cried…
I heard the rebel girl
Let out a…
The little Rebel Girl,
She went…
(Music goes REALLY wild!as they both move to the beat!!)
(Screenwhirlsround and around Verticallyas Terra SCREAMS)
(Screen whirlsround and around Horizontally)
Leaned out a little lower,
"Leapin' lizards!" I yelled,
"You gotta learn a lesson,
Hey, it's late, get lost, Rebel Girl
You're wakin' up the neighbors.
Please leave us in peace.
(Police Sirens and Lights)
Looks like you're outta luck, Rebel girl,
ere come the pol-luh-luh-lice!"
(Screen flips round and around Vertically)

Hey, little Rebel Girl,
You're too loud, loud, loud.
We know you're lost and lonely
Without a crowd, crowd,
(Garfield runs out to join them)
But listen, Rebel Girl,
(All the neighbors open their windows and stick their heads through)
We got laws, laws, laws!
I'm just a rebel L
Without a cause, cause, cause!
(Music goes REALLY wildas EVERYONE moves to the beat!!)!!)
(Screen whirlsround and around Horizontally)
(Screen whirls round and around Vertically)
“You know I'm just a Rebel Girl!”
(Screenwhirlsround and around Horizontally)
“You know I'm just a Rebel Girl!”
(Screen whirlsround and around Vertically)
(Fade out)