Tekken Fan Fiction ❯ One Tainted Secret ❯ My Pain and Pleasure ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Note from Michelle: Again…this story has been rated "R" for a certain explicit reason. I'm feeling evil as I write this. My angst will truly reveal itself now.

One Tainted Secret

Chapter Two: My Pain and Pleasure

By: Michelle

My second day of school. I am seated in a bright white room of the doctor's clinic. And I'm scared shitless.

"What is that for?" I asked the man that held a rather large needle in his hand. He advanced towards me and I felt myself lean back.

It was fucking huge.

"A medication shot that is mandatory if you wish to attend school," he replied simply, rolling up my sleeve.

I squinted at his name tag. Dr. Townsende, it read. "Dr. Townsende," my voice quivered in fear as he dabbed a cotton ball on my arm, "If there's a quick and painless way, by all means use it."

I heard him chuckle just as a sharp sting shot up my arm. I winced and clutched my seat…but the pain didn't last long. Cracking one eye open, I saw that he was already cleaning up, a band aid already on my arm. "Is that it?"

"Almost," he pulled out another shot.

Confused, I asked, "I thought there was only one mandatory shot?"

"This one isn't mandatory, but your guardian has requested for me to inject you with it," he rolled up my other sleeve.

God, what am I…a voodoo doll? With my breath held, the second shot wasn't as bad as the first.

"And… now you're free to go back to class," Dr. Townsende said, giving me a smile.

I shot him a painful smile through gritted teeth, my arms felt limp and lifeless. "Um, Dr. Townsende, could you do me a favor?"


"Put my bag on my shoulder? My arms aren't working."

He laughed and gently situated the bag comfortably on my shoulder and gave me a pat on the back. "Have a good day, Xiao."


"Did you finish your trig?"

"Yes," I twirled the cord of the phone around my finger.

"Did you do your notes for Literature?"

"Kind of," I looked at my empty notebook in front of me, "actually, I'm about to start on it."

"Okay, enough of school," Miharu sounded excited now. "So, have you given it any thought yet?"

"Thought about what?"

"Audrey's party? This coming weekend? Remember?"

"Oh, I can't."

"Why not?"

"Mishima is having a formal social gathering for the opening of the Tekken tournament and everyone that's a part of the event is to attend."

"Oooh," Miharu was quiet for a minute. "Soo…how are things coming along with Jin?"

"I wouldn't know."

"What do you mean?"

"I told you, I only see him at dinner."

"But you've been living there for three weeks now…and nothing's happened?"

"Exactly," then I remembered something from awhile back that I've wanted to ask. "Hey, did you have to take a shot for school?"

"Yeah, everyone does. It's mandatory."

"I know, but did you take more than one?"

"No, just one. Why?"

I was silent for a minute. "I had to take two shots on the second day of school. Dr. T said that the other one was requested by Mishima."

"So? Maybe the other one is for entering the tournament. You wouldn't want to catch any diseases from people from other countries."

"Maybe…" Something tapped against my window and I leaned back in my chair to peer out.

"Xiao? Hello?"

A flash of blue and black jumped down pass my window. "Shit!" I fell out of my chair.

"What?! What?!"

Running over to the window, I scanned the area around me but didn't see anything. I pressed my face flat against the window… and saw him. "Hey, what time is it?"

"10:45, why? What did the 'shit' indicate?"

"That horny bastard's out and at it again," I muttered.

"Who? Jin?"

"Yeah, he's out pass curfew again."


I pulled on a black hooded sweater and matching sweat pants, stumbling a bit. "I'll call you later."

"No, Xiao!"

And I hung up.

Quickly, I unlatched the window and cracked it open. I could still see him walking, heading towards the woods. With curiosity getting the best of me, I stepped out of the window, closing it gently but leaving a small crack open. Landing on the pebbled pavement with a light thump, I followed him discreetly. Call me a sick pervert, but I want to see this Indian girlfriend of his (…and what they do…haha). She must be something if she passed the high standards of Jin.

As I entered the gloomy dark forest, I shivered. There was barely any light. Only the light from the full moon guided me through the consuming darkness. I glanced back over my shoulder at the luminosity of the street…my conscious telling me to go back to into the safe light and forget this exploration. But my damn nosiness won over easily and I felt myself continue to trek after the tall dark Jin far in front of me. He was a hard object to keep my eyes on since his dark clothes blended in nicely into the night. The hood of his jacket was clasped over his head, making it even harder for me to pursue and instead I followed the heavy steps of his feet, crunching over the dried leaves and branches.

The sound of the crunching leaves suddenly stopped and I hauled ass to hide behind the nearest tree.

"Julia?" I heard him call.

Betraying giggles formed inside me and I fought them back, biting my bottom lip and holding a firm hand over my mouth. I can't believe I'm stalking him like this.

"I'm here," came a soft female voice.

Craning my neck, I peered out from behind my tree, wanting desperately to see Jin's Indian girlfriend…and I saw her. Daaaamn, she sure looked like a hooch. Her clothing revealed more skin than it covered. Her tiny denim skirt was even shorter than my skirt for my uniform! It rode up her ass. I couldn't see her face in the dark, but her hair was in two little cute braids with an Indian band wrapped her crown and a feather sticking out from atop her head. (Haha.)

"What do you want now?" he sounded annoyed.

I crouched down, my elbows on my knees, and chin in hands…waiting for them to go at it. This is gonna be a good show. I could learn something.

"I told you I don't know where your mother is," he spat. "Quit following me."

"I-I've missed you, Jin," she sounded shy. She advanced to him and he stepped back.

"Get away from me," he said in a threatening tone.

"Jin, but you-" she choked. "But we-"

"No, Julia, there is no we, never was," he corrected. "There was nothing between us except business, and we both got what we wanted. You wanted in on the tournament and I got you in," he laughed disdainfully, "in exchange for a good fuck. Your mother should be proud at what you have sacrificed to find her."

"Jin, no, y-you don't mean that," she pleaded, stepping closer to him.

"You disgust me, Julia, you have no respect for yourself," his expression looked revolted. "Stay the fuck away from me…and that is my final warning."

Jin walked off, leaving a sobbing Julia behind. I lingered behind the tree a bit…watching her cry. Amazing, I've never seen tears before, and especially coming out like that. She was bawling like crazy, calling out Jin's name. For some odd reason, I felt pity for this stranger. I know how tormenting it was to be casted away like garbage. But her weakness and stupidity made me sick to my stomach. What a fool. I had problems of my own, but never did I cry. My revenge was profound; strong enough to block out any emotion that threatened to go too deep. But I must say, I was disappointed…I had expected to see a show. Unnoticeably, with her back turned toward me, I ran in the direction Jin had gone.

It was getting late and he was still walking deeper into the woods. My feet ached and drowsiness drugged my mind as I forced myself to continue after that damn Jin. How much stamina did that boy have in him? The sound of my trekking after him was audible…and pretty loud. But I was way past caring as I concentrated on keeping myself from falling over.

Finally, we came to a clearing, an open grass field. It was quite lovely, very peaceful. I stopped and, again, ran to the nearest fat tree to hide behind. I couldn't go out into the field because the moon was brightly shining now, and there were no trees for me to camouflage into. Quietly from behind, I watched him walk to a lone tombstone, a grave of someone's, and knelt before it. He was knelt for quite awhile now…and I wanted so bad to walk over to him and peer over his shoulder at what he was intensely praying to.

Then, right when I was about to fall asleep, he stood and bowed deeply. With my senses muddled by drowsiness, I simply stared at him as he made his way back to the woods…coming straight in my direction. When he finally came into my realization, my heavy eyelids shot open and I scrambled away, my ass in the air. I cursed a little too loud when my foot got caught in the root of a tree, and I hoped to God he didn't hear me. And I guess he didn't. He walked right past me. Puhahaha…I'm so slick.

Once he was gone, I waited several minutes before I ran out into the field, to the gravestone he had knelt by for so long. Squinting into the darkness, I bent down and brushed the leaves away from the tombstone and gasped. Engraved carefully on the marble stone was the following:

My Dearest Mother, Kazama Jun


Grabbing an ice cold water bottle from the ice chest, I popped open the top and squeezed its contents into my mouth, feeling the cool liquid slide down inside my body. God… that felt good. For hours I've been training and practicing in the old dojo, repeating my uncle's lessons in my mind and remembering each and every single critical hit and movements in evading. It's been three weeks since I've first arrived…and I'm still practicing on a sandbag and a dummy-mannequin. I needed to spar with someone. I needed to exercise my speed. Speed is vital…and is my main source to victory.

The roars and bellows of "AAAIYAA" and "ARRGGH" snapped my attention to the room next to me. Through the tan and brown screens, I see two dark shadows sparring one another. Two bulk bodies moving around each other, blocking and striking; evading and advancing. One looked like a clown, the other a porcupine. It was the old man and his grandson. How cute.

Curiosity slivered through me…wondering what fighting technique they were utilizing. I got up and crawled on all fours to the door that separated the dojo. Carefully, I slid the door open to just a crack…and peered in. I watched in complete amazement at their stance and execution of movements. A totally different technique from what I possessed. Their one punch was so heavily powerful that it could probably render me unconscious in one unblocked blow. Jin charged at his grandfather's back with so much fury plastered on his face that I nearly screamed aloud, but the old man turned around just in time to block Jin's severe blow. Such a brutal method of fighting…so harsh and ruthless.

"Good!" the old man shouted, signaling the end of their duel. "I see that the punishment I had enforced upon you has improved your fighting abilities."

Jin breathed heavily, sweat dripped from his face like a leaking faucet and he wiped his brow. I licked my lips as my eyes raked his immensely muscled body. For a second, just a second…I envied Julia for having the pleasure of fucking this strikingly grand man.

"Until tomorrow," Heihachi dismissed.

Jin bowed and then walked over…towards me! No wait…he's just heading toward the bench to grab his towel. Whew. I slowly slid the door back to its closed position and stood up. Scaring me shitless, the door swiftly slid back open with Jin towering over me…again. I wanted to kick myself, I shouldn't have stood up. He had seen my shadow.

"Xiaoyu!" Heihachi called from somewhere behind Jin.

"Y-yes," I stammered and bowed. Shit.

"Come in, child," the old man ordered.

I stepped forward.

He looked at both me and Jin. "Spar."

Dammit, I wanted to spar…but with that huge buffalo!? I looked over my shoulder at Jin. He gave me a smirk. Then I looked at his huge arms and thick chest…I began to feel faint.

He walked past me to the middle of the dojo and took his position. I followed and took mine. We bowed to each other. The sound of Heihachi's low booming voice signaled the start and I stood inert …waiting for Jin's first move. In my head I tried to remember the incident several weeks ago when he attacked me. I needed to feel anger in order to fight. So I thought about my father, my mother…and all hell broke loose.

Jin's eyes narrowed at me and he advanced toward me with a tightly clenched fist aiming directly at me. A slight panic jolted me and swiftly, I gracefully flipped over behind him and swung my leg behind me, catching him off guard with a powerful kick at his side. He stood hunched over a moment, stunned, before advancing towards me again with those scary looking fists again. There was absolutely no way I could block his crushing blows. One blocked punch from him would take away too much energy that I couldn't spare.

So I did the only thing I could do…I evaded them. Side stepping, flipping, turning, ducking…anything I could execute in time. He was fast, but I was faster. And I succeeded because he never once touched me, missing me and punching air instead. With my evades, I would sneak a blow at him in his blind spots, flipping over him and shoving my elbow into his back or heavily kicking his shin as I turned. But to my surprised alarm, my hits didn't seem to harm him at all. I could hear his angry grunts when he missed me and I couldn't help but smile happily at him…which infuriated him even more.

But he soon caught up to my moves. As I flipped over him, he jumped and caught my waist in midair and slammed me to the ground, his heavy body landed over mine. I arched my back in pain, my lower body throbbed immensely …but my head felt fine. I turned and saw that he had cushioned my head from the fall with his big paw of a hand. His other hand, however, rested on my hip…and was moving lower and lower to my inner thigh. I tired to dislodge my leg to rack him in the groin, but my movements were restricted. He was still on top of me. But then old man roared with laughter and his hand quickly shot back up to my hip. I would have laughed if he hadn't knocked the fucking breath out of me.

"Remarkable!" Heihachi clapped his hands, his shoulders shaking with mirth.

I didn't see what was so amusing.

"I'm impressed, Xiaoyu, I've never seen such speed," the old man said when he finally recovered from his hilarity. "And Jin, it was about time you countered her movements."

"Get off me," I hissed and pushed up against his hard, sweaty chest.

He shifted and looked down at me, lingering on top of me for a moment. His eyes looked at me hard as if he was trying to tell me something, and then he gave me a sly smile. Standing up, he held out a hand for me. I ignored it and stood up on my own, but a sharp pain shot up my back and I fell back down. Jin let out an annoyed groan and bent down to pick me up by my waist, slamming me down onto my feet.

"Stubborn brat," I thought I heard him say. But when I snapped an angry look at him, he was already walking away.

Still chuckling, the old man stepped down from the podium. "Both dismissed," he said before he exited the back of the dojo.

Wobbling, clutching onto my injured back, I retreated back up to my room.


Rejuvenated at last after a scorching hot shower. My body was pinked from the hot shower, burning me to the core. Every now and then, I would punish myself with a sweltering and blistering hot shower that would sear my body… as a reminder of my failure. I'd wash away the shame, the anguish, the depression…ridding myself of my failure by cleansing myself with torment.

The cold marble floor cooled my heated foot as I stepped out of the shower into my completely clouded bathroom. Steam filled the room and fogged up the mirrors. But instead of feeling rejuvenated as I had planned, I felt utterly drained. I guess the hot shower had taken its toll on my injured body…injured by that bastard Jin.

I wiped the fogged up mirror and examined at the red marks on my body. Red from excess scrubbing, scrubbing to the point where my skin would peel away and blood would flow…aahh, pain was good at times. It was my wake up call. My drug. Every so often I needed to feel pain…just to make sure that I was still breathing; still living. But most of the time…I needed to feel pain because it gave me pleasure.

Grabbing a fluffy white towel from the counter, I toweled myself dry and wrapped it around me. I opened double doors that connected my bathroom to my bed chamber and the steam from my cleansing ritual slithered into the cold bedroom like a snake after its prey. Walking over to my dresser, I opened the bottom drawer and shuffled about for my silk pajamas.

Why the hell was it so dark in here? I could have sworn I told Lucy to leave some candles burning by my bed stand. Sighing heavily, I walked over to the light switch. Unable to see in the darkness, I traced the wall with my hand, searching for the switch. My hands brushed against the door, brushed across the frame of a hung portrait, and then lightly grazing over someone's hard chest…

I gasped, sucking in breath to scream but the figure slammed me against the wall…a large hand over my mouth. Panicking, I stretched my arm out, fumbling around for the light switch but the idiot quickly slid me away just as my finger grazed over it. I struggled against him, flinging my head rapidly left and right to rid of the hand over my mouth and twisting my body free. The grip on my mouth tightened and he pressed up against me harder, halting my struggles.

"I'll let go of my hand if you promise not to scream," his face was very close to mine; I could feel his hot breath on me.

Eagerly, I nodded…and he let go.

"YOU FUCKING BAST-" I shrieked, but I didn't get to finish.

Grabbing a handful of my hair, he slammed my head against the wall…knocking me into a daze. My eyelids fluttered and I saw a double vision of the shadowy figure in front of me… and slowly I made out who it was.

"Ahh," he moaned against my neck, "silence, little one."

He stepped back a little, letting the towel around my body fall to the ground.

I blinked rapidly, trying to regain conscious. "What do you want, Jin?" I managed to ask, my voice a rasping whisper.

"I have what I want."

The feel of his large hands exploring my body didn't frighten me. Instead, it strangely excited me. There was just something so erotic about being completely naked while he was still dressed. I didn't move. His cool hands felt good against my hot body. My hands clenched tightly at his shirt, debating on whether to punish him with a knee in his groin or allowing him to continue his exploration of my body. Breathing heavily, I was beginning to lean toward the second choice…slowly succumbing to his eager hands running over my body.

"You were following me yesterday," he breathed into my ear, his fingers lightly caressing the curve of my hip.

My senses reared and I held my breath. How did he know…? "I did," was the only thing I could think of to reply.

"Why…?" his hand found my breast…his thumb lightly grazing over my nipple, hardening it.

Concentrating became harder task and I shut my eyes tight. My voice would betray me if I answered him…so I kept silent.

"Xiao…answer me," he taunted before his mouth came down, taking my breast in his mouth.

I threw my head back and gasped at the exquisite feel…his hot tongue lashing and toying with me. My hands tugged at his shirt, desperately wanting for him to stop before insanity took over me. "P-Please…"

"Please what?" his voice was so soothing, yet so hypnotic.

"S-stop," I managed to say…but I didn't mean it. Nooo…I was still curious for more.

"You did your exploration on me yesterday," I could still feel his lingering hot breath next to my breast as his hand moved between my legs. "And now it's my turn," and he shoved his two fingers into me…probing inside me deeply.

Oh, God. I whimpered lightly, not being able to hold it in. Instinctively, I curled myself around him, molding my body to his…holding onto him for strength, holding him tightly in fear of floating away into rapture. My mind was spinning into complete madness and my body fully taut… surrendering, giving in into the control he had over me. Slowly, his fingers slid from of me and I opened my eyes…utterly disappointed at the sudden halt. Through heavy eyelids, I watched him. He stared at me intensely with eyes slightly narrowed…as he brought his hand up to his mouth and closed his eyes, licking my wetness from his fingers.

I clenched my teeth and swallowed. My breathing came out choppy and loud, so I held it. Then he looked up at me with laughing eyes, a smirk appearing on his sensual lips. Desire and lust faded quickly into rage at his haughtiness and I plunged my knee into his stomach. I felt him lean into me, his body going rigid. The control he had over was gone.

"Fuck," he muttered hoarsely against me.

Expecting for him to let me go, I pushed against his chest, but his hand came up suddenly and grasped me roughly about the neck. He smiled at me, regaining his composure as I clawed at his big hand. The pressure on my neck increased and I couldn't breathe. Panicking, I reached out and grabbed a fistful of his hair and yanked downward. But the lack of air made my attempts feeble…and he just laughed at me.

"For one so young and small, you sure put up a hell of a fight," he snickered, loosening his grip on my neck and I gasped heavily for air.

"Get out."

"Why? Things are just now getting heated up," his thumb traced my bottom lip, his leaned his head toward me. "You're an interesting one."

"Go back to Julia," I hissed, yanking my head to the right and he missed my mouth, landing on my ear instead. "I'm not easy like her and all the other girls you've fucked."

"I know…I know" he groaned against my ear, "God, I've waited for you to come to me, Xiao. Three weeks I've been waiting."

"You've wasted your time," I shifted in his arms. "Now let me go."

"I've been so patient with you, Xiao," he continued, ignoring me, "but you damn near drove me insane walking right pass me without even looking at me."

"No doubt you're amazed to discover that there's a female out there that finds you resistible," I huffed.

"You weren't resisting to me earlier when I…" and I felt his hand trace its path back down between my legs.

"No!" I clamped my legs shut, twisting my body away from that damned hand of his.

"Mmm," his fingers rubbing over my wetness again. "Your body says you lie."

"G-get out," but I couldn't focus on my anger with his fingers rapidly probing inside me. My body betrayed my mind.

"Not until I get what I've been waiting for," he muttered through clenched teeth.

To catch him off guard, I raised my knee to his stomach again and he quickly let go of my neck and hands to block my thrusting knee. With my arms free, I shoved my elbow hard into the side of his head, making solid contact with his skull. He stumbled off balance, falling back, and took me down hard with him; I landed on top of him with a loud thud.

Where the hell was Lucy when I needed her the most?! Quickly, I rolled off of him and made for the bathroom, staggering on my hurt ankle. From behind, I heard him scrambling on all fours after me and I panicked, my heart hammering with vigor.

Grabbing my hurt ankle, he yanked me down to the wooden floor and slid me underneath him, clamping me down to the ground with his hard body. I was in check; I couldn't move, couldn't budge. Suddenly, there was a light knocking on my bedroom door.

"Miss Ling?"

Oh, thank God, it was Lucy.

I opened my mouth to scream but Jin secured my mouth with his other hand.

"If she comes in, I'll kill her," he threatened.

My mind raced. Jin looked down at me with a deadly stern expression…and I knew he was serious. Remembering his dueling with his grandfather earlier today, I knew what this man was capable off…and I couldn't risk one good human's life just for the sad sake of mine. I nodded.

"Miss Ling? Are you all right?"

"I-I'm fine, Lucy." Please save me, please save me.

"I hard loud noises," the doorknob rattled. Dammit, he locked it.

"I just …got out of the shower and I-I slipped."

Jin chuckled from above me.

"And you're all right?"

"Yes, I'll see you in the morning, Lucy."

"Goodnight, miss."

And she left. I heard her retreating footsteps down the hall with a heavy heart. My savior was gone…leaving me here with this madman. He let go of me and picked me up…but I didn't fight against him; it was useless now. I lay limp in his arms as he carried me to my bed. He laid me down gently on the soft goose feathered mattress and stepped back. I felt his eyes racking over my body, and I shivered.

"You're more than I have imagined," he breathed.

I didn't respond. I heard him unbuckling his belt, stripping out of his dark jeans and shirt. But I didn't look at him. Leisurely, I felt his hard body slide over me, and again my body betrayed me by shivering in anticipation against his nakedness, against his hard cock. But I didn't move. Instead, I mindlessly stared at the canopy above me. His hand cupped my breast and I stiffened.

"Relax," he soothed, warming up my body again with his roaming hands.

Swallowing, I tried hard to resist but it was impossible. He felt too good. "Is this what you do to all your whores?" I asked with distain.

"No, you're different."

I opened my mouth to ask something, but he answered it.

"No one's ever fought against me like you have," I felt him trace his tongue against my collarbone. "Why aren't you fighting me now?"

"I'm trying," I gritted my teeth.

Instead of laughing like I thought he would, he groaned, "Don't, Xiao…it'll hurt if you do."

His sudden sincerity angered me and I pressed up against him with my hands. "You've had your taste, now get out."

"Xiao, don't."

But I didn't stop. I wanted him off and I tried desperately to struggle free. With my hands, I clawed at his chest and I took satisfaction when I heard him grunt in pain. He grabbed both my wrists and held them firmly above my head with one large hand. With my feet on his hips, I pushed down on him, but he grabbed my right knee with his free hand and expertly spread my legs apart. Shit.

"Fucking stop!" he roared into my face.

Then, without warning, his mouth came down hard on mine as he plunged his full length deep within of me. I arched my back and screamed into his mouth. Searing pain ripped through my body…he was a knife ripping me up inside, taking away the only innocence I had. I clenched and unclenched my hands against his strong grasp, and he moved his other hand above me, gently taking both my hands into his and held them firmly.

"Shh," he hushed against my mouth, "just wait for it..."

"I hate you," I choked.

"No you don't, Xiao," he sighed heavily, "after this I'll have you wanting me as much as I want you."

"How…" I felt my body begin to relax, the pain slowly subsiding.

"I'll addict you to me, to my touch," his tongue ran over my hard nipple, "to my taste, my smell…and my sex. When I'm done with you, Xiao, you'll be a part of me."

He was talking nonsense…but I kept quiet as he slowly began to move in and out of me. I could feel every thick inch of him, and it did feel rather oddly…. good. Tilting my head back, I felt myself let out a divulging moan and relaxed my legs…spreading them wider. With my unwinding movements, he roughly buried his face into my neck and shoulder, nipping at me with his teeth as he began to drive himself harder in me. His hands in mine tightened; his body grinding harshly against mine…and no longer did I feel any pain. Our hot sweaty bodies clung to one another and I wrapped my legs around his hips, locking my ankles behind him. The pleasure he gave me was so ecstatic that it was almost unbearable. Over and over he thrusted into me, and repeatedly I felt myself heaving with ecstasy, my mind dizzy with lust and desire.

"Yes…give in to me," he moaned. "You're mine."

With his hand on my hip, he held me still as he jammed into me with one hard thrust and I felt him hit something…something deep inside me and pain slashed through my body once again. I arched my back again, chest high in the air, my breasts colliding into his face and he roughly took one into his mouth, suckling them…easing the pain he caused me with pleasure. Gasping loudly with eyes shut tight, I waited for the pain to subside as it did before…but he didn't allow it. Jin was persistent in causing me pain and continued to ram himself in me.

Pain for me was pleasure for him. He bucked harder into me, faster and faster…then he went rigid and clasped me to him tightly, a barbaric groan escaped from his mouth and I felt him cum. From inside I could feel his cock pulsing as he spurted himself into me. I looked up at him and watched in awe as his face contorted up with complete ecstasy. Dark, thick eyebrows knitted in a trance-like state, eyes tightly clutched closed, and his sensual mouth was open above mine…breathing heavily. He collapsed on top of me, completely drained from our violent fuck. It was completely and utterly mind-blowing to see Jin's dark face scrunched up in ecstasy…ecstasy that I have caused.

For a moment, I lay lifeless in bed with him still on top of me; still inside of me. My mind quickly recapped over what had just happened. He had raped me. But was it really rape…if I enjoyed it? This was all new…so deliciously new to me. No longer do I need my scorching bath to rid myself of my misery. I have Jin now. He was my pain, as well as my pleasure, and he was able to make me loose myself.

And he was right; from this moment on I am now a part of him… as he is to me.