Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Advent Of The Goddess: The Origins Saga ❯ "No Need For A Saiyajin!" ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Advent Of The Goddess

The Origins Saga

By Shasta Musashi


Episode Two: "No Need For A Saiyajin!"

The gang has already gathered around the dock over-looking the lake as Washu stepped barefooted onto the wooden decking, eyes wide and curious as they fell upon the sight of the alien pod as it floated within the waves, the odd spark or two jumping out of the parts that were'nt submerged in water.

"Whoa…that was too close!" Ryoko said, apparating next to her mother and folding her arms over her bikini-clad chest, staring at the foreign veichile that had barely missed crushing her as she swam in the lake a few minutes earlier. Washu shook her head and conjured up her labtop, dressing herself in a tight green body suit with a few taps of the keyboard before running a data scan on the mysterious ship in her vicinity.

Her eyes widdened in alarm as they read over the data. "It..it can't be!" she gasped, face draining of colour.

"What is it, Mom?" Ryoko started, but was cut short by a cry for assistence that came from Tenchi, who was currently up to his shoulders in water, pulling what looked to be a body clad in a torn orange gi towards the shore.

"TENCHI, ARE YOU INSANE?!?! THAT'S A SAIYAJIN!!" Washu yelled, finding her voice as she ran towards the shore, eyes wide with terror as the chestnut-haired teenager slumped to the sand next to an unconcious man with a muscular build.

The coma-tose stranger looked to be in his mid to late twenties or early thirties.. it was hard to tell..his skin was tanned and covered in a mixture of blood, sweat and dirt. Raven black hair, spikey and tangled, fell limply into a sunken face, the look of malnurishment upon him. His muscular frame was naked from the waist up, exposing a chiselled six pack above a tattered pair of orange gi-pants, stained a murky maroon by blood.

"You can explain later, Washu! Right now, this guy's in a bad way.. we gotta get him to the laboritory to heal!" Tenchi gasped as he got to his feet, dragging the unconcious stranger towards the house despite the scientist's protests. Watching as Tenchi and Ayeaka hawled the man into the kitchen and down the hall towards the labority, Ryoko cast a concerned glance at her mother.

"Washu-san….what exactly is a….uh… Saiyajin?"

The pink-haired woman shook her head and walked inside. "I'll explain everything soon..c'mon.."

Her voice unnerved the succubus. Unlike Washu's usual, chripy tones, she sounded almost beside herself with terror, yet she hid it well for her voice was eerily calm and collected. Confused, the cyan-haired demoness followed her mother inside the house and down into the laboritory, taking special care not to touch anything..

Tenchi had laid the stranger down on one of the many stainless steel operating tables dotted throughout the dimly-lit laboritory, the sounds of machinery humming and whirring penetrating the semi-darkness..

Walking into the lab, a dejected sigh escaped Washu's nude pink lips. All she wanted was a day of peace and relaxation, a break from her research and instead she had to endure a Saiyajin pod crashlanding into the lake, bringing with it a potentially dangerous member of a blood-thirty race that would no dobut slaughter her and her 'family' in the very instance she let her guard down.

Moving towards the table, Washu immidiatly programmed a set of indestrucably metal shackles to snaked out of a panel in the wall above her, binding the Saiyajin tightly to the cold steel, effectively restraining him. Tenchi gave the scientist a curious look.

"What was that for, Little Washu? He looks pretty harmless.."

The pink haired woman gave him an icy glare and sighed, leaning on the side of the table.

"You don't understand, Tenchi-san….this is no ordinary man.. he is a survivor of a ruthless warrior race that I've lived in fear of for over ten thousand years..he is a Saiyajin, a planetary exterminator..a murderer.." she said slowly, eyes darkening in their sockets.

The gang of women looked at each other, then back at Washu, obviously clueless as to what a Saiyajin was..

Sweatdropping, the scientist pulled up a chair and sat down, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Let me explain…. You see, many, many years ago, there was a planet known as Vejitazi, the homeworld to a group of blood-thirsty scavengers who were known as the Koujo-jins, or Saiyajins as they were later called. Back when the planet was still new, the species evolved from the space monkeys that once thrieved on the planet. They were exiled by the Kalothians-a race of humanoid beings that originally inhabited the planet of Vejitazi.."

Getting up from her seat, Washu crossed her arms and looked over the unconcious Saiyajin that lay before her. He was in a bad way from the crash, but already, his body was beginning to heal, the genes in his body working overtime to repair the damage done and increase his power level.

She could feel the ki pulsate from his skin…the heat that washed over her as she neared him….it was unnerving..

"Why were they exiled, Lady Washu?" Sasami quipped from beside Ayeaka, her coral-red eyes looking inquizitively at the pink haired scientific genius before her. Placing a hand to her chin, Washu paced around on the spot, looking deep in thought.

"Well, my dear Sasami-chan, If I remember correctly, the race had a reputation as being a group of trouble makers.. from what I recall, they apparently overthrew the Kalothians and stole their techknowledgy, which eventually lead to them becoming one of the most ruthless alien races in the galaxy. They were merchinarys, you see… traders. More often than not, they would be sent out by other races to terminate the inhabitants of a hapless planet so it could sold on the black market…

they were blood-thirsty and ruthless people, Sasami…..which is why I'm so wary at having a live one in our midst.."

Sasami glanced curiously at the raven haired man strapped to the table, eyes wide and fearful.

"Well…he..he does'nt look dangerous right now.." she peeped, cocking her head to one side.

The Saiyajin gave a small cough, causing the sapphire-haired Juraian princess to jump and lean into Ayeaka in fear.

"Just wait 'till he wakes up. I highly doubt he'll be happy to find himself shackled to the table.." Washu said with a grimace as she snapped on a rubber glove.

Tenchi gave her a nervous look, beads of sweat trickling down his temple at the memories of being subjected to the pink-head's so-called 'experiements'. Gulping, he wiped his forehead with the back of his hand and glanced at the scientist, who was busying herself filling a syringe with a healing formula.

"So, uh.. Washu? What do you plan on doing with him?" the chestnut haired teenager queried, looking uneasy. Knowing Washu, it was most likely something extremly warped and kinky…

"What do you think, Tenchi? A specimen like this is a very rare find!"

The amber-eyed teenager blinked and looked curiously at the Saiyajin. He was breathing, but it was very faint and raspy, as though he was on his deathbed.. Tenchi watched in silence as Washu took one of the stranger's muscular arms and smacked it lightly at the elbow joint, causing a large vein under the surface to throb before her. Tapping the syringe to check if the needle was unobstructed, she then injected the syrum into the raven haired man's arm.

"Everyone, I ask you all to leave."

No sooner had Washu said those words did a tyrad of protest escape the lips of her audience.

"But Mom, I wanna play with the Saiyajin!" Ryoko whined in a childish voice, giving the scientist her best rendition of the famous puppy dog eyes ever mother usually suscummed to. But Washu would'nt budge. She pointed to the stairwell leading up to the door that opened onto the ground floor corridor.

"This could be dangerous, Ryoko. I'm not risking all of your lives-"

"But, Washu!"


The gang suddenly found themselves outside on the dock over looking the lake, no longer surrouned by the various contraptions and gagets of Washu's laboritory, having been transported outside.

"I just KNEW she'd do that…" Ryoko grumbled, folding her arms over her chest and pouting.

The rest of the gang gave a collective sweatdrop..

Back in the lab…

Washu sighed and ran a hand through her hair as she removed the syringe from the Saiyajin's arm. He groaned softly and stirred in his sleep, eyes slowly flickering open to reveal a pair of deep chocolate brown orbs, squinting against the harsh overhead lights.

"Uhh…..wh..where am I?" he said groggily, blinking the sleep out of his eyes. The low hum of ki being summoned snapped him to his senses. He was met with the sight of a tall girl, possibly around twelve or thirtheen years age, with spikey pink hair holding a ki sword to his throat. Gulping, the raven haired man tried to push her away, but found to his horror that his arms and legs were bound to a steel operating table.

"Give me one good reason why I should'nt slit your throat, you Saiyajin scum!" she growled, emerald eyes blazing with hatred.

Goku sweatdropped and let himself fall limp against the shackles.

"I..I come in peace! I swear!" he peeped timidly, eyes widdening in alarm.

The heat of the ki sword was now uncomfortably hot on his Adam's apple and the pink haired girl before him glared at him with even more fierce intensity..

"Don't play games with me, Saiyajin! You've come to destroy this planet and it's inhabitants, admit it!"

"N-no! It's not like that at all!"

The ki sword burned into his neck, causing him to let out a strangled gasp of pain as the delicate flesh of his Adam's apple seered with agony.


"I'm telling you, I'm not here to hurt you! I don't even know where I am!" Goku gasped, whincing in pain. He felt the ki sword lift from his throat and he was finally able to breathe comfortably again. Cranning his neck slightly, he found himself to be in some kind of laboritory dotted with various gagets and menacing looking-contraptions varying from half-completed robots to a lethal-looking object that was one big mass of metal tenticles attached to a ball of spikes.

The room was dimly lit with neon green lights and aside from his own breathing, the sounds of chemicals bubbling and the low hum of machinery were the only sounds to reach his ears. He looked fearfully at the pink haired woman standing over him. She had extinguished her ki sword, but fixed her glare eternally on the raven haired man, eyes narrowed almost to slits.

"Okay…. I'll believe you for the time being.. now tell me, Saiyajin.. what are you doing on my planet?"

Goku swallowed back a lump in his throat and shifted slightly, trying to get comfortable, a tricky task when one is strapped down to a steel operating table with the icy cold metal pressing into one's bare back..

"I never intended on coming here, ma'am… you see, I was trapped upon a dying planet that was about to blow up.. and ..I uh.. I found the spacepod by a sheer stroke of lucky..all I did was set it to get me off the planet.. then, I crashed here after narrowly escaping a meteor shower, miss… I have no intentions of destroying your home. Believe me, I'm not like the other Saiyajins.."

Washu looked him straight in the eye as he said those words…she did'nt trust him one bit.. yet..as she glared into those endless pools of chocolate brown, she could feel a strange kind of ..gentleness emit from him, much unlike the usually menacing aura of your standard planetary destroyer…

Still, she kept her guard up, knowing that he could very well be lying..

"What's your name?" she queried, her voice calm, cold and collected. Goku let his head fall back against the table, having given up on struggling against the shackles. Whoever built them must have been pretty clever to create restraints that would bound a fully grown Saiyajin such as himself..

"Son Goku, ma'am…"

The pink haired woman's brow furrowed. Goku? That sure did'nt SOUND like a Saiyajin name…. And by the looks of things, this man did'nt have a tail, the usual tell-tale sign of his race..wash she jumping to conclusions? Washu could'nt be certain.. but the data from her laptop was always 99.9% accurate…

Shaking her head, she folded her arms over her chest and gave Goku a look that was a mixture of appologetic and wary.

"…Where are you from, Son Goku?"

"Earth…or to be specfic, the 10-50 West Capital mountain area…" he said slowly, not really understanding why she was asking him his place of origin.

Sweeping past the table, Washu took a seat at her desk-a large, stainless steel contraption- and pulled up her holographic laptop. Goku watched in wonder and slight awe as her fingers swept over the keyboard, her face covered with complex-looking green data read-outs in symbols he could'nt even begin to decipher.

He saw the scientist's brow furrow in confusion as her eyes scanned the information before them..

Green eyes, Goku noticed.. quite possibly the deepest shade of green he'd ever seen..

Blinking, he shook the thought from his head and absently glanced at the steel shackles binding his wrists to the operating table.

"What is she going to do with me?" he thought in wonder and slight fear, gulping at the thought of being cut open and disected..

"Weeell, I hate to say this, Goku, ol' boy, but you're a long way from home."

The sound of Washu's semi-nasal voice snapped the raven haired Saiyajin out of the disturbing mental imagery that floated around his brain. Blinking once again, Goku glanced over at the pink haired woman, eyes wide and fearful.

"Wh..wh..what are you gonna do to me?" he peeped, voice an octave or two higher than normal..

"You can relax for now.. I'm not going to cut you up and pickle your gonads in phymaldahyde…. At least, not now.." Washu said with a devious smirk, relishing the look of sheer terror that over-came the Saiyajin's face. Oh, how she was going to enjoy making her new pet squirm…


"It's not fair! Why does Washu gotta hog him all to herself?" Ryoko whined as she sat on the sofa next to Mihoshi and Ayeaka that evening during one of their routine "soap opera fixes".

"Can you blame her, Ryoko? The poor woman's been without a husband for well over ten thousand years…if I was her, I'd be jumping on the first guy I see too!" Mihoshi said thoughtfully, leaning back against the soft leather of the sofa, propping her feet up on the coffee table.

The cyan haired succubus sighed and rolled her cat-like amber eyes, shaking her head.

"Mihoshi, I don't think Washu's the kind of woman to do that-"

Ayeaka's shrill tone of voice haistily interupted the demoness, causing her to whince as the grating tone wreaked havoc on her sensitive ears.

"If I remember, Ryoko, that mother of yours was all over Lord Tenchi like a rash when she reverted to her adult form! Or have you forgotten the day Taro came to visit?!" the violet haired harpy screetched, looking murderously at Ryoko as though the whole thing was her fault… and in Ayeaka's twisted little universe, it usually was..

"Of COURSE I remember, you nympho! Nobody gets squished into a pair o' jugs THAT big and forgets it in a hurry!"

The cyan haired demoness growled low in her throat, remembering all too well how her mother, in her admittingly, very attractive adult form, had attempted to seduce Tenchi right before her very eyes, flaunting herself brazenly and showing off her rather perky breasts to anyone interested in that sort of thing…

Needless to say, Nobuyuki needed a blood transfusion after that display of hoochie-ness….

..But then again, Ryoko was being hypocritical at condemming her mother's blantant flaunting of one's sexual prowness, giving the fact that she herself was branded a 'harlot' on a regular basis by the bitch queen of Jurai..

With a sigh of frustration, she ignored Ayeaka's incesent scretching and focused her eyes on the soap opera showing on the widescreen tv before her, her mind drifting to Washu and the possibilty that she was getting up to some rather indecent shenedigans in her laboritory…

No sooner had a disturbing mental image passed through the succubus's head did she heard the unmistakable jingle of the little crab-shaped bell over the door to the laboritory, signalling that the scientist had now ventured out of her dark corner..

Turning in her seat, Ryoko's amber eyes caught sight of said scientist, looking deep in conversation with the mysterious stranger that had crashed into the lake that morning. She saw to her delight that he was now fully healed, the blood and dirt cleared away to reveal a naked chest honed to perfection by years upon years of intensive training. Above the chest was a muscular neck, connecting a broad head of lopsided, raven-black spikes to his body.

There was a soft smile on his gentle features and a pair of chocolate brown eyes twinkled out of chiseled eye sockets, coated with lightly tanned, olive-coloured flesh.

If ever there was a feast for Ryoko's eyes…

"Everyone, this is Son Goku. He'll be staying with us for a while." Washu stated dryly, snapping the demoness from her lustful stumpor.

The raven haired chuckled and ran a hand through his hair, a wide grin threatening to split is face in half.

"Nice..nice to meet you!" he said, his voice calm and friendly. Ayeaka, who had by now gotten up from her seat and now stood before the new guest, bowed polietly and shook his hand.

"It is very nice to meet you also, Son Goku. I hope your stay will be as comfortable as possib-GYAH!"

The violet haired princess squealing alarm as Ryoko materialized out of thin arm and promptly drapped herself around Goku's shoulders, a sleazy kind of grin etched upon her face as she leaned in to whisper something in the startled Saiyajin's ear.

"I'm Ryoko and I'd like to get to know you a lil' better.." she purred, her breath hot and reeking of lust in his ear.

A very large bead of sweat trickled down Goku's temple, drasticly increasing in size as a very large mallet narrowly avoided grazing him, clonking Ryoko on the head and causing her to drop like a sack of very pretty potatoes onto the floor, eyes turned to swirls.

A vein throbbing in her forehead, Ayeaka discretly stowed her trusty mallet within the folds of her light pink kimono, flushed with embarrassment and indignity.

"Ahem… please excuse Ryoko.. she's perpetually horny and may try to rape you in your sleep.."

"HEY! I may be a succubus, I DON'T rape men!" the demoness quipped, staggering to her feet and glaring fiercly at Ayeaka.

As the two alien woman broke out in a bitch-slapping contest, Washu sighed and lead a rather scared Goku into the kitchen, motioning him to sit at the table.

Shaking her head, she leaned against the kitchette unit and sighed.

"Welcome to Casa Mazaki… please leave your brain at the door…"

Meanwhile, somewhere within the vast recesses of space…

"Sir, we have located the scientist. She is residing on the third planet." A robotic voice beeped monotonely, echoing around the vast control centre of a large ship that was crusing through the galaxy at a steady pace, flooded with silence save for one man's breathing..

That one man sat upon a large throne upon a small platform, surrounded by holographic panels that partially concealed his face. Raising one aged hand to stroke the large white curls of his beard, his tobacco-stained brown lips formed into a sinester smirk.

"Ahh… excellent, Zero. Set a course for Earth. It's time I became reaquinted with an old friend…"


