Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Kotetsu verite ❯ Kotetsu verite ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Tenchi and all associated characters are the property of AIC and Pioneer LDC. I don't own any rights to them at all. Any other characters are property of their respective copyright holders, not me.

Kotetsu verite

Late in summer at the Masaki household. Its been three months since the rebirth of Mayuka. The girls were doing what they always do. Mihoshi was on the porch sleeping like always. Ayeka, Sasami, and Ryo-ohki (kid form) were watching their love soaps in the living room. Ryoko fell asleep in a tree while watching Tenchi train. Mayuka was with Washu in her lab.

After Tenchi had finished his practice for the day he was walking down the steps thinking to himself. 'I need to choose, but I don't want to hurt any one. I love them all but ....'
"But what" said a voice.
"Who? What? Where?" Tenchi spun on a dime looking in all directions. Not seeing anyone he continued down the steps. If I didn't know better that sounded like Tsunami. After some thought he decided that she was the one he heard but couldn't figure why she would have talked to him on her own without him or Sasami asking to talk to her.
"Because I was called by you." Tsunami said as she appeared in front of Tenchi.
"When? I don't remember calling you."
"Last night in your sleep you called me and asked if I could help you. So here I am, what did you want my help with?"
"Oh. Iwantedyoutohelpmewiththegirls." Tenchi said under his breath.
"I wanted to know if you would help me with the girls. I love them all but..."
"But what?"
"But I get this kind of feeling."
"What feeling?"
"I can't place it. Its like I know that they love me. Hell they tell me every day but it's like a word, not the feeling or the action that goes with it. Also it's like they trust me but to a point. If they love me wouldn't they trust me no matter what? I trust them but sometimes its like I can't. I don't want it to be that way." Tenchi said with a tear running down his face.
"So what is it that you want from me."
"Well while I was training with grandpa I remember something that he had told me a long time ago. I can't remember the name but it was a test of love and trust."
"Oh the Kotetsu verite."
"Thats it. "
"So you want my help in testing them?"
"Hmm, before I decide if I'm going to help you or not I need to know some things."
"Ah, sure I don't see why not."
"Good, first those that pass this test what do they get out of this test?. Second, the ones that fail this test what will you do with them?"
" I Hadn't thought that far. Sorry about that." Tenchi said with his hands behind his head.
"Well, how about this. You will marry those that pass your test on the spot" Tenchi's eye's went big as he was hearing this, and those that don't you will marry one year later."
"Well that is what you wanted didn't you? To marry them all?"
"Yes it is but..." he thinks for about this for a few minutes. Then he tells Tsunami. "How about this. Those that pass will be bonded to me and those that don't won't be bonded but still will be married to me but with out the bond."
"Hmmmm, deal on the first part but not on the second." now she starts to think. After a while "You will be bonded to all the girls but for those that fail there will be a catch."
"I'm listening."
"You can feel and hear their thoughts of love but they will not be able to feel yours."
"Yes and No, they can hear my thoughts and feel me if I touch them but if they try to touch me they will be pushed back from me. It should stay that way till they have proven their love and trust to themselves not to me but themselves. As long as there is doubt in their hearts they will not be allowed to touch me. Ok?"
"Have you done this before?" Tsunami asked laughing. 'I'd hate to be on the other end of a negotiation table with him.' "Sounds fair. Kind of rough but fair. So what do you need me to do?"
"Well, first we need........." Tenchi explains what he needs and how he wants it to work.